Ambitious Marketers' Guide to Television - How to unify and optimize your audience across TV, CTV, and digital to drive growth - Amobee

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Ambitious Marketers' Guide to Television - How to unify and optimize your audience across TV, CTV, and digital to drive growth - Amobee
Guide to Television
How to unify and optimize your audience
across TV, CTV, and digital to drive growth
Ambitious Marketers' Guide to Television - How to unify and optimize your audience across TV, CTV, and digital to drive growth - Amobee
Ambitious Marketers’ Guide to Television



                     Intro.                Grow
Ambitious Marketers' Guide to Television - How to unify and optimize your audience across TV, CTV, and digital to drive growth - Amobee
Ambitious Marketers’ Guide to Television

Same Job, Different World:                                                                 So now what? How can you, a
                                                                                           TV-first marketer, solve this year’s
                                                                                                                                   Luckily, a flexible Upfronts paradigm
                                                                                                                                   is today’s new normal. More data-
The State of Television Advertising                                                        uncertainties and avoid the train
                                                                                           wrecks of last year? You need to
                                                                                                                                   informed negotiations between
                                                                                                                                   buyers and sellers encourages
                                                                                           re-engineer your approach to TV like    flexible deal terms so you can more
The Upfronts are here again. Your                 But we also saw more video being         your career depends on it. Because      effectively manage your portfolio and
job is the same and television is                 consumed across all screens than         it does.                                reallocate media commitments. This
still the most important screen in                ever before. Covid stay-at-home                                                  also enables new ways of getting
the house. But after the seismic                  orders increased TV viewing in all its   With 59% of linear TV buyers            past legacy roadblocks by adding
industry shift last year, the world has           forms by four hours a day, with seven    integrating CTV into their media        data and measurement solutions
changed. Advertisers experienced                  and a half hours spent on digital        strategies this year, now is the        to the TV planning and buying
rapid audience fragmentation over                 media. The streaming wars, now in        time to either take or defend           process for a holistic view of a single
the course of eight months that                   full effect as seen with the launch of   your brand’s market share. That         audience and proof of performance.
would normally have taken eight                   NBCU’s Peacock, Paramount+, and          can mean tackling cross-screen
years to mature. Pandemic prime-                  many others, accelerated connected       measurement issues, working             This Guide will show brand marketers
time ratings declined by 20-30%.                  TV (CTV) adoption by 81%. Direct-        through a lack of transparency          and TV advertisers three foundational
There was massive under-delivery                  sold and programmatic CTV now            in the ad buying process, or            steps on how to unify partnerships
of programming due to cancelled                   claim an $8.1 billion share of today’s   orchestrating your linear and digital   and audience investments, optimize
sports and special events, delays in              national advertising budgets—            buys with a focus on reach and          and complement linear TV and CTV
TV production, and a rare make good               compared to $60 billion spent on         frequency. Either way, adopting new     results, and apply new data-driven
inventory shortage that put many TV               linear TV—and industry analysts          tools and tactics now will create       technology to measure reach and
networks on the hook for cash-back                expect that number to reach $18.29       greater confidence and agility in the   track attribution so you can grow
payments to marketers. It was ugly.               billion by 2024.                         way forward.                            your business.

US Connected TV Ad Spending, 2019-2024
billions, % change, and % of total media ad spending

                                                                              $18.29                                                Amobee and Ipsos
Source: eMarketer
                                                                $16.34                                                              Research found that
                                                   $14.11                                                                           the majority of sellers
                                     $11.36                                                                                         have become more
                     $8.11            40.1%                                                   of broadcasters & media               flexible in their ad sales
    $6.38                                           24.2%                                     companies have initiated              terms and in moving
                     27.1%                                       15.8%         11.9%          new Upfront procedures                more inventory to
                                       4.2%         4.8%         5.1%
     2.6%             3.5%
                                                                                              because of Covid.                     programmatic channels.
    2019             2020             2021          2022         2023          2024
        Connected TV ad spending              % change      % of total media spending

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Ambitious Marketers' Guide to Television - How to unify and optimize your audience across TV, CTV, and digital to drive growth - Amobee
Ambitious Marketers’ Guide to Television

Ambitious Marketers’ Guide to Television

                                                                                        the Tier 1 broadcaster inventory that
Step 1: Unify                                                                           you already purchased—and can
                                                                                        see where and how your audience
                                                                                        consumes content—will you gain
                                                                                        greater insight into how to best          of advertisers want to make the
The start of the Upfronts means it’s       targeting methodologies can feel like        execute your fluidity and linear          most of their CTV/OTT inventory.

