Always fight with love -
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VOL. 115 | NO. 3 Official Chronical, Municipal Affairs JANUARY 16, 2023 MICHELLE WU — Mayor of Boston EDWARD FLYNN — President, City Council “The Embrace” Boston’s newest public art project celebrating the work and lives of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and Coretta Scott King. Always fight with love DR. MARTIN LUTHER KING
THE FOLLOWING APPLY TO ALL THE CITY RECORD USPS 114-640 ADS IN THIS PUBLICATION is published weekly by the City of Boston, 1 City Hall Square, Boston, MA 02201, under the direction of • The City of Boston is committed to and the Mayor, in accordance with legislative act & city affirmatively ensures that Disadvantaged ordinance. The periodical postage is paid at Boston MA. Business Enterprises (DBE), Small Local Business Enterprise (SLBE), Minority Business Enterprise (MBE), Women Business Enterprise (WBE), and Veteran Owned Small Business Enterprise (VOSBE) firms shall be afforded full opportunity to submit qualifications in response to this and will not be discriminated against on the basis of race, color, national origin, ancestry, disability, gender, transgender status, political affiliation, age, sexual orientation, or religion in any consideration leading to the award of contract. The City’s directory of certified businesses is available here. • No qualified disabled person shall, on the basis of disability, be excluded from participating in, be denied the benefits of, or otherwise subjected to discrimination in any consideration leading to the award of contract. Michelle Wu, Mayor of Boston • The award of any contract shall be subject to the Christopher Radcliffe, Interim Purchasing Agent approval of the Mayor of Boston. Diana Laird, City Record Administrator • The maximum time for IFB acceptance by the The City Record Office is located in Room 808 City after the opening of the bids shall be ninety at One City Hall Square Boston, MA 02201-1001 (90) days unless noted otherwise. Telephone: 617-635-4564 • The maximum time for RFP acceptance by E-Mail: the City after the opening of the bids shall Single copies $2.00 per issue be one hundred-eighty (180) days unless noted otherwise. Subscription (in advance) $75.00 per year (send a check payable to ‘City Record’ to: • The City/County and the Official reserve the City Record Procurement – Boston City Hall right to reject any or all bids, or any item or items One City Hall Square, Boston, MA 02201-1001 thereof, and to award a contract as the Official Postmaster; send address change to deems to be in the best interest of the City. City Record, Room 808 1 City Hall Square, Boston, MA 02201-1001 • All contracts shall be subject to the availability of an appropriation therefore, if sufficient funds ADVERTISING: are not appropriated for the contract in any A rate of $12 per 1⁄2-inch or $24 per inch of 12 lines fiscal year, the Official shall cancel the contract. (set solid) has been established for such advertisements as under the law must be printed in the City Record. • The City reserves the right to reject any and all Advertising and other copy must, except in bids, or any part or parts thereof, and to award emergencies, be in hand at the City Record office a contract as the Official deems to be in the by 5:00 p.m., Wednesday of each week to insure its best interest of the City. This contract shall be publication in the following Monday’s issue. subject to the availability of an appropriation. PLEASE NOTE: The deadline of 5:00 p.m., Wednesday If sufficient funds are not appropriated for the of each week is ten days in advance of publication. contract in any fiscal year, the Official shall Other advertising rates available—Please contact us cancel the contract. at for these rates. LATE BIDS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED 9
