Analysis of Decision Model and Notation tooling in the Visual Studio Code ecosystem - Masaryk University

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Masaryk University
      Faculty of Informatics

 Analysis of Decision Model
 and Notation tooling in the
Visual Studio Code ecosystem

          Master’s Thesis

         Bc. Marcel Mráz

          Brno, Spring 2021
Masaryk University
      Faculty of Informatics

 Analysis of Decision Model
 and Notation tooling in the
Visual Studio Code ecosystem

          Master’s Thesis

         Bc. Marcel Mráz

          Brno, Spring 2021
This is where a copy of the official signed thesis assignment and a copy of the
Statement of an Author is located in the printed version of the document.

Hereby I declare that this paper is my original authorial work, which
I have worked out on my own. All sources, references, and literature
used or excerpted during elaboration of this work are properly cited
and listed in complete reference to the due source.

                                                    Bc. Marcel Mráz

Advisor: Bruno Rossi, PhD


I would like to express my gratitude to my thesis advisor Bruno Rossi,
PhD, for valuable guidance during consultations. Also, I would like
to thank Adacta for the opportunity to combine study and work life.
Additionally, I would like to thank my family and close ones for their


Decision Model and Notation (DMN) is a standard specifying a vi-
sual notation and a lower-level Friendly Enough Expression Language
(FEEL) for the definition of interchangeable and executable decision
models. The definition and maintenance of such models is contin-
uously being improved with the emerging tooling ecosystem built
around DMN graphical editors. One of the requested features in-
side such editors is the ability to provide language features, such as
DMN model validation and FEEL completion on each content change
and request, respectively. Simultaneously, Language Server Protocol
(LSP) provides a convenient way to provide such language features for
text-based languages and specifications across a number of different
development tools and text-based editors, such as Visual Studio Code.
In addition to text-based editors, Visual Studio Code offers a way to
create custom graphical editors, allowing to embed a DMN graphical
editor inside its user interface. This thesis reviews the concepts of
DMN and its validations, LSP and related Visual Studio Code API for
graphical editors and researches the related questions for providing
DMN language features through the use of LSP inside the embedded
graphical editors. As a result, an architecture using LSP for providing
language features inside embedded DMN graphical editors is pro-
posed. The proposed solution architecture is specifically designed
to address related domain problems in the context of commercial,
enterprise-level insurance software.


DMN, FEEL, LSP, VS Code, Extension API, Custom Editor API, Web-
view API, Node.js, Software Architecture, Static Code Analysis, Adacta,
AdInsure Studio


1   Introduction                                                                                                    1
    1.1 Problem domain . .     .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .    2
    1.2 Thesis statement . .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .    5
    1.3 Research questions     .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .    5
    1.4 Thesis structure . .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .    7

2   Decision Model and Notation                                                                                     9
    2.1 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . .                 .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   10
    2.2 Use cases . . . . . . . . . . . . .                .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   11
    2.3 Outline of specification . . . . .                 .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   13
        2.3.1 FEEL . . . . . . . . . . .                   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   14
        2.3.2 DRD and its elements .                       .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   15
        2.3.3 Boxed expression types                       .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   17
        2.3.4 Conformance level . . .                      .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   19
    2.4 Related standards . . . . . . . .                  .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   21
        2.4.1 CMMN . . . . . . . . . .                     .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   22
        2.4.2 BPMN . . . . . . . . . .                     .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   22
        2.4.3 PMML . . . . . . . . . .                     .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   23

3   DMN model validation                                                                                           24
    3.1 Market overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                                    .   .   .   .   .   .   25
        3.1.1 Vendors and involved parties . . . . .                                       .   .   .   .   .   .   27
    3.2 Validation breakdown . . . . . . . . . . . . .                                     .   .   .   .   .   .   30
        3.2.1 Validation against the schema . . . . .                                      .   .   .   .   .   .   31
        3.2.2 Validation of DRD and its elements .                                         .   .   .   .   .   .   31
        3.2.3 Validation during compilation process                                        .   .   .   .   .   .   31
        3.2.4 Validation of FEEL expressions . . . .                                       .   .   .   .   .   .   32
        3.2.5 Validation of a decision table . . . . .                                     .   .   .   .   .   .   32

3.2.6   Dynamic validation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33

4   Language Server Protocol                                                                              34
    4.1 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                    .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   35
    4.2 Architecture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                    .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   38
        4.2.1 Client, server and their capabilities                       .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   38
        4.2.2 JSON-RPC . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                        .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   39
        4.2.3 Communication flow . . . . . . . .                          .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   40
        4.2.4 Limitations . . . . . . . . . . . . .                       .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   41
        4.2.5 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . .                        .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   43

5   Visual Studio Code                                                                                    45
    5.1 Overview . . . . . . . . . . .    .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   46
    5.2 Electron.js . . . . . . . . . .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   47
    5.3 Extension API . . . . . . . .     .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   49
        5.3.1 TextDocument . . . .        .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   50
        5.3.2 Text editor . . . . . .     .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   50
        5.3.3 Webview API . . . .         .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   51
        5.3.4 Custom Editor API .         .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   51
        5.3.5 Language extensions         .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   52
        5.3.6 Conclusion . . . . .        .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   53

6   Proposed solution                                                                                     54
    6.1 Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . .              .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   55
        6.1.1 Functional requirements . .                 .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   55
        6.1.2 Quality attributes . . . . . .              .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   56
        6.1.3 Technical constraints . . . .               .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   58
        6.1.4 Business constraints . . . .                .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   59
    6.2 Architecture . . . . . . . . . . . . .            .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   60
        6.2.1 Overview . . . . . . . . . .                .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   60
        6.2.2 LSP language server . . . .                 .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   61
        6.2.3 DMN analysis . . . . . . . .                .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   62
        6.2.4 DMN custom text editor . .                  .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   66
        6.2.5 Validation process example                  .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   67
        6.2.6 Possible integrations . . . .               .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   69

