Incorporating the stable carbon isotope 13C in the ocean biogeochemical component of the Max Planck Institute Earth System Model - Biogeosciences
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Biogeosciences, 18, 4389–4429, 2021 © Author(s) 2021. This work is distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. Incorporating the stable carbon isotope 13C in the ocean biogeochemical component of the Max Planck Institute Earth System Model Bo Liu, Katharina D. Six, and Tatiana Ilyina Ocean in the Earth System, Max Planck Institute for Meteorology, Hamburg, Germany Correspondence: Bo Liu ( Received: 9 February 2021 – Discussion started: 12 February 2021 Revised: 27 May 2021 – Accepted: 4 June 2021 – Published: 28 July 2021 Abstract. The stable carbon isotopic composition (δ 13 C) is underestimation, but their approach does not provide any in- an important variable to study the ocean carbon cycle across sight about the cause. By applying the Eide et al. (2017a) different timescales. We include a new representation of the approach to the model data we are able to investigate in de- stable carbon isotope 13 C into the HAMburg Ocean Car- tail potential sources of underestimation of the 13 C Suess ef- bon Cycle model (HAMOCC), the ocean biogeochemical fect. Based on our model we find underestimations of the 13 C component of the Max Planck Institute Earth System Model Suess effect at 200 m by 0.24 ‰ in the Indian Ocean, 0.21 ‰ (MPI-ESM). 13 C is explicitly resolved for all oceanic carbon in the North Pacific, 0.26 ‰ in the South Pacific, 0.1 ‰ in the pools considered. We account for fractionation during air– North Atlantic and 0.14 ‰ in the South Atlantic. We attribute sea gas exchange and for biological fractionation p associ- the major sources of underestimation to two assumptions in ated with photosynthetic carbon fixation during phytoplank- the Eide et al. (2017a) approach: the spatially uniform pre- ton growth. We examine two p parameterisations of dif- formed component of δ 13 CDIC in year 1940 and the neglect Popp of processes that are not directly linked to the oceanic uptake ferent complexity: p varies with surface dissolved CO2 concentration (Popp et al., 1989), while pLaws additionally and transport of chlorofluorocarbon-12 (CFC-12) such as the depends on local phytoplankton growth rates (Laws et al., decrease in δ 13 CPOC over the industrial period. 1995). When compared to observations of δ 13 C of dissolved The new 13 C module in the ocean biogeochemical com- inorganic carbon (DIC), both parameterisations yield simi- ponent of MPI-ESM shows satisfying performance. It is a lar performance. However, with regard to δ 13 C in particulate useful tool to study the ocean carbon sink under the anthro- Popp pogenic influences, and it will be applied to investigating organic carbon (POC) p shows a considerably improved performance compared to pLaws . This is because pLaws pro- variations of ocean carbon cycle in the past. duces too strong a preference for 12 C, resulting in δ 13 CPOC that is too low in our model. The model also well reproduces the global oceanic anthropogenic CO2 sink and the oceanic 13 C Suess effect, i.e. the intrusion and distribution of the iso- 1 Introduction topically light anthropogenic CO2 in the ocean. The stable carbon isotopic composition (δ 13 C) measured The satisfactory model performance of the present-day Popp in carbonate shells of fossil foraminifera is one of the oceanic δ 13 C distribution using p and of the anthro- most widely used properties in paleoceanographic re- pogenic CO2 uptake allows us to further investigate the po- search (Schmittner et al., 2017). It is defined as a normalised tential sources of uncertainty of the Eide et al. (2017a) ap- ratio between the stable carbon isotopes 13 C and 12 C: proach for estimating the oceanic 13 C Suess effect. Eide et al. (2017a) derived the first global oceanic 13 C Suess effect es- 13 C/12 C timate based on observations. They have noted a potential δ 13 C(‰) = − 1 · 1000, (1) Rstd Published by Copernicus Publications on behalf of the European Geosciences Union.
4390 B. Liu et al.: 13 C module in MPI-ESM where Rstd is an arbitrary standard ratio. In observational size and shape (e.g. Rau et al., 1996; Keller and Morel, 1999), studies, the ratio 13 C/12 C in Pee Dee Belemnite (PDB; as HAMOCC6 does not resolve these features of plankton Craig, 1957) is conventionally used for Rstd . cells. δ 13 C provides information on past changes in water mass Oceanic δ 13 C measurements were mostly carried out in distribution and properties (e.g. Curry and Oppo, 2005; Pe- the late 20th century. In the upper ocean δ 13 C in dissolved terson et al., 2014). Direct comparison between paleo-δ 13 C inorganic carbon (δ 13 CDIC ) has been observed to notice- measurements and simulated δ 13 C facilitates evaluating the ably decrease in response to the intrusion of anthropogenic ability of Earth system models (ESMs) to simulate paleo- CO2 from fossil fuel combustion which carries a lower ocean states. For this reason, we present a new implemen- 13 C/12 C signal (Gruber et al., 1999; Quay et al., 2003). Such tation of 13 C in the HAMburg Ocean Carbon Cycle model δ 13 CDIC decrease is referred to as the oceanic 13 C Suess ef- (HAMOCC6), the ocean biogeochemical component of the fect (Keeling, 1979). Recently, Eide et al. (2017a) derived an Max Planck Institute Earth System Model (MPI-ESM). A observation-based estimate of the global ocean 13 C Suess ef- comprehensive representation of δ 13 C is a timely extension fect since pre-industrial times. Such an observation-based es- of MPI-ESM in support of planned simulations of a complete timate is valuable as it is the basis of an almost independent last glacial cycle within the German climate modelling initia- estimate of the global ocean anthropogenic carbon uptake. tive PalMod (Latif et al., 2016). Before applying the new 13 C And it could be used for evaluating models at pre-industrial module to paleo-simulations, we evaluate it by comparison states (Buchanan et al., 2019; Tjiputra et al., 2020) and for to observational data in the present-day ocean. setting up paleo-simulations (O’Neill et al., 2019). Earlier versions of HAMOCC already featured a 13 C mod- Yet, Eide et al. (2017a) have noted that their approach ule, for instance HAMOCC2s (Heinze and Maier-Reimer, might underestimate the oceanic 13 C Suess effect. They con- 1999) and HAMOCC3 (Maier-Reimer, 1993). HAMOCC3 jectured an underestimation of the 13 C Suess effect between included prognostic 13 C variables for dissolved inorganic 0.15 ‰–0.24 ‰ at 200 m depth in 1994. However, the quan- carbon (DIC), particulate organic matter and calcium carbon- titative spatial distribution of this underestimation is unclear. ate. HAMOCC3 also accounted for temperature-dependent Moreover, although Eide et al. (2017a) have related the un- isotopic fractionation during air–sea gas exchange (higher derestimation to several assumptions in the approach they ap- δ 13 C of surface DIC in colder water) and biological frac- plied, the quantitative impact of these assumptions is still un- tionation during carbon