Application & Enrolment 2022 - Belvedere College

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Application & Enrolment 2022 - Belvedere College
Application & Enrolment 2022
Application & Enrolment 2022 - Belvedere College
                                                                                              APPLICATION AND ENROLMENT PACK

                                                                                         Headmaster’s Message                                                 4
                                                                                         Rhetoric Exit Reports                                                8
                                                                                         Covid-19 & Education in Belvedere                                   10
                                                                                         Vision, Mission and Values                                          13
                                                                                         Characteristics of a Jesuit Education                               15
                                                                                         A Long and Proud History                                            17
                                                                                         Upholding Respect and Dignity for All                               20
                                                                                         The College Crest                                                   27
                                                                                         Key Information                                                     28
                                                                                         State Examinations                                                  29
                                                                                         Student Achievement                                                 30
                                                                                         General Information                                                 32
                                                                                         Men For Others                                                      40
                                                                                         Fee Information                                                     44
                                                                                         Admission Policy                                                    46

For almost five centuries, Jesuit     Founded in 1540, the Society of Jesus              * Please note that some of the photographs used in this publication were
education has existed as a model of   emphasises the pursuit of wisdom in                taken prior to the Covid-19 pandemic and the associated restrictions.
academic excellence throughout the    the tradition of its founder, St. Ignatius
world. Jesuits are synonymous with    of Loyola.
excellence in education and commit-
ment to caring for the whole person
– mind, body and spirit.

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Application & Enrolment 2022 - Belvedere College
                HEADMASTER'S MESSAGE

            “We want our students to be happy and safe in school, to make friends, to enjoy
            learning, to be willing to explore their talents and above all to explore their
            faith, beliefs and to grow in confidence and maturity. We will accompany them
            on this wonderful journey and share in the joys and challenges it brings.”

Jesuit education is synonymous with excellence in all its              resourcefulness, reflection and reciprocity. Students        and other schools, students have the opportunity to                                community, students and staff in the process of learning,
endeavours. To aspire to achieve excellence is to accept               learn to learn, in the company of others who are highly      develop a very different perspective in embracing a                                leading to improved outcomes and experiences for all.
that we never achieve excellence, we strive continuously               motivated, and they are encouraged to improve on             multicultural society. They are encouraged to become                               This is particularly evident in the evolution of technology
to improve. Care for the individual, developing critical               their previous personal best. Integrity, honesty, and        global citizens who actively engage with human rights and                          in learning and teaching, both in the physical classroom
reflection, fostering independent thinking, and nurturing              a commitment to have an informed opinion, which              environmental issues.                                                              and online.
talent so that every member of our community finds what                strengthens a resolve to work for the greater good of
is creative and life-giving is central to the educational              society, are central to our aspirations for all students.    In pre-Covid 19 times, our Exchange and Immersion                                  At Belvedere, this also results in a huge range of
experiences we offer. Jesuit education emphasises                      Our teachers are educators who build on tradition and        Programmes, students travelled across the world, and                               subjects and co-curricular activities, challenging artists,
the 4 C’s, competence, conscience, compassion and                      enthusiastically embrace the challenges and opportunities    through our Faith and Service Programmes, they worked                              athletes, scientists, debaters, linguists, entrepreneurs,
commitment to justice, (see page 16).                                  of an ever-changing educational landscape.                   with the most marginalised in our society and shared in                            actors, musicians and writers to become the best
                                                                                                                                    learning with refugees and migrants. We are adapting                               they can be. We give them the skills to look for
Covid-19 has changed every aspect of our life and                      WHY BELVEDERE                                                our programmes to ensure we continue an enriched                                   opportunities to grow and develop in all the challenges
education has been profoundly changed. The College                                                                                  experience, despite curtailment by the pandemic                                    they encounter. Remaining a fee-paying school has
migrated successfully to online learning during the school             Leadership and the experience of being a team member,        restrictions. Hopefully, a return to physically going to                           given us a degree of independence, which has ensured
closure period and we will continue to evolve as a learning            are central to the experiences offered in our school for     the frontiers are on the horizon.                                                  we engage with our Mission to be a school where
organisation, maximising the use of technology in learning. We         students and staff. Past pupils, parents and friends of                                                                                         academic excellence is balanced with the moral,
are building on a long tradition since nine students enrolled in       the College, form an integral part of this community and     Exam success is important and our students state                                   spiritual, cultural, physical and emotional development
1832 and the College has evolved through the time of Ireland’s         contribute to the mission of the College. The curriculum     examination results show that students of all abilities                            of our students.
famine, world wars, the War of Independence, the Civil War,            is a holistic experience both inside and outside the         achieve their academic potential. However, education is
the Spanish flu, economic depression and recessions. Ignatian          classroom. The caring relationship between staff and         much more than this. We aim to create an environment                               Our capital fundraising ensures we can provide
education nurtures independence and creativity, which                  students underpins everything we do.                         that responds directly to the diverse needs of individuals                         outstanding facilities. The very significant investment
prepares our students to navigate the uncharted waters of                                                                           rather than imposing a ‘one size fits all’ model on students.                      in educational technology is evident in the classrooms
the future with confidence.                                            We want each student to discover, by being of service to     Personalised learning shifts the role of students from being                       and in providing all teachers with laptops. A new block
                                                                       others, a passion for life and to realise that they can be   simply a ‘consumer’ of education, to a ‘co-producer and                            of classrooms will be completed in Autumn 2021. These
Building on over 180 years of educating young men,                     an agent of change for the better in society. Through our    collaborator’ of their learning experience. Personalised                           facilities, shared with the local community, enable us to
our education focuses on developing resilience,                        international links, as part of a global network of Jesuit   learning actively engages all members of our learning                              provide learning tailored to each individual.

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Application & Enrolment 2022 - Belvedere College

Our teachers are dedicated educationalists, leaders who
engage in professional development and work together
to ensure that every student has the opportunity to excel.
They are part of a community whose objective is not
just to adapt to change, but to be agents of that change,
shaping education in light of an agreed strategy, which
reflects the commitment and dedication of the many
constituents of that community.

This strategy ensures we will remain a learning
organisation, focused on improvement, embracing change
in the tradition of Jesuits who are contemplatives in
action. Our strategy has evolved as a result of a process of
engagement and reflection, in keeping with our Ignatian
identity. It is also informed by the belief that we can and
must improve in every aspect of our endeavour.

As a community, Belvedere College SJ is committed to
playing a key role in educating future generations of young
men who will build a better society. I hope this booklet, and
our website, assist you in understanding all that is offered
in Belvedere College SJ.

Gerry Foley, Headmaster, Belvedere College

                                                                                                    ‘Building on over 180 years of educating
                                                                                                    young men our education focuses on
                                                                                                    developing resilience, resourcefulness,
                                                                                                    reflection and reciprocity.”

                                                                                                    Gerry Foley, Headmaster, Belvedere College SJ

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Application & Enrolment 2022 - Belvedere College
02                                                                                                                           “Belvedere Teachers and Staff have always gone above and beyond to support
                                                                                                                                            their students and do the best for them. They always did their best to help and for
               RHETORIC EXIT REPORTS                                                                                                        all the support they have given me when I was down, I will always be grateful.
               PER VIAS RECTAS
                                                                                                                                            There is a truly special relationship between teachers and students in Belvedere.”

