Page created by Neil Montgomery

TIMEOUT.COM/LONDON April 12 – 25 2022 No. 2626

                             this                  Our guide
                                                  to London’s
                                                   50 best

                                                                    STEVE COOGAN
                                                                     NEIL GIBBONS
                                                                    & ROB GIBBONS
                                                                     NEIL GIBBONS
                                                                    & ROB GIBBONS

The brand new live show
BRIGHTON    Brighton Centre 8 May                 LONDON                   The O2   31 May
BRIGHTON    Brighton Centre 9 May                 LONDON                   The O2   1 June
BOURNEMOUTH BIC             22 May                LONDON                   The O2   3 June

Inside                                                                    Service!
                                                                                                                                                                                                  We’re handing out the gongs with our
                                                                                                                                                This issue of Time Out                            list of London’s 50 best restaurants.
                                                                                                                                                   in no time at all                               (These Manteca guys are on there)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 PAGE 18

                                                                                                                        ‘The Northman’
                                                                                                                             It’s five stars from us for
                                                                                                                           Robert Eggers’s bloody and
                                                                                                                         extraordinary Viking movie epic

                                                                                                                                     PAGE 43

                                                                                                                             It’s Easter
                                                                                                                         Head to the Horniman’s Bonnet
                                                                                                                        Parade plus loads of other stuff for

                                                                                                                          the – gasp! – four-day weekend

                                                                                                                                     PAGE 40

                                                                                                                                                                                Lost rivers                                     Renaissance man
                                                                                                                                                                           ‘Daylighting’ is uncovering hidden                    Raphael died aged just 37, but in his
                                                                                                                                                                          waterways across Europe, and there                      short life he changed the course of
                                                                                                                                                                          are plans to do the same in London                     Western art. This is a must-see show

                                                                                                                                                                                       PAGE 16                                                PAGE 49

                                                                                                                                                                                       FEATURES AND REGULARS
                                                                                                                                                       11 City life 16 City life international 18 London’s 50 best restaurants 36 Exclusive offers
                                                                                                                                                                  37 Things to Do 42 Film 46 Theatre & Dance 49 Art 51 Food & Drink

                                                                                                                                                                                                   5                                                 April 12 – 25 2022 Time Out London
Hello,                                                                                          Advertising 7813 6000,

                                                                                                                            Global Editor-in-Chief
                                                                                                                            Caroline McGinn
                                                                                                                            London Editor Joe Mackertich
                                                                                                                            Deputy Editor/Chief
                                                                                                                            Sub Editor Chris Waywell
                                                                                                                            Deputy Chief Sub Editor
      Joe Mackertich                                                                                                        Sarah Cohen
      London Editor                                                                                                         Executive Editor Kate Lloyd
                                                                                                                            Features & City Life
      @j_mackertich                                                                                                         Isabelle Aron
                                                                                                                            Events Rosie Hewitson
                                                                                                                            Film Phil de Semlyen
                                                                                                                            (Global Editor)
                                                                                                                            Food & Drink Angela Hui
                                                                                                                            Art Eddy Frankel
                  Describing a good restaurant in London is easy. Tasty food,                                               Theatre Andrzej Łukowski
                                                                                                                            Staff Writer Chiara Wilkinson
                  a suitable atmosphere, staff who don’t sit down next to you                                               Work experience Sarah Green

                  when you order and some kind of chocolate on the dessert                                                  Global Commercial Editor
                                                                                                                            Rose Johnstone
                  menu. Defining a great restaurant? Now, that’s way harder.                                                Deputy Commercial Editor
                                                                                                                            Georgia Evans
                                                                                                                            Commercial Designer
                                                                                                                            Julia Robinson
                As fist-bitingly cheesy as it sounds, a great restaurant is one                                             Engagement Editor
                                                                                                                            Sam Willis
                  that creates memories. You can dish out expertly charred                                                  Global Social Media Lead
                                                                                                                            Sophie Tighe
                hispi cabbage, nonconformist pasta shapes, ironic puddings                                                  Social Media Editor
                                                                                                                            Jess Phillips
                 and arcane cocktail ingredients (exhibit A: ‘oyster honey’),                                               Content Producer
                                                                                                                            Emily Canegan
                but that stuff only gets you so far. The measure of an eatery’s
                                                                                                                            Global Director of Digital
               excellence is how wistful and loved-up its patrons sound when                                                Content Alex Plim
                                                                                                                            International Editor
              recommending it. I, personally, find it hard to talk about Trullo                                             James Manning
                                                                                                                            International Travel Editor
               in Highbury without getting a faraway look in my eye, like the                                               Ellie Walker-Arnott
                                                                                                                            International Commissioning
              old lady at the start of ‘Titanic’. That’s because it has effortlessly                                        Editor Huw Oliver
                                                                                                                            Interim Travel Writer
                   and elegantly supplied the backdrop to some of my life’s                                                 Sophie Dickinson

               most beautiful moments. And also because its beef-shin-ragù                                                  Art Director Bryan Mayes
                                                                                                                            Picture Desk Manager
                     pappardelle tastes better than God’s armpit sweat.                                                     Ben Rowe
                                                                                                                            Head of Production
                                                                                                                            Dave Faulkner

                These things are subjective, of course. You might think that                                                Commercial
                                                                                                                            MD EMEA Lawrence Horne
              London’s best restaurant is the Heathrow Wetherspoon’s. It has                                                Advertising Sales
                                                                                                                            Ian Tournes (Commercial
              a warm chocolate brownie on the menu, so who am I to argue?                                                   Director), Natalie Reynolds,
                                                                                                                            Sam Rowe, Perry King, Nikki
                                                                                                                            Hensley, Nesha Fleischer,
                                                                                                                            James Hooper, Robyn
                                                                                                                            Bartholomew, Shane Barwick
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                                                                                                                            Wayne Mensah (Director),
                                                                                                                            Charlie Liddington,
                                                                                                                            Corrin Woollcott
                                                                                                                            Project Management

  THE EDITOR’S ESSEN T IALS                                            Three things you have to do in London                Junior Olokodana (Lead),
                                                                                                                            Nicki Wymer, Chanté Piette-
                                                                                                                            Valentine, Gabriella Lenihan
                                                                                                                            Head of Media Partnerships
                                                                                                                            Karen Fischer
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                                                                                                                            David Hennessey (Lead),
                                                                                                                            Aylin Yazdanfar, Ceris Davies,
                                                                                                                            Emily Regan, Thamena Miah
                                                                                                                            Affiliates James Sinclair (Lead)
                                                                                                                            Offers Tom Billsbough (Lead)
                                                                                                                                                               FUTURE SHOCK: VANISHING POINT BY UNITED VISUAL ARTISTS AT 180 THE STRAND

                                                                                                                            Conor Clerkin, Kelly Tibbs
                                                                                                                            Time Out Group CEO
                                                                                                                            Chris Ohlund

                                                                                                                            Time Out founded 1968
                                                                                                                            by Tony Elliott

              EAT this                                DRINK this                                  SEE this
                                                                                                                            Cover Photography Jess Hand
Big fan of the grilled raclette toastie,    Not much of a ‘bar guy’ tbh, but the       ‘Future Shock’, the summer’s mind-   taken at Planque, Haggerston.
                                                                                                                            Models Nicki Wymer, Chanté
    sold in both the Borough and            art-deco lounge at the new Garden          melting 180 Strand art-o-rama will   Piette-Valentine, Gabi Lenihan
   Newington Green branches of             Cinema in central is quite the scene.       book up quickly. Why not save the
      Swiss cheese shop Jumi.                Also: £20 lifetime membership!              heartache and book a spot?
                                                                                                                            Time Out Digital Ltd
                                                                                                                            First Floor,
                                                                                                                            172 Drury Lane,
                                                                                                                            London, WC2B 5QR.
     @timeoutlondon                 @timeoutlondon    
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Time Out London April 12 – 25 2022                                                 6


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“                                                                                                                     ”

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A L E X A NDE R    NI C OL E   CL A E S           A N YA        WIT H
                                                                        ET H A N             BJ Ö R K   AND
                                                                                                              WIL L E M
SKA R S G Å R D    K IDM A N   BA N G          TAY LO R -J OY           H AWK E                               DA F OE

                               WR ITT E N BY                              DIR E C T E D BY

                  S J Ó N & R O B E RT E G G E R S          R O B E RT E G G E R S
                                      I N C I N E M A S F R I D AY
             life      Edited by Isabelle Aron

                                                                   Clockwise from far
                                                                   left: Milan Radisics,
                                                                   Adam Fergurson,
                                                                   Hugh Fox,
                                                                   Adam Pretty,
                                                                   Anna Neubauer

The world’s
best photos
have come
to London
Somerset House’s new
show offers a snapshot
of life all over the globe

of migrants waiting to cross the
border between Mexico and the
US to an other-worldly Spanish
landscape of withering sunflowers,
the fifteenth Sony World
Photography Awards exhibition
displays vivid visual storytelling
from all corners of our planet.
Opening this week at Somerset
House, it showcases more than 300
brilliant photos that’ll make you
realise how crap your own blurry
snaps are. ■ Chiara Wilkinson
  Sony World Photography Awards is at
Somerset House. Apr 13-May 2. £15.

