Always Innovating because every community matters - NOVEMBER 2022

Page created by Wendy Fitzgerald
Always Innovating because every community matters - NOVEMBER 2022
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                                     because every community matters

                                             NOVEMBER 2022
                                            TATUM TELEPHONE COMPANY
Always Innovating because every community matters - NOVEMBER 2022
             JANUARY                             FEBRUARY                                 MARCH                                 APRIL                          NAME       PHONE NUMBER
 S     M     T     W    T    F    S    S    M    T     W     T    F    S    S    M    T     W     T    F    S    S    M    T     W      T       F     S
                                   1              1    2      3   4     5             1     2      3    4   5                                    1     2
 2     3      4     5    6    7    8   6     7    8    9     10   11   12    6   7    8     9     10   11   12    3    4    5     6      7       8     9
 9    10     11    12   13   14   15   13   14   15    16    17   18   19   13   14   15    16    17   18   19   10   11   12    13     14      15    16
16    17     18    19   20   21   22   20   21   22    23    24   25   26   20   21   22    23    24   25   26   17   18   19    20     21      22    23
23    24     25    26   27   28   29   27   28                              27   28   29    30    31             24   25   26    27     28      29    30
30    31
                  MAY                                 JUNE                                 JULY                             AUGUST
S     M      T     W    T    F    S    S    M    T     W     T    F    S    S    M    T     W     T    F    S    S    M    T     W      T       F     S
 1     2      3     4    5    6    7                   1     2     3    4                               1    2         1    2     3      4       5     6
 8     9     10    11   12   13   14    5    6    7    8      9   10   11    3   4     5     6     7    8    9    7    8    9    10     11      12    13
15    16     17    18   19   20   21   12   13   14    15    16   17   18   10   11   12    13    14   15   16   14   15   16    17     18      19    20
22    23     24    25   26   27   28   19   20   21    22    23   24   25   17   18   19    20    21   22   23   21   22   23    24     25      26    27
29    30     31                        26   27   28    29    30             24   25   26    27    28   29   30   28   29   30    31
            SEPTEMBER                            OCTOBER                              NOVEMBER                             DECEMBER
 S     M     T     W    T    F    S    S    M    T     W     T    F    S    S    M    T     W     T    F    S    S    M    T     W      T       F     S
                         1    2    3                                   1              1      2     3    4    5                          1       2     3
 4     5      6     7    8    9   10   2     3    4     5    6     7    8    6    7   8      9    10   11   12    4    5    6     7     8       9     10
11    12     13    14   15   16   17    9   10   11    12    13   14   15   13   14   15    16    17   18   19   11   12   13    14     15      16    17
18    19     20    21   22   23   24   16   17   18    19    20   21   22   20   21   22    23    24   25   26   18   19   20    21     22      23    24
25    26     27    28   29   30        23   24   25    26    27   28   29   27   28   29    30                   25   26   27    28     29      30    31
                                       30   31

             JANUARY                             FEBRUARY                                 MARCH                                  APRIL
S     M     T     W     T    F    S    S    M    T     W     T    F    S    S    M    T     W     T    F    S     S    M    T     W         T    F     S
 1     2     3     4     5    6    7                    1     2    3    4                    1     2    3    4                                          1
 8     9    10    11    12   13   14    5    6    7     8     9   10   11    5    6    7     8     9   10   11    2    3     4     5      6       7     8
15    16    17    18    19   20   21   12   13   14    15    16   17   18   12   13   14    15    16   17   18    9   10    11    12     13      14    15
22    23    24    25    26   27   28   19   20   21    22    23   24   25   19   20   21    22    23   24   25   16   17    18    19     20      21    22
29    30    31                         26   27   28                         26   27   28    29    30   31        23   24    25    26     27      28    29
                  MAY                                 JUNE                                 JULY                                 AUGUST
S     M     T     W     T    F    S    S    M    T     W     T    F    S    S    M    T     W      T    F   S     S    M    T     W      T       F     S
      1     2     3     4    5    6                           1    2    3                                    1              1     2      3       4     5
7     8     9     10    11   12   13    4    5    6     7     8    9   10    2    3    4     5     6    7    8   6    7     8     9      10      11    12
14    15    16    17    18   19   20   11   12   13    14    15   16   17    9   10   11    12    13   14   15   13   14    15    16     17      18    19
21    22    23    24    25   26   27   18   19   20    21    22   23   24   16   17   18    19    20   21   22   20   21    22    23     24      25    26
28    29    30    31                   25   26   27    28    29   30        23   24   25    26    27   28   29   27   28    29    30     31
                                                                            30   31
            SEPTEMBER                            OCTOBER                              NOVEMBER                             DECEMBER
S     M      T    W     T    F    S    S    M    T     W     T    F    S    S    M    T     W     T    F    S     S    M    T     W         T    F     S
                              1    2    1    2    3     4     5    6    7                    1     2    3    4                                    1     2
 3     4     5     6     7    8    9    8    9   10    11    12   13   14    5    6    7     8     9   10   11    3  4       5     6      7       8     9
10    11    12    13    14   15   16   15   16   17    18    19   20   21   12   13   14    15    16   17   18   10 11      12    13     14      15    16
17    18    19    20    21   22   23   22   23   24    25    26   27   28   19   20   21    22    23   24   25   17 18      19    20     21      22    23
24    25    26    27    28   29   30   29   30   31                         26   27   28    29    30             24 25      26    27     28      29    30

             JANUARY                             FEBRUARY                                 MARCH                                 APRIL
 S  M T W T F S                        S    M    T     W
                                                   T F S                    S    M    T     W
                                                                                           F S    T              S  M T W T F S
     1  2  3  4  5  6                               1  2  3                                 1  2                     1  2  3  4  5  6
  7  8  9 10 11 12 13                   4  5  6  7  8  9 10                  3  4  5  6  7  8  9                  7  8  9 10 11 12 13
 14 15 16 17 18 19 20                  11 12 13 14 15 16 17                 10 11 12 13 14 15 16                 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
 21 22 23 24 25 26 27                  18 19 20 21 22 23 24                 17 18 19 20 21 22 23                 21 22 23 24 25 26 27
 28 29 30 31                           25 26 27 28 29                       24 25 26 27 28 29 30                 28 29 30
                  MAY                                 JUNE                                 JULY                             AUGUST
 S     M     T     W    T    F    S    S    M    T     W S   T    F         S  M T W T F S                       S    M    T     W      T       F     S
                   1    2    3     4                      1                     1  2  3  4  5  6                                        1       2     3
  5     6     7     8    9   10   11    2  3  4  5  6  7  8                  7  8  9 10 11 12 13                 4    5    6     7      8       9     10
 12    13    14    15   16   17   18    9 10 11 12 13 14 15                 14 15 16 17 18 19 20                 11   12   13    14     15      16    17
 19    20    21    22   23   24   25   16 17 18 19 20 21 22                 21 22 23 24 25 26 27                 18   19   20    21     22      23    24
 26    27    28    29   30   31        23 24 25 26 27 28 29                 28 29 30 31                          25   26   27    28     29      30    31
            SEPTEMBER                            OCTOBER                              NOVEMBER                             DECEMBER
 S M T W T F S                         S    MT W T F S                      S    M    T     W
                                                                                           F S    T              S M T W T F S
  1  2  3  4  5  6  7                         1  2  3  4  5                                 1  2                  1  2  3  4  5  6  7
  8  9 10 11 12 13 14                   6  7  8  9 10 11 12                  3  4  5  6  7  8  9                  8  9 10 11 12 13 14
 15 16 17 18 19 20 21                  13 14 15 16 17 18 19                 10 11 12 13 14 15 16                 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
 22 23 24 25 26 27 28                  20 21 22 23 24 25 26                 17 18 19 20 21 22 23                 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
 29 30                                 27 28 29 30 31                       24 25 26 27 28 29 30                 29 30 31
Write Your Emergency Numbers Below

Police.......................................... 9-1-1 _____________________________________________

Fire . ............................................ 9-1-1 _____________________________________________

Sheriff ........................................ 9-1-1 _____________________________________________

State Highway Patrol............ 9-1-1 _____________________________________________

Doctor ....................................... 9-1-1 _____________________________________________


Poison Information Center:............................................................................... 1-800-222-1222

Ambulance ...................................................................................................................................9-1-1
Give exact location of the emergency and the kind of help needed.