fixation. Due to the simplified rep- clear as the measurements are too limited in space and time resentation of marine biological production in HAMOCC3, to perform in-depth investigation. biological fractionation was based on fixation of inorganic Our model data include all parameters needed to apply carbon into non-living particulate organic matter and was the Eide et al. (2017a) procedure, which relies on regres- parameterised by a spatially and temporally uniform factor. sional relationships between preformed δ 13 CDIC (related to This approach for biological fractionation of 13 C, however, the transport of surface waters with specific DIC and DI13 C) could not reproduce the observed large meridional gradi- and CFC-12 (chlorofluorocarbon-12) partial pressure. Thus, ent of δ 13 C in particulate organic matter (Goericke and Fry, our consistent model framework, with the complete spatio- 1994). Since then, HAMOCC3 was refined in particular with temporal information of the hydrological and biogeochem- regard to its representation of plankton dynamics. The cur- ical variables, enables us to investigate the spatial distribu- rent version HAMOCC6 resolves bulk phytoplankton, zoo- tion of the above-mentioned potential underestimation of the plankton, detritus, dissolved organic carbon (Six and Maier- oceanic 13 C Suess effect. Moreover, our model framework Reimer, 1996) and nitrogen-fixing cyanobacteria (Paulsen also allows for the attribution of the underestimation to the et al., 2017). We thus develop an updated 13 C module that assumptions of the procedure Eide et al. (2017a) applied. considers the refined ecosystem representation and test dif- In the following sections, we first provide a brief introduc- ferent non-uniform parameterisations for biological fraction- tion to the global ocean biogeochemical model HAMOCC6, ation during phytoplankton growth. followed by a description of the new 13 C module including To choose a suitable biological fractionation parameteri- the experimental setup (Sect. 2). Section 3 presents the model sation for our model, we test the parameterisations of Popp evaluation against observations in the late 20th century, and et al. (1989) and Laws et al. (1995). These parameterisa- Sect. 4 evaluates the simulated oceanic 13 C Suess effect. Sec- tions are selected for two reasons. First, they are of different tion 5 addresses our findings on testing the Eide et al. (2017a) complexities. The parameterisation of Popp et al. (1989) em- approach for estimating the oceanic 13 C Suess effect. Sum- pirically relates 13 C biological fractionation to the concen- mary and conclusions are given in Sect. 6. tration of dissolved CO2 in seawater, whereas that of Laws et al. (1995) considers dissolved CO2 concentration and phy- toplankton growth rate. Second, input variables in these two parameterisations are explicitly computed in the model. We omit more complex parameterisations that include effects of cell membrane permeability of molecular CO2 diffusion, cell Biogeosciences, 18, 4389–4429, 2021
B. Liu et al.: 13 C module in MPI-ESM 4391 2 Model description assume 12 C = C. We include a 13 C counterpart for each 12 C prognostic variable; that is, we introduce seven new tracers 2.1 The global ocean biogeochemical model for the water column and three for the sediment. 13 C only (HAMOCC6) mimics the 12 C biogeochemical fluxes, modified by the cor- responding isotopic fractionation. We assume 13 C inventory HAMOCC6 (Ilyina et al., 2013; Paulsen et al., 2017; Mau- to be as large as the inventory of 12 C to reduce numerical er- ritsen et al., 2019) includes biogeochemical processes in rors. Consequently, the reference standard of the stable car- the water column and in the sediment. In the water col- bon isotope ratio Rstd is set to 1 in Eq. (1). In this section, umn, the following biogeochemical tracers are simulated: we describe the implementation of 13 C fractionation during dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC), total alkalinity (TA), air–sea exchange and carbon uptake by bulk phytoplankton phosphate (PO4 ), nitrate (NO3 ), nitrous oxide (N2 O), dis- and by cyanobacteria. Because the isotopic fractionation dur- solved nitrogen gas (N2 ), silicate (SiO4 ), dissolved bioavail- ing the production of calcium carbonate is small (Turner, able iron (Fe), dissolved oxygen (O2 ), bulk phytoplankton 1982) and uncertain (Zeebe and Wolf-Gladrow, 2001), it is (Phy), cyanobacteria (Cya), zooplankton (Zoo), dissolved or- not considered in this study, following the model studies of ganic matter (DOM), particulate organic matter (POM), opal e.g. Lynch-Stieglitz et al. (1995), Schmittner et al. (2013) and shells, calcium carbonate shells (CaCO3 ), terrigenous mate- Tjiputra et al. (2020). rial (Dust) and hydrogen sulfide (H2 S). Below the model- defined export depth (100 m), the sinking speed of POM 2.2.1 Fractionation during air–sea gas exchange linearly increases with depth. Theoretically, this leads to a power-law-like attenuation of POM fluxes as observa- The net air–sea CO2 gas exchange flux F reads tions (Martin et al., 1987; Kriest and Oschlies, 2008). Con- F = −kCO2 γCO2 pCO2 surf − pCO2 atm . (2) stant sinking speeds are set for opal, CaCO3 and Dust. Except for CaCO3 and opal, whose sinking speeds (30 and 25 m d−1 , Here, pCO2 surf and pCO2 atm are the partial pressures of CO2 respectively) are considerably faster than the horizontal ve- in the surface seawater and in the atmosphere, respectively. locities of ocean flow, the water-column biogeochemical The piston velocity kCO2 (m s−1 ) for CO2 and the solubility tracers are transported by the hydrodynamical fields in the γCO2 (mol L−1 atm−1 ) of CO2 are calculated following Wan- same manner as salinity. ninkhof (2014) and Weiss (1974), respectively. The sediment module is based on Heinze et al. (1999). Similar to the air–sea flux of total carbon in Eq. (2), the It simulates remineralisation and dissolution processes as in net air–sea 13 CO2 exchange flux 13 F reads the water column concerning dissolved tracers (PO4 , NO3 , 13 N2 , O2 , SiO4 , Fe, H2 S, DIC and TA) in the pore water and F = −13 kCO2 13 γCO2 pCO2 surf Rg − pCO2 atm Ratm , (3) the solid sediment constituents (POM, opal, CaCO3 ). The tracers in the pore water are exchanged with the overlying in which Rg and Ratm are the ratios of 13 C/12 C in sur- water column by diffusion. Pelagic sedimentation fluxes of face pCO2 and in atmospheric CO2 , respectively. Following POM, CaCO3 and opal are added to the solid components of Zhang et al. (1995), we can rewrite Eq. (3) as the sediment. Below the active sediment there is one layer 13 F = −kCO2 αk γCO2 αaq←g containing only solid sediment components and representing burial. To balance the loss of nutrients, TA, DIC and SiO4 in RDIC pCO2 surf − pCO2 atm Ratm . (4) the water column, constant input fluxes of DOM, CO2− 3 and αDIC←g SiO4 are added uniformly at the ocean surface, whose rates Here, αk =13 kCO2 /kCO2 is the kinetic fractionation factor, are derived from a linear regression of the long-term (approx- αaq←g =13 γCO2 /γCO2 is the equilibrium isotopic fractiona- imately 100 years) temporal