                                                 11   April 12 – 25 2022 Time Out London
City life
                                                                                                                                         W RD
                                        YPE DIS

                                                                                                                                         ON THE
       Ikoyi’s sensational smoky
         caramelised plantain                                                                                                            STREE T

                                          SECTIO                                                                                          The most ridiculous
                                                                                                                                        things we’ve overheard
                          What goes into the London plates                                                                               in London this week
                           that everyone bangs on about

AT IKOYI, a two-Michelin-starred,             show-stealing buttermilk plantain sums
West-African-inspired restaurant              up the restaurant’s ethos. ‘The dish is                                                     ‘Where are all the
in Piccadilly, founder Jeremy Chan            a symbol for the whole kitchen,’ says                                                         steaming-hot
measures flavours and proportions with        Chan. ‘It’s artistic but disciplined, and is
meticulous precision. (His eatery is also     made with technique and respect for the
                                                                                                                                            cups of piss?’
on our Best Restaurants list – read more      ingredients.’ He explains what goes into
                                                                                                                                        ‘What age were you
on p18) ‘Our work has gotten tighter          this striking dish. ■ Chiara Wilkinson
and more technical,’ he says. Ikoyi’s            1 St James’s Market. Part of the tasting menu, from £70.                               when you could do
                                                                                                                                         your buttons up?’
                                                                                                                                          ‘I haven’t seen a
                                                      The                                                                                   swan in ages.’
                                                  presentation                                                                          ‘I can’t believe I’m
                                               ‘The plantain is sliced into
                                              precise lengths of 13.5cm –                                                              going to die wearing
         The sauce                          that’s how I imagine the perfect                                                           a fake Louis Vuitton
        ‘We blend kelp with                  plantain to look. It’s sharp and                                                                poncho.’
                                                graphic, like a computer-
     rapeseed oil and infuse                                                                                    The
   it with smoked onions and                        generated image.’
                                                                                                            blackberries                ‘There should be a
  chillies, then emulsify it with                                                                         ‘We mix dehydrated           dating app for people
      maple vinegar and egg                                                                         blackberries with cloves and
      yolks. It’s like mayo but
                                                                                                                                        who like balconies.’
                                                                                                  other spices. I love the way dried
           more viscous.’                                                                             fruit coats fried surfaces:        ‘When did they
                                                                                                        it forms this beautiful,
                                                                                                          matte, furry texture.’
                                                                                                                                        invent halloumi?’
                                                                                                                                           ‘Don’t get me
                                                                                                                                           wrong, I love a
                                                                                                                                          good gong bath.’
                                                                                                                                           ‘That pony
                                                                                                                                       definitely looks like
                                                                                                                                         an overthinker
        The taste                                                                                                                             to me.’
   ‘It’s multi-dimensional.
 The flavours are spicy, sour                                                                                                            ‘Why would you
 and smoky, all distilled into                   The plantain                                                                           watch Q bloody VC?’
one. It also has a lot of texture              ‘We brush the plantains
 going on: it’s powdery, oily,                with buttermilk and coat                                                                   ‘I’ve just realised
     and has a chewiness                      them with a mix of flours,                                                                  I still have nine
              to it.’                          before deep-frying. The                                                                  chicken carcasses
                                               coating creates a shell,
                                                 so it’s crunchy and                                                                        in the oven.’
                                                                                                                                         ‘Stop ghosting the
                                                                                                                                        new shoe rack, Stef.’
                                                                                                                                                                    PLANTAIN: BEN ROWE

                                                                                                                                       Overheard something weird?
                                                                                                                                        Tweet us #wordonthestreet
Time Out London April 12 – 25 2022                                                     12
City life

                                     Why has the £7 pint arrived?
Has it really come to this? Why am                              Hmm... can this mess be fixed?
Inow forking out £7 for a pint?                                An extension to the VAT relief for
Well, everything is more spenny.                                hospitality that came in during
There are labour shortages and                                  lockdown would have helped.
rising costs in the supply chain (the                           Instead, VAT has jumped from
price of barley has gone up by 30                               12.5 percent to 20 percent. Pubs
percent), and pub food has become                               need more footfall to help stabilise
more expensive to produce, a cost                               trading – in case you need an excuse
that’s sometimes absorbed by                                    to get down to your local.
higher pint prices. But the big one
is energy. ‘The hospitality sector                              So, is the £7 pint here to stay?
had already seen a doubling, if not                             It’s a chicken-and-egg situation.
tripling, of energy costs even before                           Our pubs need us to help them
the situation in Ukraine added                                  bounce back from the pandemic,
additional pressure,’ says Emma                                 but admittedly, £7 pints aren’t
McClarkin, chief executive of the                               that appealing. ‘Hopefully, we’ll
British Beer and Pub Association.                               get some warmer weather to bring
                                                                people in and to help reduce energy
Fair enough. But why is London so                               consumption,’ says McClarkin.
badly affected?                                                 ‘If more people come through the
Come on, you don’t need us to tell                              door, it will help to alleviate some of
you that London is one of the most                              the [cost] pressures on businesses.’
expensive cities on the planet. You                             We’ll drink a hideously overpriced
chose to live here, pal.                                        pint to that. ■ Chiara Wilkinson

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                                                                                                          PINT: SHUTTERSTOCK

Time Out London April 12 – 25 2022                14
City life international

                                                                                                                                 CIT Y
                                                                                                                                 ENV Y
                                                                                                                              Great things that we
                                                                                                                              love in other places

                                                                                                      The Ravensbourne
                                                                                                          river in London

                     How our cities’ lost
                  rivers are being revived
                     ‘Daylighting’ brings long-hidden waterways
                      back to life – and it’s happening in London
                                                                                                                                You might assume that
                                                                                                                                the UK’s finest skaters
                                                                                                                                 are to be found in the
                                                                                                                             depths of the South Bank,
THE WALBROOK . The Tyburn. The Fleet.                          A similar project has already been completed in                   but the country’s got a
London is home to several lost rivers – now built           Sheffield. Following frequent heavy rainfall, the                 new hardflip hotspot. The
over and long forgotten. But soon that might all            city ‘daylighted’ the old Porter Brook as a flood-                  world’s first multistorey
change. ‘Daylighting’ is a burgeoning movement              defence mechanism. It has been so successful                     skatepark has just opened

