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ANTIQUE PLUMBING & LEADERSHIP POSTPONED HOW THE GLEN CANYON DAM’S ARCHAIC DESIGN THREATENS THE COLORADO RIVER WATER SUPPLY A recommendation for immediate action from the Utah Rivers Council, Glen Canyon Institute and the Great Basin Water Network
CONTENTS ANTIQUE PLUMBING & LEADERSHIP POSTPONED Photo by Dawn Kish 4 6 8 WATER SUPPLY NO PLAN, NO ENGINEERING CRISIS PUBLIC DIALOGUE THREATENS WATER The nation’s two largest Over the last two decades, SUPPLY reservoirs have dropped water managers have The River Outlet Works to their lowest levels worked in a slapdash were not designed to in over 60 years. manner. routinely deliver water REPORT PRODUCED BY: CONNECT: GLENCANYON.ORG 14 16 20 GREATBASINWATER.ORG ROSY FURTHER MODERNIZE GLEN UTAHRIVERS.ORG FORECASTING DECLINE CANYON DAM The Bureau has consis- Scientific literature While these problems tently overestimated the indicate that the may appear years away, PUBLISHED: amount of water project- Colorado River System any solution would likely AUGUST 2022 ed to flow in the river. will continue to decline. take years to implement. 2 3
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ANTIQUE PLUMBING & LEADERSHIP POSTPONED Photo by Eric Balken The hydropower penstocks are the primary means of complying with water delivery obligations of the Colorado River Compact, yet they will be unusable at just 45 feet below current water levels.4 most serious problems are not about The climate impacts on the Colorado hydropower. River hydrology have exposed a major Executive Summary If and when the water levels behind Glen Canyon Dam drop below 3,490 engineering flaw at Glen Canyon Dam, which raises the specter of a serious problem for the desert southwest: fasl, the facility begins the countdown How will the Lower Basin deal with to the point where it will not be capable dramatically reduced water deliveries The Colorado River Basin is facing a Colorado River water in the system to of releasing enough water to meet the from the antique plumbing inside the water supply crisis of historic magnitude, avoid a serious crisis.3 Upper Colorado River Basin’s standard dam, and will there be consequences to a result of water demand far outstripping delivery of 7.5 million acre-feet of water the Upper Basin for delivering reduced the climate-change-stricken river’s low The challenge is that the system will to the Lower Basin. This is because the quantities of water to the Lower Basin? water flows.1 This has caused America’s likely crash well before 2026, and it’s hydropower penstocks are the primary two largest reservoirs, Lake Mead and not about electricity or hydropower means of complying with the water This report urges immediate action from Lake Powell, to drop to their lowest levels generation. delivery obligations of the 100-year- Congress to authorize and fund the since they were both constructed.2 old Colorado River Compact, yet they Bureau of Reclamation to initiate the Lots of attention has been given to the will be unusable at just 45 feet below engineering design studies, permitting The Bureau of Reclamation, the seven loss of hydropower generation when current water levels.6 Under current actions and construction necessary to Colorado River states, and Mexico have Lake Powell levels drop below minimum interpretations of the Law of the River, retrofit Glen Canyon Dam to allow implemented Drought Contingency power pool, the reservoir elevation at delivering less than this amount of water water delivery obligations to be met on Plans to address the declining river which Glen Canyon Dam can no longer is a violation of cornerstone agreements, a long-term basis when Lake Powell system, and the Interim Shortage generate electricity through its power which may bring heavy penalties for the is below 3,490 fasl. This work must Guidelines will address at least some of turbines. The loss of power generation at Upper Basin.7 begin immediately to avoid a water how water cuts will be taken in coming Glen Canyon Dam will certainly create delivery crisis since Glen Canyon Dam years. In June 2022, the Bureau of challenges for customers who receive its Alarmingly, there has been relatively little is effectively becoming an obstacle to Reclamation announced the need to cut electricity and for the federal programs public dialogue about this problem and delivering water to downstream water an additional 2 – 4 million acre-feet of funded by this revenue stream. But the its solution. users. 4 5
NO PLAN NO PUBLIC DIALOGUE No Plan, No Public Dialogue Public officials remain tightlipped change in the Colorado River Basin, about the engineering and operational and one need to look no further than the conundrum at Glen Canyon Dam many proposed or newly-constructed stemming from its antique plumbing water diversions which have advanced system. If future conditions on the amidst a declining 21st century Colorado Colorado River System mimic the dry River water supply. The Bureau period we have experienced in the 21st itself is contributing to this problem Century to date, a significant part of the by advancing the permitting for the 40 million people who depend on the largest new water diversion proposed water in the river and its tributaries could in the Basin in 2020 – the Lake Powell be in jeopardy. Glen Canyon Dam’s Pipeline.8 inability to deliver minimum Compact water delivery requirements below 3,440 In June 2022, the Bureau announced fasl at Lake Powell imposes a threat of that the seven Colorado River Basin violating the Colorado River Compact. states had just 60 days to devise a plan to cut 2-4 million additional acre-feet This shocking observation leads of water use from the system.9 Bureau observers to rightly ask how we could officials noted that if the states do not have found ourselves so unprepared for identify where these water cuts will be the future. made, the federal government will make its own decision and impose these water Water managers on the Colorado River cuts on the states.10 This unprecedented have not prepared for this predictable news barely caught the attention of the problem, in spite of decades of peer- public, but it is a seismic pronouncement reviewed published scientific warnings of how unprepared the water users of from credible climate scientists. Instead, the Colorado River System truly are, in the Bureau and water managers have spite of the long-standing and widely- been sluggish in responding to the predicted nature of this problem. science and failed to understand and address the scope of climate change Colorado River water managers are now impacts befalling the water supply in scrambling to address the compounding the snowy headwaters of the Colorado results of aridification, overuse and River, where most reservoir water population growth after years of originates. cognitive dissonance regarding climate change. As water managers propose Some water managers and politicians water cuts for farms and cities, there is appear to have been crossing their little public debate about the efficacy of fingers, waiting in vain, or praying for our water delivery infrastructure inside wet winters that didn’t arrive. It is also Glen Canyon Dam. hard to miss the contrast of greater levels of water conservation in the Lower One thing is clear – the Bureau and Basin against a lagging conservation state officials have failed to properly ethos in parts of the Upper Basin. inform the public about the oncoming There has been a lot of procrastination infrastructure limitations at Glen Canyon in recognizing the vagaries of climate Dam and why it matters. A research scientist looks for vegetation in the side canyons of the reservoir. 6 Photo by Dawn Kish 7