Other Emergency Numbers

FBI................................................................................................................................. Dial Operator

Child Abuse Hot Line.............................................................................................800-252-5400

Runaway Hotline...................................................................................................... 800-392-3352

Coast Guard
(National Response Center for Hazardous Polluting Incidents)........... 800-424-8802

Texas Relay Service TDD/TTY................................................................................................ 7-1-1

                                                                                                        This Directory is Published by:
                                                                                                                   Publisher No: #0974
                                                                                                            Pinnacle Marketing Group
                                                                                                           4030 Technology Drive NW
                                                                                                                    Bemidji, MN 56601
                                                                                                                        In Cooperation with:

Service Calls
Long Distance................................................................................................................................. Dial Operator
  Numbers Within the 903 Area................................................................................... Dial 1+903+555-1212
  Numbers Outside the 903 Area...................................................................Dial 1+Area Code+555-1212

For Tatum Information Dial 411
Information about and referral to available Health and Human Services and
community organizations:...................................................................................................................... Dial 211

To Report Trouble
To Report a Telephone Out of Order
8:00am to 12:30pm & 1:30pm to 4:30pm
Monday Through Friday................................................................................................................903-947-2222
24 Hours.............................................................................................................................................903-947-2222

For Assistance
If you have difficulty or need help calling a number.......................................................... Dial Operator

Call Before You Dig. Please Call 48 Hours Prior to Digging.

Customer Assistance
Customers with billing questions, repair problems or complaints should contact the business
office in Tatum, Texas at 903-947-2222. If additional information or assistance is required or for
reporting after hours service problems, please call 833-774-3360.
  Business Office Telephone Co.
  170 W Sterling Price PO Box 698 Tatum
  Ofc Hrs 8:00am to 12:30pm & 1:30pm to 4:30pm
  Monday Through Friday.............................................................................................................903-947-2222
  All other Hours..............................................................................................................................903-947-2222
  Lifeline Service.........................................................................................................................1-866-454-8387

                                                 Visit our website:

LIFELINE SUPPORT PROGRAM                                                Lifeline benefits are limited to one (1) discount per household,
                                                                        and household is not permitted to receive Lifeline benefits
Lifeline is the Federal Communications Commission (FCC)                 from multiple providers. Lifeline is a non-transferable benefit,
program to help make communications services more                       and you may not transfer your benefit to any other person.
affordable for low-income consumers. Lifeline provides                  Information about customers who qualify for Lifeline service
subscribers a discount on qualifying monthly telephone                  may be shared between state agencies.
service, broadband Internet service, or bundled voice-
broadband packages purchased from participating wireline or             HOW DO CUSTOMERS APPLY FOR THE
wireless providers. The discount helps ensure that low-income           LIFELINE SUPPORT PROGRAM?
consumers can afford 21st century broadband and the access
it provides to jobs, healthcare, and educational resources.             Texas Consumers:
                                                                        Apply Online:
Lifeline provides up to a $9.25 monthly discount on service for
eligible low-income subscribers. Subscribers may receive a              Contact the Texas Low-Income Discount Administrator (LIDA)
Lifeline discount on either a wireline or a wireless service, but       at 1-866-454-8387 (1-866-4-LITE-UP)
they may not receive a discount on both services at the same
                                                                        Once approved for lifeline support benefits, you’ll see the
time. Lifeline also supports broadband Internet service and
                                                                        Lifeline benefit reduction on your monthly bill within sixty days.
broadband-voice bundles. FCC rules prohibit more than one
(1) Lifeline service per household.                                     USE IT OR LOSE IT:
Lifeline is available to eligible low-income consumers in               If your Lifeline service is free, you must use it at least once
every state, commonwealth, territory, and on Tribal lands.              every 30 days to maintain your service. If you do not; you will
The lifeline program is administered by both the Universal              receive a 15-day notice to use it, or service will be turned off
Service Administrative Company (USAC) and Public Utility                due to non-usage.
Commission of Texas (PUCT). The PUCT is responsible for
helping consumers apply for the program, understand eligibility         Other Useful Information
requirements, and keep their benefit current through an annual
recertification process. Public Utility Commission of Texas                •    There are other options that can help you save money,
website ( provides additional information                 including free toll blocking, waived deposit with toll
regarding the program, including program requirements and                       blocking and voluntary limit on long distance calling
online enrollment.                                                              (toll control).

WHO QUALIFIES?                                                             •    Being a Lifeline customer does not protect you from
                                                                                being disconnected if you fail to pay your telephone
To participate in the Lifeline program, consumers must either                   bill.
have an income that is at or below 135% of the Federal
Poverty Guidelines or participate in certain federal assistance            •    Lifeline discounts cannot be applied to an outstanding
programs, such as the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance                         balance owed to your phone company.
Program (SNAP), Medicaid, Federal Public Housing                           •    Lifeline can only be applied to one wireless OR wireline
Assistance, Supplemental Security Income, the Veterans and                      telephone per household.
Survivors Pension Benefit:
 •    Medicaid
 •    Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)
 •    Supplemental Security Income (SSI)
 •    Federal Public Housing Assistance (FPHA)
 •    Veterans Pension or Survivors Pension
Lifeline Service customers subscribed to voice service will
have an unlimited number of minutes for calls made within
their local calling area. Lifeline discounts do not apply to
optional custom calling features, long distance service,
connection charges, or other miscellaneous charges. Lifeline
customers may elect to subscribe to toll blocking at no charge.

Attachments or Appliances                                            Abusive, Annoying, Harassing,
No instrument, apparatus, appliance or device of any kind            Obscene or Threatening Calls:
not furnished by the Company in furnishing service, shall be          1.   Hang up at the first vulgar or obscene word. Hang up if
attached to or in any manner used in connection with the                   the caller remains silent after you say hello the second
equipment and lines of the Company.                                        time. Don’t let the caller control your telephone.
                                                                      2.   Don’t give information, such as name or address until
Non-Payment or Violation of Contract
                                                                           the caller is identified.
In the event of the abandonment of the station, the non-
                                                                      3.   Instruct members of your family or guests not to give
payment of any sum due or any other violation by the
                                                                           out information to unidentified callers or strangers. If
subscriber of the Telephone Company’s rules and regulations
                                                                           you are going to be away from home, instruct anyone
applying to subscriber’s contracts or to the furnishing of
                                                                           answering your telephone to tell the caller you can’t
service the company may without notice, either (a) suspend
                                                                           answer the telephone right now, and offer to take a
service until all violations have ceased, or (b) terminate the
                                                                           message or number and the call will be returned.
subscriber’s contract without suspension of service, or (c)
following a suspension or service, sever the connection and           4.   If the calls continue, notify your Sheriff’s Department or
remove any of its equipment from the subscriber’s premises.                the Telephone Company’s Business Office.
When service has been suspended for non-payment of
charges, restoration of service is made upon payment of              Emergency Calls on Party Lines
charges due, and in addition a restoration charge of a small
                                                                     State law requires you to hang up the receiver of a party line
Business Rate                                                        immediately when told the line is needed for an emergency
                                                                     call to a fire department or police department or for medical
Service subject to the business rate may be determined by            aid or ambulance service. It is also unlawful to take over
the location of the telephone instrument, or the primary use         a party line by stating falsely that the line is needed for an
made of the service. The business rate will apply when the           emergency. The law defines an “emergency” as a situation
telephone is located on premises primarily and essentially           in which property or human life is in jeopardy and the prompt
used for business purposes such as offices, stores, shops,            summoning of aid is essential. The penalty which may be
factories and garages. The business rate may also apply              imposed by the state for either offense shall be a fine of not
to telephones located in domestic establishments when the            more than
service is used substantially for, or advertised for business
purposes.                                                            $500 or imprisonment for a term not exceeding one month,
                                                                     or both.
Annoyance, Harassing or Vulgar and
                                                                     National Do-Not-Call
Obscene Calls
                                                                     Customers can contact the National DNC by going to
Under both Texas and Federal Law, it is a criminal offense
for any person to make annoying, harassing, malicious,      or dialing 1-888-382-1222.
threatening, abusive or indecent telephone calls, including
those in which obscene or profane language is used.
Any person making such calls or any person who knowingly
permits use of a telephone under his/her control to
commit such an offense may be subject to civil or criminal
prosecution by the person called and have his/her service
Violation of the State law is punishable by a fine not to
exceed $1,000 and/or confinement in jail for a term not to
exceed 180 days, or both upon conviction.

