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If your browser does not render page correctly, please read the page content below 0ii CONTENTS The University of Queensland 01 Governance 02 Strategic Directions 02 Strategic Plan 2018 – 2021 03 Office of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic) 04 Role of the Senior Manager, Academic Projects 05 Selection Criteria 07 Selection Committee 07 Conditions of Employment 08 How to Apply 09 Further Information and Website Addresses 09 01 THE UNIVERSITY The University of Queensland (UQ) contributes positively to society by engaging in the creation, any other university in the country and attracting the majority of Queensland’s highest academic OF QUEENSLAND preservation, transfer and application of achievers, as well as top interstate and overseas knowledge. UQ helps shape the future by bringing students. together and developing leaders in their fields to UQ is one of Australia’s Group of Eight, a charter inspire the next generation and to advance ideas member of edX and a founding member of that benefit the world. UQ strives for the personal Universitas 21, an international consortium of and professional success of its students, staff leading research-intensive universities. and alumni. For more than a century, we have educated and worked with outstanding people to Our 50,000-plus strong student community deliver knowledge leadership for a better world. includes more than 14,000 postgraduate scholars and more than 13,000 international students The University of Queensland is a world from 141 countries, adding to its proud 250,000- class institution which ranks in the world’s plus alumni. The University has about 7,000 top universities, as measured by several key academic and professional staff and a $1.8 billion independent rankings, including the Performance annual operating budget. Its major campuses are Ranking of Scientific Papers for World Universities at St Lucia, Gatton and Herston, in addition to (41), the US News Best Global Universities teaching and research sites around Queensland Rankings (45), QS World University Rankings and Brisbane city. The University has six Faculties (47), Academic Ranking of World Universities and six University-level Institutes. The Institutes, (55), and the Times Higher Education World funded by government and industry grants, University Rankings (65). UQ secured a greater philanthropy and commercialisation activities, share of Australian Research Council grants in have built scale and focus in research areas in 2016 than any other university nationally. The neuroscience, biomolecular and biomedical University’s Life Sciences broad subject field sciences, sustainable minerals, bioengineering ranking in the Academic Ranking of World and nanotechnology, agriculture, as well as social Universities was the highest in Australia at 20. science research. UQ has an outstanding reputation for the quality UQ has an outstanding track-record in of its teachers, its educational programs and commercialisation of our innovation with major employment outcomes for its students. Our technologies employed across the globe and students remain at the heart of what we do. The integral to gross product sales of $13billion+ UQ experience is distinguished by a research (see enriched curriculum, international collaborations, industry engagement and opportunities that UQ has a rapidly growing record of attracting nurture and develop future leaders. UQ has a philanthropic support for its activities and this will strong focus on teaching excellence, winning be a strategic focus moving forward. more national teaching excellence awards than 02 GOVERNANCE The University is governed by a 22-member Senate representing University and community the University of Queensland Act 1998 to appoint staff, manage and control University affairs and interests. Senate is led by a Chancellor and property, and manage and control finances. Deputy Chancellor. The Senate has delegated to the Vice-Chancellor many of its powers under STRATEGIC The University of Queensland sets its agenda within a truly global context on the pillars of UQ is educating a broad and representative student body and providing them with DIRECTIONS Learning, Discovery and Engagement. It is a qualifications relevant to the local and global university that is connected with the global workforce. UQ is committed to actively promoting community, addressing the issues that are access, equity and diversity and supporting impacting on the modern world. UQ’s aim is to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander and attract the best minds of today, and to develop and international students. support the leaders of tomorrow. The University UQ is characterised by an overriding focus on has an ongoing commitment to strengthening its quality and an increasingly internationalised focus impact and reputation by building greater research across its learning, discovery and engagement capacity and through the delivery of high quality activities. It has involved the application of teaching and learning programs. strategic initiative funding to support existing and emerging priorities that leverage external support, and the development of major research institutes, alongside its faculties, as a vehicle for building critical mass and attracting the best students and Learning Choice – programs different staff from around the world. informed by pathways to research qualification In 2020 UQ seeks to be a major global university that is developing solutions to global problems. Opportunity Access to UQ will attract students of the highest calibre who – enriched world leaders – are destined and supported to become future learning global, national and local leaders – locally, nationally and internationally. experiences LEARNING partnerships We nominate student success, coupled with DISCOVERY employers’ conviction that UQ graduates are Solutions to important ENGAGEMENT A rich recognised worldwide as ‘must have’ employees, questions – campus as the first of six foundations for UQ’s future research focus experience success. and translation A larger suite of postgraduate entry programs will A meeting of cater to the needs of a modern workforce. Growth Outstanding the best minds – infrastructure staff, students in UQ’s postgraduate research student population and alumni will drive the University’s capacity for discovery. UQ’s learning, discovery and engagement is fostered through multiple partnership ventures with business and industry, professional groups, and government and research partners. 