7   Conclusion                                                      72
    7.1 Research questions evaluation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73

7.2   Future work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76

A List of Abbreviations                                               79

Bibliography                                                          82

List of Figures

1.1   Hierarchy of explained AdInsure concepts 3
1.2   Visualisation of references between the research questions    6
1.3   Visualisation of the thesis outline 7
2.1   DRD and its elements 15
2.2   DMN conformance levels hierarchy 19
2.3   Linking business automation with machine learning      21
4.1   Interactions between a user, LSP client and LSP server       41
5.1 Electron.js application architecture 47
5.2 Class diagram showing conceptual relations between the
    mentioned concepts 50
5.3 SDK for development of VS Code’s LSP-based server 52
6.1  Dependencies between the separate packages 60
6.2  Main conceptual relations inside and outside of the language
    server 61
6.3 Main conceptual infrastructure of DMN analysis package and
    its dependencies 63
6.4 DMN analysis package infrastructure and its
    dependencies 67
6.5 Integration architecture of utilizing multiple language servers
    for multiple custom text editors 71

This chapter focuses on explaining the problem domain and related
context. Based on the context, research questions are defined, and the
overall structure of the thesis is explained and visualised.

1. Introduction

1.1 Problem domain
The problem is defined in the context of two systems - AdInsure [1]
and AdInsure Studio [2]. AdInsure and AdInsure Studio are software
products developed by Adacta, a Slovenian-based company with of-
fices spread across major European cities, starting with headquarters
in Ljubljana and continuing with Maribor, Belgrade, Zagreb, Moscow
and Brno. Adacta is, with more than 30 years of experience, the soft-
ware provider for the insurance industry.
    AdInsure is an insurance platform, and its newest version is de-
signed, apart from other things, with configurability in mind, allowing
configuration of all of its infrastructural and business elements. AdIn-
sure Studio is what makes the configuration of AdInsure and all of
its elements quick, convenient and business-user friendly. AdInsure
Studio supports the entire configuration lifecycle of insurance prod-
ucts and business processes mainly through its Visual Studio Code
extension client1 , supporting multiple authoring modes and focusing
on a broad audience reaching from developers and testers to business
analysts and actuaries.
    There are two AdInsure Studio extension authoring modes relevant
to the problem2 :
    • Basic mode (default): A mode focused on business users and
      configuration of products and processes using custom made
      Graphical User Interface-centered (GUI-centered) editors and
      business user friendly explorers.
    • Expert mode: A mode focused on AdInsure domain experts,
      such as configurators and developers, allowing the configuration
      of products and processes using plain built-in text editors.
   Many configuration concepts3 defined by the AdInsure platform
are supported by both of these modes, with one such concept be-

   1 The  other AdInsure Studio client is Command Line Interface (CLI) for auto-
mated purposes, such as the use during continuous integration and continuous
delivery (CI/CD).
   2 The third mode is called "Accelerated mode" and is used for rapid configuration

of products and processes using scaffolding technique.
   3 All of such concepts are defined as textual files, structured mostly using follow-

ing formats - .js, .json, xml, csv.

1. Introduction

ing a business rule configuration. One way to configure a business
rule in AdInsure, using AdInsure Studio extension, is by using the
Decision Model and Notation (DMN), which is a higher, visual lan-
guage focused on the definition of business decisions. In terms of
AdInsure Studio modes, it means either to edit the DMN file using a
GUI-centered editor (a custom DMN editor or, in Adacta’s Ubiquitous
Language4 , so-called Rule editor) or a built-in text editor (Monaco
editor5 ).

        Figure 1.1: Hierarchy of explained AdInsure concepts

  4 Ubiquitous Language is a term for specifying common language between devel-
opers and other stakeholders, used by Eric Evans in Domain Driven Design [3].
  5 Monaco editor is a standalone text-editor that powers VS Code [4].

1. Introduction

    The problem is that neither the custom Rule editor nor AdInsure
Studio provides any DMN model validations. From the configuration
perspective, it implies that it is possible to create an invalid DMN
model (thus an invalid business rule), which might cause problems
during its evaluation in the AdInsure run-time environment. Such
issues detected in the run-time environment can be very costly and pro-
long the development time, testing time, and overall time-to-market
for the given product, which are the exact attributes that DMN and
AdInsure Studio are trying to solve.
    As it is possible to create an invalid DMN model and pass it to the
run-time environment, it is necessary to detect the potential problems
as soon as possible. In terms of AdInsure Studio, it means detecting
such problems within the VS Code extension during the DMN model
authoring phase in both related modes (Basic and Expert).6
    Moreover, AdInsure Studio includes the concept of validations
for other configuration concepts specified by the AdInsure platform.
Problem detection for the DMN model should be thus performed
in a similar validation manner and thus integrable with the already
existing validations. However, as these validations are performed
within the same process that the AdInsure Studio extension is running
on, they start to bring performance issues.
    Simultaneously, many VS Code extensions have adopted a stan-
dard focused on providing language features for different types of
text-based languages. This standard is called Language Server Pro-
tocol (LSP), and it is a standard protocol for unifying and providing
the language features (such as diagnostics, completion and others)
across different text editors and Integrated Development Environ-
ments (IDE). Such language features help with problem detection on
multiple levels and provide a much larger set of features than exist-
ing AdInsure Studio validations. Moreover, many editors, such as VS
Code, automatically include support for LSP in its built-in text editors
(Monaco editor) and other UI parts (such as the Problems panel [5]).
    The adoption of LSP within AdInsure Studio would mean pro-
viding the validations as LSP diagnostics with automatic support in
built-in text editors (Expert mode). Also, it would open possibilities

   6 AsAdInsure Studio also supports CLI client (i.e. for CI/CD purposes), such
problems should be detectable on this level too.

