Page created by Vernon Fox
                         J a nua r y - Ma r c h

Ad ult , Yout h a nd Fa mily Ac t ivit ie s

 Brow se, regi ster, and pay onl i ne f or cl asses. I t's q ui ck and easy!
                           w w w .stew i
Hail ey Lif f rig
Communit y Educat ion Direct or
hail ey.l if f rig@ssdt

Megan Wil ber                             Stewartville Happenings/ Performing Arts
Administ rat ive Assist ant               Stewartville Happenings/ Spotlight           2
megan.wil ber@ssdt              Stewartville School Productions              2
                                          Stewartville Community Theatre Productions   2
Sara El l erbusch
Earl y Chil dhood Coordinat or/ Teacher   Youth Programs
sara.el l erbusch@ssdt          Health, Safety                               3
507.533.1424                              Science & Exploration                        4
Greg Hal e                                Art, Music & Theater                         3-4
Tiger Time Coordinat or                   Youth Trips                                  5
greg.hal e@ssdt
                                          Adult Programs
                                          Safe Driving Courses                         6
                                          Adult Trips                                  6
    DISTRICTLOCATIONS                     Enrichment Classes
                                          Creative Explorations
High School / Middl e School
440 6t h Ave SW                           Fitness & Recreation for All
St ewart vil l e, MN 55976
                                          Kids Only                                    9
                                          Fitness & Recreation for Adults              9-10
Bear Cave Int ermediat e School
1021 10t h St . NW                        Stewartville Early Childhood
St ewart vil l e, MN 55976                ECFE                                         11
                                          School Readiness                             11
Bonner El ement ary                       Early Childhood Screening                    11
526 5t h Ave SE
St ewart vil l e, MN 55976                Tiger Time/ Tot
                                          Program Information                          12
Cent ral Educat ion Cent er
301 2nd St . SW                           Upcoming Events                              13
St ewart vil l e, MN 55976                Polices, Procedures & Registration Form      14

Monday - 7:30-4:00pm
Tuesday - 7:30-4:00pm
Wednesday - 7:30-4:00pm
Thursday - 7:30-4:00pm
Friday - 7:30-3:30pm

                                             Communit y Ed Websit e:
1                                                r egist er onl ineat : st
                   HAPPENINGS                                                             1 To r egi st er on l i n e v i si t
                                                                                            w w w .st ew i

1,000 BOOKSBEFOREKINDERGARTENPROGRAM                                                      2 To r egi st er by p h on e
We invite you to participate in this f ree program which encourages you to                  p l ease cal l 533.1650
read 1,000 books with your child before he or she starts kindergarten.
                                                                                          3   To r egi st er i n p er son ,
Reading is fun and will create life-long memories for the both of you. The
goal is to have read 1,000 books (yes you can repeat books) before your
                                                                                              com e t o Cen t r al Ed u cat i on
precious one starts kindergarten. Promote early literacy! Keep track of                       Cen t er :
the number of books you read together and books that your child is read                       301 2n d St . SW
to in school etc. You can print the 100 book log sheet off of our website                     St ew ar t v i l l e, M N 55976
or pick one up in the community ed office. Prizes are offered upon
completion of every 100 books read, with a GRAND PRIZE recognition                            Al l cl ass f l y er s w i l l be sen t
given to your child reaching 1,000 books. Check out our Community Ed                          v i a em ai l or w i l l be p ost ed
webpage for more information on this fun program.                                             on ou r w ebsi t e. Th er e w i l l
                                                                                              be n o p ap er f l y er s.
INSTRUCTORSPOTLIGHT- DAWNMILLER                                                               Th er e i s n o l on ger a $2.00
                   I have always enjoyed fitness - it has been a big part of my life. I      con v en i en ce f ee w h en
                   enjoyed participating in three sports in high school (tennis,             u si n g Debi t / Cr ed i t car d .
                   basketball, and track) and two sports during my college years
                   (basketball and track and field). I started coaching when I was           Pl ease con t act u s i f y ou r
                   22 years old and began my first head coaching job at age 23. I            con t act i n f or m at i on
                   haven't stopped since. I am currently coaching three sport
                                                                                             ch an ges .
                   seasons, instructing two adult fitness classes : Stewie Kraze and
                   Tiger Burn, and Stewie Youth Fitness during the summer.
I play tennis during the summer months on a very competitive team. I also continue to challenge myself in doing 5k's, 10k's,
and 1/ 2 marathons. I teach Health Education, and I put a strong emphasis on fitness in my lessons. We can always keep making
improvements to our health. I think that's why I feel so much passion for it. Exercise makes me smile and feel good about
myself. Thank you Dawn for your commitment to the health of Stewartville!

In the fairy tale criminal justice system, the characters from fairy tales and nursery ryhmes are represented by two separate yet
equally ridiculous groups: the fairy tale police who investigate the fairy tale crime, and the fairy tale district attorneys who
prosecute the fairy tale offenders. These are their stories.
The showings will be February 15, 16, 17. (15th and 16th @7:00 PM, 17th @1:30 PM). We will have tickets available online
sometime in February at

Please join us the first weekend in March for our Community Education Theatre productions. Stay tuned for the show