HELPFUL LINKS City of Boston Legal Compliance Resources City Land & Boards & Employee Building for Sale Commission Listings We sell City property to developers who want Appointments Each year, the City of to make the community Boards and commissions Boston publishes payroll better. By law, we can only are an important part data for employees. choose a buyer who meets of Boston’s government. This dataset contains all our requirements. We Each board or commission employee names, job don’t list our properties works with internal details, and earnings with brokers or take departments, City information including offers. Councilors, and the public base salary, overtime, and to serve the City. total compensation for employees of the City. neighborhood- development/how-we-sell- engagement/boards-and- citys-land-and-buildings commissions employee-earnings-report Language and School Committee Communication Proceedings Access Bond Listings We are happy to answer School Committee The City of Boston meetings are held twice a questions and assist sells bonds to borrow month on Wednesdays at community members, the money needed to 6 p.m. at the Bruce C. organizations, and city pay for construction, Bolling Muncipal Building, employees. We work to rehabilitation, and 2300 Washington Street, Public Notices strengthen the City of repair of all of its public School Committee Boston so that services, buildings, including: Chamber, second floor, You can find out about programs and activities schools, libraries, police, Roxbury, MA 02119. The all upcoming City of are meaningfully accessible fire, and park facilities, Chamber has a capacity Boston public notices and to all constituents. and streets and sidewalks. of 202 people. To confirm, hearings. We also have contact 617-635-9014. information on archived public notices. neighborhood-services/ treasury#general- language-and- obligation-bonds Page/253 communications-access 10
CITY OF BOSTON ADVERTISEMENTS Invitations for bids for the procurement of services and supplies City Hall is open to the public five days a week. Please email to make an appointment to drop off a non-electronic bid or come to a bid opening. Thank you! Event EV00011792 Various Diving Equipment for (BFD Special Opps) Boston Fire Department Bid Opening Date: January 24, 2023 INVITATION FOR BIDS FOR THE CONTA CT INF ORMAT ION PROCUREMENT OF THE FOLLOWING Mark Giannangelo 617-635-4569 The City of Boston (“the City”), acting by its Acting Purchasing Agent (“the Official”), invites sealed bids for the performance of the work generally described below, and particularly set forth in the Invitation for Bids, which may be obtained from the City’s Procurement website and Supplier Portal Event EV00011802 procurement. Invitation for Bids shall be available until SECURITY CAMERAS the time of the bid opening. Boston Fire Department The attention of all bidders is directed to the provisions Bid Opening Date: January 25, 2023 of the Invitation for Bids and contract documents, CONTA CT INF ORMAT ION specifically to the requirements for bid deposits, Brian Heger insurance and performance bonds as may be applicable. 617-635-2201 The supplies/services described for the below is an actual amount of the supplies/services to be procured. The City reserves the right to reject any and all bids, or any part or parts thereof, and to award a contract as the Official deems to be in the best interest of the City. Event EV00011803 This contract shall be subject to the availability of an SLE - WELSBACH FIXTURESs appropriation. If sufficient funds are not appropriated Public Works Department for the contract in any fiscal year, the Official shall Bid Opening Date: January 25, 2023 cancel the contract. CONTA CT INF ORMAT ION The maximum time for bid acceptance by the City after Brian Heger the opening of bids shall be ninety (90) days. The award 617-635-2201 of this contract shall be subject to the approval of the Mayor of Boston. Sealed bids shall be publicly opened by the Official at 12:00 Noon, Boston City Hall, Procurement Room 808, CHRISTOPHER RADCLIFFE, INTERIM PURCHASING AGENT One City Hall Square, Boston, MA 02201 (January 9, January 16, January 23, 2023) 11 – Advertisements