back to school for grownups with a         a 3D chess game. It takes more than          extension budgets.
new media budget and a big set of          just good faith and a little skill to win.
                                                                                        Unifying audiences is the first step to
new challenges you need to figure
out. Covid’s impact on advertisers         Even more challenging, traditional TV        being able to measure and optimize
highlighted that there are no              and CTV are still packaged together          toward more outcomes-based                want to make sure their digital
divisions between linear TV and CTV        but executed separately, leaving TV          marketing across all your buying          campaigns are complementary
households, and only through the           investors unable to maximize the             strategies, not just within the silo      to linear TV and direct-sold
unification of audiences can you           incremental value of their strategic         of a single broadcaster or media          campaigns so they can optimize
unlock greater flexibility for buying      investments across all buy types.            company. The secret is that the most      reach and frequency.
the very best of TV in all its forms.                                                   advanced advertisers are already          Source: Amobee/Advertiser Perceptions
                                           Heading into this year’s Upfronts,           doing this.
The good news is, with today’s             buyers and sellers need to
advanced TV targeting, you can             understand the unique strengths of
have your cake and eat it too.             different linear TV, CTV, and digital          Should the Upfronts and NewFronts merge?
That means centering campaigns             channels and how data-informed
around audience targets instead of         campaigns can work in tandem to                Now that streaming has become           But while the verdict is still out,
certain types of programming and           ignite performance across the entire           such a major part of the Upfronts,      research from Amobee and
combining the scale and reach of           spectrum of inventory.                         some industry leaders think             Advertiser Perceptions found that
linear TV with the targeting precision                                                    it’s finally time to merge with         80% of broadcasters and media
of CTV. Unifying audiences makes it        Data-driven technology enables                 the NewFronts, which launched           companies surveyed feel the
faster and easier to optimize across       you to understand the historical               in 2008 as a forum for media            Upfronts and NewFronts sales
all networks and formats for better        performance of your strategy across            companies to showcase their             processes should be merged
results with less duplication.             all broadcast partners for a clearer           digital content. IAB CEO David          and negotiated together. Point of
                                           picture of where you can layer linear          Cohen has been an advocate for          fact, Disney recently pulled Hulu
But going from planning and                TV investments with Tier 1 direct-             bringing the two events under a         inventory that was traditionally
buying based on age and gender             sold and programmatic in a way that            single tentpole. “Two bifurcated        sold at the NewFronts into its
to strategic target audiences is           is complementary, not duplicative.             marketplaces make no sense,”            Upfronts to enable greater
easier said than done. Working with                                                       Cohen told Ad Age.                      flexibility in its negotiations.
broadcasters, media companies, and         At the end of the day, flexibility and
programmatic partners to purchase          transparency across all media is key
in a reserved or bidded fashion            to superior portfolio management.
across a range of formats and              Only when you have X-ray vision into

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Ambitious Marketers’ Guide to Television

                                                         Unification Checklist:
                                                         What it looks like:
                                                         Increased control and flexibility over your media.


                                                         What to do:
                                                         •     Consolidate your data in-house, or with a
                                                               partner, and align your linear and digital
                                                               audiences with a cross-device data set.

                                                         •     Review the historical performance of
                                                               your strategy and capabilities across all
                                                               broadcaster and media partners.

                                                         •     Establish a baseline for your linear TV
                                                               investments and layer it with digital-
                                                               direct and programmatic CTV.
      At UM, we see the future of advertising as being   •     Find a vendor that can bring these
      a total video planning optimization platform             capabilities together to help you
                                                               maximize reach and control frequency
      with granular reporting by partner, network,             across all channels and screens.

      (and program) that can show how we deliver
      optimal reach within and across partners.

      Eileen Kiernan,
      Global CEO, UM Worldwide

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Ambitious Marketers’ Guide to Television