evolution of the sediment (active tion factor for gas dissolution (from gaseous to aqueous and burial) inventory. CO2 ), αDIC←g = RDIC /Rg is the equilibrium isotopic frac- A detailed description of HAMOCC6 is provided in Mau- tionation factor from gaseous CO2 to DIC and RDIC = ritsen et al. (2019) and the references therein. Different to 13 C 12 DIC / CDIC . Parameters αk , αaq←g and αDIC←g are the HAMOCC6 version in Mauritsen et al. (2019), we allow temperature-dependent, and they are obtained from labora- DOM degradation in low-oxygen conditions until all avail- tory experiments (Zhang et al., 1995), often expressed in able O2 is consumed. terms of a per mil fractionation factor (‰) = (α − 1) × 103 : 2.2 The stable carbon isotope 13 C in HAMOCC6 k = −0.85, (5) aq←g = 0.0049TC − 1.31, (6) HAMOCC6 simulates total carbon C, which is the sum of DIC←g = 0.014TC fCO3 − 0.105TC + 10.53. (7) the three natural isotopes 12 C, 13 C and 14 C. Because in na- ture 12 C constitutes about 98.9 % of the total carbon and 13 C Here, TC is the seawater temperature in ◦ C, and fCO3 = only constitutes about 1.1 % (Lide, 2002), in HAMOCC6 we CO2− 3 /DIC is the fraction of carbonate ions in DIC. Because Biogeosciences, 18, 4389–4429, 2021
4392 B. Liu et al.: 13 C module in MPI-ESM in Eq. (6) the temperature dependency is weak, we use a con- stant aq←g = −1.24, obtained at TC = 15 ◦ C in the model, following Schmittner et al. (2013). In Eq. (7) we neglect the first term 0.014TC fCO3 , because fCO3 is generally smaller than 0.1 and because the constant factor is 1 order of magni- tude smaller than that of the second term 0.105TC . Note that Eq. (5) (k = −0.85) and the simplified Eq. (7) (DIC←g = −0.105 TC + 10.53) in this study, adopting those of Schmittner et al. (2013), are slightly different from the OMIP protocol (Orr et al., 2017; k = −0.88 and DIC←g = 0.014 TC fCO3 − 0.107 TC + 10.53). Results of a short pre- industrial simulation with k and DIC←g from OMIP pro- tocol yield a negligible difference (not shown). In our future simulations k and DIC←g suggested by the OMIP protocol will be used. 2.2.2 Fractionation during phytoplankton growth The lighter stable carbon isotope 12 C is preferentially utilised Figure 1. The per mil biological fractionation factor p against Popp over 13 C during photosynthesis (O’Leary, 1988). Following aqueous CO2 concentration. The solid line illustrates p , in Schmittner et al. (2013), we formulate this isotopic frac- which the biological fractionation during phytoplankton growth is tionation during net growth of the bulk phytoplankton and only a function of CO2 (aq). The dashed–dotted lines show pLaws , cyanobacteria as which depends on µ/CO2 , the ratio of phytoplankton growth rate to CO2 (aq), for µ =0.2 (blue), 0.6 (red), 1.2 (yellow) and 2.0 (pur- 13 G = RDIC αPhy←DIC G, (8) ple) d−1 . with Both CO2 (aq) and µ (depending on local conditions of light, αaq←g αPhy←DIC = αaq←DIC αPhy←aq = αPhy←aq . (9) water temperature and nutrient availability) are determined αDIC←g Popp in HAMOCC6. Figure 1 illustrates the values of p and pLaws under typical ranges of CO2 (aq) and µ in the ocean. Here G (µmol C L−1 d−1 ) denotes the growth of bulk phy- Popp When µ ≤ 1, pLaws is generally more negative than p . For toplankton or cyanobacteria. αPhy←DIC is the isotopic frac- tionation factor for DIC fixation, which is determined by the high µ values, e.g. µ = 2, pLaws is constantly less negative Popp equilibrium fractionation factor αaq←DIC from DIC to aque- than p . Under high µ and low CO2 (aq), pLaws becomes ous CO2 (aq) and by the biological fractionation factor p = positive, which is unrealistic. However, our simulated ratios (αPhy←aq − 1) × 103 related to the fixation of CO2 (aq). Here of phytoplankton growth rate to dissolved CO2 concentration the subscript “Phy” denotes either the bulk phytoplankton or do not produce unrealistic positive pLaws at any time step in cyanobacteria. this study. We test the parameterisations for biological fractionation from Popp et al. (1989) and from Laws et al. (1995), i.e. 2.3 Model setup and experimental design Popp p = −17 log(CO2 (aq)) + 3.4, (10) 2.3.1 Setup µ pLaws = − 0.371 /0.015. (11) We conduct ocean-only simulations using the MPIOM- CO2 (aq)/ρsea 1.6.3p1 (Jungclaus et al., 2013; Notz et al., 2013; Maurit- sen et al., 2019) with HAMOCC6. MPIOM is a free-surface Here, CO2 (aq) (µmol L−1 ) is aqueous CO2 in surface wa- ocean general circulation model. It uses a curvilinear grid ter, and variable µ (d−1 ) is the specific growth rate of with the grid poles located over Greenland and Antarctica. bulk phytoplankton or of cyanobacteria. Note that Laws We use a low-resolution configuration with a nominal hori- et al. (1995) measured aq←Phy . Because αPhy←aq is close zontal resolution of 1.5◦ . This configuration has a minimum to unity, p ≈ −aq←Phy (Zeebe and Wolf-Gladrow, 2001). grid spacing of 15 km around Greenland and a maximum grid In Eq. (11), we set the seawater density ρsea a constant value spacing of 185 km in the tropical Pacific. There are 40 un- of 1.025 kg L−1 . Then Eq. (11) is simplified to evenly spaced vertical levels. The layer thickness increases µ from 10 m in the upper ocean to 600 m in the deep ocean. pLaws = 68.3 − 24.7. (12) The upper 100 m of the water column is represented by nine CO2 (aq) Biogeosciences, 18, 4389–4429, 2021
B. Liu et al.: 13 C module in MPI-ESM 4393 levels. The time step is 1 h. In this setup, we additionally in- In the transient simulations for the historical period 1850– clude the oceanic uptake and transport of CFC-12. CFC-12 2010, Hist_Popp and Hist_Laws, we prescribe increasing is chemically inert and can therefore be treated as a conser- atmospheric CO2 mixing ratios (Meinshausen et al., 2017) vative and passive tracer participating in all hydrodynamical due to anthropogenic activities and decreasing atmospheric processes within the ocean identical to e.g. salinity. The im- δ 13 CO2 following OMIP and C4MIP protocols (Jones et al., plementation of the air–sea gas exchange of CFC-12 follows 2016) (Fig. 2a). For the period 1850–1900, when forcing data the OMIP protocol (Orr et al., 2017). are absent, we continue applying the 1905–1929 ERA20C cyclic forcing. From 1901 to 2010, we use the transient 2.3.2 Experimental design ERA20C forcing. The evolution of the atmospheric CFC-12 concentration (Fig. 2b) follows Bullister (2017). Because the For the pre-industrial spin-up simulations we cyclically ap- atmospheric CFC-12 is slightly higher in the Northern Hemi- ply the 1905–1929 sea-surface boundary conditions from sphere, we prescribe a linear transition between 10◦ S and ERA20C (Poli et al., 2016, covering 1901–2010). The at- 10◦ N. Input rates of DO13 C, DOC, 13 CO2− 2− 3 , CO3 and SiO4 mospheric CO2 mixing ratio is set to 280 ppmv. A spin-up are kept constant and are the same as those of pre-industrial run is first conducted without 13 C tracers until the long- simulations. term averaged global net air–sea CO2 flux is smaller than 0.05 Pg C yr−1 (adequate to the C4MIP criterion for steady- state conditions of < 0.1 Pg C yr−1 ; Jones et al., 2016). This 3 Model results