Amaze Active Mudgeeraba September 2021 Vacation Care Pack

Page created by Juanita Harrington
Amaze Active Mudgeeraba September 2021 Vacation Care Pack

      Amaze Active Mudgeeraba
          September 2021
        Vacation Care Pack

           Phone: 0408 663 683

              This Pack contains:
           • Parent information letter
           • Program and activity list
         • Booking and permission form
       • Excursion and venue information
       • For the fridge information sheet
Amaze Active Mudgeeraba September 2021 Vacation Care Pack
Amaze Active Mudgeeraba
                                                     September 2021
                                                   Vacation Care Pack

                                                   Parent Information Letter
Dear Amaze families,
Thank you for your interest in our September Vacation Care Program. We have some new activities to offer this holiday
period and look forward to your child/ren coming along to have some fun with us. This letter has all the necessary
information you will need to know regarding vacation care as well as a few housekeeping issues we’d like you to bear in mind
when booking your days.
Centre Info: We operate out of the school hall at Mudgeeraba State School and during the School Holidays are open from 6:00am –
6:00pm. Amaze is run by a team of dedicated staff members with varying qualifications who are all extremely passionate about
working with children. Our program offers a variety of activities and experiences all of which are designed to develop and extend upon
their existing skills and abilities, in a high quality learning environment. Our centre ratios are 1:15 and all staff have current Blue Cards
and Senior First Aid Certificates, including Asthma and Anaphylaxis.

Program: This Program, is offering inhouse activities, incursions and excursions. Risk assessments for all activities are available for you
to look through should you wish, however, the safety of all children is of paramount concern and all necessary precautions will be
taken in order to maintain this.

Bookings & Cancellation: To book simply return the booking and permission form by Wednesday 15th September 2021. You must
return the form to secure your child’s place. Please note this is essential as not only does this give staff permission to transport your
child to and from the service it also gives consent for your child to participate in programmed activities. Cancellation is at the discretion
of the Service
Co-ordinator, however, in most cases a minimum of 7 days’ notice is required to cancel a booking. If your child is absent and significant
notice has not been given you will be charged for the session.

   Please note that everyday children MUST have hats, lunch unless stated otherwise below, drink
  bottles, closed in shoes and sun smart clothing. No singlets, thongs or sandals. The centre will also
    provide them with sunscreen; if you do not wish for them to be given sunscreen then you must
                                provide your own and/or sign a waiver.

Morning & Afternoon Tea: We provide Morning and Afternoon tea, however, Lunch is required every day except those stated on the
program. If your child has allergies or dietary requirements, please speak to a staff member when booking. Please ensure your Child has
a substantial amount of food and snacks as for some an Amaze day is longer than a normal school day. Your child must also have their
own drink bottle (clearly labelled), especially on excursion days as cold water may not always be available. If your child does not have a
drink bottle the centre may provide them with one at a cost to you. This also goes for HATS. Please make sure your child has a hat!! We
are outside a lot and in the interest of sun safety our rule is ‘no hat no play’, they will be restricted to the shaded areas. Children must
also wear appropriate footwear such as runners or closed in shoes every day, so please note no thongs or sandals. As you will
appreciate, you would not like your child to contract any illness whilst in our care and children who attend must not be suffering from
any contagious disease or illness. Please refer to the Staying Healthy in Childcare 5th Edition located at our sign in desk for further
information. Any items brought will be at the child’s own risk. DVD/USB movies are welcome but must be rated G/PG only. Mobile
phones, DS’s, Computer games and other media devices are banned unless stated on the program. Any devices brought will be
confiscated and returned at the end of the day. Finally, Amaze Education has a zero tolerance ‘No Bullying’ policy, please refer to your
behaviour agreement and our behaviour policy to review centre expectations, as restrictions and refusal may result in severe cases.

