An Chomhdháil Bhliantúil 2016 - 2015 Tuarascáil an Ard Stiúrthóra GAA Annual Congress - Mayo Club 51

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An Chomhdháil Bhliantúil 2016 - 2015 Tuarascáil an Ard Stiúrthóra GAA Annual Congress - Mayo Club 51
Bhliantúil 2016
2015 Tuarascáil an Ard Stiúrthóra

GAA Annual Congress
An Chomhdháil Bhliantúil 2016 - 2015 Tuarascáil an Ard Stiúrthóra GAA Annual Congress - Mayo Club 51
10 January 2015; Former Waterford hurler Paul Flynn, in
his role of umpire for the day, chats with young supporters
during a break in play. Waterford Crystal Cup Preliminary
Round, Cork v University of Limerick, CIT GAA Grounds,
Bishopstown, Co. Cork.
An Chomhdháil Bhliantúil 2016 - 2015 Tuarascáil an Ard Stiúrthóra GAA Annual Congress - Mayo Club 51
Annual Congress

                                                          2015 Tuarascáil an Ard Stiúrthóra

20 September 2015; James McCarthy, Dublin, is tackled
by Colm Cooper, Kerry. GAA Football All-Ireland Senior
Championship Final, Dublin v Kerry, Croke Park, Dublin.
An Chomhdháil Bhliantúil 2016 - 2015 Tuarascáil an Ard Stiúrthóra GAA Annual Congress - Mayo Club 51
Tuarascáil An Ard Stiúrthóra

                                       Report of the Ard Stiúrthóir
                                       Páraic Ó Dufaigh
                                       Introduction                                    unbearable or even insulting, that raises
                                                                                       them to levels of performance that
                                       Hurling championships in recent years           other teams cannot match. (Brian Cody
                                       had dazzled us with their brilliance, so it     probably knows what this is!). Their
                                       was to be expected that the first year of a     cumulative achievements have been
                                       return to more normal competition would         exceptional, and Gaelic games followers
                                       slightly lessen the excitement levels.          are right to be proud of such brilliant
                                       For all that, there were two remarkable         sportsmen. It was wholly fitting, then,
                                       features of the 2015 championship.              that the elegant skills of TJ Reid won for
                                       One was the unexpectedly rapid rise of          him the award of Player of the Year.
                                       Waterford, who followed their fine Allianz
                                       League title with a pulsating charge in         The football championship gave us an
“ What is one to say about Kilkenny?   the championship. They deserved the             absolutely absorbing final. The carping
  They not only defeated all-comers    admiration they received; their skilful and     of a few who lamented the absence of
  to win another championship, but     relentless hurling gave lie to the received     silky summer skills surely missed the
  they defeat one’s ability to say     wisdom that it takes years to build a           point: the awful weather conditions
  anything new or original about       team fit to challenge for national titles.      determined that this was to be a contest
  their achievements.”                 We look forward to the continuation             of attrition. There was never a stage
                                       of Waterford’s campaign in 2016.                where the match did not seem ready
                                                                                       to tip in an unpredictable way: a funny
                                       What is one to say about Kilkenny?              bounce, or a slip of hand or foot near
                                       They not only defeated all-comers to            goal, could have turned the direction of
                                       win another championship, but they              the game in the opposite direction. But
                                       defeat one’s ability to say anything new        Dublin deserved their victory, as they
                                       or original about their achievements.           deserve great credit for a third title in
                                       Gaelic games may well be amateur, but           five years. We must congratulate Jim
                                       we all know the intensity that teams            Gavin who has managed Dublin to two
                                       bring to their hurling, so it is a genuinely    of these titles, and Jack McCaffrey who
                                       extraordinary fact that Kilkenny continue       won the Player of the Year award.
                                       to find the means to stay ahead of their
                                       rivals, almost year after year. It is exactly   Elsewhere on the playing fields, we
                                       this latter fact – that they continue to        salute the two winners of the U-21
                                       dominate hurling after so many years –          championships, Limerick in hurling
                                       that is so remarkable. Kilkenny hurlers         and Tyrone in football, as we do the
                                       never become blasé or complacent;               winners of the minor championships,
                                       winning one year never diminishes their         Galway in hurling and Kerry in football.
                                       hunger to win the next year. They have          And in the ferociously contested club
                                       excellent hurlers, of course, but so do (and    championships, where Gaelic games,
                                       did, over the years) other counties. There      and indeed the Association itself, are
                                       is something in Kilkenny hurling, beyond        visible in their most vibrant and relevant
                                       the great players, tradition, county            condition, we applaud the All-Ireland
                                       pride or match tactics, something to do         championship winners of Corofin
                                       with resilience, with a mental attitude         (senior football), Ballyhale Shamrocks
                                       that finds defeat incomprehensible,             (senior hurling), Ardfert (intermediate
An Chomhdháil Bhliantúil 2016 - 2015 Tuarascáil an Ard Stiúrthóra GAA Annual Congress - Mayo Club 51
Tuarascáil An Ard Stiúrthóra
 20 September 2015; Dublin’s Paul Flynn lifts
 the Sam Maguire cup after their win in the
 GAA All-Ireland Senior Championship final.

                                                 football), O’Donovan Rossa (intermediate      and,despite the reservations expressed
                                                 hurling), Brosna (junior football) and        about modern Gaelic football, there
                                                 Bennettsbridge (junior hurling).              continues to be great loyalty to one’s
                                                                                               county in inter-county competitions.
                                                 The International Rules returned to Dublin
                                                 in November for a one-match Series,           There is, however, a feature of the wider
                                                 which allowed us to see that, when both       context of Gaelic football that does cause
                                                 countries field their best players, the       concern. A significant number of counties
                                                 Series easily justifies its continuation.     do not have the financial resources,
                                                 Those who attended the match seemed           either from commercial income and/or
                                                 to share the opinion that it whetted the      through their fundraising capacity, to be
                                                 appetite for a second match, especially       serious contenders to win an All-Ireland
                                                 as the Australians were seen to improve       title. This is becoming a permanent
                                                 considerably as the game progressed.          structural imbalance in competitiveness
                                                                                               which, when combined with the
                                                 It is gratifying to record that attendances   unequal population distribution over
“ There was never a stage where                  for both leagues and championships            counties, reduces potential All-Ireland
  the match did not seem ready                   remained strong. Competition for              winners to a relatively few counties.
  to tip in an unpredictable way: a              spectator patronage is intense, from          This has to be a matter of concern,
  funny bounce, or a slip of hand or             inside and outside sport, and we              particularly if we want the championship
  foot near goal could have turned               must now promote our competitions             to continue to draw the strong
  the direction of the game in the               vigorously every year. But the games          attendances that we celebrate above.
  opposite direction.”                           themselves must also be attractive,

An Chomhdháil Bhliantúil 2016 - 2015 Tuarascáil an Ard Stiúrthóra GAA Annual Congress - Mayo Club 51
Tuarascáil An Ard Stiúrthóra
                                                28 February 2015; Delegates,
                                                including Australia, during
                                                the GAA Annual Congress 2015.
                                                Slieve Russell Hotel, Cavan.

