APPLY TODAY FOR EXP SCHOLARSHIPS - Who can apply? - The opportunity engine

Page created by Jessie Carpenter
APPLY TODAY FOR EXP SCHOLARSHIPS - Who can apply? - The opportunity engine
                                                                       Visit this site:
Who can apply?                                               
   A graduating high school senior OR                                  partners/exp/students
   an alumn of an ITEP/EXP-supported
   academy or pathway.*                                                Click on "Get Started" and
   Minimum GPA of 2.75.                                                create an account
   Seniors must plan to enroll full-time
                                                                       Complete the application and
   in an accredited college, university,
                                                                       personal statements, and upload
   or vocational/technical program in
                                                                       these supporting documents:
   Fall 2021.                                                            A transcript
   Alumni must be a full-time student                                    A letter of recommendation
   in an accredited college, university,                                 For talent scholarship: video,
   or vocational/technical program.                                      image, or document of your

                 For more information, please contact EXP Program Managers:
Patty Negrette · · 562.552.4013 | Kenia Tello · · 310.562.9505

  * The application is open to students and alumni from the following academies/pathways: Barstow HS (MXP, STEAM),
  Carson HS (ESET, GBLG, PAMA), Gardena HS (GBM), Lawndale HS (MCA), Leuzinger HS (ECA), Manuel Dominguez HS
  (CTE Culinary, CTE Business), Nathaniel Narbonne HS (BETA), Phineas Banning HS (GESA, GSS, ITA, MATCH, PATHS),
  Rancho Dominguez Preparatory (STEAM), and San Pedro HS (Business, GEA)

     Application due date: Friday, February 5, 2021
APPLY TODAY FOR EXP SCHOLARSHIPS - Who can apply? - The opportunity engine
2021 EXP Scholarships
                                            Deadline: Friday, February 5, 2021

EXP Scholarships are to support the college and career dreams of our students and alumni. This year,
we are offering two types of scholarship awards—Traditional and Talent. You may apply to either
one or both. By completing the application, you may be eligible to receive scholarships that range
from $500 to $1,000.


Visit this website: and click “Get
Started” to begin the application process. Please complete the application and upload all supporting
documents to Guided Compass (and Dropbox) by Friday, February 5, 2021, at 5 p.m. Pacific Time.


Students and alumni from all EXP-supported academies/pathways are encouraged to apply. To
qualify, candidates must:
   • Be a graduating senior OR an alum of an EXP-supported academy/pathway at the following
      high schools: Barstow HS (MXP, STEAM), Carson HS (ESET, GBLG. PAMA), Gardena HS (GBM),
      Lawndale HS (MCA), Leuzinger HS (ECA), Manuel Dominguez HS (CTE Culinary, CTE Business),
      Nathaniel Narbonne HS (BETA), Phineas Banning HS (GESA, GSS, ITA, MATCH, PATHS), Rancho
      Dominguez Preparatory (STEAM), and San Pedro HS (Business, GEA).
         o Graduating seniors: Plan to enroll full-time in an accredited community or junior college,
            university or vocational/technical program in the Fall of 2021.
         o EXP alumni must be a current full-time student of an accredited community or junior
            college, university or vocational/technical program.
   • Have a minimum grade point average of 2.75.


Both types of scholarships are awarded based on a broad view of the applicant’s character,
academic ability, professional interest, dedication to the community and career. The Scholarship
Committee will use a selection rubric that considers the following components: the applicant’s
essays, work/volunteer experience, list of extracurricular activities and/or awards, letter of
recommendation and GPA. Essay responses, letter of recommendation, and volunteer
experience will be weighted most.

For the talent scholarship, student will also be awarded based on their unique creativity, content,
and how they used their talent.


Scholarship winners will be notified in March 2021 and are expected to contribute a video statement
or creative work as a part of the 2021 Oceans of Opportunity Awards and Scholarship Celebration,
taking place on Thursday, April 29, 2021. Scholarship funds will be disbursed upon receipt of proof of
Fall 2021 enrollment.
This worksheet is a guide--not the actual application!


   1.   Go to “Edit Profile” to fill out your profile information. This is important as it is going to be a
        part of your application!

   2.   Go to “Opportunities” and select scholarship application. Here you will be able to complete
        the application and upload required documents.


You do not have to fill out ALL of the fields in this section, but you MUST fill out the following
REQUIRED fields.

