An independent gazette all you need is love February 14, 2019 - Welcome
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voices on the 37 Location of temporary Why I will not be voting on the CC ballot amenities during Com- By Matthew Marlay and unit numbers, how you vote is not munity Center closing secret, so adding an electronic voting As an avid user of the Community option will not change the level of ano- By Matthew Marlay Center and its many amenities, I have nymity associated with your vote. been closely following the discussion of Every election, the board always Reading through the “CCMP Final beseeches residents to vote, with dire plans for the refurbishment. I am very Words” document that was distributed warnings of what will happen if we pleased with what I’ve seen and am ea- on 2/6, I noticed a somewhat concern- don’t have a quorum and therefore ger to see the space renovated, an im- ing sentence: “Most CC services and have to re-vote. Making voting more provement that is sorely needed. amenities will be maintained, likely accessible would go a long way toward Why, then, am I not planning to vote by relocation to temporary space near for the changes in the upcoming special accomplishing this goal. M the back gate.” Presumably this “space election? Simple: Voting in Montebello near the back gate” refers to the section is an absurdly cumbersome process, in- of the Building 1 parking lot that is cur- volving multiple envelopes, witness sig- rently blocked off by the equipment for natures, etc. This is ridiculous. I am not the light pole replacement project, and was previously blocked off for the fence sure who I would get to witness my sig- The Montebello nature (I live alone, and I am not about replacement project. In fact, this large portion of the to attempt to explain the whole thing Voice parking lot has been out of commission to friends or coworkers), and my work schedule doesn’t align with times when uncut, uncensored, for much of the past several years, first for the fence replacement (which took there are assistants in the lobby of each unofficial building. Therefore, I have made the much longer than we were told), then decision to boycott Montebello elec- for the lighting replacement (which tions until voting in them isn’t such a is taking much longer than we were chore. The fact that it is easier to vote told), and soon for the CC replacement in a presidential election than in a con- (which will undoubtedly take much do election highlights the unnecessary longer than we have been told). While maintaining amenities during burden of our current rules. The ntebel Voice construction is important, is there really I assume the rationale behind these precautions is to ensure the integrity Mo lo no other location on the entire 35-acre of the voting process, but let’s be real: an independent gazette Montebello campus that can be used Who is conspiring to undermine a con- Alexandria, Virginia for this purpose? Parking around Build- do election? The Russians? Our rivals This publication accepts no funding or oversight ing 1 has become much tougher in the at nearby condominium developments? from advertisers, residents, or the Montebello past few years, largely due to the loss of This seems to be an area in which we Condominium Unit Owners Association. All such a large part of our lot. Additional- could safely give up a slight amount of ly, this location will put the temporary opinions are encouraged and reflect the diversi- electoral security in order to ease the Community Center amenities inconve- ty of views in the community. All articles and burden of voting and thereby increase niently far away from most Montebello photographs come from Montebello residents. To voter turnout. residents, except those of us who live receive or contribute to this email-only gazette, If the paper voting process cannot in Building 1. A more centralized, ac- contact or visit be changed for whatever reason, then cessible location would make residents on the web at how about adding an electronic voting much more likely to take advantage of option via the Montebello website? You those amenities for the duration of the already have to sign in to access the Editor & Designer �������������Mikhailina Karina construction. M resident section of the site, so putting Contributors.......................Sue Allen, Andrew a ballot there would keep the elector- Byro, Heather Click, Rivers Hanson, Tom al security in place while modernizing Harrelson, Jon Kandel, Matthew Marlay, a wholly obsolete process. Plus, since the paper ballots contain our building Azita Mashayekhi, Dian McDonald, Joel Cover photo by Dian McDonald Miller The Montebello Voice 2 February 14, 2019