Establishing or Transferring                                         Error on Your Bill
                                                                     If you have a question on your bill, call your local
Phone Service
                                                                     service representative. Explain the possible error to the
   •   To establish or to transfer new residential phone             representative who will help you. If the error cannot be
       service, please call your local service representative.       resolved, please pay the undisputed charges on time so
   •   To enable us to process your order to establish phone         you’ll maintain a good payment record while the problem is
       service, we will need to know your complete address,          being investigated.
       and how you want to be listed in the directory. We            Paying Your Bill on Time
       also need to know about previous telephone service            So Your Service is Not Disconnected
       in your name, and other credit information. We will
                                                                     If your payments are not received by the due dates, or you do
       ask for identification, and a number where you can be
                                                                     not meet your mutually agreed upon payment arrangements,
       reached either at work or through a friend or relative
                                                                     your telephone service may be disconnected.
       until your service is established.
                                                                     How to Get Your Service Restored
                                                                     All past charges must be paid before your service can be
Installation Rates                                                   reconnected, and you will be charged a restoral fee. You may
Installation rates will vary with the needs of your service.         be asked to pay a deposit.
There are many steps involved in installing your phone
service, but not every customer needs each step. The
amount of work needed to install phone service for you will          USDA Program Discrimination
depend on the type of facilities and service you want.               Statement
                                                                     In accordance with Federal civil rights law and U.S.
Deposit Policy                                                       Department of Agriculture (USDA) civil rights regulations and
Customers may be asked to pay a deposit to establish                 policies, the USDA, its Agencies, offices, and employees,
telephone service. The amount of your deposit is determined          and institutions participating in or administering USDA
when you apply for service.                                          programs are prohibited from discriminating based on race,
                                                                     color, national origin, religion, sex, gender identity (including
                                                                     gender expression), sexual orientation, disability, age,
You Will Be Billed For Changes                                       marital status, family/parental status, income derived from
in Your Service                                                      a public assistance program, political beliefs, or reprisal
All changes, except termination of service, and disconnection        or retaliation for prior civil rights activity, in any program or
of certain options, require a service charge. The amount             activity conducted or funded by USDA (not all bases apply to
you are charged depends on the type of change requested.             all programs). Remedies and complaint filing deadlines vary
Consult your service representative for different services.          by program or incident.
                                                                     Persons with disabilities who require alternative means of
Your Telephone Bill                                                  communication for program information (e.g., Braille, large
How You Are Billed                                                   print, audiotape, American Sign Language, etc.) should
Charges for local service equipment are billed one month in          contact the responsible Agency or USDA’s TARGET Center
advance. Telegrams and repair charges are billed after they          at (202) 720-2600 (voice and TTY) or contact USDA through
have been placed.                                                    the Federal Relay Service at (800) 877-8339. Additionally,
                                                                     program information may be made available in languages
How, Where and When to Pay Your Bill                                 other than English.
Your payment due date is at the bottom of your bill. Your
payment is considered past due if not paid by that date. You         To file a program discrimination complaint, complete the
can mail your payment or pay your bill at your local service         USDA Program Discrimination Complaint Form, AD-3027,
office. You can save time if you use your payment portion of          found online at How to File a Program Discrimination
your bill when paying in person. There is a charge for each          Complaint and at any USDA office or write a letter addressed
returned check. For your convenience we offer automatic              to USDA and provide in the letter all of the information
draft and online bill pay. Please contact our local business         requested in the form. To request a copy of the complaint
office to set up these payment options at 903-947-2222.               form, call (866) 632-9992. Submit your completed form or
                                                                     letter to USDA by: (1) mail: U.S. Department of Agriculture,
                                                                     Office of the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights, 1400
                                                                     Independence Avenue, SW, Washington, D.C. 20250-9410;
                                                                     (2) fax: (202) 690-7442; or (3) email: program.intake@usda.

1. Call Forward                                                          •   You will hear two “beeps” indicating your CALL
                                                                             FORWARDING service is activated.
This feature allows a person to transfer incoming calls to
another telephone number of the customer’s choice. CALL                To Deactivate CALL FOWARD with REMOTE ACCESS....
FORWARDING allows you to receive your calls when you                    • Lift the handset and listen for dial tone.
are away from home or work.                                             • Dial your BASE CALL FORWARD NUMBER. (This
                                                                            number is given to you by the telephone company
To Forward Your Calls....                                                   when you order CALL FORWARDING with REMOTE
   • Lift the handset and listen for dial tone.                             ACCESS)
   • Dial 7-2#. (On a rotary phone, dial 7-2 and wait four              • Dial your telephone number plus your four digit PIN
       seconds.)                                                            when you order CALL FORWARDING with REMOTE
   • Again, listen for dial tone.                                           ACCESS.
   • Now, dial the number where you want your calls to be               • Once again, listen for dial tone.
       forwarded. (You can use speed calling codes if you               • Dial 7-3#. (On rotary dial phone, dial 7-3 and wait
       have this feature).                                                  four seconds).
The CALL FORWARD feature is activated when someone                      • You will hear two “beeps” indicating your CALL
answers at the forwarding number. If there is no answer or                  FORWARDING is deactivated.
the line is busy, hang up and repeat the previous steps. If you
do this within two minutes, you’ll hear two beeps meaning             3. Remote Call Forwarding
your CALL FORWARDING feature is activated. When CALL
                                                                      With REMOTE CALL FORWARDING you can have your calls
FORWARD is activated your telephone will ring only once
                                                                      forwarded to a long distance number with the long distance
when receiving a call and you will not be able to answer the
                                                                      charges applied to the number being called. This feature is
call. The call will transfer to the forwarded number. However,
                                                                      very useful to businesses who forward their customers’ calls
you can still make outgoing calls from your telephone.
                                                                      to a long distance number, but do not want their customers to
To Cancel CALL FORWARD....                                            be charged with long distance calls.
   • Lift handset and listen for dial tone.
                                                                      No activation or deactivation codes are used with this
   • Dial 7-3#. (On rotary dial phone, dial 7-3 and wait
                                                                      service. Simply call the telephone company and order
      four seconds).
                                                                      REMOTE CALL FORWARDING. Give the telephone
   • Your CALL FORWARDING option is now deactivated.
                                                                      company the long distance number to which you want your
                                                                      calls forwarded. Long distance charges incurred from the
2. Call Forward Remote Access                                         CALL FORWARDING will be billed to the number (your
This feature allows subscribers with the CALL FORWARD                 number) and not the call originator.
service to activate or deactivate the CALL FORWARDING
option when they are away from their home or business.                4. Call Waiting
The customer dials a dedicated base directory number
                                                                      This feature uses an attention tone to inform a customer on
plus your own seven-digit directory number, followed by a
                                                                      the telephone that another incoming call is waiting. You may
Personal Identification Number (PIN) and the activation/
                                                                      either ignore the waiting call or answer the waiting call by
deactivation codes. If the calls are forwarded long distance,
                                                                      doing one of two things. You may (1) terminate the existing
the toll charges will be charged to your telephone. There is
                                                                      conversation by hanging up and waiting for a ring which will
no additional charge for this service.
                                                                      be the waiting party or (2) place the existing conversation
To Activate CALL FORWARD with REMOTE ACCESS...                        on hold by depressing the hookswitch for one second, and
   • Lift handset and listen for dial tone.                           subsequently alternating between the two calls by depressing
   • Dial your BASE CALL FORWARD NUMBER. (This                        the telephone hookswitch for one second. This is the most
       number is given to you by the telephone company                popular customer Calling Feature ever introduced.
       when you order CALL FORWARD with REMOTE                            • Second call alert is given by a beep.
       ACCESS)                                                            • To answer the second call, depress hookswitch for
   • Listen for dial tone.                                                     one second.
   • Dial your telephone number plus your four digit PIN                  • To alternate between calls, depress hookswitch for
       (the PIN is given to you by the telephone company                       one second.
       when you order CALL FORWARD with REMOTE                            • To end either call, hang up. Telephone will ring
       ACCESS.)                                                                connecting you with the other party.
   • Again, listen for dial tone.
   • Dial 7-2# (On a rotary dial phone, dial 7-2 and wait
       four seconds).
   • Once again, listen for dial tone.
   • Dial the telephone number that you want your calls
       forwarded to followed by the “#” button.

