Analysis of Behavior Classification in Motivational Interviewing
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Analysis of Behavior Classification in Motivational Interviewing Leili Tavabi1 , Trang Tran1 , Kalin Stefanov2 , Brian Borsari , Joshua D Woolley 3 , Stefan Scherer1 , Mohammad Soleymani1 3 1 Institute for Creative Technologies, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA, USA 2 Faculty of Information Technology, Monash University, Melbourne, VIC, Australia 3 VA Hospital San Francisco, University of California San Francisco, San Francisco, CA, USA {ltavabi,ttran},,,, {scherer,soleymani} Abstract et al., 2017; Magill et al., 2018). Due to the high cost and labor-intensive procedure of manually an- Analysis of client and therapist behavior in notating utterance-level behaviors, existing efforts counseling sessions can provide helpful in- have worked on automatic coding of the MI be- sights for assessing the quality of the session haviors. The client utterances throughout the MI and consequently, the client’s behavioral out- come. In this paper, we study the automatic session are categorized based on their expressed classification of standardized behavior codes attitude toward change of behavior: (1) Change (i.e. annotations) used for assessment of psy- Talk (CT): willing to change, (2) Sustain Talk (ST): chotherapy sessions in Motivational Interview- resisting to change, and (3) Follow/Neutral (FN): ing (MI). We develop models and examine the other talk unrelated to change. An example conver- classification of client behaviors throughout sation between a therapist (T) and a client (C) is MI sessions, comparing the performance by shown below. models trained on large pretrained embeddings (RoBERTa) versus interpretable and expert- • T: [...] you talked about drinking about 7 times selected features (LIWC). Our best perform- a week [...] Does that sound about right, or? ing model using the pretrained RoBERTa em- • C: I don’t know so much any, like 5, probably beddings beats the baseline model, achieving like, the most 4 now, in the middle of the week an F1 score of 0.66 in the subject-independent I try to just kinda do work, (CT) 3-class classification. Through statistical anal- • C: I mean, like I would (ST) ysis on the classification results, we identify prominent LIWC features that may not have • C: but, but getting up’s worse, it’s like being been captured by the model using pretrained tired, not so much hungover just feeling uhh, embeddings. Although classification using class. [...] (CT) LIWC features underperforms RoBERTa, our • T: When you do drink, how much would you findings motivate the future direction of incor- say, would you say the ten’s about accurate? porating auxiliary tasks in the classification of • C: About around ten, maybe less, maybe more, MI codes. depends like, I don’t really count or anything but, it’s probably around ten or so. (FN) 1 Introduction Previous work in MI literature mainly ap- Motivational Interviewing (MI) is a psychotherapy proached automatic classification of behavior codes treatment style for resolving ambivalence toward in MI by modeling utterance-level representations. a problem such as alcohol or substance abuse. MI Aswamenakul et al. (2018) trained a logistic re- approaches focus on eliciting clients’ own intrin- gression model using both interpretable linguistic sic reasons for changing their behavior toward the features (LIWC) and GloVe embeddings, finding desired outcome. MI commonly leverages a behav- that Sustain Talk is associated with positive atti- ioral coding (annotation) system, Motivational In- tude towards drinking, and the opposite for Change terviewing Skills Code (MISC) (Miller et al., 2003), Talk. To account for dialog context, Can et al. which human annotators follow for coding both (2015) formulated the task as a sequence label- client’s and therapist’s utterance-level intentions ing problem, and trained a Conditional Random and behaviors. These codes have shown to be effec- Field (CRF) to predict MI codes. More recent ap- tive means of assessing the quality of the session, proaches leveraged advances in neural networks, training therapists, and estimating clients’ behav- using standard recurrent neural networks (RNNs) ioral outcomes (Lundahl et al., 2010; Diclemente (Xiao et al., 2016; Ewbank et al., 2020; Gibson 110 Proceedings of the Seventh Workshop on Computational Linguistics and Clinical Psychology, pages 110–115 June 11, 2021. ©2021 Association for Computational Linguistics
CLS token N x [1 x 768] RoBERTa Tokens mean pool Tokens embeddings N x [1 x 768] N x [1 x 2304] + Client Utterance Tokens max pool Final embeddings GRU + N x [1 x 768] N x [1 x 2305] Context History + Speaker ID N x [1 x 1] Figure 1: Utterance representation from RoBERTa embeddings. et al., 2016; Huang et al., 2018) or hierarchical might benefit from fine-tuning pretrained embed- encoders with attention (Cao et al., 2019). In addi- dings, adding auxiliary tasks (e.g sentiment classi- tion to context modeling, Tavabi et al. (2020) lever- fication), and better context modeling. aged pretrained contextualized embeddings (Devlin et al., 2019) and incorporated the speech modality 2 Data to classify MI codes, beating the previous baseline We use two clinical datasets (Borsari et al., 2015) of Aswamenakul et al. (2018) on a