Auditions will be held on January 14th in the PAC at 6:30 p.m.
Be sure to also join us the first two weekends in August as we present the much-loved family classic Joseph and the Amazing
Technicolor Dream Coat! Auditions tentatively slated for June 10th and 11th. A large cast of adults and older teens are needed,
plus a special children's chorus for those aged 9-14. Don't miss the all-time favorite musical by Andrew Lloyd Webber and Time
    Instructor: Lori Hameister                                     Grades 4-8
                                                                                DADDYDAUGHTERDANCE                                            Grades PK-3
                                                                                                             Dads, grandpas, friends and daughters--
    Learn the responsibilities of being a prepared, safe, responsible and
                                                                                                             get all dressed up for an afternoon of
    professional babysitter. Topics include starting your own babysitting                                    fun! Celebrate that special bond with
    business, child development, behavior guidance, supervision, proper                                      that little girl in your life. Enjoy dancing,
    feeding & diapering techniques, personal safety, medical                                                 music, snacks, and picture taking!
    emergencies, basic first aid care and fire safety. Instructor provides
                                                                                                             Registration deadline: February 9th
    baby dolls, bottles, diaper supplies for
                                                                                DATE: February 16
    hands-on participation skills. The course is
    developed by the American Safety and                                        LOCATION: Central Gym                              TIM E: 3:30-5:00pm
    Health Institute and approved by the                                        COST: $20.00 for a father/daughter - $8.00 each extra child
    American Pediatrics Association. Class
    participants receive a CABS book and ASHI
                                                                                  Pr eK
                                                                                 Sp ecia
                                                                                 Ev en t ! l   LLAMALLAMAPAJAMAPARTY
    certification card. Please have students                                                                                                  Grades PK
    bring a snack.                                                              Come and join us for a llama llama pajama party!
    DATE: February 9                                    TIM E: 9:00am-12:00pm   Wear your favorite pjs, enjoy a story, crafts, and
    LOCATION: HS Room 401                               COST: $45.00            snacks! This event is for preschool aged children
                                                                                and their siblings.
    HOMEALONE                                                                   DATE: January 8
    Instructor: Lori Hameister                                     Grades 3-6   TIM E: 6:00-7:30pm
                                  Just mention the words ?Home Alone,?          LOCATION: Central Gym & Cafeteria
                                  and children think of the excitement          COST: $7.00/per family
                                  depicted in the movies of the same
                                  name. The reality of being home alone
                                  can evoke fear and anxiety in many
                                                                                Instructor: Carolyn Barsness                                  Grades K-2
                                  children. Whether left alone for an hour
                                  after school or several hours a day           Each week your child will learn art concepts, skills and create a new
                                  during the summer, children should feel       drawing they will be proud of. Your child will learn to draw in a
                                  comfortable       being     alone.   This     step-by-step process led by a
                                  workshop for children will address            teacher. They will enjoy drawing
    relating to being ?Home Alone?. Topics include personal safety tips,        new designs each week.
    stranger danger, basic first aid, fire safety, handling the unexpected,
    internet safety, dealing with loneliness and boredom, storm safety,         SESSION I: Jan. 8, 15, 22                            TIM E: 2:55-3:45pm
    dealing with siblings as well as trust and honesty.
                                                                                LOCATION: Bonner Art Room                            COST: $30.00
    DATE: February 9                                      TIM E: 12:30-2:30pm   SESSION II: Feb.12,19, 26                            TIM E: 2:55-3:45pm
    LOCATION: HS Room 401                                 COST: $30.00          LOCATION: Bonner Art Room                            COST: $30.00
                                                                                SESSION III: M ar. 5, 12, 26                         TIM E: 2:55-3:45pm
    SUPERHERONIGHT                         Pr eK
                                          Sp ecia
                                          Ev en t ! l
                                                                                LOCATION: Bonner Art Room                            COST: $30.00
                                                               Ages 3-PK
    Calling all Superheroes! This event is for all super
    sons and the wonder-woman (mom, grandma,
                                                                                Instructor: Emily M cM illan, HyVee Registered Dietitian
    aunt, sister, etc) in their life. Please join us for a
                                                                                                                                              Ages 6-12
    night of superhero training. We will put your
    super powers to the test! We will challenge your                            Join on of Rochester's HyVee Dietitians, for a fun Kids in the Kitchen
    speed, your strength, and your super powers!                                Workshop! Children will prepare three recipes that they can enjoy
    Be a SUPERHERO and bring a non-perishable food                              during class. Recipes will include turkey pinwheels, energy bites,
    item to be donated to our local REACH program at                            and avocado chocolate pudding.
    the Stewartville High School. They are looking for bottled water and
    prepackaged snacks like granola bars, etc.
                                                                                DATE: February 2
    DATE: February 28                                      TIM E: 6:00-7:30pm   TIM E: 11:00am-12:00pm
    LOCATION: Central Gym & Cafeteria                                           LOCATION: West Cirle Dr HyVee
    COST: Please bring a non-perishable donation if you' re able                COST: $20.00

Instructor: Penni Kittelson
                                                                              YEL- GRANDMASTERSOFCHESS                                  Grades K-5
                                                             Grades K-12
                                                                              New and returning students invited! Each {YEL!} Chess class
                                 Join us to paint "Land of 10,000 Flakes"!
                                                                              follows four basic components:
                                  Registration includes 11x14 canvas, all
                               supplies, and step by step instruction. We     -Teach It!? Each class students are taught
                                   will have a MN stencil that we'll use to   different chess concepts and coached to
                                    create this piece. No art experience is   implement those concepts into their chess games
                                needed and parents, grandparents, older
                              siblings are welcome to join and paint too!     -Practice It!? Students practice positions set by the coach to
                                                                              improve their understanding of the concept.
                                                                              -Puzzle It!? Students are given chess puzzles (constructed by
                                                                              WIM Serafima Sokolovskaya) and work with coach guidance to
DATE: February 12                                    TIM E: 3:20-4:20pm       solve them.
LOCATION: Bear Cave Art Room                         COST: $24.00
                                                                              -Play It!? Each class ends with students playing 20-30 minutes
PICTURE: Land of 1000 Flakes
                                                                              of chess. Coaches often feature in-class tournaments during
Monster Mash! This painting is fun for all                                    the session. Fee includes membership ($49
ages and all of the friendly monsters will                                    annual value).
be different and unique to the painter! No
art experience or skill is needed. Class is                                   Sign up today to THINK, LEARN
geared towards preschool-school aged                                          and PLAY WELL with {YEL!}.
children. Under school age will need an
"assistant" to attend the class with them.
Adults are welcome to register and paint
as well! The registration fee includes an
11x14 canvas, all supplies, and step by                                       DATES: 1/8, 1/15, 1/22, 1/29, 2/5, 2/12          TIM E: 2:55-3:55pm
step instructions. Multiple paint colors will                                 LOCATION: Bonner Library                         COST: $77.00
be offered. Kids will be able to sketch their
own monster or the instructor will be
happy to assist them!
                                                                              Instructor: M ike Frisch                                  Grades 3+
DATE: M arch 11                                      TIM E: 3:00-4:00pm       School of Fish is a 2 1/ 2-hour kids fishing class open to kids (and
LOCATION: Bonner Art Room                            COST: $24.00             adults!) from grades 3 and up taught by pro angler and television
PICTURE: M onster M ash                                                       show host Mike Frisch. Students learn about lakes, finding fish in
                                                                              those lakes and some great ways to catch them. They also learn to
                          Roam free! Choose to paint a horse or               tie a fishing knot and rig and use a slip-bobber setup.
                          unicorn! Both options will be offered at the
                                                                              Included in registration:
                          same class. This is a painting that will be fun
                                                                              *Cabela's rod & reel
                          for all ages! We will use glitter and gold leaf     *Tackle box with Northland Tackle
                          to accent the paintings. No art experience or       *Cabela's $10 gift card
                          skill is needed. There is a stencil for the         *School of Fish 32-page full color
                          horse to use as well. Class is geared towards       workbook
                          school aged kids. Under school age will             *KLN Snack pack
                                                                              *Fish On Kids book
                          need an "assistant" to attend the class with
                                                                              *$60 in value in the equipment
                          them. Adults are always welcome and                 pack!
                          encouraged to register and paint too.
                                                                              Also, one School of Fish graduate will be drawn to have the
                          Registration includes 11x14 canvas, all             opportunity to be a guest on Fishing the Midwest TV!
                          supplies, and step by step instruction.
                          Multiple paint colors will be offered.              DATE: April 18                                 TIM E: 12:45-3:15pm
                                                                              LOCATION: BCI Library                          COST: $57.00
DATE: April 18                                      TIM E:1:00-2:00pm
LOCATION: Bear Cave Art Room                        COST: $24.00