5. Cancel Call Waiting                                               To Disconnect Completely...
                                                                        • Simply hang up.
This feature allows a customer to temporarily CANCEL
CALL WAITING. The customer simply dials an access code               7. Speed Calling 8
before placing their call. The CALL WAITING service is then
                                                                     SPEED CALLING allows a customer to call any one of a
cancelled for the duration of their telephone call. The CALL
                                                                     group of frequently called numbers by simply dialing a one
WAITING service is automatically reconnected when the
                                                                     digit code. This feature is a wonderful asset for all telephone
customer ends their telephone conversation and hangs up.
                                                                     users. With SPEED CALLING dialing errors are prevented
There is no additional charge for this service. Available upon
                                                                     and connection time is quicker.
                                                                     To Program or Change Your SPEED CALLING 8 List...
To Cancel Before Calling...
                                                                        • Lift handset and listen for dial tone.
   • Lift the handset and listen for dial tone.
                                                                        • Dial 7-4#. (On rotary phone, dial 7-4 and wait four
   • Dial 7-0#, listen for a special tone. (On a rotary dial
      phone, dial 7-0 and wait four seconds.
                                                                        • Listen for dial tone.
   • Now, dial the number you wish to call. When
                                                                        • Dial one of the eight one-digit speed codes (2 through
      you disconnect, your CALL WAITING feature is
      automatically reconnected.
                                                                        • Then, dial the number you wish to speed code. (For
To Cancel During a Call...                                                  long distance entries, remember to include “1” and
   • You must have THREE-WAY CALLING to CANCEL                              the area code.)
      CALL WAITING during a call.                                       • Press the # button and listen for two “beeps.” (On
   • Place your current call on hold by depressing the                      a rotary dial phone, omit this step and wait four
      hookswitch for one second.                                            seconds.)
   • Listen for the dial tone, then dial 7-0#. (On rotary dial
                                                                     To Use Your SPEED CALLING 8 FEATURE...
      phone, dial 7-0 and wait four seconds).
                                                                        • Lift handset and listen for dial tone.
   • Listen for a special “beep beep” tone, then depress
                                                                        • Dial the appropriate one-digit speed code (2 through
      the hookswitch for one second and return to your call.
   • When you disconnect your call, CALL WAITING is
                                                                        • Press the # button. (On a rotary dial phone, omit this
      automatically reconnected.
                                                                            step and wait four seconds.)
6. Three-Way Calling                                                    • Your call will now be automatically dialed.
THREE-WAY CALLING allows a customer to form a three-                 8. Speed Calling 30
way conference with two other individuals. The customer
                                                                     SPEED CALLING allows a subscriber to call any one of a
depresses the telephone hookswitch for one second after
                                                                     group of frequently called numbers by simply dialing a two-
completing the first call, receives a special dial tone, and
                                                                     digit code. This feature is a wonderful asset for all telephone
dials a third party. The original party can be added to the
                                                                     users. With SPEED CALLING dialing errors are prevented.
conversation at any time by depressing the hookswitch for
one second after completing the call to the third party.             To Program or Change Your SPEED CALLING 30 List...
                                                                        • Lift the handset and listen for dial tone.
To Add a Third Person to Your Call...
                                                                        • Dial 7-5#. (On rotary dial phones, dial 7-5 and wait
   • First, depress the hookswitch for one second. This
                                                                            four seconds).
      will place the person you are talking with on hold.
                                                                        • Listen for the dial tone.
   • Listen for the dial tone. Then dial the third person you
                                                                        • Dial one of the 30 two-digit speed codes (20 through
      want to join the conversation. (You can use SPEED
      CALLING codes if you have this feature).
                                                                        • Then, dial the number you wish to speed code. (For
   • When the third person answers you can talk privately
                                                                            long distance entries, remember to include “1” and
      with this person before making the call a three-way
                                                                            the area code).
                                                                        • Press the # button and listen for two “beeps”. (On
   • Your three-way call is now under way.
                                                                            a rotary dial phone, omit this step and wait four
   • NOTE: If for some reason the third party you are
      attempting to add to the conversation does not
      answer, depress the hookswitch twice to resume the             To use Your SPEED CALLING 30 FEATURE...
      original conversation.                                            • Lift the handset and listen for the dial tone.
                                                                        • Dial the appropriate two-digit speed code (20 through
To Disconnect the Third Person...
Depress the hookswitch for one second. You will now have
                                                                        • Press the # button. (On a rotary dial phone, omit this
only the original party on the line. -OR-
                                                                            step and wait four seconds).
   • If either of the two people hangs up, you can continue
                                                                        • Your call will now be automatically dialed.
        talking with the remaining party.

9. Warmline                                                            Teen service utilizes one telephone line and two telephone
                                                                       numbers which each have their own distinctive ring.
WARMLINE is an automatic line feature which allows the                    • One number utilizes a normal ring pattern.
subscriber a specific amount of time to dial a number before               • The second number utilizes two short ring patterns.
it automatically dials a designated number. This allows
the subscriber to use the telephone normally, but to call a            11. Ring Again
designated number by simply keeping the phone off the hook
                                                                       This feature allows a subscriber encountering a busy
for 30 seconds. This service is important, for example, in
                                                                       signal within his/her exchange to be notified when the busy
case immediate access is needed to emergency numbers
                                                                       number becomes idle (available), and automatically places
in the event of sickness, injury, or other circumstances
                                                                       a call back to the busy number when the number becomes
which would prevent the telephone user from dialing. A
                                                                       available. When a subscriber encounters a busy tone from
person severely ill or injured could place a call by taking
                                                                       a number dialed, the subscriber depresses the telephone
the telephone off the hook. Families with young children
                                                                       hookswitch for one second to activate RING AGAIN. Upon
or persons incapable of dialing the telephone will find this
                                                                       hearing a special dial tone, the subscriber then dials the
feature very reassuring. There is no additional charge for this
                                                                       RING AGAIN feature code. The user hangs up, and the RING
                                                                       AGAIN feature is activated. The RING AGAIN service is a
To Use WARMLINE...                                                     tremendous time saver for heavy telephone users.
   • Lift the handset and wait 30 seconds.
                                                                       To Use the RING AGAIN Service...
   • After 30 seconds the designated number is
                                                                          • Upon encountering a busy signal, depress the
       automatically dialed. The designated number is
                                                                              hookswitch for one second and listen for dial tone.
       chosen by you at the time you select WARMLINE. To
                                                                          • Dial 6-6# or 1166 (On rotary phone, dial 1166).
       assign or change your designated number contact
                                                                          • When you hear two “beeps” hang up.
       the telephone company.
                                                                          • When the party you were attempting to call hangs up,
To Prevent Automatic Dialing...                                               you both will be placed in ring back mode.
   • Lift the handset and dial the number you wish to call                • When you answer your telephone, you will be
       before 30 seconds have elapsed.                                        connected to the party you were attempting to call.
10. Teen Service                                                       To Cancel RING AGAIN...
                                                                          • Lift handset and listen for dial tone.
TEEN SERVICE allows two telephone numbers to one                          • Dial *8-6 or 1186 (On rotary phone, dial 1186.)
telephone line. Each telephone number is given a unique                   • Your RING AGAIN service is now cancelled.
ringing pattern so the called party can determine who the call
is for before answering the call. Families with children will
find this feature very useful by giving their children a separate
telephone number and their own ringing pattern, while paying
for only one telephone line.