Fees: Vacation care fees are $55 for a standard vacation care day, $71.50 for an incursion and some excursions and $80 for an extra out
of the ordinary excursion. Child Care Subsidy CCS may assist with the costs of Vacation care, If CCS is not active please contact the
Family Assistance Office on 136150. Not registering for CCS for vacation care will result in full fees per child per day being charged.
Please be aware that you may need to increase your hours to 60 for a five-day booking. Please note if your fees are not up to date you
will not be able to access the service. All vacation care fees must be paid in full by Thursday 16th September 2021 in line with our ‘one
week in advance policy’. If you have any questions, contact the centre on 0408 663 683.
Amaze Active Mudgeeraba September 2021 Vacation Care Pack
Amaze Active Mudgeeraba
                                                   September 2021
                                                 Vacation Care Pack
      Monday                   Tuesday                 Wednesday                  Thursday                      Friday
      20.09.21                 21.09.21                 22.09.21                   23.09.21                    24.09.21
     Laser Tag               Tie Dye Day               Timezone              Loose Parts Play/DIY         Inflatable World

  Alex Kay will be         Create your own         The kids asked, we       Challenge accepted!          September is the
 back to host our           colourful, crazy            listened!!           We have decided to         perfect time to visit
 Indoor Laser Tag         design on a pillow      Timezone is the one       give the new craze of         Inflatable World,
    experience.           case to take home        excursion our kids       Loose Parts Play and         it’s not too hot to
 We are not sure             Miss Lauren is        ask for on repeat!!             DIY a go.              spend 2 hours of
  who loves this         googling lots of fun      Join us for 90 mins        We will spend the          free bounce time
   incursion the          and crazy ways to          of free play on            day designing,               on the large
 most, the adults        tie Dye and looking      hundreds of arcade         building and getting             amount of
     or the kids        forward to filling our         games and               our imagination                Inflatables
   Take aim and           day with different             activities                 flowing               We always leave
  challenge your        forms of psychedelic          We LOVE this           We will get dirty on       this excursion worn
       mates                    designs                excursion!!                this day!!               out but smiling

     Monday                   Tuesday                  Wednesday                  Thursday                    Friday
     27.09.21                 28.09.21                   29.09.21                  30.09.21                   1.10.21
    David Fleay               Movies                Ultimate Obstacle             Gameover                 Crazy Candles

 Get up close and        Sit back, relax and           28 metres of            We are excited to          We usually save
  learn about our        enjoy popcorn and         Ultimate Inflatable        be heading back to         this incursion for
       animals              a drink on us!                  fun!               Gameover over a           December but we
David Fleay wildlife     We love heading to          This is by far the           long break.            just couldn’t wait
   Park is such a          Nerang Cinemas            biggest Obstacle           This excursion is            that long!!
      fantastic           for a new release          Course we have            made up of Clip n        You will dip, mould
    experience           movie experience          ever had at Amaze          Climb ropes as well         and design your
   Make sure you          and can’t wait to        and we are excited            as a Laser tag         own crazy candle to
wear comfortable           see what latest          to spend our day          Indoor experience.        take home as a gift,
 shoes and bring a        movies will be on         racing our friends         We will not have             or a special
 hat as we will be              screen.            and bouncing up a          access to Go Karts,        momento for you
    walking alot         Movie choice TBA                  storm.             however this day is        to send to family
                          closer to the day         Icy Poles to finish            one of our
                                                          the day                  favourites

                                          WILL NOT BE ABLE TO ACCESS VACATION CARE.
  Kind Regards Amaze Management
Amaze Active Mudgeeraba September 2021 Vacation Care Pack
Amaze Active Mudgeeraba
                                                September 2021
                                              Vacation Care Pack

                          Booking and Permission Form
 Take care when booking days during vacation care, particularly excursion days
   as maintaining staff to child ratios is essential. Please note absences will be
  charged if a minimum of 7 days’ notice is not given for cancellation. Children
must have closed in shoes, hats, drink bottles, lunch & snacks each day as well
as any items required to participate in programmed activities. Please note that
you can contact the centre any time, during certain activities and transit periods
  it may be difficult however leave a message and an Amaze staff member will
 contact you as soon as possible. Any booking changes should be sent via email.
To book please enter your Child/Children’s name/s on the required dates in the table below

    Monday 20th             Tuesday 21st           Wednesday 22nd       Thursday 23rd         Friday 24th
       Laser Tag              Tie Dye Day              Timezone         Loose Parts & DIY     Inflatable World

    Monday 27th             Tuesday 28th           Wednesday 29th       Thursday 30th          Friday 1st
      David Fleay               Movies              Ultimate Obstacle      Gameover            Crazy Candles

Please complete permission slip below to confirm booking and consent to attend &
participate in our programmed activities

        I, (parent/guardian name)…………………………………………………Give permission for my child/ren
 (name of child/ren) ………………………………………........……………………………………to participate in Amaze Active
   OSHC program outlined in the September 2021 Vacation Care Program to participate in the planned
    activities. I also understand that by signing the form I am confirming the dates I would like for my
   child/children to attend and that I must give 7 days’ notice for cancellations to avoid being charged.