   •    Your name
   •    Education / Degree – List your high school, pathway, and graduation year.
   •    Street address and phone number
   •    Seniors only: Parent / Guardian Information. Alumni, you can skip.
   •    Optional: Race
   •    Optional: Gender
   •    Work/Volunteer Experiences – Add as many entries as you need to list all of your completed
        work and/or volunteer activities. Only fill out the required fields (marked with *).
            o Seniors: List all work and/or volunteer activities completed during high school.
            o Alumni: List relevant work/volunteer experience.
   •    Extracurricular Activities – Add as many entries as you need to list all activities, clubs, or
        teams in which you were involved in high school (seniors) or college (alumni), your role or
        leadership position, years anticipated, and hours per week.
   •    Awards – Add as many entries as you need to list any awards or special recognition earned
        and the year received. For example, Student of the Month or Perfect Attendance for senior, or
        Dean’s List for alumni.


In this section, you will complete the application and upload additional information.

   1.   Import your personal information from your profile
   2.   Upload a transcript (details on page 4)
   3.   Upload a letter of recommendation (details on page 4)
   4.   Complete EXP Scholarship Form (details on page 2-3)

NOTE: Talent Scholarship Applicant – You must upload one sample of your talent (image, video, or
document) to this Dropbox. (

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This worksheet is a guide--not the actual application!

Make sure to have all the answers ready to upload to the online application

What is your cumulative GPA? ____________________________________________________________

Academic Opportunity - What college/university or technical school are you planning to
attend and what is the status of your application(s)? Alumni: list the college/university or
technical school you are currently attending.

1. _________________________________________________________________________________________

2. _________________________________________________________________________________________

3. _________________________________________________________________________________________

Academic Interests – What major(s) and/or technical career(s) are you considering? List by
importance if you are considering more than one major. Alumni: please list your current or
anticipated major.

1. _________________________________________________________________________________________

2. _________________________________________________________________________________________

3. _________________________________________________________________________________________

Select ALL of the EXP activities below in which you have participated:

 GPS Your Future®                       Women in STEM Career Day
 Industry Coaching                      EXP Internship Program
 Job Shadow Day                         US Coast Guard Day of Discovery
 Workplace tours                        Cal Maritime EXPedition
 College tours                          (Virtual) Guest Speakers / Panel Discussions

Letter of Recommendation: Name of recommender and email address


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This worksheet is a guide--not the actual application!

Make sure to have your statements prepared and ready to copy-and-paste into the
online application

If you are applying for both traditional and talent scholarships, you have to fill out all three

For Traditional and Talent Scholarships (300 words): Our name “EXP” is intentionally open-ended.
We use it to suggest ideas such as EXPERIENCE, EXPLORE and EXPAND, all of which are important
components of a person’s journey through school, career and life. Think about your high school (or
college) experience and choose one of these EXP words (or select one of your own, EXPRESS,
EXPONENTIAL, etc.) to describe your journey so far. Use examples from your experience to make the

For Traditional Scholarship (300 words): 2020 has been a challenging year for all of us. Tell us
about ONE Life Lesson that this year has taught you. How are you going to use this lesson for the

For Talent Scholarship (300 words and a sample of talent uploaded to this Dropbox): What
would you say is your most unique talent? How do you use this talent and why is it meaningful to
you? Things to consider: If there’s a talent or skill that you’re proud of, this is the time to share it.
You don’t necessarily have to be recognized or have received awards for your talent (although if you
did and you want to talk about, feel free to do so). Examples include dance performance, reciting a
poem, a recorded song, picture of a painting, etc. Tell us if your talent comes naturally or if you
worked hard to develop this talent.

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This worksheet is a guide--not the actual application!

Make sure to have these documents ready to upload to the online application

 Transcripts/Academic Criteria
PDF is preferred. If you must take a picture, make sure the image is clear and that the
document is readable.

Attach an official transcript which includes your cumulative GPA. For alumni, please
include a copy of your unofficial transcript to date.

 Letter of Recommendation

Please attach one (1) letter of recommendation from a person who knows of your
achievements and experiences. The letter may be from a member of the faculty or
administrative staff at your school, or an adult member of your community. We will NOT
accept letters from relatives, friends, or family members.

PDF format preferred. Digital signature is acceptable. Actual hand-signed signature is not
required. However, if you are to upload a PDF scan or an image of the hand-signed
document, make sure the scan/image is clear and that the document is readable.

 Talent Scholarship Only: Upload one sample (image, video, or
document) of your talent to this Dropbox.

If there’s a talent or skill that you’re proud of, this is the time to share it. You don’t
necessarily have to be recognized or have received awards for your talent (although if you
did and you want to talk about, feel free to do so). Examples include dance performance,
reciting a poem, a recorded song, picture of a painting, etc. Tell us if your talent comes
naturally or if you worked hard to develop this talent.

          Make sure to upload all your documents by deadline:
             Friday, February 5, 2021, at 5 p.m. Pacific Time

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