similar dataset. collected in college campuses from real MI ses- The most gain seemed to come from powerful pre- sions with students having alcohol-related prob- trained embeddings, as with many other NLP tasks. lems. The data consists of transcripts and audio However, it is unclear what these BERT-like embed- recordings from the client-therapist in-session di- dings learn, as they are not as interpretable as the alogues. The sessions are manually transcribed, psycholinguistically motivated features (LIWC). and labelled per utterance using MISC codes. The In this paper, we study the quality of automatic dataset includes 219 sessions for 219 clients, con- MI coding models in an attempt to understand sisting of about 93k client and therapist utterances; what distinguishes language patterns in Change the client-therapist distribution of utterances is Talk, Sustain Talk, and Follow/Neutral. We de- 0.44-0.54. The dataset is highly imbalanced, with a velop a system for classifying clients’ utterance- class distribution of [0.13, 0.59, 0.28] for [Sustain level MI codes by modeling the client’s utterance Talk, Follow/Neutral, Change Talk]. In addition to and the preceding context history from both the the in-session text and speech data, the dataset con- client and the therapist. We compare the effec- sists of session-level measures regarding clients’ tiveness and interpretability between contextual- behavioral changes toward the desired outcome. ized pretrained embeddings and hand-crafted fea- Additional metadata includes session-level global tures, by training classifiers using (1) pretrained metrics such as therapist empathy, MI spirit, and RoBERTa embeddings (Liu et al., 2019), (2) an client engagement. interpretable and dictionary-based feature set, Lin- 3 Methodology guistic Inquiry Word Count (LIWC) (Pennebaker et al., 2001). Our best-performing model outper- 3.1 Embeddings and Feature sets forms the baseline model from previous work on Pretrained RoBERTa Embeddings. RoBERTa (Liu the same dataset (Tavabi et al., 2020), reaching et al., 2019) is an improved representation based F1=0.66 from F1=0.63. on BERT (Devlin et al., 2019). RoBERTa differs In examining misclassifications by both mod- from BERT in several aspects: removal of the els, we identify features that are significant across Next Sentence Prediction objective, introduction classes. Our findings suggest that large pretrained of dynamic masking, pretrained on a larger dataset embeddings like RoBERTa, despite their high rep- with larger mini-batches and longer sequences. resentation power, might not necessarily capture These changes can improve the representations on all the salient features that are important in distin- our data, especially since dialogue utterances in guishing the classes. We identified prominent fea- psychotherapy can consist of very long sequences. tures that are statistically significant across classes Our preliminary experiments for fine-tuning both on the entire dataset, as well as the misclassified BERT and RoBERTa on our task showed that samples. Theses findings suggest that our systems RoBERTa performed better. We therefore select 111
RoBERTa to obtain utterance representations. both RoBERTa and LIWC representations, we add a binary dimension for each utterance to indicate Interpretable LIWC Features. LIWC (Pennebaker the speaker. The history context representation for et al., 2001) is a dictionary-based tool that assigns both RoBERTa and LIWC is obtained by concate- scores in psychologically meaningful categories nating the utterance-level representation vectors including social and affective processes, based on into a 2d matrix. These inputs are then fed into words in a text input. It was developed by ex- a unidirectional GRU, and the last hidden state is perts in social psychology and linguistics, and pro- used for the last classification layer. vides a mechanism for gaining interpretable and explainable insights in the text input. Given our 4 Results and Discussions focus domain of clinical psychology, where do- For training, we use a 5-fold subject-independent main knowledge is highly valuable, we select the cross validation. 10% of the train data from each psychologically-motivated LIWC feature set as a fold is randomly selected in stratified fashion, and natural point of comparison. held out as the validation set. We optimize the network using AdamW (Loshchilov and Hutter, 3.2 Classification Model 2019), with a learning rate of 10−4 and batch size For classifying the clients’ MI codes, we learn the of 32. We train our model for 25 epochs with early client utterance representation using features de- stopping after 10 epochs, and select the model with scribed in 3.1, as well as the preceding history from the highest macro F1 on the validation set. To both the client and therapist. The input window in- handle class imbalance, we use a cross-entropy cludes the current utterance, and history context. loss with a weight vector inversely proportional to Specifically, the input window consists of a total the number of samples in each class. The GRU of 3 or more turn changes across speakers, where hidden dimension is 256 and 32 when running on each turn consists of one or more consecutive utter- RoBERTa and LIWC representations, respectively. ances per speaker. In the beginning of the session, We compare