Event EV00011734 (RE-AD) Event EV00011816 Chipper Truck (PWD-Parks) SLE - COLONIAL FIXTURE GAS Public Works Department – Parks & Recreation Public Works Department Department Bid Opening Date: February 1, 2023 Bid Opening Date: February 1,2023 CONTA CT INF ORMAT ION CON TA C T I N F O R MATI O N Brian Heger Chris Radcliffe 617-635-2201 617-635-3422 Event EV00011735 (RE-AD) Aerial Forestry Body (PWD-Parks) Event EV00011823 Public Works Department – Parks & Recreation BPD- Equipment Department Boston Police Department Bid Opening Date: February 1, 2023 Bid Opening Date: February 1, 2023 CON TA C T I N F O R MATI O N CONTA CT INF ORMAT ION Chris Radcliffe Brian Heger 617-635-3422 617-635-2201 Event EV00011736( (RE-AD) Log Truck (PWD-Parks) Public Works Department – Parks & Recreation Event EV00011829 Department SCBA Equipment BPD Boston Police Department Bid Opening Date: February 1, 2023 Bid Opening Date: January 31, 2023 CON TA C T I N F O R MATI O N Chris Radcliffe CONTA CT INF ORMAT ION 617-635-3422 Michael Walsh 617-635-3706 Event EV00011804 TSE - Galvanized Sign Poles Boston Transportation Department Event EV00011833 Bid Opening Date: February 1, 2023 F550 Cab and Chassis Swap Loader Public Works Department CON TA C T I N F O R MATI O N Brian Heger Bid Opening Date: February 1, 2023 617-635-2201 CONTA CT INF ORMAT ION Chris Radcliffe 617-635-3422 Event EV00011813 Robotic Tracked Slope Mower (PARKS) Boston Parks & Recreation Department CHRISTOPHER RADCLIFFE, INTERIM PURCHASING AGENT Bid Opening Date: February 1, 2023 (January 16, January 23, January 30, 2023) CON TA C T I N F O R MATI O N Chris Radcliffe 617-635-3422 12 – Advertisements
INVITATION FOR BIDS INTERIOR PAINT SERVICES AT 543 COLUMBIA RD, DORCHESTER REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS EV00011626 CONTA CT INF ORMAT ION GROWBOSTON CAPACITY-BUILDING Rosemary Chung-Dell PROGRAM FUNDING AWARDS 617-635-0280 *AMENDED CON TA C T I N F O R MATI O N The City of Boston (City), acting by and through its Shani Fletcher Mayor’s Office of Housing (the Official), invites sealed bids for the performance of the work generally 617-635-0466 described above, and particularly set forth in the Invitation For Bids. The City of Boston acting by and through its Public Facilities Commission by the Director of the Mayor’s The bid package will be available on January 9, 2023 Office of Housing (MOH), Director’s Office Division, at 9 am electronically from the City’s Purchasing is seeking proposals for its GrowBoston Capacity- website,, click on Building Program Funding Awards. Supplier Portal, and access Event #EV000011626. GrowBoston: Office of Urban Agriculture, which The attention of all bidders is directed to the is a part of the Mayor’s Office of Housing (MOH), provisions of the Invitation For Bids and contract works to increase food production in the City of documents, specifically to the requirements for bid Boston. MOH will offer funding awards for capacity- deposits, insurance and performance bonds as may building activities undergone by food-producing be applicable. organizations. These awards are intended to assist food-producing organizations to strengthen their The contract awarded pursuant to this Invitation For infrastructure and, whether in the short or near- Bids shall be for a term of three (3) months, but not term, to grow more food in the City of Boston. to exceed 6 months upon contract execution. MOH anticipates funding awards up to $30,000 Bids shall be submitted in accordance with the depending on project size and scope in response to Invitation For Bids. All bids for this project are this RFP. A total of $250,000 is being made available subject to M.G.L. c. 30B and in accordance with the for this program. terms and provisions of the contract documents. The RFP package will be available on January 9, 2023, All bidders wishing to bid must attend a Mandatory and can be downloaded by registering at https:// Bid Viewing on Tuesday, January 10, 2023 at 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM at 543 Columbia Road, Dorchester, proposals. If you are unable to access, please contact MA 02125 the Director of GrowBoston. All bids shall be filed no later than Monday, January * A virtual Applicant Conference will be held 23, 2023 at 12:00 PM (NOON) through the Boston on Tuesday, January 31, 2-3pm. Link and other Supplier Portal or at the Mayor’s Office of Housing, details can be found at 12 Channel Street, 9th Floor, Boston, MA 02210 and departments/growboston. in accordance with the submission requirements starting on page 4. Envelopes should be labeled Completed RFP responses must be submitted “Interior Paint Services at 543 Columbia Rd, electronically by February 24, 2023, no later than Dorchester - EVENT # EV00011626”. Sealed bids 4:00pm. Please go to shall be publicly opened by the Official at that time. departments/housing/requests-proposals for detailed SHEILA A. DILLON, CHIEF OF HOUSING AND instructions on how to submit RFP responses. DIRECTOR SHEILA DILLON, CHIEF OF HOUSING AND (January 9, January 16, 2023) DIRECTOR (January 9, January 16, January 23, 2023) 13 – Advertisements
