Summer 2020/21 Print Post Publication: I00006993 - THE QUARTERLY MAGAZINE OF THE MAZDA MX-5 CLUB OF NSW

Page created by Pedro Dean
Summer 2020/21 Print Post Publication: I00006993 - THE QUARTERLY MAGAZINE OF THE MAZDA MX-5 CLUB OF NSW


 summer 2020/21
Print Post Publication: I00006993
Summer 2020/21 Print Post Publication: I00006993 - THE QUARTERLY MAGAZINE OF THE MAZDA MX-5 CLUB OF NSW
Summer Cover Competition
      RON TOLLENAR             CURRAN BRENNAN                  MICHAEL BROOKE
        Stanley - TAS             Liverpool - NSW             Great Ocean Road - VIC
                                Pic by David Bourne

         Jun Castillo                                     ARGIRO (Sylvia) & ANDREW EDGAR
         Sydney - NSW                                             Albion Park - NSW
                                 PETER HILKMAN
                                  Newcastle - NSW

       BOB DOWNING           ANGIE & CRAIG DUNCAN                KIERAN TAYLOR
       Cambewarra - NSW       Centenial Vineyards - NSW        NewcastleMossy - NSW
       Pic by Anne Zattera                                      Pic by Josh Fitzgerald

2 Club Torque
Summer 2020/21 Print Post Publication: I00006993 - THE QUARTERLY MAGAZINE OF THE MAZDA MX-5 CLUB OF NSW
             EDITOR                                                    CONTENTS
         PETER BARNWELL                                                President’s Report............................ 04
 DESIGN AND PRODUCTION                                                 Committee List.................................. 04
           KIM JACOBS                                                  Membership Report......................... 05
                                                                       Editorial.............................................. 06
                                                                       Flying Squad..................................... 07
                                                                       Lunch at Gosford ............................ 08
                                                                       Five Hills Run...................................... 09
   CONTRIBUTING WRITERS                                                A Berry Mountain Adventure .10 & 11
• Keith Monaghan • Peter Barnwell                                      Coast To Mountains................ 12 & 13
   • Brian Hicks • Jacqui Quester                                      Run With It......................................... 14
   • Norm Barker • Bob Downing
   • Jenny Luttrell • Barry Luttrell                                   Sliq Run Up The Putty........................ 15
   • Andrew Lord • Joe Kovacic                                         Challenge Bathurst................. 16 & 17
  • Rod Nicholas • Brian Clayton                                       Christmas/Presentations Canberra.18
   • Andrew Tate • John Purcell
  • Chris Cameron • Bricet Kloren                                      Beautiful Boydtown.......................... 19
  • Bryan Shedden • Greg Unger                                         Big Block NC............................ 20 & 21
 • Anne Zattera • Andrew Digney                                        Christmas/Presentations Hunter..... 22
 • Peter Wilson • Annemie Wilson
                                                                       Sydney Chapter MOTY.................... 23
CONTRIBUTING PHOTOGRAPHERS                                             Club Track Day Round 1.................. 24
   • Ron Quester • Norm Barker                                         Wakefield 300 Team Report............ 25
  • Bricet Kloren • Anne Zattera
                                                                       Pizza Evening.................................... 26
 • Mark Mansell • Anda Clayton
  • Jenny Luttrell, • Barry Luttrell                                   Would They Dare.............................. 27
• Stephen Lord • Keith Monaghan                                        Winding Way to Wollombi...... 28 & 29
  • Rod Nicholas • Dace Abolins                                        Tiptoe to Tuross........................ 30 & 31
  • Brian Clayton, • Andrew Tate
   • David Gazzard • Rob Wilko                                         Tyre Talk.................................... 32 & 33
 • Greg Unger • Andrew Digney                                          Smoke & Mirrors................................ 34
   • Andrew Lord • John Purcell                                        Cobweb Clearer.............................. 35
 • Peter Wilson • Annemie Wilson
 • Bill Short, • Maryanne Nicholas                                     Newcastle Evening Loop....... 36 & 37
             • Kim Jacobs                                              Loopy Lunch Run.............................. 38
                                                                       Party Time.......................................... 39
                                                                       Pub Lunch at Araluen...................... 40
            LESA BUNN
                                                                       Footrot Flats Fang............... 41,42 & 43
                                                                       Sponsor Page................................... 44
           Mazda MX-5 Club of NSW Inc.
           PO Box 729, Cronulla NSW 2230                 
               Autumn Cover Competition
Entries are now open for the cover competition of the Autumn edition of Club Torque and can be submitted to:
                   Entries close 15th May 2021.
            Please include the location and send portrait photos to suit the orientation of the page.

                                                                                                              Club Torque 3
Summer 2020/21 Print Post Publication: I00006993 - THE QUARTERLY MAGAZINE OF THE MAZDA MX-5 CLUB OF NSW
President’s                                                                             COMMITTEE

                                                                            Keith Monaghan..........................0418 976 279
                                                                            Lesa Bunn...................................0423 276 152
                                                                            Julie Sando..................................0438 538 837

            A Summer Like                                                   Wesley Hill...................................0422 035 893

                 No Other
                                                                            Michael Soulos............................0413 113 399
                                                                            Bryan Shedden............................0422 340 010
Well, we have just come through       The motor sports section of the
an interesting summer with a lot      club has developed an extensive       Membership.................................
of rain, some sun, and continual      calendar covering track days,         Ken & Maggie Liston .................02 9872 1639
changes on what we could do           motorkhana and super sprints.         Competition
due to COVID rules. Despite all       Due to COVID we are unable            Ian Combes.................................0433 159 726
of this we managed to get out of      to run driver training at this time
                                                                            Website Coordinator
the house and enjoy our cars as       but will keep monitoring the          Gus Elias.....................................0406 765 158
a club.                               requirements and if possible, look
                                      to starting these up again.           Publications and
I would like to thank all the                                               Club Torque
people that have organized            NatMeet has been postponed            Peter Barnwell.............................0409 494 373
events for our members through        until 2022. As this is a              Kim Jacobs..................................0422 006 866
these “interesting” times. It has     postponement the majority of the
been difficult to organize events,    events that have been developed       Christine Cameron......................02 4931 9388
but we have been able to meet         will be carried over. Due to
our members needs and I thank         various personal requirements         BreakFast Club
                                                                            Peter Battisson...........................0417 269 325
all those involved in making this     the committee that set up             Andrew Lord................................0414 323 726
possible.                             NatMeet 2021 have retired. I
                                      would like to thank Peter and Jill    Canberra
The end of the year is a time                                               Peter Wilson................................0402 248 553
when we look to present our           Feutrill, George & Jen Boyko and
                                                                            Annemie Wilson.........................
Member Of The Year awards             Elaine & David Gazzard for their
(MOTY). Due to the current            work and dedication in planning       Hunter
                                      and setting up this event in such     John Purcell................................02 4931 9388
situation and the distances                                                 Christine Cameron......................02 4931 9388
involved it has taken some            a way that the next committee
time for me to have the awards        can take it up and run with it.       Illawarra
presented.                            Due to the retirements, I am          James Mate.................................0468 926 826