1. Introduction

of implementing other language features (such as completion) for
DMN-based business rules and various other AdInsure configuration
concepts. Such features could improve the problem detection even
more (lower the number of actually created problems) and provide
a better user experience in the authoring phase over time. Moreover,
an LSP-compliant solution by design processes all of the work in a
separate LSP server process. This would automatically solve the need
to improve the overall performance by offloading all AdInsure Studio
validations into a separate process.
    On the other hand, the adoption of LSP raises multiple questions
related to the use within the Basic mode, CLI use case, DMN model
validation, overall AdInsure Studio validations architecture and others.
All of these questions are defined in the section below.

1.2 Thesis statement
The main goal of the thesis is to analyse DMN language features, such
as validation and completion, in the context of Visual Studio Code Ex-
tension API, its custom Webview-based editors and Language Server
Protocol. The gathered knowledge from the analysis phase should
used to create a proposed solution architecture for providing such
features inside VS Code’s graphical editors. The proposed solution
is specifically designed to address related domain problems in the
context of commercial, enterprise-level insurance software named
AdInsure Studio.

1.3 Research questions
As described in the problem domain section, LSP solves some ma-
jor problems automatically. On the other hand, it raises additional
questions in the context of AdInsure Studio and DMN specification.
    The purpose of this thesis is to answer all of the research questions
specified below. It is done so by carefully and independently analysing
and reviewing concepts of DMN and its validations, LSP and VS Code.
Based on the gathered knowledge, a solution addressing all of the
issues is proposed, combining the concepts covered in the previous

1. Introduction

Figure 1.2: Visualisation of references between the research questions


 Q1 Can LSP be used to exchange information with GUI-based edi-
    tors in the VS Code, such as with the Rule (DMN) editor?
 Q2 Is it possible to use LSP to retrieve DMN model validation
 Q3 What types of DMN model of validations can be actually pro-
 Q4 Are there some third-party DMN model validators, and is it
    possible to integrate them?
 Q5 While using LSP for communication with the editor, is it still
    possible to provide validations using the CLI?

1. Introduction

1.4 Thesis structure

            Figure 1.3: Visualisation of the thesis outline

    Chapter 1 provides a detailed examination of the problem domain,
specifies the research questions, and outlines the thesis structure.
    Chapter 2 reviews the DMN model specification. It focuses on the
possible use cases, key elements specified by the standard and related
    Chapter 3 focuses on the DMN model validations. Based on the
market research of DMN vendors, tools, and involved parties provides
an overview of DMN model validation types.
    Chapter 4 reviews the LSP, its architecture, related concepts, sup-
ported features and discovered limitations.
    Chapter 5 reviews the VS Code concepts related to the LSP. The
first part focuses on the overall architecture and used framework. The
second part reviews the essential parts of the VS Code Extension API
used in the proposed solution.
    Chapter 6 provides functional and non-functional requirements
and other constraints for the end-system. Based on the requirements
and constraints, a solution that addresses the research questions is

1. Introduction

   Chapter 7 concludes the provided results and answers the research
questions. This chapter also suggests potential improvements as follow-
up activities.

Decision Model and Notation
This chapter provides an overview of Decision Model and Notation,
its use cases, specification and related standards.

2. Decision Model and Notation

2.1 Overview
      "DMN is a modelling language and notation for the precise
      specification of business decisions and business rules. DMN is
      easily readable by the different types of people involved in decision
      management. These include business people who specify the rules
      and monitor their application; business analysts." [6]

    Decision Model and Notation (DMN) is a standard, released in
September 2015, maintained by Object Management Group (OMG),
which stands behind many popular and ratified ISO standards, such
as Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN), Case Management
Model and Notation (CMMN), Unified Modeling Language (UML),
Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA) and more.
DMN is a standard for defining repeatable, interchangeable and exe-
cutable decision models, focusing on providing a common and easily
understandable notation for a wide range of end-users. The primary
goal of DMN is to provide a standardized bridge between those who
create and maintain business decisions and those who implement and
automate those decisions. This removes the gap between technical
users and business users and eliminates the risk of misinterpretation or
other communication misunderstandings, resulting in more effective
collaboration and faster production changes. The secondary goal is to
provide standardized decision models, which could be interchanged
and reused across different tools and organizations, thanks to the
unified XML specification.

2. Decision Model and Notation

2.2 Use cases

In traditional approaches and processes, any maintenance or change of
business decisions kept in the code could be a slow process, requiring
many people involved along the way. Making any change in the busi-
ness decisions could go through business analysts, domain experts,
programmers, testers and possibly other parties. Such a chain of peo-
ple involved in the process prolongs the whole design, development
and deployment procedure and could lead to slower time-to-market
response with possible misunderstandings of business needs on the
way. DMN tries to limit this chain and separate the responsibilities
so that involved parties can focus just on things within their domain
of expertise. It could mean a design of business decisions within the
DMN visual model for business analysts and domain experts, and on
the other hand, it could mean operational support and an integration
of the DMN model with related services for technical users.
    From a business perspective, DMN could be used in any area re-
quiring rather complex and automized decision making based on
some business rules. Numerous areas satisfy these conditions, reach-
ing from healthcare applications to blockchain smart contracts [7] [8].
Other examples are financial systems used by institutions such as
banks or insurance companies. In these institutions, there are required
countless automatized operational decisions per day, such as calculat-
ing the maximum amount of loan or mortgage that could be granted to
the customer or determining insurance premium or premium reserves
based on the provided data. Even though DMN was designed to be
understandable for a wide range of business users, it enables many
possibilities to cover most of the business needs without noticeable
limitations. For example, DMN enables integration with almost any
external services through the business knowledge model element or
compatibility with mature PMML (Predictive Model Markup Lan-
guage) standard, enabling the integration of predictive machine learn-
ing models within DMN itself.
    From a more technical perspective, DMN could be used on the
following levels [9]:

   1. Definition of manual decision-making model.
   2. Definition of requirements for automated decision-making model.

2. Decision Model and Notation

  3. Definition and implementation of an executable decision-making

    The third level is what really differentiates DMN from require-
ments languages. DMN is not just another requirements language,
and compared with classical business rules tools, DMN prescribes
much more than just a definition of decision requirements and decision
logic. With DMN, there is no need to create a technical specification
of the decision model and then translate it manually to a specific
programming language. DMN is not designed to produce just doc-
umentation for technical users, but it is designed with executability
in mind. Meaning with the help of an appropriate tool, the DMN
model could be taken and deployed, integrated or executed straight
after being authored. In other words, DMN strictly specifies execution
semantics with higher-level visual language, which then could be
source-to-source compiled to a specific programming language, such
as Java or JavaScript, producing self-contained executable code.

