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Mediterranean Archaeology and Archaeometry, Vol. 14, No 1, pp. 191-199 Copyright © 2014 MAA Printed in Greece. All rights reserved. ANTIQUITY IMPACT OF AIR POLLUTION AT GADARA, JORDAN Mahmoud Abu-Allaban1 and Mohammad M.M. El-Khalili2 1 Dept. of Water Management & Environment, Faculty of Natural Resources and Environment, The Hashemite University, Zarqa, Jordan 2 Faculty for Heritage and Antique, Dept. of Conservation Science, Queen Rania The Hashemite University, Zarqa, Jordan Received: 17/06/2013 Accepted: 25/07/2013 Corresponding author: ABSTRACT Several recent studies have pointed out that the northern parts of Jordan are exposed to high levels of ground ozone. North Jordan is a wealthy reservoir of ancient heritage in- cluding six out of the ten Decapolis Cities. It is alleged that air pollution-via acid deposi- tion- has led to the deterioration and erosion of buildings, structures, statues, and mo- numents. Therefore, this research is conducted to assess air quality at Gadara, the capital of the ancient Decapolis and to come up with mitigation measures that have to be adopted in order to save the ancient heritage from further deterioration. Measurements revealed that most criteria air pollutants including sulfur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide, and carbon monoxide attain corresponding national ambient air quality standards. However, ground ozone, which is believed to expedite the deterioration rate of rocks in the pres- ence of acids as they act as a catalytic agent, exceeds the limit recommended by the World Health Organization of 50 ppb. KEYWORDS: Decapolis, Gadara, air pollution, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, carbon monoxide, and ground ozone
192 M. ABU-ALLABAN & M.M.M. EL-KHALILI INTRODUCTION Air pollution has the potential to expe- dite deterioration rate of rocks. Thus, it has In addition to its adverse health impact a devastating impact on ruins and anti- (Dockery and Pope, 1994; Pope, 1995; La- ques. Consequently, the main objective of den et al., 2000; Pope, 2002; WHO, 2007; this paper is to address air pollution impact Knox, 2008), air pollution has a devastating on the structures, statues, and monuments impact on the environment including de- in the capital of the Decapolis (Gadara) and struction of forests and vegetation; acidifi- to draw up a remedial plan to protect this cation and eutrophication of lakes; deterio- fascinating ancient city. rating of metals, structures, and statues and monuments; and cracking of leather and rubber (Boubel et al., 1994). Air pollution HISTORY OF GADARA usually affects buildings in two ways: de- Gadara is the site of ancient Greco- cay and soiling. Soiling is the discoloration Roman town of Gadara which was one of of a building, whereas decay results in the the cities of the Decapolis. It is situated 110 destruction of the building fabric (Massey, km north of Amman. Its strategic location 1998). was an important factor in its prosperity: Airborne substances such as acids, River Yarmouk and Golan Heights are vis- oxides, and ground ozone alter chemical ible in the north, while looking south pro- composition of rocks outer surfaces and vides an amazing sight of the southern fo- make them susceptible to rain wash. This rested hills of Ajloun. Fertile Horan plateau process caused severe destruction to an- borders Gadara from the East, whereas cient invaluable antiques worldwide. Re- Jordan valley and the Sea of Galilee form cent studies have pointed out that northern the west border. Jordan is influenced by air pollutants that Greeks were the first people to marvel at are transported from south Europe and the breathtaking view and established their eastern Mediterranean coast (Wanger et al., acropolis. Later on, the Roman Byzantines 2000; Kallos et al., 2006; Asaf et al., 2008). In and ottomans would follow suit leaving addition, there are several natural and their own marks in the city. Although the anthropogenic