ENGINEERING THREATENS OUR WATER SUPPLY The Engineering of Glen Canyon Dam Threatens Our Water Supply When the Bureau of Reclamation The second set of pipes are the eight engineered Glen Canyon Dam in hydropower penstocks at an elevation of the 1950s, it prioritized two things: 3,470 fasl, which is how water is routinely water storage to help the Upper Basin delivered to the Lower Basin.14 The eight meet its delivery requirements; and turbines cannot generate hydropower hydropower generation.11 The notion that when the reservoir drops below 3,490 anthropogenic carbon emissions would fasl, due to a lack of water pressure and significantly shrink the snowpacks in the potential structural damage, such as headwaters and thereby deplete the flows cavitation from air entrainment.15 The of the Colorado River (and subsequently elevation difference between the top of the amount of water in Lake Powell) the reservoir when Lake Powell is full would have sounded like science fiction to (3,700 fasl) and the penstocks is about 200 most Americans at the time and heresy to vertical feet, enough room to hold some western agriculturalists and city planners. 19 million acre-feet of water.16 Engineers designed Glen Canyon Dam The third set of pipes are four smaller with three sets of water pipes to move tubes known as the River Outlet Works. water from Lake Powell into the Colorado The intakes for these pipes are located at River and the Grand Canyon. The first an elevation of 3,370 feet in elevation, set of water conveyance are two spillways making them the lowest water delivery set on both sides of the dam near its crest, method in the dam.17 If water levels drop at an elevation of 3,648 fasl.12 These to 3,370 feet, the outflows from the dam spillways are set just below the dam’s full will roughly be the same as water flowing pool elevation of 3,700 fasl,13 to protect into Lake Powell up to a point. (Once the dam from large floods that might spill flows exceed 15,000 cfs, the River Outlet over the top of the dam and damage or Works reach delivery capacity and cannot destroy it. convey water through the dam at a faster rate.18) Glen Canyon Dam during construction. Note Colorado River water flowing around 8 the dam at riverbed level through bypass tubes. Photograph from Bureau of Reclamation. 9
ENGINEERING THREATENS OUR WATER SUPPLY The River Outlet Works were not the eastern end of the Grand Canyon designed to permanently deliver large National Park. Maximum rate of discharge quantities of water,19 as their main role through the river outlets as a is to supplement water releases from the reservoir when the hydropower releases As the water level of Lake Powell declines, so too does the water pressure function of Lake Powell elevation20 are not adequate. In the dam’s lifetime, at the intakes of the River Outlet Works the River Outlet Works have only been at 3,370 fasl. The less water there is Maximum Maximum used when the dam first filled, during the above this 3,370-foot elevation, the less Reservoir elevation, discharge through discharge rates short-term high pressure there in feet above sea river outlets, in through bypass flow experiments, is to push water level cubic feet per tubes, in acre and for emergency At a certain elevation, out of the River second feet per year releases during the the River Outlet Works Outlet Works. In 1983-1986 flood other words, as the 3,500 15,000 10,900,000 are not physically capable years.20 Since the water level of Lake of releasing all the water 3,490 14,650 10,600,000 River Outlet Works Powell declines, were designed required to meet the Upper so too does the 3,450 12,600 9,090,000 for emergency Basin’s delivery obligation amount of pressure purposes and were to push water 3,440 11,400 8,280,000 not designed to to the Lower Basin and through the River routinely deliver Mexico, under current Outlet Works. At a 3,430 10,200 7,410,000 water, serious interpretations of the certain point, the 3,420 8,800 6,370,000 questions exist pressure pushing Law of the River. 23 regarding whether the water out of 3,400 4,800 3,470,000 these outlets are the River Outlet capable of functioning long-term, as Works gets so weak that the facility can will be required when Lake Powell drops no longer release 7.5 or 8.3 million acre- below the penstock intake level of 3,490 feet of water to the Lower Basin. Table 1: Table from White Paper #1 demonstrating limited release feet.21 capacity of river outlet works This phenomenon is well documented Additionally, the River Outlet Works in scientific literature. The Bureau of are limited in the amount of water they Reclamation’s Technical Record of Design are able to convey through the dam. and Construction for the Glen Canyon Historic photo from the Bureau of Reclamation There are fewer outlets than there are Dam shows the discharge capacity curve of Glen Canyon Dam and its associated sets of pipes penstocks, and the outlets are smaller in of the River Outlet Works – or the diameter.22 This means that as reservoir amount of water that the River Outlet 2 River Outlets 8 Penstocks levels drop, the amount of water flowing Works are able to convey through the leading to 4 "jet tubes" leading to turbines out of Glen Canyon Dam is reduced. dam at varying Lake Powell elevation A simple thought experiment makes this levels.24 It makes clear that below 3,440 clear. Imagine swimming to the bottom the maximum discharge is less than 8.3 of a deep pool. The deeper you go, the million acre-feet and below 3,430 it is less more pressure you feel build on your than 7.5 million acre-feet. body. As you swim lower into the water column the more water there is above This data is conveniently summarized you. The more water there is above you in White Paper #1 by John C. Schmidt the heavier it feels, meaning the pressure of Utah State University’s Center is higher the lower you go into the water for Colorado River Studies. Table column. This concept is known as head 1, taken from White Paper #1, shows pressure or hydraulic head and it is the the maximum release capacity of the same force that pushes water through River Outlet Works for key Lake Powell Glen Canyon Dam into the river at elevations.25 12 13