     "DMN is a business-oriented, tool-independent, executable de-
     cision language." [10]

     There are a couple of ways on how to execute a decision model.
One possible way would be to invoke a decision model as a service and
have it integrated internally as part of the system. This approach might
be beneficial for applications that are more inclining to a monolithic
architecture. Such integration comes with typical benefits of mono-
lithic applications - tightly coupled components usually running in
one process, resulting in overall fast performance and a small number
of deployments. Another possible approach is to use decision mod-
els as independently deployed decision services, more inclining into
a service-oriented architecture with loosely coupled components, a
large number of deployments and benefits such as horizontal scalabil-
ity, self-maintainability, isolation, resiliency and more. Each decision
service can be then hosted in the cloud, exposed over an automatically
generated API, deployed directly from a Business Rules Management
System (BRMS) and even invoked by a Business Process Management
System (BPMS).

2. Decision Model and Notation

2.3 Outline of specification
      "DMN’s value proposition - Help all stakeholders understand a
      complex domain of decision-making using easily readable dia-
      grams.Provide a natural basis for discussion and agreement on
      the scope and nature of business decision-making. Reduce the
      effort and risk of decision automation projects through graphi-
      cal decomposition of requirements. Allow business rules to be
      defined simply and reliably in unambiguous decision tables. Sim-
      plify development of decisioning systems using specifications
      that may be automatically validated and executed. Provide a
      structured context for the development and management of pre-
      dictive analytic models. Enable the development of a library of
      reusable decision-making components." [11]

    DMN is visual language and notation designed for business users,
with the logic defined in hierarchical diagrams consisting of inputs,
decisions, decision service, business knowledge models and knowl-
edge sources. All together, it creates a logical structure view on top of
the whole DMN, called Decision Requirements Diagram (DRD).
    Inputs are oval nodes in the DRD diagram and are simply the
data coming into the decisions. Individual decisions are rectangular
nodes in the diagram. Each decision node takes some inputs and,
based on some decision logic, returns corresponding outputs. Decision
service, the overlay rectangle containing other decisions, is a top-level
decision that can be invoked as a standalone service from an external
application or business process inside BPMN. Business knowledge
models, rectangular nodes with clipped corners, introduce the concept
of reusability and integration with external services. Last but not least,
knowledge sources, note-like nodes, refer to external documents such
as documentation, policies, regulations or other real-world factors.
    As a part of the DMN standard, a particular expression language
called Friendly Enough Expression Language (FEEL) was introduced
to provide a familiar and business-friendly way of writing simple
expressions and decision logic. As DMN, FEEL is also designed for
business users. It is not a full-blown programming language, but it is a
potent language for the definition of business rules, and it can also help
in certain situations when arithmetic calculations or other formulas are

2. Decision Model and Notation

needed. A good analogy to FEEL is the expression language used by
Microsoft Excel, which aims at a similar, business-oriented audience.

2.3.1 FEEL
As its name reveals, Friendly Enough Expression Language is an
expression language specifically designed for business users. It is
a lightweight but yet powerful language that can be used inside DMN
decisions and offers many features that can be found in other expres-
sion or programming languages. Some of these features include:

   • conditional, loop statements, filtering
   • data types supporting booleans, numbers, string, dates, lists,
     ranges, contexts and functions
   • support for three-valued logic - true, false and null
   • built-in functions for operating with the basic data types
   • custom function definition and invocation
   • four different types of scopes - built-in, global, local and special
   • side-effect free

   Compared to traditional programming languages, in expressions
and corresponding expression languages, it is impossible to explicitly
declare a variable, meaning it is only possible to reference a variable,
not to create one1 . Nevertheless, the following is the description of
expressions by Michael Kay, author of the book about XPath, another
expression language:
      "Every expression takes one or more values as its inputs, and
      produces a value as its output. . . . One of the things an expression
      language tries to achieve is that wherever you can use a value,
      you can replace it with an expression that is evaluated to produce
      that value. . . . This property is called composability: expressions
      can be used anywhere that values are permitted. [12]"
   Another significant distinction from traditional programming lan-
guages is the support for a space in variable or function names, making

   1 Unless being defined in the global or local scope. In other words, "variables"
can be defined in the context of the whole DMN as an input (decision or data) or a
context entry. Both are, however, constant variables.

2. Decision Model and Notation

FEEL grammar context-sensitive and more challenging to parse [13].
However, multiple vendors were already able to implement a parser
for FEEL grammar and share it with the open-source community.
Between the available open-source parsers belong:

   • ANTLR4 (ANother Tool for Language Recognition) parser by
     RedHat (Java) [14].
   • Peg.js (Parsing Expression Grammar) parser by EdgeVerve (Java-
     Script) [15].