and observations in the late 20th model state is the starting point for the two spin-up runs century including 13 C tracers, PI_Popp and PI_Laws, which are Popp based on the biological fractionation parameterisation p Our model generally simulates the physical and biogeochem- (Eq. 10) and pLaws (Eq. 12), respectively. ical state for the present-day ocean well. The detailed model– The C tracers are initialised as follows. The mean δ 13 C 13 observation comparisons for the ocean physical variables of the marine organic matter is about −20 ‰ (Degens et al., (e.g. seawater temperature and salinity, Atlantic Meridional 1968). Therefore, we set the initial concentrations of 13 C Overturning Circulation stream function, CFC-12) and for in the bulk phytoplankton, cyanobacteria, zooplankton, dis- the ocean biogeochemical tracers (e.g. primary production, solved organic carbon, particulate organic carbon in the wa- nutrients, DIC) are summarised in Appendix Sects. B and C. ter column and particulate organic carbon in the sediment to In this section, we compare simulated 13 C between the 0.98 (according to Eq. 1) of their 12 C counterparts. The initial two simulations Hist_Popp and Hist_Laws and evaluate the 13 C DIC in the water column is calculated using the relation two experiments by comparison to observed δ 13 CPOC and between δ 13 CDIC and PO4 (Lynch-Stieglitz et al., 1995), δ 13 CDIC . The observations used here are the surface δ 13 CPOC δ 13 CDIC = 2.7 − 1.1PO4 , (13) measurements assembled by Goericke and Fry (1994) and the observed δ 13 CDIC , for both the surface and the interior and Eq. (1). Here PO4 and DIC are from the quasi- ocean, compiled by Schmittner et al. (2013). For the model– equilibrium state of the spin-up run without 13 C tracers. The observation comparison, we first grid the observed δ 13 CPOC initial concentrations of 13 CCaCO3 in the water column and in and δ 13 CDIC horizontally onto a 1 × 1◦ grid and vertically the sediment and the initial concentration of 13 CDIC in pore (only for δ 13 CDIC ) onto the 40 depth layers of the model. water are set identical to their 12 C counterparts. Multiple data points in the same grid cell in the same month The pre-industrial stable carbon isotope ratio δ 13 CO2 of and year are averaged. Then we bilinearly interpolate the atmospheric CO2 is fixed at −6.5 ‰. The inputs of dissolved simulated monthly-mean δ 13 CPOC and δ 13 CDIC over a 1 × 1◦ organic 13 C (DO13 C) and 13 CO2− 3 are uniformly added at grid. To quantitatively compare the performance between the ocean surface. The input rate of DO13 C is calculated as Hist_Popp and Hist_Laws and to other 13 C models, we cal- the product of the input rate of DOC and the sea-surface culate the spatial correlation coefficient r and the normalised DO13 C/DOC ratio; the input rate of 13 CO2− 3 is the product root mean squared error (NRMSE, normalised by the stan- of the input rate of CO2− 3 and the sea-surface 13 CO2− /CO2− 3 3 dard deviation that is calculated using all the available mea- 13 ratio. This approach to determine C input rates results in a surements of δ 13 CPOC or δ 13 CDIC during the observational small drift in the water-column 13 C inventory, but it only has periods) between model results and observation. minor impact on the simulation results (see Appendix A). A global ocean climatology of pre-industrial δ 13 CDIC has PI_Popp and PI_Laws are spun up for 2500 simula- recently been derived by first estimating the oceanic 13 C tion years. Equilibrium states are reached with 98 % of Suess effect (Eide et al., 2017a) and then removing it from the ocean volume having a δ 13 CDIC drift of less than the observed δ 13 CDIC (Eide et al., 2017b). This pre-industrial 0.001 ‰ yr−1 (employing the same criteria as for 14 C in δ 13 CDIC estimate has been used to evaluate model perfor- OMIP protocol, Orr et al., 2017). An equilibrium of the sed- mance (Tjiputra et al., 2020). We do not include a δ 13 CDIC iment is, however, not achieved for either 13 C or other bio- evaluation for the pre-industrial ocean because the histori- geochemical tracers. cal simulations in this study facilitate the direct comparison Biogeosciences, 18, 4389–4429, 2021
4394 B. Liu et al.: 13 C module in MPI-ESM Figure 2. (a) The evolution of atmospheric CO2 (blue, Meinshausen et al., 2017) and δ 13 CO2 (red, Jones et al., 2016) during 1850–2010. (b) The evolution of atmospheric CFC-12 concentrations (Bullister, 2017). The solid blue line indicates the Northern Hemisphere, and the dashed red line indicates Southern Hemisphere. to observations in the late 20th century, which is different of −29.9 ‰ due to more negative p (Fig. 3d). This is be- from Tjiputra et al. (2020), who only include pre-industrial Popp cause pLaws (Fig. 1) is always more negative than p when simulations with 13 C tracers. Moreover, as has already been the simulated mean growth rates (Fig. C1a and b) are lower discussed by Eide et al. (2017a) and is discussed in Sect. 5 than 1 d−1 . As pLaws increases with growth rate (Eq. 12), we of this study, the 13 C Suess effect is possibly underestimated find less negative δ 13 CPOC (up to −24.1 ‰) in the central by the Eide et al. (2017a) approach. This suggests Eide et al. tropical Pacific, where highest growth rates are simulated (2017b) likely overestimate the pre-industrial δ 13 CDIC . (Fig. C1a and b). The lowest δ 13 CPOC of −33 ‰ occurs in the Arctic Ocean and around Antarctica due to the combina- 3.1 Isotopic signature of particular organic carbon in tion of low growth rate, high CO2 (aq) and low seawater tem- the surface ocean perature. The meridional range of the annual-mean δ 13 CPOC in Hist_Laws (∼ 9 ‰) is smaller than that of Hist_Popp For comparison between Hist_Popp and Hist_Laws, the cli- (∼ 11 ‰) because for low growth rates pLaws is generally matological mean state of δ 13 CPOC is derived by averag- less sensitive to CO2 (aq) changes compared to p Popp (Fig. 1). ing over 1960-1991, the period when most δ 13 CPOC mea- This also results in a smaller annual range of δ 13 CPOC in surements were collected. In Hist_Popp, the climatological high latitudes (Fig. 3f) than Hist_Popp (Fig. 3e). In the low annual-mean surface δ 13 CPOC has a global mean value of and mid-latitudes, Hist_Laws shows larger annual range of −22.5 ‰, and it shows a distinct horizontal pattern (Fig. 3a). δ 13 CPOC because in these regions CO2 (aq) concentrations Less negative values up to −19.3 ‰ are found in the subtrop- are relatively stable but growth rates shows noticeable sea- ical regions, where alkalinity is typically high and CO2 (aq) sonal variability. is consequently low. This low CO2 (aq) results in a smaller Hist_Popp captures major features of the observed isotope fractionation during carbon fixation by phytoplank- δ 13 CPOC (Fig. 4a, c and e). The meridional gradient, with ton (Eq. 10, Fig. 1) with a biological fractionation factor less negative values in the low latitudes and minimal val- p > −13 ‰ (Fig. 3c). Poleward of the subtropical regions, ues around 60◦ S, is well reproduced. In contrast, Hist_Laws δ 13 CPOC gradually decreases. The reason for this is twofold. shows generally