Congress 2015                                 The Minor Review Committee made               which encourages participation. The
                                              significant progress, too, in their step-     possibility, therefore, of re-structuring
While Congress 2015 was generally             by-step efforts to address player-welfare     the Congress schedule to allow delegates
described as ‘quiet’, it nonetheless          concerns by persuading Congress to            to attend two of these sessions is
passed a number of significant motions        amend the rule governing age grades.          worth considering. A mechanism for
as it considered the reports of the           As a result, from January 2016 players        effectively reporting the main issues
Hurling 20/20 and the Minor Review            must be over 17 years to play at adult        to emerge at these sessions to the full
committees. While both reports                club level and over 16 years to play in the   Congress could usefully be developed.
contained recommendations that fell           U-21 grade with clubs. This amendment,
within the remit of Central Council for       along with the rule change that came          In terms of the full Congress assembly, it
decision, the focus at Congress was on        into effect in January 2015 limiting          is difficult to know how it might be made
proposals that required a change of rule.     participation at inter-county minor           more participative. A lot of good work is
In terms of the Hurling 20/20 committee,      level to players over 16 years of age, is     done each year on rule amendments that
this meant, primarily, the playing rules,     evidence of the growing awareness of          is necessary and productive. It is in the
and Congress passed its motion that only      the need to protect the young talented        very nature of many of the proposals that
one defending player may stand on the         player. There is still much to be done to     seek to amend rules (as from the Rules
goal-line to defend a penalty puck. It also   protect those players from the dangers        Advisory Committee) that the benefits
decided that, for free pucks awarded on       of overtraining and burnout, but these        are obvious and non-controversial, and
the centre point of the 20 metre line and     were, nonetheless, significant changes.       thus unlikely to generate much debate.
on the semi-circular arc, no more than                                                      For delegates, such deliberations can be
five defending players could stand on the     The passing of nineteen motions that          a tedious (if necessary) part of Congress.
goal-line. Congress also supported the        brought further clarity to our rules was      In each of the past three years we have
Hurling 20/20 proposal to introduce the       a reflection of the importance of the         organised a pre-Congress briefing for
advantage rule into hurling, and opted        ongoing work of the Rules Advisory            key county officers on the motions to
for automatic promotion of the winners        Committee as a standing committee             ensure that delegates understand the
of the Christy Ring Cup to the following      on the rules of the Association,              details of all the motions before them.
year’s Provincial Qualifier group. The        while the decisions of Congress               And with the Finance and Ard Stiúrthóir’s
implementation of the changes to playing      in addressing concerns about the              reports available to units and to the
rules has gone smoothly and has been to       proposed clock/hooter system, the             public well in advance of Congress,
the benefit of the game. The penalty puck     closed months for collective training         much informal debate will already
has become an exciting feature of the         and the registration of teams for senior      have taken place on issues raised.
game, with goalkeepers faring better than     inter-county championship games
had been predicted, while, as in football,    were sensible and commendable.                It may be that one of the effects of this
the introduction of the advantage rule                                                      pre-Congress preparation has been to
has improved the fluidity of the game.        Feedback from the five Congress               make Congress a less deliberative forum.
                                              workshops – on our financial reports,         What was particularly disappointing last
“ The Minor Review committee                  working with the media, the work of the       year was that, in a year when the playing
  made significant progress, too,             GPA, health and wellbeing, and player         rules could be changed, there was little
  in their step-by-step efforts to            welfare – was also positive. However, the     debate on the motions submitted by
  address player-welfare concerns             concerns expressed in the aftermath of        counties seeking to amend the playing
  by persuading Congress to amend             Congress about the lack of worthwhile         rules of football. Given that the way
  the rule governing age grades.              debate at, or even engagement with,           Gaelic football is currently played has
  As a result, from January 2017              the full sessions of Congress need to be      generated so much discussion, one would
  players must be over 17 years to            addressed. One of the reasons why the         have expected that, for example, motions
  play at adult club level and over           feedback on the workshops was positive        seeking to limit the use of the hand-pass
  16 years to play in the U-21 grade          in 2015 was because the workshop topics       would have encouraged lively discussion
  with clubs.”                                were clearly of interest to delegates,        at Congress 2015. But it did not. The same
                                              which has not always been the case. And       applies to the Friday night session and the
                                              the workshop setting is less intimidating,    opportunity to debate the Ard-Stiúrthóir’s
An Chomhdháil Bhliantúil 2016 - 2015 Tuarascáil an Ard Stiúrthóra GAA Annual Congress - Mayo Club 51
Tuarascáil An Ard Stiúrthóra
                                              28 February 2015; Uachtarán Chumann Lúthchleas
                                              Aogán Ó Feargháil during his inaugural address to the
                                              GAA Annual Congress 2015.