2.3.2 DRD and its elements

                Decision Service

                   Decision 2                   Knowledge source

                   Decision 1                   Knowledge model

                   Input data

                  Figure 2.1: DRD and its elements

A decision requirements diagram, also called a decision requirements
graph, is a visual representation of a decision model. It shows from the
higher perspective, regardless of the actual decision logic, connections

2. Decision Model and Notation

between individual DMN elements2 . From DRD, it is clearly visible
which decisions depend on which input data or which decisions de-
pend on other decisions. It is also possible to see external elements
influencing particular decisions, such as business knowledge models
or knowledge sources. Following is an overview of available DRD
elements3 :
    • Input data: Input data is a piece of information that is provided
      to the DMN model in the run-time, but its structure is defined in
      the design time. Its data type should be, by default, supported
      by FEEL but could be either a custom one or an imported one [9].
      To be able to process input data, it is necessary to connect them
      into a decision. Arrow connecting input data and decision (or
      knowledge model) is called information requirement and is
      visible in the Figure 2.1.
    • Decision: Each decision in DMN is graphically represented by
      a table called boxed expression, which defines decision logic
      and has its own type and structure. Each boxed expression takes
      input data, either from the input data element itself or other
      decision element and, based on the specified logic and refer-
      enced knowledge models, determines the outputs. The boxed
      expression types are FEEL expression, Decision table, Context
      expression, Function, Invocation, Relation and List. More infor-
      mation about boxed expressions and their types is available in
      the next subsection.
    • Decision service: Decision service is a top-level decision that
      defines a reusable element in the decision model. It then can be
      published as a standalone service, integrated into an external
      application, reused in other DMN model or executed in the
      business process inside BPMN.
    • Business knowledge model: A knowledge model, also called
      the business knowledge model, is another reusable piece of de-

   2 The figure showing DRD element is inspired by a figure available on RedHat
documentation portal [16]
   3 This outline of the specification is focused on DMN version 1.3, released in late


2. Decision Model and Notation

     cision logic. Compared with the decision service, it does not
     define a reusable element but is an endpoint for connecting one.
     It can depend on some sub-model, sub-decision or sub-inputs
     and can be used inside the decision logic. Typically it takes some
     inputs, and after being internally evaluated, it passes the out-
     puts back to the decision. In addition to plain FEEL expressions
     and declarative sub-model, it also supports an external function,
     which can call a Java code or a PMML model. The arrow connect-
     ing the knowledge model and a decision is called knowledge
     requirement and is visible in the Figure 2.1.

   • Knowledge source: A knowledge source refers to external docu-
     ments such as documentation, policies, law regulations or other
     real-world factors. They can reference a wide range of sources,
     such as documents, web pages or even video or audio content.
     The arrow connecting knowledge source and a decision is called
     authority requirement and is visible in the Figure 2.1.

2.3.3 Boxed expression types
In DMN, all decision logic inside decisions is represented by so-called
boxed expressions. A boxed expression is defined recursively, mean-
ing each boxed expression can contain another boxed expression and
lowest level expressions inside each boxed expression are FEEL expres-
sions. In order to create a boxed expression, it is necessary to connect
it to an appropriate decision. The only possible way for connecting a
decision with a boxed expression is by a name, meaning the name of
a decision must correspond to the top-level boxed expression name.
How is this interaction designed and visualized in the DMN tools is,
however, left to the corresponding tool. A boxed expression can be
one of the following types:

   • Decision table: A decision table is a graphically defined tabular
     boxed expression. The basic form of a decision table contains
     rows and columns, where the first row specifies individual in-
     put/s and output/s for each column, and the rest of the rows
     specify corresponding rules for each input (defining the decision
     logic in prioritised order) and expected output. Rule’s inputs

2. Decision Model and Notation

      are so-called Unary tests4 and rule’s outputs are defined as FEEL
      expressions. Each row thus graphically represents a simple if
      [Unary test] then [FEEL expression]. An additional element of a
      decision table, named Hit policy, can be used to influence the
      result and return, i.e. just the first matched row or sum of all
      matched outputs.
   • Boxed context: A boxed context is a map of so-called context
     entries (key, value pairs), where each key is output clause name
     (a constant variable) and value is another boxed expression,
     such as boxed FEEL expression, decision table or even another
     boxed context. Boxed context can optional have a result clause,
     which can be used for additional calculation on top of context
   • Boxed literal expression: A boxed literal expression, also called
     boxed FEEL expression, is simply any FEEL expression used
     either as a standalone boxed expression or inside other boxed
     expressions, such as inside the decision table’s cells. It is defined
     by FEEL grammar as followed FEEL(e, s), where e stands for
     FEEL expression and s stands for the given scope. The scope can
     include input data elements from the DRD, other input decisions,
     built-in FEEL functions, custom FEEL functions and variables
     defined as context entries in a higher scope.
   • Boxed function: A boxed function is an element for the defini-
     tion of a function, which can be either FEEL function, Java code
     or PMML model.
   • Boxed invocation: A boxed invocation is an element used for the
     invocation of the function, such as those defined by the boxed
   • Boxed list: A boxed list is just a list of n elements.
   • Relation: Relation is a list of horizontal contexts with no result

   4 Unary tests have additional layer of grammar defined, which when simpli-
fied can consist of multiple FEEL expressions separated by comma, which can be
wrapped in not() function or can equal dash (which always evaluates to true).

2. Decision Model and Notation

2.3.4 Conformance level

           Figure 2.2: DMN conformance levels hierarchy

There are three conformance levels specified in the DMN specification
to divide DMN tools into clearly separated groups, based on their
support of the standard. Conformance levels are certain certification
degree defined by OMG. There are three conformance levels, and each
level corresponds to a strictly defined set of functionalities, which the
end-tool should support. The highest possible level is conformance
level 3, which automatically includes the support for conformance
level 2 and 1. In other words, conformance level 3 is the highest possible
level recognized by the OMG and means full support of the standard.
A summary of the three conformance levels could be found below.
   • Conformance level 1: First level conformance specifies that im-
     plementation supports full DRD and its corresponding elements.
     However, the model is not executable, which means the decision
     logic can be defined informally by any language of choice. This
     means that any language, even an unstructured natural one, is a
     valid language.
   • Conformance level 2: Second level conformance specifies that
     implementation supports everything that conformance level

2. Decision Model and Notation

  1 support. It also supports decision tables, literal expressions
  and a subset of FEEL expressions, called Simplified Friendly
  Expression Language (S-FEEL), which are, in short, simple com-
  parisons and arithmetic expressions. However, this makes the
  decision logic structured and model fully executable.