sources of air pollution in intensive successive occupation during the North Jordan. Hot springs around Lake rich past of the city has deposited gigantic Tiberias are potential-natural sources of cultural hallmarks therein, demolishing sulfur compounds. Anthropogenic sources earthquakes destroyed several construc- of air pollution in North Jordan include tions and forced inhabitants to flee the city motor vehicles, open burning, and pesti- during the Umayyad period which ex- cides. tended from 661 AD till 799 AD (Mershen, North Jordan has five out of the ten De- 1992). During the Ottoman rule of the re- capolis (a group of ten cities on the eastern gion, Gadara restored its significance and frontier of the Roman Empire in Jordan emerged as an important crossing town in and Syria) including Gerasa (Jerash), Gada- south Syria and north Jordan, and it was ra (Umm Qais), Pella (Almasharea’), Capi- given a modern name which is Um Qais tolias (Beit Ras), and Raphana (Hartha). (Weber, 1989). Most ancient statues and monuments at the Decapolis are made of marble and limes- tone, which are basically calcium carbonate THE NATURAL AND CULTURAL (CaCO3) that reacts with acid deposition to CONTEXT OF UMM QAIS form calcium sulfate, carbon dioxide, and Umm Qais as a whole can be divided in- water. When calcium sulfate is exposed to to two main parts. The first part is the an- wet acid deposition or to pure water, it cient city of Gadara which includes the simply dissolves. Greco-Roman, Byzantine, and the Ottoman
ANTIQUITY IMPACT OF AIR POLLUTION AT GADARA, JORDAN 193 establishments, whereas second part is the GADARA IN ANTIQUITY modern town which incorporates rural Gadara has a wealth of remarkable anti- landscape. ques including the Hellenistic wall which In addition to its distinctive type of ba- was constructed after the conquest of Ga- salt rocks, the outstanding importance of dara by Antiochus the third in the early Greco-Roman ruins stems from the prima- second century AD to enclose the ancient ry features of an integrated Roman city in Acropolis hill (Mershen, 1992). Capitals, terms of its planning, monuments, and ar- pedestals, drums, and columns are scat- tistic works, in addition to its distinctive tered at different parts of the city especially type of basalt stone. The Byzantine part of along both sides of the colonnaded Decu- the city is renowned for the octagonal manus Maximus street. The capitals are church which was built at the side of the categorized into two types: Ionic, and Co- Cardo Street (Fig. 1). The church is marked rinthian (Segal, 1988). by its fabulous style. Ionic capitals are found under the frieze of the Germani tomb dated to the early second century AD. Another Ionic capital discovered at the north mausoleum dated to the end of the third century AD. Corin- thian capitals recur to the late second and early third century AD. The complete col- umn at ancient Gadara is composed of the pedestal as a base, the drums (two, three or four above each other) and finally the Co- rinthian capital on the top of them (Segal, 1988). Figure 1. Columns of the octagonal church in Gada- ra. Image is courtesy of Holy Land Photos. A large portion of the western Roman Theater (Fig. 3) has survived historic The Ottoman village is the most interest- upheavals (Segal, 1988). A vaulted passa- ing part of the city. Umm Qais, on the road geway supports its rows of seats. Built of from Damascus to Tiberias and hence to hard basalt stones, a row of elaborately the Palestinian seaports, overlooking Lake carved seats for dignitaries stand near the Tiberias and the Golan Heights, attracted orchestra, and in the center is a large head- the people during the Ottoman period to less white marble statue of Tyche, the settle in the town (Fig. 2) as it provided Goddess of fortune of the city, which is numerous jobs (Mershen, 1992). now displayed at a nearby museum. Figure 3. The Western Roman Theater Figure 2. A typical dwelling at Um Qais during late (Brent MacDonald of Ottoman Reign.