                                                                                                                                                             RIVER RAVENSBOURNE: DAN KITWOOD/GETTY IMAGES; CHEONGGYECHEON STREAM: BLUE DEVIL / ALAMY STOCK PHOTO; SKATEPARK: F51
that seeks to revive old waterways buried deep              that further plans to unearth and clean up the                   in Folkestone on the south
underground, and it’s gaining ground in cities              Sheaf and Porter rivers are under way.                              Kent coast: three floors
all over the world.                                            In Zurich, daylighting has been in vogue                       and 2,100 square metres
   A lot of these rivers didn’t vanish all at                      since the 1980s. Around 15 kilometres of                  of state-of-the-art concrete
once – they were gradually covered                                      waterways have been restored, linking                    bowls and multi-level
up during the nineteenth and early                                         up more of the city with Lake Zurich              arenas. It’s called F51 and
twentieth centuries. In Paris, a                                              and the Limmat and Glatt rivers.                  cost a cool £17 million
stream named the Bièvre used                                                   It has made the city’s water                    to build. Open to not just
to flow through the Left Bank,                                                  system more efficient, as the                   skateboards but BMXs,
joining the Seine near the                                                       streams divert clean water                   scooters and rollerblades
Gare d’Austerlitz. Victor Hugo                                                   from the sewage network,                       too, it’s got a multitude
described it as an idyllic urban                                                 significantly reducing                          of rails, boxes, ramps,
oasis in the mid-1800s, but                                                     wastewater treatment costs.                   banks and pipes – plus a
by the end of the century it had                                                  Here in London, meanwhile,                    15-metre-high climbing
become a health hazard and by                                                 researcher Adam Broadhead                       wall, boxing ring and café.
1912 it disappeared.                           The Cheonggyecheon          is working on a project to revive                   Whether you’re a kickflip
                                                  stream in Seoul
   Until now, that is. The Paris city                                    Branch Hill Pond on the edge of                      pro or caught the skating
council has announced that it will uncover                         Hampstead Heath, which he hopes may                        bug during the pandemic,
and restore the river as part of its wider plans to         lead to the nearby river Westbourne being                           you’ll want to hit up this
bring nature back to the French capital. It’s hoped         uncovered too. One day, it seems, this city may be                 place. ■ Ed Cunningham
it will improve biodiversity, help prevent flooding         criss-crossed again with pretty waterways, and
by carrying excess rain and lessen the city’s ‘heat         the Regent’s Canal hordes will have plenty more
island’ effect by cooling the surrounding areas.            options for that weekend stroll. ■                               Explore more of the city at
Win-win-win.                                                Julia Webster Ayuso                                    
Time Out London April 12 – 25 2022                                                16
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Time Out London April 12 – 25 2022   18
Our Best Restaurants list is back! Angela
Hui introduces our snapshot of London’s
vital 2022 food scene, while Tom Howells
does the rundown. Photography Jess Hand.
Illustrations Serge Seidlitz

             YOU CAN’T GET bored of               On it are the places that we go back to
             eating out in London. This        again and again. There are old favourites
             city’s restaurant scene is a      like St John, with its always-excellent
             rich tapestry of different        roast bone marrow and parsley salad,
             cuisines and flavours. From       and Mandarin Kitchen, whose signature
the family-run neighbourhood Thai              lobster egg noodles never get old. Also
joint that’s been around for years to the      included are the new haunts that we’ve
Michelin-starred grandee where you can         fallen in love with at first bite, such as
sit at a counter and watch genius chefs at     Planque, a haven for wine lovers with
work, London’s restaurants are diverse,        an ever-changing menu of French food,
creative and always exciting.                  and our surprise Number One, a certain
   Being taken care of at a restaurant is      modern West African restaurant.
a real privilege, and as we tuck into our         Whether it’s a place with communal
freshly made pasta with a glass of natural     outdoor tables where you wolf down a
wine or fiery curry with a cold beer, it’s     taco, salsa dribbling down your arm, or a
easy to forget about the people who cook       swanky fine-dining joint for a four-course
for and serve us. That’s why we want to        dinner, everywhere on our list serves up
celebrate and shine a light on the capital’s   incredible food that you won’t forget. This
hospitality industry with our 2022 Best        is your guide to eating out in the capital in
Restaurants list.                              2022. Now tuck in. ■

                 19                                                April 12 – 25 2022 Time Out London
Besto restos


                       What’s the deal? Restaurants
                       specialising in modern West
                       African food aren’t exactly ten
                       a penny in London. Neither
        are restaurants as good as Adejoké ‘Joké’
        Bakare’s Chishuru. The Nigerian-born chef-
        owner won the Brixton Kitchen competition
        in 2019 and opened her first restaurant in
        2020. Chishuru is a stunning introduction
        to the richly complex cuisine of Bakare’s
        West African heritage. Dishes like mimri
        oku (spicy broth) and kekefia (hake) with
        plantain fondant transport your tastebuds
        to exciting new places. You’ll think about
                                                         2      Manteca
                                                         What’s the deal? David Carter and Chris
                                                         Leach’s itinerant Anglo-Italian went
                                                                                                          4      Quality Wines
                                                                                                          What’s the deal? The Quality Chop House
                                                                                                          is great, but it’s usurped by its sibling next
        the textures and flavours long after you’ve      permanent at the end of 2021. The menu           door. Chef Nick Bramham knocks out a
        finished eating. The set-menu format (£28        skews both refined and rugged: what fool         concise list of superb Italo-Spanish gems
        per person for lunch and £45 for dinner)         wouldn’t want to follow brown-crab cacio         from a couple of hot plates.
        means you get a tour of the ingredients and      e pepe with a stuffed pig’s snout?               Order this The gildas: teeny skewers of
        spices of Bakare’s native country, while her     Order this The pig-skin ragù buried under        anchovy, olive and pickled chilli.
        sheer talent and charismatic service will        a snowdrift of parmesan.                           88 Farringdon Rd, EC1R 3EA.
        steal your heart. Right now, there’s no other      49-51 Curtain Rd, EC2A 3PT.
        restaurant in London quite like Chishuru.
        It deserves our top spot and your attention.
        Order this There’s a changing menu but the
        bavette steak – cooked pink and served with
        pickled mushrooms and dusted with yaji, the
                                                         3      Singburi
                                                         What’s the deal? You can’t order badly
                                                                                                          5      St John
                                                                                                          What’s the deal? Nearly three decades in,
                                                                                                          Fergus Henderson’s nose-to-tail classic
        suya spice blend of chilli, ginger, garlic and   at Singburi. Over the years, chef Sirichai       doesn’t falter. The clattery dining room
        onion – is a thing of beauty. Angela Hui         Kularbwong has developed a loyal                 is ace, but the real St John heads make for
           9 Market Row, Coldharbour Lane, SW9 8LB.      following. The standard menu is hot but          the bar to knock back welsh rarebit and
                                                         the specials are where the real treasure lies.   egg mayonnaise sandwiches.
                                                         Order this The moo krob special: twice-          Order this The roast bone marrow salad:
                                                         fried, crispy pork belly.                        nuggets of oily gold on sourdough.
                                                           593 High Rd Leytonstone, E11 4PA.                26 St John St, EC1M 4AY.

Time Out London April 12 – 25 2022                                20
Besto restos

      Chef and owner,
      Darjeeling Express
      Tell us something about your restaurant
      that people might not know
      ‘Be prepared to wait. We don’t batch cook.
      Darjeeling Express celebrates home food –
      it’s not food that’s designed for restaurants.
      Everything is cooked fresh every day; nothing
      has been reheated. What you eat at here is
      the closest to my home cooking.’

      Who is London’s most exciting chef right now?
      ‘Andrew Wong from A Wong. He’s so
      immersed in his Chinese identity – his
      pride in old Chinese medicines, telling the
      stories, explaining the history and how that
      follows through in his cooking. I can taste the
      heritage in his dishes but he puts his unique
      spin on them. Plus, he’s such a nice man and
      probably the sexiest male chef.’

      Most unexpected thing that’s happened at
      Darjeeling Express since you opened?
      ‘It has to be Paul Rudd [visiting Darjeeling
                                                        6      Planque
                                                        What’s the deal? A wine-centric members’
                                                        club in a couple of railway arches, with a
                                                                                                      8      Sessions Arts Club
                                                                                                      What’s the deal? This fancy ex-courthouse
                                                                                                      turned cod-Palladian villa is one of
      Express]. The first time I saw him at the         public restaurant slinging wildly delicious   London’s most attractive restaurants.
      restaurant I almost passed out. He said: “I’m     French-leaning bits like calf’s brains on     Florence Knight’s simple, ingredient-
      so excited and I want to take a picture with      toast. Ace plonk too, obviously.              led menu eats as poetically as it reads:
      you.” I replied, saying: “No, I want to take a    Order this The lobster tartine – thick        mammole artichoke and lemon, say, or a
      picture with you!” He came back three times       seafood sauce on toast, topped with caviar.   single crab croquette.
      and brought Dan Levy, who went on Jimmy             322-324 Acton Mews, E8 4EA.                 Order this The eel-and-potato dish dotted
      Kimmel and called me the “great Asma                                                            with pearls of roe and edible flowers.
      Khan”! It was so unexpected.’

      What’s the ‘most London’ restaurant?
      ‘Beigel Bake on Brick Lane. The food is done
      with care and it tastes so good. Immigrants
                                                        7      Bibi
                                                        What’s the deal? A swooning modern
                                                        Indian, wrangling British produce into        9
                                                                                                        Old Sessions House, 24 Clerkenwell Green, EC1R 0NA.