• Conformance level 3: Third level conformance specifies that im-
  plementation supports everything that conformance level 2 does.
  In addition to that, it supports a complete set of FEEL expres-
  sions and also provides support for other boxed expressions,
  such as function invocation. Last but not least, as the second
  level, this level of a decision model is also fully executable.

2. Decision Model and Notation

2.4 Related standards
     "DMN is designed to work alongside BPMN and/or CMMN,
     providing a mechanism to model the decision-making associated
     with processes and cases. While BPMN, CMMN and DMN can
     be used independently, they were carefully designed to be com-
     plementary. Indeed, many organizations require a combination
     of process models for their prescriptive workflows, case models
     for their reactive activities, and decision models for their more
     complex, multi-criteria business rules. Those organizations will
     benefit from using the three standards in combination, selecting
     which one is most appropriate to each type of activity modelling.
     This is why BPMN, CMMN and DMN really constitute the
     "triple crown" of process improvement standards." [11]

  Figure 2.3: Linking business automation with machine learning

    DMN standard could be effectively adopted and used standalone,
but it is specifically designed to complement two related business-
user oriented graphical standards, which are, as well, maintained by
the OMG group - BPMN and CMMN. BPMN also called a "triple
crown" of process improvement standards. The first version was in-
troduced in 2004, and till now, it went through many iterations with
currently propagated version 2.0.2. BPMN’s primary focus is on al-
lowing business users to define and automate business processes. On
the other hand, CMMN is a relatively new standard, with the first
version introduced in 2014. It is designed explicitly for graphically
representing case management, with a secondary goal of case model
interchangeability among different tools. On top of that, DMN itself
also allows easy integration with mature PMML standard, allowing

2. Decision Model and Notation

cross-compatibility across various machine learning tools and pre-
dictive models. Altogether these standards link business automation
with machine learning, as shown in Figure 2.3 [17].

2.4.1 CMMN
The Case Management Model and Notation is a standard way of ex-
pressing a case. A case is a derived concept from case management,
with a focus on unpredictable processes where it is impossible to pre-
scribe a process with fixed activities. It is, as well as DMN and BPMN,
a standard maintained by OMG. The initial version was released in
2014, with currently latest supported version 1.1. Similarly to DMN
and BPMN, CMMN specification also focuses on a broad audience
and provides a format for interchanging case models between vari-
ous tools. CMMN directly expands the boundaries of what can be
provided by a BPMN model. In comparison to BPMN, CMMN is not
focused on structured processes with a defined set of activities but on
unstructured processes with an event-centred approach and case file
concept. For example, into this category of dynamic, ad-hoc processes
fall tasks such as incident management or consulting. CMMN thus
covers much more than pure BPMN and complements it directly.

2.4.2 BPMN
The Business Process Model and Notation is a mature standard for
modelling end-to-end business processes. It is, as well as DMN, main-
tained by OMG and is also a ratified ISO standard. The initial version
was released in 2004 but since then went through many iterations, with
the latest supported version 2.0.2. Similarly to DMN, BPMN specifica-
tion is also focused on wide-audience, reaching from business users to
technical people. BPMN also prescribes a mapping between graphical
notation and underlying execution logic, meaning the whole process
can be automized thanks to the mapping to a unified language called
Business Process Execution Language (BPEL). The main elements of
BPMN are messages, which flow between different participants and
activities. The activity element can then be of multiple types. One of
them is a business rule, and each business rule in a BPMN diagram
can be represented as a standalone DMN model composed of multi-

2. Decision Model and Notation

ple decisions. Many tools already support this interconnection with
seamless interactions, such that clicking on a business rule activity
in a BPMN diagram opens a particular DMN model inside a DMN
specific tool.

2.4.3 PMML
      "PMML, administered by the Data Mining Group, is not a
      machine learning algorithm but a common XML format encom-
      passing a wide variety of machine learning algorithms, including
      decision trees, logistic regression, support vector machine, neural
      networks, and others." [18]

    The Predictive Model Markup Language is a mature XML-like
format for the interchange of predictive models, and it is de facto rec-
ognized as a standard to represent machine learning models. The first
version of PMML was released in 1998, and since then, it is constantly
improved, and many tools and companies support it [19]. PMML is, be-
sides FEEL expressions, supported by DMN out-of-the-box, meaning
DMN decisions can execute any predictive models defined in PMML
format via imported business knowledge model element. Compared
with DMN decisions, machine learning models often work as black-
box, and the incapability to explain why they for specific inputs return
certain outputs is increasingly seen as a problem [20]. DMN decisions,
such as decision tables, are, on the other hand, extremely transparent,
enabling some degree of control over the predictive model. That is one
of the reasons why PMML and DMN are often seen as complementary.

DMN model validation
This chapter provides a brief market overview of vendors, other parties
and tools involved in the DMN model validations and related area. It
also provides a summary of available DMN validations provided by
the listed tools and vendors.

3. DMN model validation

3.1 Market overview
Since the first released version of the DMN specification, several ven-
dors tried to adopt the DMN standard and provide appropriate tooling
for it. According to Bruce Silver, author of the book DMN Method and
Style, many of the vendors in the beginnings did not fulfil the common
executable decision model’s promise. Instead, they used DMN more-
or-less as a marketing badge, providing no more than just simple DRD
editors, with CRUD operations on top of its elements.