The utilization of CLASS Services requires the use of a                      •    Lift handset and listen for dial tone.
touch tone instrument instead of a rotary. Since touch tone                  •    Dial *6-4 and follow instructions.
line treatment is provided at no additional cost, Hilliary                   •    You will be asked to dial the telephone number
encourages its customers to use only touch tone instruments                       from which you want to receive calls. All other
as they provide quicker call set-up time, more accurate call                      numbers calling you will be denied, and will receive a
completion, less maintenance, and compatibility with various                      recording explaining that you are not accepting calls.
voice messaging systems utilized by many businesses.
                                                                         To Deactivate Selective Call Acceptance...
SS7 is an evolving technology many companies do not                          • Lift handset and listen for dial tone.
presently have in operation. The full benefit of CLASS services              • Dial *6-4 and follow instructions.
will be achieved when all companies become SS7 companies.                    • When asked - dial “3”.
                                                                             • Hang up.
Even though all of our local exchanges are equipped with SS7,                • Your SELECTIVE CALL ACCEPTANCE is now
some connecting companies do not have SS7 equipment in                           deactivated.
operation. This restricts the operational area of CLASS                  NOTE: See CLASS Services introduction on this page.
services. As other companies convert to SS7 equipment and
send caller identification information, the coverage areas will
expand.                                                                  4. Selective Call Forwarding
                        FEATURES                                         This is an incoming call management feature that allows
                                                                         the customer to transfer selected incoming calls to another
                                                                         telephone number. When one of the selected numbers calls
1. Automatic Call Back                                                   you, it will be transferred to the forwarding number of your
When activated, this feature will automatically monitor and              choice. If a person not on your selected list attempts to call
redial the last number the customer attempted to call. If the            you, they will not be transferred, but instead be routed to your
called line is not busy, the call will be placed.                        regular number.
To Use Automatic Call Back...                                            To Use Selective Call Forwarding...
    • Upon encountering a busy signal, depress the                           • Lift handset and listen for dial tone.
        hookswitch for one second and listen for dial tone.                  • Dial *6-3 and follow instructions carefully.
    • Dial *6-6.                                                             • You will be asked to dial the telephone number to
    • Your AUTOMATIC CALL BACK is now activated.                                 which you want your calls to be forwarded.
The service will attempt to call the previously busy station for             • You will also be asked to dial the selected incoming
30 minutes.                                                                      numbers you wish to be forwarded.
To Cancel Automatic Call Back...                                         To Deactivate Selective Call Forwarding...
    • Lift handset and listen for dial tone.                                 • Lift handset and listen for dial tone.
    • Dial *8-6.                                                             • Dial *6-3 and follow instructions.
    • All outstanding AUTOMATIC CALL BACK                                    • When asked - dial “3”.
       REQUESTS are now deactivated.                                         • Your SELECTIVE CALL FORWARDING is now
NOTE: See CLASS Services introduction on this page.                              deactivated.
                                                                         NOTE: See CLASS Services introduction on this page.
2. Automatic Recall
                                                                         5. Selective Call Rejection
This feature allows a customer to place a call to the
telephone number associated with the most recent call                    This is an incoming call management feature which
received, whether or not the call was answered or the                    allows the customer to define a list of calling numbers to
number is known.                                                         be screened. Before any calls are received, each call is
                                                                         screened to determine if the calling number is on your
To Use Automatic Recall...                                               rejection list. Any incoming calls on the SELECTIVE CALL
    • After receiving the last incoming call and you wish                REJECTION list will be rejected and will receive a recorded
        to recall this party, lift the handset and listen for dial       announcement explaining that your number is not accepting
        tone.                                                            calls.
    • Dial *6-9.
    • The last party to call you will now be called (Even if             To Activate Selective Call Rejection..
        you did not answer.)                                                 • Lift handset and listen for dial tone.
    • If the party you are calling is busy, the AUTOMATIC                    • Dial *6-0 and follow instructions.
        RECALL will attempt to call them for 30 minutes.                     • You will be asked to dial the numbers from which you
    • You will be called back when the connection is made.
                                                                                 do NOT wish to receive calls.
To Cancel Automatic Recall...                                                • When these telephone numbers call you they will
    • Dial *8-9.
    • The AUTOMATIC RECALL service is now                                        receive a recorded announcement telling them that
       deactivated.                                                              you are not receiving calls.
NOTE: See CLASS Services introduction on this page.                      To Deactivate Selective Call Rejection...
3 Selective Call Acceptance                                                  • Lift handset and listen for dial tone.
                                                                             • Dial *6-0 and follow instructions.
This feature screens incoming calls against a list of customer               • When asked - dial “3”.
specified directory numbers and then accepts any calls from                  • Your SELECTIVE CALL REJECTION is now
those numbers. Any incoming calls not on the acceptance                          deactivated.
list will be rejected and routed to a recorded announcement              NOTE: See CLASS Services introduction on this page.
explaining that your number is not accepting calls.
To Activate Selective Call Acceptance...