           The voice of the students informs our planning. The College is committed to                                                      due to the school. I learned so much
                                                                                                                                            from my time in Belvedere, but most
           improving the education we provide. Feedback from students, parents, teachers                                                    importantly l also enjoyed it. I loved time
           and past pupils, informs how we change, yet maintain our core values.                                                            with my class, with the teachers, and
                                                                                                                                            doing all the different activities I was able
           All students leaving the College complete an anonymous exit survey. Here are some comments                                       to do in Belvedere.”                                                                             Belvedere College SJ
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             PER V I A S R ECTA S
           from Rhetoric students on leaving the College.
                                                                                                                                            “The last year in Belvedere was hard as
                                                                                                                                            the ‘normal’ was gone from the year.
                                                                                                                                            From First year we have had 6th year
                                                                                                                                            built up as the greatest year in the
                                                                                                                                            school with the last time we would do
                                                                                                                                            activities, the last time to properly bond
 “The single best experience of my life.      school. From early morning rehearsals        in Belvedere. I got a sense of belonging         with others through days out or retreats
A place that made me feel comfortable         to competitions to the annual musical        in the school especially in the last three       and the last musical performance and
with who I was. It has taught me that         evening, the best memories from my           years. I felt extremely comfortable in           competitions I would have done in the
being myself is enough and not always         time here are all linked to music. I am      Belvedere and it gave me numerous                College. Covid-19 has taken that away our
to try and impress those around me.           very grateful to all the teachers whose      opportunities to develop my talents and          last year from us as a group as there was
I contribute any success I have had to        dedication to music in the College has       explore my faith and relationship with           barely any room for the usual activities
the belief the staff have given me to         inspired me to pursue music to the           God. I felt I contributed towards the            and the class dinner as a goodbye to our
strive for excellence in everything I do.     extent that I have. I wish everyone in the   life of the school in my involvement in          class. Thankfully we will get a normal                                     “Our teachers are educators who build
The relationship between students and         College well in the future.”                 various activities. I distinctly remember        graduation with the lads all in suits but                                   on tradition and who enthusiastically
teachers is what Belvedere is all about;                                                   Mr Rogan telling us in First Year that           with the abrupt end to our fifth year, I                                    embrace change in meeting the
their selflessness to go beyond the call      “The school certainly provided what          this is not a school where one leaves            do not think any of us really thought of
                                                                                           at half three every day. It is a wasted
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        challenges of the future.”
of duty never ceases to amaze me.”            was promised. A Jesuit education. I feel                                                      that being our last year to do the normal
                                              that I have matured a lot as a person        opportunity to not get involved and I            activities in the school and that we had                                     Gerry Foley - Headmaster Belvedere College SJ
“I have loved my time in the College. I am    in an academic sense, a spiritual sense,     believe that by getting involved in every        one more left to do as much as we could.
incredibly grateful to all of my teachers     and a moral sense. The various activities    aspect of school life, one contributes           Either way we tried to make the best of it
who have made my time in the school           and programmes that the school               immensely to the life of the school.”            with things, for me, such as a night at the
incredibly memorable. This year has           offers provide an equal opportunity                                                           theatre, choir videos, and the Sleepout. I
been incredibly difficult, but I appreciate   for everyone to get involved. I have no      “Belvedere is a place where I have               also want to thank the staff of Belvedere
the huge amount of work that the              doubt I will miss the school, but I also     changed so much in and I am certain I will       for everything I was able to be a part of
teachers have put in, to put me in the        look forward to what lies ahead.”            never change that much again. Belvedere          and take full advantage of in the school.
best possible position. Lastly, I want to                                                  helped me to truly discover who I am and         The staff put serious time into after
emphasize once more just how thankful I       “I think that the phrase ‘give me the boy    where my talents lie. I now know what I          school activities for the students and I am
am for the music department in the            and I’ll show you the man’ holds very true   wish to pursue in life and all credit for this   very thankful for that.”

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Application & Enrolment 2022 - Belvedere College
               PARENT REPLY FORMS

           “We wish to thank you for all that you have done to make this academic year
           so successful despite all of the challenges posed by COVID-19. The transitions
           between in house and online learning were made as seamless as possible by
           all of the staff in Belvedere.”

“The online learning was rough for           help afforded to him by the special              “The students were afforded every
everyone including teachers, but             education team meant we felt very well           available opportunity to participate
teachers showed professionalism in their     supported in our online learning.”               and engage in all aspects of college
work and carried on in extraordinary                                                          life. We would also like to acknowledge
circumstances. I thank them for their        “The College very obviously put a                the tremendous work of the admin-
commitment to helping us as young men        huge amount of thought and effort                istrative, catering, cleaning, security,
to grow both mentally and socially. It       into achieving the perfect tone for              and support staff who have worked
has been a joy to work with them. I look     this very moving tribute to The Men              so hard throughout the year amid
forward to treating them as equals after     of The Class of 2021. This particular            such challenging times. The catering
my graduation. My time at Belvedere          year group have shown almost divine              has continued to be a highlight, with
lacked half a year or so, but it has still   resilience and fortitude during this             stories of the delicious school lunches
been my entire teenage life. It’s tough to   catastrophic period of our lives.”               making our mouths’ water!!!”
leave, but I’ll be sure to drop by and see
how things are going.”                       “My two sons returned to the College             “I want to extend on behalf of myself,
                                             after Easter and the difference in their         my husband and our son a big, big
“I would like to take this opportunity to    demeanour since in-person school                 Thank You to you and all of the staff
extend my sincere thanks for the level       started is just fantastic. I’m happy and         at Belvedere College for continuing
of organisation of the online teaching       sad about that - delighted to see a pep          to work and support the students
over the last couple of months. As I’ve      in the step, no hesitation getting out of        under the challenges presented by the
been assisting our son for each class,       bed and out the door and coming home             Covid-19 pandemic. Online learning
I’ve had the chance to witness first-hand    with heads high. Sad because it’s when           has been a good and enjoyable
the level of excellence of the teaching      you see the difference, you appreciate           experience in this house. I would also
staff. In what can only be described as      how lonely home school was and                   like to thank you for the Newsletters
extraordinary circumstances they’ve          how much of school is the spirit and             which kept us all connected during
more than exceeded expectations. The         community of the boys.“                          the Covid-19 lockdown.”

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Application & Enrolment 2022 - Belvedere College
                                                                                                                                                                   VISION, MISSION AND VALUES
                                                                                                                                                                   AD MAJOREM DEI GLORIAM

                                                                                                                                                               Founded in 1832, Belvedere College SJ is a Catholic secondary school for boys in the heart
                                                                                                                                                               of Dublin city, Ireland. As part of a worldwide network of Jesuit schools, we are inspired by
                                                                                                                                                               the missionary life and service of our patron, St Francis Xavier SJ, and our College motto
                                                                                                                                                               Per Vias Rectas (By just paths) as our way of proceeding.

                                                                                                                                                               The Vision, Mission and Values which define us are as follows:

                                                                                                                                                    Our Vision                                        1. Community                                                  We recognise the urgent need to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    respond to the pandemic of poverty
Extract from Rudiment Parent                                                         Extract from Rhetoric Parent                                   Our vision is to form men for others              We are a Catholic community of                                and climate change.
                                                                                                                                                    – compassionate, discerning people in             welcome and inclusion. We foster this
                                                                                                                                                    pursuit of a just and sustainable world.          through respectful and collaborative                          4. The Magis - The More
COVID 19 & EDUCATION IN BELVEDERE                                                    COVID 19 & EDUCATION IN BELVEDERE                                                                                relationships between staff, students,
                                                                                                                                                                                                      parents, past pupils, and the wider                           We continuously strive for ‘The More’
                                                                                                                                                    Our Mission                                       community. We understand that we                              - in our spiritual growth, in academia,
“I just wanted to express an overdue word of thanks                                  “As a mere mortal, or now a front-line worker, I                                                                 belong to one human family and treasure                       the arts, sport and social justice. We
to you all for the very great efforts you have put into                              cannot express how proud I felt to watch the video             Our mission is to provide an education            the diverse cultures within it.                               are challenged to live out our unique
ensuring the continuing education of your students                                   of the Belvedere boys singing ‘You Raise Me Up’. It            that promotes academic excellence,                                                                              potential as human beings. We hold each
through these challenging times. Our son has been                                    was powerful to watch, done with such precision by             life-long learning, spiritual growth and          2. Jesuit Tradition                                           other to a higher standard and seek
filling me in on what he has been doing and the range                                everyone online. It reinforces the decision as to why          the pursuit of social justice, rooted in a                                                                      to rise to every challenge - all for the
of materials that have been made available to him.                                   we moved our son to Belvedere College.                         meaningful relationship with Jesus Christ.        Steeped in the rich and evolving tradition                    Greater Glory of God (AMDG).
                                                                                                                                                                                                      of Jesuit education since 1548, we
As I pass by the room he is working in, I hear phrases                               I am also so proud he is going into his 6th Year with the                                                        embrace the spirituality of St Ignatius of
en français, snippets of information about fisheries                                 life-long experiences he has gained to date. Needless                                                            Loyola to find God in all things, to care
                                                                                                                                                    Our Values                                        for each individual (cura personalis), and
in Donegal and maths jargon that I didn’t understand                                 to say, he’s not in the choir as sport is his thing, but the
                                                                                                                                                                                                      to live an active faith in service of others.
back in the day and still don’t!                                                     parents of the children who are must also be very proud.       There are four key Values that characte-
                                                                                                                                                    rise our culture.                                 3. Justice
With firsthand knowledge of teaching over the internet                               I have been so impressed with the manner in which the
(I simultaneously love and detest Zoom! ), I believe                                 College has structured the past eleven weeks. Thanks                                                             We strive to be people of integrity who
it is a tremendous credit to all Belvedere teaching staff                            to you and your colleagues for all your endeavours. I                                                            relate honestly and fairly with one another.
who have risen to the occasion and continue to engage                                am very grateful. Many thanks for what I’m sure was a                                                            We walk with and advocate for those on
so effectively.”                                                                     huge organisational feat.”                                                                                       the margins, locally and globally.

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Application & Enrolment 2022 - Belvedere College
                                                          CHARACTERISTICS OF A
                                                          JESUIT EDUCATION
                                                          AD MAJOREM DEI GLORIAM

                                                     For almost five centuries, Jesuit education has existed as a model of academic
                                                     excellence throughout the world. Jesuits are synonymous with excellence in
                                                     education and commitment to caring for the whole person – mind, body and
                                                     spirit. Founded in 1540, the Society of Jesus emphasises the pursuit of wisdom in
                                                     the tradition of its founder, Saint Ignatius of Loyola.

                                           “Jesuit education relies on a spirit of community among teachers, past and present students,
                                           parents and Jesuits. This ‘spirit of community’ is epitomised in the quality of care experienced
                                           by each participant.

                                           The vision and dream of the Jesuits who began St. Francis Xavier’s College as a community
                                           of care in 1832, and saw its transfer to Belvedere House in 1841, is today clearly visible in our
                                           College. For all our tomorrows, I am genuinely confident that our spirit of community will
                                           flourish and remain attractive.”

                                           Fr Paddy Greene SJ - Rector, Belvedere College SJ

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Application & Enrolment 2022 - Belvedere College
Jesuit education aims to form leaders in service, in imitation of Christ
     Jesus; men of Competence, Conscience and Compassionate Commitment.

     Competence (The Head) – embraces a broad spectrum of abilities; academic proficiency
     (including the ability to reason reflectively, logically and critically), technological
     and vocational skills, an appreciation of the creative arts and sports, and effective
     communication skills.

     Conscience (The Heart) – a person of conscience discerns what is right, good and true
     and has the courage to act according to those values.

     Compassion and Commitment to Justice (The Hands) – a compassionate heart recognises
     Christ present in the faces of those in greatest need and walks with them in solidarity and
     empathy. a


1. Finding God in All Things                                             6. In Service of the Church
Facilitating the discovery of and encounter with God is
its core value.
                                                                         Jesuit schools are part of the Church’s mission to
                                                                         serve and humanise the world and give glory to God.          06
2. Cura Personalis                                                       7. The ‘Magis’ – Striving for Excellence                     A LONG AND PROUD HISTORY
Caring for the individual and inviting them on their                     Jesuit Education seeks to elicit great desires and           BELVEDERE COLLEGE SJ
unique journey of personal, moral and spiritual                          encourages students to strive for great things for God.
                                                                         8. Working as a Community
3. Growth Towards Freedom and Responsibility                             All involved in Jesuit Education collaborate in the
Jesuit pupils are to be men and women of conscience,                     service of shared values. A common task, and an
able and willing to stand up and be counted in the                       overarching vision.
name of truth and justice.                                                                                                         A TRADITION THAT CONTINUES TODAY
                                                                         9. Adaptable and Open to Growth
4.Christ is The Model for Human Life                                     To nurture a capacity to adapt flexibly to the demands
Jesus is at once the face of God and the model of                        of new circumstances and challenges; intellectual and     When the Jesuits opened St Francis Xavier’s College in 1832, there were just nine students’ names in the roll-book.
compassion love.                                                         existential.                                              Nearly two centuries later, Belvedere remains, by conscious choice, in the heart of Dublin within the Jesuit-run parish of
                                                                                                                                   Gardiner Street. Students from all over the city and beyond, come together here and form lasting friendships.
5. A Faith That Does Justice
Forming men and women for a life of active social                                                                                  Today, as then, the care of each student lies at the heart of our mission. Form Tutors, Year Heads, Learning Support
commitment.                                                                                                                        and a Pastoral Care Team, assist our students in achieving their full potential.

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Application & Enrolment 2022 - Belvedere College

                                                                                                                                                                                                  GAISCE AWARD WINNERS

                                                                                                      ZAYED FUTURE ENERGY PRIZE - ABU DHABI

                         LEINSTER SCHOOLS S DEBATING                                                        LEINSTER SCHOOLS RUGBY                                                      TEAM IRELAND (1ST) - CELTIC GAMES