     "Unfortunately, many proprietary decision modeling tools have
     appropriated the DMN name as a marketing decal without con-
     forming to the spirit, much less the letter, of this promise. [21]"

    OMG promptly realized that they needed to somehow push the
vendors in order to bring all the benefits of DMN to the end-users.
The ability to compile and execute the model is no doubt essential,
distinguishing DMN from any other requirements language. That
is the reason they introduced three levels of conformance into the
standard. By doing so, vendors, and tooling they provide, are not
badged with simply supporting DMN, but with label strictly defining
the particular conformance level they achieved. From a different point
of view, conformance levels work as some form of certification degree
and divide the available tooling into clear and separated groups.
    In order to encourage the vendors to implement the full support
for DMN, as stated by Conformance Level 3, a TCK [22] (Technology
Compatibility Kit) group was established to provide a set of black-box
tests ensuring conformance to the specification. TCK group is not,
however, maintained by the centralized authority but by the commu-
nity of vendors themself. Therefore the list does not include all the
possible tools on the market and does not necessarily need to be ob-
jective enough. On the other hand, its goals and initiatives are clear,
and its involved parties belong to the most active ones in the whole
DMN community. That is also confirmed by the fact that many TCK
group members can be found on the list of parties contributing to the
development of the DMN specification itself [6].
    The list of vendors, tools and involved parties below is not a com-
plete market overview of all available DMN vendors and their tools

3. DMN model validation

and is specifically structured to achieve this thesis’s goal. Nevertheless,
the list was carefully filtered and chosen by the following criteria:

   1. Tools or their parts are prefered to be open-source projects for
      the following reasons.
         • They can be explored and objectively analyzed from the
            ground, even without relying too much on available sources
            or marketing materials.
         • The project’s overall goal is as transparent as possible, so
            there are clear plans for development and maintenance in
            the future.
         • It is possible to contribute to the project, allowing one to
            be a part of the community and shape the project to the
            common objectives.
   2. Tools or their parts could be used in the commercial sector, mean-
      ing their license agreement allows free commercial usage and
      further integrations.
   3. Tools or their parts support or prescribe some level of validation
      on top of the DMN model itself, as it is one of the main focus of
      this thesis.
   4. Vendors or involved parties actively participated in the devel-
      opment of the DMN standard or noticeably contributed to the
   5. Vendors or involved parties are part of the TCK group. Their tool
      passes as many tests as possible, meaning they are operating
      on the highest possible conformance level and with the latest
      possible DMN specification.

    The first part of this section focuses on providing an overview of
vendors and involved parties satisfying most of the set conditions
above. The second part is mostly focused on providing an overview of
the chosen vendors’ tools and describing their key features. The last
part summarises all possible DMN model validations provided by the
listed tools and vendors.

3. DMN model validation

3.1.1 Vendors and involved parties

RedHat is the only vendor satisfying all the conditions above and
plays one of the main roles not just in the open-source DMN territory
but in the whole business rules,

     "A business rule is a compact, atomic, well-formed, declarative
     state- ment about an aspect of a business that can be expressed in
     terms that can be directly related to the business and its collabora-
     tors, using sim- ple unambiguous language that is accessible to
     all interested parties: business owner, business analyst, technical
     architect, customer, and so on. This simple language may include
     domain-specific jargon." [23]

and related Business Rules Management Systems (BRMS) world.

     "A BRMS or business rule management system is a software
     system used to define, deploy, execute, monitor and maintain the
     variety and complexity of decision logic that is used by opera-
     tional systems within an organization or enterprise." [24]

    RedHat has multiple projects related to business rules, decisions
and DMN standard, starting from the ground with a mature Drools
BRMS and continuing with the RedHat Decision Manager enterprise
platform, jBPM toolkit and the Kogito project. All of the projects are
mostly based on the Java ecosystem. They are also contributors to the
DMN specification itself.
    Drools is a mature open-source platform, licensed under Apache
License, for decision management and business rules, with its history
reaching the year 2001. Nevertheless, version 1.0 was never released
due to the rule engine’s performance constraints, and thus version
2.0 was actually the first released version of Drools. It contains many
components, such as a business rules engine, optimization engine
or DMN engine. On top of that, it enables the end-users to work
with higher-level declarative metaphors, which are closer to human
language than the imperative code. Examples of such metaphors could

3. DMN model validation

be a DRD diagram, decision table or lower-level, but still a declarative
Drools Rules Language (DRL) rule.
    RedHat Decision Manager is a platform based on Drools, enabling
the development and maintenance of containerized microservices that
automate business decisions. Its focus is on the enterprise sector and
comes with the usual RedHat subscription model, offering SLA based
support, regular updates and more.
    The jBPM toolkit is approaching the problem from a different and
more traditional, code-first imperative approach, and it offers Java
libraries for the development of business decisions. It is an open-source
project, licensed under Apache License and based on Drools.
    Kogito is an open-source project, licensed under Apache License,
focused on bringing Drools, together with business automation tools
such as jBPM, to the cloud environment. It also stands behind pro-
viding toolings for business automation, such as standalone BPMN
and DMN editors that can either run in a browser or as embedded
extensions inside Google Chrome or VS Code.


Camunda is a company offering open-source processes and design
automation platform, licensed under Apache License and called Ca-
munda BPM. It provides a BPMN workflow engine and DMN decision
engine, both implemented in Java. They also develop and maintain
open-source, web-based editors, supporting DMN nad BPMN, under
the project. They are also contributors to the DMN specifica-
tion itself.


Trisotech is a company offering enterprise software for end-to-end
business automation and digital transformation. One of their main
products is the so-called Digital Modeling Suite, including, among
other things, advanced web-based applications for creating Case mod-
els, BPMN processes and DMN Decisions. Decision Modeler is their
application for managing DMN decisions, allowing many features,
such as advanced static analysis on top of the DMN models, the defi-
nition of test cases, data model creation and more. They are closely

3. DMN model validation

collaborating with RedHat and use Drools engine behind the curtain.
They are also contributors to the DMN specification itself.


EdgeVerve is a company behind the open-source project called oe-
Cloud, a digital transformation platform and a framework to build
and deploy cloud-native SaaS quickly. They are also behind the open-
source js-feel package, licensed under MIT license. This package is
a JavaScript-based rule engine, enabling the execution of DMN de-
cision tables together with the full support of FEEL. They are also
contributors to the DMN specification itself.