ROSY FORECASTING BY THE BUREAU How Did BOR 24 Month Projections of Lake Powell Elevation vs. Observed Levels We Get Here? 3,690 3,670 Rosy Forecasting 3,650 3,630 by the Bureau 3,610 3,590 3,570 Observed Level Climate change is an immensely climate change, realistic predictive 3,550 24 Month Projections challenging problem for water managers modeling is vital for all who depend on 3,530 and the Bureau has been subject to the the Basin’s water, and peer-reviewed varying climate change priorities from published science must be integrated into 3,510 very different presidential administrations planning forecasts. Dec. 09 June 10 Dec. 10 June 11 Dec. 11 June 12 Dec. 12 June 13 Dec. 13 June 14 Dec. 14 June 15 Dec. 15 June 16 Dec. 16 June 17 Dec. 17 June 18 Dec. 18 June 19 Dec. 19 June 20 Dec. 20 June 21 Dec. 21 June 22 and congressional leaders. Perhaps this is why the Bureau has missed the chance One of many such critical published to lead the American West on climate findings comes from Utah State change and has greatly underestimated University’s John C. Schmidt et al. the scope of climate change impacts This study evaluated Colorado River befalling the system in the face of peer- projections by the Bureau and found Figure 2. Bureau water level predictions versus reality. The declining reviewed published science warning that the agency has consistently levels of Lake Powell between December 2009 and June 2022 everyone about the coming crisis. underestimated the impacts of climate demonstrates how far Lake Powell water levels have declined over change and overestimated the amount of time, as shown in black. The red lines are Bureau of Reclamation The water forecasts used by the Bureau water projected to flow in the Colorado 24 month “most probable” forecasts which demonstrate a bias to for the Colorado River often present a River, specifically into Lake Powell. much rosier picture than what has been overestimating the amount of water that will be in Lake Powell. observed.26 Forecasting the long-term As described in the Futures of the Reproduced from White Paper #7, Figure 7. future at Lake Powell is very difficult to do Colorado River Project’s White Paper with certainty because climate change is #7, the Bureau’s 24-month studies have upending many previously tried and true consistently overestimated runoff of the modeling practices, studies’ 2nd year “most a problem the entire As we grapple with probable” projection.27 probable projected inflows were higher change will worsen in coming years, it world is facing. But The study found that than what actually occurred by as much is very plausible that Lake Powell water as we grapple with climate change, the Bureau’s “most as ~7 million acre feet (maf) in some levels may drop much lower than the realistic predictive years, and predicted reservoir elevations Bureau is currently projecting. It is clear modeling is vital for were also higher than what occurred that many water managers, including all who depend on the in some years.” This is most aptly the Bureau itself, have chronically demonstrated by White Paper #7’s underestimated the scope of climate Basin’s water, and Figure 7, which has been reproduced in change impacts to the Colorado River peer-reviewed Figure 2 as a single graph. water supply. Given the risks associated published science with Lake Powell declining to compact- Given current trends in the Basin and violating levels, it is wise to prepare must be integrated into the work of numerous climate scientists for a much drier future as quickly as planning forecasts. projecting that the impacts of climate possible. 14 15
FURTHER DECLINE LAKE POWELL Water Flow Scenario Flow reduction of the Naturalized flow Colorado River at Lee Ferry at Lee Ferry 20th Century Average 15.2 (1906-1999) 5% Decrease 14.4 21st Century Average 12.4 19% Decrease How Likely is it that 20% Decrease 12.2 Lake Powell Will 40% Decrease 9.1 Decline Further in Table 3. From 2000 to 2018, the Colorado River flowed at an average 12.4 million acre-feet per year, a roughly 20% drop in flows from the the Future? 15.2 million acre-feet experienced for most of the 20th century. While it is difficult to project our future shortening the length of winters,33 As water flows in the Colorado River than the reservoir’s 2022 low point.41 with a high degree of confidence, shifting precipitation patterns from snow System decline, so will reservoir levels. Under minimum probable inflow historical trends and the current scientific to rain,34 producing more dust on snow The reservoirs function like a savings projections, the Bureau estimates that literature indicate that the Colorado events,35 and increasing the likelihood account where the rivers are the income Lake Powell could fall as low as 3,491 by River System and its reservoirs will and severity of megadroughts.36 Given stream. When the income stream September 2023.42 continue to decline. Climate change has the range of impacts, prominent climate declines, expenditures must decline as reduced the Colorado River’s average scientists have forecast that we are likely well or else savings will be depleted. To examine what the reservoir’s future annual flow roughly 20% over the past not yet at the bottom of Colorado River This is exactly what has happened to the could look like and provide another two decades, compared to the 20th flow declines and suggest we could see savings accounts at both Lakes Powell possible prediction of what could happen Century average, thereby resulting in declines up to 40% in water flows by the and Mead, and future water flow declines in the years ahead, we conducted a dramatic water level declines at Lake mid-century.37 will only exacerbate the issue. simple analysis where we projected Powell.29 Numerous scientific papers potential future Lake Powell water levels have elucidated the causes of these flow Table 3 summarizes the range of The Bureau recently took steps to prop by simply using observed historical declines, and have modeled what future Colorado River flow declines projected up Lake Powell, releasing an additional data. We chose two historical five-year conditions in the Basin could look like if by peer-reviewed scientific papers. This 500,000 acre feet of water from Flaming periods and examined what Lake Powell’s climate change proceeds unmitigated.30 material is reproduced from A Future Gorge and holding back 480,000 acre water level would be if future conditions on Borrowed Time, an analysis of Upper feet of water from being released to Lake resembled those observed in either of For example, scientists have tracked just Colorado River Basin water budgets. Mead downstream.40 Even with these these periods.43 Figure 4 shows the entire how much air temperatures have risen Flow declines are shown as a percent efforts, the Bureau projects that, under history of Lake Powell’s water levels and in the American Southwest as a result decrease from the 20th Century Average the most probable scenario, Lake Powell’s illustrates the two color-coded periods we of anthropogenic carbon emissions,31 of 15.2 million acre-feet, and both the elevation will drop to approximately used to project future Lake Powell levels, and modelled how these increased air 20th and 21st Century Averages are 3,505 fasl by April 2023, 17 feet lower from 2000-2004 and from 2017-2021. temperatures are reducing snowpacks,32 included for reference. 16 17