lower δ 13 CPOC than the observations (a First, p decreases from −13 ‰ to about −20 ‰ following global mean bias of −8 ‰) and a smaller δ 13 CPOC differ- the increase in CO2 (aq). Second, the thermal effect of equi- ence between low and high latitudes (Fig. 4b, d and f). This librium fractionation causes about 3 ‰ more fractionation in is also seen in a recent study by Dentith et al. (2020), who the polar regions than in the tropical and subtropical regions tested p Popp and pLaws with the FAst Met Office/UK Uni- (according to Eqs. 7 and 9). The lowest δ 13 CPOC of about versities Simulator (FAMOUS). The underestimation in the −30 ‰ occurs close to Antarctica where highest surface DIC global mean and in the meridional gradient of δ 13 CPOC in concentrations are typically found because of the upwelling Hist_Laws suggests that the parameters of the linear fit in of deep waters and the reduced air–sea gas exchange by ice Eq. (12) (slope and intercept) would need to be increased cover (Takahashi et al., 2014). The annual range of δ 13 CPOC to gain a better performance. Around 60◦ S of the Atlantic (Fig. 3e), i.e. the difference between the minimum and the Ocean (Fig. 4b), Hist_Laws simulates a smaller range of maximum of its climatological monthly-mean annual cycle, δ 13 CPOC than the observations. This is also a result of the is low (< 0.5 ‰) in the subtropical regions, and it increases small δ 13 CPOC annual range produced by pLaws (Fig. 3f). Be- polewards up to ∼ 9 ‰ in the Southern Ocean, mirroring tween 40◦ S and 40◦ N in the Atlantic Ocean, Hist_Laws sim- meridional changes in the annual range of CO2 (aq). ulates δ 13 CPOC peaks in the region of high growth rates south Compared to Hist_Popp, Hist_Laws shows lower annual- mean surface δ 13 CPOC (Fig. 3b), with a global-mean value Biogeosciences, 18, 4389–4429, 2021
B. Liu et al.: 13 C module in MPI-ESM 4395 Figure 3. The climatological (1960–1991) annual-mean surface values for Hist_Popp (a, c, e) and Hist_Laws (b, d, f) for δ 13 CPOC (a, b), p (c, d), and for the annual range of δ 13 CPOC (e, f). All values are given in per mil (‰). of the Equator, whereas the observed high δ 13 CPOC values δ 13 CPOC peak to a local high phytoplankton production dur- are located between the Equator and 20◦ N. ing the measurement period. In the Indian Ocean around 45◦ S, Hist_Popp does not cap- Overall, Hist_Popp (r = 0.84 and NRMSE = 0.57) better ture the prominent δ 13 CPOC peak in the field data (Fig. 4e), reproduces the observed δ 13 CPOC than Hist_Laws (r = 0.71, despite the fact that the simulated CO2 (aq), the controlling NRMSE = 2.5). Here a higher NRMSE indicates the model Popp factor in the parameterisation p (Eq. 10), well reproduces captures a smaller fraction of the variation in observations. the meridional variation of the contemporaneous CO2 (aq) The performance of Hist_Popp regarding δ 13 CPOC compares measurements (Fig. 4g). Although the empirical correlation well to that of the FAMOUS model (Dentith et al., 2020; between p and CO2 (aq), such as Eq. (10), holds true to the comparing their Fig. 8 and Fig. 4 in this study) and the Uni- first order over large areas of the global ocean, other factors, versity of Victoria (UVic) Earth System Model of intermedi- such as growth rate, affect the local variability in p (Popp ate complexity (with r = 0.74 and NRMSE = 0.92; Schmit- et al., 1998; Hansman and Sessions, 2016; Tuerena et al., tner et al., 2013). Note that Schmittner et al. (2013) compared 2019). Hist_Laws captures the δ 13 CPOC peak around 45◦ S in climatological annual-mean model output to the δ 13 CPOC the observations (Fig. 4f), owing to the dependency of pLaws measurements from Goericke and Fry (1994), whereas our on phytoplankton growth rate and to the model successfully study uses model results of the corresponding month and reproducing the high productivity in this region (illustrated year of the measurements. This difference leads to a better by phytoplankton biomass, Fig. 4h). This is in alignment comparison of Hist_Popp to the observed δ 13 CPOC in high with the field study by Francois et al. (1993) and the model latitudes, particularly in the South Atlantic Ocean around study by Hofmann et al. (2000), who ascribed this observed 60◦ S, and therefore it is one reason for the slight better per- formance of Hist_Popp compared to Schmittner et al. (2013), Biogeosciences, 18, 4389–4429, 2021
4396 B. Liu et al.: 13 C module in MPI-ESM Figure 4. Comparison of surface δ 13 CPOC (‰) observations (blue triangle) from Goericke and Fry (1994) to model data (red circle) in Hist_Popp (a, c, e) and Hist_Laws (b, d, f) for the Atlantic, Pacific and Indian Ocean, respectively. Inserted maps show cruise tracks of the measuring campaigns. (g) Comparison of simulated CO2 (aq) (red star) to observations (blue diamond) in the South Indian Ocean (Francois et al., 1993; measurement locations indicated by black triangles in the inset map for the Indian Ocean). Panel (h) is as panel (g) but for particulate organic matter, represented by total POC in Francois et al. (1993) and by phytoplankton biomass in the model. The measurement precision is ±0.17 ‰ for δ 13 CPOC and 2 % for CO2 (aq) and particulate organic matter, according to Francois et al. (1993). aside from the underlying differences between the two mod- 3.2 Isotopic signature of dissolved inorganic carbon els. δ 13 CDIC Hist_Popp also well reproduces the temporal changes of the biological fractionation factor p when compared to 3.2.1 Comparison between Hist_Popp and Hist_Laws the observation-based estimates of Young et al. (2013). In and to observations Hist_Popp, the change rate of p has a global-mean value of −0.026 ‰ yr−1 for the period 1960–2009 (Fig. C7a), simi- Figures 5a–b and 6a–f compare the climatological annual lar to an estimate of −0.022 ‰ yr−1 in Young et al. (2013). mean of δ 13 CDIC (averaged over 1990–2005, when most Modest p changes are found in eastern tropical Pacific and δ 13 CDIC measurements were collected) between Hist_Popp south of 60◦ S, in good agreement with Young et al. (2013). and Hist_Laws. The two simulations exhibit very similar Hist_Laws, on the other hand, shows a very small global- δ 13 CDIC patterns for both the surface and interior ocean. The mean p change rate of −0.005 ‰ yr−1 (Fig. C7b) as pLaws surface seawater DIC is enriched in 13 C due to the prefer- is less sensitive to the increase in CO2 (aq) than p Popp . ential uptake of the light isotope 12 C by phytoplankton dur- ing primary production. As particulate organic matter sinks and is remineralised at depth, the negative δ 13 CPOC signal is released. Consequently, in both Hist_Popp and Hist_Laws, δ 13 CDIC at the surface is generally higher than in the ocean Biogeosciences, 18, 4389–4429, 2021