voices on the 37 Let’s go shopping! By Andrew Byro about resistance to change than objec- ing, I am not the sort who feels it nec- tion to the change itself. And that is a essary to that I and only I run things. One of the aspects of Montebello much more uphill battle to fight. Remember: if they don’t want to let life that I love the most is our shuttle But I am nothing if not practical. us use the shuttle, we can create some- bus. In fact, the shuttle bus was a major Those running the community are hos- thing better than the shuttle. M selling point for my wife and me when tile to the idea? Fine. In that case, let’s we were looking to buy our first home try something else. The fundamental here. But the truth is, there is something problem has not been addressed, so of an unspoken problem with the shut- let’s see if we can at least put a crutch Cost concerns about tle bus shopping schedule, which is that on this broken leg. I propose some of us it is designed solely around the conve- who normally do weekend shopping or- CC renovation nience of members of our community ganize a carpool. People can take turns By Rivers Hanson who do not work a 9 to 5 schedule. driving, and those who don’t drive can I have tried sounding out others in chip in a few bucks for gas. In addition, I’d like to share a few additional the community about even occasion- I have a Costco card that I am happy thoughts on Community Center re- al (once or twice a month) weekend to use to bring in neighbors as guests. modeling with emphasis on cost factors. shopping service for those of us who I’m sure that many of us have various The board controls the condo fee, work M-F. The response from those memberships to other places that we which will be increased on a delayed who don’t work M-F typically (though are happy to share. Why not coordi- basis to replenish the reserve fund. by no means exclusively) ranges from nate that and save some money? And About 3/4 of the reserve fund will be reluctant agreement to near-hostile I don’t know about you folks, but I’d expended on the Community Center rejection. In contrast, when speak- love to have a shopping buddy to chat project if all components are accepted ing with folks who do work M-F, the with while I shop, to help stop me from and carried out. Tax changes will also response has universally been a loud buying that thing that I want so much occur on a delayed basis. After comple- and resounding YES! I think that the but don’t need, or to marvel over that tion, tax assessors will increase the as- two groups perhaps do not intermix as great sale. sessed value of the Community Center, much as they might, and so the folks I If this works out well enough, we can to be followed a tax increase. talk to think that this is only an issue for potentially expand a bit. For example, Montebello’s competitive position one isolated person (me) rather than a we should not feel obligated to solely should be considered at this point since systemic problem that affects many. visit the stores normally visited. There’s taxes are an important component of Putting aside questions of fairness of an entire mall down in Springfield every condo’s monthly fee. The com- access to those who pay for but cannot with everything from some surprisingly petitive position of our condo vs. those use the benefit, and forgetting for a mo- pleasant restaurants to a Kaiser Per- in the City of Alexandria has not been ment about the curb-cut effect (where manente. Or we can stop at the Aldi’s addressed. We should compare our everybody benefits from improved ac- when it finally opens. Perhaps when the monthly condo fee to that of a basket cess, not just those who were initially weather is nice, we can arrange a trip of condo fees taken from competitors targeted – after all, retirees might also to fun historical sites. Why not do trips nearby. Don’t be surprised if we come like shopping on a weekend when there to the farmer’s market in Old Town on out higher. might be more folks capable of help- Saturdays? Concerts at National Har- A ranking system for various com- ing them with their groceries aboard bor? Trips to movie theaters like the ponents will help keep lid on costs. the shuttle), I know that there is con- AFI in Silver Spring or Alamo Draft- At some point condo fees could be- cern about money. All I can say is – yes, house in Loudoun (and in a couple of come high enough that some residents it would cost more. But less than you years, Crystal City), where they have would seek extra income through a rule think. We aren’t talking about a full day special nights to play old favorites and change allowing short-term rentals. schedule, we are talking about a drop- meet the makers? Some untoward results could follow off and return cycle – an hour, may- If you are interested in joining the large cost of living increases. be two, perhaps on alternate weeks. I carpool, please email me at andrew. I suggest an attempt to project the just don’t see that costing more than a so that we can start to condo fee 2-5 years ahead using various couple of hundred dollars per month, coordinate. If anybody else would like combinations of cost factors. M an amount so trivial that I think it is a to coordinate the carpool, please be my non-issue. In which case, this is more guest; while I want to get the ball roll- The Montebello Voice 3 February 14, 2019