Ambitious Marketers’ Guide to Television

                                                                                     CTV, where viewership is up by 81%
Step 2: Optimize                                                                     and cord-cutters and cord-nevers
                                                                                     can be found in greater numbers than
                                                                                                                               Thinking about buying
                                                                                                                               more scatter this year?
                                                                                     anywhere else.
                                                                                                                               Whether you’ve committed 90% or
Now that you’ve secured your most           The key is being able to allocate        What’s more, your cost-per-target         10% of your national TV ad budget
coveted inventory and the money’s           your direct-sold and programmatic        will decrease. And for those with         to the Upfronts, it’s imperative that
on the table, how do you optimize all       CTV with greater flexibility and         more complex multi-brand portfolios       your Upfronts and scatter buys are
bets on your Upfront buys to ensure         speed against your linear TV with        to manage, data-driven processes          aligned. Research from Advertiser
you get the best outcomes possible          deduplicated reach and frequency.        can replace manual agency workflow        Perceptions found that advertisers
for your brand?                             Only then can you reallocate             for greater outcomes that free up         expect to allocate 57% of their TV
                                            spend, invest money where you            teams to focus on a higher order of       budgets to this year’s scatter market.
On average, most brand marketers’           make money, and use data to              strategic work.                           So buyer beware. There’s now cutting-
linear campaigns under-expose their         improve targeting.                                                                 edge reach forecasting technology
target audience and over-expose                                                      Illuminating cross-channel gaps and       available that enables you to optimize
heavy TV watchers. This leads to            So here’s the good news. TV planning     eliminating cross-channel overlaps        both your Upfront and scatter
dramatic gaps across your portfolio         and advertising technologies have        optimizes campaign performance            inventory together, whether that’s
that can drive your media budget into       finally caught up with better audience   and promotes greater confidence in        linear TV or Tier 1 direct-sold CTV.
the ground.                                 targeting. This means forecasting and    future investments.
                                            optimization strategies that reach
Without the right partnerships and          across all screens and platforms—
optimization tactics, you’re flying         holistically and simultaneously—for         Reach curve analysis from Amobee shows that linear TV scales the fastest
blind when it comes to discovering,         better performance across your              and direct-sold CTV, programmatic CTV, and digital can help your brand
mapping, and measuring the                  inventory and a hugely improved             gain incremental reach. Managing overlap can increase your performance.
interplay of media buys across all          customer experience.
channels and networks. You need
to be able to look across your full         Driving reach that is incremental to
portfolio of inventory and re-work          linear helps you manage audiences
how you want to optimize that media         across all networks and formats
on a regular basis.                         for better results and less overlap        Reach
                                            of linear TV and CTV. This helps
With limited visibility into performance,   you find the optimal allocation
you’re at risk of damaging your brand       for the most efficient use of your
and wasting impressions on targets          campaign budget.
you don’t care about hitting. It’s also
harder to reduce make good inventory        Converged planning and optimization
or drive on-target reach to your linear     also helps you tactically supplement               Linear    Direct-Sold CTV    Programmatic CTV     Digital Video/Social
TV investments.                             campaigns with frequency controlled

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Ambitious Marketers’ Guide to Television

                                                                Optimization Checklist:
                                                                What it looks like:
                                                                Easier and faster allocation across channels.

                                                                June (mid-Upfronts)

                                                                What to do:
                                                                •     Figure out budget allotments across
                                                                      specific broadcaster/media companies.

                                                                •     Run different allocation scenarios per
                                                                      each commitment.

                                                                •     Establish reach and frequency goals
                                                                      within each broadcaster/media partner.

                                                                •     Don’t forget, the scatter market will sell
                                                                      out quickly, so plan ahead.
      Audience-based buying and CTV are complements
                                                                •     Optimize holistically across your entire
      to today’s linear TV. The industry is changing rapidly          portfolio to justify spend.
      and it’s important to evolve the currencies. We need to
      allow digital practices into the linear TV environment
      for the best of both worlds. No longer should linear
      and digital be planned and executed in silos.

      Laura Nelson,
      SVP, Ad Products & Enablement, Disney Advertising Sales

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Ambitious Marketers’ Guide to Television