194 M. ABU-ALLABAN & M.M.M. EL-KHALILI The north theatre in Gadara is larger lies on the southern side of the Decumanus than the west one. The diameters of its or- Maximus (Nielsen, et a., 1993). The Basilica chestra and its exterior diameter are 45 me- Terrace (the Octagonal church and its ters and 77 meters, respectively. The west Atrium) comprises two coherent parts: the theatre is smaller, it was built with a di- basilica octagonal church to the south and ameter of 53 meters. Both theatres were its rectangular atrium. Basalt and limestone built in the second century AD for various Corinthian capitals and columns were purposes such as tragic and comic plays, transported during the Byzantine period religious processions, and poetry in honor from a Roman building, and re-used to of the city's gods (Weber, 1989). erect the basilica Terrace (Kerner, 1989- Across from the theater is the main co- 1994). lonnaded street (Cardo) which was in all Cave of Issa (Jesus or Issos) is located likelihood the town’s commercial center. about four kilometers to the west of GA- Also, there are a terrace near the black ba- DARA. It is believed that Jesus Christ vi- salt theater, ruins of the Nymphaeum sited Gadara where he cured two mad men along the east-west colonnaded street (De- by transforming their evil souls into a herd cumanus), a bath complex, and a well- of pigs which were frightened and sank preserved roman mausoleum can be seen into the Sea of Galilee (Mathew 8:28; Holy (Segal, 1988). The word Nymphaeum is Bible, 2011). derived from the sacred water pools dedi- cated to the nymphs (water goddess) who lived near water sources. Baths of Her- EXPERIMENTAL METHODS kleides Thermae (public baths) were A mobile monitoring station was placed named after a Gadarene nobleman whose at the southern curb of the road that passes name appeared into a Greek inscription by the historical town which connects within a wreath on a mosaic floor. Romans Umm Qais with its western orchards. The tapped water to Gadara from Ain Trab road is about eight meters wide and expe- (aqueduct) which was 13 kilometers east of riences low traffic flux as it is mainly used Gadara. Two tunnels with a depth of 15 by local residents in order to reach their meters run under the Acropolis were part olive groves. The station is equipped with of the aqueduct (Frevel, 2005). analyzers (Thermo Environmental Instru- The Decumanus Maximus is the paved ments Inc.) which is capable of measuring and colonnaded long street in ancient Ga- sulfur dioxide (pulsed fluorescence me- dara. It is regarded as the main thorough- thod, model TEII 43C), nitrogen oxides fare which divided Gadara into two areas, (chemiluminescence, model TEII 42i), a small northern part, and a big southern ozone (UV optical absorbance, model 49), one. The Decumanus Maximus is oriented and carbon monoxide (gas filter I.R. ab- into east- west direction with 1,7 km, and is sorption, model 48i), air temperature, wind colonnaded on both sides by limestone speed, wind direction and relative humidi- columns, and paved with basalt slabs (Fre- ty (Table 1). vel, 2005). Analyzers were set to record readings The Roman Zeus temple is located to the every five minutes for one week- July 3 northwest of the north theatre. It had been through July 10, 2012. Collected data were built in the second century BC during the automatically and continuously down- reign of the Seleucid king Antiochos the loaded into a companion PC. Analyzers fourth who founded sanctuaries in differ- were calibrated at the sampling site prior to ent towns for his favorite god, Zeus Olym- starting the experiment in order to ensure pios. The Propylaeum of the Roman temple proper functioning.
ANTIQUITY IMPACT OF AIR POLLUTION AT GADARA, JORDAN 195 Table 1. Continuous monitoring analyzers, their accuracy, and lower detection limit. Instrument Type Measured Parameters Accuracy Lower Detectable Limit Chemiluminnescence NO-NO2-NOx Nitrogen Oxides (NOx ppb) ±0.04 ppb 0.4 ppb Analyzer UV Photometric O3 Analyzer Ground Level Ozone (O3 ppb) ±1 ppb 1 ppb Gas Filter I.R. Absorption Analyzer Carbon monoxide (ppb) ±1 ppb 1 ppb Pulsed Fluorescence SO2 Analyzer Sulfur Dioxide (SO2 ppb) ±1 ppb 1 ppb Temperature Sensor Temperature (oC) ±0.3 oC 0.3 oC Humidity Sensor Relative Humidity (%) ± 3% 3% Wind Speed Sensor Wind Speed (m/s) ±0.3 m/s 0.3 m/s RESULTS AND DISCUSSION and moderate annual precipitation at the project site multiply the wet-deposition of Climatology atmospheric pollutants which lower their The climate in Gadara is semi-arid, and concentrations in ambient air, but would is characterized by hot-dry summer and likely increase the acidity of rain droplets. mild with irregular rainfall winter. Weath- er patterns in the region are strongly influ- Table 2. Summary of wind speed (WS) and tempera- enced by phenomena originating in central ture (T) observations Asia during winter and in India and Iran Parameter Value during summer. During winter, large scale meteorological features, which influence Min WS (m/s) 0 southern Levant, are southward extending Max WS (m/s) 9.1 ridges of high pressure from Siberia inter- Avg WS (m/s) 3.3 rupted by depressions moving eastward Min RH (%) 44.7 from the Mediterranean Sea. Associated Max RH (%) 87.5 cold fronts can cause squalls, rain and thunderstorms. The depressions are usual- AvgRh(%) 66.1 ly preceded by southwest winds and fol- Min T (°C) 16.5 lowed by northwest winds that have the Max T (°C) 36.2 potential to produce rain during winter Avg T (°C) 26.4 months. In summer, a large thermal low is formed over northwestern India and Iran. Arabia and southern Levant are on the West and northwesterly wind dominates western part of this semi-permanent low, wind direction at the study area (Figure 4) resulting in prevailing northwest and nor- indicating that the monitoring site is poten- therly winds throughout the summer. tially impacted by regional transported pol- Meteorological data of the study area lutants originating to the west or northwest during this measurement campaign are il- of the monitoring station. During midnight lustrated in Table 2. The average air tem- and early morning period, wind tends to perature is 26.4 °C, with minimum temper- fluctuate between southeast-south-west and ature of 16.5 °C recorded during night time northwest directions; but west-northwest and maximum temperature of 36.2 °C. The wind prevails when starting around 9:30. average relative humidity varies between The maximum wind speed at Gadara 44.7% and 87.5%. Higher relative humidity was9.1 m/s occurring at 4:50 pm.