in memoriam James G. Apple September 20, 1937 – January 22, 2019 Montebello resident and husband of Alexandria. He received many awards Penny Jones, James Apple, 81, passed and accolades throughout his 50-year away peacefully on January 22, with career. his children by his side after a coura- He was an avid reader, enjoying his geous battle with heart disease. He was membership with the “Serious Book” born in Huntington, West Virginia on Club, amateur photographer, travel- September 20, 1937 to Bernice Stew- er, traveling to 58 countries in his life- art and David French Apple, Sr. time, and former tennis player and Jim was a dedicated father and mini-marathoner. A prolific writer, he grandfather, an extraordinarily com- authored numerous award-winning passionate lawyer, author, speaker, ad- articles, founded an internationally venturer, fervent reader and traveler. recognized legal blog, the Internation- A true gentleman to the end, he was al Judicial Monitor, and co-authored known for his keen intelligence and three children’s books with his daugh- humor, love of education, research ter, Henry the Doggie Detective. He enjoyed and knowledge, and a kind and caring spending summers with his children nature. and grandchildren in Kiawah Island, He grew up in Fort Thomas, Ken- with the firm, he attended the Univer- South Carolina. tucky, attending Highlands High sity of Edinburgh, earning a Master of Jim is survived by his brother, Da- School. He graduated from the Uni- Laws (L.L.M.) degree in international vid French Apple, Jr. MD (Jane), of versity of Virginia with Honors, was a and comparative law. He then joined Atlanta, Georgia, his daughter, Mere- member of Phi Delta Theta Fraterni- the Federal Judicial Center in Wash- dith Lambe (Thomas) and son, Miles ty, the Raven Society, The Z Society, ington, D.C., the education, training, Apple (Sandy), his grandchildren, Phil- Omicron Delta Kappa, and the Ed- research and development arm of the ip, Marshall and Malcolm Gault, and itor-In-Chief of The Cavalier Daily. federal court system in the U.S., as Spe- Stewart, Eloise and Iris Apple, all of After college, he attended the Univer- cial Assistant and Counsel to the Di- Louisville, three nieces, a nephew, ex- sity of Virginia School of Law, serving rector. After a decade with the FJC, he tended family, his wife, Elizabeth Jones, as managing editor of the Virginia helped found and was president of the of Alexandria, and stepchildren, Me- Law Review and a member of the Or- International Judicial Academy, until gan Fitzpatrick and Ian Jones. der of the Coif. his semi-retirement in 2017. He coun- Memorial and dedication services Following graduation, Mr. Apple seled and mentored hundreds of law- will be held at the Old Presbyterian was a 1st Lieutenant, special intelli- yers and judges throughout his career. Meeting House in Alexandria, on Sat- gence, with the U.S. Army Reserves at Having served on the Transit Au- urday, March 23 at 1 p.m. both Fort Knox and Fort Meade. After thority of River City (TARC) Board Expressions of sympathy may be military service he moved to Paducah, for nine years, chairman from 1981 to made to the Ft. Thomas Education Kentucky to practice law. 1985, he established the Toonerville Foundation, P.O. Box 75090, 28 N. Moving to Frankfort in 1967, he Trolley in Louisville. He was a 1984 Ft. Thomas Ave., Ft. Thomas, KY was a member of Governor Louie B. graduate of Leadership Louisville, for- 41075; Louisville Bar Foundation, 600 Nunn’s “Kiddie Corps,” serving as ad- mer member of the Pendennis Club, W. Main St., Louisville, KY 40202; ministrative assistant for transportation and member of the Cosmos Club and University of Virginia School of Law, affairs and in 1969 was named Exec- National Press Club (both in Washing- 580 Massie Road, Charlottesville, VA utive Assistant to the Kentucky High- ton, D.C.), and the Kentucky, Louis- 22903-1738. M way Commission. ville, Virginia and American Bar As- After his tenure with state govern- sociations, having founded the Young From The Courier-Journal, January 25, ment, he moved his family to Louis- Lawyers Section with the ABA. He 2019 ville, where he had a successful law was an elder at Second Presbyterian career with Stites & Harbison, arguing Church in Louisville, and affiliated with approximately 97 cases. After 20 years the Old Presbyterian Meeting House in The Montebello Voice 4 February 14, 2019