                                              Picture test goes here

report. This session is intended to           • the importance of matching the skillsets              extremely competitive Division 1A and
facilitate a discussion on virtually any        of members with needs of committees;                  1B, guaranteeing each of the teams at
issue of concern to delegates, but it is my                                                           least six very competitive matches, and
impression that such discussion has been      • the constant assessment of progress                   also that it has reduced the number of
diminishing from year to year. It may be        against strategic objectives.                         ‘dead rubber’ matches. The difficulty,
that the report needs to be presented in a                                                            in the past, with two top divisions of
different way to the Friday evening session   The advice on succession arrangements                   eight was the huge variation in standard
so as to facilitate a genuine debate on       for committees is timely and easy to                    between teams in the second tier of eight,
the key issues of the previous year.          implement. It is particularly important                 leading to too many one-sided games.
                                              in terms of the committees with                         The CCCC argument – that it is important
                                              responsibility for discipline,: the CCCC,               that teams compete in leagues at a level
Central Committees                            CHC and CAC. Recent practice has                        appropriate to their potential each year –
                                              been to replace all of the personnel                    was compelling. Moreover, it was the view
Uachtarán Aogán Ó Fearghail invested          on committees dealing with discipline                   of Central Council that, while there may
considerable time and thought into the        at the time of a change of presidency.                  be just about twelve teams capable of
process of populating the Association’s key   However, it is difficult in such a transition           competing at a high level, that degree of
central committees. It was time well spent,   to ensure consistency in decision-making.               competitiveness would be lost if extended
as was a meeting last March when the          I would suggest that we require that                    to fourteen, fifteen or sixteen teams.
Uachtarán and I met with the Chairperson      at least two members of the outgoing
and Secretary of each committee to            committee be retained when these new                    It is regrettable that this issue has proved
establish the protocols and strategies that   committees are established. Indeed, it                  so divisive. There are valid arguments on
would direct the work of each group. The      is a principle that could be established                both sides of the debate. I can appreciate
terms of reference of each committee          to good effect on all our committees.                   that there are benefits for the stronger
were revised to meet current needs and                                                                counties in a top division of eight, but
goals, and were co-ordinated to meet the                                                              the structure of two divisions of six
requirements of the 2015-2017 Strategic       Review of Structure of                                  seems to provide the best opportunity
Plan. This work was helped by a report on a   All-Ireland Senior Hurling                              to help a few more counties reach the
review undertaken in late 2014 by Deloitte,   Championship and National                               elite level. It does mean that some
at the request of our Audit Committee,        League                                                  counties that believe they belong in the
into our Committee Governance and                                                                     top tier are being asked to accept what
Structures. The report issued twenty-         2016 is the final year of the current                   is, for them, a less than ideal structure
seven recommendations in areas of             structure of the Allianz Hurling League                 in order to assist in the long-term
committee activity such as structure, terms   and the All-Ireland senior hurling                      development of hurling. It is a debate
of reference, committee effectiveness,        championships. It was right to review                   that is likely to continue for some time.
succession planning for committees,           the structure of both in tandem. Once
and induction processes for new and           again, the issue relating to the number                 “ Twenty counties had made
re-appointed committee members.               of teams in and the structure of Division                 proposals on the structure of
Among the key recommendations were:           One of the Allianz Hurling League                         league and championship.
                                              proved quite divisive. A wide range                       Where the All-Ireland senior
• the need to review succession               of proposals were received covering                       hurling championship was
  arrangements for committees                 all divisions. These advocated several                    concerned, it was the view of
  so as to avoid corporate memory             variations within Division One, among                     most that the present system
  loss and to improve continuity              which were two groups of six, seven and                   should be retained.”
  of committee membership;                    eight; there was also a proposal for one
                                              group of eight and one of seven. CCCC
• the ongoing need to evaluate the number     presented a strong case in support of the
  and size of committees;                     view that groups of six – with quarter-
                                              finals – have benefited hurling, arguing
                                              that such a structure has created an
An Chomhdháil Bhliantúil 2016 - 2015 Tuarascáil an Ard Stiúrthóra GAA Annual Congress - Mayo Club 51
Tuarascáil An Ard Stiúrthóra

Beyond the discussion on the Division         the weekend after the final round of           improve Gaelic football brought some
One structure, Central Council                games. The momentum of the final               interesting proposals to the November
made some adjustments to the                  round would, hopefully, carry through          meeting of Central Council, including a
structure of Division Three and to            to the finals and would free up valuable       limited use of the mark. It also presented a
the process for deciding promotion            time for the playing of club games.            programme of work for 2016 that includes
and relegation. Time will tell whether                                                       experimenting with placing a limitation on
these changes prove to be positive.                                                          the number of successive hand-passes.
                                              The State of Gaelic Football                   It would be wrong to respond in knee-
The review of the All-Ireland senior                                                         jerk fashion to the current emphasis on
hurling championship was much less            While attendances at football matches          defensive play, and we must never forget
contentious. Twenty counties had made         remained healthy, criticism of the             that the playing of a team field game
proposals on the structure of league and      current manner and style of, and tactical      such as Gaelic football is a dynamic and
championship. Where the All-Ireland senior    approach to, playing the game continued        evolving affair, one, therefore, subject
hurling championship was concerned,           in 2015. There are concerns about the          to permanent innovation and change
it was the view of most that the present      perceived negativity of football today,        as coaches seek to develop new tactics
system should be retained. Galway had         often expressed in apocalyptic predictions     to win matches and outmanoeuvre
proposed an open draw rather than a           about the ‘death’ of football due to the       opponents. That said, it certainly makes
provincial-based system, but accepted         ultra-defensive approach of teams.             sense to look at ways of making our
that the consensus was that the current       However, it is important to keep a sense       games a more attractive spectacle.
structure should be retained. It was agreed   of perspective and proportion. When
that Central Council will recommend the       one looks at films of major games from         Every year, it takes but a single one-sided
present system in a motion to Congress        the past, one sees that our current elite      result in the provincial championships to
2016 and that any proposals for minor         players are fitter, more skilful and more      spark a demand for an overhaul of the
amendments from counties could be             creative than at any time in the history of    structure of the provincial and All-Ireland
addressed through individual motions.         the game. It is also the case that the level   football championships. In 2015, Dublin’s
                                              of scoring is higher than it has ever been,    easy victory over Longford in the Leinster
                                              that there has been a drop in the number       senior football championship was the
                                              of fouls committed and cards shown, and        signal for the criticism of the provincial
The Allianz Football Leagues
                                              that the quality of long-range point-          structure to begin. Coiste Bainistíochta
The 2015 Allianz Football Leagues             taking in this year’s All-Ireland senior       invited counties to make submissions
proved to be extremely competitive            championship was exceptionally high.           on a revised structure, from which a few
and drew good crowds to the regular                                                          points clearly emerged. There was little
programme of games in all divisions.          Given these positive features of the           appetite for removing or downgrading
It is clear that counties attach great        current game, it was all the more              the provincial championships, nor was
significance to retaining or improving        surprising to hear calls for the removal       there a consensus on how the present
their league divisional status, manifested    of the black card. I repeat the arguments      championship model might be improved.
in the increasing intensity with which        I put forward in my report to Congress         There was recognition that there are
the competition is played from year to        2014. There, I expressed the view that         some counties that cannot realistically
year. The final Sunday in each division is    teams that played football in the correct      aspire to winning either a provincial or
generally quite dramatic; however, the        spirit had nothing to fear from the            an All-Ireland title, yet no suggested
intensity seems to diminish when the          introduction of the black card, that there     amendments to the current structure
semi-finals and finals of each division       was some inconsistency in the application      offer credible solutions to address this
are played, and especially so in Division     of the rule by referees, and that work         situation. After a lengthy period of
One. The obvious solution to this issue –     remains to be done in communicating the        consultation, three proposals on the
that the team with most points wins the       precise nature of black-card offences to       restructuring of the championship were
league – would free up some additional        spectators. There is still work to be done     put before the 16 January 2016 meeting
weekends/Sundays for club matches,            in each of these areas, but instances of       of Central Council, and the preferred
but the financial benefit of these extra      players being dragged to the ground are        option from these goes before Congress
games is attractive to counties. While        now rare, while the body-collide, an ugly      for consideration, along with motions
I understand the criticism of the play-       and destructive foul that marred the           from Ros Comáin and Ceatharlach.
off aspect of the leagues, there does         game, has been virtually eradicated.
not appear to be a desire to dispense
with finals. However, I think we ought to     It remains the case, however, that             Playing our games fairly
give serious consideration to dropping        spectators are often frustrated by the
the semi-finals in Division One and           use of a ‘blanket defence’. The Standing       It is a matter of regret that, in 2015,
to playing the finals of all divisions on     Committee on the Playing Rules to              the term ‘sledging’ was invoked with