                                                                                                             Sambal Shiok
      built this city and what I love about Beigel      high-concept takes on subcontinental          What’s the deal? Malaysian chef-owner
      Bake is that despite the area being               classics. Chef Chet Sharma is both a          Mandy Yin’s Sambal Shiok was the
      gentrified, it’s done the same thing over the     wicked cook and a trained physicist:          winner of our Love Local award for north
      years and it still serves its community.’ ■       disciplines he combines in niftily            London’s ‘most loved restaurant’. Quite
      Interview by Angela Hui                           presented dishes like the outrageous          worthily, given the brilliance of the scalp-
                                                        house riff on a yoghurty Lahore chicken.      sweating, ‘campur’-style (mixed) broths.
                                                        Order this Nashpati bhel: a forensic          Order this Curry laksa. Choose tofu, prawn,
                                                        reimagining of the humble chaat spices.       chicken or veg and prepare to perspire.
                                                          42 North Audley St, W1K 6ZP.                  171 Holloway Rd, N7 8LX.

Time Out London April 12 – 25 2022                                22
Besto restos

                                                                                                 Chris Leach
                                                                                                Chef co-founder,

                                                                                                ‘During a Friday
                                                                                              lunch in December
                                                                                              when omicron was
                                                                                               getting going, we
                                                                                               were already three
                                                                                             staff down when the
                                                                                             grill chef burned his
                                                                                               hand and went to
                                                                                             A&E. Then in walks
                                                                                              a well-known critic
 Sessions Arts Club                                                                             and sits opposite
                                                                                               the kitchen. Then
                                                                                              the environmental
                                                                                                  health officer

10            Darjeeling Express
              Covent Garden
What’s the deal? The progressive, all-
female kitchen at Asma Khan’s lauded
                                                12            Kiln
                                                What’s the deal? A bustling, smoky Isaan
                                                (north-eastern Thai) place where the
                                                                                                 shows up for a
                                                                                             surprise inspection.
                                                                                             Definitely one of the
Garrick Street pile is no gimmick – this is     vibe is huge and the flavours even bigger.
                                                                                               most unenjoyable
some of the city’s best Indian chow. The        The raw beef laap with castelfranco and        services since we
‘royal’ thali is a multi-dish riot, while the   the sour mussel curry cut a heady line              opened.
biryani supperclubs – hosted by Asma            through the region’s cuisine.
herself – are scalding-hot tickets.             Order this Clay-pot-baked glass noodles
Order this The supperclub’s lamb dum            with Tamworth pork belly and brown
biryani: meat, rice and spice layered and       crab meat – one head-razing flavour after
baked in a trad dough pot, which billows        another.
headily with saffron as it’s opened.              58 Brewer St, W1F 9TL.
  2a Garrick St, WC2E 9BH (until Jul).

11            Bao
What’s the deal? This town might heave
                                                13            Roti King
                                                What’s the deal? The dingy locale might
                                                not be so auspicious, but it’s worth
with steamed buns, but Bao’s hyper-             brushing off for the papery roti at this
chic Lexington Street site remains the          Malaysian classic. They’re served either
benchmark for Taiwanese street eats.            stuffed (murtabak) or as is (canai), and
It’s a sublime vision of plump buns and         always with a bowl of monstrously
ridiculous titbits like trotter nuggets and     flavourful dhal or kari.
aged beef rump cap.                             Order this Roti canai: two perfect, flaky
Order this The ‘classic’ bao: braised pork,     breads and a pot of steaming stew to shove
coriander, fermented greens and peanut          them in. The plant-based should opt for
powder, is so named for damn good reason.       dhal, the rest of you mutton.
  53 Lexington St, W1F 9AS.                       40 Doric Way, NW1 1LH.

Time Out London April 12 – 25 2022                                             24
Besto restos

                                         ANATOMY OF A KITCHEN
                                                Chet Sharma, founder and chef at Bibi, talks
                                           Chiara Wilkinson through what goes on behind the pass
                                                                                                                             sigree grill
                                                                                                                        ‘You can move the levels
                                                                                                                    around on our sigree, closer or
                                                                                                                   further from the coal, depending
                                                                                                                   on how quickly you want things to
                                           The                                                                      cook. It gives a slight bitterness
                                        ulta tawa                                                                      to counteract the sweeter
                                  ‘We call it “the mushroom”                                                                 elements of our
                               in the kitchen. It’s a traditional                                                                dishes.’
                                flat plate that looks similar to
                              an upside-down wok. In regions
                              of India, household breads are
                                  cooked on something like
                                     this. We use it to cook
                                             our roti.’

                                                                            ‘We import a heritage
                                                                        variety from southern Italy,
                                                                        which traditionally grows in
                                                                      India. We slice them into rings,
                                                                       grill them over charcoal, then
                                                                           marinate them. They’re
                                                                               giant and super-
                                                                                   creamy. ’

                                                                                                                  The wine
                                                                                                             ‘We keep our wine list
                     The prawns                                                                             changing as well as the
                  ‘These are Cardigan Bay                                                                 food. This specific bottle is a
                prawns from Wales. They’re                                                               chardonnay from Australia. It’s
               only in season for two weeks a                                                             nuanced and holds up pretty
               year, so I don’t mind prepping                                                             well with some of our lighter
                them. Your hands get tingly                         More kitchen know-how at                     chicken dishes.’
                 peeling them. I’m glad it’s              
                    not an everyday job.’

Time Out London April 12 – 25 2022                                            26
Besto restos                                                                                                                                     Xxxxxxx

                                                                                   14            Café Cecilia
                                                                                   What’s the deal? Chef-owner and fashion
                                                                                   dynasty heir Max Rocha leads the new-
                                                                                   wave café charge (see also: Towpath,
                                                                                   Lighthaus, Deco). Tables are like gold
                                                                                   dust; the food – sage and anchovy fritters,
                                                                                   skate with capers, deep-fried bread and
                                                                                   butter pudding – is just gold.
                                                                                   Order this Onglet steak with peppercorn
                                                                                   sauce – a bistro classic done perfectly.
                                                                                     32 Andrews Rd, E8 4FX.

                                                                                   15            Rochelle Canteen
                                                                                   What’s the deal? Sat in the garden of
                                                                                   a former school off Arnold Circus in
                                                                                   Shoreditch, Melanie Arnold and Margot
                                                                                   Henderson’s idyllic bolthole is a vision of
                                                                                   simplicity and good sourcing. Think St
                                                                                   John (Fergus Henderson is Mr Margot)
                                                                                   with less offal.
                                                                                   Order this Radishes and smoked cod’s
                                                                                   roe – an uncomplicated construction that
                                                                                   perfectly sums up the place’s ethos.
                                                                                     16 Playground Gardens, E2 7FA.

                                                                                   16            Brat
                                                                                   What’s the deal? A flame-licked
                                                                                   restaurant inspired by the cooking of
                                                                                   the Basque region, from hotshot Welsh
                                                                                   chef Tomos Parry. The menu is almost                                                                            and cured kombu seaweed. Our restaurant is
                                                                                   satirically simple – spider-crab toast, aged
                                                                                   duck, smoked potatoes et al – but there’s
                                                                                                                                                Head chef,                                         an intimate space and because we’re so close
                                                                                                                                                                                                   to our guests we can get feedback and explain
                                                                                   not a single dud.
                                                                                   Order this Grilled turbot, super-slow-
                                                                                                                                                Evelyn’s Table                                     the processes and ingredients right there and
                                                                                                                                                                                                   then. It’s like a little dance together.’
                                                                                   cooked, made sticky by the rendering                         What’s the most unexpected thing that’s
                                                                                   collagen. More delicious than that sounds.                   happened since Evelyn’s Table opened?              Who is London’s most exciting chef?

                                                                                     4 Redchurch St, E1 6JL.                                    ‘It’s amazing to be recognised by Michelin.        ‘In a couple of weeks, I’m going to eat at
                                                                                                                                                I started working in the industry at a young       Ikoyi, which just won two Michelin stars.

                                                                                   17            Noble Rot
                                                                                   What’s the deal? The onus is on the booze
                                                                                   – it was born of a hip wine mag, and the
                                                                                                                                                age and, having worked in Michelin-starred
                                                                                                                                                restaurants, it’s something that you always
                                                                                                                                                dream of. Knowing that I’ve achieved it
                                                                                                                                                myself with my two brothers (pictured
                                                                                                                                                above) and everyone else involved in
                                                                                                                                                                                                   I’m excited to eat chef Jeremy Chan’s food.
                                                                                                                                                                                                   He’s got a real signature style of cooking and
                                                                                                                                                                                                   it’s super-different to everyone else.’