Method and style

Method and style is a trademark created by Bruce Silver, who is a
huge contributor to the DMN community. He is recognized as a major
provider of BPMN and DMN training and certification. He is also an
author of popular books, including BPMN Methods and Style, DMN
Method and Style, BPMN Quick and easy and DMN cookbook, co-
authored with Edson Tirelli, RedHat. Moreover, he is also a public
speaker, an active contributor to the DMN standard and a principal
consultant at Trisotech. His website,, provides mate-
rials on many insights into business process management and decision

3. DMN model validation

3.2 Validation breakdown
Because of the fact that DMN offers a fully executable model and that
simultaneously DMN specification does not enforce the model to be
complete or consistent, it is crucial to ensure its completeness and cor-
rectness by external tools. For example, overlaps or gaps between rules
in a decision table can make the model incomplete. On the other hand,
wrongly specified FEEL expressions can make the model incorrect.
    DMN specification specifically allows incomplete models so they
can be interchanged between different tools or people. In addition, the
specification also prescribes a standardized way for such interchange
called DMN DI, allowing, among the other things, storing of the DRD
elements positions. Meaning the position of the elements is stored
directly in the XML document, and each tool can read it and visualize
it exactly the same way it was designed in other tool.
    It is even more important to check for this model incompletion
because of the targeted audience interacting with the model; business
users and domain experts. These people often do not have a deep
IT background and are not familiar with the basic concepts of soft-
ware verification and assurance. That is why the burden of ensuring
completeness and correctness of the model is even more shifted to
the corresponding tools. One of the main focuses is detecting all the
possible errors and bugs before run-time in a production environment.
At the same time, DMN specification is relatively quickly evolving,
bringing new concepts, such as business knowledge models, decision
services or data types imported from a different model, making suffi-
cient validation support for newer versions of the specification even
harder to achieve. Nevertheless, all listed vendors, tools or involved
parties above provide or prescribe some degree of validation features.
    The following is a summarised list of DMN model validation ap-
proaches across tools listed in the previous section. This thus directly
answers the research question number three.

 Question 3

 What types of DMN model of validations can be actually provided?

3. DMN model validation

3.2.1 Validation against the schema

First, and possibly the most straightforward validation that could
be performed on the DMN model is a validation of its XML, ensur-
ing compliance and syntactical correctness of XML file against the
standard XML Schema Definition (XSD).

   • compliance of XML file against the XSD schema

3.2.2 Validation of DRD and its elements

Another validation that the vendors often do is the semantic validation
of the DRD and its elements. This type is validation typically checks

   • correctly set references between elements, detecting cycles, wrongly
     connected elements or missing top-level decision
   • wrong or missing inputs, outputs between decisions
   • wrong or missing input, output types between elements
   • duplicate names of elements
   • missing decision logic

3.2.3 Validation during compilation process

To enable DMN executable model, DMN is by vendors source-to-
source compiled or so-called transpiled, into another source language,
such as Java or JavaScript. Thus, one type of validations is outputted
by a FEEL parser, transforming FEEL into an Abstract Syntax Tree
(AST) and reporting errors from lexical and syntactic analysis based
on the defined grammar. Other validations reported at this level are
reported from transforming DMN elements into Java or JavaScript-
based codebase. Different validations performed on this level are hard
to generalize, as they are strictly dependent on the particular transpiler
and the target language.

   • errors from the lexical and syntactical analysis
   • other transpiler specific errors

3. DMN model validation

3.2.4 Validation of FEEL expressions
In FEEL and its corresponding grammar, not all syntactically correct
expressions are valid, meaning additional semantic and logical analy-
sis need to be performed. Validation of FEEL expressions is similar to
a static analysis performed on any other programming or expression
language. Meaning after FEEL is parsed and AST created, its model
can be further processed and analyzed. One of the problems is that
FEEL is a dynamic language, and DMN specification does not enforce
the definition of input and output data types. It is then up to the tool to
enforce explicit data types of input and output data of decisions. The
definition of data-types then does not influence just the static analyzer
and available validations, but also other language features, such as
context-aware IntelliSense or go-to definition.

   • semantic and logical FEEL problems
   • undefined variables or input data in FEEL expressions
   • wrongly specified types of built-in FEEL expressions, FEEL func-
     tions, input and output data, variables and their usage inside
     FEEL expressions
   • code maintainability enhancements based on the specifically
     defined rules

3.2.5 Validation of a decision table
Validations of decision tables are deeply described by the book by
Bruce Silver, named DMN Method Style [25], in which he introduced
countless possible validations on top of decision tables, ensuring their
completeness and better maintainability. Following is the summary of
such validations with accompanying rules.

   •   gaps between rules
   •   overlaps between rules
   •   conflicts between rules
   •   unused rules
   •   missing columns
   •   missing ranges
   •   cycles in the rules

3. DMN model validation

   • subsumption between rules, meaning two rules could be com-
     bined, and table contracted
   • other best practices, such as guessing the "best" hit policy based
     on defined rows

3.2.6 Dynamic validation
Into dynamic validation and analysis belong mainly tests performed
either on top of the individual decisions and knowledge models (unit
tests) or the whole DRD diagram (integration tests). Another bene-
ficial type of tests that could compare the results between the same
model changed over time could be regression tests, showing the dif-
ferences in decision logic between two different versions of the same
model. Another type of tests proposed by Bruce Silver and supported
by Drools [20] are auto-generated Modified Condition/Decision Cov-
erage (MC/DC) tests, allowing to check for as many problems in
the decision tables with as few autogenerated tests as possible. Many
tools provided by vendors above have test components directly inte-
grated into their editor user interfaces, enabling business-user friendly,
declarative definition of test cases.

   • individual decision or knowledge model tests
   • whole DRD tests, testing interaction between individual ele-
   • regression tests between two versions of the same model
   • MC/DC auto-generated tests

You can also read