in memoriam Mildred and Harold Lamm Long-time Montebello neigh- tions at the Pentagon and later as bors remember their friends, Millie the Executive Officer, Office of the and Hal Lamm. They had been Chief of Chaplains. In 1980, he living in Greenspring Village in was assigned as Executive Direc- Springfield and had been married tor of the Armed Forces Chaplains for 50 years. Board, OSD, (MRA&L) until 1983 Millie died peacefully at home and later served as Staff Chaplain, on August 14, 2018. She was born First United States Army, Ft. Me- on October 7, 1928 in Brooklyn, ade, until his retirement from the NY, daughter of Egil Gahrsen and U.S. Army in 1986. Mildred Clason Gahrsen. Chaplain Lamm received the Millie was a graduate of Parson’s Defense Superior Service Med- School of Design in New York in al, Legion of Merit (4 awards), 1950 and received her bachelor’s Meritorious Service Medal, Army degree from New York University Commendation Medal, Vietnam School of Education in 1951. She Service Medal and the Republic then was a member of the faculty of Vietnam Campaign Medal. of Parson’s School of Design from After his military service, Chap- 1951-1954. She received her MA lain Lamm served as Interim Se- Degree from Columbia University nior Minister and Interim Associ- in 1954 then went to the Universi- ate Pastor at Little River United ty of Wisconsin-Madison as a professor Harold “Hal” C. Lamm, Colonel, Church of Christ in Annandale, Va., from 1954 to 1968. During that time U.S. Army (Ret.) passed away peaceful- and in interim pastor roles at the Unit- she also received a Diploma in Swed- ly on Friday, February 8, 2019. Born in ed Church of Christ of Seneca Valley, ish Design and Architecture in Stock- Wernersville, Pa., he was the youngest Germantown, Md., St. John’s United holm, Sweden in 1960. In 1973 she and last surviving son of the late Alvin Church of Christ in Cantonsville, Md., earned her Doctor of Education from and Mary (Feeg) Lamm. and Bethel United Church of Christ in Columbia University and received her Chaplain Lamm was an ordained Arlington. Qualification for the National Council clergyman of the United Church of Memorial contributions can be for Interior Design in 1981. She was Christ (Evangelical and Reformed). made to Little River United Church a professor at Mt. Vernon College in He attended Franklin and Marshall of Christ, 8410 Little River Turnpike, Washington, D.C., from 1975 to 1988. College, in Lancaster, Pa., graduating Annandale, VA 22003 or to St. John’s Mildred was a professional member in 1953 with a B.A. in history. He re- (Hains) United Church of Christ, 591 of the American Society of Interior ceived his Bachelor of Divinity degree Church Road, Wernersville, PA 19565. Designers (ASID) and past president in 1956 from the Lancaster Theologi- M of the Washington Metro Chapter. She cal Seminary in Lancaster, Pa., and in received a Certificate of Appreciation 1967 he received his M.A., (Education- Adapted from from ASID in 1992 and was honored al Psychology) from Teachers College, with the Sarah Boyer Jenkins FASID Columbia University, NY. APEX Award in 2012. A Vietnam War veteran, Chap- lain Lamm entered active duty with the Army in June 1956 and attended the U.S. Army Chaplain School, Fort Slocum, NY. Tours of duty included assignments in Georgia, New York, France, Germany, and South Korea. In 1974, he was assigned as Director of Personnel and Ecclesiastical Rela- The Montebello Voice 5 February 14, 2019
friendships Officer Ed Hill sends his affection to Montebelloans By Sue Allen Co-worker “Hutch” Hutcherson who worked in Six days a week for the security with Ed more than past 28 years, Officer Ed 19 years, said Ed is also a Hill has dutifully reported practical joker. “The guys in for his 4 p.m. to mid- on the shift getting ready night shift as an officer with to leave, he’d hide their Montebello’s Safety and car keys. It got to the point Access division. Though when the guys couldn’t find the 38-mile drive from his their keys, they’d automati- home in rural St. Charles cally turn to him.” County is long, he didn’t Montebello resident Bill mind it. “When you’re Begel said that Officer Hill doing something you love, saved his life. “A few years the drive isn’t a problem,” ago I was walking a dog in he said. “I love everything the snow when I fell down,” about Montebello. It’s my said Bill. “I’d hurt my shoul- second home.” der and I couldn’t get up. I Since taking ill in De- thought I was going to get