                                                                                                                                                                                                   What’s the most ‘London’ restaurant?
                                                                                   Old World-leaning bottle list is pretty                      Evelyn’s Table is amazing.’                        ‘I think somewhere iconic like The Ritz,
                                                                                   endless – but the Franglaise food at this                                                                       which has that old grandeur. It’s unique.
                                                                                   grape-hued Bloomsbury townhouse is                           Best thing you’ve cooked this year?                Executive chef John Williams has created
                                                                                   really bloody good. The three-course, £22                    ‘Our hand-dived Orkney scallop from                something classic, but it moves with the
                                                                                   set-lunch menu is ridiculous value.                          Scotland is pretty special. It’s pan-roasted       times. It’s an experience with a stunning
                                                                                   Order this The slipsole with smoked                          and served with a carrot-and-cardamom              dining room, and the service is world-class.’ ■
                                                                                   butter, a dish that came from exec chef                      sauce and topped with miso tempura batter          Interview by Angela Hui
                                                                                   Stephen Harris’s celebrated pub The
                                                                                   Sportsman, near Whitstable.
                                                                                     51 Lamb’s Conduit St, WC1N 3NB.

                                                                                    LONDON FOOD-
                                                                                   TREND TIMELINE
                                                                                    The city’s decade-                      1970s               1980s                    1990s                       2000s                     2010s
                                                                                     defining dishes                   American fast food   Nouvelle cuisine        Conveyor-belt sushi        Bougie burger battles      Small-plate mania

                                                                                                                                                               29                                                 April 12 – 25 2022 Time Out London
Besto restos

           Pary Baban
           Chef and owner,

      ‘During lockdown,
        the fryer was left
          on overnight.
       When I arrived at
        the restaurant in
       the morning I was
      greeted by a smoky
       kitchen. The next
         day, the kitchen
      flooded. The near-
     fire the night before
        had thawed out a
     tap that we thought
     was broken, but was
     actually completely
         frozen from the
      weather. Needless
        to say, seeing the
                                      18            Sonora Taquería
                                      What’s the deal? You’ll easily tell this Netil
                                      Market Mexican from the queues snaking
                                                                                       20            Gymkhana
                                                                                       What’s the deal? Inspired by the elite clubs
                                                                                       of India, Gymkhana is a contemporary
      restaurant flooded              out along London Fields every Friday and         Indian that’s as visually resplendent as it
     the day after the fire           Saturday. Believe the hype: these might          is absolutely wallet-dusting. Everything,
                                      be London’s most totemic tacos – messy           though – from the £8 poppadom selection
      incident was quite
                                      marvels that are more than worth the wait.       to the guinea fowl fry and muntjac biryani
             a shock!’                Order this The barbacoa taco with lager-         – is worth the splurge.
                                      braised beef, grilled cheese, onion,             Order this Kid-goat methi keema: a
                                      lime and cilantro, on a flour tortilla that      minced curry, served with pao bread rolls
                                      provides the structural integrity.               and, for a teeny surcharge, the essential
                                        Netil Market, 13-23 Westgate St, E8 3RL.       addition of bheja (fried kid brains, fyi).
                                                                                         42 Albemarle St, W1S 4JH.

                                      19            Mangal 2
                                      What’s the deal? Gilbert & George’s fave
                                      ocakbasi emerged from lockdown as an
                                                                                       21            Mandarin Kitchen
                                                                                       What’s the deal? Lazy-susan-topped
                                      inventive pan-Anatolian joint. It was            tables, garish lighting and legendary
                                      good before, it’s a blinder now: ‘cull yaw’      recipes have given this decades-old
                                      mutton, sourdough pides and crab dolma           Chinese haunt legit institution status.
                                      with langoustine emulsion.                       Even away from the snippy crustacean,
                                      Order this The cull yaw kofte takes dowdy        the classics are well executed.
                                      old sheep meat – albeit from a hip Cornish       Order this The lobster egg noodles, duh.
                                      farm – and applies it to the classic kebab       The version with ginger and spring onion
                                      with honking success.                            is the signature.
                                        4 Stoke Newington Rd, N16 8BH.                   14-16 Queensway, W2 3RX.

Time Out
      ut Lon
      ut LLondon
               n April 12 – 25 2022
                                 22             30

     & CHIC
   - H Y D E PA R K LO N D O N -
Besto restos

                                         ate Londo
                   l                  tim         n James Acaster

              The u
                                                 and Ed Gamble of
                                               the ‘Off Menu’ podcast

                                                 share their dream
                                                 dining experience
                                                                                                                                                                             Jeremy Chan
                                                                                                                                                                            Chef and co-founder,

                                                                                                                                                                             ‘One busy Friday
                                                                                                                                                                             evening, our gas
                                                                                                                                                                           switched off as the
                                                                                                                                                                          restaurant filled up.
                                                                                                                                                                             We couldn’t turn
                                                                                                                                                                              it back on, so we
                                                                                                                                                                           turned the oven up
                                                                                                                                              JAMES AND ED: PAUL GILBEY
                                                                                                                                                                              to 250C, leaving
                                                                                                                                                                            metal trays to get
                                                                                                                                                                             super-hot, which
                                                                                                                                                                           we used to sear and
                                                                                                                                                                           cook. We held blow
         James Acaster                                                                Ed Gamble                                                                               torches beneath
                                                                                                                                                                              pots to warm up
                          Starter                                                                 Starter
‘I’d have Kricket’s Keralan fried chicken. I didn’t                       ‘The bread from Kudu in Peckham is so rich                                                        sauces. Somehow,
   expect to be so good the first time I had it. It                     and delicious it could be the entire meal. It’s an                                                 we made it through
  just blew my mind how succulent it was, how                          incredible brioche-style bread which you dip into                                                  nearly 500 plates of
 delicious and flavourful the batter was. And the                       pans of melted butter (one with smoked bacon,
yellow dip it comes with tastes like liquid butter.’                        one with shrimp). It feels so decadent.’
                                                                                                                                                                          food all cooked with
                                                                                                                                                                            a blow torch and a
                            Main                                                                    Main                                                                        broken oven.’
     ‘We went to Sabor for Ed’s birthday and                              ‘Gymkhana might be my favourite London
the whole suckling pig there was insane. It was                          restaurant. I want to sit there all day eating
so flavourful and the skin was amazingly crispy.                        everything. The muntjac biriyani is one of their
   It was so tender that they just picked up a                         crowning jewels. Warming, spicy and delicious.’
  plate from the table and used the edge of it
                   to cut it up.’                                                                   Side
                                                                          ‘If I had to have only one thing on this menu
                             Side                                        for the rest of my life it would be Quality Chop
   ‘I’d want Busaba’s Thai calamari. I know it’s                       House’s confit potatoes. It’s everything you want
   a little chain now, but it’s one of my favourite                    from a chip, a roast potato and potato boulanger
    things to eat. It’s never been bad, ever. It’s                               all combined in one crispy dream.’
   magic, really – the flavour is unique and the
  texture is amazing: perfectly light and crispy.’                                               Dessert
                                                                          ‘There is no better feeling than being stuffed
                          Dessert                                        and ordering dessert anyway. The madeleines
‘I’d have Shackfuyu’s french toast with matcha                           from St John really fufil that role. They’re warm
 ice cream. It’s a wedge of brioche french toast                          from the oven and go perfectly with whatever
that’s dusted with brown sugar – it’s crunchy on                       flavour ice cream they have. That, with a glass of
the outside and soft on the inside and the soft-                       whatever sweet booze I have justified to myself:
serve ice cream marries really nicely with it. I’ve                        gout heaven.’  Interviews by Isabelle Aron
   not seen anyone who doesn’t go nuts for it.’                           Go to to book tickets for his ‘Electric’ tour.
  ‘James Acaster’s Guide to Quitting Social Media’ is out on Aug 18.           

Time Out London April 12 – 25 2022                                                               32
The Art of Banksy is not authorized by Banksy and not curated in collaboration with the artist. All artworks on loan from private collectors.