196 M. ABU-ALLABAN & M.M.M. EL-KHALILI to be well below Jordanian standards of ambient air quality (JSAAQ), which are summarized in Table 3. Mean daily concen- trations of sulfur dioxide (SO2) were 5.0 ppb (Fig. 5). Mean daily concentrations of carbon monoxide (CO) were 500 ppb (Fig. 6). Figure 4. Wind direction and speed distribution for the study area during the period 3/7/2012 through 10/7/2012. AMBIENT AIR QUALITY With the exceptions of ozone, monitored Figure 5: Average Hourly SO2 Concentrations at Ga- concentrations of air pollutants are found dara. Table 3.Jordanian Ambient Air Quality Standards (JS-1140/2006). Duration Pollutant Maximum Allowable Number of Allowable Exceedances Concentration 1-hour SO2 0.300 ppm 3 times/ any consecutive 12 months 24-hours SO2 0.140 ppm 1 time/year Annual SO2 0.040 ppm ------- 24-hours TSP 260 µg/m3 3 times/ any consecutive 12 months Annual TSP 75 µg/m3 ------- 24-hours PM10 120 µg/m3 3 times/ any consecutive 12 months Annual PM10 70 µg/m3 ------ 24-hours PM2.5 65 µg/m3 3 times/ any consecutive 12 months Annual PM2.5 15 µg/m3 ------ 1-hour NO2 0.210 ppm 3 times/ any consecutive 12 months 24-hours NO2 0.080 ppm 3 times/ any consecutive 12 months Annual NO2 0.050 ppm ------ 1-hour CO 26 ppm 3 times/ any consecutive 12 months 8-hours CO 9 ppm 3 times/ any consecutive 12 months 1-hour H2 S 0.030 ppm 3 times/ any consecutive 12 months 24-hours H2 S 0.010 ppm 3 times/ any consecutive 12 months
ANTIQUITY IMPACT OF AIR POLLUTION AT GADARA, JORDAN 197 which reported high ozone values at north Jordan (Weinroth et al., 2008). Ozone is cat- alytic agent that expedites chemical reac- tion between atmospheric acids and rocks’ minerals. Therefore high concentration of ground ozone at Gadara has the potential to facilitate the erosion and deterioration of ancient buildings, statues, and monuments therein. Figure 6: Average Hourly CO Concentrations at Ga- Reaction of rocks with atmospheric acids dara are below the Jordanian Standard which is illu- occurs during the process of absorption strated by the red line at the top of the chart. onto the surface. This produces sulfite Concentrations of nitrogen dioxide which is subsequently oxidized to sulfate (NO2) during the monitoring period are in a process termed sulfation, which is ac- illustrated in Fig. 7. Mean hourly concen- celerated by the presence of ozone (Martin trations of nitrogen dioxide (NO2) were 1984; Adema and Heeres,1995; Elfving et 12.8 ppb. al., 1994a,b,c; Johnson et al.,1996; Massey, 1999;). The surface sulfate (gypsum for ex- ample) gradually deteriorates under humid conditions. MITIGATION PLAN AND SUS- TAINABLE PROTECTION OF THE CULTURAL HERITAGE AGAINST DETERIORATION The preservation of the cultural heritage against serious threats, including air pollu- Figure 7: Hourly NO2 Concentrations at Gadara. tion, is the responsibility of the entire hu- manity. Therefore, in order to reduce the threat faced by the cultural heritage and antiquity at Gadara, collaborative efforts at the national and international levels have to be deployed. Adopted actions must en- sure effective multilateral dissemination of information by developing and concentrat- ing the scientific and technical data availa- ble in collaborative countries through exist- ing professional international bodies, and developing practical long-term cooperation across borders or between regions. Figure 8: Hourly O3 Concentrations at Gadara. The conservation and protection actions There are no JSAAQ for ground ozone, of the antiquity should focus on eliminat- therefore its measured concentrations are ing or mitigating the causes of deteriora- assessed against standards recommended tion such as negative climatic effects, pollu- by world health organization of 50 ppb tion, and biological growth. Protective ac- (WHO, 2000). It is evident that there are tions should also make available antiquities several incidences where ground ozone less vulnerable to weathering agents exceeded above mentioned standards (Fig. through identifying, eliminating, and/or 8), which agrees with previous studies