An Chomhdháil Bhliantúil 2016 - 2015 Tuarascáil an Ard Stiúrthóra GAA Annual Congress - Mayo Club 51
Tuarascáil An Ard Stiúrthóra

greater regularity than ever before in          negative behaviour is to focus on displays   bringing the player to account. When
conversations about Gaelic games. Many          of sportsmanship. It is too early to judge   the injured player, along with officials
would say that verbal intimidation has          whether their campaign has had an            from both counties who were present
always existed. What is different now,          impact. There were few initial signs of a    at the game, attended a CCCC meeting
though, is the allegation that some teams       change in behaviour, but it is encouraging   called to investigate the incidents prior
are engaging in nasty, personal abuse           that the players’ body is determined to      to throw-in at the game, nobody could
on a systematic basis. This is a breach of      create the right playing environment         (or would) provide any information
rules that is difficult to deal with as, very   and playing philosophy in our games.         that would have allowed appropriate
often, offensive comments are made out                                                       disciplinary action to be taken. Given
of the hearing of match officials; in such      The blight of unsporting behaviour is        the unwillingness of either county to
cases, it becomes a matter of one player’s      not, of course, solely the responsibility    co-operate in identifying any of the guilty
word against another’s. Such behaviour          of players. Managers and coaches             parties, the only option available to CCCC
has no place in sport and reflects poorly       who encourage or ignore diving or            was the proposal of a fine, a penalty that
on those who indulge in it. Ultimately,         verbal abuse of opponents also have          was subsequently imposed at a hearing.
it is our players who are best placed to        a responsibility. And it is important to
eliminate it. In this context, the launch in    remind ourselves that this behaviour is      It will probably be considered naïve on
July of the GPA Fair Play Campaign, aimed       not confined to the inter-county game;       my part to criticise the position taken by
at encouraging and rewarding good               there is adequate anecdotal evidence to      the counties, but the misguided loyalty
on-field behaviour among inter-county           suggest that initiatives to rid ourselves    that protects players who engage in
players, was most welcome. Consultation         of this behaviour need to extend to          violent behaviour on the pitch can only be
with the GPA membership had revealed            club level too. The vast majority of         seen, by those concerned with the good
a concern among players at the rise in          players, officials and supporters want       of the game, as a failure of leadership.
                                                our games to be played in accordance         Group solidarity is one thing; a code of
“ The vast majority of players,                 with the values of our Association. If       silence that condones violence is quite
  officials and supporters want our             we need to change our rules in order         another. And this is not just an issue for
  games to be played in accordance              to achieve this, then we should do so.       the counties involved in this incident.
  with the values of our Association.                                                        While a county may be pleased at avoiding
  If we need to change our rules                One of the most disappointing events         the consequences of ill-disciplined
  in order to achieve this, then we             of the past year arose from incidents in     behaviour, the reputation of the GAA
  should do so.”                                an Armagh v Dublin challenge match           suffers on such occasions. Moreover, a
                                                in early July. Dublin footballer Davy        very negative message is sent to clubs
incidents of verbal abuse and at a general      Byrne received nasty facial injuries, an     and players at all levels about the need for
breakdown in sporting play as it relates to     incident which, it would appear, led to      discipline in the playing of our games. Is
the dishonest winning of frees, to diving       a brawl involving a number of players,       it really too much to expect that a player
and to feigning injury. Efforts to deceive      and which led also to Davy Byrne being       or official in these situations will stand
referees are now much too common in             hospitalised. The efforts of CCCC to         up and say, ‘Sorry, I did it and I accept the
our games, notably in football. It is this      investigate the matter followed an all       consequences’? We have all witnessed
unsporting behaviour that led the GPA           too depressing pattern. Even though          how elite professional sport has lost much
to establish a Fair Play Awards scheme,         the name of the player alleged to have       of its integrity through a loss of genuine
which rewards players for positive actions,     been responsible for Davy Byrne’s injury     sporting values. Codes of silence and
in the belief that the most effective way       was in general circulation, no assistance    cover-ups remind us that Gaelic games
of tackling and isolating the issue of          was forthcoming from the counties in         are not immune to such damage.

An Chomhdháil Bhliantúil 2016 - 2015 Tuarascáil an Ard Stiúrthóra GAA Annual Congress - Mayo Club 51
Tuarascáil An Ard Stiúrthóra

                                                                                        20 September 2015; Michael Foley, Kerry, in
                                                                                        action against Tadhg Fitzgerald, Tipperary.
                                                                                        Electric Ireland GAA Football All-Ireland Minor
                                                                                        Championship Final, Kerry v Tipperary, Croke
                                                                                        Park, Dublin.