ZAPSACTPREPSEMINAR                                                           WELCHVILLAGELEARNTOSKI
With a top score of 36 and the national                                                                                                     Grades 5-6
average now at 21, a score increase of                                       Mark your calendars! We will once again
even one or two points on the ACT is a
                                                                             be participating in the Welch Village
significant advantage. ZAPS
                                                                             Learn to Ski program! This is for beginner
test-preparation seminars are carefully
                                                                             skiers, and through Community Ed the
designed to help each student do his or
her personal best on the ACT.                                                package will include a lesson, ski rental,
St udent s who compl et e t he ZAPS seminar-- and pract ice our t ips        lift ticket, and bus transportation. All
and st rat egies at home-- t ypical l y raise t heir ACT scores by 1 t o 4   participants must participate in a ski lesson and rent ski equipment
point s.                                                                     for this trip. Flyers & rental forms will be in your school office as well
                                                                             as the Community Ed office and online. Registration deadline is
In the five-hour ZAPS seminar, students will--
                                                                             January 4th. Please send money with your child for lunch, they can
-Learn strategies for using partial knowledge to eliminate wrong             purchase food in the Welch Village cafeteria.
-Understand the most strategic ways to use limited testing time              The bus will leave the middle school parking lot at 8:30 a.m. and
                                                                             return back at 5:30 p.m.
-Take shortened practice tests that mirror the actual testing
experience.                                                                  DATE: January 11                                  TIM E: 8:30am-5:30pm
-Reduce their test anxiety and gain confidence.                              LOCATION: Welch Village                           COST: $33.00
-Receive a comprehensive Study Guide and 24 practice test workouts
with detailed answer explanations.                                           WELCHVILLAGE- ALLAGES
-Get suggestions for individualized study in the days leading to the
test.                                                                        SKI & SNOWBOARDTRIP
DATE: February 10                                TIM E: 12:30-6:00pm                                    Schools out - let?s hit the slopes. This trip is
LOCATION: HS Room 251                             COST: $91.00                                       open to adults as well as children. If your child
                                                                                                        is not comfortable going through the rental

IRONWOODSPRINGSSNOWTUBING                                    Grades 1-5
                                                                                                        department and skiing or snowboarding on
                                                                                                      their own, we do ask that a parent accompany
If you're looking for good old                                                                         Students must ride the bus to qualify for the
fashioned wintertime fun, then join                                                                              reduced rates we have negotiated.
                                                                                                       Regist rat ion f orms need t o be t urned in by
us on this no school day as we
                                                                                                                                       February 7t h.
venture to Ironwood Springs                                                  Bus leaves the Middle School parking lot at 1:15pm and will return
Christian Ranch for a fun filled                                             to Middle School parking lot at approximately 6:15pm.
afternoon of snow tubing! Grab your friends and lets hit the hills! The      If you have your own skis or snowboard, just pay the lift ticket and
chalet will be open so feel free to bring snacks or drinks and we will       bus fee, prices listed below. A Wel ch Vil l age l iabil it y waiver can be
                                                                             f ound onl ine and must be signed by st udent and guardian.
provide the hot chocolate! An Ironwood Springs l iabil it y waiver can
be f ound onl ine and must be signed by bot h st udent and guardian.         DATE: February 15
                                                                             TIM E: 1:15-6:15pm
The bus will pick-up from the Bonner at 12:15 and return back at
                                                                             LOCATION: Welch Village, M N
2:45 p.m.
                                                                             COST(S): Lift, Rental (including helmet), Bus: $63.00
                                                                                        Lift & Bus: $38.00
DATE: January 21
                                                                                        Rental (including helmet) & Bus: $40.00
COST: $25.00
                                                                                        Bus Only: $10.00
TIM E: 12:15-2:45pm                                                          If you need costs that are outside of the
LOCATION: Ironw ood Springs Christian Ranch                                  above list please call 533-1650.


BARNQUILTPAINTINGWORKSHOP                                                  55 PLUSFIRSTTIMERS: 4&8 HOUR
Instructor: Naomi Jirele                                                   DRIVERIMPROVEMENTASSOCIATES
Join the barn quilt movement by creating                                   For drivers 55 and older. Establish eligibility for the 10% reduction
your own painted quilt for your barn,                                      on your auto insurance premium, and learn new defensive driving
shed, garage, or garden fence. After a                                     tips. With over 22 years of experience, DIA has the most experienced
short historical overview of barn quilts,                                  instructors. We use various sources such as MNDOT, TZD, AAA, and
you will begin with a pre-primed 4'x4'                                     AARP to provide the latest safe driving help for seniors. We use
board and be guided through each step                                      Power Point, videos, and small group discussions on topics
including: drafting, taping, and painting.                                 including compensating for changes as
After you get some tips to paint the                                       we age, current safety devices, a
masked areas you may work at your own                                      changing driver and avoiding the
speed. Unless you choose an advanced pattern, dependent on your            distracted driver. Our classes are
design and pace, you will leave with a finished quilt or with it almost    approved by the State of Minnesota.
completed, and full instructions on how to complete it and seal it
                                                                           4 HOUR: M arch 26                               TIM E: 1:00-5:00pm
confidently (2'x2' is also an option).
                                                                           LOCATION: Central Boardroom                     COST: $25.00
Your finished board will prove to be quite a showpiece in your yard
for years to come!                                                         8 HOUR: February 6 and 7                        TIM E: 4:00-8:00pm
                                                                           LOCATION: Central Boardroom                      COST: $25.00
Supplies that will be provided:

-Pre-primed 4'x4' exterior grade sanded plywood board. Please
                                                                           DAYTRIPPERS- SPIRITLEVEL
contact the instructor at least one in advance if you would like to pay    A ghostly comedy that will have you laughing throughout!
more for MDO board. This is recommended if your quilt will be very
                                                                           Famous crime writer Jack Cameron &
difficult to access for any future repairs or if it is being placed
                                                                           wife Susie are haunting their cottage -
somewhere it will be pounded by the elements. Your paint will
                                                                           they couldn't get into Heaven because
adhere altogether better to the professional-grade signboard
                                                                           Jack is an atheist. Christmas brings a
                                                                           snowstorm, a baby, and a crisis,
-Pattern templates, which can be found online at              causing Jack to do something no
                                                                           card-carrying atheist would ever admit
-Foam brushes, other paint brushes including small detail brushes
                                                                           to, pray to God! But will it help? Can
-Pencils                                                                   Jack and Susie help the young couple
                                                                           with their problems - even from
-Snacks and water
                                                                           beyond the grave?
Suppl ies you wil l need t o bring t o cl ass:
                                                                           Join us for this lighthearted comedy by
-High quality exterior paint (details found online at        Pam Valentine!
-One roll of 1-inch painter's tape. Green "frog tape" is best              DATE: April 11
-A yardstick                                                               TIM E: Van w ill depart from Central Education Center at 10:30am
                                                                           and return at approximately 5:00pm
-A blow dryer to speed up drying time
                                                                           LOCATION: Daytrippers Dinner Theatre                  COST: $57.00
-Sharp exacto knife

-Optional: colored pencils or markers if you are unsure of color
                                                                           PARENT& ME: DIYSENSORYNIGHT
                                                                           Instructors: Hailey Liffrig and M egan Wilber
placement on your template. You can also bring your own food
and/ or beverage to have outside of the provided snacks and water.         Join us for a fun night of exploring
                                                                           different sensory play activities. We'll
NOTE: The 4'x4' is a large board; prior to signing up, make sure to        have various activities set up for
measure the space you are considering. Plan to bring a vehicle that        children to try and tips for parents on
can transport the size of the finished board! If you would prefer the      creating their own at home with
2'x2' board please note that at registration.                              supplies they probably have on hand.
                                                                           Together we will create a sensory
Deadline to register will be one week in advance!                          bottle for everyone to take home!
DATE: February 2                                 TIM E: 8:30am-1:30pm      DATE: M arch 26                                 TIM E: 6:00-7:00pm
LOCATION: HS Art Room                            COST: $100.00             LOCATION: Central Education Center              COST: $10.00/child
Instructor: Jason Ferrie
                                                                         P  AIN   T  IN  G   P  O U
                                                                         Instructor: Penni Kittelson
                                                                                                     RCLASS NEW!

In this class we will discuss the three main                                                              Join Sunshine and Roses Traveling Art
options you have to invest for you child's                                                            Studio for a painting pour class! You will
education and how to determine which one                                                            find this class relaxing and fun! We will be
fits best for you families needs. We will also
                                                                                                        pouring using different techniques on a
cover how to overcome the rising cost of
education and tips on teaching your children                                                             16x20 canvas. Very important that you
how money works.                                                                                         bring supplies to transport this home. I
*Babysitting will be offered for this class, but you must register in                                     would suggest a cookie sheet inside a
advance with the number of children in attendance.                                                   garbage bag and a garbage bag or broken
DATE: January 15                                    TIM E: 7:00-8:00pm                                cardboard box laid down in your vehicle.
LOCATION: Central Boardroom                         COST: $7.00               The canvas will be wet for a few days. Registration includes the
                                                                             16x20 canvas, all instructions, and supplies. No art experience is
AREYOUSAVINGENOUGHFOR                                          NEW!      needed! Multiple paint colors will be available to pour with. Register

Instructor: Jason Ferrie
                                                                         early as space will be limited. Everyone will go home with a piece of
                                                                                           art that will look beautiful displayed in your home!

With rising inflation, underfunded pensions
and the uncertain future of Social Security,                             DATE: February 12                                 TIM E: 6:30-8:00pm
planning for retirement can be
overwhelming. In this class we will be                                   LOCATION: Bear Cave Art Room                      COST: $45.00
covering all the options you have for
retirement investing, the tax benefits of each one and most
importantly we will provide a customized plan for each family to
                                                                         Instructor: Penni Kittelson

achieve their financial goals.
                                                                         Join Sunshine and Roses to learn how to use
DATE: February 12                                 TIM E: 7:00-8:00pm     chalk couture stencils and chalk paste. You
LOCATION: Central Boardroom                       COST: $7.00            do not need any art experience or skill for
                                                                         this class! It is very easy and you will love
Instructor: Emily M cM illan, HyVee Registered Dietitian
                                                                         the end result! Surfaces may vary
                                                                         depending on availability. Registration
Let Hy-Vee's Simple Fix help you create 6 entrees in less than 2         includes instructions, chalk surface, chalk
hours so you can have home-cooked meals throughout the week.             paste and use of the chalk couture stencils.
With delicious entrees to plan the week around, it is easy to bring
the family back to the table!
Meal Preparation Menu                                                    DATE: M arch 11                                   TIM E: 6:30-8:00pm
      -   Barbecue Pulled Chicken                                        LOCATION: Stew artville American Legion           COST: $40.00
      -   Blackened Cod on Orange-Scented Brown Rice Pilaf
          Easy Chicken Curry
          Baked Breaded Tilapia
          Cilantro Lime Chicken with Califlower Rice
                                                                         Instructor: Connie Johnson
      -   Honey Dijon Pork and Green Beans                               Have you ever wanted to learn to knit like
*Each meal or side serves approximately four to six individuals*         your grandmother or great grandmother?
We:                                                                      Join in on the fun! Bring size 7 or 8 knitting
Provide a wide range of enjoyable recipes                                needles and a skein of cream and sugar
Do all of the shopping                                                   100% cotton yarn. We?ll work on a
Assist you with any questions                                            washcloth with the basic stitches to start you out on a new and
Do all the dishes and even take out the trash                            exciting hobby! Please bring a size 6, 7, or 8 needle. If you plan to
You:                                                                     learn how to crochet, please bring crochet hooks of either F or G. The
Assemble a variety of healthy meals                                      finished product will be a washcloth.
Leave the mess behind
Take home multiple entrees to make the month easier - don't f orget      DATES: February 4, 11,18, 25                      TIM E: 6:30-7:30pm
t o bring a cool er or reusabl e shopping bag t o bring home al l your
                                                                         LOCATION: HS Room 401                             COST: $24.00
del icious meal s!
We shop. You cook. We clean. Regist rat ion deadl ine is Feb. 27t h.
DATE: M arch 2                              TIM E: 11:00am-12:30pm
LOCATION: West Circle Dr. NW HyVee          COST: $115.00