FURTHER DECLINE LAKE POWELL These two periods were chosen When forecasted into the future using Historic Elevation Levels of Lake Powell because they represent good ‘new these two historic periods, Lake Powell normal’ and ‘low end’ projections quickly drops to levels well below the 3,710 for the Colorado River System. critical elevation thresholds of 3,440 3,670 The 2000-04 period roughly lines and 3,430 fasl, thereby causing the 3,630 up with the low end projection of a aforementioned Compact and water 40% decline in Colorado River flows supply problems. Our exercise is not 3,590 predicted by the current scientific meant to be a prediction that Lake 3,550 literature.44 The 2017-21 is similar to Powell will follow either of these paths 3,510 the 21st century average Colorado over this time frame. Projecting Lake 2000- 2017- River flow of 12.3 million acre-feet Powell’s actual water levels over the 3,470 2004 2021 3,430 and could be thought of the recent next five years with a high degree of new normal. Figure 6 shows Lake certainty is very difficult. This exercise 3,390 Normal Lake Powell 21st Century Millennium Powell’s projected elevation level using merely demonstratesit is plausible that Lake Powell Filling Operations Drought these two historical periods. Powell could drop to these critical elevation thresholds in the near future. Dec. 63 Dec. 68 Dec. 73 Dec. 78 Dec. 83 Dec. 88 Dec. 93 Dec. 98 Dec. 03 Dec. 08 Dec. 13 Dec. 18 Potential Future Elevation of Lake Powell if Historic Conditions Repeat Figure 4. Historic elevations of Lake Powell and highlights for the 3,660 two historic periods used to forecast possible future declines in Lake Powell for policy consideration of Glen Canyon Dam engineering. Bureau 2017 - 2021 3,610 Projection Projection - 20% Decline Active Level Table 5 provides summary data for the two periods. 3,560 3,510 Decline in 3,490 - Hydropower Penstocks Turned Off Average River Outlet Works Becomes Change in Change in Average Natural unregulat- Primary Water Conveyance Lake Lake Natural flow from 3,460 ed inflow 3,440 - Unable to meet delivery obligation to Lower Basin and Mexico Powell Powell Flow at 20th to Lake 3,430 - Unable to meet delivery obligation to Lower Basin Storage Storage Lees Ferry Century 2000 - 2004 Powell Average 3,410 Projection 5.8 -13.8 9.4 - 40% Decline 2000- 3,370 - Deadpool million -120 feet million million 38% 2004 3,360 ac-ft ac-ft ac-ft June 19 Dec. 19 June 20 Dec. 20 June 21 Dec. 21 June 22 Dec. 22 June 23 Dec. 23 June 24 Dec. 24 June 25 Dec. 25 June 26 Dec. 26 June 27 7.8 -5.5 mil- 12.2 2017- million -65 feet lion million 20% 2021 ac-ft ac-ft ac-ft Figure 6. Projected elevation of Lake Powell reservoir levels into the Table 5. Summary statistics for two historical time periods used in future from March 2023 forward, given observed historical hydrologic analysis. periods of both 2000 – 2004 and 2017 – 2021. 18 19
SOLUTION MODERNIZE GLEN CANYON DAM SOLUTION perhaps several more years for design and That’s why a more expansive study construction, making immediate action is needed, which includes fixing the essential. archaic engineering of Glen Canyon Modernize Glen The Bureau recently initiated a preliminary study to examine options for Dam by considering operating the reservoir at water levels near or below the River Outlet Works while expanding Canyon Dam for generating hydropower at lower water the flexibility to move water through levels by installing turbines in the River or around the dam. Two possible Outlet Works.45 While this study is a good alternatives to this problem are outlined the 21st Century first step, its scope of research is narrow below along with a cursory discussion of and it should have been initiated years each solution’s benefits and drawbacks. ago. Installing turbines lower in the dam Congress should immediately fund the will not solve the issue of reduced water Department of Interior to commission Given the likelihood of Lake Powell dropping to very low water levels in the future deliveries from Glen Canyon Dam and a full-scale analysis of these alternative and given the severity of the water delivery problems that will occur, there is an urgent could potentially make the problem worse engineering solutions at Glen Canyon need to implement a permanent solution to address this archaic design. While these by further restricting the release capacity Dam. problems could be years away, any solution could take several years for approval and of the River Outlet Works.46 20 21
SOLUTION MODERNIZE GLEN CANYON DAM ALTERNATIVE 1 Retrofitting the River Outlet Works to Release More Water One potential solution to Glen Canyon Dam’s engineering problems is modifying the River Outlet Works to release more THE PROBLEMS water at low elevation levels, between WITH DEADPOOL 3,490 and 3,370 fasl. This could happen AT LAKE POWELL by either expanding the diameter of the existing River Outlet Works or by Glen Canyon Dam is only constructing additional outlets to increase capable of releasing water down the overall release capacity. While the to 3,370 fasl, the intake point feasibility of this option would need to be for the River Outlet Works.53 studied, preliminary discussions from the These water intakes sit nearly 240 above the bottom of the Glen Canyon Dam during construction. Note Colorado River water flowing around Glen Canyon Dam Technical Working the dam at riverbed level through bypass tubes. Photograph from Bureau of Reclamation. dam, meaning that a large pool Group suggest that it could be possible of approximately 1.7 million to create additional intakes for the River acre-feet of water is effectively Outlet Works. This seems to indicate that ‘stranded’ behind the dam.54 This structural changes to the face of the dam large pool of water, commonly functionality and flexibility at the River touted by the superintendent of Glen are possible,47 and peer-reviewed studies referred to as deadpool, could Outlet Works, the Bureau has the option Canyon National Recreation Area.52 have indicated that the creation of new become a common occurrence of operating Lake Powell at a lower penstock tubes through existing dams is in the near future at Lake Powell elevation level if they chose to do so. While initial discussions by the Glen technically feasible in some circumstances.48 without significant changes at Canyon Dam Technical Working Group Glen Canyon Dam. In addition This could produce ancillary benefits suggest modifications to the face of the Such a modification would solve the to the inability to access to like daylighting many of Glen Canyon’s dam may be feasible – and while new immediate water delivery issues described 1.7 million acre-feet of water, previously-inundated rivers – thereby penstocks have been retrofitted into in this report as the maximum amount of operating near deadpool at Lake creating new aquatic and wildlife habitat existing dams before – it is unclear if the Powell would create a number and recreational opportunities. Prior specific design of Glen Canyon Dam water that could be released through the of problems for the reservoir’s River Outlet Works would be increased to to its inundation, Glen Canyon was would allow for such modifications. managers, Colorado River allow the Upper Basin to meet their water considered by many, including western Thorough study is needed to determine Basin water users, and a range delivery obligations down to elevation level of other constituencies. Not writers like Wallace Stegner, to be a the technical feasibility of this solution. 