                                         Our Disciplinary Structure
                                                                                       is simple: a wrong decision in no way
“ This disciplinary system is very       In 2015 the decisions of the Central          indicates an inadequate structure. Let
  fair to the player, allowing him       Hearings Committee to clear Kevin Keane       me explain our disciplinary process again.
  every opportunity to have his case     to play in the Mayo v Dublin All-Ireland      The Competitions Control Committee
  dealt with fairly. It also reduces     senior football championship semi-            proposes a penalty, which is either
  the likelihood of an injustice being   final, and of the DRA to clear Diarmuid       accepted or rejected. If it is rejected,
  done to a player. A statistical        Connolly to play in the replay of that        a hearing is granted. The Hearings
  analysis of the decisions emerging     drawn game, led to calls to abandon           Committee (decision-makers) either
  from this system confirms that it      our disciplinary structures, and to the       imposes a penalty or exonerate, based on
  works well.”                           familiar refrain of ‘they are not fit for     evidence presented during the hearing.
                                         purpose’. Much of the commentary              If a penalty is imposed by the Hearings
                                         came from individuals who, as is often        Committee, and the defending party is
                                         the case, clearly didn’t understand how       not willing to accept the imposed penalty,
                                         these structures operate, but one would       an appeal can be lodged with and heard
                                         have expected more from some of our           by the Appeals Committee. If the appeal
                                         own members who should have been              is unsuccessful, the penalty remains and
                                         capable of distinguishing fact from           all avenues of appeal within the GAA are,
                                         fiction. For my part, I do not believe that   at this point, exhausted. (The appeal can
                                         there is any fundamental weakness in our      be successful only where there has been
                                         disciplinary structures. I may have been      a clear infringement or misapplication of
                                         surprised by the decisions announced          Rule by the Hearings Committee, or where
                                         in the specific cases mentioned, just         the appellant’s right to a fair hearing has
                                         as I have often been surprised, as we         otherwise been compromised to such an
                                         all have been, by decisions made by           extent that a clear injustice has occurred).
                                         disciplinary bodies outside of the GAA,       However, if the defending party is still not
                                         and even by the courts. But we are            willing to accept the imposed penalty, a
                                         surprised in these cases only because         request for arbitration may be lodged to
                                         we are not privy to the debate or to          the DRA (Disputes Resolution Authority),
                                         considerations taken into account in          which represents an external independent
                                         reaching a decision. And, sometimes,          body and whose decisions are binding.
                                         too, decision-makers, as fallible human
                                         beings, will just get it wrong. The lesson

Tuarascáil An Ard Stiúrthóra
 6 September 2015; Ger Aylward, Kilkenny, in
 action against Daithi Burke, Galway. GAA Hurling
 All-Ireland Senior Championship Final, Kilkenny v
 Galway, Croke Park, Dublin.

This disciplinary system is very fair to the          This is not to say, as in every aspect     burnout, and a fi xtures calendar that
player, allowing him every opportunity               of GAA work, that there are not things      does not provide club players with a fair
to have his case dealt with fairly. It also          that we can do better. We need to focus     schedule of matches. Beginning with the
reduces the likelihood of an injustice               on the education of members of our          Competitions Review Task Force Report
being done to a player. A statistical                disciplinary bodies at every level and      in 2004, and continuing through another
analysis of the decisions emerging from              to devise an education programme            seven major reports, the Association
this system confirms that it works well. In          that will be an annual requirement for      has investigated, discussed and made
the past five years (2011-2015), the CCCC            members of committees. Members              proposals to address the overtraining,
has proposed 1,132 penalties arising                 must be fully familiar with the rules       burnout and fi xtures questions,
from inter-county games. Arising from                in the Official Guide, not an easy          but without, for all that, adopting
this, 146 players have sought hearings in            objective to realise. Our rule book is      solutions to the difficult problems that
order to challenge proposed penalties.               complex, which underlines the need          these inter-related issues pose.
In 50 instances, the proposed penalty                to educate those who are overseeing
has been overturned. Three cases have                the implementation of the rules. It is a    In my Annual Report to Congress 2015
gone all the way to the DRA. In only one             task that should probably be overseen       I wrote that the findings and proposals
of those cases over the past five years              by our Rules Advisory Committee, with       of these reports contained within them
– that of Diarmuid Connolly in 2015 –                the organisation of courses resting         viable solutions to the overtraining,
has the penalty been overturned. From                with the Provincial Councils. None of       player-burnout and fi xtures-scheduling
the outcry that greeted the decision in              these proposals suggests a need for         problems. I promised in my Annual Report
the Diarmuid Connolly case, one might                structural change; they merely stress       to produce, later in 2015, a paper that
conclude that players are routinely going            the need to ensure that our relevant        would ‘draw on all of these proposals and
to the DRA to have penalties lifted. The             committees are properly equipped to         allow the Association to decide how it
facts tell us otherwise. Commentators                make decisions consistent with our rules.   will address these player-welfare issues
were entitled to question the DRA                                                                and the needs of club players’. That
decision in respect of Diarmuid Connolly                                                         paper was duly circulated as a discussion
(although one wonders if the outcry                  Player overtraining and                     document in November and offered a
would have been as great if the player               burnout, and our fixtures                   number of proposals drawn from the
was someone other than Diarmuid                      calendar                                    eight previously published reports. The
Connolly), but it was nothing less than                                                          report was made available to every unit of
lazy headline-seeking commentary to                  Since 2004 the GAA has made a               the Association and meetings were held
use this to suggest that our disciplinary            number of attempts to address the           with county officers in each province.
structures are not fit for purpose.                  issues of player overtraining and

Tuarascáil An Ard Stiúrthóra

                                                                                                21 November 2015; Bernard Brogan, left, and Eoin
                                                                                                Doyle, right, Ireland, celebrate with supporters after
                                                                                                the game. EirGrid International Rules Test 2015,
                                                                                                Ireland v Australia. Croke Park, Dublin.