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07                                                                                                                             •   Isolated or once-off incidents of
                                                                                                                                                  intentional negative behaviour,
                                                                                                                                                                                              THE NEGATIVE IMPACT OF
                                                                                                                                                                                              INAPPROPRIATE BEHAVIOUR:
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Aggressive behaviour
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Increased likelihood of alcohol, drug
                                                                                                                                                  including a once-off offensive or
               UPHOLDING RESPECT AND                                                                                                              hurtful text message or other private
                                                                                                                                                  messaging, do not normally fall
                                                                                                                                                                                              Research shows that negative behaviour
                                                                                                                                                                                              can impact an individual’s physical,                           •
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  or substance abuse
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Panic attacks
               DIGNITY FOR ALL                                                                                                                    within the definition of bullying and
                                                                                                                                                  should be dealt with, as appropriate,
                                                                                                                                                                                              emotional or behavioural wellbeing,
                                                                                                                                                                                              especially if sustained over time. It can
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             •    Nervous breakdown, reactive
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  depressive illness and even suicide.
               ANTI-BULLYING POLICY BCSJ                                                                                                          in accordance with the school’s             also have a negative and demoralising
                                                                                                                                                  Code of Behaviour.                          effect on a class or staff group within
                                                                                                                                              •   However, in the context of this policy,     the school. Severe distress can also be                        (N.B. Symptoms might be caused by
                                                                                                                                                  placing a once-off offensive or hurtful     caused to the close family or friends of                       another health problem – that may
                                                                                                                                                  public message, image or statement          anyone witnessing this behaviour.                              require medical evaluation. Seek advice
                                                                                                                                                  on a social network site or another                                                                        at the earliest opportunity if concerned.
                                                                                                                                                  public forum where that message,                                                                           Note: the list is non-exclusive.)
           In accordance with the requirements of the Education (Welfare) Act 2000 and                                                            image or statement can be viewed
                                                                                                                                                                                              •    Fellow pupils, teachers, parents or
                                                                                                                                                                                                   colleagues should be alert to changes
           the Code of Behaviour Guidelines issued by the NEWB (now TESS), the Board of                                                           and/or repeated by other people will
                                                                                                                                                                                                   in behaviour patterns.                                    The Board of Management recognises
                                                                                                                                                  be regarded as bullying behaviour.
           Management of Belvedere College SJ has adopted the following anti-bullying policy                                                                                                  •    Parents especially should trust their
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             the very serious nature of bullying and
                                                                                                                                              •   Additional information on different                                                                        the negative impact that it can have on
           within the framework of the school’s overall Code of Behaviour. This policy fully                                                      types of bullying is set out in Section          instincts, investigate and confide in a                   the lives of pupils and is therefore fully
           complies with the requirements of the Anti-Bullying Procedures for Primary and                                                                                                          member of staff – if the behavioural                      committed to the following key principles
                                                                                                                                                  2 of the Anti-Bullying Procedures for
                                                                                                                                                                                                   changes observed cause concern.                           of best practice in preventing and tackling
           Post-Primary Schools which were published in September 2013.                                                                           Primary and Post-Primary Schools.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             bullying behaviour:
                                                                                                                                                                                              Some of the physical, behavioural or
                                                                                                                                              HOW DOES NEGATIVE BEHAVIOUR
           This anti-bullying policy is framed in the context of a Catholic school in the Jesuit                                              OCCUR?
                                                                                                                                                                                              emotional symptoms can include:                                •    A positive school culture and
           tradition which places Jesus Christ at the centre of its mission. Every person has a                                                                                                                                                                   climate which-
           God-given right to respect, fair treatment and justice.                                                                            Some common examples of bullying among          •    Visible signs of increased anxiety                             ɥ is welcoming of difference and
                                                                                                                                              student on student/student on teacher/               and stress                                                       diversity and is based on inclusivity;
                                                                                                                                              teacher on student are listed below.                                                                                ɥ encourages pupils to disclose
                                                                                                                                                                                              •    Anxiety about going to school/ work
                                                                                                                                                                                                   or increased absenteeism                                         and discuss incidents of bullying
                                                                                                                                              •   Physical - Pushing, shoving, punching,                                                                            behaviour in a non-threatening
                                                                                                                                                  kicking, poking, tripping, “messing         •    Reduced ability to concentrate - poor                            environment; and
OUR AIMS IN HAVING AN ANTI-BULLYING            •   It is a means to ensure that bullying       THE NATURE OF BULLYING:                            fights” or severe assault.                       or deteriorating schoolwork or work
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  ɥ promotes respectful relationships
POLICY IN BELVEDERE COLLEGE SJ:                    behaviour stops;
                                                                                                                                              •   Verbal - Slagging and name-calling.         •    Lack of motivation or energy                                     across the school community;
                                               •   It helps ensure that both the target        In accordance with the Anti-Bullying               Personal, persistent, demeaning/                                                                           •    Effective leadership;
There may be occasions when inappro-                                                                                                                                                          •    Loss of confidence or self-esteem
                                                   and the perpetrator are cared for;          Procedures for Primary and Post-Primary            hurtful or insulting remarks, gestures,
priate behaviour occurs and causes
                                                                                               Schools bullying is defined as follows:            or sarcasm/sneering, unwelcome              •    Changes in an eating pattern - lack                       •    A school-wide approach;
distress. The Policy helps the College         •   It outlines clearly what action can
take prompt and consistent action to                                                                                                              comments about appearance/back-                  of appetite or comfort eating                             •    A shared understanding of what
                                                   be taken and the procedures to              •   Bullying is an unwanted negative behav-
resolve the issue in a positive way.                                                                                                              ground.                                                                                                         bullying is and its impact;
                                                   handle complaints.                              iour, verbal, psychological or physical                                                    •    Changes in a sleeping pattern -
                                                                                                   conducted, by an individual or group       •   Through Technology - Phone, email,               problems with sleeping: nightmares,                       •    Implementation of education and
•   The policy gives examples of the           WHERE DOES THE POLICY APPLY?                        against another person (or persons)            internet, or text messages.                      sweats                                                         prevention strategies (including
    sort of behaviour that is unacceptable;                                                        and which is repeated over time.                                                                                                                               awareness-raising measures) that-
                                               •   At Belvedere College, or anywhere                                                          •   Intimidation - Highly aggressive            •    ‘Personal symptoms of stress’ such
•   It alerts people to the negative effects                                                   •   The following types of bullying                body language. Threatening or abusive            as skin or respiratory conditions                              ɥ build empathy, respect and
                                                   students are representing the College.
    of behaviour such as bullying or                                                               behaviour are included in the definition       languag /gestures/expressions. The               becoming worse                                                   resilience in pupils; and
                                               •   At events such as social functions,
    harassment;                                                                                    of bullying: deliberate exclusion,             tone of voice or “looks” is used.
                                                   sporting events, training seminars,                                                                                                        •    Physical symptoms – headaches,                                 ɥ explicitly address the issues of
                                                                                                   malicious gossip and other forms
•   It ensures compliance with the anti-           field trips or school trips where                                                          •   Financial - ExtortionDemands for                 vomiting, crying, stomach & bowel                                cyber-bullying and identity-based
                                                                                                   of relational bullying; cyber-bullying;
    bullying procedures for primary and            Belvedere is represented.                                                                      money accompanied by threats.                    disorders                                                        bullying, for example, racism,
                                                                                                   and identity-based bullying such as
    post-primary schools (DES, Sept 2013);                                                                                                                                                                                                                          homophobic and transphobic
                                               •   In writing, on the phone, by e-mail,            homophobic bullying, racist bullying,      •   On Grounds of Disability - Jokes            •    Unexplained injury to a person,
•   It sets out the support and help               text message, on the internet or any            bullying based on a person’s identity                                                                                                                            bullying (this list is not exhaustive)
                                                                                                                                                  about a person’s condition, imitation            damaged or missing property
    available to anyone subjected to               other form of communications tech-              and bullying of those with disabilities        and mocking, or removal of technical                                                                       •    Effective supervision and monitoring
    bullying behaviour;                            nology in any College-related activity.         or special educational needs.                  aids needed by the disabled person.         •    Changes in mood and behaviour                                  of pupils;