                                                                       COVENT GARDEN, LONDON WC2H 9LJ
Besto restos

                                                                                                                              utazi leaves . You get aromatics from the
                                                                             Chef-owner,                                      basil, pepperiness from the uziza and a
                                                                                                                              slight bitterness from the utazi.’
                                                                             Chishuru                                         Who is London’s most exciting chef?
                                                                             What’s your most popular dish?                   ‘I love the inventiveness of Seb Myers’s
                                                                             ‘Mimri oku, which is a spicy broth that          food at Planque. I’m not sure if it’s still on
                                                                             reminds me of my grandad. I grew up in           the menu because it changes all the time,
                                                                             Nigeria and we’d travel across the country       but the calf’s brain with braised pine nuts
                                                                             to see him. We’d always be greeted with          dish stuck with me – it reminded me of
                                                                             a pot of murky-looking stock bubbling            the braised nuts of Nigerian soups. It’s
                                                                             away on an open fire with chopped                something different to what I’m used to
                                                                             up vegetables, yams, plantains and               eating, but it speaks to my heart.’
                                                                             fermented fish. This dish packs a punch –
                                                                             it’s layered with complex flavours.’             What’s the most unexpected thing that’s
                                                                                                                              happened since you opened Chishuru?
                                                                             Best thing you’ve cooked this year?              ‘To be honest, it’s the way we’ve been
                                                                             ‘Omoebe, which translates as “black              accepted. I never thought we’d be here this
                                                                             soup” and is native to the Edo state in          long. People have embraced our cuisine.
                                                                             south Nigeria. We blacken ground leafy           It’s emotional for me, because for people
                                                                             vegetables and alliums on the grill and          in another part of the world to accept my
                                                                             cook it down. We use a range of herbs:           food and enjoy it feels like validation.’ ■
                                                                             scent leaves, thai basil, uziza leaves and       Interview by Angela Hui

22            Nandine
What’s the deal? This family-run spot in
Camberwell serves up some of the best
                                                24            40 Maltby Street
                                                What’s the deal? The hyper-seasonal fare
                                                at this bar-with-food is startling: from
                                                                                                             THE BEST OF THE REST
                                                                                                             26 Marksman Public House
                                                                                                                                                38 Koya Soho
                                                                                                                                                39 Hawksmoor Spitalfields
Kurdish food in the city. It’s a whirl of       sarnies (toasted cheese, schnitzels) to                      27 Lyle’s Shoreditch               40 Dim Sum Duck
smoke, sumac and sweet, sweet baklava.          larger plates of painterly execution.                        28 Master Wei Xi’an                King’s Cross
Order this The house fries, flecked with        Order this A fritter: pumpkin with wild                      Bloomsbury                         41 Imone New Malden
sauce, spices, sesame and herbs.                garlic aioli, say.                                           29 Luca Farringdon                 42 Westerns Laundry
  45 Camberwell Church St, SE5 8TR.               40 Maltby St, SE1 3PA.                                     30 Trullo Highbury                 Highbury
                                                                                                             31 The Clove Club Shoreditch       43 Ikoyi Piccadilly

23            Cue Point
What’s the deal? The immigrant-
empowering social impact behind this
                                                25            Evelyn’s Table
                                                What’s the deal? After Anglo-Gallic-
                                                Japanese food, whipped up by three
                                                                                                             32 The Barbary Covent Garden
                                                                                                             33 A Wong Pimlico
                                                                                                             34 Xi’an Impression Arsenal
                                                                                                             35 The River Café
                                                                                                                                                44 Berenjak Soho
                                                                                                                                                45 The Wolseley Mayfair
                                                                                                                                                46 Kol Marylebone
                                                                                                                                                47 Sabor Mayfair
                                                                                                                                                48 Ombra Bethnal Green
Afghan-British barbecue makes it a              brothers in what might be Soho’s prettiest                   36 Brawn Shoreditch                49 P Franco Clapton
hospitality hero. The food is brilliant too,    (and, probably, smallest) basement?                          37 Noodle & Beer Spitalfields      50 Artusi Peckham
melding Texan, Guyanese, Brazilian,             Luke, Theo and Nat Selby’s recently
Argentinian and Afghan flavours.                starred bunker will oblige.
Order this The ‘nacos’: half taco, half naan,   Order this The boys’ take on kombujime
laden with brisket. Maniacally good.            (seaweed-aged) white fish is historic. ■                           Full write-ups of all 50 restaurants
  10 Riverside Drive, W4 2SP.                     The Blue Posts, 28 Rupert St, W1D 6DJ.                 
Time Out London April 12 – 25 2022                                                         34

                        LOND N FOR LESS
     Food, drink, screenings and pop-ups. Behold our exclusive offers and discounts

Intro to Drawing
at the V&A
What is it? A short evening art
course at one of the capital’s
most prestigious museums.
Why go? Whether you’re
channelling Beatrix Potter or
Jackson Pollock, this is a chance
to get your creative juices
flowing. The workshop is jargon-
free learning in a unique setting.
Wait, how much? Just £29, which
is an impressive 58 percent off.
  V&A, Cromwell Rd.

Jay P Beauty                                     The Green Room                               Mathura                                         John Reed
What is it? Swedish, aromatherapy                What is it? Two hours of bottomless          What is it? Michelin-starred dining             What is it? A 20-day gym trial
or CBD massage.                                  booze and boogieing in a South               across six courses.                             with gold tariff access.
Why go? Things are all a bit shit                Bank restaurant.                             Why go? Atul Kochhar – you’ve                   Why go? This isn’t your average
right now, aren’t they? Give yourself            Why go? Nostalgia: it’s all the rage.        heard about him everywhere. So                  gym with a few treadmills and
a break and forget all about your                Go back to simpler times at the              why the hell would you not want to              weight machines. This place
worries with your choice of massage,             Throwback Brunch, complete with              scoff a load of his sharing dishes?             is supercharged. You’ll get to
including the essential-oil-heavy                small plates, ’80s-themed cocktails          Picture chicken tikka, paneer                   experience high-tech cardio, free
aromatherapy and calming CBD oil                 and old-school bangers you can               makhani and stir fry tofu, jackfruit            weights, boxing and hot yoga –
options. Take that, life!                        really bust a move to.                       and mushroom. Yum!                              there’s even a Finnish sauna.
Wait, how much? It’s between £31                 Wait, how much? Drink, dine and              Wait, how much? Dive into a slap-up             Wait, how much? Get your sweat
and £61, depending on how bougie                 dance for just £28.                          meal for £25, with a Mathura Bellini            on with full access and unlimited
you’re feeling.                                     101 Upper Ground.        for just an extra fiver.                        classes for £20. Nice.
  1 Harley St.       greenroom28                                    4 Greycoat Place.     90 Liverpool St.

Theatre, music, events: get the best deals in town. Search ‘Time Out offers’
Time Out London April 12 – 25 2022                                                       36
                                                                                         to Do          Edited by Rosie Hewitson

                                                                                                                                                                                                    The Cause

                        Bank holiday                             old Good Friday knees-up at its
                                                                 headquarters to celebrate the
                                                                                                                      Toronto-raised NTS Radio host
                                                                                                                      Peach will be playing an epic seven-
                                                                                                                                                                 for another secretive sesh over the
                                                                                                                                                                 bank holiday as a kind of warm-

                        parties                                  launch of three collaborative
                                                                 beers brewed in conjunction with
                                                                 Gipsy Hill brewers Floc, Gravity
                                                                                                                      hour-long set on Saturday. Faced
                                                                                                                      with such a long shift, it’s just as
                                                                                                                      well she’s known for her energy:
                                                                                                                                                                 up for its seaside weekender in
                                                                                                                                                                 Camber Sands next month. The
                                                                                                                                                                 line-up is under wraps as usual,
                        E Erol Alkan B2B Ivan                    Well in Leyton and London-born,                      from gurgling 808 basslines to fiery       and entry is free for the first 250
                        Smagghe All Night Long                   Cumbria-based brewers Gan Yam.                       vocal hooks, you can expect techno,        clubbers through the door.
                        London-based DJ and Phantasy             Expect loads of tasty pints from                     disco, house and every possible              Secret Hackney Wick location. Apr 16. Free.
                        label founder Erol Alkan will be         all four breweries alongside                               genre in between.
                        going back to back with Parisian         a cracking menu of                                               Venue MOT. Apr 16. From £10.    C Return to RAGE
                        selector Ivan Smagghe until 4am
                        at Hackney Wick warehouse venue
                                                                 decadently cheesy
                                                                 Balkan pastries                          E    EKE                  E The Cause
                                                                                                                                                                 With a bumper line-up of old-
                                                                                                                                                                 school rave, drum ’n’ bass, and