our work to the best performing where the history context is shorter than the speci- model from previous work (Tavabi et al., 2020), fied threshold, the context history consists of those trained on the same dataset and under the same limited preceding utterances. The size of the con- evaluation protocol. Briefly, this baseline model text window was selected empirically among 3, 4 differs from our current model in several aspects: or 5 turn changes. BERT embeddings were used as input; the repre- Our input samples contain between 6 and 28 sentation vector for the current client utterance is utterances depending on the dynamic of the dia- fed into a linear layer. The client and therapist ut- logue, e.g. an example input could be [T C T T T terances within the context window are separated, C C T C], where T denotes Therapist’s utterance mean-pooled and fed individually to two different and C denotes Client’s. The motivation for using linear layers. The output encodings from the three the entire window of context and final utterance linear layers are merged and fed into another linear is that the encoding by our recurrent neural net- layer before being passed to the classification layer. work (RNN) would carry more information from We perform statistical analysis to identify promi- the final utterance and closer context, while retain- nent LIWC features across pairs of classes, as well ing relevant information from the beginning of the as misclassified samples from each classifier. Since window. We also investigated encoding the cur- the classifiers encode context, we incorporate the rent utterance separate from the context using a context in the statistical analysis by averaging the linear layer, but did not see improvements in the feature vectors along utterances within the input classification results. window. For RoBERTa embeddings, each utterance rep- resentation is the concatenation of (1) CLS token 4.1 Classifier Performance (2) mean pooling of the tokens from the last hid- The classification results are shown in Table 1. The den state (3) max pooling of the tokens from the model trained using RoBERTa outperforms the last hidden state. Figure 1 illustrates this process. model trained on LIWC features, in addition to For LIWC representations, the features are already beating the baseline model in (Tavabi et al., 2020) extracted on the utterance level. Additionally, for with F1-macro=0.66. Improved results over the 112
baseline model are likely due to the following: 1) RoBERTa but it is much more often misclassified as The previous linear model encodes the client and Change Talk by LIWC. On the other hand, Change therapist utterances from the context history sep- Talk is more often misclassified as Follow/Neutral arately, therefore potentially missing information by RoBERTa, but misclassified as Sustain Talk by from the dyadic interaction. 2) The RNN in our LIWC. current model temporally encodes the dyadic inter- LIWC RoBERTa action window. 3) Using RoBERTa embeddings im- proved over BERT embeddings, as RoBERTa was ST trained on larger datasets and on longer sequences, True Label making them more powerful representations. FN Features Baseline CT LIWC RoBERTa ST 0.41 0.50 0.46 ST FN CT ST FN CT Predicted FN 0.78 0.84 0.81 CT 0.56 0.64 0.63 Figure 2: Confusion matrices (normalized by true All (macro) 0.58 0.66 0.63 labels) of classification results by LIWC (left) and All (micro) 0.65 0.74 0.71 RoBERTa (right) features. Table 1: F1-Score Classification Results Of the wrongly classified utterances by LIWC, 47% were correctly classified by RoBERTa. Of The results from other work on classifying client the RoBERTa misclassifications (11k utterances), codes in MI range from F1-macro=0.44 (Can et al., about 30% were correctly classified by LIWC. 2015) to F1-macro=0.54 (Cao et al., 2019) on dif- Some examples of these cases are presented in Fig- ferent datasets. Aswamenakul et al. (2018), who ure 3, which seem to be associated with certain key used a similar dataset to our work, reached F1- words related to salient features (Section 4.3). macro=0.57. Huang et al. (2018) obtained F1- macro=0.70 by using (ground truth) labels from T: What varies your drinking? prior utterances as the model input and domain C: Money, (CT → ST) adaptation for theme shifts throughout the session. C: if I have work to do I won’t drink. (CT) The F1 scores show that Sustain Talk, the minor- T: Okay. ity class, is consistently the hardest to classify and ... ... Follow/Neutral, the majority class, the easiest. This C: Anxious thing is kinda like I don’t have is similar to findings from previous work in litera- control, like I, I’m shaky and stuff like ture, e.g. (Can et al., 2015) and remains a challenge that. (CT) in automated MI coding. Using approaches like T: Ok. Is your heart racing faster or, and, upsampling toward a more balanced dataset will be and that type of thing? part of our future work. In order for these systems C: No, it’s not really anxious, it’s kinda just to be deployable in the clinical setting, the standard like a ... (CT → ST) we adhere to is guided by a range developed by T: It’s more shaky? biostaticians in the field, which indicates values C: It’s like agitated, kind of. (CT → ST) higher than 0.75 to be “excellent” (Cicchetti, 1994). Figure 3: Example dialog with correct and incorrect Therefore, despite the good results, there is much classifications. T=therapist; C=client; red (true → pre- room for improvement before such systems can be dicted) denotes misclassification by RoBERTa but cor- autonomously utilized in real-world MI sessions. rectly classified by LIWC; blue (true label) denotes cor- rect classification by both models. 