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•   Supports for staff;                        •   Be vigilant and watch out for each           The education and prevention strategies
                                                   other.                                       that are used by our College include:
•   Consistent recording, investigation
    and follow up of bullying behaviour        •   To be able to identify bullying
    (including use of the established              behaviour.                                   •   A College-wide approach to the
    intervention strategies); and                                                                   fostering of respect for all members
                                                                                                    of the college community; adults
•   On-going evaluation of the effec-          Parents:                                             should model the type of behaviours
    tiveness of the anti-bullying policy.                                                           they promote to pupils.
                                               •   To support the College in the
                                                   implementation of the policy.                •   The promotion of the value of diversity
RESPONSIBILITIES:                                                                                   to address issues of prejudice and
                                               •   To watch out for signs that their son            stereotyping, and highlight the
                                                   may be being bullied.                            unacceptability of bullying behaviour.
School Staff:
                                               •   To speak to the Form Tutor or Year           •   The fostering and enhancing of the
•   It is the responsibility of all school         Head if their son is being bullied or            self-esteem of all our pupils through
    staff to have read and understood              they suspect that this is happening.             both curricular, co-curricular and
    the school’s anti-bullying policy.                                                              extracurricular activities. Pupils are
                                               •   To instruct their son to tell if he is
•   It is the responsibility of all school         being bullied or if he has seen other            provided with opportunities to de-
    staff to have read and understood              pupils being bullied.                            velop a positive sense of self-worth
    the school’s anti-bullying policy.                                                              worth through formal and informal
                                               •   To notify the College if they think              interactions.
•   To acknowledge that bullying is a shared       that their son is displaying bullying
    responsibility within the College.             behaviour and to work with the               •   Whole staff professional develop-
                                                   College in addressing this problem.              ment on bullying to ensure that all
•   Every teacher has a particular
    responsibility to be vigilant against          They should not defer letting the                staff develops an awareness of what
    bullying behaviour inside and outside          College know of any issue in the                 bullying is, how it impacts on pupils’
    the classroom.                                 hope that the problem will go away.              lives and the need to respond to
                                                                                                    it-prevention and intervention; the
•   Every prefect has a particular             •   To ensure that if their son is online            topic of bullying is addressed at
    responsibility to be vigilant against          that he is using social media in a               each staff meeting.
    bullying behaviour in the school               safe and responsible manner.
    domain.                                                                                     •   School wide awareness raising on all
                                               •   Never to directly approach another               aspects of bullying, including pupils,
•   To implement prevention and                    student, or the parent of another                parent(s)/guardian(s) and the wider
    intervention strategies that build             student, at the College to intervene             school community (e.g. talks for
    and maintain a safe learning                   in behavioural issues.                           parents/pupils on Stay Safe, Internet
    environment for the whole college                                                               Safety, Cyberbullying and RSE
    community.                                                                                      schemes of work and policies).
•   To empower students to deal with           PREVENTION OF BULLYING/
                                               STRATAGIES:                                      •   Supervision and monitoring of
    conflict in constructive ways.                                                                  classrooms, corridors, school
•   To take all reports of bullying                                                                 grounds, school tours, co-curricular
    seriously and to report them to the
    appropriate authority if warranted.
                                               •   Proactive role of the class captains,
                                                   prefects, peer mentors and student
                                                                                                    and extra-curricular activities.
                                                                                                    Support staff are encouraged to be
                                                                                                    vigilant and report issues to relevant
                                                                                                                                                ‘As a community, Belvedere College SJ is
                                                                                                                                                 committed to playing a key role in
•   To document any serious bullying               council.
                                                                                                    teachers. Supervision also applies to
    incidents using the Serious Incident                                                            monitoring pupils’ use of communi-
                                               •   Pupil to report if they are being
    Report Form.                                                                                    cation technology within the school.
                                                                                                                                                 educating future generations of young
                                                   bullied or if they see someone else
                                                   being bullied.
                                                                                                •   The support system as outlined by
Students:                                                                                           the “Cura Personalis” document.
                                               •   To develop a sense of empathy for
•   Never bully others. To show
    consideration, respect and support
                                                   targeted members of the College
                                                   community and as a result take safe
                                                                                                •   The school’s Anti-Bullying Policy
                                                                                                    is discussed with pupils and all
                                                                                                                                                 men who will build a better society.'
    towards others.                                and sensible action as a bystander.
                                                                                                    parent(s)/guardian(s) through the
•   Be sensitive to the well-being of          •   Never to stand by and allow bullying             parents association. It is also available
    everybody.                                     to occur                                         on the school website.                      Gerry Foley - Headmaster Belvedere College SJ