cember, Officer Hill has run over. Officer Hill found been under hospice care me and called 911. He even at his 3-acre paradise near returned the dog to its own- Brandywine, far from the er.” traffic on I-495 and Rich- Born and reared in mond Highway. Charles County, Ed did not Family surrounds Ed, and have it easy as a youngster. there are a lot of them: 9 sib- Ed Hill at home with his family. His mother had to work two lings, 6 children, 11 grand- Photo by Azita Mashayekhi jobs to provide for her 10 children and 7 great-grand- children after his father left. Montebelloans miss Ed, and have He began working at age 12 at a cor- children. He and his wife, Millie, have sent packages, flowers and contribu- ner grocery in the District of Columbia been married nearly 60 years. The Hill tions to him; many co-workers and when he wasn’t attending school. He presence is strong in the neighborhood: Montebello friends have visited. took home $4 a week. one of Ed’s brothers married Mildred’s Montebello resident Rebecca Ben- A lover of the outdoors, he enjoys sister and they live right down the road. nett said, “Officer Hill is a fantastic planting flowers and trees at his home  In addition to human company, his guy. He not only knows the residents, in Brandywine. The grassy expanse two ever-faithful dogs, Roxy and Myra, but he also knows their children and around the home is dotted in dogwoods attend Ed. Roxy came from Monte- grandkids. He knows my son and my and crepe myrtle. The back slopes gen- bello. Ed recalls that when he first met grandson. He has a loving and vibrant tly to a hardwood forest of oaks, wal- the black and white Boston terrier, she personality. We love him and wish him nuts, and maples where a stream runs jumped up and licked him. “The own- all the best.” through. er told me she was taking Roxy to the According to Ed’s supervisor, Earl When recently asked if he would like pound because she didn’t get on with Roberts, Ed also knows the names of to say anything to Montebelloans, he the woman’s other dog. I took that dog nearly every Montebello dog. “I was said, “Tell them that I love each and home and have had her ever since.” It talking to him recently and he was ask- every one of them.” That sentiment is turned out that Roxy had severe aller- ing about someone – or so I thought. gies requiring two pills a day and shots reciprocal. M Then I realized he was referring to a every two weeks. Ed admits it’s a lot of dog, not a resident,” said Roberts. A work – not to mention expense – but he Mail your cards or contributions to: true dog lover, Ed carried dog bis- loves her, and by her worshipful licking Ed Hill cuits and distributed them on his daily and snuggling up to him, you can tell 16135 Inheritance Drive rounds throughout the community. she adores him. Myra, too. Brandywine, MD 20613 The Montebello Voice 6 February 14, 2019
board candidates Q & A Heather Click Describe what you see outside long Mt. Eagle Drive we looked at your window. each other and said, “This is it!” A: The view from our balcony is What clinched the deal was walk- a small slice of Montebello’s love- ing into a unit and being able to see ly woodlands and the morning all the way through the balcony to sunshine. We enjoy our breakfast the outdoors. The secure wooded there. campus, the distinctive architec- Q. What books or magazines ture of the buildings, the attractive are on your nightstand or units and large balconies as well as e-reader? the extensive amenities, the loca- A: One of the books on my night- tion near Old Town and Hunting- stand now is Journeys, An American ton Metro, and the reputation of Story, a collection of personal es- Montebello as well managed and says that describe the myriad ways fiscally sound all played a part in the writers’ families arrived in our decision. At the time we didn’t America, what drove them to seek know how friendly and welcoming a better life, the challenges they our Montebello neighbors would had to overcome to survive and be, but now I can say that the com- succeed in their new land, and the munity of people at Montebello legacy felt by their American-born has confirmed that we made the descendants. right decision! (Did I mention that our two children and four grand- Q. Do you have a pet? children reside in Old Town?) A: Yes, we have a yellow Labra- Q. What Montebello events do you hound (?) named Cricket. You may attend? Q: Anything else you’d like to add? have seen me walking her in the cold A: Of course, I attend a lot of Grounds A: In recent years I have set a goal of weather bundled up in my husband’s Committee meetings and activities doing something a little outside my nor- old olive green winter flight suit – not as well as Board meetings and relat- mal