6. Distinctive Ringing/Call Waiting                                      9. Calling Number Delivery Blocking
This feature allows the customer to be alerted with a distinctive        CALLING NUMBER DELIVERY BLOCKING allows a
ring, or call waiting tone, when a call is incoming from any             customer to dial an access code before placing each call and
pre-determined number. All other incoming calls will be a                the customer’s telephone number will not be transmitted to
standard ring.                                                           persons who subscribe to the CALLING NUMBER DELIVERY
                                                                         service. A person who places a call using CALLING NUMBER
To activate Distinctive Ringing/Call Waiting...                          DELIVERY BLOCK SERVICE will transmit a “private” message
    • Lift handset and listen for dial tone.                             instead of their telephone number. After each telephone call
    • Dial *6-1 and follow instructions.                                 the CALLING NUMBER
    • You will be asked to dial the telephone numbers
         which you want to ring your phone distinctively when            DELIVERY BLOCK SERVICE is automatically deactivated.
         calling you.                                                    It must be reactivated with each telephone call. There is no
    • All other telephone numbers when calling you will                  additional charge for this feature. All exchanges have this
         cause your telephone to ring in the normal manner.              capability. CALLING NUMBER DELIVERY BLOCKING is
                                                                         operational in all SS7 exchanges. To prevent your telephone
To deactivate Distinctive Ringing/Call Waiting...                        number from being displayed to other people when calling...
    • Lift handset and listen for dial tone.
    • Dial *6-1 and follow instructions.                                      • Lift handset and listen for dial tone.
    • When asked - dial “3”.                                                  • Dial *6-7 and listen for dial tone.
    • Your DISTINCTIVE RINGING/CALL WAITING is now                            • Dial the telephone number you wish to call.
        deactivated.                                                          • When you hang up, the CALLING NUMBER
NOTE: See CLASS Services introduction on page 9.                                   DELIVERY BLOCK is automatically deactivated.
7. Customer Originated Trace                                                  • The CALLING NUMBER DELIVERY BLOCKING
                                                                                   service must be reactivated with each telephone call.
This feature allows the customer to initiate an automatic trace          NOTE: See CLASS Services introduction on page 9.
of the last call received. Upon activation by the customer, the
network automatically sends a message to a predetermined                 10. Anonymous Call Rejection
central office terminal indicating the calling and called
numbers, the time the call was received, and the time the trace          ANONYMOUS CALL REJECTION (ARC) is a feature which
was activated. At the customer’s request, Hilliary will forward          allows a customer to automatically reject any calls from a
the information directly to the proper legal authorities.                caller that marks their telephone number as anonymous or
                                                                         private, (incoming calls which appear on your caller ID as
To Trace the Last Incoming Call...                                       “private” or “anonymous”). This feature rejects these calls.
    • After receiving the last incoming call, hang up and                With anonymous call rejection the telephone will not ring if the
        wait ten seconds.                                                person calling you has blocked their calls using call blocking
    • Lift handset and listen for dial tone.                             or per-line blocking. The person calling you will receive a
    • Dial *5-7.                                                         message that the party they are trying to reach is not accepting
    • If the trace is successful, you will receive a recording           calls from a blocked number. The caller will then be instructed
        informing you the trace was successful.                          to redial without blocking their number or to call the Operator
    • A copy of the trace information may be obtained from               for assistance in completing the call.
        legal authorities.
                                                                         To Activate Anonymous Call Rejection...
NOTE: See CLASS Services introduction on page 9.
                                                                             • Lift the handset and listen for dial tone.
8. Calling Number Delivery                                                   • Dial *7-7. You will hear a confirmation tone after
                                                                                 dialing indicating that the feature has been activated
CALLING NUMBER DELIVERY enables a customer to view                               on your telephone.
the calling directory number before answering incoming calls.
The calling number is displayed on a “Calling Identifier” which               • Callers with their telephone number marked “private”
connects to a standard telephone instrument, or it can be                        will now receive a recording when dialing your
displayed on a special telephone equipped with a viewing                         number. The recording will tell them that you are not
window. Calling identifiers may be purchased through Hilliary.                    accepting calls from unknown callers and if they wish
To Use Calling Number Delivery...                                                to call you they must hang up and cancel their privacy
    • No action is required.                                                     feature to be able to contact you.
    • Simply view the display on your CALLING NUMBER
        DELIVERY display unit on your telephone.                         To Cancel or Deactivate Anonymous Call Rejection...
NOTE: See CLASS Services introduction on page 9.                             • Lift the handset and listen for dial tone.
                                                                             • Dial *8-7. You will hear a confirmation tone after
                                                                             • ANONYMOUS CALL REJECTION has now been
                                                                                deactivated and you will receive all incoming calls to
                                                                                your telephone now.


                                                                Bowie                  Marion                 Titus
                                                                Camp                   Morris                 Upshur
                                                                Cass                   Panola                 Van Zandt
                                                                Cherokee               Red River              Wood
                                                                Franklin               Rusk
                                                                Harrison               Smith

                         DIRECT DISTANCE DIALING
With Direct Distance Dialing (DDD), you can dial your own long distance call. To make Direct Distance Dialing possible, the nation
has been divided into more than 120 geographic areas. Each area has its own three-figure “Area Code” (see maps pages 13 &
You should be able to obtain the area code of the place you are calling by checking the map. If the map does not clearly show the
area code you want, call the Operator and she will give you the area code.
You can dial direct to almost any telephone with a seven-figure or a two-letter, five figure number.

         For Calls Within the 903 Area                                     For Calls Outside the 903 Area
                                                                               Station-to-Station Calls (1+ Dialing)
            Station-to-Station Calls (1+ Dialing)
                                                                                (Dial Area Code+Telephone Number)
               (Dial 1+903+Telephone Number)
                 *Long distance charges apply                           Person-to-Person, Collect & Credit Card Calls
                                                                           *(Dial 0 (Operator)+903+Telephone Number)
      Person-to-Person, Collect & Credit Card Calls
                                                                      When you have completed dialing, the Operator will come
        *(Dial 0 (Operator)+903+Telephone Number)
                                                                         on the line and ask pertinent calling information.
      When you have completed dialing, the Operator will
     come on the line and ask pertinent calling information.

How to get Out of Town Numbers                                       If you reach a wrong number - Ask the person who
                                                                     answers what city you have reached. Then dial the Operator
*For numbers within the 903 area, dial 1+903+555-1212.               immediately and tell her. She will see that you are not charged
*For numbers outside the 903 area, dial 1+area code+555-             for the call.
1212. In each case, a distant Directory Assistance Operator          *If you have difficulty or need assistance - Dial the
will give you the number of the person you wish to call. You         Operator. She will be glad to help you.
can then dial your call direct.
If the number you call is busy or does not answer - There
is no charge. Just hang up and try again later.

When making long distance calls, it costs               2. Credit Card Station-to-Station
less when you dial your own call. This is the              calling is where you dial “0” plus
lowest rate and you pay only the minutes                   the number you are calling and will
you talk. Listed below is information on the               speak with anyone who answers. An
types of Long Distance Calling available to                Operator may come on the line to
you:                                                       take your credit card number or where
                                                           automatic equipment is available
                                                           you may dial your credit card number
Collect Calls:                                             directly into the equipment.
You can make a “Collect” call if the party you
                                                        3. Operator Station-to-Station Calling is
are calling agrees to accept the charges.
                                                           that calling other than the type calls
Dial “0” plus the number you are calling.
                                                           listed in one (1) and two (2) preceding.
When the Operator answers, say you are
                                                           Such calls generally originate at
calling collect and give your name. Charges
                                                           public or semi-private telephones
start when the called party accepts the call.
                                                           and locations where direct dialing
Conference Calls:                                          equipment is not available.
You can talk with several people in different
                                                      Telephone Calling Cards:
places at the same time. Dial the Operator
                                                      Customers having Telephone Calling Cards
and explain you wish to make a conference
                                                      may place calls and have the charges made
call and give the names and telephone
                                                      to a properly approved Telephone Calling
numbers of the parties to be connected on
                                                      Card number. These calls may require
the call.
                                                      the Operator to record the Calling Card
Coin Station:                                         number and may be on a Person-to-Person
From coin telephones, see instruction                 or Station-to-Station basis. You may apply
card on or near the telephone, or dial the            for a Telephone Calling Card by calling the
Operator.                                             Telephone Business Office.
Person-to-Person Calls:                               Time and Charges:
On Person-to-Person Calling, you can talk             When placing calls, you may request from
to a particular person or extension. Dial “0”         the Operator the amount of time charged
plus the number you are calling. When the             to the call and the cost associated with
Operator answers, give the name of the                the call. This service requires Operator
person you are calling. You may also give             assistance and the call may be either
your telephone credit card number if you              Station-to-Station or Person-to-Person.
desire charges to be made to your credit
card. This is a premium rate call and is more         Wide Area Telecommunications
expensive than a Station-to-Station Call.             Service (Inward WATS):
                                                      Station-to-Station long distance calls
Station-to-Station Calls:                             may be made without a charge to you, to
There are three classes to Station-to-                those customers who have a Wide Area
Station calls:                                        Telecommunications Service. Dial “1” plus
  1. Station-to-Station Calling is where              the Area Code 800 plus the special number
     you dial “1” plus the number you are             of customers having this service.
     calling and will speak with anyone
     who answers, including an answering
     machine. This is the lowest rate long
     distance call. Charges begin when the
     called telephone is answered.

To determine if your area code has changed to 903, look for your town on this map.
  If you’re located close to the 214/903 boundary, but do not see your town listed,
please contact your local HILLIARY business office to find out which area code will
                                      serve you.