4.2 Error Analysis Figure 2 shows the confusion matrices from clas- When both RoBERTa and LIWC misclassified, sification results by the model using LIWC fea- they give the same wrong prediction on 70% of tures vs. RoBERTa embeddings. Comparing be- those utterances. Some anecdotal examples of such tween classes, Sustain Talk gets misclassified about cases are shown in Figure 4, most seem to be highly equally as Follow/Neutral and Change Talk by context-dependent, suggesting that better modeling 113
of context would potentially be useful. error analysis in Section 4.2, as shown in Fig- ure 3. The mean scores of the ‘swear,’ ‘money,’ T: Oh, ok, so the summer you usually and ‘anger’ categories are higher for Change Talk drink a little more compared to other classes. We hypothesize that C: Yeah. (FN) ‘swear’ and ‘anger’ in Change Talk may represent T: and then when you get to school, it’s... anger toward oneself regarding drinking behavior. C: Kinda cut down a little bit. (CT) Words in the ‘money’ category might be related to T: I see, because of like, school and the high cost of alcohol (especially with college- classes and stuff. age clients), which can be motivation for behavior C: Yeah. (CT → FN) change. The Change Talk samples misclassified T: And working on the weekends. by the RoBERTa model may indicate the model’s C: Yeah. (CT → FN) failure to capture such patterns. Figure 4: Example dialog with correct and incorrect classifications. T=therapist; C=client. blue (true label) 5 Conclusion denotes correct classification by our models, red (true We developed models for the classification of → predicted) denotes misclassification by both models. clients’ MI codes. We experimented with pre- trained RoBERTa embeddings and interpretable We also experimented with simple concatenation LIWC features as our model inputs, where the of RoBERTa and LIWC features, but did not find RoBERTa model outperformed the baseline from significant improvements over the RoBERTa-only previous work, reaching F1=0.66. Through statis- model. Better models for combining RoBERTa and tical analysis, we investigated prominent LIWC LIWC features might improve our results, which features that are significantly different across pairs will be part of future work. of classes. We further looked into misclassified 4.3 Salient Features samples across the classifiers, and identified promi- nent features that may have not been captured by Statistical analysis on LIWC features across the the RoBERTa model. This finding motivates the classes can help identify the salient features dis- use of auxiliary tasks like sentiment and affect pre- tinguishing the classes, therefore can signal im- diction, in addition to fine-tuning the model with portant information picked up by the LIWC clas- domain-specific data and better context modeling. sifier. We used hierarchical Analysis of Variance With this work, we aim to develop systems for (ANOVA), with talk types nested under sessions to enhancing effective communication in MI, which account for individual differences, to find linguis- can potentially generalize to other types of therapy tic features that are significantly different across approaches. Identifying patterns of change lan- MI codes. To further examine the statistical signifi- guage can lead to MI strategies that will assist clin- cance across pairs of classes, we performed a Tukey icians with treatment, while facilitating efficient post hoc test. We found the following features to means for training new therapists. These steps con- be the most statistically different features across tribute to the long-term goal of providing cost- and all the pairs of classes: ‘WPS’ (mean words per time- effective evaluation of treatment fidelity, edu- sentence), ‘informal’, ‘assent’ (e.g. agree, ok, yes), cation of new therapists, and ultimately broadening ‘analytic.’ Additionally, ‘AllPunc’ (use of punctua- access to lower-cost clinical resources for the gen- tions) and ‘function’ (use of pronouns) were promi- eral population. nent features that were significantly distinguishing Follow/Neutral from the other classes. Acknowledgments We further looked into samples where RoBERTa representations might be limited (i.e. misclassi- This work was supported by NIAAA grants R01 fied), while LIWC features were correct in the AA027225, R01 AA017427 and R01 AA12518. classification. Using ANOVA, we found the most The content is the responsibility of the authors and prominent features in such samples across the 3 does not necessarily represent the official views of classes: ‘swear’ (6.06), ‘money’ (5.29), ‘anger’ the NIAAA, NIH, Dept. of Veterans Affairs, or the (2.24), ‘death’ (2.19), and ‘affiliation’ (2.00), where US Government. We thank the clients and thera- numbers in parentheses denote F-statistic from hi- pists for their audiotapes to be used in this work, erarchical ANOVA. This is consistent with our and the anonymous reviewers for their feedback. 114
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