comfort zone to commemorate my very fashionable but very warm! ed events. I also enjoy the Stretchnas- birthday. Last year I joined a dojo and tics group and Water Aerobics. The participated in karate instruction earn- Q. What is your favorite spot at ing my yellow belt. One year I took a Montebello resident volunteers who Montebello? flying lesson but discovered I could only lead our activities groups are amazing! A: Although I love our woodlands, fly straight and level without getting air I have bowled, use the gym regularly, my favorite spot to sit is in the Village sick. My most memorable birthday been to the movies and concerts, at- Green in front of Buildings 1 and 2. challenge was hiking to the top of Mt. tended the Ladies Luncheon and the Q. What are your childhood com- Speakers Series, taken the shuttle bus, Fuji in Japan. My least fun was running fort foods? had a family cook-out at the gazebo, a 5K race; and yet that runner’s high A: Does anyone eat Cream of Wheat spent summer days at the pool, walk had me signing up for another one! (I anymore?! My mother would put the trails, enjoy the café and the art dis- don’t do that any more. ) crumbled bacon in it and my siblings plays. And wasn’t that country music This year’s challenge is seeking a posi- and I loved it. duo awesome last Saturday night in the tion on Montebello’s Board of Direc- Q. Where did you grow up? Community Center?! tors. M A: I grew up in a military family (Navy) Q. How did you hear about Monte- so we moved every 1-2 years. We were bello? Why did you decide to make lucky enough to be stationed twice in it your home? Sanford, Florida and Washington, A: We found Montebello by doing our D.C., so we returned to the same neigh- own online research and then asked the borhood and school both times. Realtor with whom we were working to show it to us. As soon as we came up The Montebello Voice 7 February 14, 2019
board candidates Q & A Tom Harrelson Q: Describe what you see out- Q: What Montebello events do side your window. you attend? A: We are fortunate to have a “J” A: On occasion, Cup of Joe, clas- unit with two balconies. From the sic movies, popular movies, Friday one facing East, we see the Poto- Night Follies, community forums, mac River with its maritime traffic music nights, etc. and also the airplanes using Rea- Q: What music did you dance gan Airport and Andrews AFB. to at your high school prom? That relates to my maritime and A: 1955-1960 rock and “shag” mu- transportation background and sic. was a reason for selecting our unit. The one facing West overlooks Pic- Q: Do you have any creative nic Hill and the Community Cen- pursuits or avocations? ter and our neighbors for a true A: I have been the class agent for reflection of our outstanding com- the “Great Class of 1966” at the munity. U.S. Merchant Marine Academy for 53 years and I write a quarterly Q: Netflix or other TV recom- magazine article and co-manage mendations? reunions to keep them together. I A: We watch very little television am avid supporter of the U.S. mar- other than news as we primarily are itime industry and the Academy readers of books and periodicals. and will now be an avid supporter Q: Books or magazines on your of Montebello. I would like to be nightstand or e-reader? Q: If money were no object, what an avid good golfer but have only A: Current books are Brilliant Beacons – amenities would you like to add to achieved the avid portion! A history of American Lighthouses and World Montebello? Q: What is your idea vacation spot War II At Sea – A Global History plus as- A: I would add facilities to increase our – past or future? sorted mystery and thriller books from attractiveness for families of all ages A: Where ever I happen to be (hope- the library. Some of my magazine sub- and which will increase the value of our fully with warmer temperatures) ac- scriptions include Fortune, Naval Institute homes such as the redo and expansion companied by my lovely bride with fun Proceedings, Golf Digest, Dividend Investor, of the Community Center and Picnic things to do and learn. and Wall Street Journal. Hill. At minimal cost, I would enhance one tennis court so when it is not be- Q: How did you hear about Monte- Q: Do you have a pet? bello? Why did you decide to make ing used for tennis, it could be used for A: We do not currently have a pet. In it your home? Pickle Ball or basketball or shuffleboard the past we have had both dogs and A: We heard about Montebello from or volleyball or sleep-outs thus serving cats. We enjoy petting and conversing friends and acquaintances. When we all ages. with those being walked by their own- decided to downsize from a big house ers. Q: Where did you grow up? and big yard, we looked at various A: In