Ambitious Marketers’ Guide to Television

                                                                                   and reliable and accurate TV and
Step 3: Grow                                                                       digital reporting insights, you’re able
                                                                                   to see—for the first time—if your
                                                                                                                             What’s the deal with
                                                                                                                             ACR data?
                                                                                   unified campaigns delivered what
                                                                                   was forecasted. That way, you can         Automatic content recognition
Measurement is how we all keep             One of the setbacks to more             finally measure broadcaster deals         (ACR) data recognizes content
our jobs. So listen up. Marketers          advanced measurement has been           and digital investments together          played on a media device or in a
can’t drive growth for their brands        a lack of alignment across teams,       and highlight the success of your         media file. ACR data from smart
without measuring the efficacy of          partnerships, and inventory sources.    converged campaigns.                      TVs is an accurate and verified way
their advertising. Plain and simple.       As long as the ad industry lacks                                                  for networks and advertisers to
Except it really isn’t. The calculus of    a common language and shared            This kind of visibility tells you         measure consumers’ connected TV
measurement is complex and most            definitions for campaign KPIs—such      which of your media impressions           viewing behaviors. This powerful
marketers struggle to demonstrate          as awareness and brand lift—            were the most on-target and in-           data source enables you to more
the impact of their advertising across     advertisers face an uphill battle.      frequency versus which ones you           clearly understand audience
all screens, including the big one.                                                need to course-correct. It also           demographics and where and
                                           However, measurement and                enables more creative testing             how often you reached your target
Today’s level of extreme audience          attribution innovations are quickly     and strategic iteration to analyze        audience versus the total media
fragmentation requires a consistent        paving the way for greater visibility   media performance and drive more          they consumed.
measurement yardstick that can             and accountability across all types     efficient outcomes.
extend across TV in all its forms and      of media, no matter how fragmented.
then tie back to granular reporting        This ensures that your ad dollars       The decisions you make now will
insights on how your campaigns             are working hard, and strategically,    determine the success and growth
are performing. A full view of all         across all of your media investments.   of your business this year and into
audience targets enables you to                                                    the future. Only when you can unify,
take advantage of real-time, in-flight     Emerging technology platforms can       optimize, and grow the impact of
decisioning tools so you can finally       help you get past the linear TV and     your media investments across linear
measure by device, network, and            cross-screen blindspots that were       TV, CTV, and digital have you truly
inventory type.                            previously holding you back and         harnessed the power and potential of                     73%
                                           causing friction between TV and         TV in all its forms.
But as the convergence of TV               digital teams.
and digital accelerates, industry
                                                                                                                             73% of advertisers are increasingly
reporting standards have not evolved       More holistic measurement reporting
                                                                                                                             requesting cross-screen
at the same rate as audience growth.       gives you the tools to achieve
                                                                                                                             measurement and attribution
Many advertisers find themselves           deduplicated reach and frequency
                                                                                                                             capabilities from their broadcaster/
unable to identify and effectively         and to measure overlap across
                                                                                                                             media company partners.
target their strategic audiences           linear TV, CTV, and digital video.
across linear TV, Tier 1 direct-sold       Through the application of common                                                 Source: Amobee/Ipsos Research
CTV, programmatic, and digital video.      metrics, in-flight budget allocation,

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Ambitious Marketers’ Guide to Television

                                                         Growth Checklist:
                                                         What it looks like:
                                                         Holistic measurement of TV and digital together.


                                                         What to do:
                                                         •     Drive alignment on measurement KPIs
                                                               across linear TV and digital teams.

                                                         •     Ensure that you have a system in place
                                                               to measure unified campaigns delivered
                                                               against the media that was forecasted. Did
                                                               campaigns run as expected?

                                                         •     Focus on how your audience consumes
                                                               media across all screens and where and
                                                               how often you reached your target audience.

      The ability to effectively understand, reach,      •     Measure consistently throughout your
                                                               campaign to track performance over time
      and measure audiences across the TV and                  and make in-flight course corrections.
      digital landscape is key for truly converged
                                                         •     Seek out a partner that can provide you
      advertising and, until now, it has not been              with a privacy-compliant identity resolution
                                                               framework and measurement solution.
      possible in the industry.

      Corey Tolbert,
      Vice President of Programmatic at Horizon Media.

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Ambitious Marketers’ Guide to Television

Ambitious Marketers’ Guide to Television

What Amobee can do for you

Amobee solutions empower advertisers to leverage data
to unify, optimize, and grow their entire Upfront portfolio
across linear TV, CTV, digital video, and social.

     Linear TV Planning                    CTV Allocator

     Amobee helps advertisers extract      Amobee’s linear-informed CTV
     more value from their linear TV       Allocator is a strategic media
     investments through sophisticated     optimization solution for planning
     data-driven planning and              and executing Tier 1 direct-sold
     optimization tools that maximize      CTV and extension campaigns
     reach and control frequency           to perfectly complement linear
     against strategic audiences.          TV schedules.

     TV Amplifier                          4Screen Reporting

     Amobee’s TV-aware strategies          Amobee 4Screen reports give
     enable advertisers to target          marketers the insights they need
     audiences in CTV, digital,            to optimize and validate their
     and social that their linear TV       cross-screen media campaigns
     campaigns have under-exposed          by measuring and deduplicating
     or missed entirely.                   audiences across all screens.

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Finally, there’s a technology that understands how people consume content
today. Only Amobee makes it easy for you to find your audience—no matter
where they are, no matter what they’re viewing. We help brands, agencies,
and media companies unify audiences to optimize advertising results across
all TV, CTV, and digital, including social media. That’s how we help you drive
growth for your business.
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