3,370 fasl (the intake point for the River the least would be a stagnant National Park-caliber landscape. Since Outlet Works). These modifications could body of water sitting in a desert the decline of the reservoir, many of the More troubling is that this solution would also be paired with the Bureau’s ongoing environment that would be canyon’s tributary rivers and side canyons only work so long as Lake Powell remains effort to install low-head hydropower conducive to harmful algal have experienced ecological rebound50 above 3,370 fasl. If drying conditions turbines in the River Outlet Works,49 blooms and other water quality and new recreational opportunities continue to worsen in the Colorado River thereby preserving some hydropower problems. associated with free-flowing tributary headwaters as they have for the past 22 generation. rivers.51 We recognize that other kinds years, Lake Powell could quickly fall to At deadpool, the reservoir is of reservoir recreation would be water levels near the River Outlet Works, There are many considerations that come subject to rapid changes in impacted from lower water levels and rendering the newly-installed turbines elevation, due to the martini from the reduction of Lake Powell water this will impact nearby communities and obsolete. Fixing the archaic engineering glass-like shape of Lake Powell’s levels, and this report was not written to businesses engaged in these economic flaws at Glen Canyon Dam should be vertical cross section. Nearly half analyze the benefits or costs associated with of the reservoir’s capacity resides activities, although newly revealed implemented in a manner to ensure different water storage proposals at the features and the prospect of a river that future generations have as much reservoir. By having sufficient water delivery recreation economy have recently been operational flexibility as possible. continued on page 24 22 23
SOLUTION MODERNIZE GLEN CANYON DAM above 3,600 fasl,55 meaning that when will more quickly diminish the water levels drop to deadpool elevation ranges, even moderate inflows can reservoir’s smaller storage volume as sediment moves closer to the dam. ALTERNATIVE 2 cause water levels to rise over 100 According to the findings of Schmidt Installing New Bypass feet in one season.56 This could create et al. (2016), if the reservoir were to numerous problems for both reservoir remain at levels between power pool visitors and the National Park Service and deadpool, sedimentation will – the federal agency tasked with managing the recreational facilities at eventually affect flow into the River Outlet Works.60 Tubes at the Base of Glen Canyon Dam Lake Powell. Sediment has been accumulating in These rapid elevation changes would the upper reaches of the reservoir for force the Park Service to move marinas nearly 60 years, totaling a loss of 6.8% and extend boat ramps, which can be reservoir storage capacity since 1963.60 A more long-term and operationally Constructing bypasses at the base of extremely costly. Already, the majority As the reservoir and its volume of flexible solution to Glen Canyon Dam’s the dam would also allow Basin water of Park Service and Tribal supported stored water has declined, the rate of engineering problems in this era of users to access all of the water currently launch ramps are unusable. Current siltation has already increased relative aridification would be to install a new in Lake Powell, ensuring that stranded plans to adapt to declining reservoir to its overall size. set of bypass tubes at the base elevation deadpool water can flow downstream to levels include abandoning the current of the dam. These tubes could be help satisfy Lower Basin water-delivery Bullfrog Marina site and moving As Lake Powell water levels drop down constructed to have a large water flow obligations. This alternative would allow marina facilities into the main channel to deadpool, the maximum water flow at an estimated cost of $25 million release capacity out of Glen Canyon release capacity and would include slide for sediment to move through the dam dollars.57 With the significant cost of Dam drops from 15,000 cfs to below gates that the Bureau could open and and protect the Grand Canyon. It is extending boat ramps, walking ramps 5,000 cfs.61 The reduction in water close to control when and how much unclear just how expensive it would be to and marina utility infrastructure, release capacity has adverse effects on water is released. This solution would construct bypasses at the base of the dam, there will come a point of diminishing the Grand Canyon ecosystem, Below likely be technically feasible, as the bypass but determining this dollar value would returns on increasingly large and elevation 3,440 fasl, downstream tubes would be relatively similar to the be worthwhile. We should at least know frequent taxpayer investments. After releases would need to be maximized original bypass tubes the Bureau built how much it would cost to install new such investments are made to adapt to meet delivery obligations, meaning when it first constructed Glen Canyon bypass tubes at the base of the dam so as to deadpool elevations, a subsequent flows in the Grand Canyon would Dam.64 Feasibility studies for other dams to have a more informed policy discussion medium or large water runoff year be constant over long periods of in the United States have found that regarding solutions to the Colorado could lead to significant damage to time. These reduced flow capacities retrofitting dams with large bypass tubes is River’s water supply issues. this new infrastructure. This could would limit the ability to conduct technically feasible.65 create infrastructure challenges for High Flow Experiments downstream Management options available with the National Park Service, which is and aggravate restoration efforts to already suffering from a large backlog This solution would solve Glen Canyon bypass tubes could also address siltation improve sediment deficits in Grand of maintenance projects. Canyon Nation Park. Under these Dam’s water delivery problem, and in Lake Powell and Glen Canyon, and flow conditions, the fate of the Grand could also afford the Bureau maximum even allow for sediment distribution into In a scenario where the reservoir Canyon’s ecosystem is unknown. operational flexibility at Lake Powell. the Grand Canyon. Any management nears deadpool without subsequent Having a way to release water from the choices involving a low reservoir or a engineering modifications to Glen One of the most troubling threats to very bottom of the dam would allow completely phased out reservoir would Canyon Dam, its lifespan would the Grand Canyon ecosystem from the Bureau to