                    Signature…….…………………………………………………… Date………………………...

                                          My child DOES/DOES NOT
                                                 (please circle)
                                     Have a dietary or medical condition
                    Please provide details of specific medical or dietary information below

            Dietary Requirement
               Medical Condition
Amaze Active Mudgeeraba September 2021 Vacation Care Pack
Amaze Active Mudgeeraba
                                              September 2021
                                            Vacation Care Pack

                                    Amaze Device Use Agreement

   1. I understand that at any time Amaze staff have the right to look through the contents
      of my device(s) if/when there is a reasonable concern and will do so in my presence.
   2. I will abide by the current school rules about the use of devices while on the school
      grounds or in any circumstance where I am representing the school.
   3. I will not download anything or install apps, games, or other programs on any of my
   4. I will not send hurtful, harassing, or threatening texts, photos or videos.
   5. I will not post anything on social media or any other online forum
   6. I will not take any photos or videos or send any current photos or videos stored on
      the device(s) to anyone while in the care of Amaze.
   7. I agree that the use of my device(s) can be limited by the Amaze staff. And that the
      device(s) are only to be used when instructed by Amaze staff.
   8. I understand that when online I will NOT give out any personal information such as:
      name, phone number, address, school name, your current location.
   9. I agree that the device(s) I bring to Amaze are my responsibility and that I personally
      need to take care of the device(s). Amaze and it’s staff will take no responsibility for
      damaged/misused device(s).
   10.I will not be disruptive in my use of the device(s). If an Amaze staff member or any
      other adult ask me to end the use of my device(s) I will do so immediately.

                                Amaze Device Agreement Permission slip

Please print and sign the below permission and return to an Amaze Team member on or
before BYO device day. I hereby understand my obligations and agree to all terms and
conditions as outlined in the device agreement and accept all responsibility for my device
and media safety whilst in the care of Amaze.

                    Child/ren                                                Parent
            Name: …………………………………….                                   Name: …………………………………….

            Sign: ……………………………………….                                  Sign: ……………………………………….

            Name: …………………………………….                                   Date: ……..…/..……………/..………

            Sign: ………………………………………
                                       WILL NOT BE ABLE TO ACCESS VACATION CARE.
Kind Regards Amaze Management
Amaze Active Mudgeeraba
                                          September 2021
                                        Vacation Care Pack

                                      What do I need to pack!
 The table below tells you what you need to pack for your child to participate in the planned activities.
Please note that without them your child will not be able to access the program fully. The list also notes
days where food is provided (no need for lunch) so a reminder to notify staff if your child has any specific
                        dietary requirements so that alternatives can be sourced.

          Items that you need to bring along for programmed activities
         Activity                     Date                             What to pack
     Loose Parts Play              23.09.21           Comfy/Old Clothes that can get dirty/Pizza Lunch
        David Fleay                27.09.21                 Water Bottle/Hat/Comfy enclosed shoes

                            Morning & Afternoon Tea Menu

  Monday 20/09           Tuesday 21/09        Wednesday 22/09         Thursday 23/09          Friday 24/09
                                                 Excursion                                     Excursion

Cheesymite Scrolls         Pikelets                Popcorn              Fruit Salad            Rice Cakes
       &                 Jam & Cream                  &                      &                     &
      Fruit                 & Fruit                 Fruit                Yoghurt                  Fruit

      Pasta              Pizza Foccaccia          Hot Dogs             Crackers/Veg           Savoury Slice
       &                        +                    &                  Dip/Cheese                 &
      Corn                    Fruit                 Fruit                                         Fruit

  Monday 27/09           Tuesday 28/09        Wednesday 29/09         Thursday 30/09           Friday 1/10
   Excursion               Excursion                                    Excursion

     Popcorn               Rice Cakes             Pikelets              Fruit Salad           Crackers/Veg
        &                      &                Jam & Cream                  &                 Dip/Cheese
      Fruit                   Fruit                & Fruit               Yoghurt