                                                     22 | B E L V E D E R E C O L L E G E S J                                                                             23 |   A P P L I C AT I O N & E N R O L M E N T PA C K 2 0 2 1 / 2 0 2 2
•    The implementation of regular                    ɥ witness or know that bullying is           The Formal Process                             at cyber-bullying and identity-based              •    The school promotes habits of                             •         Chaplaincy
     whole school awareness measures,                   taking place.                              Those involved will be spoken to               bullying that will be used by the school               mutual respect, courtesy and an
     including school assemblies,                                                                  separately. The College takes very                                                                                                                              •         Co-curricular programme
                                                      ɥ All teachers and prefects will                                                            are as follows:                                        awareness of the interdependence of
     boarding declamations, posters,                                                               seriously any attempt at intimidation                                                                 people in groups and communities.                         •         Student Support Team
                                                        teach pupils to recognise bullying
     competitions etc.                                                                             during the course of an investigation.
                                                        behaviour and encourage them to                                                                                                             •    The school promotes qualities                             •         Student leadership Team
•    Encourage a culture of reporting,                  use their voices to say ‘no’ to such       The facts will be established straight         •   The College acknowledges the                       of social responsibility, tolerance
                                                        behaviour.                                                                                    right of each member of the school                                                                           •         SDP coordinator
     with particular emphasis on the                                                               away i.e. time, date, place of the incident,                                                          and understanding among all its
     responsibilities of bystanders. In                                                            and details of the incident itself.                community to enjoy school in a                     members both in school and out of
                                                      ɥ Encourage parent(s)/guardian(s)                                                               secure environment.
     that way, pupils gain confidence in                to approach the school if they                                                                                                                   school.                                                   SUPERVISION/MONITORING OF PUPILS:
     ‘reporting’. This confidence factor                                                           Students who have reported a bullying
                                                        suspect that their child is being          incident will be asked to complete a           •   The College acknowledges the                  •    Staff members share a collegiate
     is of vital importance. It should be               bullied.                                                                                      uniqueness of each individual and
                                                                                                   written report of the incident(s).                                                                    responsibility, under the direction of                    The Board of Management confirms
     made clear to all pupils that when                                                                                                               his/her worth as a human being.
                                                      ɥ Ensure that children and parents                                                                                                                 the Headmaster, to act in preventing                      that appropriate supervision and
     they report incidents of bullying                                                             If a “gang” of people is involved, they will
                                                        accept the IT Acceptable Use                                                              •   The College recognises the need to                 bullying/aggressive behaviour by any                      monitoring policies and practices are
     they are not considered to be telling                                                         be interviewed one by one, and then as
                                                        Policy of the College.                                                                        work in partnership with and keep                  member of the school community.                           in place to both prevent and deal with
     tales but are behaving responsibly.                                                           a group.
                                                                                                                                                      parents informed on procedures to                                                                            bullying behaviour and to facilitate early
•    Ensuring that pupils know whom to                                                             A written account of all discussions and           improve relationships on a school-                                                                           intervention where possible.
     tell and how to tell, e.g.:                 COLLEGE PROCEDURES:                               the investigations will be made.                   wide basis.                                   The school’s procedures for investigation,
                                                                                                                                                                                                    follow-up and recording of bullying                            The Board of Management confirms
                                                                                                   If it turns out that the accused HAS been      •   The College recognises the role of            behaviour and the established intervention                     that the College will, in accordance
SOURCES OF HELP WITHIN THE COLLEGE                                                                 bullying, they have broken the rules of            parents in equipping the pupil with a         strategies used by the school for dealing                      with its obligations under equality
                                                 The College’s Commitment to the Students          the College which already exist.                   range of life skills.                         with cases of bullying behaviour follow                        legislation, take all such steps that are
Who can you confide in? Contact persons
                                                 1.   All cases will be treated seriously,         In this case, action will be taken. This       •   The College promotes positive                 Section 6.8 of the Anti-Bullying Procedures                    reasonably practicable to prevent the
have been assigned to assist as follows:
                                                                                                   action, according to these same rules,             habits of self-respect, self-discipline       for Primary and Post-Primary Schools.                          harassment of pupils on any of the nine
                                                 2.   All cases will be treated seriously,
                                                                                                                                                      and responsibility among all its                                                                             grounds specified i.e. gender including
                                                      investigated with care, and with all                                                                                                          Serious instances of bullying behaviour
                                                                                                   The relevant staff for investigating and           members.                                                                                                     transgender, civil status, family status,
Students: Contact your Form Tutor, Year               possible confidentiality.                                                                                                                     should, in accordance with the Children
                                                                                                   dealing with bullying is (are) as follows:                                                                                                                      sexual orientation, religion, age, disability,
Head, Deputy Headmaster, Chaplain,                                                                                                                •   The school prohibits vulgar,                  First and Child Protection Procedures
                                                 3.   Sensitivity and respect will be shown                                                                                                                                                                        race and membership of the Traveller
Pastoral Care Team, School Captain or                                                                                                                 offensive, sectarian or other                 for Primary and Post Primary Schools, be
                                                      to both the person making the                •   Teachers will report bullying                                                                                                                               community.
Senior Prefects – or any staff member that                                                                                                            aggressive behaviour or language by           referred to TUSLA and/or the Gardaí as
                                                      complaint and to the subject of the              behaviour to the Year Head and
you feel you can confide in. (A witness               complaint.                                                                                      any of its members.                           appropriate.                                                   This policy was adopted by the Board of
can contact any of the above with the                                                                  provide written documentation of                                                                                                                            Management. This policy has been made
assurance of all possible confidentiality.)      4.   Every effort will be made to resolve             the incident.                              •   The school has a clear commitment                                                                            available to College personnel, published
                                                      a complaint informally. If this is not                                                          to promoting equity in general and            RECORDING OF BULLYING BEHAVIOUR:                               on the College website and provided
                                                                                                   •   The Year Head will investigate
                                                      possible, a formal process will begin.                                                          gender equity in particular in all                                                                           to the Parents’ Association. A copy of
                                                                                                       the incident and, where the issue
Parents: If your son is the target of bullying   5.   If a complaint is proven to be                   cannot be easily resolved, report to           aspects of its functioning.                   All recording of bullying incidents is                         this policy will be made available to the
or harassment, encourage him to contact               genu¬ine, disciplinary action up to              the relevant DP.                                                                             done in an objective and factual manner                        Department and the patron if requested.
                                                                                                                                                  •   The school has the capacity to
the Form Tutor immediately, or else make              and in¬cluding long suspension or                                                               change in response to pupils’ needs.          using the Recording Bullying Behaviour
                                                                                                   •   Incidents will be investigated outside                                                                                                                      This policy and its implementation will be
contact yourself as a matter of urgency.              expulsion will be taken.                                                                                                                      Form (see appendix 1).
                                                                                                       of the classroom situation to ensure                                                                                                                        reviewed by the Board of Management in
(Other contacts - Year Head, Deputy                                                                                                               •   The school takes particular care
                                                                                                       the privacy of all concerned.                                                                                                                               every school year (see Appendix 2).
Headmaster, Headmaster.) Parents                                                                                                                      of “at-risk” pupils and uses its
should also contact the Form Tutor               The College will go about dealing with            •   All interviews will be conducted with          monitoring systems to facilitate              SUPPORT:                                                       Written notification that the review has
regarding incidents of bullying behaviour        any and every incident with seriousness,              sensitivity and with due regard to             early intervention where necessary                                                                           been completed will be made available
that might have come to their attention          care, sensitivity, and respect to all                                                                                                              All in-school supports and opportunities                       to College personnel, published on the
                                                                                                       the rights of all concerned.               •   The school recognises the need to             will be provided for the pupils affected
through their children or through other          involved. It will put in place a system to                                                                                                                                                                        College website and provided to the
                                                                                                   •   The Headmaster will report the                 work in partnership with and keep             by bullying to participate in activities
parents/guardians.                               investigate and resolve each complaint.                                                                                                                                                                           Parents’ Association. A record of the
                                                                                                       bullying incident to the Board of              parents informed on procedures to             designed to raise their self-esteem,                           review and its outcome will be made
•    Action will then be taken by the                                                                  Management at its next meeting and             improve relationships on a school-            develop friendships and social skills and                      available, if requested, to the patron and
     contact person in accordance with                                                                 confirm that it has been, or is being,         wide basis.                                   build resilience. These supports are
                                                 The Informal Process                                                                                                                                                                                              the Department.
     this policy document and the College                                                              dealt with in accordance with the                                                            available through;
                                                 Those making the complaint will be given                                                         •   The school recognises the role of
     Code of Behaviour and Discipline.                                                                 College’s anti-bullying policy, and                                                                                                                         Please refer to the school’s policy
                                                 privacy and treated with all possible                                                                parents in equipping the pupil with a
                                                                                                       the Anti-Bullying Procedures for                                                                                                                            documents on Code of Behaviour
    ɥ Get a parent(s)/guardian(s) or             confidentiality.                                                                                     range of life skills.
                                                                                                       Primary and Post Primary Schools.                                                            •           Tutor system                                       (including mobile phone policy)
      friend to tell on their behalf.
                                                 The College will try to deal with complaints                                                     •   The school recognises the role                                                                               Child Safeguarding Statement and IT
                                                                                                   The education and prevention strategies                                                          •           Year Head Team
    ɥ Ensure bystanders understand the           informally at first. Failing this, the formal                                                        of other community agencies in                                                                               Acceptable Use Policy, all of which are
      importance of telling if they              process will begin.                               (including strategies specifically aimed           preventing and dealing with bullying.         •           Guidance Department                                available on our website).

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                                                                                                                            THE COLLEGE CREST
                                                                                                                            BELVEDERE COLLEGE SJ

                                           ‘We foster honesty, integrity,                                             The redesign of the College crest reinstates the
                                                                                                                      original form of the Loyola coat of arms while
                                           hard work and a strong sense                                               taking the opportunity to acknowledge the
                                           of justice. These are values,                                              College colours, founding date, and Jesuit ethos
                                           that when neglected, lead to                                               within its form.
                                           materialism and relativism’.
                                                                                                                      The previous crest was created in 1962, replacing the one Fr
                                                                                                                      Jeffcoat SJ designed in 1907. The article in the 1962 Belvederian
                                           Gerry Foley, Headmaster, Belvedere College SJ                              by Fr E. Murphy SJ, traces some of the changes to the crest
                                                                                                                      since 1907. This new crest is part of a refreshed visual identity
                                                                                                                      that expresses the history and provenance of the College while
                                                                                                                      recognising the Christian values that guide our path forward.

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08                                                                                                                                       09
                 KEY INFORMATION                                                                                                                          STATE EXAMINATIONS | CAO
                 BELVEDERE COLLEGE SJ                                                                                                                     KEY STATISTICS FROM OUR MOST RECENT GRADUATES

Contact Information                          Management Structure Transport Information
                                                                                                                                                          93%                                                     550                                                      600
•     Belvedere College SJ                   •    Board of Management                          •     Public Transport:
      ESTD. 1832                             •    Headmaster                                         Train / Dart / Bus / Luas             93% OF PAPERS TAKEN IN BELVEDERE ARE                  21% OF BELVEDERE STUDENTS                                         10% OF BELVEDERE STUDENTS
      Great Denmark Street, Dublin 1,        •    Provincial Of Jesuit Order / Trustee         •     City Bikes                             AT HIGHER LEVEl. THIS IS SIGNIFICANTLY              ACHIEVED 550 POINTS OR MORE                                       ACHIEVED 600 POINTS OR MORE
                                                                                                                                             AHEAD OF THE NATIONAL AVERAGE.                     COMPARED TO 10% NATIONALLY.                                       COMPARED TO 3% NATIONALLY.
      Ireland, D01 TK25                      •    Three Deputies                               •     School Bus (Parents)
•     T: 01 8586600                          •    Director of Finance & Admin.                 •     Cycle
•     W:                 •    Director of Faith Programmes                 •     Walk
•     Tweet: @belvederesj                    •    Assistant Principal Teachers                 •     Drop Off Point

                                                                                                                                             HIGHER LEVEL PAPERS COMPARED                    ACHIEVED A H1/H2 GRADE COMPARED                                     STUDENTS ACHIEVED A H1 GRADE
                                                                                                                                                   TO 36% NATIONALLY.                               TO 38% NATIONALLY.                                            COMPARED TO 9% NATIONALLY.