You Know the Area.
How About the Area Codes?
To accommodate the growing need for new phone, fax and wireless numbers, a new 430
overlay area code was added to the 903 area code geography in northeastern Texas. What
is an overlay code? It’s a way of expanding the quantity of available telephone numbers by
placing a new area code “on top of” the existing code geography. This means that any new
phone numbers in your area may have gotten the new 430 area code, but existing numbers did
not change area codes.
While existing home and wireless phone numbers did not change, the way you dial did change.
Starting July 20, 2002, to make a local call, even to your own area code, you had to begin
dialing the seven-digit or ten-digit phone number. After that, you needed to use an area code
when dialing all your calls-your local calls wouldn’t be completed without the whole ten-digit
If you had any service or equipment that was programmed to automatically dial a seven-digit
phone number, you had to reprogram them with the ten-digit number starting July 20, 2002.
These may have included faxes, Internet dial-up numbers, alarm circuits, speed dialers, call
forwarding and beepers. This change impacted both your home phone and any wireless
phones you may have had. Remember to include your area code when giving your phone
number to friends, family members and business associates.

                           If you have any questions, please call:
                       903-947-2222 (Monday-Friday, 8:00am-4:30pm)

ALABAMA (AL)           Lake City         386      MASSACHUSETTS            Medford       631/934    Amarillo          806
Birmingham 205/659     Lakeland          863      (MA)                     Mount Vernon       914   Arlington 214/682/817
Huntsville 256/938     Miami         305/786      Boston      617/857      Newburgh           845   Austin        512/737
Mobile         251     Orlando 321/407/689        Needham     339/781      New York City     212/   Bryan             979
Montgomery     334     Pensacola     850/448      Peabody     351/978      		            332/347/   Corpus Christi    361
                       St. Petersburg    727      Springfield     413      		            646/718/   Dallas       214/469/
ALASKA (AK)            Sarasota          941      Worcester   508/774      		             917/929   		            945/972
all locations   907    Tallahassee 850/448                                 Rochester          585   Denton            940
                       Tampa             813      MICHIGAN (MI)            Staten Island 347/718/
ARIZONA (AZ)                                                                                        Eagle Pass        830
                       Vero Beach        772      Ann Arbor         734    		             917/929
Flagstaff       928                               Detroit           313                             El Paso           915
Glendale        623                                                        Syracuse      315/680    Fort Worth 682/817
                       GEORGIA (GA)               Flint             810
Phoenix 480/602/623    Albany          229        Grand Rapids      616    NORTH CAROLINA           Galveston         409
Scottsdale      480    Atlanta    404/470/        Kalamazoo         269    (NC)                     Houston      281/346/
Tucson          520    		      678/770/943        Lansing           517    Asheville       828      		            713/832
                       Columbus    706/762        Muskegon          231    Charlotte   704/980      Huntsville        936
ARKANSAS (AR)                                                                                       Laredo            956
Fort Smith    479      Macon           478        Saginaw           989    Greensboro 336/743
                       Savannah        912        Sault Ste. Marie 906     Raleigh     919/984      Longview      430/903
Jonesboro     870                                                                                   Lubbock           806
Little Rock   501                                 Troy          248/947    Rocky Mount     252
                       HAWAII (HI)                Warren            586    Wilmington 472/910       Midland           432
Pine Bluff    870      all locations       808                                                      New Braunfels     830
CALIFORNIA (CA)                                   MINNESOTA (MN)           NORTH DAKOTA             San Angelo        325
                       IDAHO (ID)                 Blaine       763         (ND)
Anaheim      657/714                                                                                San Antonio 210/726
                       all locations 208/986      Brainerd     218         all locations 701
Bakersfield      661                                                                                Socorro           915
Burbank      747/818   ILLINOIS (IL)              Burnsville   952                                  Temple            254
                                                  Duluth       218         OHIO (OH)
Concord          925   Alton             618                               Akron         234/330    Tyler         430/903
El Centro    442/760   Aurora        331/630      Mankato      507                                  Victoria          361
                                                  Minneapolis  612         Cincinnati        513
Eureka           707   Chicago      312/331/                               Cleveland         216    Waco              254
Fresno           559   		           630/708/      Rochester    507
                                                  St. Cloud    320         Columbus      380/614    UTAH (UT)
Irvine           949   		           773/815/                               Dayton        326/937
Long Beach       562   		            847/872      St. Paul     651                                  Logan             435
                                                                           Lorain            440    Salt Lake City   385/
Los Angeles 213/323    Cicero        708/464      MISSISSIPPI (MS)         Newark        220/740
Modesto          209   Peoria            309                                                        		                801
                                                  Biloxi          228      Springfield   326/937    Tooele            435
Oakland      341/510   Rockford      779/815      Greenville      662      Toledo        419/567
Palm Springs 442/760   Springfield   217/447      Jackson     601/769      Westlake          440    VERMONT (VT)
Pasadena         626   Tinley Park 708/464                                                          all locations 802
Poway        619/858   Waukegan 224/847           MISSOURI (MO)            OKLAHOMA (OK)
Redding          530                              Chesterfield       636   Lawton          580      VIRGINIA (VA)
                       INDIANA (IN)               Jefferson City     573   Oklahoma City 405/
Riverside        951                                                                                Arlington      571/703
                       Evansville   812/930       Kansas City        816   		              572
Sacramento 279/916                                                                                  Bluefield          276
                       Fort Wayne       260       Maryville          660   Tulsa       539/918
Salinas          831                                                                                Charlottesville    434
                       Gary             219       St. Louis      314/557
San Bernardino 909/                                                                                 Harrisonburg 540/826
                       Indianapolis 317/463       Sedalia            660   OREGON (OR)
		               840                                                                                Richmond       276/804
                       Lafayette        765       Springfield        417   Portland    503/971
San Diego    619/858                                                                                Virginia Beach 757/
                       South Bend       574                                Salem       503/971
San Francisco 415/                                                                                  		                 948
                                                  MONTANA (MT)             Springfield 458/541
		               628   IOWA (IA)                                                                    Wytheville         276
                                                  all locations 406
San Jose     408/669   Cedar Rapids        319                             PENNSYLVANIA (PA)
San Mateo        650   Des Moines          515    NEBRASKA (NE)            Allentown     484/610    WASHINGTON (WA)
Santa Barbara 805/     Dubuque             563    Grand Island     308     Erie          814/582    Everett      425
		               820   Mason City          641    Lincoln      402/531     Harrisburg        717    Olympia  360/564
Santa Cruz       831   Sioux City          712    Omaha        402/531     New Castle 724/878       Seattle      206
Santa Monica    310/                                                       Philadelphia     215/    Spokane      509
		               424   KANSAS (KS)                NEVADA (NV)              		            267/445    Tacoma       253
Santa Rosa       707   Dodge City      620        Carson City   775        Pittsburgh    412/878
                       Kansas City     913        Las Vegas 702/725                                 WEST VIRGINIA (WV)
Stockton         209                                                       Reading       484/610
                       Topeka          785        Reno          775                                 all locations 304/681
                                                                           Upper St. Clair 412/
COLORADO (CO)          Wichita     316/620                                 		            724/878
Aspen          970                                NEW HAMPSHIRE                                     WISCONSIN (WI)
                       KENTUCKY (KY)              (NH)                     Wilkes-Barre 272/570     Eau Claire 534/715
Denver 303/720/983
Grand Junction 970     Ashland         606        all locations 603                                 Green Bay 274/920
                                                                           RHODE ISLAND (RI)
Pueblo         719     Bowling Green270/364                                all locations 401        Greenfield      414
                       Frankfort       502        NEW JERSEY (NJ)                                   LaCrosse        608
CONNECTICUT (CT)       Lexington       859        Atlantic City 609/640    SOUTH CAROLINA           Madison         608
Bridgeport 203/475     Louisville      502        Camden            856    (SC)                     Menomonee Falls 262
Hartford   860/959                                Jersey City 201/551      Charleston 843/854       Milwaukee       414
                       LOUISIANA (LA)             Lakewood      732/848    Columbia   803/839       Racine          262
DELAWARE (DE)          Baton Rouge         225    Newark        862/973    Greenville     864
all locations 302      Hammond             985    Plainfield        908                             WYOMING (WY)
                       Lafayette           337    Trenton       609/640    SOUTH DAKOTA             all locations 307
DISTRICT OF            New Orleans         504                             (SD)
COLUMBIA (DC)          Shreveport          318    NEW MEXICO (NM)          all locations 605
Washington 202/771                                Raton        575
                       MAINE (ME)                 Santa Fe     505         TENNESSEE (TN)
FLORIDA (FL)           all locations       207                             Chattanooga     423
Boca Raton       561                              NEW YORK     (NY)        Clarksville     931
Cocoa Beach      321   MARYLAND        (MD)       Albany        518/838    Jackson         731
Ft Lauderdale   754/   Annapolis           410/   Binghamton        607    Knoxville       865
		               954   		               443/667   Bronx        347/718/    Memphis         901
Ft Myers         239   Baltimore           410/   		            917/929    Nashville   615/629
Gainesville      352   		               443/667   Buffalo           716
Jacksonville     904   Rockville        240/301   Hicksville        516    TEXAS (TX)