                        Studio 9294. The pair previously         from Mystic Börek.                                                 Free Party                   acid house legends including

                        went b2b for a smash-hit set at          Sounds like quite                                                   If you’ve picked up a       Fabio and Grooverider, Ray Keith
                        Manchester festival Homobloc             the brew-haha.                                                      copy of Time Out in         and Adamski, this party plays
                                                                                                     I N

                        in 2019, and are promising an                                                                                the last six months,        homage to the iconic club night

                                                                    Pressure Drop Brewery.
                        excellent night of ‘mutant dance         Apr 15. £5 (includes first pint).                                  you probably know            RAGE, widely considered to be

                        and Teutonic sounds’ for the first
                        night of the double bank holiday.        S Peach All
                                                                                                               R A V              how much we rate the
                                                                                                                                The Cause. Over its three-
                                                                                                                                                                 the spiritual home of late eighties’
                                                                                                                                                                 jungle. Returning to its OG haunt
                        Sounds cool (whatever it means).         Night Long                                                year existence, the temporary         under Heaven’s sprawling arches,
                          Studio 9294. Apr 14. £14.85.           Fancy a no-nonsense night                            club made Tottenham one of                 expect a night of bass, breaks and
                                                                 out with one of London’s most                        London’s most exciting nightlife           big sound-system energy that
                        N The Big Collab Party                   refreshing DJs? You’ll find exactly                  destinations ahead of its closure at       will take you right back to 1988,
                        Tottenham craft brewery                  that at South Bermondsey’s                           the beginning of 2022, so it’s nice        whether you were alive then or not.

                        Pressure Drop is hosting a big           intimate club Venue MOT, where                       to hear that the club is popping up          Heaven. Apr 17. £31.

                                                             C   Central N North S South                   E   East    W   West     Streaming           Outdoors

                                                                                                                37                                                     April 12 – 25 2022 Time Out London
Things to Do

                              YOUR THING?
                              Milo Clare
          The London-based singer-songwriter shares some
            of his favourite things in and about the city.

                                         ‘It’s set in south London and it’s
                                        about two neighbours that end up
                                        entangled in an affair. I like its very
                                               British kind of humour.’
                                                    On BBC iPlayer now.

           The French House
            ‘I love this pub
         because of its history
          and the fact that so
           many interesting
          people have drunk
         there over the years.
           Apparently Lucian
         Freud, Francis Bacon
          and Dylan Thomas
         were all regulars. And
          the owner is great.’
             49 Dean Street, W1D 5BG.

                                                                                                     Kid-friendly                              sprawling wetland reserve

                                                                                                                                                                                      CHEATERS: NATALIE SEERY/BBC STUDIOS/CLERKENWELL FILMS; FRENCH HOUSE: ED MARSHALL; FRANCIS BACON: STUDY FOR BULLFIGHT NO. 1, 1969. PRIVATE COLLECTION. PHOTO:
                                                                                                                                               might be for you. Instead of

                                                                                                     Easter hunts                              chocolate, they can hunt down
                                                                                                                                               yellow ducks hidden among the

                                                                                                                                                                                      © ROYAL ACADEMY OF ARTS, LONDON / DAVID PARRY. © THE ESTATE OF FRANCIS BACON. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. DACS 2022 ; MILO CLARE: JOSHUA HEAVENS ONABOWU
                                                                   Sapling Gallery                                                             reeds and bushes. Book a pond
                                                                          ‘A lot of                   W     Lindt Gold Bunny Hunt              dipping session for afterwards to
                                                                      contemporary                   If you prefer your family’s Easter        get acquainted with some of the
                                                                       galleries feel                activities to come with a side            reserve’s living sp
                                                                                                                                                                speciments too.
                                                                   quite clinical butt               of stunning regal architecture,             London Wetland Cent
                                                                    tthis one’s got a                head to Hampton Court                           Until Apr 24. Free with entry.
    ‘Francis Bacon:
                on                                                 reala warmth to it                or Kensington Palace
    Man and Beast’
         ‘I saw this
                                                                   as wewell as great
                                                                                                     for these egg hunts
                                                                                                     organised by Swiss                   ASTE

     recently aand it’s
      just incredible.
                                                                       124 Mount
                                                                           Mo Street
                                                                            W1 3NR.
                                                                      Mews, W1K
                                                                                                     choccie brand
                                                                                                     Lindt. Statues of                                          A
    Itcloses soon so
      check itt out as
                                                                                                     its iconic golden
                                                                                                     bunny will be                                              EEaster
                                                                                                                                           F U N!               hunts
    soon as yyou can.’                                                                               dotted around the
       Royal Academy,
               ad       W1J                                                   Milo
                                                                              M Clare playsa         grounds of the royal
     0B UntilAprr 17. £22.
     0BD.                                                                   h inaugurall DIY
                                                                           the            D          residencies, each of
                                                                          Al festivall at
                                                                          Alive        a Oval        which will direct you to a                    C The Gre
                                                                                  Ap 23-24..
                                                                          Space, Apr                 story about the people who once                      Market Wild
                                                                                                                                               Leadenhall Ma
                                                                                                     lived there. Find them all and            Goose Chase
                                                                                                     you’ll get to claim a chocolatey          From fancy dress to
                                                                                                     reward. Hop to it.                        photography, clue-solving
                                                                                                        Hampton Court Palace and Kensington    to culinary challe
                                                                                                                                                           challenges, dance
                                                                                                     Gardens. Until Apr 18. Free with entry.   feats to goose mim
                                                                                                                                                              mimicry, over
                                                                                                                                               100 different task
                                                                                                                                                             tasks make up
                                                                                                     W   London Wetland                        Leadenhall Marke
                                                                                                                                                           Market’s epic
                                                                                                     Centre Easter Duck Trail                  month-long Easte
                                                                                                                                                            Easter scavenger
                                                                                                     Looking for an Easter activity            hunt, with a troph
                                                                                                                                                            trophy and a prize
                                                                                                     that won’t give your kids                 haul worth 500 smsmackers for the
                                                                                                     cavities? This one at Richmond’s          team that manage
                                                                                                                                                          manages to complete

Time Out London
                 prill 12
                       12 – 2
                                  2                                                             38
Things to Do

                                                                                    Retro fun
                                                                                    E Late Night Kung Fu
                                                                                    Whitechapel favourite Genesis
                                                                                    Cinema hosts the latest iteration
                                                                                    of this late-night celebration of
                                                                                    martial arts movies, where you
                                                                                                can catch a screening
                                                                                                 of cult 1970s Kung Fu
                                                                                                 comedy ‘Knockabout’
                                                                                                 before revisiting
                                                                                                 classic video games
                                                                                                  ‘Streetfighter’ and
                                                                                                  ‘Tekken’, while DJs
                                                                                                   spin old-skool hip
                                                                                                   hop hits in the bar
                                                                                                   till 2am. Finish him!
                                                                                                       Genesis Cinema. Apr 22.

                                                                                    W Power Up
                                                                                    Play your way through five
                                                                                    decades’ worth of popular
                                                                                    video game titles at the
                                                                                    Science Museum’s 160-console
                                                                                    pop-up arcade. From ‘Pong’                        © George Tatakis, 2022 Sony World Photography Awards
                                                                                    and ‘Pac-Man’ to the latest VR
                                                                                    experiences, there’s something
                                                                                    for everyone in these mammoth                     Exhibition Runs 13 April - 2 May
                                                                                    gaming sessions, whether
                                                                                    you fancy shredding your                
                                                                                    way through ‘Guitar Hero’ or
                                                                                    mastering ‘Minecraft’.
                                                                                      Science Museum. Until Apr 19. From £8.