INVITATION FOR BIDS INVITATION FOR BIDS TYLER-MUNIS ENTERPRISE CHAIN LINK FENCING CITYWIDE SOFTWARE CONTA CT INF ORMAT ION Rob Talevi EV00011801 CO N T RA C T I N F O R MATI O N Tom Timmons Luis Del Nido 617-635-3589 The City of Boston, acting by the Parks The City of Boston, acting by the Department Commission, hereinafter referred to as the of Innovation and Technology, 1 City Hall Plaza, Awarding Authority, hereby invites sealed bids Boston, MA 02201, hereinafter referred to as for the project listed above. the Awarding Authority, hereby invites written quotes for the project listed above. Bids shall be on a form supplied by the Parks and Recreation Department shall be clearly Quotes will be solicited from selected vendors identified as a bid and signed by the bidder. Bids through the City of Boston’s Supplier Portal: shall clearly be labeled with the project name. All bids for this project are subject to all applicable provisions of law and in accordance with the All quotes for this project are subject to all terms and provisions of the contract documents applicable provisions of law and in accordance entitled: Chain Link Fencing Citywide. with the terms and provisions of the contract documents entitled: Tyler-Munis Enterprise Bids shall be submitted before 12:00 P.M., Software. Boston time, Thursday, January 26, 2023, at which time the bids will be opened read aloud Quotes shall be submitted by 12:00 p.m. Boston through a virtual meeting. Bidders will be able time on January 27, 2023 and opened forthwith. to view the event live through a link provided on SPECIFICATIONS AND PLANS will be available the City of Boston website: on or about Monday, January 16, 2023 at 10:00 gov/departments/parks-and-recreation/doing- A.M., Boston time. The term of the contract business-parks-and-recreation. shall be for 1 year with two one-year options to Bids shall be filed with the Awarding Authority, renew at the City’s sole discretion. 1010 Massachusetts Ave 3rd Floor Boston Ma, SANTIAGO GARCES - CHIEF INFORMATION 02118, accompanied by the bid deposit previous OFFICER to the time named for opening of bid. (JANUARY 16, JANUARY 23, 2023) SPECIFICATIONS AND PLANS will be available on or about Monday, January 9, 2023, after 9:00 A.M., Boston time, at 1010 Massachusetts Ave, 3rd floor Boston Ma 02118. There will be no informational pre-bid conference for this project. RYAN WOODS, COMMISSIONER (January 9, January 16, 2023) 14 – Advertisements
REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS INVITATION FOR BIDS DOWNTOWN WATERFRONT DNA TESTING TROLLEY KIOSK PROGRAM EV00011809 CON TA C T I N F O R MAT I O N Susan Downs CONTA CT INF ORMAT ION 617-918-6204 Irma Moss (617)343-4428 The Boston Redevelopment Authority (“BRA”) d/b/a the Boston Planning & Development The City of Boston (the City)/the County Agency (“BPDA”) is issuing a Request for Proposals of Suffolk (the County), acting by its Police (“RFP”) for a Downtown Waterfront Trolley Kiosk Commissioner (the Official), invites sealed bids Program (hereinafter, the “Program”). for the performance of the work generally described above, and particularly set forth in This RFP package including requirements for this the Invitation For Bids. project will be available to download on the BPDA Procurement Portal free-of charge in digital print Bid packages may be obtained through form to all interested respondents on January 9, electronic format, commencing at 9:00 AM 2023, 9:00 A.M at on Monday, January 16, 2023 and shall be procurement. available until the time of bid opening. Bid packages and specifications will be available Plan holders shall open and register the for downloading by visiting information requested for the “Downtown procurement and clicking on the supplier Waterfront Trolley Kiosk Program” and then portal to locate event number EV00011809. follow the prompt to start file download under the “Work with Us” tab. If unable to access the RFP Sealed bids shall be opened electronically package through the BPDA Procurement Portal, by the Official on Wednesday, February 1, at contact the BPDA Real Estate team at 617-918-6204, 