DEMYSTIFY-YOURCAMERAPARTI                                                    INSTANTPIANOFORHOPELESSLY
Instructor: Daw n Sanborn
                        Get creative and confident with your camera.         BU    SYPEOPLE
                                                                             Instructor: Charles Wilson
                    You?ll be able to take amazing photos for the rest
                           of your life, with just a few essential skills!   In just a few hours, you can learn enough secrets of the trade to give
                    PEOPLE TAKE GREAT PHOTOS, NOT CAMERAS. The               you years of musical enjoyment. How do we do it? While regular
                    fastest way to get better photos isn?t by buying a       piano teachers teach note reading, piano professionals use chords.
                       new, expensive camera.It?s by learning how to
                                                                             And you can learn all the chords you'll need to play any song in this
control the one you have! DEMYSTIFY ~ Your Camera I is a basic
photography workshop that will give you all the essential camera             one session. Any song. Any style. Any key. If you can find middle C
skills, in a quick and easy-to-understand format. This workshop              and know the meaning of Every Good Boy Does Fine, you already
contains casual lecture, hands-on assistance and a field-trip-shoot          know enough to enroll in this workshop. Fee includes the online
adventure, and it will help you get control in no time. In this              book and videos as well.
workshop you?ll get you all the essential skills you need to
DEMYSTIFY ~ Your Camera and get off the auto button ? in less then           Topics include:
2 hours!
                                                                                 -    How chords work in a song
DATE: January 12                                   TIM E: 1:00-3:00pm
                                                                                 -    How to get more out of sheet music by reading less of it
LOCATION: Central Boardroom                         COST: $60.00
                                                                                 -    How to form the three main types of chords

Instructor: Daw n Sanborn
                                                                                      How to handle different keys and time signatures
                                                                                      How to avoid "counting"                                         NEW!
                                                                                 -    How to simplify over 12,000
The key to understanding how the settings on your camera interact
to create a great photo is essential. In DEMYSTIFY Your Camera Part I                 complex chords
we learned the basics, now it's time to take your understanding to
the next level! Topics will include:                                         DATES: April 10
    -   How to use Auto Focus Points for better composition                  TIM E: 6:30-9:30pm
    -   My Best Method for using Autofocus Points                            LOCATION: HS Choir Room
    -   Auto Focus Modes ? when to use them and why
                                                                             COST: $60.00
    -   Exposure and ISO and why it matters
    -   A powerful Tool ? in your camera ? that ensures perfect
        Exposure                                                             INSTANTGUITARFORHOPELESSLY
        Introduction to Exposure Compensation and Bracketing
        Why we need White Balance                                            BUSYPEOPLE
   -    What the different White Balance settings are and when to            Instructor: Charles Wilson
        use them                                                             Have you ever wanted to learn the guitar by simply find it difficult to
   -    What is Light Temperature ? why it?s useful
                                                                             find the time? In just a few hours you can learn enough about playing
   -    How to get off auto and start using the manual button!
                                                                             the guitar to give you years of musical enjoyment, and you won't
DATE: M arch 9                                  TIM E: 1:00-3:00pm
                                                                             have to take private lessons to do it. This crash course will teach you
LOCATION: Central Boardroom                     COST: $60.00
                                                                             some basic chords and get you playing along with your favorite

DEMYSTIFY- COMPOSITION                                                       songs right away. Bring your acoustic guitar. Class limited to 15
                                                                             students. For ages 13+. For more information go to
Instructor: Daw n Sanborn
                                                                    Fee includes the online book and videos as
DEMYSTIFY ~ Composition workshop
                                                                             Topics include:
is an exciting and informative class
which will improve the way you make                                              -    How chords work in a song
photos from now on! Go from ?lucky?                                              -    How to form the three
to ?I meant that!? We?ve all made
great shots on occasion, but what                                                     main types of chords
made them look so much better than                                               -    How to tune your guitar
all the others? This question and so much more will be covered in                -    Basic strumming patterns
this workshop. The goal of this workshop is to help you understand               -    How to buy a good guitar
the basics of composition and be able to consistently create                          (things to avoid)
well-composed, pleasing images. If you are frustrated with photo
                                                                                 -    How to play along with
composition, or if you?ve created some great shots and aren?t quite
sure what makes them stand out, THIS CLASS IS FOR YOU!                                simple tunes
                                                                             DATES: April 24                                   TIM E: 6:30-9:00pm
DATE: February 9                                   TIM E: 1:00-3:00pm
LOCATION: Central Boardroom                        COST: $60.00              LOCATION: HS Choir Room                           COST: $60.00

Instructor: Abbey Lacey, M ayo Basketball Coach              Grades 3-5
During this youth co-ed youth basketball                                     (INTROTOJIUJITSU)
                                                                             Instructor: Jason Christensen                               Ages 5-10
camp, players will build on skills through
drills and games. Skill-work will include                                    This program is for kids 5-10 years old.
ball handling, shooting, passing, defense,                                   Using the time-tested ?Gracie Games,?
and rebounding. We will play various                                         we teach the Little Champs basic
games each day as well! Be sure to wear                                      self-defense techniques while instilling
athletic shoes.                                                              the foundational principles of leverage
DATES: February 11, 13, 14, 18, 20, 21                                       and control. The secret to the success of
                                                                             this program is that we make the lessons
TIM E: 4:00-5:00pm                                                           so fun that the kids beg for more! Once a
LOCATION: Central Education Center Gym                                       child masters all ten Gracie Games, they
COST: $40.00                                                                 will be invited to advance to the Jr.
                                                                             Combatives program.