I would like to congratulate Rod      looking for volunteers to help        RPM
                                      run NatMeet in 2022. Due to           Chris Wyatt..................................0428 604 138
Nicholas (Canberra) on winning                                              Gillian Fletcher............................0438 782 419
Member Of The Year (MOTY)             the work already done this will
for the club and Bill & Jan Short     be more of a management and           Mid North Coast
(Illawarra) for winning New           facilitation role as opposed to a
                                      full development role so please       Allen Martin.................................0418 218 073
Member Of The year (NMOTY)                                                  Peter McDonnell..........................0417 575 454
for the club and the runners          contact me if you are interested
up Brigid & Ron Gallop (RPM)          in taking this on.                    South Coast
MOTY and Peter & Annemie              Are Mazda MX-5’s an asset?            Brian Clayton..............................0418 225 749
                                                                            Anda Clayton
Wilson (Canberra) for NMOTY.          The current COVID situation has
We had a convenor’s conference        had some interesting effects,         Sydney
                                      one being the increase in value       Bryan Hicks.................................0407 225 064
early in March to discuss the                                               Andy Bottomley..........................0488 998 510
club events going forward for the     of our cars. I’ve been watching
rest of the year. This has been       the marketplace, I have seen                          EX-OFFICIO REPRESENTATIVES
delayed from our normal timing        saleable car prices rising at least
due to COVID, buy with the lifting    20%. Does this mean our cars          Competition Event
of restrictions we ran the event.     are now seen as an asset or as        Barry Luttrell...............................0411 231 107
This allowed the convenors, and       I look at it a great car to have an   MX-5
their teams, to get together and      enjoy? Only time will tell.           Paul Nudd....................................0421 990 038
not only to set runs but to discuss   Hope to see you on the road.          Club Historian
what is happening in their areas                                            Elaine Caldwell............................02 9451 1432
and see what is happening in
other areas of the club.              Keith Monaghan
4 Club Torque
Summer 2020/21 Print Post Publication: I00006993 - THE QUARTERLY MAGAZINE OF THE MAZDA MX-5 CLUB OF NSW
  We’ve had 58 new members join since the Spring edition of the magazine was published.

                                   A warm welcome to the MX-5 Club of NSW.
                      New members are encouraged to contact their Chapter Convenors
                       for local events and to visit our website - for the
                               full range of social, technical and sporting events.

    Canberra Welcomes                                                              Hunter Welcomes
      5 New Members                                                                 7 New Members
Lynn Gill             Vinny Mamo                                             Ann Brady          Lorraine Hellens
Luke Goodwin          Adrian Meijer                                          Robert Edgar       Adam Morris
Mia Goodwin                                                                  Carol Edmonds      Deakin Nolan
                                                                             Steve Edmonds

                                               As at 3 March 2021
  Mid North Coast
  2 New Members
                                       CURRENT                                           RPM Welcomes

    Sue Creech
    Olaf Gaetcke                                                                         5 New Member
                                                                                       Shannon Austin      Matthew Stanley

                                                                                       Thomas Cripps       Michael Willis
                                                                                       Holly Shields

   South Coast
  2 New Member
   Michael Brooke
   Jackilyn Kennedy
                                                                             Sydney Welcomes
                                                                             28 New Members
                                                        Kevin Bolton       Deen Hameed          Kyle Robinson
                   Illawarra Welcomes                   Richard Chuck      Samuel Herstigg      Barb Sargeant
                      9 New Members                     Edward Chun        Craig Hosken         Chris Sargeant
                                                        Steven Clare       Tiffany Hosken       Allison Schubert
               John Farmer        Zachary Prior         David Concepcion   Alexander King       Ian Spinks
               Marina Farmer      Jacinta Sheridan      Maria Concepcion   John Lambeth         Hayden Watson
               Isabelle Harding   Luke Sheridan         Steve Connolly     Suraj Makkar         Manooki Wijayanayake
               Ray McGhie         Kyle Testa            Adrian Dimarco     Richard Nicholls     Patrick Wynne
                                  Gwen Weir
                                                        Carol Drechsler    Johnson Ning
                                                        Stephen Goozee     Georgina Reed

     Membership Renewals - if you are having any difficulties logging into the Membership portal to
                 process your renewal, please contact Bryan Shedden on 0422 340 010
                          and he will happily assist in resolving any issues.
        It rarely takes more than a few minutes and then you are good to go for another year.

                                                                                                        Club Torque 5
Summer 2020/21 Print Post Publication: I00006993 - THE QUARTERLY MAGAZINE OF THE MAZDA MX-5 CLUB OF NSW
I know, I know, if you don’t      Inadvertently exceed the       with better driver training.   of the land is just not on
speed you won’t get fined         speed limit by 5kmh in a 50    And they have a better         as far as I am concerned.
but it’s my contention that       zone and you’re a gonner.      attitude behind the wheel.     They get a cut from every
anyone who says that is full      The government can’t           It’s the application of        punter fined and guess
of it.                            seriously expect all drivers   speeding laws (and others)     what, Redflex run other
Everyone speeds at one            to have one eye on the         I have issue with especially   traffic fine camera systems
time or other, don’t care         speedo and one on the          those bounty hunters in        around the state from which
what you say, or even if          road which is counter to       unmarked cars all making       they presumably also get
you’re a saint, you will have     road safety.                   a profit for Redflex (and      a cut.
exceeded the speed limit          Give it a crack… try and       shareholder Macquarie          Perhaps it’s where I should
at some time during your          rigorously maintain your       Bank).                         put my superannuation but
driving career so you have        speed at say 50kmh around      One another note, there’s      that would be problematic
no right to say the above.        town and see how you go        the timing, after a year       as Redflex (and
Even my 91 year old mum           and how your driving style     of additional government       employees) have been
inadvertently goes over the       is influenced.                 spending due to COVID.         done big time in various US
limit which leaves her open                                                                     courts for bribery and other
                                  Oops, missed seeing that       It’s as if our State           crimes.
to being fined.                   pedestrian crossing while I    Government is trying to
Especially now that the           was monitoring my speed.       balance the books through      Real nice people …not,
NSW Government has                                               speeding fines in one year.    and the pollies should be
                                  Phew, just missed side                                        ashamed of themselves.
taken away warning signs          swiping that cyclist but I     And the effect is already
and camera car livery from        was under
the privately operated,           50kmh.
traffic fine bounty hunters
sneakily hiding behind            Oops, missed
parked cars or secreted so        that huge
that you can’t see them.          pothole and
                                  now need a
I am not against private          new wheel, but
enterprise at all but what        I didn’t exceed
I find extremely difficult        the limit.. etc,
to accept is that here we         etc, etc.
have a private company
(Redflex) applying the laws       What’s worse
of the land.                      is that we
                                  could morph
I thought that was the            into Victorian
purpose of the police…            drivers who
funded by the government          are prone to
(us).                             stab the brakes
But no, there is an               randomly even
exponentially increasing          when driving
number of these so-called         on the freeway.
‘mobile camera cars’              Watch it next
allegedly operating as            time you’re
speed deterrents even             driving in
though you won’t know             Victoria.
you’ve been speeding until        We will likely
a few weeks after the fact.       become
The practice definitely           the type of                    apparent with a 750%
falls into the un-Australian      driver I loathe… “Nervous                                     Makes you wonder what
                                                                 increase in the number of      other forms of policing will
category and is most              Nellies” who can’t even        mobile camera car fines
certainly not a fair go by        make a rudimentary driving                                    be hived off to the private
                                                                 issued since signs and         sector.
any stretch.                      decision such as when to       paint were discarded a few
As for reducing the               safely pull out of a side      months ago.                    It would be poetic justice if
incidence of speeding, well       street.                                                       they (pollies) were pinged
                                                                 That’s going to fill a         by Redflex but they would
good luck with that because       I get that speeding can be     financial black hole in
it’s almost impossible            dangerous and plenty of                                       probably get their mates to
                                                                 double quick time.             waive the fine…
to remain 100 per cent            people can’t drive (at all     Using private, bounty
vigilant all of the time you’re   really) so there’s a recipe
driving. You just can’t do it.    for disaster. It can be
                                  addressed German-style
                                                                 hunter, speed camera
                                                                 operators to apply the laws    Grrrrrrrrrrrrr
6 Club Torque
Summer 2020/21 Print Post Publication: I00006993 - THE QUARTERLY MAGAZINE OF THE MAZDA MX-5 CLUB OF NSW
                                                                                     SYDNEY CHAPTER
                                                                                   Words • Bryan Hicks
                                                                                  Pics • Sydney Chapter
                                                                                      Sunday • January 17, 2021