pursue a wider range of have significant effects downstream in the dramatically decrease due to its low water levels is the introduction of reservoir management alternatives, from Grand Canyon, including the trout fishery storage volume being displaced with smallmouth bass from Lake Powell, operating just below 3,370 fasl down to at Lee’s Ferry, invasive fish populations, sediment. The Colorado River has the notorious predators of the Colorado operating Glen Canyon Dam as a “run of native fish populations, archeological second largest natural sediment load River’s native fish. Lake Powell’s low river” facility. This flexibility could prove and cultural resources, as well as river of any large river in North America, water levels are now allowing bass – vital in our climate change future of lower recreation. It should be noted that many moving an estimated 54-60 million which stay in the upper, warm layers of water flows, where Lake Powell may need of the effects on the Grand Canyon could metric tons of sediment per year into water in the reservoir – to pass through the dam’s penstocks into the Grand to be managed at much lower levels. be at least partially controlled by the Lake Powell.58 When the reservoir is full, this amount of sediment displaces a Canyon.62 If water levels continue to Bureau’s decisions on how and when to relatively small portion of the reservoir. decline, more bass will likely pass into release water. But when the reservoir is low, that the Grand Canyon and establish a proportion of sediment displacement permanent population there.63 24 25
CONCLUSION GLEN CANYON DAM CONCLUSION The aridity of the millennium drought nature of the stranded asset posed by the continues to grip the West with no end high elevation of Glen Canyon Dam’s in sight. A few big winters or monsoon hydropower penstocks. These penstocks seasons will not alleviate the problems that are the primary means of complying climate change and regional aridification with the water delivery obligations of the pose for the Basin. The archaic plumbing 100-year-old Colorado River Compact, inside Glen Canyon Dam is an obstacle yet they will be unusable at just 45 feet to satisfying Colorado River Compact below current water levels. obligations in this era of aridification at low reservoir levels. The need for Lake Powell is quickly approaching ingenuity, collaboration and swift action the point at which it may soon become are paramount for the future of the entire physically impossible to pass enough Colorado River Basin, home to 1 in 8 water through the dam to meet the Upper Americans. Basin’s water delivery obligations. Such an event would likely be the most calamitous For the past two decades, the Bureau in the Colorado River System’s history, of Reclamation has underestimated the causing legal complications, economic scope of water flow reductions on the harm, and a water supply crisis across the Colorado River from climate change seven states and Mexico. Understanding aridification in the Basin’s headwaters. the severity and urgency of this crisis is These underestimates stem from the a first step to finding common ground challenges of incorporating peer-reviewed among a diverse set of Basin constituents. published science into complicated data sets and forecasting methodologies. This We call upon Congress to fund an leaves us understandably wondering about emergency study by the Bureau of the validity of federal modeling that has, Reclamation to assess and address the time and again, been overly optimistic. engineering shortcomings of Glen Canyon Dam. This study should evaluate, The Bureau is not excused from failing to at a minimum, the two alternatives of disclose to the public the risks stemming using the River Outlet Works and/or of from the 1950’s era engineering inside using a constructed base-of-the-dam-level Glen Canyon Dam. The antiquated bypass at Glen Canyon Dam to satisfy the plumbing system inside Glen Canyon Upper Basin’s water delivery obligations. Dam represents a liability to Colorado The study should investigate long-and River Basin water users who may quickly short-term solutions to address what could find themselves in legal jeopardy and be a disastrous scenario on the Colorado water supply shortfalls because Glen River. Canyon Dam and Lake Powell was designed by engineers to operate with The complexity and impacts of using more water storage than Mother Nature is these lower elevation engineering features currently providing. inside Glen Canyon Dam are far-reaching and will impact many constituents. These A financial manager has an affirmative impacts are exactly why such a study obligation to disclose financial risks to a should commence immediately and be client, regardless of how displeasing the conducted in a transparent fashion. bad news may be to hear. So too does the Bureau have an affirmative obligation For the sake of our future, the time to act to disclose to the entire public the risky is now. 26 27
APPENDICES GLEN CANYON DAM How Much Water Must the Upper Basin Deliver through Glen Canyon Dam? The 1922 Colorado River Compact is interpreted to mean that the four Upper Basin states of Under current interpretations of the Law should split the delivery evenly (meaning of working farmland Wyoming, Colorado, fixed amounts of of the River, two cornerstone agreements each provides Mexico with 750,000 and increased water downstream establish that the Upper Colorado River acre-feet), while other interpretations pin groundwater New Mexico and Utah in the face of Basin states are required to deliver the entire 1.5-million-acre-foot delivery pumping –– none should deliver 75 declining flows may minimum amounts of water to the Lower obligation on the Lower Basin. Depending of which are million acre-feet of be unreasonable: Colorado River Basin States and Mexico. on the interpretation, the Upper Basin sustainable silver “most (experts) don’t water every ten years Failure to deliver these agreed upon may need to deliver 750,000 acre-feet of bullets. Curtailment think the Lower amounts could result in technical, legal, water to Mexico – in addition to its 7.5 should be avoided to the three Lower Basin can take all engineering, and environmental problems million acre-foot requirement – for a total at all costs, and Basin states of Arizona, the water in the river for all members of the Basin. of 8.3 million acre-feet per year. Failure to retrofitting Glen without adjustment. California and Nevada deliver these water volumes could violate Canyon Dam to Most believe that the The 1922 Colorado River Compact these provisions of the Law of the River, avoid such a crisis is Lower Basin states created a framework for the states of the potentially triggering a cascade of impacts clearly warranted. will also have to share in the reductions.” Colorado River Basin to share the water commonly referred to as a compact call or amongst themselves. This agreement is curtailment. It should be noted that the descriptions Similarly, Eric Kuhn – former general interpreted to mean that the four Upper of the Colorado River Compact and manager of the Colorado