03 STRATEGIC PLAN The University of Queensland positively influences society by engaging in the pursuit of excellence OUR VALUES 2018–2021 through the creation, preservation, transfer and Pursuit of excellence application of knowledge. UQ helps shape the We strive for excellence, seeking to apply the future by bringing together and developing leaders highest standards to benefit our communities. in their fields to inspire the next generation and to advance ideas that benefit the world. UQ strives Creativity and independent thinking for the personal and professional success of its We welcome new ideas from our staff and students students, staff and alumni. as well as from our alumni and our external Transforming students into game-changing partners. We support intellectual freedom, courage graduates through excellent teaching, support, and creativity. We encourage the pursuit of and exposure to world-leading research is a focus innovation and opportunities. of the new UQ’s Strategic Plan 2018–2021. The Honesty and accountability world is changing at a breakneck pace, and it is We act with integrity and professionalism and vital that we prepare our students to not only uphold the highest ethical standards. We are adapt to this change, but also to make a positive committed to transparency and accountability. impact on society and collectively build a beneficial Our decisions ensure responsible stewardship of global legacy. Evidence-based knowledge, the the University’s resources, reputation and values. ability to work collaboratively to solve complex We lead by example in all areas including our problems, and a passion for innovation will be approaches to sustainability. essential attributes for our students, regardless of the exact future shape of society. UQ’s Strategic Mutual respect and diversity Plan 2018–2021 focuses on graduate employability, We promote diversity in the University community collaboration and diversity and inclusivity. – through our people, ideas and cultures. We create a vibrant, inclusive environment in which The University’s Strategic Plan 2018–2021 is ideas flourish and future generations, regardless available to view on the following websites: of background, are empowered. We respect our colleagues and work together for shared success. Supporting our people UQStrategicPlan2018-2021.pdf UQ ensures the safety and wellbeing of our people. We create an inclusive and supportive university community in which achievements are celebrated and rewarded. Our people have the opportunity to enrich their lives and pursue their goal. 04 OFFICE OF The Office of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic) (ODVCA) is a direct report to the Student Administration Directorate THE DEPUTY Vice-Chancellor and President, and is responsible Student Administration Directorate provide VICE-CHANCELLOR for key areas of the University, including: administrative support and information through all stages of student life from admission to (ACADEMIC) graduation. Student Administration works Pro-Vice-Chancellor collaboratively with academic and professional (Teaching and Learning) staff to deliver accurate and timely student The Office of the Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Teaching focused administrative advice and service, and and Learning) is responsible for achieving the contributes to the development of student University’s teaching and learning objectives, related policy. including innovation in teaching and learning, digital learning, development and recognition Student Affairs of excellent teaching, quality assurance and Student Affairs provide a broad range of enhancement, curriculum reform and renewal, student services aimed at enhancing the and research in teaching and learning that centres student experience, and assisting the institution on improving student learning outcomes. in improving student retention These include the Learning Hub, Student Counselling, directed Academic Administration Directorate engagement of first-year students, provision The Academic Administration Directorate of Accommodation Services, and running the provides support for teaching and learning at UQ Multi-faith Chaplaincy. through services that enable effective academic The ODVCA is currently engaged in a number decision making, governance and information of large, complex, high risk and important provision. projects which have a university wide impact Responsibilities include: and are at different levels of maturation. The • support for the formulation and management projects include infrastructure, new models of of academic policies; service delivery, digitisation, policy review and • administration and co-ordination of program curriculum redesign. design, development and review; • management and monitoring of academic timetables; and • contributing to meeting the University’s compliance obligations especially with respect to the ESOS Act and the Higher Education Standards. Academic Administration also traverses aspects of students’ engagement with policy and procedures as they pertain to the code of conduct, appeals and grievance resolution. 