198 M. ABU-ALLABAN & M.M.M. EL-KHALILI mitigating intrinsic factors that accelerate detected air pollutants were below their deterioration. maximum corresponding national limits Public awareness about the nature of de- that are set by Jordanian ministry of envi- terioration and conservation concepts ronment. However, ground ozone exhi- should be promoted at local, national, and bited several incidences where it has ex- regional levels. Awareness should also be ceeded maximum limits set by WHO. High fostered on the nature of the risk that the ozone values go in line with previously public themselves may impose when visit- published modeling results which predict ing the cultural site. high values of ground ozone in north Jor- dan. There is a great concern that ozone may expedite erosion and deterioration CONCLUSION rates of rocks at Gadara, therefore, a miti- This study was undertaken in order to gation plan has to be strictly adopted in assess air quality in northern Jordan in- order to protect the treasures of Gadara as cluding seven ancient cities which formed well as other historic sites in north Jordan. the historic Decapolis trade center. Mea- Findings also indicate that westerly and surements were taken at Gadara, the capi- northwesterly wind was predominant dur- tal of the Decapolis. Air pollutants; that ing this measurement expedition which were measured; include carbon monoxide, implies that the monitoring site and the sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, and city of ancient Gadara are influenced by air ground ozone. pollutants that originated somewhere to the west or northwest of Gadara. Basic meteorological parameters were al- so measured. Findings indicate that most REFERENCES Adema E, Heeres P. (1995) Dry deposition of sulphur dioxide and ammonia on wet sur- faces and the surface oxidation kinetics of bisulphate. Atmospheric Environ- ment, 29(10), 1091–1103. Asaf D, Pedersen D, Peleg M, Matveev V, Luria M. (2008) Evaluation of Background Le- vels of Air Pollutants Over Israel. Atmospheric Environment 42(36), 8453-8463. Boubel R W, Fox D L, Turner D B, and Stern, A C. (1994) Effects on Materials and Struc- tures. Fundamentals of Air Pollution, 3rd ed. Academic Press, New York. Brent MacDonald. The Decapolis city near Galilee. Retrieved on 24/6/2013. Dockery D W, Pope C A. (1994) Acute respiratory effects of particulate air pollution. An- nual Revision Public Health 15, 107–132. Frevel C. (2005) Medien im antiken Palästina. Pages 189-236. Mohr Siebeck. Tübingen, Germany. Elfving P. (1994a) Aspects on the air pollution induced deterioration of calcareous stone material. Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden. ISBN 9170329702, 9789170329708. Elfving P, Panas I, Lindqvist O. (1994b) Model study of the first steps in the deterioration of calcareous stone I. Initial surface sulphite formation on calcite. Applied Sur- face Science 74(1), 91-98. Elfving P, Panas I, Lindqvist O. (1994c) Model study of the first steps in the deterioration of calcareous stone II. Sulphate formation on calcite. Applied Surface Science 78(1), 83-92. Holy Bible (2011): Mthew 8:28. New International Version. Biblica, Colorado Springs, USA.
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