April 17, 2022 Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord - Parishes Online

Page created by Carol Hicks
April 17, 2022 Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord - Parishes Online
April 17, 2022
Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord
April 17, 2022 Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord - Parishes Online
Too GOOD TO BE TRUE: He is Risen! He IS Risen! The Lord is Risen Indeed! Alleluia! Alleluia!
The resurrection joy is God’s reassurance to the world of new life in Jesus. This life conquers death
transforming darkness into light, today’s fear into tomorrow’s joy, and hopelessness into hopefulness.
The wonder, love and praise we feel when we experience the love of God freely gifted in a spirit of
renewed hope and optimism is truly indescribable. Easter comes after the forty day Lenten
observance which includes Holy Week characterized by a period of fasting, contrition and penance.
Christians were given an opportunity to pilgrimage with Jesus in his experience of the loneliness that
so often accompanies human despair. We see him as a victim of the abuse of religious and political
power in a classic demonstration of the travesty of justice. Although, his condemnation was a result
of the forces of darkness, the profound message of Easter to the people of the world is that out of
darkness comes light, and out of death emerges life abundant. However, Easter demands something of
us, a call for a change of heart, a turning to God which concomitantly comes with a demand from us,
which is, a shift in ways of thinking and behavior toward each other.
Easter is also a visible reminder that when we allow the Spirit the opportunity to breathe through the
cracks of our broken lives how much more we are able to enjoy healing, restoration, reconciliation
and new reasons to live again, and prosper as individuals and community of faith. I encourage the
light of Easter be felt in every corner where any semblance of darkness is found.
My beloved in Christ, I invite each one to rise with Christ this Easter, and as we do, pray the Spirit to
release any stone that may be rolled in front the tomb of our heart in order to create space for Christ to
fully occupy. Jesus’ resurrection is too good to be true, but we rejoice in faith knowing that he is
alive, and we are alive with him, and that’s what makes the difference. WE ARE THE EASTER
Happy Easter. May The Risen Christ Peace be with you. Fr. David

M      MONDAY, April 18, 2022 ~ St. Joseph             DIVINE MERCY SUNDAY
A        9 AM ~ Alberta Woodman †                          St. Philip Church Woodland
S       TUESDAY, April 19, 2022 ~ St. Mary                       April 24th at 3PM
              6 PM ~ Jim Gibbs                        Exposition of the Blessed Sacraments,
N    WEDNESDAY, April 20, 2022 ~ St. Philip               1/2 hour of Silent Adoration,
T    9 AM ~ Valentine & Maryann Fichter †               Closing at 4PM with Benediction
E      THURSDAY, April 21, 2022 ~ St. Mary           The 9-Day Divine Mercy Novena begins
           9 AM ~ Cornelius Reeb †                    Good Friday, April 15 and culminates
I        FRIDAY, April 22, 2022 ~ St. Philip            Divine Mercy Sunday, April 24.
O           9 AM ~ Michael Moloney †
N                                                        Divine Mercy prayers will be available in the
S      SATURDAY, April 23, 2022 ~ St. Philip
            9 AM ~ Dan Fraenzl                                  Vestibule starting this Sunday

              Gerry Alexander - Evelyn Allen - Christopher Aparcio - - Jennifer Boehle - Bill Buchheit Maggie Cal-
              houn - Bob Campbell - Linda Corder - Matt Corder - Kolton DeHaan Rhondi Ferguson
              Theresa Filla - Jim Fitzgerald - Angelina Flores+ - John Hadaller+ - Patti Hadaller+ Ernie Hall+
Dan Harrington - Jim and Sharon Hegge - Helen Hernandez+ - Julie Jamison - Brian Keksi - Dave Kenny+
Sarah Guerra - Don Krause+ - Kathy Lassiter - Frank Lee+ - Larry Lewton - Halsten Loomis - Nancy Joy
Donald Kane+ - McGrory Family - Manesh - Natalia Medina - Lena Molony - Julian Monsarrat - Cecelia Ohs
Vanessa Romero Ortiz - Larry Page - A.J. Patnode - Char Patnode - Deacon David Rapp - Darrin Rea+ -
Richard and Maria - Juan Manuel Guerra+ - Karen & Steve Ridlon - Bob & Renate Ripp - Shirley Ripp+ - Lynda
Robertson - Brandon Rogers - Faith Rogers- Juan Roldan+ - Silvia Romero - Fred+ & Hazel Schaller - Ann and Bill+
Schenk - Tyler Sharp - Sheldon Somers - Ivana Tarabochia - Jamie Vasquez - Thelma Varona - Monica Watson+ - Bill
Welch+ Ted & Vicki+ Woods - Philip Zorich                                      + RIP
April 17, 2022 Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord - Parishes Online
                                                 PRAYERS FOR OUR
              Jesus Christ is Risen!
             A Joyous Easter to all!        FIRST HOLY COMMUNICANTS
   WELCOME TO OUR                                 THEIR FAMILIES!
     We welcome our
     Catechumens and
 Please keep the group in
   your prayers as they
 continue to listen for and                      On Sunday, April 24, our young
  respond to God’s call.                     parishioners will be receiving their First
 Crystal, Melissa, Jorge, Brandon,            Holy Communion at the 10:30am and
 Jeronimo, Osmin, Viridiana, Dalia,          12:30pm Masses at St. Mary’s Church.
Dayanara, Emily, Francisco, Marylyn,        Please keep our First Communicants and
     Sonia, Sulma, Zaira, Sonia             their families in your prayers as they ap-
 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                      proach this joyful day.
  On April 18th ~ EASTER MONDAY             “May you feel the warmth and comfort
 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~         of the Lord’s love with you everyday”

                                                 ST. Mary Elementary
   Prayers for our Confirmation                      Agnes, Arthur, Colin,
           Candidates!                                James and Micah
 We want to share with great joy that on
  Friday, May 20 at 6:00pm there will
                                                St. Philip Elementary
be 41 candidates from our parish who will         Adrian, Aldo, Alexandra,
     be receiving the Sacrament of               Angel, Brian, Cesar, Diego,
 Confirmation at St. Mary of Guadalupe          Emily, Edgar, Evelyn, Gracie,
         Church in Ridgefield
                                                Heidi, Jaunty, Juniper, Kevin,
 May the Spirit of the Lord be with them!              Loreann, Lucia,
   Agustin, Alex, Alexa, Afredo, Ana,            Maximiliano, Raillon, Sarah
  Andrea, Angel, Christian, Christian,                    and Yarel
    Claudia, Daniela, Edgar, Elizabet,
Emily, Enrique, Eric, Euraulia, Giselle,        St. Philip Youth Group
 Isabella, Jael, Jesus, Jose, Joceline,
   Joshua, Juan, Kevin, Lilah, Lesly,           Alexa, Angel, April, Elizabeth,
Liliana, Luis, Luis, Luis, Mano, Marleni,        Emily, Euraulia, Jael, Jose,
     Monica, Nancy, Sophia, Stacy,                Marleni, Monica, Naillaret
         Ulysses, and Yosselin                           and Sophia
April 17, 2022 Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord - Parishes Online
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April 17, 2022 Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord - Parishes Online April 17, 2022 Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord - Parishes Online
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