                                                                                                                                           Our recent 2020 graduates achieved a            93% of the State Exam Papers taken in                          ahead of the national statistics average in
                                                                                                                                           superb set of results with many students        Belvedere College were at higher level. This                   terms of numbers sitting papers at higher
                                                                                                                                           gaining individual highs. The focus of the      is significantly ahead of the national aver-                   level. We continue to maintain and go
    A vibrant Parents’ Association plays a        Students wear a school uniform.                  There are six classes per year group,   College is very much geared towards             age. 36% of Belvedere College students                         beyond, the statistical average in terms
      vital role in reviewing policies and             The cost is €250 approx.                      with an average of 28 students        matching students with the course               achieved 500 points or more. Seventeen                         of the number of students who attain H1,
          procedures in the College.              Available from Lynch’s of Marino.                            in each class.              most suited to them and their career            of the 165 students attending Belvedere                        H2 and H3 grades. We have great success
                                                                                                                                           aspirations, as opposed to the highest          College received 600 or more points.                           year on year with our graduates receiving
                                                                                                                                           point course they can take. A huge                                                                             scholarships to top universities in Ireland
                                                                                                                                           amount of research is carried out to            At individual subject level, we have had                       and throughout the world.
                                                                                                                                           make sure this is the case.                     consistently strong results. This is across
                                                                                                                                                                                           languages, the arts and STEM subjects.                         Following the State examinations, a
                                                                                                                                           A new course, Physical Education,               Our students complete significantly more                       detailed analysis of subject performance
                                                                                                                                           introduced in 2019 saw its first cohort         higher-level papers and on average attain                      is shared with all departments within the
    The Parents’ Association co-ordinate         Classes run from 08.40am - 15.35pm                   Since its foundation in 1832,        through in 2020, topped the national            higher grades when compared to national                        College. This is used to assist the depart-
      a number of talks and events for           Wednesday’s classes end at 13.05pm                  Belvedere has been a single-sex       average with 31% of students achieving a        statistics. Similarly, at Junior Cert level,                   ments in devising their plans for teaching
        parents throughout the year.               to facilitate games and matches.                       school for boys only.            H1/H2 compared to 26% nationally.               Belvedere students are significantly                           and learning going forward.

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Belvedere students achieve significantly higher results than their peers
in every other type of school in Ireland. The PISA - Test for Schools,
assessing 15-year-olds’ competencies in reading, mathematics and science,
provides results that are comparable to the international PISA scales when
administered under appropriate conditions. The comparability of the results
is what allows schools to see how they compare in relation to their peers in
some of the world’s leading education systems.
                                                                                                                                                    SCIENCE                                         READING                            MATHS
                                                                                                                      PISA, IRELAND
                                                                                                                      FEEDBACK 2015      MEAN SCORE                  SD                 MEAN SCORE                  SD       MEAN SCORE         SD

                                                                                                                       NON FEE-PAYING
                                                                                                                                           497.9                     88.0                   517.4                   91.2       499.4            79.1
       In addition to assessing students’ ability to apply the knowledge they have acquired, the PISA- based          SCHOOLS IRELAND
       Test for Schools also benchmarks how students compare with their peers within and beyond local and                FEE-PAYING
       national borders, an indication of how well they are prepared to become members of an increasingly                                  549.8                     83.5                   554.7                              546.8           73.3
                                                                                                                      SCHOOLS IRELAND
       global society.
                                                                                                                    BELVEDERE COLLEGE      559.0                    74.8                    551.1                  29.8        558.9           66.7

       The results speak for themselves and confirm that the quality of educational instruction offered in       IRELAND MEAN               502                                             520                                 503
       Belvedere achieves standards comparable to some of the highest-scoring students (Singapore) in the
                                                                                                                 GIRLS' SECONDARY           511.2                                           539.2                              505.6
       OECD. Belvedere students’ results in the Leaving Certificate are similarly well above national averages
       and “league tables” are not reflective of academic standards.                                             BOYS' SECONDARY            521.7                                           528.0                              524.8
                                                                                                                 MIXED SECONDARY            510.3                                           527.5                              514.0
       To learn more about PISA, please visit
                                                                                                                 COMMUNITY / COMP.         494.7                                            511.6                              498.6
                                                                                                                 VOCATIONAL                 483.1                                           502.8                              484.9
                                                                                                                 FINLAND                    531                                             526                                 511
                                                                                                                 SINGAPORE                  556                                              535                                564
                                                                                                                 OECD AVERAGE               493                     AVERAGE                 493                     OECD
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   AVERAGE      490             OECD

                                                                                                                 IRELAND MALE               507                     495.0                    515                    497.3        511           494.1
                                                                                                                 IRELAND FEMALE             497.2                   491.4                   526.9                  506.2       495.4           486.2
                                                                                                                 HIGH PERFORMANCE MALE       9%                      8.9%                   10.7%                   6.8%       12.4%           12.4%

                                                                                                                 LOW PERFORMANCE MALE      15.7%                    21.8%                   12.3%                  24.3%       14.1%           23.0%

                                   30 | B E L V E D E R E C O L L E G E S J                                                                31 |     A P P L I C AT I O N & E N R O L M E N T PA C K 2 0 2 1 / 2 0 2 2

           It is impossible to capture all that happens in Belvedere College SJ over a small
           number of pages. However, we hope we can give you a glimpse of various
           aspects of the College, its students and the wider Belvedere community.

           A Whole School Inspection Report makes many positive observations (below). We have
           also had many excellent individual Subject Inspection Reports.

•   The Board of Management is effective and shows                              a valuable resource for supporting students. They articulate      SUBJECTS OFFERED                                                                     The Transition Year Programme is a unique one-year
    great commitment to the school.                                             issues of concern for students and suggest effective ways                                                                                              programme that promotes the personal, social, vocational
•   Senior management provides strong leadership and                            of addressing these concerns.                                     JUNIOR CERTIFICATE                                                                   and educational development of students and prepares
    works as an effective team.                                                                                                                   Irish, English, Maths, French, History, Geography, Home                              them for their role as autonomous, participative and
•   The College’s mission and ethos are central to all                          The Student Council contributes to policy development             Economics, Science, Computers, PE, RE, CSPE, SPHE,                                   responsible members of society (Transition Year
    decision making.                                                            and in reviewing the provision of pastoral care. They are         German, Art & Design, Spanish, Latin, Business Studies,                              Guidelines, Department of Education).
•   The quality of whole-school planning is very good.                          also involved in the self-review procedures in the College        Ancient Greek and Music.
•   Teachers have engaged in continuing professional                            with a view to continuous improvement.                                                                                                                 TY provides a bridge to enable students to transition
    development (CPD) and this is supported by senior                                                                                             SHORT COURSE OPTIONS INCLUDE                                                         from the more dependent type of learning associated
    management.                                                                 The Prefect system is a key element in developing student         Artistic Performance, Ceramics for Wellbeing, Chinese, Coding,                       with Junior Cycle, to a more independent learning
•   The quality of teaching and learning observed ranged                        leadership. They also provide support to our First and Second     Digital Media Literacy, Philosophy and Urban Farm.                                   environment associated with Senior Cycle. It encourages
    from good to very good with some exemplary lessons                          Year students. Prefects are role models of the standards                                                                                               the development of a wide range of transferable critical
    visited.                                                                    we expect of students both in terms of their behaviour            For information on each of the subjects please visit the                             thinking and creative problem-solving skills, with a high
•   A high level of care for student welfare is evident.                        and engagement with all the College offers students. The          following link:                            degree of self-motivation and direction involved.
•   A good range of academic subjects is offered.                               prefect group is given significant responsibilities in the day-   Short-Courses/
•   The College has responded well to recommendations                           to-day life of the College and, through the officers, meet                                                                                             TY in Belvedere College SJ is compulsory, with the
    made in previous evaluations.                                               with Senior Management on issues of concern within the            TRANSITION YEAR (COMPULSORY)                                                         school committed to a six-year post-primary cycle. It can
•   Self-evaluation is embedded in the culture of the College.                  student body. Prefects are nominated by their peers and                                                                                                be said that in an Irish post-primary education system,
                                                                                staff.                                                            As well as continuing to offer the core and option subjects                          characterised by academic pressures, the TY programme
PEER LEADERSHIP & SUPPORT                                                                                                                         available in the Junior Certificate, the Transition Year                             is uniquely humane. We aim to provide a breadth of
                                                                                In addition, Class Captains and Vice-Captains provide             Programme offers a range of activities and opportunities                             challenges and opportunities to the pupils and to put
Student involvement in the pastoral care system in                              leadership within a Form class and liaise with the Form           for work experience and community care placements.                                   in place structures that enable them to step outside of
Belvedere College SJ aims to ensure we provide the best                         Tutor to ensure the happiness and development of all              Students are assessed on their academic progress                                     their comfort zones and in doing so, allow both self, and
possible support to our students. The Student Council is                        students within the Form.                                         throughout the year using continuous assessment.                                     communal, development to occur.