12:00 Noon, at Boston Police Headquarters, or via email to in order Contracts Unit, Room N359, 1 Schroeder Plaza, to make alternative arrangements. Boston, MA 02120-2014. MICHAEL A. COX, POLICE COMMISSIONER All responses to this IFB must be returned no (January 16, January 23, 2023) later than 12:00 noon on January 25, 2023, to: Teresa Polhemus, Secretary, Boston Planning & Development Agency, c/o Real Estate Administration, 22 Drydock Avenue, Suite 201, Boston MA 02210. Proposals must be accompanied by a non-refundable bank check or money order, in the amount of Fifty Dollars ($50.00), made payable to the BRA. MICHELLE GOLDBERG, DIRECTOR OF FINANCE/ CHIEF PROCUREMENT OFFICER (January 9, January 16, 2021) 15 – Advertisements
PARKS & RECREATION SOCIAL MEDIA POST JANUARY 11, 2023 INVITATION FOR BIDS BOSTON CITY HALL DOOR RESTORATION EV00011770 CON T RA C T I N F O R MATI O N (617) 635-4100 The City of Boston acting by its Property Management Department, through its Commissioner of the Property Management Department (PMD), hereinafter referred to as the Awarding Authority, hereby invites sealed bids for the above-entitled project. Bid package can be obtained from the City’s procurement website and Supplier Portal (http:// under Event ID EV00011770 beginning at 10:00 A.M. on December 28, 2022 and shall be available until the bid opening. THE SCOPE OF WORK is further detailed in the specifications and includes the following: To replace exterior door, interior window shades and replace terrazzo flooring as further detailed in the specifications. Bids can be filed electronically before 2:00 PM on January 26, 2023 at the above-mentioned site. All hard copy bids can be submitted to an Official at the Property Management Department, Boston City Hall, Room 811, Boston, MA 02201 before 2:00 PM on or before January 26, 2023. EAMON SHELTON, COMMISSIONER (January 9, January 16, 2023) 16 – Advertisements
CITY OF BOSTON DIRECTORY Department contact information and addresses ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES BUDGET MANAGEMENT ELECTION Alex Lawrence, Deputy Chief for Jim Williamson, Budget Director Eneida Tavares, Interim Commissioner Administration 617-635-4783 617-635-3927 617-635-4634 Ellen Hatch, Deputy Chief of Finance BOSTON WATER AND SEWER EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AFFIRMATIVE ACTION COMMISSION Shumeane L. Benford, Chief 617-635-3360 Henry Vitale, Executive Director/CFO 617-635-1400 617-989-7000 AGE STRONG COMMISSION EMERGENCY SHELTER Emily Shea, Commissioner SMALL BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION 617-635-4375 Aliesha Porchena James F. Greene, Director 617-635-3112 617-635-4507 ARCHIVES & RECORD MANAGEMENT BROADCAST AND CABLE EMPLOYEE ASSISTANCE PROGRAM John McColgan, City Archivist Michael Lynch, Director (EAP) 617-635-1195 617-635-3112 Wendolyn M. Castillo-Cook, Director 617-635-2200 ART COMMISSION CAPITAL PLANNING Karin Goodfellow, Director John Hanlon, Deputy Director ENVIRONMENT, ENERGY 617-635-3245 617-635-3490 & OPEN SPACES Reverend Mariama White-Hammond, ARTS & CULTURE CITY CLERK Chief Kara Elliott Ortega, Chief Alex Geourntas 617-635-3425 617-635-3914 617-635-4600 FAIR HOUSING & EQUITY ASSESSING CITY COUNCIL STAFF William Onuoha, Director Nicholas Ariniello, Commissioner Michelle Goldberg, Interim Staff 617-635-2500 617-635-4264 Director 617-635-3040 FINANCE COMMISSION AUDITING OFFICE OF CIVIC ORGANIZING Matt Cahill, Executive Director Maureen Joyce, City Auditor (OCO) 617-635-2202 617-635-4671 Henry Santana, Director FIRE DEPARTMENT BOSTON 311 CODE ENFORCEMENT POLICE Paul F. Burke, Fire Commissioner Rocco Corigliano, Director John Blackmore, Interim Director 115 Southampton Street 617-635-4500 or 311 617-635-4896 617-343-3610 DISABILITIES COMMISSION FOOD JUSTICE BOSTON CENTERS FOR Kristen McCosh, Director Aliza R. Wasserman, Director YOUTH & FAMILIES 617-635-3682 617-635-4456 Marta Rivera, Commissioner 617-635-4920 LICENSING AND CONSUMER HEALTH BENEFITS & INSURANCE AFFAIRS Marianna Gil, Director BOSTON EMS Kathleen Joyce, Executive Director 617-635-4570 James Hooley, Chief 617-635-4170 617-343-2367 HUMAN SERVICES COPY CENTER José F. Massó, Chief of Human Services BOSTON HOUSING AUTHORITY Frank Duggan 617-635-1413 Kate Bennett, Administrator Administrative Assistant 617-988-4000 617-635-4326 HUMAN RESOURCES Joanne Wisniewski, Transformation BOSTON PLANNING & DEPARTMENT OF INNOVATION Director DEVELOPMENT AGENCY (BPDA) & TECHNOLOGY (DOIT) 617-635-4698 Arthur Jemison, Director Santiago “Santi” Garces, CIO 617-722-4300 617-635-4783 HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSION Julia Gutierrez, Chief Digital Officer Susan Helmy, Interim Director BOSTON RENTAL HOUSING 617-635-2328 CENTER 26 Court Street, Boston, MA 617-635-4200 17 – Directory