Troubleshooting                                         Telephone Safety
Sometimes, you may not be able to                       Use of the Telephone Near Water
determine whether a telephone service
problem is with the equipment, inside wiring            The telephone should not be used while you
or the telephone network. Here are some                 are in the bathtub, shower or pool. Immersion
troubleshooting tips:                                   of the telephone or handset in water could
                                                        cause electrical shock.
   •   Unplug your telephone and move it
       to another jack in your home. If the             Use of the Telephone During an
       phone operates correctly in its new              Electrical Storm
       location, then the problem is not with
       the instrument. It is either because             You should avoid using the telephone during
       of inside wiring or in our telephone             an electrical storm in your immediate area.
       network.                                         Calls of an urgent nature should be brief.
                                                        Although your telephone company uses
   •   Check your modular jack to see if it             protective measures to limit abnormal
       is firmly affixed to your wall and then            electrical surges from entering your home
       remove it to see if the connections are          absolute protection is impossible.
       in place.
                                                        There is a remote risk of a dangerous
   •   Check the box outside your house                 electrical shock from lightning when using
       where the telephone lines connect to             the telephone during a nearby electrical
       your interior wiring to see if it appears        storm.
       to be in good condition.
   •   If you cannot detect any malfunctions,           Use of the Telephone to Report a Gas Leak
       call out Repair Service. Repair Service          If you think you’ve found a gas leak, you
       can pinpoint whether or not the                  should not use a telephone in the vicinity
       service problem is in our network                of the leakage until the leak is repaired. The
       facilities. If it is, we will quickly            telephone contains electrical contacts that
       dispatch out personnel to repair the             could generate a tiny spark when you lift the
       problem at no charge to you.                     handset and dial. While unlikely, it may be
   •   If the problem exists with your                  possible for this spark to trigger an explosion
       telephone equipment, jack or inside              if the gas concentration is high enough.
       wiring, then follow the procedures
       outlined under your Equipment

The following information is available in Spanish at the                   Can the Telephone Company disconnect my service
Company’s business office.                                                  without notifying me before doing so?
La siguiente informacion se puede conseguir en Español                     YES, if a known dangerous condition exists which could cause
en la Oficina Compania de Negocio.                                          harm to the telecommunications network, you as a customer,
                                                                           or employees of the Company as long as the condition exists.
Hilliary recognizes the rights of its customers as consumers of
its services. The following is a list of often asked questions and         Also, where service is connected without authority by a
their answers regarding your rights as a customer, application,            person who has not made application for service or who has
billing and payments, deposits and the use of telephone                    reconnected service without authority following termination of
service:                                                                   service for non-payment or in instances of tampering with the
                                                                           Company’s equipment or bypassing it.
Can I look at and/or obtain copies of the rules and
                                                                           Where reasonable, given the nature of the hazardous
rates applicable to telephone service before I apply for
                                                                           condition, as soon as possible after service is disconnected a
                                                                           written notice of the disconnection stating the reason therefore
YES. The information contained in the General Exchange Tariff              shall be posted at a place of common entry or upon the front
is a matter of public record. The Telephone Company will make              door of each affected residential unit.
available to the public at each of its business offices all of its
tariffs currently on file with the Public Utility Commission of             If I am late with payment of my bill, will the Company
Texas in Austin. The Telephone Company will assist seekers                 notify me? (before they disconnect my service)
of information and afford inquirers an opportunity to examine
                                                                           YES. If your bill for telephone service has not been paid within
any of the tariffs upon request. The Telephone Company will
                                                                           the sixteen (16) days allowed for payment, a termination or
provide copies of any portion of the tariffs at a reasonable cost
                                                                           disconnect notice will be sent to you at least ten (10) days prior
to reproduce such tariffs for a requesting party.
                                                                           to a date stated on the disconnect notice that service will be
                                                                           disconnected if the bill has not been paid by that date.
How long do I have to pay my telephone bill after I
receive it?                                                                The notice will have the words “Termination Notice” or similar
                                                                           language prominently displayed on it. The notice will also have
Your bill for local, toll and miscellaneous services is issued
                                                                           printed on it, or attached to it, a notice that if you are in need
monthly and is due and payable at the payment offices of the
                                                                           of assistance with payment on your bill, you may be eligible for
Company on or before the due date which is sixteen (16) days
                                                                           an alternative program, such as Deferred Payment Plan, and
after issuance. Your bill for telephone service will become
                                                                           that you should contact the Business Office of the Company
delinquent if unpaid by the due date. The postmark, if any, on
                                                                           for more information.
the envelope of the bill, or an issuance date on the bill, if there
is no postmark on the envelope, shall constitute proof of the
                                                                           If I get a termination notice and the disconnect date
date of issuance. If the due date falls on a holiday or weekend,
                                                                           shown on it is on a weekend or holiday, will my service
the due date for payment purposes shall be the next work day
                                                                           be disconnected on the day before?
after the due date.
                                                                           NO. If the cutoff day falls on the weekend or holiday, the cutoff
On what basis can the Telephone Company disconnect                         will be made on the next working day after the tenth day from
my service?                                                                the date of issuance of the notice or twenty-six (26) days from
                                                                           the issuance of your bill.
Your telephone service may be disconnected for any of the
following reasons:
                                                                           If I find what I believe to be an error on my bill, how
   1.   Failure to pay delinquent account for telephone service            do I resolve the error? (without having my service
        or failure to comply with the terms of a Deferred                  disconnected)
        Payment or Guarantee deposit agreement;
                                                                           In the event of a dispute between you and the Telephone
   2.   Violation of the Telephone Company’s rules pertaining              Company regarding any bill for telephone service, the
        to the use of service in any manner which interferes               Company will investigate the particular case, and report the
        with the service of others or the operation of                     results to you. In the event the dispute is not resolved, the
        nonstandard equipment, if a reasonable attempt has                 Company will inform you of the complaint procedures of the
        been made to notify you and you are provided with a                Public Utility Commission.
        reasonable opportunity to remedy the situation:
                                                                           Your service will not be subject for discontinuance for not
   3.   Failure to comply with deposit or guarantee                        paying that portion of a bill under dispute pending the
        arrangements where required by the Telephone                       completion of the determination of the dispute, but in no event
        Company in accordance with the General Rules                       should the dispute exceed sixty (60) days. You are obligated
        pertaining to Deposits in the General Exchange Tariff              to pay any billings not disputed as established in the General
        for the Telephone Company.                                         Rules Section of the General Exchange Tariff for the Telephone
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