In case you thought         down in sheets so we        I decided to take             and circles and took
otherwise, I have other     decide to wait for it to    everyone to my house          these photos while the
interests outside MX-5s.    clear… to no avail.         where we could wait           rain held off just for us.
The plan was to have        Eventually our run          for the rain to stop and      After that we all headed
a run to my Radio           group decided to go to      eventually it did so it was   off on a run to Big
Controlled Flying Club      Menai Club and park         off to the flying club.       Daddy’s Burgers which
which is only a 20 minute   underground and do          Nobody was there so no        was fantastic.
drive from the start at     car talk for a while. Not   flying was happening.         Then the rain came
Menai McDonalds.            a bad thing to do for       We drove our cars onto        down again as we
We had a coffee while       committed MX-5ers like      the astro turf runway         sat and ate our lunch
we waited for 6 cars to     us.                         which was nice and            accompanied by more
arrive.                     Soon it was apparent        squelchy.                     car talk.
The weather wasn’t kind     that a comfort stop was     The group laid out the
and the rain was coming     required.                   cars in rows, patterns

                                                                                                     Club Torque 7
Summer 2020/21 Print Post Publication: I00006993 - THE QUARTERLY MAGAZINE OF THE MAZDA MX-5 CLUB OF NSW
                                                         RPM CHAPTER
                                                 Words • Jacqui Quester
                                                     Pics • Ron Quester
                                                    Sunday • November 29, 2020

                It appears that a return         everyone was happy and
                to normal activities after       enjoying the day.
                the Covid restrictions may       Confirming that all was well,
                take a little longer than we     we proceeded onto the Old
                anticipated.                     Pacific Highway which kept
                Although the number of           us on a shady backroad
                participants for this run        with lots of twists and turns.
                was disappointing, that did      It was good to arrive at the
                not dampen the spirits of        Central Coast Club and get
                the hearty mob who came          a cold one down in air-
                along.                           conditioned comfort before
                Nine brave souls in five cars    settling down to a lovely
                set out from McGrath Hill        lunch.
                on a very hot morning. The       Even though it was hot, I
                extra brave even left their      feel that getting out in our
                tops down.                       little car and mixing with
                We travelled through             our mates was a very good
                Hawkesbury to Berowra,           thing.
                where we crossed on the          We are pleased that we
                punt. The road was winding       braved the day and left
                and steep and generally          our home to have a lovely
                just the sort of road that our   lunch with a few laughs and
                members enjoy.                   much chatter. No-one got
                We took a comfort/               sunburnt but everyone had
                rehydration break at Pie in      a good day.
                the Sky and checked that

8 Club Torque
Summer 2020/21 Print Post Publication: I00006993 - THE QUARTERLY MAGAZINE OF THE MAZDA MX-5 CLUB OF NSW
Words • Norm Barker
Pics • Norm Barker
• Bricet Kloren
Sunday • January 17, 2021

It was the reds v the        Canberra but
rest as we set off on        rarely visited as
our annual Five Hills        it’s in the grounds
run around Canberra to       of the Royal Military
start off the year.          College Duntroon.
The route was chosen         Next was Mt Ainslie with
because these five hills     a short stop, then on       This
around the centre of         to Black Mountain past      direction
Canberra are the only        the Telstra Tower and       was a little
ones that have road          over to Dairy Hill in the   more challenging as       After a pleasant
access to the top, so        Arboretum.                  there were more traffic   90-minute run, enjoyed
they make for great          The group then headed       lights and right hand     by all, we gathered on
sight-seeing.                across town to Red Hill     turns but the group       the green grass beside
And what a different         lookout where there is a    managed to keep           the lake for a picnic and
atmosphere (literally)       sizable carpark suitable    together with only two    to watch the sun go
it was compared to           for a car group photo.      regroupings necessary.    down.
last year, when smoke        Once completed, the         This group also stopped   This popular event is
obscured all our views       convoy made its way         for car photo ops and     always well-attended
when we got to the top       to the final destination    to take in the views of   and as usual everyone
of the hills.                at Lennox Gardens           the city which wasn’t     settled down to enjoy
The reds, led by Bob         by Lake Burley Griffin      possible the previous     the company, have
took off first. This group   (behind the Hyatt           year.                     a chat and picnic
of various model red         Hotel).                     One other difference      together.
MX-5s gained much            The second group            was the noticeably
attention on the way         led by Norm, of multi-      green and lush growth
and one person asked         coloured MX-5s (very        around the city after
if they had all been         un-PC), visited the         much welcomed rain
rented.                      same hills in the reverse   over spring and early
They first drove through     order, passing the Reds     summer.
to Mt Pleasant, possibly     on Anzac Parade.
one of the best views of

                                                                                                Club Torque 9
Summer 2020/21 Print Post Publication: I00006993 - THE QUARTERLY MAGAZINE OF THE MAZDA MX-5 CLUB OF NSW
                 After a brilliant day on the
                 Wednesday, Thursday came up
                 cold, dreary and misty…not ideal
                 for a run up through Cambewarra
                 finishing at Shoalhaven Heads.
                 At the appointed time 5 cars
                 left from Tomerong and headed
                 through Nowra towards our
                 morning tea stop at Cambewarra
                 As we travelled north the
                 weather deteriorated and after
                 turning off Kangaroo Valley
                 Road to head up the mountain,
                 so did the road with potholes
                 Arriving at the top we enjoyed a
                 nice hot coffee, trying to admire
                 the view of the south coast
                 through the ever-thickening mist.
                 Sufficiently replenished we left in
                 the mist, which now enveloped
                 the whole of the mountain
                 top for our 2 runs over Berry
                 Mountain and a drive through the
                 Wattamolla Valley.
                 Before starting, Geoff had
                 warned us of the potholes which
                 we may meet along the way.
                 Needless to say, there were
                 many, varying in size from

10 Club Torque
      Words • Bob Downing
         Pics • Anne Zattera
              • Bob Downing
              • Mark Mansell
               •Anda Clayton
 Date Thursday, December 10, 2020

saucer size to others almost the
size of a small swimming pool, in
which our cars would surely have
Onwards through the mist for our
first run over Berry Mountain until
we reached Berry.
A ride through the town
and we headed out through
Wattamolla Valley back towards
The valley is very scenic and
through the mist we were able
to admire some of the beautiful
views and the impressive
Back onto Kangaroo Valley road
for our second run over Berry
Mountain, the mist had lifted, but
the potholes weren't any better
second time around.
After traversing Berry we found
ourselves at the “Treat Factory”
and what a treat it was.              fortunately was protected from   All too soon it was time to say
With wallets duly lightened, and      the worst of the wind.           “Merry Christmas and Happy
future calories to be devoured        The usual discussion and merry   New Year” to all and start to think
loaded in the cars, we headed off     banter took place along with     about our adventures for 2021.
to Shoalhaven Heads for a late        many photos being taken while    Thanks, Geoff and Rose for
picnic lunch.                         we enjoyed our lunch and a       organising a great last day out
We selected a picnic shed             selection of Rose and Jan's      for the year.
looking out to the river, which       delicious biscuits.