Instructor: Paige Pettit
                                                                             DATES: January 8-M arch 12
                                                                             TIM E: 5:30-6:15pm
Gymnastics classes for boys and girls to learn                               LOCATION: Central Education Center Room #136
the basics of gymnastics in a fun atmosphere.                                COST: $15.00
This session is for preschool-1st grade
beginners to gymnastics.                                                     JR. COMBATIVES-
                                                                             Instructor: Jason Christensen
SESSION I: Tuesdays Jan. 8, 15, 22                  TIM E: 6:15-6:45pm
LOCATION: Gymnastics Room 120                       COST: $27.00             In the Jr. Combatives program, we focus on 33 non-violent
SESSION II: Tuesdays Jan. 8, 15, 22                 TIM E: 6:45-7:15pm       self-defense techniques that teach children to ?neutralize and
                                                                             negotiate? with the bullies. Verbal assertiveness strategies are a
LOCATION: Gymnastics Room 120                       COST: $27.00
                                                                             major portion of this curriculum.

TAEKWONDO                                                                    Registration by invitation only.
                                                                             DATES: January 8-M arch 12                        TIM E: 6:30-8:00pm
Instructors: M ike & Becky M onty
                                                                             LOCATION: Central Education Center Room #136
Parents, join your children in this fun                                      COST: $15.00
class that can help burn some calories,
improve flexibility, balance and stamina
while learning self defense at the same
time. Plus, we can help your child develop discipline, respect, and
confidence while learning to focus and listen and follow directions
better. This class with cover basic blocks, kicks, strikes and self
                                                                             DOYOUHAVEAPA SSION ?
defense techniques. Wear comfortable work out clothes.                         Would you enjoy teaching it to others on your own
                                                                              schedule? Contact Stewartville Community Ed to get
DATES: February 7 and 14                            TIM E: 6:15-7:15pm
                                                                             more information on being an instructor! We're always
LOCATION: Central Gym                              COST: $15.00
                                                                                looking for fun additions to offer our community.
TEENANDADULTSELFDEFENSE                                                        Classes can be for adults, children, or families, and
                                                                               they can be artistic, sports, academic, explorations,
Instructors: Becky M onty & Jim Parry
                                                                                  etc. Give us a call today at 533-1650 or email
                       Would you be able to defend yourself and your
                             loved ones if someone were to physically
                           attack you? It?s a question most of us don?t
                      want to consider, but violence is, unfortunately,
                       a fact of life. Thankfully, regardless of strength,
                           size, or previous training, anyone can learn
                            several effective self-defense techniques.
                    For more information:
DATES: February 21 and 28                           TIM E: 6:15-7:15pm
LOCATION: Central Cafeteria                         COST: $15.00
ADULTBASKETBALL                                                             ADULTCO-EDVOLLEYBALL LEAGUE
Open gym adult basketball will start in
December and go through March. This is
                                                                            Come out and enjoy a night of volleyball! "Kick it up
recreational; not league play. Everyone is                                  a notch" in the competitive league. Register as a
welcome! New teams will be organized for                                    team. Need to be registered by noon on Dec. 21st!
the scrimmage each week. No street shoes                                    Questions can be directed to Sam Kaster:
allowed.                                                           or Community Ed at
DATES: M ondays: Nov. 26, Dec. 3, 10, 17, Jan. 7, 14, 21, 28, Feb.          533-1650. Six teams is the max!
4, 11, 18, 25, M arch 4, 11
                                                                            DATES: Wednesdays: January 9- M arch 13            TIM E: 7:30-9:00pm
TIM E: 8:00-10:00pm
                                                                            LOCATION: HS Gym                                   COST: $60.00
LOCATION: BCI Gyms          COST: $30.00/session,$3.00/drop-ins

STEWIEKRAZE                                                                 T'AI CHI CHIH- CONTINUING
                                                                            Instructor: Anna Vaith
Looking for a high intensity, results driven workout community to
join? Stewie Kraze will combine elements of the popular competitive         Continue to deepen your T?ai Chi Chih practice! In addition to
fitness style training programs, including cardio, olympic                  learning more about T?ai Chi Chih, students will also learn aspects of
weightlifting with so much more.Workouts will be modified for               the advanced form of T?ai Chi Chih calledN Seijaku. Prerequisite:
everyone and will challenge all. You can look forward to high               Completion of a beginning T?ai Chi Chih course.
energy expenditure, tons of variety and new challenges every day.
                                                                            DATES: M ondays: 1/14-4/1,
                                                                            no class 1/21, 2/18, 2/25, 3/4, 3/18
                                                                            TIM E: 5:00-6:00pm
                                                                            LOCATION: Central Cafeteria
                                                                            COST: $50.00/session, $7.00/drop-ins

                                                                            Instructor: Jason Christensen                                  Co-ed 18+
                                                   Morning Details:         Gracie Combatives is the beginner program for adults. In this
DATES: 8 w eeks M /T/TH/F,                                                  program, you will learn the 36 core techniques of Gracie Jiu-Jitsu
                                                   5:00 Doors Open          (also known as Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu or BJJ) in a fun, safe, and
January 28-M arch 19
                                                    5:10 Warm-Ups           cooperative environment. Each one-hour lesson addresses one
TIM E: 5:00-6:00am                                                                                                           NEWwhich
LOCATION: M S Weight Room and Gym
                                                     5:15 Workout           standing and one ground self-defense technique,       !      are further
                                                    5:55 Cool Down          broken down into simplified drills or ?slices? to facilitate the learning
COST: $75.00
                                                                            process. You can start the program without previous experience and,