I hope that all delegates will read the          2016 only 2,991 boys sitting the Leaving       Leinster (the first round) and Ulster (the
discussion paper carefully before making         Certificate would be eligible to play at       preliminary round) and in the first week
decisions that will have a major impact          U-17 inter-county level (i.e. are U-16         of July in Connacht and Munster, with
on the Association, our players and clubs.       or U-17), while 16,366 boys are eligible       the All-Ireland Final taking place on the
Without re-stating all of the arguments          to play on an U-18 inter-county minor          August Bank Holiday weekend. Under
outlined in the discussion document, I           team (i.e. are U-17 or U-18). In addition,     the rules, all games will finish on the
would like to remind everyone of the two         minor (U-17) inter-county competitions         day – there will be no replays. Extra time,
key issues that need to be addressed:            would not affect the playing of adult club     if inconclusive, would be followed by a
                                                 fixtures as U-17 players are not permitted     ‘sudden death’ free-taking competition.
• (i) at certain times of the year, talented     to play in adult club competitions.            Eligibility would be restricted to those
  players in the 17-21 age-group are                                                            players who are overage for U-18 and
  being asked to train too much, to play         The discussion paper also proposed             eligible for U-20; players who have
  too many matches for too many teams,           that the U-21 football championship be         featured on a team list submitted to
  and are afforded too little time for rest      discontinued on the basis that the elite       a referee for an inter-county senior
  and recovery, leading to significant           U-21 footballer would no longer have           championship game in the current
  physical and psychological strains, and        the added pressure of training for and         year will be ineligible to participate.
  a negative impact on the academic              playing in, simultaneously, third-level
  performance of players at second               championships, at inter-county U-21 level      This proposal, with its eligibility
  and post-second-level education;               and, in some instances, at senior level. The   restrictions, will have several beneficial
                                                 proposal aimed to reduce the negative          effects: (i) it will meet the player-
• (ii) the great majority of club players,       effects on their academic performance          development need for an inter-county
  specifically those not involved in inter-      and on their physical and psychological        championship to bridge the gap between
  county teams, are not offered a fair,          wellbeing, and would have had the effect       U-17 and senior competition; (ii) it will
  evenly distributed and planned schedule        of substantially reducing the surfeit of       avoid the simultaneous and intense
  of club matches throughout the year            competitions in the January-April period,      pressures on players of coping with
  due to the scheduling of inter-county          thus reducing the levels of training and       inter-county U-21 competition and
  fixtures, and, more generally, due to          number of matches imposed on young             preparing for and sitting vital school or
  the greater influence that inter-county        elite players. As a consequence of this        college examinations; (iii) it will end the
  competitions have come to enjoy                proposed change, the chances of young          clash between third-level, senior and
  and exercise in recent years. This is a        players experiencing overtraining,             U-21 competitions; (iv) it will reduce the
  source of great frustration to clubs.          overuse injury and, ultimately, burnout        surfeit of competitions in the January-
                                                 would have been minimised.                     April period, and therefore the burden
The discussion paper argued that the task                                                       of too much training and too many
facing us is twofold: (i) to significantly       Valuable feedback was obtained from            matches for young elite players; (v) it
ease the burden on young elite players by        the consultations with counties and            will have no impact on the playing of
providing a more measured progression            provinces. As a result of that engagement,     minor club competitions; and (vi) it
of training and playing for them, taking         amendments have been made to three             will have minimal impact on adult club
account of their age and development; (ii)       of the original proposals to go before         championships, few of which games
to develop a revised calendar of fixtures in     this Congress for decision. First, there       are played during June and July ; and
which a better balance between inter-            was a widespread concern at the gap            (vii) it will allow the U-20 championship
county and club fixtures is established.         that would be created in an elite football     to be played in better weather.
                                                 player’s development pathway by ending
In relation to the first of these points,        age-based inter-county competition             Overall, moving to a structure of U-17
the discussion paper proposed that, at           at U-17. This has led to the revised           and U-20 competitions as outlined here
inter-county level only, the minor (i.e. U-18)   proposal to create a developmental U-20        would represent a significant step in
hurling and football competitions be             competition that would eliminate some          addressing the pressures facing talented
re-graded as minor U-17. If passed, it will      of the difficulties currently facing elite     footballers in the 17-21 age-group. Under
mean that the elite U-17 player would be         players in the U-21 grade. The revised         these revised proposals, a relatively small
able to play at inter-county minor level         proposal envisages a new U-20 football         number of (U-17) players would play
(U-17) in a year when he is less likely to be    championship, starting in 2018 and to be       inter-county minor football in the year
sitting life-defining Leaving Certificate/A-     played primarily in July. The competition      when they sit Leaving Certificate/A-level
level examinations. For example, in              would begin in the last week of June in        examinations, and when most do sit
Tuarascáil An Ard Stiúrthóra
                                                                                                    LEFT: 21 November 2015; David Mundy, Australia, in action
                                                                                                    against Jack McCaffrey, Ireland. EirGrid International Rules
                                                                                                    Test 2015, Ireland v Australia. Croke Park, Dublin.

                                                                                                    “ For the last two years the
                               21 November 2015;                                                      International Rules encounter has
                           Michael Quinn, Ireland,
                             in action against Nick
                                                                                                      been a one-game competition,
                                Riewoldt, Australia.                                                  so devised to see if it could meet
                         Ireland v Australia. Croke
                                      Park, Dublin.
                                                                                                      these necessary standards.”

these examinations (U-18), they would                  for some of our less successful counties.    Council. They suggested a re-launch
be playing with their clubs only. As U-19              I recognise that some of the changes         of the Interprovincials as a weekend
and U-20 players, when the majority of                 proposed, particularly the replacement,      competition played over two days in a
this age-group attend college, they can                at inter-county level, of minor U-18 by      town or city with a strong GAA base,
play in an All-Ireland U-20 championship               minor U-17, and the discontinuation          supported by live night-time television
without the pressure of playing in and                 of the U-21 football inter-county            coverage and as part of a well-promoted
training for, simultaneously, third-level              championship, may prove difficult for        weekend mini-festival, aimed particularly
championships, at inter-county U-21                    some to accept. Yet we have reached a        at younger audiences. Free admission
level and, in some instances, at senior                stage in our competition structures where    should also be considered. Central
level. While a smaller number of players               something has to give, and, as I stated in   Council discussed the recommendations
eligible for the new U-20 category will                the discussion document, I believe that      at a meeting in June 2014 and, although
potentially be Leaving Certificate or                  tradition and precedence are insufficient    the then-Uachtarán, Liam Ó Néill, and
A-level students, the competitions would               arguments for resisting change in the        I expressed a contrary view, gave its
not start until after the examinations                 face of the challenge to our values posed    support to the FRC proposal. It was
period (the last week in June for a small              by the issues of player welfare and the      subsequently decided that Ulster would
number of counties and the first week                  denial of fair competitive activity to our   host the 2015 football competition, with
in July for most), a period currently                  club players. We must take action as part    Connacht taking responsibility for the
used to complete our inter-county                      of the necessary process of adaptation       hurling equivalent. Enthusiasm for the
provincial minor championships.                        to which a vibrant organisation must         idea of a weekend mini-festival, however,
                                                       be open, an openness that, in the past,      seemed to dissolve very quickly. In the
The second concern expressed during                    has been one of the GAA’s strengths.         absence of any more suitable date,
the consultation with counties related to                                                           both competitions were scheduled for
the abolition of all replays in provincial                                                          December 2015. Weather conditions led
and All-Ireland senior championship                    Interprovincial                              to their postponement. But, in any case,
games. While there was an acceptance                   Championships                                given the number of elite players who had
of the impact of replays in provincial and                                                          already indicated their non-availability,
All-Ireland senior championship games                  In 2012 Central Council spent an             the signs for a renewal of public interest
on club championship programmes,                       inordinate amount of time discussing         were not good. Maybe now is the time
there was also a strongly expressed view               the future of the Interprovincial            to accept the inevitable: our crowded
that finals should be excluded from the                championships. A committee, under the        playing calendar and a lack of interest
proposal. There is no doubt that the                   chairmanship of Jarlath Burns, produced      among players and the public tell us that
opposition to the original proposal was                a report laying out the options for the      the competitions have no viable future.
partly dictated by financial concerns,                 staging of the competitions. Despite
but there was also a sentiment that the                abundant evidence that the public had
status of provincial and All-Ireland finals            little interest in the competitions, the     International Rules
merits a replay when the first game ends               enthusiasm of Central Council members
in a draw. The revised proposal leaves                 for them remained undiminished. The          I wrote last year that the criteria for
open the possibility of a replay on nine               familiar arguments for the case to           evaluating whether the International
occasions after drawn games, whereas,                  revive and renew the competitions were       Rules Series should continue would be
currently, there is potential for a replay on          brought to bear: play them over a single     the interest levels of players (in Ireland
fifty-four occasions after drawn provincial            weekend, launch a major marketing            and Australia), the engagement of the
and senior championship games.                         campaign, let spectators in without          public in both countries and the ability
                                                       an admission charge, etc. Following          of the teams to produce a high-quality
Finally, the counties in Britain were                  that Central Council debate, however,        match, free from over-physical play.
unhappy with the proposal to abolish the               the cold truth made itself known:
All-Ireland Junior Football championship               the 2013 competitions (six games)            For the last two years the International
which, for most of their counties, is                  attracted total gate receipts of €12,220,    Rules encounter has been a one-game
the only opportunity to compete for                    a figure that fell to €7,126 in 2014.        competition, so devised to see if it could
an All-Ireland title. A motion has been                                                             meet these necessary standards. In Perth
drafted for Congress that meets their                  The Football Review Committee (FRC)          in 2014, and in Croke Park last November,
need in this regard and that also has the              offered a further kiss of life in 2014 in    it was clear that, based on these measures
potential to meet a developmental need                 the second part of its report to Central     of success, the Series certainly does have
23 August 2015; A young Tyrone fan. GAA Football All-
Ireland Senior Championship, Semi-Final, Kerry v Tyrone.
Croke Park, Dublin.
Tuarascáil An Ard Stiúrthóra
                               7 January 2015; Dublin supporters make their
                               way to Parnell Park. Bord na Mona O’Byrne Cup,
                               Group A, Round 2, Dublin v Offaly, Parnell Park,
Tuarascáil An Ard Stiúrthóra