                                                                                             Club Torque 11
COAST TO MOUNTAINS                                   Fast forward to             After morning tea, the
 HUNTER CHAPTER                                       the same time in            convoy wound its way
                                                      2020 and we had to          up Wootton Way (a
 Words • Jenny Luttrell • Barry Luttrell
                                                      accommodate the             nice twisty fun section
 Pics • Jenny Luttrell • Barry Luttrell               changing COVID19            of road), John having
 Date Saturday, December 12, 2020                     restrictions and            left earlier to video our
                                                      predicted extreme           cars coming up the
Back in 2019 our “Coast     months. Having been       weather conditions. So,     hill. Turning at the end,
to Mountains” run was       turned back at Gingers    our accommodation           we then did the road
disrupted by drought        Creek on the Oxley        needed to manage up         in reverse to our start
and bushfires that saw      Hwy we hoped to redo      to 30 participants within   point.
roads being closed          the run in 2020, but in   COVID19 limits. Aston       The spirited run over,
and not reopening for       reverse.                  Hill Motel allocated us     it was a scenic drive
                                                      the rooms and also the      along Lakes Way
                                                      use of their outdoor        through Forster to the
                                                      covered BBQ area for        Taree Service Centre
                                                      Saturday night dinner,      for lunch. Lunch over
                                                      which fitted nicely         and with the bad
                                                      with Covid19 and the        weather still staying
                                                      weather.                    away we continued onto
                                                      Saturday morning saw        Ocean Drive via Kew,
                                                      25 participants in 14       Laurieton and into Port
                                                      cars leave Raymond          Macquarie.
                                                      Terrace Riverside Park      A visit to North Brother
                                                      to drive the back roads     lookout provided
                                                      of the Hunter Valley        the opportunity for a
                                                      via Clarencetown,           welcome leg stretch
                                                      Limeburners Creek           and to check out the
                                                      and Booral stopping         magnificent views
                                                      for morning tea at          across the coast and
                                                      Wade Park Bulahdelah.       lakes.
                                                      The forecast extreme
                                                                                  Dinner tonight was
                                                      weather was holding off
                                                                                  a BBQ at the motel
                                                      so all was good.

12 Club Torque
organised by Barry,        Rivers National Park.
Jenny, Chris and           Sadly, the falls were
John (with help from       not running - this was
Woolworths), and           after Jenny and Barry
deliciously cooked by      described the potential
David G and David B.       vista of falling water,
Our two Brian’s (aka B1    sorry about that.
and B2) led a rendition    Lunch was at the
of various songs to        Walcha Royal Café a
accompany the evening      step back in time and a
and many stories were      glimpse of the historic
shared over drinks.        Royal Hotel with typical
Sunday breakfast           country hospitality.
was at the Rivermark       The afternoon drive
Café and included a        was down another
surprise visit by some     great MX-5 road,
of the Mid North Coast     Thunderbolt’s Way,
Chapter members.           to Pioneer Lookout at
After breakfast and        the top of Gloucester
in perfect weather         Range taking in the
conditions (for MX-5s),    valley views. Following
we progressed up the       Thunderbolt’s Way, it
Oxley Hwy to Stockyard     was down to Billabong
Creek for BYO morning      Park at Gloucester
tea. The Oxley Hwy is      for afternoon tea. The
one of the last great      run dispersed with
drives in Australia        participants saying
and also attracts          goodbye and making
tours by international     their own way home.
motorcyclists. The final   Thank you to everyone
section of the mountain    who contributed to
took us to Apsley falls    making the event a
and views of the gorges    great success.
of the Oxley Wild

                                                      Club Torque 13
Run With It
 Social runs are at the very heart of our Club. But how do you choose which run is right for you? We have considered
our run distances and times, the technical challenges of the roads involved and the posted speed limits along the way
          and developed this grading system for all Club runs. Now you can just sit back and enjoy the drive.

 EASY                                                             Runs are casual runs of around 100kms to
                                                                  a breakfast or lunch venue and back. The
                                                                  route avoids 100km - 110km/hr roads as
                                                                  much as possible. Recommended for all

 CRUISER                                                          Runs are around 100 - 200kms to a lunch
                                                                  venue and back with at least one stop. The
                                                                  drive is mostly on 80km - 100km/hr roads
                                                                  and are suitable for all drivers.

 LONG                                                             Runs are between 150 - 250kms and feature
                                                                  a variety of terrains and road conditions with
                                                                  a meal and regular stops along the way. We
                                                                  recommend that you do at least 1 “C” run
                                                                  before a long run.

 HARD                                                             Runs are between 150 - 400kms with a mix of
                                                                  highways and some challenging roads. Hard
                                                                  runs are social with regular convenience,
                                                                  refreshment and sightseeing stops. Suited
                                                                  to confident MX-5 drivers.

 CHALLENGING                                                      Runs are technical runs of up to 600kms
                                                                  or more per day with few, if any, stops.
                                                                  Featuring early starts and twisty, demanding
                                                                  back country roads, challenging runs are for
                                                                  experienced drivers.

At all times, run participants must accept sole responsibility for safe and courteous conduct on the roads. Drivers must hold
a current driver’s license and vehicle registration, obey all road rules and drive with respect for the prevailing conditions.

14 Club Torque
                                                                                            BREAKFAST CLUB
                                                                                           Words • Andrew Lord
                                                                                            Pics • Stephen Lord
                                                                                      Date Sunday, Januray 24, 2020

Like many people, I find         lack of constitution in      It was certainly             we snaked through
it hard to start things.         Australia’s middle order,    no different in this         Milbrodale and onto
Whether it be mowing             it can be hard to find the   instalment, with the         Broke.
the lawn, a new fitness          motivation to jump back      flowing 4th and 5th gear     As always with the
regime or trying to feign        in the saddle.               corners providing a great    BreakFast Club, a hearty
interest in the American         It seems easier to float     contrast to the more         breakfast was enjoyed
electoral system,                down to the beach or         technical canyon section     with hearty conversation
I can be an expert               do a crossword than          with its tight corners and   at a perennial favourite,
procrastinator when I            grab the keys to the car     rock wall lined apertures.   Myrtle House.
want to be. To combat            for another epic drive.      For me, it’s a real          Although a stinking
this, I find that utilising an   However, the Putty           iconic atmosphere to         hot day, we were well
old habit or routine, often      Road has a funny way         fly through this section,    accommodated and the
in the company of others         of dragging you from         snaking next to the          breakfast fare was of its
is the perfect antidote to       your sofa and into its       river with the sound of      usual high standard.
my sluggishness.                 mystique.                    stainless steel exhausts
                                                                                           Before long we scattered
The Sliq Run is a perfect        The Putty is one of those    warbling off the valley
                                                                                           off home, some through
case in point. When              roads that contains          walls. The avenue into
                                                                                           Wisemans, others
there’s still a strong           enough familiarity to        the Hunter proper is
                                                                                           back down the Putty,
taste of Christmas               make you comfortable         always majestic, with
                                                                                           others still lingering in
pudding and New                  and draw you back but        the craggy summits
                                                                                           the Hunter Valley to
Years champagne                  also enough challenge        providing the perfect
                                                                                           sample some of the local
in your mouth and                and excitement to test       backdrop to the quaint
                                                                                           delights. All in all, a great
you’ve spent the last            your mettle and keep         homesteads with their
                                                                                           way to kick off the year –
6 weeks lamenting the            you on your toes.            orderly vineyards as
                                                                                           BreakFast Club style.