eastern North Carolina in a small Q: What is your favorite spot at condominium complexes in Northern town of 23,000 people on the Neuse Montebello? Virginia. We did not find any other River until age 18 when I boarded a A: All of it – the Community Center, complex that offered the amenities of Trailways bus to New York to report to the Café, the peaceful woods, Picnic Montebello (the Community Center the U.S. Merchant Marine Academy. Hill, etc. The amenities of Montebello with restaurant and pools and fitness Q: Who would portray you in a bi- center and market and bowling alley, are a primary reason we moved here. opic? the many club activities, etc.), its superb Why, me of course. A self-portrayal location and it has never had a special (but with a good makeup artist!) assessment unlike many other condo- miniums. M The Montebello Voice 8 February 14, 2019
board candidates Q & A Jon Kandel Q. What are your Q: What music did you dance to at childhood comfort your high school prom? foods? A: ’60s Rock. A: Peanut butter on Q: Do you have any creative pur- toast. suits or avocations? Q: Where did you A: Photography and travel. grow up? A: Shaker Heights, Q: What is your idea vacation spot Ohio (suburb of – past or future? Cleveland). A: Too many good ones to pick from. Q: Who would por- Q: How did you hear about Monte- tray you in a biopic? bello? Why did you decide to make A: Martin Sheen it your home? Q: Describe what you see outside A: Stumbled upon it on the web. First your window. Q: What Montebello events do you visit sold us! M A: My inside view looks over the out- attend?? door pool and tennis courts, where I get A: Holiday picnics; most of the Activ- great sunsets. The other view is north: ities Committee’s major events (Ha- over the woodlands and the path; with waiian Luau, Country Music Night); Alexandria behind; and in the back- the Café Holiday Specials; some of the ground the Potomac, the Washington movies. Monument, and the Capitol. Q: Netflix or other TV recommen- dations? A: I rarely stream. Q: Books or magazines on your nightstand or e-reader? A: Citizen Washington by William Martin; Fascism by Madeleine Albright; All the Light We Cannot See by Anthony Doerr. Q: Do you have a pet? A: A female dog, Pepper, rescued 13 years ago, part Chihuahua and part Boston Terrier. Q: What is your favorite spot at Certified financial Montebello? planner Paula Pass A: Either the Café or my balcony that gave an overview overlooks Alexandria and Washington, to a disciplined ap- D.C. proach to financial Q: If money were no object, what investment and tax amenities would you like to add to analysis to achieve Montebello? financial goals. Her A: Underground passageways from the February 4 presenta- four towers to the Community Center; tion was part of the solar panels. Speaker Series. Photo by Dian McDonald The Montebello Voice 9 February 14, 2019
cup of joe photos by Dian McDonald The Montebello Voice 11 February 14, 2019
happenin’ Montebello Film Society and Invite you to our film & discussion Shooting Into the Sun Sunsets, Sand and Water Siesta Key, Florida the MONTEBELLO bread and chocolate Thursday february 28 7:30 p.m. Party Room 2 Italian comedy-drama about clashing cultures when a hardworking Sicilian goes to Switzerland to find a job. The contrast between the cool elegance Photographs and Poems by Bonnie Jacob of the Swiss and the unpolished style Production and Printing by Jeanne Tifft of the Italian immigrant conflict to create laughs and tears. This touch- ing film is a “hidden gem” with some unforgettable images that reveal the gap between the wealthy and the working poor. The film won the New York Film Critics Circle Award for best foreign film in 1978. Montebello Café Caryl Curry will introduce the film and February 16 – March 29 lead the post-movie discussion. Calling Montebello artists: Art in Many Forms Art in Montebello is looking for jewelers, potters, quilters, nee- dlepointers, knitters, fabric artists, clay cre- ators, shoe designers, clothing designers and makers, ceramicists, sculptors, floral ar- rangers, wood carvers, metal crafters, paper artists, printers, and upcyclers to showcase their work in the art show on April 28 in the Community Center. AiM plans to feature the work of resident artists whose work cannot be displayed on the walls of the café. Applications to participate will be posted online as well as available in the lobby mail slots and at the office. For more information, please contact Harriet Duval at or at 703-329-1342 or Pratibha Srinivasan at M The Montebello Voice 12 February 14, 2019
final glance The Millers have been put on warning again By Joel Miller The Montebello Voice 13 February 14, 2019
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