Approved by Board of Directors, January 23, 2020

Page created by Gene Hart
Approved by Board of Directors, January 23, 2020
Approved by Board of Directors, January 23, 2020
Approved by Board of Directors, January 23, 2020
MISSION: To train and support volunteers to be
 exceptional voices for every abused and neglected child
    in the Boone and Callaway County Family Courts.
Heart of Missouri CASA (HOMCASA) was founded in 2005 and is part of a national CASA network that began in 1977. HOMCASA
was established with the primary functions of recruiting, screening, training, and supervising volunteers to serve as non-attorney
officers of the court who advocate for the best interests of children in foster care in the 13th Judicial Circuit (Boone and Callaway
Counties). Initially, we served children in Boone County, the larger county in our jurisdiction. In 2013, we expanded and
established in Callaway County to ensure outreach to children in the entire judicial circuit. HOMCASA has served as an integral
partner to the family court system, working closely with all parties involved to best serve children in need.

Since Heart of Missouri CASA’s founding, we have served over 950 children and trained over 460 volunteers. Our active
volunteers are serving nearly 300 children a year in both counties. For the past 6 years, the number of children in foster care in
our jurisdiction has steadily increased every year. In 2010, less than 300 children were in our local foster care system, and in 2019
that number was a staggering 643. Currently, Heart of Missouri CASA volunteers are serving 50% of the children in need in our
circuit each day, and we are working tirelessly to reach more each every year. It is our strategic goal to be serving no less than
75% of the children in need by 2023. Ultimately, it is our mission to provide a CASA volunteer to every child in need in our
Approved by Board of Directors, January 23, 2020
VISION: All children have the right to safe, healthy,
          stable homes, free from abuse and neglect.
Our vision is for all children involved in the 13th Circuit Family Court because of abuse and/or neglect to have a caring, consistent
CASA by their side. The HOMCASA team has worked diligently to increase the number of children with a CASA volunteer. At the
beginning of this Strategic Plan creation, HOMCASA volunteers were serving 50% of children in need, a more than 100% increase
from the majority of years when less than a quarter of the children had a CASA. While we're thrilled to reach more children, we
are not satisfied with just reaching half of the children in our local foster care system.

This 3-year Strategic Plan sets forth our ambitious plan to make a huge leap towards acheiving our vision. By the end of our 2023
fiscal year, we aim to be advocating for no less than 75% of the children in our circuit's foster care system. This will require a
dynamic increase of resources, including financial growth, expanded personnel team, and continued volunteer growth. Alongside
our necessary goals to reach more children, this plan also also puts a considerable focus on strengthening and improving our
financial sustainability and program services. We believe continually improving our agency's effectiveness will lead to improved
outcomes for the children we serve.

JOIN US! We invite you to join with us in achieving this vision. With your support, we can give a voice and hope to our
community's most vulnerable children. Reach out to us today.

                  Contact: Kelly Hill, Executive Director | (573) 442-4670            |
Focus One:         Focus Two:   Focus Three:
Financial Stability     Talent        Impact
Outcome: Heart of Missouri CASA has increased and diversified revenue to
grow our capacity to serve more children in foster care in our community.

GOAL ONE                                       GOAL TWO                                    GOAL THREE
Increase gross annual revenue to               Increase % of non-grant funding to          Improve operating reserves from 2
$679K by June 2023 to support                  40% by 2023.                                months to 3 months by 2023 to foster
program expansion.                                                                         agency sustainability.
Strategies:                                                                                Strategies:
                                                  Create and implement Annual
   Increase & diversify grant funding                                                         Annually, evaluate monthly operating
                                                  Development Plan
   Increase revenue from foundations by 10%                                                   costs
                                                  Create and implement donor
   yearly                                                                                     Monitor expenses & annually evaluate
                                                  communication/messaging strategy
   Increase Voices of Columbia and Voices of                                                  size of reserves
                                                  Develop & implement donor stewardship
   Callaway event revenue by 5% yearly                                                        Determine percentage of funds to set
   Host individual donor                                                                      aside into separate reserves account by
                                                  Increase Circle of Hope members to 100
   acquisition/cultivation events                                                             2023
                                                  Identify & acquire 6 corporate donors
                                                  Identify & acquire 5 Powerful Voices
                                                  Society members
Outcome: Heart of Missouri CASA has continued to increase the quality
and number of volunteers, staff, and board members to better serve the
children in foster care in our community.

GOAL ONE                                         GOAL TWO                                    GOAL THREE
Increase active, assigned volunteers to          Improve diversity of board, volunteers      Increase staff in needed areas to be
234 by June 2023.                                and staff – closer to demographics of       serving 75% of kids by 2023.
                                                 children served each year.
Strategies:                                      Strategies:                                 Strategies:
   Develop CASA Volunteer Ambassador               Analyze and prioritize demographic data      Hire Development Director
   Program                                         Develop and implement recruitment            Hire Administrative Assistant
   Improve volunteer training                      strategy                                     Expand Callaway part-time position to
   Increase volunteer appreciation efforts         Complete Inclusive Excellence for            full-time
   Improve 30-day Volunteer Support Plan           Business program                             Hire additional Boone Advocate
   Contact organizations for awareness &                                                        Supervisor
   recruitment                                                                                  Expand skills & knowledge of current staff
   Develop a messaging/communication
   strategy to increase clarity/consistency of
   recruitment messaging
Outcome: Heart of Missouri CASA has positively impacted the children we
serve by providing more children with advocates and improving timely
permanence outcomes.

GOAL ONE                                        GOAL TWO
Increase % of children served to 75% by 2023.   Improve timely permanence for kids with CASA
                                                based on permanence type

Strategies:                                     Strategies:
   Improve referral process with stakeholders      Hold bi-monthly case review meetings with all Advocate
   Increase volunteer retention                    Supervisors with focus on improving permanency
                                                   Decrease the average length of stay for all permanency
                                                   Evaluate Travis County CASA program standards for
                                                   best practice recommendations for possible
                                                   Improve education & efficacy of advocates to promote
                                                   permanency objectives
How To Get Involved!
       1. Become a CASA! Apply on our website
      2. Make a donation of any amount! Every dollar helps.
      3. Join the Circle of Hope and provide the financial consistency we
         need to continue growing.
      4. Spread the word! Tell your friends and family about CASA, invite us
         to speak to your groups and churches, and help us share the
         need/message of CASA. | (573) 442-4670   |   |   105 East Ash St., Suite 102 Columbia, MO 65203
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