Allure Estate. Design Guidelines.
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Introduction 4 Solar Power 26 Design Guidelines and How They Work 4 Benefits of Solar Installation 27 Maximising the Benefits of Solar 27 The Approval Process 6 Landscaping 28 Street Appeal 8 Outdoor Living Areas 28 Your Home 12 Landscaping and Gardens 29 Façade Treatment 13 Native Garden 30 Colour 14 Front Landscape Package 10.5m 32 Front Door 15 Front Landscape Package 12.5m 33 Windows 16 Front Landscape Package 15m 34 Garage Door, Gutters and Downpipes 17 Front Landscape Package Corner 35 The Roof 18 Appendix 1 36 Outdoor Living Areas 18 Builder Checklist for Design Approval 36 Ancillary Buildings and Building Services 19 Building Services 19 Sustainable Design 20 Climate-Responsive Design 21 Solar Access 21 Natural Ventilation 21 Thermal Efficiency 22 Energy 22 Landscaping and Gardens (Ecosystems) 23 Water 23 Safe and Accessible Living 24 Structure 25 Linings 25 Emissions from Materials 25 Allure Estate Design Guidelines 3
Introduction. Design guidelines and how they work. - These Design Guidelines relate to residential lots within Allure Estate. - This document is a tool to ensure a high Your home design must comply with the quality of design and amenity for all residents requirements of the Allure Estate Design and community members. It also seeks to Guidelines. Home designers must also review minimise environmental impacts, to respect and and comply with other legally binding enhance the existing natural context; and can documentation, such as: offer ways to add to the value of your home. → City of Canning Town Planning Some of the guidelines are compulsory, others Scheme No. 40 are suggestions. The compulsory guidelines → Residential Design Codes (R-Codes) are presented within this document as “must” and suggestions are represented as → Any relevant Local Planning Policies, “recommendations”. codes and standards. 4 Allure Estate Design Guidelines
The Approval Process. Before your new home can be built at the Allure Estate, you must seek approval from the Yolk Property Group (the Developer) and the relevant local government authority by following the three steps outlined further. Step One Step Two Submit the following PDF plans for approval to Outcome A: the Developer by emailing Your application meets all the Design Guidelines’ compulsory requirements. Your application will proceed to Step 4. → Site plan, floor plans and landscaping plans including fencing details (min scale 1:200). Outcome B: → Elevations depicting materials and fencing Your application needs to be modified or you details (coloured and min scale 1:200). need to provide more detail to meet all the The Developer will review your application compulsory Design Guidelines. The Developer to ensure it complies with the Allure Estate will outline what is required so you can update Design Guidelines. and resubmit your plans for review. 6 Allure Estate Design Guidelines
Step Three → The Developer approves and returns your → Any changes to a home that do not comply application to you with a confirmation email. with the Design Guidelines will need to be Your builder can now send your approved rectified at the home owner’s expense. application and confirmation email (along → Development approval is not required for with all the other information required) to the single dwellings that comply with the City City of Canning. Please note: of Canning Local Planning Policy. → A building design approved by the Developer does not automatically guarantee Building Licence by the City of Canning. → The City of Canning will take the Developer’s approval of a building design into account in the statutory approval process. Allure Estate Design Guidelines 7
Street Appeal. The street frontage of the home plays a role in Activation of the street through placement of defining the form and character of the street windows and a main entry point should provide and must be sited and oriented to directly clear direct site lines from the dwelling, while address the main street and the pedestrian or maintaining appropriate privacy for residents. vehicular approach. Corner Lots Your home must have a front door and windows Corner lot homes must be designed to ensure that face the street, which will contribute to the dwelling addresses both the primary and street activation and passive surveillance, secondary street. The appearance of both the allowing for actual or perceived monitoring of front and side of the home must be consistent public spaces by people as they go about their in materiality and design quality. Your home daily activities. must have at a minimum, one window (major The presence of windows and a forward-facing opening) within a habitable room facing the entry will promote opportunities for social secondary street, facilitating continued passive interaction and will enhance the street appeal surveillance and street activation. of the development, reducing the likelihood of antisocial behavior. Your home must further reinforce this by the inclusion of a street facing porch, veranda or entry canopy. 8 Allure Estate Design Guidelines