                                                                                                         Club Torque 15
Words • Joe Kovacic
Mazda’s mighty        laps. Points are       There were only       down the straight
little MX-5 sports    deducted for           six MX-5s entered     but were a force
car stunned plenty    going slower and       from the NSW          to be reckoned
of spectators and     double points          Club out of a total   with through
fellow competitors    deducted for           field of 178 cars.    the corners and
by taking first       going faster than      But the stoic         across the top of      and Bathurst
place in all four     the nominated          little two seaters    the mountain often     Regional Council
regularity classes;   time. From all         proved to have        reeling in huge        with help from
A, B, C, and D        reports, it’s a        the necessary         advantages gained      an army of
and a third place     difficult motorsport   mettle for the        by the faster,         volunteers.
in Class B at the     discipline.            mountain with         more powerful          Naturally enough,
recent Challenge      Congratulations to     their combination     competition.           members of the
Bathurst 2020 at      Top Gun regularity     of razor sharp        Challenge              MX-5 Club of NSW
Mt Panorama.          drivers, Stewart       handling, strong      Bathurst is a highly   look forward to this
Regularity is a       Temesvary, Glenn       braking and good      anticipated annual     year’s Challenge
time trial where      Thomas, John           useable power.        event promoted by      Bathurst Event
drivers nominate a    Karayannis and         The MX-5s were        Yeehah Events in       with relish.
time they attempt     Luke Kovacic from      nowhere near          conjunction with
to replicate          the MX-5 Club of       the fastest cars      major sponsors
over multiple         NSW.                                         GT Mechanica

16 Club Torque
Club Torque 17
Words • Rod Nicholas
Pics • Keith Monaghan • Rod Nicholas
Date Saturday, December 12, 2020

With a ho ho ho             Keith Monaghan who         tallied
And a chink of glass        journeyed from Sydney      by the boffins
We'll end the year          to join us.                in Sydney and
With a touch of class.      After a delicious lunch    hey presto, a name        Joanne
Canberra Chapter            (well done Yowani)         pops out of the system.   Blackburn was
wrapped up 2020             and a great deal of        Congratulations:          named the Best-
with more than just a       chatter we got on to       • Rod Nicholas -          Dressed Lady of 2020,
touch of class and a        the presentations part     Canberra Chapter          and Martin Robertson
very enjoyable lunch        of the day. Convenor       Member the Year           the Most Over-the-
at the Yowani Country       Peter thanked all          • Peter and Annemie       Top Gent. Martin’s
Club, hosted by our         those involved who         Wilson - Canberra         socks were the pièce
Convenors Peter and         took active roles in the   Chapter New Member        de resistance with their
Annemie Wilson.             ‘administration’ (Runs     the Year                  message of Christmas
The Plague had forced       Committee, Website         • Malcolm Fotheringham    joy (that modesty – and
us to put some social       etc), Run Leaders,         - Canberra Chapter        good taste – prevents
gatherings and runs on      those who helped           Motorsport Member of      me from spelling out
the back-burner due         with social events,        the Year                  here).
to health restrictions.     and (of course) all the    President Keith took       “Lucky door” draws
Despite this the year       wonderful members          over to announce a        offered prizes aplenty
was far from a write-off.   who joined runs, attend    couple of extra awards:   including to our
We got off to a good        C&L and otherwise          • Rod Nicholas - Club     newbies, Frances and
start before restrictions   helped to make the         Member the Year           Lili.
kept us at home. As         Chapter such a joy         • Peter and Annemie       Congratulations to all
restrictions eased          to be part of. Peter       Wilson – Runners-up       award recipients (and
alternative runs were       welcomed our new           Club New Member of        prize recipients).
plotted to make the         members encourging         the Year.                 Our Lunch and
most of what was            them to come back for      The real interest         Presentations was a
allowed. We managed         more.                      was in who would          resounding success –
22 runs and held eight      Our recent Convenor        receive recognition       plenty of laughs, plenty
of our Coffee and Lies      James Schiemer             and adulation as the      of talk, plenty of tucker
meetings which is a         and Keith Monaghan         Best-Dressed Lady         and a roomful of great
great a commendable         outlined the process       and the Most Over-the-    people.
effort.                     to determine the           Top Gent’s Outfit. By     All things considered
In celebration, we          Member of the Year -       unanimous decision        it was a good year,
gathered at Yowani          points are awarded for     (of a fully independent   hopefully 2021 will be
for lunch. Forty-seven      participation in various   member of the Yowani      brighter, better, happier.
members attended            club activities. Points    crew),                    May you Zoom Zoom to
including Club President    are                                                  your heart’s content.

18 Club Torque
                                  SOUTHCOAST CHAPTER
                                     Words • Brian Clayton
         Pics • Anda Clayton • Dace Abolins • Brian Clayton
                             Date Thursday/Friday, February 11 - 12, 2021

February 11 dawned      Chris and Dace,           After a long day and
bright and clear        intercepted on their      a pleasant dinner, it
and moderate            way north from            was time to turn in.
late summer             Narooma.                  Next morning
temperatures            After coffee and          brought light rain and
promised a great        some snacks, we           overcast conditions
opportunity for         farewelled Kerry and      but breakfast in Eden
top down MX-5           the six remaining         beckoned, followed
adventures.             adventurers headed        by a visit to the Eden
Meeting at the          south for some more       Whale Museum.
Heritage Bakery,        pleasant motoring to      Both are definitely
Milton, we found out    Eden, our planned         worth a visit, even
Kerry’s better half,    lunch stop. The           for a second or third
Lesley, was a late      usual lunch venue on      time.
withdrawal due to a     the wharf is closed       Mid-morning saw us
family commitment.      for renovations but       on the road again,
Kerry, could not        highly recommended        headed for Tilba
pass up a beautiful     Ollie’s in town           Winery and lunch.
morning run.            provided an excellent     Intermittent rain
                        alternative.              meant the top stayed
Along for the ride
were Goldilock’s        After lunch was a         closed but it did not
children, Bill and      short trip to Boyd        deter us from another
Jan, riding in the      Town to see Boyd’s        pleasant drive
trombone van.           Tower, built as a         through beautiful
                        light house but used      South Coast scenery.
Jan’s hip problem
                        as a whale watch          Really, the Bega
objects to long
                        tower. Again, this        Valley was touched
range trips in low
                        is a recommended          by God.
slung Goldilocks so
                        excursion but poor        Lunch at Tilba
Goldilocks stayed
                        roads stopped us          Winery managed
in the garage and
                        from visiting the         by lovely hostess,
the VW trombone
                        old whaling station       Carlie, was up to its
van provided
                        and Green Cape            usual high standard.
After a great morning                             After lunch it was
                        So, it was back to        farewell and the
run in fabulous
                        our digs for the night    trip home after a
weather and only
                        - five-star cabins        wonderful two-
three interruptions
                        at the beach side         day South Coast
due to bushfire
                        caravan park with a       excursion.
related roadworks,
                        walk on the beach,
we reached our                                    Uneventful driving
                        “Fivesies” on the
morning coffee stop                               but terrific interludes.
                        cabin deck followed
at Bodalla Cheese                                 Can’t wait for the
                        by a short walk to the
factory. Here we                                  next.
                        Sea Horse Inn for
were joined by