River Basin states of Wyoming, Colorado, Curtailment brings with it a number of the 1944 Treaty presented here rely on District – and John Fleck – director of New Mexico and Utah should deliver negative consequences, chief of which long-standing and commonly accepted the University of New Mexico’s Water 75 million acre-feet of water every ten could be forcing the Upper Basin states interpretations of both agreements. Resources Program – have argued that the years to the three Lower Basin states to sacrifice water supplies. Lower Basin However, the Law of the River is an Law of the River may need to undergo of Arizona, California and Nevada (an states could incite litigation, demand evolving doctrine in which modifications substantial changes to remain effective in average of 7.5 million acre-feet per year). water from Upper Basin reservoirs, and are often discussed and recent, climate- the face of declining flows. force curtailment of Upper Basin usage. change-induced stresses in the Colorado In addition, a 1944 treaty requires the A compact call would have economic River Basin have lead some experts to call Nevertheless, it is unclear what changes United States to deliver 1.5 million acre- impacts on Upper Basin communities for new interpretations that better respond the Law of the River may undergo in the feet of water to Mexico each year. There ranging from reduced agricultural to the Basin’s current issues. future, and it’s likely that Glen Canyon is no consensus on exactly which states production, limited urban growth, and Dam’s structural limitations are hindering need to contribute water to meet Mexico’s restricted recreation. Communities could For example, Jeffrey Kightlinger – former the system’s ability to adapt to those 1.5-million-acre-foot delivery. Most be pressured to augment supplies with general manager of the Metropolitan changes. Implementing options to reduce interpretations of the Law of the River costly and potentially destructive water Water District of Southern California – risk and increase operational flexibility is state that the Upper and Lower Basin importation schemes, buy-and-dry efforts stated that having the Upper Basin deliver what’s needed now. 28 29
APPENDICES HYDROPOWER Renewable electricity generation, including end us (AEO2020 Reference case) Billion kilowatt hours How important is Glen Canyon Dam hydropower to the American Southwest? Solar Wind Geothermal When it comes to low water levels at annual value of Glen Canyon Dam’s Lake Powell, much of the attention has electric energy represents less than one Hydroelectric Other been focused on the impacts of losing half of one percent of the sales value hydropower generation. The electricity from electric generation in the western generated by Glen Canyon Dam is used grid, and that the grid could readily by residents in the intermountain area absorb the loss of hydropower from and the revenues generated by the sale the dam” and that “average yearly cost Furthermore, as the United States 2.85% to 17.48% and wind increasing of that electricity fund important federal increases would be $.08 per month for continues to move into the future, from 7.22% to 12.54% of the nation’s programs. residential customers, $.59 per month hydropower is expected to play a smaller portfolio. for commercial customers, and $6.16 per and smaller role in the nation’s overall To date, we are aware of only one month for industrial customers of Glen energy portfolio as renewable energy While losing hydropower Glen Canyon study that examines what effects losing Canyon Dam electricity.” In other words, sourcing increases over time. The US Dam is a challenge, it is not as dire as hydropower at Glen Canyon Dam the study found that losing electricity Energy Information Administration some make it out to be. The electricity would have on the American Southwest: generation at Glen Canyon Dam would projects that by 2050 hydropower will fall generated by the dam could be readily The Impact of the Loss of Electric not have a significant effect on the from 7.03% of the US’s energy portfolio replaced by other sources, and future Generation at Glen Canyon Dam by electrical grid of the Western US or on to 5.32%. The administration projects growth in renewable energy supplies is Power Consulting and Aesir Consulting. individual consumer’s power bills. that other renewables will more than fill expected to more than make up for any The study found that “the average in the gap, with solar increasing from loss of hydropower. 30 31
APPENDICES WATER DIVERSION Bureau of Average Per Capita Municipal Water Use Reclamation Permitting Largest 306 New Water Diversion Gallons per capita day in Colorado River 142 138 Basin 115 124 122 111 The Provo Office of the Bureau of proposed 140-mile-long pipeline by Reclamation is currently permitting the citing the need for water in Washington Washington Las Denver U.S. Los Tucson Phoenix largest new water diversion in the entire County, Utah. According to the Draft County Vegas Average Angeles Colorado River Basin: the proposed Environmental Impact Statement Lake Powell Pipeline. Coming in the prepared in 2020 by the Bureau, midst of the current millennial drought, Washington County’s water use is 306 Source: U.S. Geological Survey 2015; Bureau of Reclamation many have criticized the State of Utah gallons per person per day, more than for failing to acknowledge the declining twice the per person municipal water use LPP DEIS 2020; Individual Cities water supply of the Colorado River and of residents in Las Vegas, Los Angeles, the impact this water diversion poses to Denver, Tucson, Phoenix and the U.S. other water users across seven states and national average. Washington County is Mexico. believed to have an existing water supply As other communities across the Basin contemplate more aggressive water conservation as large as Tucson and Albuquerque, efforts and taking water cuts of the Colorado River water supply, it seems out of place for Many also have criticized both the State each of which has a population nearly the federal agency managing a crashing system of dams and reservoirs on the Colorado of Utah and the Bureau of Reclamation three times the size of Washington River to propose poking another straw into an over-allocated water supply for one of the for justifying the construction of the County’s current population. nation’s most-wasteful water users. 32 33