Instructor: Diane Gray
                                                                            since safety is our number one concern, there is no competitive
                                                                            sparring in this program.
                                                                            Coached and facilitated by local law enforcement professionals.
This is a level one introduction to
                                                                            DATES: January 6-M arch 17                         TIM E: 4:00-5:00pm
yoga. Following a Vinyasa style
sequencing, emphasizing breath                                              LOCATION: Gymnastics Room 120                      COST: $15.00
with movement, you will be
introduced to several fundamental
postures of yoga. Although an introductory level class, it is
                                                                            Instructor: Jason Christensen                            Women 18+
challenging and it will make you sweat! Yoga builds strength,               Women Empowered is the official Gracie self-defense program for
flexibility and focus both in and out of practice. This class is set to     women based on the techniques of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ). In this
music to keep you moving and motivated. If you are interested in            10-lesson program, we will teach you how to neutralize the 15 most
learning about yoga and its benefits, this is a great place to start. You   common attacks ranging from having your hair grabbed to being
do not have to be extremely flexible to practice yoga. Flexibility          pinned to the ground by a weapon-bearing assailant. Each one-hour
develops with practice. Towel and yoga mat are recommended.                 Women Empowered lesson addresses two techniques. You can start
                                                                            the program without previous experience. Unlike most self-defense
SESSION I: Jan. 2, 9, 16, 23                       TIM E: 6:30-7:30pm       systems that rely heavily on strength, speed, and coordination, the
LOCATION: Central Cafeteria                        COST: $32.00             techniques in the Women Empowered program employ leverage,
                                                                            technique, and timing, so anyone, regardless of age or athletic ability,
SESSION II: Feb. 6, 13, 20, 27                      TIM E: 6:30-7:30pm      can make them work against larger opponents.
LOCATION: Central Cafeteria                         COST: $32.00            DATES: January 6-M arch 17                       TIM E: 3:00-4:00pm
SESSION III: M arch 6, 13, 27, April 3              TIM E: 6:30-7:30pm      LOCATION: Gymnastics Room 120                      COST: $15.00
LOCATION: Central Cafeteria                         COST: $32.00
EARLYCHILDHOOD                                                                                                                                       R
Stewartville Early Childhood focuses on providing quality preschool education with an emphasis on parent involvement and education. It is for
all families with children from birth to kindergarten age. Each class is instructed by caring and licensed professionals. Two main components
make up our program: School Readiness (Preschool) classes and ECFE Parent/ Child classes. Stewartville Early Childhood is a 4-Star Parent
Aware rated program. This program is located in the Central Education Center. For more information, please visit our website at or email Sara Ellerbusch at You can also call the front office at the Central Education Center
at 533-1650 for more information.

     SCHOOLREADINESS/ PRESCHOOL                                                                           ECFE
School Readiness is a statewide program that focuses on teaching the       The staff at the Early Learning Center recognize that parents are the
necessary skills to be successful and ready to start Kindergarten. Our     first and most influential teachers in a child's life. Therefore, the
program consists of imaginative play, social emotional skill building,     central goal of the ECFE classes is to enhance and support the
STEM, fine and large motor skill building, pre-reading and math skills,    competence of parents in providing the best possible environment for
sensory, creative art, and music & movement. We value the                  the healthy growth of their children. ECFE is open to children ages
importance of your child's education and the role that parents and         birth to kindergarten. Come meet other parents and share your
guardians play in that development. We provide a comprehensive             parenting techniques, happy stories and tribulations. There will be
program that covers all areas of the state early childhood indicators      parent/ child activity time offered in the beginning of class and then
and utilize state approved curriculum and assessment. The early            the children will split off with a licensed preschool teacher for
childhood team works closely with Kindergarten teachers to ensure a        enrichment and parents will come together for discussion with a
smooth transition for your child.                                          licensed parent educator.

Fam ily Co l o r Run                                               ComingMay
                                                                                                      Air Insanit y
         walk stroll 5k                                              2018!
                                                                                             Join us on Januar y 21st at   Air Insanit y !
                                                                                             Just mention Stewa rtville Ea rly Child hood
                                                                                             at the door between the hours of 4:00-8:00 p.m.
                                                                                                and a portion of your ticket purchase will go
                                                                                            towards supporting our Early Childhood program!

 The Early Childhood Screening is a FREE developmental screening required by t he St at e of Minnesot a bef ore a chil d can ent er kindergart en.
      The ideal age for screening is 3 1/ 2 to 4 years of age. Trained staff will check your child's vision, hearing, growth, skills in thinking,
                           communication, language, large/ small muscle control and social/ emotional development.

                                               All screenings are held at Central Education Center.
                             Please call 533.1650 to set up an appointment or email

                                February 11 & 12, April 8
REGISTRATIONFORM                                                                                                     TIGERTIME- SACC
Tiger Time operates through the Community Ed, District # 534 program and provides childcare
for grades K-5 before & after school and during the summer months. Our current care sites are
located at Bonner Elementary, Bear Cave School, and Central Education Center with hours being
6:00 a.m-6:00 p.m. The Tiger Tot 4/ 5 year old daycare is located at Central Education Center.
In an effort to continue to provide a high quality, enriching childcare experience, the Tiger Time
program has a max capacity of children that can be served. Please understand that we are
working diligently to provide the best programming possible with the space provided. For more
information, please contact Greg Hale at or 507-533-1597.
Our care sites are located at the Central Education Center, Bonner Elementary, and Bear Cave
Intermediate School.
    -    Bonner kids are located in the gym at Bonner before and after school .
    -    Bear Cave kids are located in the gym at Bonner before school and then are bused to
         Bear Cave. After school kids will be located in the Bear Cave cafeteria.
    -    The Central Education Center is the location of our Tiger Tots and the summer Tiger
         Time program.

                                                                             -    Coordinator - Greg Hale,
                                                                             -    Bonner..................................................................................533-1599
                                                                             -    Bear Cave.............................................................................533-1631
                                                                             -    Tiger Tots (Central)............................................................533-1598
                                                                             -    Summer Program...............................................................533-1597
                                                                             -    Stewartville Community Education...............................533-1650

Tiger Tots is a full-day child care program providing service from 6:00am-6:00pm. This program is for children that are 4 or 5 and eligible for
Kindergarten the following fall. Tiger Tots provides your child with a variety of enriching activities, music and movement, art, literacy, math,
science and fine and large motor skills. Physical activity is also important to us. Gym time and outdoor free play will be provided. Our caring
Tiger Time staff creates a safe, caring and welcoming environment. Child care services will be open most non-school days.