                                                            Club Torque 19
A 2.4L engine swap in my
2006 NC MX-5?
                              character of the MX-5       I disassembled the
                                                          old engine which was
                                                                                      Words • Andrew Tate
                                                                                       Pics • Andrew Tate
                                                                                     MX-5 CLub of Victoria
                                                                                       Over a period of 18
                                                                                       months I sourced the
                              The basis of the engine I
Some of you may               have built is an L5 block   then cleaned and             required parts and had all
remember a previous           and head with a L3 crank/   inspected. Machining         of the engine machining
article I wrote about my      rod combo. This results     work was completed           completed. After the
“mildly” modified 2006 NC     in a capacity of 2365cc     which included engine        rotating assembly was
softtop which includes        (2.4L).                     block cleaned bored          balanced the engine
a GWR ceramic coated                                      and honed, crankshaft        was then progressively
                              This is achieved using
header, GWR Roadster                                      cleaned, balanced and        assembled including
                              the L5 block bored .5mm
Sport “Q” muffler, GWR                                    polished, connecting         fitting the engine
                              oversize to 89.5mm
progressive springs,                                      rods balanced, pistons       accessories and finally
                              which is 2mm larger than
Koni adjustable shocks,                                   balanced, full cylinder      completed in December
                              the bore of the LF/L3
Whiteline sway bars,                                      head recondition/repair,     2020.
                              engines at 87.5mm and
Dynotronics ECU tune                                      flywheel machined.
                              the L3 crankshaft which
using EcuTek.                 has 94mm stroke which is
As a continuation down        shorter than the 100mm
that slippery slope of        stroke used in the L5 but
car mods I researched         longer than the 83.1mm
and began in early            used in the L8/LF. The
2019, an engine swap          L3/L5 blocks are also
from my original Mazda        14mm taller than the L8/    Engine block, pistons,
2.0L engine to a custom       LF blocks.                  crank & rods
Mazda 2.4L engine.                                                                     Long engine ready for
                              Once I decided to head                                   installation
You may ask how do            down the path of my
                                                                                       During the disaster of
you get a Mazda 2.4L          build, I then went about
                                                                                       a year that was 2020 I
engine when they never        acquiring the 2.5 engine
                                                                                       was also very fortunate
made one? This will get       core and component
                                                                                       to acquire a wrecked
technical but I will try to   parts required.
                                                                                       2012 NC2 MX-5 which
                                                                                       provided me with many
The engine in the NC                                                                   items which assisted me
MX-5 is a Mazda LF (2.0).                                                              greatly with the engine
This engine is part of the                                                             build and swap.
MZR family which are
shared with Ford under                                    Reco cylinder head
the Duratec name.
It came in 4 different
capacities of L8 (1.8),
LF (2.0), L3 (2.3) and        Engine core
L5 (2.5) fitted to MX-5,      I have the good fortune to
Mazda3, Mazda6, CX-7          work for a major national
among others.                 engine reconditioning
                              company for almost 37                                    Wrecked donor car
While the swap of the
                              years so I have ready
L5 (2.5) engine into the                                                               I used the NC2 gearbox,
                              access to engines,
MX-5 is not uncommon                                                                   flywheel, oil pan, oil pick
                              machining services from
my belief is that the                                                                  up, manifold in my engine
                              skilled tradespeople,
long stroke design of                                                                  swap. Fortunately the
                              technical knowledge and
the L5 (2.5) is not in                                                                 vehicle also came with
                              parts from both local and
keeping with free revving                                2.4 long engine               Recaro seats, NC2 door
                              overseas suppliers.

20 Club Torque
trims, radio and centre     and bleeding the cooling      sense of achievement          I can tell you that I did
console, all of which I     system, connect and           and continues to as I         not spend anywhere near
have installed in my car,   regas the A/C and then        have run-in the engine        that and it has been a
from the wreck.             refit all of the other parts  and progressively             challenging but ultimately
I was able to use a         removed.                      updated the ECU tune to       satisfying project that has
vehicle hoist at work to                                  suit. The actual swap took    expanded my knowledge
complete the engine                                       about 7 days but it was       and understanding of NC
swap the week after                                       the culmination of 2 years    MX-5 platform.
Christmas 2020.                                           of planning and work.         Parts Used:
The process to swap                                       An engine swap in an NC       • Forged Supertech
the engine required                                       is not a job I would want        Piston 11.1 Compression
the complete removal                                      to attempt in my garage       • Forged H-Beam
of the front subframe                                     at home.                         Connecting Rods with
including the engine,                                     I plan to take the car to a      ARP bolts
gearbox, suspension                                       dyno at some point to find    • ARP Main Studs
and associated system.       Engine and subframe being
                             fitted to car                out what it’s making but      • ARP Head Studs
I then removed the old                                    my “butt dyno” tells me       • CL Performance
2.0 engine and gearbox        The first start of the      I have achieved what I        Bearings
from the subframe and         engine brought a great      hoped for, which is an NC     • AA Gaskets Full Gasket
swapped in the 2.4 and        sense of relief as it fired MX-5 that I can truly call       Set
NC2 gearbox.                  up first time admittedly a  my own but does not lose      • Reground Cams from
                              little rough as it has some any of what makes it an          Clive Cams
                              reasonably aggressive       MX-5. It just has bit more    • New Timing Chain
                              cams.                       of everything.                • Guides
                                                          I am very happy with the      • Tensioner
                                                          current state of my unique    • Valves
                                                          NC MX-5.                      • VVT Gear
                                                                                        • Friction Washers
                                                          Some will ask was it          • PowerBond Harmonic
                                                          worth it and how much            Balancer
                                                          did it cost?                  • Exedy HD Clutch Kit
Engine and subframe                                       If I was to attempt           • GMB Water Pump
removed from the car                                      this without access to        • Bosch Fuel Injectors
The subframe was then
                                                          the resources I have          • NGK Spark Plugs
reinstalled into the car
                              Engine installed            available then it is quite    • Driven Racing Oil
                                                          possible for it to have          Lubricants.
including connecting and Driving the car for the first
                                                          cost 10k and I would not
bleeding the clutch, filling time presented a great
                                                          have attempted it.

                                                                                          Finished vehicle

                                                                                                     Club Torque 21
                                                        CHAPTER PRESENTATIONS
                                                                                        HUNTER CHAPTER
                                                                       Words • John Purcell • Chris Cameron
                                                                                       Pics • David Gazzard
                                                                                            Date Sunday, December 6, 2020