a future. I would like to pay tribute to Joe    • All of us have a responsibility to try to do    competence is called into question in
Kernan and his team, outsiders on the             things better in the future. We need to         a very public manner. Players have the
morning of the game, for overcoming               remember that our players are amateur,          comfort and protection of being part
what was possibly the strongest                   that they make a free choice to play            of a large team group; team managers
Australian team yet assembled for the             our games and that they can walk away           (and their families) are alone in facing
Series, and for doing so with a display of        at any time. They are not contracted            the public challenge to the individual
traditional catching and kicking that did         and, as a result, are entirely free to          reputation of the team manager,
much to restore belief in the basic skills of     leave panels if and when they so decide.        causing them considerable stress and
our own game. The result will have hurt           Whereas a professional player has to            some humiliation. Calling publicly for
the Australians’ pride, which sharpens            make the best of any dissatisfaction            the resignation of a team manager
our anticipation of the 2016 Series.              with a team manager, our players can            should be an act of last resort.
                                                  simply withdraw their services. There
We have held initial discussions with             is nothing we can do about that.               There are, I believe important lessons
the AFL on the possibility of playing a                                                          to be learned from what happened
future Series in a neutral country, and         • Players are entitled to expect that            in Mayo and Galway. Both Central
further discussions are planned for this          they will be given the means to realise        Council and the GPA are committed
spring. We have agreed, subject to the            their full potential, as individual            to developing a process that will make
approval of Central Council, that there           players and as members of teams,               similar events less likely in the future.
should be a Series next November; it              and that County Committees will                And there is a willingness on the part of
remains to be decided whether it will be          provide the optimal resources they             Central Council and the GPA to assist in
held in Australia or in a neutral country.        can afford to achieve this. They can           resolving problems; such interventions,
                                                  also expect that team managements              indeed, have been extremely useful
                                                  will provide the coaching and man-             on a number of occasions.
                                                  management skills necessary to cope
Relationships between players
                                                  with diverse talents and personalities.
and County Committees
                                                                                                 Third-level competitions
The issues that arose in Mayo and               • Administrators have a responsibility
Galway in the final months of the year            to ensure that a forum exists in which         In previous reports I have commented on
drew a weary response from (and sense             an ongoing and open dialogue takes             the place of third-level colleges within
of déjà vu among) many people. It was             place between county officials, team           the GAA and have noted the indifference
the now-familiar procedure of players             managements and players. Where that            of some county officials to the third-level
calling for the removal of managers               honest interaction takes place, difficulties   contribution to the Association. There
or management and the inevitable                  can be addressed before they create            is a recurring demand that third-level
melodrama that has to be played out,              a state of crisis. The County Teams            competitions should be completed
leading, inevitably, it seems, to the             Management and Panels Sub Committee,           before Christmas so that county senior
management team stepping down.                    required under rule, is intended to provide    and U-21 teams have exclusive access
Inevitable, too, is the aftermath of anger,       a forum for open dialogue. Its function        to players after Christmas for training
bitterness and broken friendships such            is to manage the relationships between         purposes. It was more than surprising to
upheavals produce. And it has yet to be           the County Committee, county senior            hear this argument repeated regularly
proven that such internal turmoil leaves          team managers and panels. However,             at the meetings to discuss the paper
teams in a stronger position to realise           it seems to me that its operation in           on player overtraining/burnout and
their goals. Further, these heaves against        many counties is dictated by a narrow          the GAA fixtures calendar, as it takes
management teams have an impact in                interpretation of its role and that it tends   no account of the challenges involved
other counties too, as they breed concern         to focus on day-to-day concerns relating       in third-level fixtures-making, not
among administrators that a similar               to the payment of expenses, travelling         to mention certain obvious facts.
situation could occur in their county. The        arrangements, meals, team weekends,
wider effect is to diminish trust between         holidays, etc. County Committees have          There is a very narrow period of time in
county administrators and the GPA,                a responsibility to broaden the scope          which to complete the programme of
creating an atmosphere in which many              of the work of this sub-committee and          third-level games. The academic year in
people are quick to attribute all blame,          to ensure that problems are identified         colleges begins in September, in some
unfairly, to the GPA. As ever in human            and addressed as quickly as possible.          cases early in the month, in others late
affairs, the truth is more complex than                                                          in the month. Some colleges hold their
that. Without revisiting what happened          • Players, too, need to consider how they        first-semester exams in December, while
in Mayo and Galway and commenting                 handle relationship problems with team         others hold them in January. This makes
directly on the breakdown in relationships        managements and to be aware of the             it impossible to play competitive games
that took placet there are some general           huge personal pressure and distress it         from early December to late January.
observations that can be made:                    creates for team managers when their           In 2015 the last of the seven Higher
Tuarascáil An Ard Stiúrthóra

                                                                                              21 January 2015; Supporters queue at the
                                                                                              turnstiles as they arrive in ahead of the game.
                                                                                              Dr. McKenna Cup Semi-Final, Cavan v Fermanagh.
                                                                                              Kingspan Breffni Park, Cavan.