05 ROLE OF THE The Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic) is seeking a highly experienced Project Management • Develop in collaboration with senior stakeholders change management strategies SENIOR MANAGER, professional to lead the management, to ensure the embedding of new ways of ACADEMIC implementation and reporting of these projects. working and projects. PROJECTS This will involve the production of strategic • Work with senior staff of the ODVCA to business cases that support University wide develop project management capability goals, the identification of key measures of in terms of implementing, evaluating and success, progress reports the management of monitoring projects. communication plans and engagement with key, • Develop systems, tools, templates and senior stakeholders. methods to support an ongoing culture of effective project management. Duties Duties and responsibilities include, but are not Other limited to: Ensure you are aware of, and comply with, • Lead the management of complex projects legislation and University policy relevant to the and programs of work to ensure that they duties undertaken, including: are delivered on time and within budget and • The University’s Code of Conduct scope. • Work with senior members of the ODVCA and conduct elsewhere to identify projects which deliver • Requirements of the Queensland Occupational on the University’s strategic objectives such Health and Safety (OH&S) legislation and as; integrating administration and support related OH&S responsibilities and procedures services, student hub, student strategy or on- developed by the University or Institute/ campus residential projects. School • Prepare comprehensive business cases and project plans for academic projects that affect • The adoption of sustainable practices in the whole of University. all work activities, and compliance with • Work with senior stakeholders to define Key associated legislation and related University Performance Indicators (KPIs) for academic sustainability responsibilities and procedures projects. • Identify, assess, and manage the risks to the procedures/responsibilities success of projects including dependencies • Requirements of the Education Services for across projects, political, business impact, Overseas Students Act 2000, the National market impact, and technical complexity. Code 2007 and associated legislation, and • Manage the reporting of projects and project related responsibilities and procedures outcomes to relevant governance bodies both developed by the University within and external to the University. compliance-commitment • Develop and execute an internal communication strategy, for both within and outside the ODVCA that supports the delivery and uptake of project outcomes/goals. 06 Organisational Relationships The Senior Manager, Academic Projects will report directly to the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic) and will work closely with the Pro- Vice-Chancellor (Teaching and Learning), the UQ Librarian, the Director, Academic Services and Academic Registrar, the Director of Student Affairs, the Deputy Vice Chancellor External Engagement and the Strategic Programs Office. 07 SELECTION Essential • Sound knowledge of business principles and ability to define return on investment as it CRITERIA • Postgraduate qualifications and extensive applies to particular projects. relevant experience in project management; or an equivalent combination of relevant • Strong analytical skills and the ability to experience and/or education/training. synthesise and present large amounts of data. • Demonstrated experience of successful • Proven ability to build capacity in the area of project management/implementation in a project management/implementation. complex setting and an understanding of • Proven ability to work in a complex, rapidly change management principles. changing and uncertain environment. • Demonstrated ability to write complex • High level interpersonal skills and the ability to business cases. influence and build collaborative relationships • Proven ability to plan, set priorities, monitor with stakeholders. and evaluate programs of work. SELECTION The selection committee for this appointment will be chaired by Professor Joanne Wright, COMMITTEE Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic). 08 CONDITIONS OF Tenure EMPLOYMENT The appointment is twelve months. Salary and benefits An attractive remuneration package will be negotiated with the successful candidate. Remuneration will be subject to periodic review. The Senior Manager, Academic Programs is entitled to four weeks annual leave, 10 days personal leave, and an additional 5 days carer’s leave. Other terms and conditions of employment will be negotiated with the Deputy Vice- Chancellor (Academic). 09 HOW TO APPLY Applications should include: For confidential enquiries, please contact Professor Joanne Wright on +61 7 3346 7754 or • A full curriculum vitae, at • A cover letter, and • Responses to the Selection Criteria contained The University reserves the right to fill the aboveaddressing the selection criteria. position by invitation at any time. Applicants should provide the names and contact details of at least three potential referees. These referees need not be approached in advance, as they will not be contacted until after any interview. FURTHER General information on the University is available through the University’s website. • Organisation chart: INFORMATION AND WEBSITE • Research at UQ: ADDRESSES Other documents which you may wish to refer to include: • Strategic Plan 2018–2021: • Annual Report: UQStrategicPlan2018-2021.pdf • Governance: • UQ Global Strategy: • Key statistics: CRICOS Provider Number 00025B 010
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