Fencing and Letterboxes The remaining two thirds should be Stratco Good Neighbour Fencing Superdek Profile at To help make Allure Estate a friendly community 1800mm high, Slate Grey colour. with social streets, front boundary fencing must be visually permeable and comply with the City Any application for standard fencing to be of Canning requirements. provided by the Developer is to be made by the purchaser 2 months prior to completion The fencing on your side and rear boundary of their home. Fences that are provided by must be Stratco Good Neighbour Fencing the Developer cannot be altered in any way. Superdek Profile. It should be 1800mm high and Nothing can be fixed to or change the nature Slate Grey colour. All side and rear boundary of permeable fencing, other than landscaping. gates should match your fence style. Temporary screening of permeable side fences For corner lots, where fencing is provided such as bamboo, shade clothes and tarps along the secondary street, one-third of this are not permitted. No advertising material or fencing must be visually permeable, facilitating signage is permitted on dwelling fences. passive surveillance for windows from habitable rooms and privacy through well designed Your letterbox must match the design of your landscaping. home, referencing materials used for the rest of your home and must be permanent. The Permeable fencing must be Stratco Good materials for the letterbox insert must be either Neighbour Fencing Superdek 1150m Colorbond brushed or polished stainless steel, anodised Fencing with 650mm aluminium Slatted Infills, aluminium, bright or satin chrome. and a maximum height of 1800mm. Post mounted letterboxes are not permitted within the estate. . . . . 4 Allure Estate Design Guidelines 9
Driveways . Your garage must be positioned to maintain clear sight lines along the street and not to detract from the streetscape or appearance of dwellings; or obstruct views of dwellings from the street and vice versa. Ensure your crossover and driveway are positioned so that they do not conflict with street trees and existing . service infrastructure such as light poles and power domes. The driveway must be constructed of exposed aggregate insitu concrete, or square profile concrete pavers. Diagonal paving arrangements are permissible. 4 The crossover must be constructed from the same material as the driveway (unless installed by the developer). Permissible colour schemes must incorporate grey tones. Refrain from using red, cream, beige or Florentine Limestone colour schemes as these are not permitted. Your crossover and driveway must be completed prior to moving into your new home. Liveable Street Development on lots fronting the Liveable Street are further governed by the provisions of the Local Development Plan (LDP). The location of crossovers and associated setback of individual dwellings are specified by the adopted LDP and should be reflected at the time of designing your home. *Please note renders are an artist’s impression of Liveable Street and are for illustrative purposes only. 10 Allure Estate Design Guidelines
6 1 POS 2 5 4 9 3 8 7 2 L AT HAM ROAD POS LEGEND 1 Climbing / Bouldering Wall 6 Children’s Criterion Track Banquet Table, Cantenary Lighting & 2 7 Ping Pong Seating Wall 3 Bowling Lane & Chess Table 8 Skateable Elements POS 1 4 Climbing Pole 9 Feature Duratherm Paving Sun Lounge & Umbrellas W/ 5 Book Library KINLOCK AV E NUE Allure Estate Design Guidelines 11
Your Home. We want to ensure that Allure Estate is a The street facing elevation of your home has successful residential estate, both in terms of it an important visual impact on the overall being a well organised and attractive estate streetscape of the estate. The streetscape and one that is highly sustainable. is the visual identity of a neighbourhood and plays an important role in facilitating Homes must be designed to utilise passive interaction between residents and creating a solar design principles and solar technology, community. The design of every home should whilst also creating liveable, social streets complement each other, working together to and public spaces. present a consolidated design approach which reinforces the design ethos of the Allure Estate. Well designed streetscapes encourage connection, understanding and community spirit among residents. 12 Allure Estate Design Guidelines
Façade Treatment 1. Rendered brickwork. Ensure that the visual impact of your home is 2. Face brickwork or blockwork. complementary to the overall streetscape by (2C Cream Brick not permitted) choosing materials and colour schemes that 3. Fibre cement sheet modular cladding - are compliant with these Design Guidelines. paint finish. Your primary street facing elevation must 4. Weatherboard or profiled timber lining. incorporate a mix of a minimum of two materials and colours selected from the 5. Profiled Colorbond steel cladding. material and colour lists below, so that 6. Stone cladding. houses in the street have their own unique 7. Feature tiling. features to make for a visually interesting, but complementary streetscape: 8. Timber lined ceiling or eaves. This mix is to exclude roof, door and window treatments and each should comprise of no less than 10% of the front façade. Alternative materials to the above list are permitted to be submitted for consideration. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Allure Estate Design Guidelines 13