ENDNOTES 1 URC. A Future on Borrowed Time: Colorado River Shortages & The New Normal of Climate Change. (2021). 33 Pederson, Gregory T., Julio L. Betancourt, and Gregory J. McCabe. 2013. “Regional Patterns and Proximal Causes of the Recent Snowpack Decline in the Rocky Mountains, U.S.” Geophysical Research Letters 40 (9): ture+on+Borrowed+Time.pdf 1811–16. 2 Bureau of Reclamation. 24 Month Study. (June 2022). Hoerling, Martin P., Michael Dettinger, Klaus Wolter, Jeffrey J. Lukas, Jon Eischeid, Rama Nemani, Brant 3 Touton, Camille. Testimony Before the Senate Committee on Energy & Natural Resources. (June 14, 2022). Liebmann, Kenneth E. Kunkel, and Arun Kumar. 2013. “Present Weather and Climate: Evolving Conditions.” In Assessment of Climate Change in the Southwest United States: A Report Prepared for the National Climate solutions-to-extreme-drought-in-the-western-u-s Assessment, edited by Gregg Garfin, Angela Jardine, Robert Merideth, Mary Black, and Sarah LeRoy, 74–100. Washington, DC: Island Press/Center for Resource Economics. 4 Bureau of Reclamation. 24 Month Study. (June 2022). 34 Klos, P. Z., T. E. Link, and J. T. Abatzoglou (2014), Extent of the rain-snow transition zone in the western U.S. 5 Schmidt, John. White Paper #1: Fill Mead First – A Technical Assessment. (2016). under historic and projected climate, Geophys. Res. Lett.,41,4560–4568, doi:10.1002/2014GL060500. Bureau of Reclamation. Technical Record of Design and Construction: Glen Canyon Dam and Powerplant. (1966). 35 T. H. Painter, J. S. Deems, J. Belnap, A. F. Hamlet, C. C. Landry, B. Udall, Response of Colorado River runoff to dust radiative forcing in snow. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci.107, 17125–17130 (2010). M. C. Reheis, F. E. Urban, Regional and climatic controls on seasonal dust deposition in the southwestern U.S. Aeolian Res.3, 3–21 (2011). 6 Bureau of Reclamation. 24 Month Study. (June 2022). 36 Williams, A. P., Cook, E. R., Smerdon, J. E., Cook, B. I., Abatzoglou, J. T., Bolles, K., ... & Livneh, B. (2020). 7 Lawrence J. MacDonnell, David H. Getches & William C. Hugenberg, Jr., The Law of the Colorado River: Coping Large contribution from anthropogenic warming to an emerging North American megadrought. Science, 368(6488), 314-318. with Severe Sustained Drought (Natural Res. Law Ctr., Univ. of Colo. Sch. of Law 1995). B. I. Cook, T. R. Ault, J. E. Smerdon, Unprecedented 21st century drought risk in the American Southwest and Central Plains. 8 Bureau of Reclamation. Lake Powell Pipeline Environmental Impact Statement. (2020). Sci. Adv. 1, e1400082 (2015). 37 Milly, P. C., & Dunne, K. A. (2020). Colorado River flow dwindles as warming-driven loss of reflective snow energizes evaporation. 9 Touton, Camille. Testimony Before the Senate Committee on Energy & Natural Resources. (June 14, 2022). Science, 367(6483), 1252-1255. Bradley Udall & Jonathan Overpeck, The Twenty‐first Century Colorado River Hot Drought and Implications forvthe Future, solutions-to-extreme-drought-in-the-western-u-s 53 WATER RESOURCES RES. 2404 (2017). 10 Ibid. 38 Lukas, J. J., & Payton, E. (2020). Colorado River Basin climate and hydrology: State of the science. Western Water Assessment, University of 11 Bureau of Reclamation. Technical Record of Design and Construction: Glen Canyon Dam and Powerplant. (1966). Colorado Boulder, Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences. 39 Utah Rivers Council. A Future on Borrowed Time: Colorado River Shortages & The New Normal of Climate Change. (2021). 12 Ibid. 13 Ibid. Future+on+Borrowed+Time.pdf 14 Ibid. 40 Trujillo, Tanya. Letter to Colorado River Basin State Managers on Coordinated Actions & DROA. (May 2, 2022). 15 Ibid. 41 Bureau of Reclamation. 24 Month Study, Most Probable. (June 2022). 16 Root, J. C., & Jones, D. K. (2022). Elevation-area-capacity relationships of Lake Powell in 2018 and estimated loss of storage capacity since 1963 (No. 2022-5017). US Geological Survey. 42 Bureau of Reclamation. 24 Month Study, Minimum Probable. (July 2022) . 17 Bureau of Reclamation. Technical Record of Design and Construction: Glen Canyon Dam and Powerplant. (1966). 43 Bureau of Reclamation. Annual Operating Plan. (2021). Bureau of Reclamation. Natural Flow and Salt Data. (2022). 18 Ibid. Bureau of Reclamation. 24 Month Study. (June 2022). 19 Ibid. 44 Milly, P. C., & Dunne, K. A. (2020). Colorado River flow dwindles as warming-driven loss of reflective snow 20 Ibid. energizes evaporation. Science, 367(6483), 1252-1255. 21 Trujillo, Tanya. Letter to Colorado River Basin Managers on Lake Powell Cooperative Actions. (April 8, 2022). Bradley Udall & Jonathan Overpeck, The Twenty‐first Century Colorado River Hot Drought and Implications for the Future, 22 Bureau of Reclamation. Technical Record of Design and Construction: Glen Canyon Dam and Powerplant. 53 WATER RESOURCES RES. 2404 (2017). (1966). 45 Glen Canyon Dam Adaptive Management Work Group. FY 2022 Drought Funding: Infrastructure Alternatives. (Feb 9, 2022). 23 Schmidt, John. White Paper #1: Fill Mead First – A Technical Assessment. (2016). es-508-UCRO.pdf Bureau of Reclamation. Technical Record of Design and Construction: Glen Canyon Dam and Powerplant. (1966). Podmore, Zak. “Can Glen Canyon Dam be modified to continue producing power if drought continues?” (Feb. 22, 2022). 24 Bureau of Reclamation. Technical Record of Design and Construction: Glen Canyon Dam and Powerplant, Figure 111. (1966). 46 Glen Canyon Dam Adaptive Management Work Program, Technical Work Group. Minutes from January 13, 2022 Meeting. Page 7. 25 Schmidt, John. White Paper #1: Fill Mead First – A Technical Assessment. (2016). 47 Glen Canyon Dam Adaptive Management Work Program, Technical Work Group. Minutes from January 13, 2022 Meeting. Page 7. 26 Bureau of Reclamation. 5-Year Probabilistic Projection. (2022). 48 Yuguda, T. K., Li, Y., Xiong, W., & Zhang, W. (2020). Life cycle assessment of options for retrofitting an existing dam to generate hydro-electricity. The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment, 25(1), 57-72. 27 Futures of the Colorado River. White Paper #7: Evaluating the Accuracy of Reclamation’s 24-Month Study Lake Powell Projections. (2022). 49 Glen Canyon Dam Adaptive Management Work Group. FY 2022 Drought Funding: Infrastructure Alternatives. (Feb 9, 2022). FY2022DroughtFundingInfrastructureAlternatives-508-UCRO.pdf 28 Ibid. 50 Babitz, Kendra, & Wellard, Blake (2019) The Botanical Recovery of 50-mile Canyon. Hidden Passage, the 29 Bureau of Reclamation. Natural Flow and Salt Data. (2022). journal of Glen Canyon Institute 30 Lukas, Jeff, and Elizabeth Payton, eds. 2020. Colorado River Basin Climate and Hydrology: State of the Science. 51 Podmore, Zak, As Lake Powell Shrinks the Colorado River is coming back to life. The Salt Lake Tribune. Nov. 7th, 2021. Western Water Assessment, University of Colorado Boulder.DOI: 52 Hembree, Bob, The Future of GCNRA, Lake Powell, The Lake Powell Chronicle, August 18, 2021, 31 USGCRP. 2017. “Climate Science Special Report: Fourth National Climate Assessment, Volume I.” Washington, D.C.: U.S Global Change Research Program. doi: 10.7930/J0J964J6. 53 Bureau of Reclamation. Technical Record of Design and Construction: Glen Canyon Dam and Powerplant. 32 Fyfe JC, Derksen C, Mudryk L, et al. Large near-term projected snowpack loss over the western United States. (1966). Nature Communications. 2017 Apr;8:14996. DOI: 10.1038/ncomms14996. P. W. Mote, S. Li, D. P. Lettenmaier, M. Xiao, R. Engel, Dramatic declines in snowpack in the western US. NPJ 54 Root, J. C., & Jones, D. K. (2022). Elevation-area-capacity relationships of Lake Powell in 2018 and estimated Clim. Atmos. Sci.1, 2 (2018). loss of storage capacity since 1963 (No. 2022-5017). US Geological Survey. 34 35
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