NEW! Tiger Tot "Wrap-Around" (before and after preschool care) has been implemented at the
start of the 2018-19 school year! This care is an option to those students in our 4 & 5 year old
preschool classes. Let us be your one-stop-shop for preschool and daycare! This wrap around
option is an extension of the full time Tiger Tot program. The hourly fee to attend the program
is $3.50 and is open from 6:00am- 6:00pm.
Example of Daily Schedule:
        6:00 ? 8:00 am drop off at Central (East entrance), free time
        for children to play.
        8:30 - Opening (calendar, counting, Brain Buster, clock)
        9:00 - Snack
        9:30-11:15 - Enrichment Time (projects, theme work)
        11:30 - Lunch
        12:15 - Quiet time
        1:00 - Outside or gym time
        2:30 - Enrichment Time
        3:00 - Game Time
        3:15 - Snack
        3:30 ? 6:00 pm ? free time/ pick up time from Central

Incl ement Weat her
If school is two hours late students will go to their normal locations. If school is closed everyone will be located at Bonner
Elementary. In the case school is to be closed after the school day has started we will try to get all students to Bonner. Please
note that if school is closed and you are sending your child to Tiger Time they will need to be sent with a lunch for the day.
2018 EVENTS!

     Upcoming Events2019...
                                              Ole & Lena
     The lovable, dim-witted Scandinavian couple of Ole
     & Lena have come to life in the comedic stylings of
     the internationally known husband and wife team of
     Michael and Julie Bateson.

     Febr u ar y 2n d 7:00 p.m .
     Per f or m in g Ar t s Cen t er
     $15.00/ t icket
     Ticket s can be pu r ch ased at w w ew ar t villet ick et

                                  Communit y East er
                                    EGG HUNT
                                              Apr il 2018!
 Gi r l s o n t h e Ru n
 Gir ls on t he Run is an element ar y school pr ogr am designed for 3r d-5t h gr ade
 gir ls. The mission of t his pr ogr am is t o inspir e gir ls t o be joyful, healt hy, and
 confident using a fun, exper ience-based cur r iculum which cr eat ively
 int egr at es r unning. I t is a 10 week pr ogr am and hoping t o st ar t in t he spr ing.
 The gir ls and coaches would meet t wice a week, 90 minut es, for 10 weeks
 r ight aft er school.

     Would you like t o be involved? We' r e sear ching for coaches for t he pr ogr am! A coach is a volunt eer
       posit ion t hat wor ks wit h a t eam of coaches t o facilit at e t he Gir ls on t he Run cur r iculum. We ar e
                                          sear ching for 2-3 coaches t o commit in or der t o r un t his pr ogr am.

Cancel l at ion Not ice: Participants will be notified if there is a change in the date/ location of the class, if the
                                                                                                                             1 To r egi st er on l i n e v i si t
                                                                                                                                    w w w .st ew i

class is canceled or if the class is full. SCE confirms registrations via email with participants who share their            2 To r egi st er by p h on e p l ease cal l
email addresses with SCE.                                                                                                           533.1650
Dat e Privacy: Your privacy is important to us. The registration information you provide to SCE is considered                3      To r egi st er i n p er son ,
private under state and federal law. We use the information you provide for the purposes of administering                           com e t o:
the activity and to contact you about upcoming activities. While you may choose to withhold this                                    Cen t r al Ed u cat i on Cen t er
information, there may be consequences that could limit the distribution of information to the participant.                         301 2n d St . SW
Access to contact information is limited to individuals involved in the activity.                                                   St ew ar t v i l l e, M N 55976

Emergency School Cl osings/ Bad Weat her: When school is canceled because of bad weather or other
emergencies, al l act ivit ies are al so cancel ed.                                                                          N eed h el p r egi st er i n g or h av e a
                                                                                                                             qu est i on ? Gi v e u s a cal l at 533.1650
Non-discriminat ion Pol icy: Stewartville School District 534 has a policy of nondiscrimination on the basis of              an d w e w i l l be h ap p y t o h el p y ou !
race, color, creed, religion, national origin, sex, age, disability, marital status or status with regard to public
assistance in its educational programs, activities and employment practices.

Part icipat ion Waiver: I hereby release ISD 534 Community Education and any other organizations, cities or                         Fl y er s w i l l n o l on ger be
individuals associated with this program from any responsibility for injuries or damages that I may sustain as                      sen t h om e.
a result of my participation.
                                                                                                                                    Th er e i s n o l on ger a $2.00
Phot o Consent : Unless you notify the Community Ed office, photos taken within Community Ed                                        con v en i en ce f ee w h en
classes/ programs/ activities may be included in Community Ed publications.
                                                                                                                                    u si n g Debi t / Cr ed i t car d .
Ref und Pol icy: Full refunds are given with SCE cancels a class. Unless otherwise noted online, refunds will
be given when a participant cancels a registration before the start date of the class.

There is no l onger a service charge when regist ering onl ine wit h a credit or debit card.

UCARE: Eligible UCare members may get up to a $15 discount on many community education classes in Minnesota. Members must have UCare insurance at the
time of registration and throughout the duration of the class. Members need to provide their UCare ID number when registering for class. Limits and restrictions
may apply. This $15 discount is now good for THREE discounts per calendar year.

  Nam e: _____________________________________________________________Date of Bir th :_______________________
  Addr ess:_______________________________________________________________________________________________
  City:_______________________________________________. State: _______________.Zip: __________________________
  Ph on e (H ): ___________________________. (C):______________________________ .(W ):__________________________
  Em ail : _________________________________________________________________________________________________
 UCar e M em ber Nam e & ID: __________________________________
 .                                                                                                                                      T-Sh i rt Si ze (i f
                                        Cl ass Ti tl e                                                    Start Date                                                    Fee
                                                                                                                                       needed f or cl ass)

  M ak e ch eck s p ay abl e t o Com m u n i t y Ed u cat i on .                                               Pay m en t Tot al : $                                           .
  M ai l t o: Cen t r al Ed u cat i on Cen t er , 301 2n d St . SW . St ew ar t v i l l e, M N 55976 ATTN : Com m u n i t y Ed u cat i on

  I h av e r ead t h e p ol i ci es an d p r oced u r es an d agr ee t o al l t er m s. Y / N
  Si gn at u r e:                                                                                                        . Dat e:                                   .
Lear ning             Leading
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