Amazon AWS website hosting with Plesk control panel - Essential guide for entrepreneurs, small businesses and online marketers - PenThrive

Page created by Christopher Anderson
Amazon AWS website hosting with Plesk control panel - Essential guide for entrepreneurs, small businesses and online marketers - PenThrive
Amazon AWS website hosting
with Plesk control panel

Essential guide for entrepreneurs,
small businesses and online
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The information presented herein represents the views of the          experience. There is no guarantee that you will earn any money
authors as of the date of publication. Due to the rate at which       using the techniques and ideas presented in this document.
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Amazon AWS website hosting with Plesk control panel

Plesk is a web hosting control panel which                  • You can set up on a Linux machine, having
allows you to manage your hosting account                     as Operating System:
through a web-based interface.
                                                            • CentOS
• You can use this panel with VPS, Shared
                                                            • RHEL,
  and Dedicated server.
                                                            • Debian/Ubuntu, or any other OS
• Plesk also enables you to control multiple
                                                              configured with SSH remote access in case
  domains under a single machine.
                                                              of a VPS or direct console access, such as
• The control panel allows you to automate                    an ec2 instance on Amazon AWS (the steps
  many tasks and reduce the cost and                          1-8 below).
• It also increases the profitability, efficiency
  and customer satisfaction.

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Amazon AWS website hosting with Plesk control panel

Web Panels Advantages                                      Plesk Features
• Self-manage your own server and                          • Create FTP account for users.
                                                           • Manage and create email account and
• Set up and manage multiple websites                        database like MySQL/MariaDB and
• Full control over resources (CPU,
  bandwidth, applications, updates)                        • Add domains and subdomains; install
                                                             applications WordPress, Joomla, Drupal,
• Use it for your own websites or for your
                                                           • Restore and take back up of files.
• Use it to provide and sell hosting services
                                                           • Manage DNS and other resources
• Install/delete applications/modules you
  need                                                     • Easily migrate applications

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Amazon AWS website hosting with Plesk control panel

Step 1.Sign up for Amazon AWS
Account - you need
• Email address, Name, Address
• Company name, if account
  opened as a business
• Phone number – for
  authentication code
• New account set under the 12
  months AWS Free Tier

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Amazon AWS website hosting with Plesk control panel

Step 2. Launch EC2 – consider:                            • CPU/Volume – up to 30GB free under 12
                                                            months AWS FT
• Login to AWS Management Console
                                                          • Instance Fingerprint RSA (optional)
• Go to Dashboard, EC2 Instances, Launch
  new instance                                            • Security keys – save private key in secure
• Select operating system
                                                          • Security groups/ports – by default when
• Region – primarily where your main
                                                            you launch ec2 with Plesk subscription
  customers are located (consider applicable
  privacy policy)                                         • Elastic IP – free as long as it is associated to
                                                            an ec2 instance
• Instance type – t3.micro under Free Tier;
  check Reserved Instances prices for major

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Amazon AWS website hosting with Plesk control panel

Step 3. Pre-setup – ensure:
• Domain name FQDN bought – check if
  whois protection is included in price (e.g.
• Hostname for web panel Plesk hosting
• A Records for domain name, hostname,
• Name servers – ICAN requirements for
  reselling hosting
• Check propagation,

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Amazon AWS website hosting with Plesk control panel

Step 4. Connect to your instance – convert and                • Root credentials # sudo
                                                              • Update, upgrade
• PuTTy/OpenSSL on a Windows/Apple machine
                                                              • Save Plesk link and port given for browser login
• PuTTygen.exe – convert .pem files to .ppk files RSA
• PuTTy.exe – connect to your instance
• User login: ubuntu for Ubuntu
• Passphrase - if private key saved with one
• Check instance fingerprint when prompted so
• # apt-get for Ubuntu

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Amazon AWS website hosting with Plesk control panel

Step 5. Browser login                                       Step 6. Post-Install Server Configuration
• Copy and paste the web panel link and                     • Add main domain and hostname
  port given or use the hostname if A Record
                                                            • Hostname in Server Settings
                                                            • Update IP(s)
• When prompted enter username and
  password                                                  • SSL – Let’s Encrypt for Plesk login page and
• Wait for initializing
• Fill in the details required: admin name,
  password, email
• Congrats! – you are having your own
  control panel on a cloud server up and

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Amazon AWS website hosting with Plesk control panel

Step 7. Further Configuration                          Websites & Domains
Server Configuration                                   Configuration
• Setup Plesk/System Updates                           • Add domains, subdomains,
• Security, Performance. SEO
                                                       • SSL Let’s Encrypt for domains,
• Setup Backup, consider                                 subdomains
  remote backup (AWS S3)
                                                       • Install & Configure
• Setup Monitoring                                       Applications– WordPress
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