While discussing the re-
commencement of our
Chapter monthly meetings
at the Argenton Hotel,
the Licensee mentioned          even a Christmas tree in the     Hills, Cardiff, Warners Bay,     winners have been in the
Christmas Parties. With         corner to set the scene, and     Jewells and Charlestown          Hunter Chapter for many
Covid-19 hanging over           large TV screens on the walls    admiring a beautiful array of    years.
our heads we hadn’t really      playing videos of some of our    light displays.                  This well-deserved award
considered organising one,      past runs. Plenty of talk and    The evening ended with milk      went to Barry and Jenny
but with this thought now in    catching up was the norm         shakes and coffee at Macca’s     Luttrell. It’s likely that their
mind, we started planning for   for all.                         Bennetts Green. Everyone         participation as members of
30 members to attend.
                                How do you get the attention     agreed the run planning was      different committees over the
We also realised restrictions   of around 40 people talking      great and that we saw the        years exempted them, so all
would allow us to increase      non-stop?                        very best of the light shows     the more important that they
numbers in the venue to 40                                       around Newcastle.                have been recognised this
                                You take out a trusty old bulb
if allowed. As the venue was                                                                      year.
                                air horn, give it a couple of    Thank you to all who came
totally autonomous from
                                good honks and it sure gets      along and made this event        The Hunter’s Motorsport
the hotel itself with its own
                                everyone’s attention.            such great fun.                  member of the Year was a
bartender, covid-19 marshal
                                As well as celebrating           The Christmas party also         big surprise to the couple
and access we approached
                                Christmas, it provided           gave us the opportunity          who received it. This award
the Committee to grant us
                                the opportunity to hand          to begin presenting our          went to Peter Barnwell and
dispensation to increase
                                out ‘thank-you’ to all our       MOTY awards, with all            Kim Jacobs.
our group size from 30 to
40 members on this specific     volunteers in 2020.              three of these going to dual     On behalf of our Chapter
occasion.                       With the party wrapping up       recipients.                      members, we would like
                                about 8:30, nice and early       The Hunter’s New Member of       to congratulate all our
We would like to thank the
                                to jump into our cars to start   the Year award went to Glenn     winners and thank them for
Committee for agreeing
                                stage 2 of the evening - a       Hawkins and Denise Birrell       their commitment in a year
to allow us to increase
                                Christmas lights run led by      who had put their hand up to     that presented many new
attendance as 40 members
                                Malcolm and Jenny                lead and organise a number       challenges.
were very happy to come
along on the night.             It was a two hour drive          of great runs during the year.
Tables were set with            around Argenton, Edgeworth,      The Hunter’s Member of the
Christmas decorations and       Cameron Park, Macquarie          Year was a surprise as the

22 Club Torque

                             2020 NEW MEMBER
                             OF THE YEAR JOINT
                            ELISABETH POHL AND
                                JOHN HAWLEY

                                     Club Torque 23
Words • Joe Kovacic
Pics • Rob Wilko
Sunday February 14, 2021                             started at 9.30am with        Modified, Open and Non
WAKEFIELD PARK                                       Group 1 cars going out        MX5 Classes.
                                                     first in fine and sunny       Benchmark times are
                                                     conditions.                   used to award points for
                                                     The first session was red     places in your class. This
                                                     flagged due to the Curran     system is a lot fairer for
                                                     Brennan NA race car           all competitors, resulting
                                                     wheel coming off at turn      in any model MX-5 from
                                                     5. Congratulations and        NA through to ND capable
                                                     commiserations to Curran      of winning its class. No
                                                     for the fastest lap time of   one driver managed to
                                                     1.05.80.                      achieve any benchmark
                                                     We had a total of five run    times at this event.
                                                     groups and managed to         Thank you to all the club
                                                     give everyone 6 sessions      officials for putting on
                                                     with up to 45 timed laps.     another successful MX-5
After rain the day         this first motorsport     Once again the track day      Club track day.
before, a mild summer      event for the 2021        was run under a new           We look forward to the
morning greeted the        season followed a         simplified class system       next Round 2 at Pheasant
strong field of 68         challenging Covid 19      with benchmark times          Wood Marulan on Sunday
enthusiastic Motorsport    affected season last      adjusted for the 2021         21st March 2021.
competitors to our first   year.                     season.
track day at Wakefield     Also Clerk of Course,     It is comprised of 6
Park for the 2021          Ian Combes welcomed       Classes including,
season.                    7 nervous first time      Standard, Clubman,
Organised by our Race      competitors.              Super Clubman,
Secretary, Ian Combes,     Race proceedings
     1st place results are as follows
      Name                      Class              Time
      Bryan Shedden             Standard           72.82sec
      Jamie Martin              Clubman            74.08sec
      Jamie Martin              Super Clubman      73.74sec
      Malcolm Steel             Modified           70.13sec
      Curran Brennan           Open                65.80sec
      Jie Ren                  Non MX-5            68.92sec
      Les Patterson            Class RR2           1.58.25
      Dave Alland              Class RR2           2.03.02
      Luke Kovacic             Class TA1           1.45.08
      Greg Bunn                Class TA1           1.58.94

24 Club Torque
                                                                              TEAM REPORT
                                                                                                        Words • Joe Kovacic
                                                                                                         Pics • Joe Kovacic
                                                                                Saturday/Sunday February 20-21, 2021
TEAM SHAZZA                                                                                       WAKEFIELD PARK

Ten is the number of team        Tim Herring managed to            Sprint Race finishing in 15th.        to P2 in C Class.
people it takes to compete       qualify his Class B MX-5 into     More problems for “Shazza”            What an action packed
in the Wakefield 300 Motor       1st place in class with a lap     with David having hard                Wakefield 300.
Race Series.                     of 1.05.91.                       brake pedal problems. Our
                                                                                                         Only 22 cars managed to
The SB Auto sponsored            Team Johnson qualified their      mechanic Steven had some
                                                                                                         finish the race.
Team Shazza of 2 drivers         Class C MX-5 into 6th place       more brake work to do.
                                                                                                         Congratulations goes to race
including owner/driver David     in class with a lap of 1.09.64.   Finally after practicing driver
                                                                                                         winner, The Herring Racing
Lawler and driver Luke           Michael and Mitch Hall            changes and fuel stop
                                                                                                         MX-5 car 77.
Kovacic, chief mechanic          qualified the Carbotech           strategies, Luke Kovacic
Steven Brennan, 6 pit crew -                                       grided up “Shazza” in P18             Drivers Todd Herring and
                                 Brakes MX-5 into 10th place
Ian Combes, Gaynor Lawler,                                         out of a full field of 35 cars for    Verne Johnson completed
                                 for Class B with a lap of
Joe Kovacic, Gus Elias, Tim                                        race start at 13.30hrs.               the 137 gruelling laps in
Velingos and Russ Maxwell.                                                                               a race record time of 2hrs
                                 Finally Team Raceaway             The lights go green and
                                                                                                         42mins and 50secs.
Not forgetting the critical      qualified their Class D MX-5      Luke gets away to a good
catering efforts of Sue                                            clean rolling start gaining 2         So, the mighty little MX-5
                                 into 3rd Place with a 1.11.78
Velingos and Nina.                                                 places after the first lap. Luke      takes 1st place in Class A,
                                                                   is leading Class C by 1 lap           5th place in Class B, 2nd
David Lawler invited young       Sunday was race day for
                                                                   before pitting on Lap 40 for          place in Class C and 1st
gun Luke Kovacic to be his       the Wakefield 300 Enduro.
                                                                   refuelling.                           place in Class D.
number one co-driver for the     An early morning 15 minute
weekend.                                                           Luke is sent out again to             So after all the hard work
                                 practice session allowed
                                                                   get “Shazza” back into P1 in          over the last year a big pat
Two practice and 2 qualifying    Team Shazza driver Luke
                                                                   Class C, only to pit again on         on the back for Team Shazza
sessions were run on             Kovacic to iron out any bugs
                                                                   lap 73 due to low fuel.               for finishing the Wakefield
Saturday.                        in the car.
                                                                                                         300,taking 2nd place on the
Luke managed to qualify the      On returning to the pit           The second pit stop is
                                                                                                         podium for Class C.
Team Shazza 2.5lt NC MX-5,       garage, chief mechanic            frantically performed with a
                                                                   driver change executed for            A big thank you to the event
No 87 in 18th place on the       Steven discovered a fuel leak
                                                                   David Lawler to take his baby         organisers and sponsors for
starting grid with the fastest   in the auxiliary tank which
                                                                   Shazza out for the final stint.       putting on such a great event.
Class C lap of 1.08.40.          had to be removed and re-
                                 plumbed to run on the main        The safety car enters the             All of Team Shazza is
Team Herring Racing ran
                                 fuel tank only.                   circuit after a racing incident       looking forward to the next
2 cars with Todd Herring
                                                                   on lap 103 and David takes            300km Endurance Race to
managing to qualify his Class    This meant the team had
                                                                   the opportunity to refuel             be held at Sydney Motorsport
A Turbo MX-5 into 2nd place      to change the fuel pit stop
                                                                   the car for the final pit stop.       Park in May 2021.
on the grid with a Blistering    strategy from 1 to 3 stops.
lap of 1.03.35.                  This would impact the team        David manages to complete
                                 later in the main race.           the race taking Team Shazza
                                 David Lawler went out
                                 next to compete in the
                                 14 lap