                                      Leadenhall Market

                                     the most challenges before the
                                     end of April. Like the sound of
                                                                                    Vinyl magic
                                     that? Just grab a smartphone,                  S Record Store Day
                                     download the GooseChase app,                   at Peckham Soul
                                     assemble your team and let                     Hotly tipped south London
                                     loose. Or goose, in fact.                      post-punk outfit Deadletter
                                       Leadenhall Market. Until Apr 30. Free.       will be headlining the live music
                                                                                    line-up at the Bussey Building’s
                                     E   Top Cuvée Easter                           vinyl shop this Record Store Day.
                                     EggHunt                                       There’ll also be in-store DJ sets
                                     After the huge popularity                      from bright and early, and you’ll
                                     of last year’s event, natural                  find exclusive issues, limited
                                     wine bar Top Cuvée is hosting                  editions and one-off releases
                                     another adult-friendly egg                     on offer if you’re up for a bit
                                     hunt this Easter Sunday. Just                  of crate-digging.
                                     sign up online ahead of time,                    Peckham Soul. Apr 23. Free.
                                     make your way to the shop on
                                     the day and get ready to go                    S Record Store Day
                                     gallivanting around Clissold                   at Casbah Records
                                     Park like a headless chicken                   Retro Greenwich vinyl peddler
                                     in search of hidden QR codes.                  Casbah Records is embracing
                                     with some seriously swanky                     edgy girl groups, garage, psych
                                     swag up for grabs if you can find              and ’60s soul this Record Store
                                     them, including bags of Tony’s                 Day. It promises loads of limited
                                     Chocolonely, pre-mixed Campari                 edition releases, along with a
                                     cocktails, Something & Nothing                 new stock of second-hand and

                                     hard seltzers and bougie tins of               vintage vinyl specially selected
                                     olives from Perello. Last year’s               for the day and live music from
                                     champions even took home a                     rising indie-pop band Spang
                                     three-month wine subscription.                 Sisters. Head down early to nab
                                     Egg hunts don’t come much                      yourself a free beer and a Casbah
                                     more sophisticated than this.                  tote before supplies run low.
                                       Top Cuvée. Apr 17. Free, sign-up required.     Casbah Records. Apr 23. Free.

                                                                                                                                 39                                                          April 12 – 25 2022 Time Out London
Things to Do

                                                                                                                              Markets and
                                                                                                                              E   Black-Owned Hackney
                                                                                                                              Night Market
                                                                                                                              London’s finest Black-owned
                                                                                                                              eateries, craftspeople and artisan
                                                                                                                              traders will be congregating in
                                                                                                                              Hackney Central for the return

    LONDON’S FIRST EVER                                                                                                       of this buzzy evening market.
                                                                                                                              Browse stalls stocking everything
                                                                                                                              from skincare to sustainable

                                                                                                                              clothing before scoffing top
                                                                                                                              scran from Black Eats LDN,
                                                                                                                              fuelling up on rum punch and
                                                                                                                              dancing the night away as DJs
                                                                                                                              from the Hackney Social spin
                                                                                                                              tunes until 1.30am.
                                                                                                                                 Bohemia Place Market. Apr 15. Free.

                                                                                                                              N  Easter at Camden
          MEET THE LEGENDS                        1-1 BUYING ADVICE                  CITY & KIDS TEST TRACKS                  Market
                                                                                                                              Camden’s recently ravamped
                                                                                                                              market is going all out for
                                                                                                         250                  Easter weekend, with loads of
     BOOK TICKETS NOW CYCLESHOW.CO.UK                                                               FREE TICKETS
                                                                                                    USE CODE TIMEOUT22
                                                                                                                              kid-friendly goings-on across
     Our Partners                                                                                        TO CLAIM             its sprawling complex. Wander
                                                                                                                              round the food stalls and you’ll
                                                                                                                              find face painters, balloon
     *Free tickets available until 11:59 17/4/22
                                                                                                                              modelling and a host of other
                                                                                                                              entertainers, or book in for a
                                                                                                                              family crafting session where
                                                                                                                              you can decorate a wooden egg
                                                                                                                              or make your own Easter bonnet.
                                                                                                                                 Camden Market. Apr 15-18. Prices vary.

                                                                                                                              S Fat-Positive Clothes
                                                                                               Book now
                                                                                                                              Returning for the first time in              Fairs and
                                                                                                                              two years, this swap shop is a
                                                                                                                              safe space where plus-size and
                                                                                                                              larger bodies can exchange their
                                                                                                                              unwanted garms for free. The                 S  The Horniman
                                                                                                                              benefits are obvious: it’s better            Museum Spring Fair
                                                                                                                              for the environment and your                 An overstuffed taxidermy walrus
                                                                                                                              wallet than shelling out for new             famously greets visitors to this
                                                                                                                              clothes. Organisers asksk that you           gem of a museum in Forest Hill,
                                                                                                                              bring no more than 20  0 items of            which is hosting a jam-packed
                                                                                                                              clothing, all freshly cleaned
                                                                                                                                                     leaned and            family-friendly fair in its lovely
                                                                                                                              in decent condition.
                                                                                                                                 Deptford Methodist Church.. Apr 23. £3.

                                                                                                                               C     Classic Car Boot Sale
                                                                                                                              This isn’t your average e car-boot
                                                                                                                              – it’s more of a mini-festival
                                                                                                                              stretching across King’s
                                                                                                                                                     g’s Cross’s
                                                                                                                              Granary Square and the  he
                                                                                                                              neighbouring Coal Drops
                                                                                                                              Yard. Naturally, you’lll find
                                                                                                                              plenty for sale, including
                                                                                                                              secondhand clothing,, retro
                                                                                                                              homeware and cute collectibles,
                                                                                                                              but you’ll also have a chance
                                                                                                                              to kick back with street
                                                                                                                                                     et food,
                     Experience the thrill of climbing the                                                                    craft beer and cocktails
                                                                                                                                                     ils while
                     masts of the fastest ship of its time.                                          Members’                 admiring a magnificent  nt
                                                                                                     discount                 array of head-turning g
                    Royal Museums Greenwich                                                                                   classic motors.
                    Cutty Sark | National Maritime Museum | Royal Observatory | The Queen’s House
                                                                                                                                 Granary Square. Apr 23-24..
                                                                                                                              From £5.

Time Out London April 12 – 25 2022                                                                                       40
Things to Do

                                                                 gardens this weekend. There’ll
                                                                 be veggie cooking demos,
                                                                 garden trails, and arts-and-
                                                                                                             Earth Day
                                                                 crafts workshops, as well as live           S Needs x B.L.O.O.M.
                                                                 music courtesy of South London              Earth Day Fundraiser
                                                                 Samba’s young drummers and                  Dance your way through Earth
                                                                 New Orleans jazz band The Alvar             Day with an eclectic line-up of
                                                                 Tree Frogs. Head there with your            DJs at intimate new Peckham
                                                                 homemade spring chapeaux to                 venue The Carpet Shop.
                                                                 take part in the Easter bonnet              Manchester-based DJ collective
                                                                 competition, where prizes will              B.L.O.O.M. have orchestrated
                                                                 be awarded for the most eco-                this sweaty night of techno,
                                                                 friendly designs. You couldn’t get          trance and jungle from the likes
                                                                 more middle-class if you tried!             of Angel D’Lite and Phoebe
                                                                   Horniman Museum. Apr 16. £5.              Valentine, with all profits

                                                                  N London Art Fair
                                                                                                             going to climate-crisis-fighting
                                                                                                             international NGO Cool Earth.
                                                                                                                                                        20% off tickets for the
                                                                 Over a hundred galleries will
                                                                 be showcasing prints, editions
                                                                                                               The Carpet Shop. Apr 22. From £8.

                                                                                                             C Makerversity Celebrates
                                                                                                                                                        Bob Marley ‘One Love
                                                                 and major works at the 34th
                                                                 edition of this mammoth fair                Earth Day 2022                             Experience’ exhibition

                                                                 of modern and contemporary                  Creative coworking hub
                                                                 art. Visitors can also check out a          Makerversity is hosting this day
                                                                 packed programme of talks from              of climate-conscious workshops
                                                                 contemporary art experts, head              and showcases on Earth Day,
                                                                 out on a series of themed tours             where you can hear more about
                                                                 delivered by Sotheby’s auction              the latest projects from 3D
                                                                 house, take part in family-                 printing pioneer Nate Petre,
                                                                 friendly book-binding workshops             anti-greenwashing innovators
                                                                 and even watch artists creating             Shadey.Club and The Tyre
                                                                 work live in situ at the fair. Can’t        Collective, a start-up working on            Discover more offers at
                                                                 do that with an NFT, can you?               reducing tyre-wear emissions.
                                                                   Business Design Centre. Apr 21-24. £18.     Somerset House. Apr 22. £12.

                                                                                                                                                   41                                  April 12 – 25 2022 Time Out London
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