   Crackers/Veg            Hot Dogs                 Pasta              Savoury Slice           Pizza Scrolls
    Dip/Cheese                &                       &                     &                       &
                             Fruit                  Corn                   Fruit                   Fruit
Amaze Active Mudgeeraba
                                              September 2021
                                            Vacation Care Pack

                                 Wet Weather and Activity Cancellations
  In cases of severe weather, we may need to cancel an activity and find an alternative on the day. Please
note that should this happen Amaze staff will notify you of the change as early as possible and that on drop
     off you will be asked to sign an emergency excursion permission form for the replacement activity.
As we are entering our warmer months for the year, there may be times throughout the day where our UV
     rating is too high for children to participate in outdoor activity. In this instance our program will be
         amended to provide cooler indoor activities to avoid exposure to the extreme heat outside.
 Our hall is equipped with large industrial fans as well as our space being well ventilated with high levered
                     windows as well as sliding doors to allow a breeze through our space.

                                Amaze Daily Vacation Care Routine
    Here we have our routine during the vacation period, and whilst some activity times may vary our
 mealtimes will be as close to these times as possible so please note when dropping off and picking up. We
 do like all children to arrive by 9am and ask that if they are going to be absent that you please notify the
                                          Vacation Care Routine
      6:00–8:00                               Arrive at Amaze, Breakfast, Children’s Choice

      8:00-9:30                                     Stationed Activities/ Group Games
     9:30–10:00                                  Meeting, Roll Call, Activity Preparation

     10:00-10:30                                                Morning Tea

     10:30-12:30                                           Programmed Activity

     12:30-13:00                                                    Lunch
     13:00-15:00                                        Free play, Children’s Choice
     3:00 – 3:30                                               Afternoon tea
     3:30 – 5:00          Stationed activities, team building games and free play both indoor and outdoor
     5:00 – 6:00                       Wind down pack up, playground, movie or quiet activities

                                       WILL NOT BE ABLE TO ACCESS VACATION CARE.
Kind Regards Amaze Management
Amaze Active Mudgeeraba
                                          September 2021
                                        Vacation Care Pack

                                    Amaze Housekeeping
                               Please note that everyday children MUST have hats.
                                  Amaze has a “NO HAT NO PLAY” policy.
                  Should your child not attend with a hat, undercover activities will apply.

Amaze is a sunsafe centre and all children and staff are required to apply sunscreen at regular intervals throughout
their day. The centre will also provide them with sunscreen; if you do not wish for them to be given sunscreen then
                                  you must provide your own and/or sign a waiver.

A water bottle must be supplied each day your child attends and should we attend an excursion where water is not
   readily available, a drink bottle may be purchased at an additional cost to you and applied to your account.

             Your child should attend with lunch unless stated otherwise on our Activity Sheet above

 All charges for booked sessions are charged one week in advance and require full payment one week before your
 child’s attendance. Should fees remain outstanding, you run the risk of your bookings being suspended until full
       payment of account is made. Cancellation is required 7 days prior to your booked day to avoid charges.

                        Venue, Transport and Departure Information
The table below lists the venue information as well as approx. departure and arrival times for excursions.
   Please note that your first point of contact should always be with the centre on 0408 663 683, If you
   cannot get through we do have a messaging service and we will get back to you as soon as possible
  however, during transit periods you can appreciate that maintain child safety is our primary concern.
During the holidays we will use a combination of our Amaze Buses in addition to Springbrook Bus Services
                                      for all of our transporting needs.
Please note our legal ratio of 1:15 will be covered each session however exact ratios will be determined
   daily based on attendance and communicated via the kiosk upon sign in for you to confirm. It will
                 include venue information, booked numbers, staffing and exact ratio.

 Date             Venue &                     Address                 Phone            Depart          Arrive
22.09.21           Timezone              72-80 Marine Pde             30500817         10:00am         2:00pm
                                         Coolongatta 4225
24.09.21       Inflatable World            3 Fremantle St             55935346         10:00am         2:00pm
                                           Burleigh 4220
27.09.21     David Fleay Wildlife           Loman Lane                56692051         10:00am         2:00pm
                                        Burleigh Heads 4220
28.09.21            Cinema                   52 Price St              55020222         10:00am         2:00pm
                                            Nerang 4211
30.09.21          Gameover                 88 Siganto Dr              55193999         10:00am         2:00pm
                                          Helensvale 4212
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