                                                                                                                       Club Torque 25
Words • Bricet Kloren Pics • Bricet Kloren
Date Thursday, January 21, 2021

Summer nights are special in Canberra.       Brindabellas and caught up with
After the heat of the day, the cool of the   everyone’s Christmas stories and tall
evening is a special time for enjoying       tales of Covid avoidance.
good food and a glass or two of good         It is always lovely to support a local
wine with good friends in a beautiful        business, but it feels even better when
garden setting.                              the business is a social enterprise
And so it was this weekday evening           helping migrants and refugees from
when 34 Canberra Chapter members             culturally and linguistically diverse
enjoyed the sunset in the grounds of the     backgrounds gain useful practical
Heritage listed Strathnairn Homestead.       training.
We enjoyed cheese platters, mezze            Everyone thoroughly enjoyed
plates and fresh pizzas, all cooked in       the experience and went home
an outdoor wood fired pizza oven, while      well watered and fed.
watching the sun set over the

26 Club Torque
Turbo Charging For New Model NE MX-5...
Words • Peter Barnwell
Nah, no chance.                   their car than mere transport      (essentially the same           similar if not the same as
Yeh, they can’t NOT have a        from A to B. MX-5 owners           SkyActiv unit as ND)            the ND underneath, just as
hero sports car…especially        want to engage with their          hopefully with a better         the NA and NB are similar
after 32 years.                   car, enjoy the pleasures of        gearbox and don’t be            underneath.
                                  open top driving and the lithe     surprised to see a 2.5-turbo    Perhaps Mazda might
The rumour mill is turning
                                  reflexes of a taut chassis and     in a top of the range model     actually install adjustable
in relation to a possible
                                  responsive powertrain that         with up to 200kW and            suspension on the NE or
replacement for the MX-5
                                  literally talk to each other. No   450Nm.                          make it an option and a
ND which lobbed around 5
                                  car under about $80 grand          Now that would be some          cheaper race spec’ bare-
years ago. Model runs of
                                  comes close for roofless           MX-5 and is entirely possible   bones model would surely
production cars are generally
                                  driver engagement. No not          given a 2.5-turbo Mazda3 is     attract plenty of buyers.
around 6 years before a
                                  even that ancient Nissan           in the pipeline with 186kW
totally new model is notified,                                                                       A bi-modal exhaust would
                                  370Z drop top, heavy, pig of       and 420Nm albeit in all-wheel
so the time is nigh for an                                                                           be good too and a big brake
                                  a thing.                           -drive and a 6-speed slush
MX-5 NE if Mazda choose to                                                                           package.
build one.                        Mazda wouldn’t risk a mild         box.
                                                                                                     You can put my name down
                                  hybrid or all-electric power in    If past history is any
The ND has been a popular                                                                            for a race spec’ 2.5T right
                                  a possible NE.                     indication, a 2.5 turbo
model that follows the tried                                                                         now.
and true MX-5 formula.            It would destroy the soul of       engine in MX-5 NE would be
                                                                                                     What would the NE look like?
                                  the car to have these sterile      enhanced over Mazda3’s 2.5
It may not be to everyone’s                                                                          My money is on a front like
                                  types of motive power, a step      T possibly with a sequential
taste in styling terms but the                                                                       the latest, gorgeous Mazda3
                                  too far for the people who         6-speed manual lifted from
ND is a great car to drive and                                                                       and a rear end similar to
                                  buy, drive and love MX-5s.         the current International
delivers sports car feel in                                                                          the current ND tweaked for
                                  Which leaves two questions:        MX-5 Cup cars.
spades.                                                                                              differentiation with cat eye tail
                                  What would an NE have              Of course they’d drop all-
Given that the world is                                                                              lights instead or round units.
                                  under the bonnet and what          wheel-drive and turn the
trending towards electric                                                                            It would be a handsome
                                  would it look like?                engine around to face north/
propulsion with hybrids filling                                                                      bugger that’s for sure.
                                  The first answer is pretty         south as they have done in
in as a stop-gap, are we likely
                                  easy especially if you look at     the past.                       We found this pic of what the
to see the first hybrid MX-5?
                                  what Mazda make right now.         A new MX-5 NE would             NE might look like…
No, not a chance is my tip.
                                  They probably wouldn’t             undoubtedly follow the          Pretty good eh?
Mazda has hybrid and                                                 proven light weight chassis
                                  go the 1.5-litre path but                                          Stay tuned.
electric technology available                                        formula and probably be
                                  may focus on the naturally                                         Zoom Zoom...
but that will be used in cars
                                  aspirated 2.0-litre
targeting buyers who think of
                                  lifted from the
cars as a moving transport
MX-5s are anything but. They
are, by and large, bought and
owned by enthusiasts who
seek more from

                                                                                                                    Club Torque 27
      G WAY TO W
WINDIN                        SYDNEY CHAPTER
                              Words • Greg Unger
                               Pics • Greg Unger
                           Date Thursday, January 14, 2021

                 Eleven members in eight cars met at    terrain. The scenery through the
                 McDonalds Mt Colah for a 10:30am       developed rural valleys and following
                 start to drive north along the Old     along the Wollombi Brook is quite
                 Pacific Highway to Calga and then      spectacular.
                 north through Peats Ridge and          A bit over 1½ hours from our start we
                 Bucketty. From there we cruised        drove into the peaceful little village of
                 along the Great Northern Road          Wollombi. Wow, it completely took my
                 heading to Wollombi.                   breath away, I didn’t realise such a
                 It was a magic day and the weather     unique village as this was so close to
                 couldn’t have been better for having   Sydney……I will allow the photos to
                 the roof down. I was toward the rear   do the talking.
                 of the group and I could tell by the   We had an all-day menu to choose
                 exhaust notes that everyone was        from for an excellent lunch in good
                 having fun on the winding roads        company at Panino Caffe’ Restaurant
                 through the valleys and undulating     with the village boasting many other

28 Club Torque
    R                  FU                   O M
                                        OL L   BI
 venues to dine at. After lunch some       Store. In there, the Wollombi Valley
 of our members had to head home           Raw and Natural Honey caught my
 while some were able to take in the       eye……the best honey I have ever
 splendours of Wollombi such as the        tasted.
 variety of building architecture and      I have now done three runs with
 The Forge Wollombi collectable fine       the Sydney Chapter members to
 arts and vintage clothing centre.         the northern outskirts of Sydney
 For those who wanted to drink in          and have not been disappointed,
 moderation, there is the Wollombi         with the selection of venues and the
 Tavern home of the infamous Dr            organisation second to none. If you
 Jurd’s Jungle Juice.                      want to make good use of your MX-5,
 At the end of my stroll, I couldn’t       join in the runs and see new
 resist the temptation to try one of the   places.
 many flavoured ice creams at the

                                                                                  Club Torque 29
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