We recommend the construction method of Materials with a high thermal mass should reverse brick veneer, in which the brickwork or be located in areas of the home that are blockwork is the inside skin tied to a conventional exposed to direct sunlight or radiant heat. We lightweight stud-framed construction which recommend that you choose materials based on takes advantage of the material’s thermal mass their appropriate thermal mass properties while properties. It can produce high performing also considering how much they cost to produce. buildings with lower than average energy The use of non-toxic, sustainable and/or demands for both heating and cooling. We renewable materials are encouraged. Low also recommend the use of foil or bulk insulation or zero-emission volatile organic compound within cavities to further enhance the thermal (VOCs) finishes are preferable, as VOCs are resistance of masonry walls. considered pollutants that can have adverse You should choose materials based on effects on the environment and on the health of their thermal mass properties. When used home occupants. appropriately, thermal mass can moderate No advertising material or signage is permitted internal temperatures by averaging day and on dwelling façades. night extremes, greatly influencing requirements for mechanical heating and cooling methods. Colour External walls must contain at least Palette 1 Palette 3 two complementary external finishes in Earth Grass a combination of the materials listed below. Single use of the same material Paint and render colours Paint and render colours (such as 100% face brick) will not be approved. Colours which are earthy or in Roof colours Roof colours harmony with Australian natural flora are encouraged, with an emphasis on natural muted tones for the main Palette 2 Palette 4 building elements. Wood Stone Some brighter accents of colour may be used only for architectural features or Paint and render colours Paint and render colours front doors, preferably using hues from Australian flora. Four sugguested colour palletes are Roof colours Roof colours provided as a guide for use on your external walls and roofs. 14 Allure Estate Design Guidelines
. . 4 Front Door The primary street elevation of your home must include a front door and windows that overlook the street with the front door being framed by a porch, verandah or entry canopy that is separate from your garage. Your front door can be: → Powder coat aluminium framed glazed door (clear or opaque). → Clear finish timber. → Painted timber. The door is permitted to be a flush panel paint- finished door, external aluminium framed glazed door or a four horizontal-strip glazed feature door. Allure Estate Design Guidelines 15
Windows → The development is sited and designed to optimise the number of dwellings receiving Window style must be modern and winter sunlight to private open space and contemporary, feature bay windows via windows to habitable rooms. Ensure that are permissible. the main indoor and outdoor living areas are Full height glazing down to the slab is oriented north. recommended on windows at the front of the → Ensure north facing windows are shaded to house facing the street. Windows must have reduce unwanted heat gain. powder coat aluminium frames and be in one of the colours listed under the subheading → West or east facing open space may ‘Colour’. require additional shading from low angle summer sun. Reduce size of windows to the Natural ventilation can be achieved by east and west. Utilise fixed or adjustable two methods, the first being natural cross vertical louvres or blades; deep verandas or ventilation, which occurs when dwellings have pergolas with deciduous vines. openings with two different orientations so that breeze can flow through the room or building → Consider the use of low-emissivity (Low-E) to flush out hot or stale air. The second method laminated glazing as this glazing reduces is passive or buoyancy ventilation, which relies the amount of solar heat gain while still on the effect of rising hot air and requires high maintaining good levels of visible light and low openings so that warm air is flushed transmission. from higher openings and cooler air is drawn in Permanent roller shutters on windows facing through lower openings. Your home must have towards primary or secondary street are multiple windows across all habitable rooms to not permitted. Alternatively, safety window promote these two forms of natural ventilation. treatments such as crime safe or decorative To achieve the best solar orientation for your barriers are encouraged. home, our recommendations are as follows: 16 Allure Estate Design Guidelines
Garage Door, Gutters and Downpipes Your garage must be located under the main roof of your house and your garage door must be a panel lift style door. Roller doors addressing the street front are not permitted. Gutters, downpipes, capping and all flashing must be made from Colorbond steel or similar, finished in one of the Colorbond in the same colour as the abutting wall. Allure Estate Design Guidelines 17