B. Liu et al.: 13 C module in MPI-ESM 4397 interior. At the surface of the equatorial central Pacific, the δ 13 CDIC into a biological component δ 13 Cbio DIC and a residual eastern boundary upwelling systems and the Southern Ocean component δ 13 Cresi DIC , driven by air–sea exchange and ocean south of 60◦ S, lower δ 13 CDIC (< 1.6 ‰) is seen due to the circulation: upward transport of the 13 C-depleted water (Fig. 5a and b). 1photo In the interior ocean, we find higher δ 13 CDIC (> 1 ‰) in δ 13 Cbio 13 DIC = δ CDIC |M.O. + RC:P (PO4 − PO4 |M.O. ). (14) DICM.O. well-ventilated water masses, in particular the North Atlantic Deep Water (NADW) (Fig. 6a and d). The lowest δ 13 CDIC Here the subscript M.O. refers to mean ocean values, 1photo values (< −0.5 ‰) occur at depth in tropical and subtropical is the carbon isotope fractionation during marine photosyn- regions (Fig. 6a–f), where a large amount of organic matter thesis and RC:P is the C : P ratio of marine organic matter. is remineralised. We use 1photo = −19 ‰ (Eide et al., 2017b) and RC:P = The global-mean surface δ 13 CDIC of the two experiments 122 (Takahashi et al., 1985) for both model and observa- only differs marginally (1.64 ‰ for Hist_Popp and 1.7 ‰ tional data. In reality 1photo shows spatial variability due to for Hist_Laws), which is expected as they are run using the variations of CO2 (aq) (Fig. 3c) and temperature (Eq. 7) the same prescribed atmospheric δ 13 CO2 (Schmittner et al., at the sea surface. However, using a constant 1photo only has 2013). Given very similar mean surface DI13 C, the larger limited quantitative impact on the model–observation com- vertical DI13 C gradients in Hist_Laws, established by more parison of the two components. To calculate δ 13 Cbio DIC from negative δ 13 CPOC (Fig. 3a and b), yield lower DI13 C con- observations, we employ δ 13 CDIC |M.O. = 0.5 ‰, DICM.O. = centration at depth. This adjustment of DI13 C content in the 2255 mmol m−3 (Eide et al., 2017b) and PO4 from the World ocean interior takes place during the pre-industrial spin-up Ocean Atlas (WOA13; Garcia et al., 2013a). Considering the phase of the simulations via air–sea 13 CO2 exchange (Ap- strong seasonality in PO4 in the surface ocean, we select pendix A). At the end of the 2500-year spin-up, the water- the phosphate concentration from the climatological monthly column DI13 C inventory in PI_Laws is 1.1×1012 kmol lower WOA data (available only for the upper 500 m of the wa- than PI_Popp, yielding a global mean δ 13 CDIC difference ter column) and the climatological monthly-mean model of 0.25 ‰ (Fig. 6g–i). Such interior-ocean δ 13 CDIC differ- data for the same month as the δ 13 CDIC observations. The ence caused by using different parameterisation for biologi- observed mean ocean phosphate concentration PO4 |M.O. = cal fractionation is also seen in Jahn et al. (2015) and Den- 1.7 mmol m−3 is obtained by first merging the time mean of tith et al. (2020). The seasonal upward transport of the lower the PO4 monthly WOA data in the upper 500 m and the PO4 deep-ocean δ 13 CDIC in Hist_Laws leads to lower annual- annual-mean WOA data below 500 m and then mapping the mean surface δ 13 CDIC and larger δ 13 CDIC annual range in combined data to the vertical grid of our model. For sim- regions of upwelling (Fig. 5c and d). ulated δ 13 Cbio 13 DIC , the model data of δ CDIC |M.O. = 0.67 ‰, When compared to the observed δ 13 CDIC , Hist_Popp (r = DICM.O. = 2197 mmol m−3 , PO4 |M.O. = 1.5 mmol m−3 and 0.81, NRMSE = 0.7) has a slightly better performance than PO4 are used. The model–observation δ 13 Cresi DIC difference Hist_Laws (r = 0.80, NRMSE = 1.1). Hist_Laws generally is calculated by subtracting the model–observation δ 13 Cbio DIC shows vertical gradients of δ 13 CDIC that are too strong and difference from the model–observation δ 13 CDIC difference. therefore δ 13 CDIC values that are too low in the ocean inte- The model captures the major features of the observed rior, as is seen in the depth profiles of horizontally averaged δ 13 Cbio DIC at the surface; that is, higher values are seen in the δ 13 CDIC (Fig. 7). This points to too strong a preference for subtropical regions and lower values in the high latitudes the isotopically light carbon simulated by pLaws as is already (Fig. C8a and b). Nevertheless, noticeable quantitative dif- discussed in Sect. 3.1. Given the slightly better performance ferences exist (Fig. 9a), which resemble the distribution of of Hist_Popp than Hist_Laws regarding δ 13 CDIC , we focus (PO4 − PO4 |M.O. ) bias (Fig. 9b). Between 30◦ N and 30◦ S in the following on the comparison between Hist_Popp and in the surface ocean, we find a mean negative bias of about observed δ 13 CDIC . −0.1 ‰. This is caused by the underestimation of primary production in the subtropical gyres (due to the underestima- 3.2.2 Source of surface δ 13 CDIC biases in Hist_Popp tion of phytoplankton growth rates; see Appendix C1) and the consequently reduced enrichment of 13 C in surface DIC. Figure 8 contains model–observation comparison for the sur- A strong positive δ 13 Cbio DIC bias of 0.6 ‰ to 1 ‰ is seen in face δ 13 CDIC . Overall, the magnitude and spatial distribu- the North Pacific, where in the model iron is not a limit- tion of the observed δ 13 CDIC is well-captured by Hist_Popp. ing nutrient (Fig. C3), in contrast to observations (Moore In the surface ocean, the mean δ 13 CDIC is slightly overesti- et al., 2013). In the equatorial central Pacific, a weak pos- mated by Hist_Popp (1.7 ‰ compared to 1.5 ‰ in observa- itive δ 13 Cbio DIC bias < 0.2 ‰ is caused by a primary produc- tion). Positive biases are widely seen in the Indian and Pa- tion that is too high. Specifically, the simulated phytoplank- cific Ocean, and the negative biases are mostly found in the ton growth rates in this region compare well to observations, Atlantic Ocean (Fig. 8c). To better understand the source of whereas the simulated phytoplankton biomass is too high differences between model and observations, we follow the (Appendix C1). The latter is mainly induced by an upwelling method of Broecker and Maier-Reimer (1992) to decompose that is too strong. The observed mean upward vertical veloc- Biogeosciences, 18, 4389–4429, 2021
4398 B. Liu et al.: 13 C module in MPI-ESM Figure 5. Climatological (averaged over 1990–2005) annual-mean surface δ 13 CDIC for Hist_Popp (a) and Hist_Laws (b), respectively. Panels (c) and (d) show the difference in the climatological annual-mean δ 13 CDIC between Hist_Laws and Hist_Popp, and the difference in the climatological annual range of δ 13 CDIC between the two simulations, respectively. Figure 6. Zonal-mean δ 13 CDIC of the Atlantic Ocean (a, d, g), the Pacific Ocean (b, e, h) and the Indian Ocean (c, f, i) for Hist_Popp (a–c), Hist_Laws (d–f) and for the difference between Hist_Laws and Hist_Popp (g–i). Biogeosciences, 18, 4389–4429, 2021