Education senior football and hurling         Many good non-inter-county players             representatives are fully cognisant of
league finals was played on 3 December        enjoyed representing 45 colleges and 218       their obligations under the Association’s
and the first game in their championships     teams in the 2015/16 competitions and          Anti-Doping Rules’. Following this
was scheduled for 26 January 2016. The        value the opportunity to improve their         recommendation, a series of measures
reason for the eight-week gap is to allow     standard of play through participation         were put in place to improve the existing
students to sit examinations without          at this representative level. As I have        provisions and to increase awareness in
the pressure of competitive games. It         stated before, third-level colleges            the Association of anti-doping rules and
is unfair to expect colleges to complete      should not have to defend their efforts        policies, as well as of their importance in
the Sigerson, Fitzgibbon and other            to promote their games against those           player welfare and in ensuring fair play in
competitions before Christmas and, in         whose concern does not extend beyond           our games. Among the steps taken were:
effect, to confine third-level competition    the requirements of the inter-county
to a period from early October to the         game. On the contrary, they should have        • a review of all anti-doping material on
end of November. There is no doubt that       the support of administrators at all levels,     the GAA website;
some colleges contribute to the player        who should appreciate the important
overtraining and burnout. But so do many      contribution that the third-level sector       • the implementation of new
counties. It is valid to criticise colleges   has made to the growth of the GAA.               communications protocols to ensure
where it is justified, but let us make an                                                      that all players on county panels are
effort to understand why Comhairle                                                             made aware of their responsibilities
Ardoideachais cannot complete their           Anti-Doping                                      with regard to anti-doping and testing;
competitions before Christmas.
                                              It was disappointing that an inter-county      • the launch of an information and
I have made these same points before,         panellist had to be suspended in 2015 for        awareness campaign by our Medical,
but my comments have fallen on                a breach of our Anti-Doping Rules. While         Scientific and Welfare Committee;
deaf ears. We should acknowledge              our existing provisions to educate players
the contribution that this sector has         did receive considerable praise from           • an increased focus on the education
made towards the development of               the Anti-Doping Hearings Committee               of Talent Academy squads;
our games in several important areas          which heard the case, a review of our
– in the raising of playing standards,        Anti-Doping Education programme                • the development of a new induction
in the training of administrators,            was initiated following this suspension.         programme by the GPA for players
the provision of scholarships to elite        The committee, in its findings, had              new to the inter-county scene.
players and in the huge investment            urged the GAA to ‘intensify its work to
in our games and infrastructure.              ensure that all players, county officers,
                                              coaches, managers, medical and allied
                                              sports science personnel, and player

Tuarascáil An Ard Stiúrthóra
 15 February 2015; Liam Blanchfield,
 Bennettsbridge, in action against Simon
 Wallace, left, and Liam Knocker, Fullen Gaels.
 AIB GAA Hurling All-Ireland Junior Club
 Championship Final, Bennettsbridge v Fullen
 Gaels, Croke Park, Dublin.

It is important to emphasise that all             their support personnel and our team and       praise for their emphasis on the basic
GAA players, and not only inter-county            training structures. In an ideal world there   principle of ‘if in doubt, sit them out’.
players, are subject to the Irish Anti-           would be no need for such intrusions;
Doping Rules as adopted by Sport                  however, in the times in which we live,        Among the MSWC’s reasons for advising
Ireland (SI). But, of course, this is not         blood testing is a necessary component         against a temporary substitute in
just a matter of rules. We need to                in the endeavour to maintain the               our games are the following:
ensure that all players are aware of the          integrity of our games, which must take
dangers to their health of using banned           precedence over all other considerations.      • Our existing management guidelines
substances. If there was any complacency                                                           are clear in their insistence that a
in relation to drug use among players,                                                             player suspected of concussion should
the confirmation of a breach in 2015              Concussion                                       be removed from play and should not
has removed it. All of us have an                                                                  resume playing that day. A concussion
obligation to ensure that our games               Motion 13 at last year’s Congress                substitute and sideline assessment would
are not blighted by further breaches.             proposed the introduction of a temporary         contradict these guidelines, which are
                                                  substitute to allow a player suspected of        based on international best practice.
For the record, there were ninety-five            concussion to be removed from play on
tests carried out on our players in 2015          the instruction of the referee, to be tested   • The proposal to use a concussion
under the SI testing programme, with              for concussion and only to be allowed to         substitute presumes that concussion
players from twenty-six different hurling         return to play following a negative result       can be diagnosed within a short
and football panels being tested. As part         to the test. The motion was referred             timeframe. This is not in keeping
of our commitment to the maintenance of           to our Medical Scientific and Welfare            with best practice, which shows that
hurling and football as drug-free sports,         Committee WMSWC) for consideration,              symptoms of concussion can take
and having signed up to the provisions            which decided that such an approach              several hours or longer to present.
of the World Anti-Doping Agency, blood            would not be in the best interests of our
testing, as well as urine testing, will be        players or, indeed, the Association.           • Concussion is a brain injury and
introduced into Gaelic games in 2016.                                                              concussion diagnosis is a clinical
                                                  The committee, which includes medical            judgement. There is no test currently
We have worked closely with SI and the            experts from the GAA world such as Dr            available which is 100% accurate for
GPA on the introduction of this testing           Pat O’Neill (Dublin) and Dr Kevin Moran          pitch-side concussion assessment. The
programme. The programme that will                (Donegal), strongly believes that the            introduction of a concussion substitute
be rolled out – while meeting these               GAA’s current guidelines on concussion           would contradict best advice and
requirements – has been designed to               are the best approach to this issue –            would be impractical to implement
take careful consideration of the unique          indeed the guidelines have received              at all levels of the Association.
circumstances of our amateur players,             widespread acknowledgement and

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