IMMIGRANT ADVANCEMENT NEIGHBORHOOD SERVICES STREETS, SANITATION & Monique Tú Nguyen, Director Enrique Pepén, Director TRANSPORTATION 617-635-2980 617-635-3485 Jascha Franklin-Hodge, Chief of Streets John Romano, Deputy Director 617-635-4900 INFORMATION 617-635-3260 Central Operators TOURISM, SPORTS & 617-635-4000 OFFICE OF ECONOMIC ENTERTAINMENT OPPORTUNITY AND INCLUSION Amy Yandle INSPECTIONAL SERVICES Segun Idowu, Chief 617-635-3911 Sean Lydon, Commissioner 617-635-5729 1010 Massachusetts Avenue, Boston Midori Morikawa, Deputy Chief TRANSPORTATION 617-635-5300 617-635-3416 Bradley Gerratt, Interim Commissioner 617-635-4680 INTERGOVERNMENTAL RELATIONS PARKS AND RECREATION Clare Kelly, Director Ryan Woods, Commissioner TREASURY 617-635-3707 617-635-4989 Maureen Garceau, Senior Deputy Treasurer Neil Doherty Chief of Staff 617-635-4140 617-635-4196 POLICE DEPARTMENT Celia Barton, Collector Ellen Quinn, Director of State Relations Michael Cox, Commissioner 617-635-4140 617-635-3827 617-343-4500 VETERANS’ SERVICES Diego Huezo, Deputy Director of State PROPERTY MANAGEMENT Robert Santiago, Commissioner Relations 617-635-4478 Eamon Shelton, Commissioner 617-635-3037 Chantel Lima Barbosa, City Council 617-635-4100 Liaison 617-635-3817 WOMEN’S ADVANCEMENT Sam Hyun, Director of Federal Relations PUBLIC FACILITIES Alexandra Valdez, Executive Director 617-635-4616 Kerrie Griffin, Director 617-635-3138 Inez Foster, Director of Resource 617-635-4814 Development, 617-635-3954 ZONING BOARD OF APPEAL (ZBA) PUBLIC HEALTH COMMISSION Kevin O’Connor, Executive Secretary LABOR RELATIONS Dr. Bisola Ojikutu 617-635-4775 Renee Bushey, Director 617-534-5395 617-635-4525 PUBLIC SCHOOLS MAYOR’S OFFICE LAW DEPARTMENT Advisors: Mary Skipper, Superintendent Adam Cederbaum, Corporation Counsel David Vittorini 617-635-9050 617-635-4099 Senior Advisor: Tax Title Division PUBLIC WORKS Tali Robbins Kevin Foley Director Mike Brohel Mariel Novas 617-635-4034 617-635-4900 Tiffany Chu, Chief of Staff Claims & Affirmative Recovery 617-635-2854 Division - Lena-Kate Ahern, Director PROCUREMENT Dion Irish, Chief of Operations Assistant Corporation Counsel, Chris Radcliffe, Interim Purchasing Agent 617-635-4624 617-635-4034 617-635-1860 Danielson Tavares, Chief Diversity Officer Gerard Bonaceto, Asst. Purchasing Agent 617-635-2011 LIBRARY 617-635-3937 Mike Firestone, Chief of Policy David Leonard, President Michael Miller, Director of Strategic & Strategic Planninge 700 Boylston Street, Boston Procurement 617-635-4500 617-536-5400 617-635-4479 Jessicah Pierre, Chief of Communications Diana Laird, City Record Administrator 617-635-4461 MAIL ROOM 617-635-4551 Maryangely Solis Cervera, Paul McDonough Chief of Equity & Inclusion Administrative Asstistant REGISTRY 617-635-3961 617-635-4699 Patricia A. McMahon, City Registrar Dr. Monica Bhare, Chief of Mass Cass & 617-635-4175 Health Policy OFFICE OF HOUSING 617-635-4500 Sheila Dillon, Chief RESILIENCE AND RACIAL EQUITY 617-635-3880 James Arthur Jemison II, Chief of Planning Lori Nelson, Chief Resilience Officer Alex Lawrence, Chief People Officer 617-635-0739 RETIREMENT BOARD Christine Weir 617-635-4305 18 – Directory
Procurement, Room 808 ONE CITY HALL SQUARE | BOSTON, MA 02201 Periodical U.S. Postage PAID Boston, MA The City Record is the Official Chronicle of the City of Boston. This weekly periodical publishes the municipal news, notices and all advertisements for the procurement of goods, materials, and services for the City of Boston that are estimated to equal or exceed $50,000. Any vendor interested in supplying goods, materials or services to the City of Boston would benefit by gaining access to the City Record. To subscribe, please send a $75 check made payable to the ‘City Record’ to the address listed on the inside cover. GET YOUR FREE COPY ONLINE AT:
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