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LEAVING CERTIFICATE                                                              1.     Fostering self-knowledge and self-awareness:               •    Inspirational success stories from past pupils to                                This can include academic, social and emotional needs,
                                                                                                                                                        inspire and motivate current students                                            physical needs, sensory, or language and communications
Irish, English, Maths, French, R.E., Spanish, German, History,                   •      Careers Portal Reach+ Career and College Preparation       •    Tips and advice from past pupils who succeeded                                   difficulties, or for students whose education has been
Geography, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Agricultural Science,                           Programme which includes the following key elements:            in attaining places in top universities (e.g. Oxford,                            significantly interrupted. This involves liaison with the student
Home Economics, Business, Accounting, Economics,                                        Self-Assessment, Career Planning, Study Skills, World           Cambridge, Notre Dame, Harvard etc.)                                             themselves, their Form Tutor and other members of
Applied Maths, Classical Studies, Ancient Greek, Latin,                                 of Work & World of Education                                                                                                                     staff. Parents play an integral part in this support system.
Computer Science, Music, Art & Design and P.E.                                   •      Interests assessments are completed                        6.   Forging meaningful links with third-level institutions                           This support will be based on the Continuum of Support
                                                                                 •      Aptitude assessments                                            worldwide in the following ways:                                                 framework set out by the Department.
EXCHANGES AND INTERNATIONAL LINKS                                                •      CAT4, PASS and regular student tracking takes place
                                                                                 •      Values, drivers, motivators                                •    Developing links in the form of scholarship                                      We use Pupil Support Plans to document, plan and review
There are exchange programmes in Chinese, French,                                •      Opportunities for student reflection are provided               opportunities, student support networks, taster                                  support that is put in place for students who fall within
Spanish and German. There are also student exchanges                                                                                                    courses, third-level tutoring etc.)                                              the “Support for Some” (Level Two) or “Support for a
with Kolkata and Boston. Students travel to Greece and                           2.     Providing opportunities for exploration and discovery      •    Guest speakers regularly visit the College (Irish third-                         Few” (Level Three), Continuum of Support framework.
Italy as part of the study of Classics. Students can also avail                                                                                         level institutions and top foreign universities e.g.                             These documents form the basis of support provided
of a Culinary Tour to enhance their experiences in this                          •      Lunchtime talks from professionals, universities and            Cambridge, Princeton, Notre Dame, Harvard, etc.)                                 for specific students, along with additional information
area. The Penn State Scholarship enables students to study                              past pupils                                                •    Campus tours to universities arranged                                            available to teachers through Compass (the College’s online
Science at Penn University for a month at the end of TY.                         •      Belvedere College SJ Annual Careers Evening – all          •    A greater number of our students are travelling                                  administration system) and the Private & Confidential Register
Students also participate in pilgrimages to Lourdes and the                             major Colleges and Universities are represented at an           abroad to study each year. (USA, Cambridge, Oxford,                              of Students with Additional Educational Needs for Staff, which
Camino de Santiago de Compostela. Links with past pupils                                Information Evening in the College                              Bahrain, Utrecht etc.)                                                           is made available at the beginning of the academic year and
worldwide, and with many universities, contribute to the                         •      Work experience programme in Transition Year                                                                                                     reviewed in the January of the following year.
Educational and Careers Programmes in the College.                               •      Internship programmes (Mini-Med, Penn State etc.)          7.   Fostering confidence and empowering students to make
                                                                                                                                                        their own informed choices using:                                                The Core AEN team take on specific responsibility for a
In the coming academic year, some of these programmes may                        3.     Supporting and encouraging effective study techniques                                                                                            year group. This means that the First Year AEN Contact
be suspended or changed due to the Covid-19 restrictions                                and patterns for students                                                                                                                        teacher will be the first point of contact concerning
                                                                                                                                                   •    Mock interview evening
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         a student with AEN in First Year. This leads to greater
GUIDANCE COUNSELLING                                                             •      Personalised Study programmes for students (in             •    Interview skills / CV preparation
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         consistency and support for our students, their parents
                                                                                        conjunction with Form Tutors)                              •    One-on-one guidance and advice
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         and guardians, mainstream staff and management.
Our school Guidance Counsellors seek to empower the                              •      Group and Class tutorials on effective study techniques                                                                                          Several teachers are also available to provide literacy and
students to make decisions, solve problems, change                                      and behaviours                                             ADDITIONAL EDUCATION NEEDS SUPPORT
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         numeracy support as part of the AEN department staff
behaviours and resolve issues in their lives. Guidance                           •      Annual Study Skills Week - expert advice on studying                                                                                             and we have a number of Special Needs Assistants, who
Counselling is a holistic process that values each                                      and successful behaviours                                  We will be reviewing the support for students with
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         work with specific students during the school year.
individual student and focuses on three interrelated                             •      Annual Study Skills seminars                               additional educational needs in the next academic year, in
strands - Personal & Social, Education and Career                                                                                                  light of the possibly ongoing Covid pandemic restrictions
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         It is essential that you inform the College if your son has
Guidance. Guidance Counselling in Belvedere College is                           4.     Guiding and advising students on effective research        and additional information from the Department of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         a diagnosed need or had any previous support in Primary
viewed as a process – not an event – which begins on the                                                                                           Education & Skills.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         School in order for us to identify and support students
student’s entry in First Year and continues right through                        • and online Career                                                                                                   moving into the College. The transition from Primary to
the six years spent in the school.                                                      Research tools                                             A revised model for allocating Additional Educational
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Post-Primary education can be difficult for some students
                                                                                 •      Attendance at the Annual Higher Options exhibition         Needs support (AEN) was introduced by the DES in
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         and we want to be able to support those students who
The Guidance Counsellors work to provide a range                                 •      Seminars and lectures are presented by professionals       September 2017. The school is allocated a specific number
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         have additional needs at the beginning of their journey
of learning experiences provided in a developmental                                     from the Past Pupils’ Union and Parents’ Association       of additional teaching support hours per week to cater for
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         with the College.
sequence, designed to assist students to make choices                                                                                              all students with an identified special educational need.
about their lives and to make successful transitions based                       5.     Helping students avail of a wealth of existing expertise   These hours are used to provide support based on the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         If you have any concerns, please contact Val Hamilton, AEN
on their choices.                                                                       within the Belvedere Community                             principles that the students with the greatest need, will
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Coordinator, at
                                                                                                                                                   have access to the greatest level of support.
The key elements of the Guidance Programme range                                 •      Belvedere College SJ Past Pupils’ Union - Career Talks
from the following areas over their six years for the                            •      Active and committed Parents’ Association Links with       Within the AEN Department, students are provided with
students of Belvedere College SJ:                                                       industry and professional world.                           support based upon their individualised identified needs.

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