B. Liu et al.: 13 C module in MPI-ESM 4399 Figure 7. Depth profiles of horizontally averaged δ 13 CDIC of Hist_Popp (solid blue line), Hist_Laws (dashed red line) and the observational data from Schmittner et al. (2013) (solid black line) for the global ocean (a), the Atlantic Ocean (b), the Pacific Ocean (c) and for the Indian Ocean (d). The grey shading indicates observation uncertainty of ±0.15 ‰, which relates to the estimated accuracy due to unresolved intercalibration issues between laboratories (0.1 ‰–0.2 ‰; Schmittner et al., 2013). Figure 8. Observed surface δ 13 CDIC (Schmittner et al., 2013) (a) and simulated δ 13 CDIC in Hist_Popp sampled at the location, month and year of the observation (b). (c) The difference in δ 13 CDIC between Hist_Popp and observations. ity at 0, 140◦ W and 60 m depth during May 1990–June 1991 itive apparent oxygen utilisation (AOU) biases above 500 m is 2.3 × 10−5 m s−1 (Weisberg and Qiao, 2000), whereas the south of 45◦ S (Fig. 10j–l). model simulates 3.2 × 10−5 m s−1 for the same location and Another reason for the high surface iron concentration in period. the Southern Ocean is that MPIOM simulates an upwelling In the Southern Ocean, a strong positive δ 13 Cbio DIC bias of that is too strong. In particular, below 1000 m, the simu- 0.6 to 1 ‰ (Fig. 9a) results from a primary production that is lated upward velocity shows noticeably larger magnitude too high under surface iron concentrations that are too high (> 5 × 10−6 m s−1 , Fig. B4) than that of a dynamically con- (0.2–0.4 nmol L−1 compared to generally < 0.25 nmol L−1 sistent and data-constrained ocean state estimate (see Fig. 1 from data of the GEOTRACES programme (http://www. in Liang et al., 2017). The upwelling that is too strong in, last access: 15 April 2021, not shown). Pri- the model is consistent with the volume transport that is mary production is limited by iron only south of 50◦ S in the too large across the Drake Passage of 192 Sv compared to model compared to south of 40◦ S from observation (Moore 134–173 Sv from observations (Nowlin Jr. and Klinck, 1986; et al., 2013). One cause for the high surface iron concentra- Cunningham et al., 2003; Meredith et al., 2011; Donohue tion is that in HAMOCC6 organic matter is remineralised at et al., 2016). Our model also features larger downward veloc- depths that are too shallow. This can been seen from the pos- ities than the estimate from Liang et al. (2017), which corre- spond to mixed layer depths that are too deep in the Southern Biogeosciences, 18, 4389–4429, 2021
4400 B. Liu et al.: 13 C module in MPI-ESM Figure 9. Model–observation difference in the biological component δ 13 Cbio DIC (a), (PO4 − PO4 |M.O. ) (b), and the residual component δ 13 Cresi DIC (c) at the ocean surface. (d) The net air–sea CO2 flux (positive into the air, averaged over 1990–2005) difference between the model data and observation-based data product from Landschützer et al. (2015). Ocean (up to 3000 m, Fig. B5) than observations (< 700 m; caused by a remineralisation that is too low, as is shown by de Boyer Montégut et al., 2004; Holte et al., 2017). the negative AOU biases (Fig. 10j–l). We find strong δ 13 Cresi DIC negative biases of −0.5 ‰ to North of 30◦ S in the Atlantic Ocean, the negative δ 13 CDIC −1 ‰ (Fig. 9c) in the North Pacific and the Southern Ocean, biases below 3000 m, together with the positive δ 13 CDIC bi- which partially compensate for the positive biases of δ 13 Cbio DIC ases between 1000 and 3000 m, suggest δ 13 CDIC vertical gra- (Fig. 9a) in these regions. One major cause for the nega- dients that are too strong in the model (Fig. 10d). This results tive δ 13 Cresi DIC bias in these two regions is our model over- from a lower boundary of the NADW cell that is too shallow, estimating the uptake of anthropogenic carbon, as is illus- constantly located above 2800 m (Fig. B3), compared to an trated by the net air–sea CO2 difference between the model estimated NADW lower boundary of about 4300 m deep at and the observation (Fig. 9d). Consequently, the decreased 26◦ N (Msadek et al., 2013; Smeed et al., 2017). A possi- atmospheric 13 C/12 C ratio over the industrial period further ble reason for the shallow NADW in the model is that the lowers δ 13 CDIC in the two ocean regions in the model. In the Lower North Atlantic Deep Water (LNADW), forming from Southern Ocean, the upward transport of 13 C-depleted wa- the Denmark Strait Overflow Water and the Iceland–Scotland ter is too large, which also contributes to a negative δ 13 Cresi DIC Overflow Water, is not dense enough to flow further south- bias. ward. This can be seen from the CFC-12 distribution along the zonal Sect. A5 at 24◦ N (Fig. B7). The observed deeper CFC-12 maximum (3000–4500 m west of 60◦ W) indicates 3.2.3 Source of δ 13 CDIC biases in the interior ocean of the presence of LNADW (Dutay et al., 2002), which is not Hist_Popp represented in our model. We find the strongest negative δ 13 CDIC bias in the deep Figure 10 contains the model–observation comparison for eastern equatorial Pacific (Fig. 10e). The cause is the “nu- zonal-mean δ 13 CDIC in the Atlantic, Pacific and Indian trient trapping” problem in the model, characterised by nu- Ocean. In the interior ocean, δ 13 CDIC is controlled by rem- trient concentrations that are too high in the deep eastern ineralisation of 13 C-depleted organic matter and by ocean equatorial Pacific (Fig. 10h), which is a persistent problem circulation (Broecker and Peng, 1993; Lynch-Stieglitz et al., in many ESMs (Aumont et al., 1999; Dietze and Loeptien, 1995; Schmittner et al., 2013). Low δ 13 CDIC is often found 2013). Based on sensitivity experiments with the Geophysi- in waters of high nutrient concentration and vice versa. Thus, cal Fluid Dynamics Laboratory model and the UVic model, we find positive (negative) δ 13 CDIC biases coincide with neg- Dietze and Loeptien (2013) concluded the primary cause of ative (positive) phosphate biases (Fig. 10d–i). In the At- the nutrient trapping problem is likely model biases in phys- lantic Ocean between 1000 and 3000 m, the North Pacific ical ocean state – in particular, the poor representation of the above 1500 m and the Indian Ocean below 1000 m, posi- Equatorial Intermediate Current system and equatorial deep tive δ 13 CDIC biases and negative phosphate biases are mainly jets. The latter two current systems are indeed poorly repre- Biogeosciences, 18, 4389–4429, 2021
B. Liu et al.: 13 C module in MPI-ESM 4401 Figure 10. Zonal-mean distribution in the Atlantic Ocean (left column), the Pacific Ocean (middle column) and the Indian Ocean (right column) for the δ 13 CDIC observations from Schmittner et al. (2013) (a–c), for the difference between Hist_Popp (sampled at the same location, year and month of the observations) and δ 13 CDIC measurement (d–f), for the (PO4 − PO4 |M.O. ) difference between model and WOA data (WOA13; Garcia et al., 2013a) (g–i), and for the apparent oxygen utilisation (AOU) difference between model and WOA data (WOA13; Garcia et al., 2013b) (j–l). Here the climatological annual mean values of PO4 and AOU are used for both model and WOA data because seasonal variation is negligible in the interior ocean and WOA only provides monthly data above 500 m. sented in our model as well. Specifically, the zonal current Jahn et al., 2015; comparing their Figs. 5 and 6 to our at 1000 m depth (typical depth for the Equatorial Interme- Figs. 7 and 6, respectively), and the UVic Earth System diate Current system) shows too little spatial variability and Model (Schmittner et al., 2013). The latter two studies used too low speeds of ∼ 0.2 cm s−1 (Fig. B6), compared to the the same δ 13 CDIC data set for model evaluation. Schmittner observed alternating jets with a meridional scale of 1.5◦ and et al. (2013) reported a better performance (r = 0.88 and speeds of ∼ 5 cm s−1 (see Fig. 2 from Cravatte et al., 2012). NRMSE = 0.5) than ours (r = 0.81 and NRMSE = 0.7 in The performances of both Hist_Popp and Hist_Laws re- Hist_Popp). One main reason is that the nutrient trapping garding δ 13 CDIC are comparable with the Norwegian Earth problem in HAMOCC6 does not occur in the simulations of System Model version 2 (NorESM2, Tjiputra et al., 2020; Schmittner et al. (2013). comparing their Fig. 21), the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation Mark 3L climate system model with the Carbon of the Ocean, Atmosphere and Land 4 Evaluation of the simulated oceanic 13 C Suess effect (CSIRO Mk3L-COAL), Pelagic Interactions Scheme for Carbon and Ecosystem Studies (PISCES) and LOch-Vecode- The oceanic δ 13 C measurements taken during the late 20th Ecbilt-CLio-agIsm Model (LOVECLIM) (see Table 2 and century already include a signal that originates from burn- Figs. 3, S2 and S3 of Buchanan et al., 2019, and refer- ing of isotopically light fossil fuel over the industrial period. ences therein), the Community Earth System Model (CESM, The associated decrease in atmospheric δ 13 C (Fig. 2) affects Biogeosciences, 18, 4389–4429, 2021
4402 B. Liu et al.: 13 C module in MPI-ESM C oceanic δ 13 C via air–sea gas exchange, leading to a general The −O2 org ratio is 122 : 172 in HAMOCC6, and we use decrease in δ 13 CDIC . The distribution of this δ 13 CDIC change, the simulated δ 13 CPOC for δ 13 Corg . Clearly, the change in the i.e. the oceanic 13 C Suess effect, could serve as benchmark pref pref pref for ocean models to evaluate the uptake and re-distribution preformed component δ 13 CSE = δ 13 C1990s − δ 13 CPI dom- 13 inates δ CSE (comparing Fig. 12a–c to Fig. 12d–f). A ma- of the anthropogenic CO2 emissions in the ocean. pref The model is able to reproduce the size of the global jor difference between δ 13 CSE and δ 13 CSE is that positive pref oceanic anthropogenic CO2 sink, though some local biases δ 13 CSE is widely seen below 1000 m, particularly in the Pa- in the net air–sea CO2 flux exist (Fig. 9d). The simulated pref cific Ocean (Fig. 12e). These positive δ 13 CSE values relate sink by year 1994 is 99 Pg C, which compares well to the to changes in the regenerated component δ 13 Creg (see Ap- observation-based estimate of 118 ± 19 Pg C from Sabine pendix D). et al. (2004) and to other model estimates (e.g. 94 Pg C in Tagliabue and Bopp, 2008). For a direct comparison to published studies, we calculate the oceanic δ 13 C Suess ef- 5 Potential sources of uncertainties in an fect, δ 13 CSE , as the difference between the 1990s-averaged observation-based global oceanic 13 C Suess effect δ 13 CDIC from Hist_Popp and the pre-industrial climatolog- estimate ical (50-year mean) δ 13 CDIC from PI_Popp. δ 13 CSE calcu- lated using the results of Hist_Laws and PI_Laws only shows Eide et al. (2017a) (hereafter E17) derived the first a marginal difference (global mean < 0.04 ‰) and is there- observation-based estimate of the global ocean 13 C Suess fore not presented. effect since pre-industrial times. E17’s approach uses the The surface mean δ 13 CSE in this study is −0.66 ‰, similar concept of the similarity between the oceanic uptake of the to the model study of Schmittner et al. (2013) (−0.67 ‰) and anthropogenically produced CFC-12 and isotopically light to the estimate by Sonnerup et al. (2007) (−0.76 ± 0.12 ‰), CO2 (see details in Appendix E1). Due to method- and data- who used an observation-based approach. The strongest specific limitations E17 stated that they potentially underesti- oceanic 13 C Suess effect is found in the subtropical gyres mate the oceanic 13 C Suess effect. However, based on obser- in the model (Fig. 11a), where water masses have long res- vations alone it is not possible to gain insight into the spatial idence times at the ocean surface and therefore receive a distribution of this uncertainty or into its origin. strong anthropogenic imprint (Quay et al., 2003). In the Our model simulations, particularly PI_Popp and subtropical gyres, the simulated surface δ 13 CSE generally Hist_Popp, provide an opportunity to learn more about the varies between −0.8 ‰ and −1.1 ‰, which compares well source of this uncertainty because the oceanic δ 13 C in the to the surface ocean δ 13 C decrease of −0.9±0.1 ‰ recorded late 20th century (Sect. 3), the oceanic anthropogenic CO2 by coral and sclerosponges (Wörheide, 1998; Böhm et al., sink (Sect. 4) and the invasion of CFC-12 into the ocean 1996, 2000; Swart et al., 2002, 2010) and to the estimates (Fig. B8) are well represented. Moreover, our simulated of −1.0 ± 0.09 ‰ extracted from GLODAPv2 (Olsen et al., δ 13 CSE qualitatively resembles the oceanic 13 C Suess effect 2016; Eide et al., 2017a). estimate of E17 (see comparison between Fig. 11b and E17’s Along the vertical sections A16, P19 and I8S9N, δ 13 CSE Fig. 7, as well as comparison between Fig. 12a–c and g–i). is mainly confined to the upper 1000 m depth in the sub- Based on the similarity between the oceanic uptake of the tropical gyres of the South Atlantic, the Pacific Ocean and atmospheric CFC-12 and δ 13 CO2 signal, E17 link the 13 C the Indian Ocean (Fig. 12a–c). In the North Atlantic, δ 13 CSE Suess effect since 1940 (when CFC-12 becomes detectable penetrates deeper than the other ocean regions, due to the in the ocean) to CFC-12 partial pressure (pCFC-12) with intensive ventilation related to the formation of NADW. The a proportionality factor. Under the assumption of a tempo- simulated δ 13 CSE distributions show similar features to those rally constant regenerated fraction δ 13 Creg , this proportion- of CFC-12 (Fig. B8). This is because both the decrease in ality factor is considered equivalent to the slope of a linear δ 13 CDIC and increase in CFC-12 in the ocean are predom- regression relationship between the preformed component inantly caused by the uptake of atmospheric anthropogenic δ 13 Cpref and pCFC-12 at any time after 1940. Thus, this slope signals and the subsequent transport by ocean circulation. a can be obtained by performing linear regression for field Since changes in δ 13 CDIC are also induced by changes in measurements of δ 13 Cpref and pCFC-12. Multiplying a and marine biological activity, we separate δ 13 CDIC into a com- pCFC-12 data yields the 13 C Suess effect since 1940, which ponent depicting changes due to the transport of the surface is then scaled to the full industrial period by a constant fac- 13 C signal, i.e. the “preformed” δ 13 C DIC , and to a regener- tor fatm (Eq. E7) related to changes in the atmospheric δ 13 C ated component δ 13 Creg , following Sonnerup et al. (1999): signature: δ 13 CSE(t−PI) = fatm · a · pCFC-12t . (16) C δ 13 CDIC · DIC − AOU · 13 −O2 org · δ Corg Here a is the regression slope for the linear relationship be- 13 pref pref δ C = . (15) tween δ 13 Ct and pCFC-12t (Eq. E5). The value of a is de- C DIC − AOU · −O2 org termined for each ventilation region defined in E17 (i.e. the Biogeosciences, 18, 4389–4429, 2021
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