The Roof Solar absorption ratings for the roof should be lower than 0.47. This information can be Your roof makes a big impact on the overall obtained from manufacturers. Metal Roofs style of your home and can also go a long way should be a sleek, non-reflective profiled steel in making your home more climate-responsive. and therefore Zincalume and tiles are not Where possible, we recommend having at least permissible. Refer to the subheading ‘Colour’ 40 square metres of roof angled towards the listed earlier in the document for recommended north, to allow for successful placement of solar appropriate colour choices. panels. To achieve a consistent design aesthetic within Outdoor Living Areas Allure Estate, the roof of your home must be Where possible, your outdoor living area designed in accordance with the following must be designed to face north so that it is criteria to ensure that it is complementary to exposed to solar gain from the north during the surrounding development: winter months, while also being protected from Hip and gable roofs must have a pitch of wind and rain. Northern facing covered areas 20-30 degrees. heat gain during summer months. Where north Single gable, concealed parapet roofs and facing outdoor living areas are not possible, skillion roof forms must have a maximum east facing is also permitted. pitch of 20 degrees. Eaves must be provided to protect all sides of the dwelling from solar heat gain during summer (with the exception of where dwellings are built on a nil setback R-Codes clause 5.1.3 ((C3.3)). 18 Allure Estate Design Guidelines
Ancillary Buildings and Building Services Building Services To facilitate installation of solar panels, it is For the Allure Estate to maintain a clean important that your builder / architect notes uncluttered streetscape with a complementary the following: appearance of all buildings, footpaths, gardens, → No buildings or structure is permitted that services and equipment, please ensure that your will shade the solar panels. home adheres to the following guidelines: → The solar system inverter needs to be placed → Any outbuildings, sheds, studios or ancillary in a specific location, either: accommodation must be constructed → Directly next to your main switchboard at from a material that complements your eye level requiring 1 square meter of wall home, such as: space (but not on a northern wall). • Rendered brickwork. → If the inverter will not fit next to your main • Paint-finished cement modular cladding. switchboard, it may be placed inside your • Weatherboard and profiled timber lining. garage in a position where it does not • Profiled Colorbond steel. require more than 10 metres of cabling from • Face brick or blockwork. the main switchboard. → Other materials may be submitted for consideration but will require approval from the Developer. Any paint finishes must match Colorbond colours that are listed earlier in the document under the subheading ‘Colour’. Accent colours are also acceptable. → Sheds, storerooms and outbuildings are not permitted to be located at the front of your home addressing the streetscape and must be constructed within the back yard. They must not visually impact on adjacent parks or public open space, or adjacent roadways. Allure Estate Design Guidelines 19
Sustainable Design. The sustainability initiatives applied at Allure Estate aim to respond to the needs of today’s and future generations by addressing a range of environmental, social and economic criteria. Allure Estate has been developed on the principles encapsulated by the One Planet Living criteria, with thought on ongoing sustainability initiatives and living affordability being at the forefront. 20 Allure Estate Design Guidelines
Climate-Responsive Design Natural Ventilation The subdivision design of Allure Estate orients Good indoor air-quality is essential for healthy and most lots so that homeowners can benefit comfortable living environments, with poor indoor from using solar-passive design principles in air-quality being a significant contributor to poor their home design and take full advantage of respiratory health. In most situations, optimising opportunities for natural heating and cooling, natural ventilation is the most affordable and rather than relying solely on air conditioners, effective way to manage indoor air quality. fans and the like. Natural ventilation is the movement of a You should consider the following solar access sufficient volume of fresh air through a dwelling and natural ventilation recommendations to to refresh indoor air. improve your home’s environmental performance. If your home is designed for good natural ventilation, this will contribute to passive Solar Access cooling where there is a reduced requirement A climate-responsive design makes use of for mechanical cooling methods such as clever positioning in relation to the sun so that air-conditioning. Passive cooling is the least your home has solar access during winter for expensive means of cooling a home in both heat gain and is shaded during summer. financial and environmental terms. Orientate the main living area such as the Thoughtfully placed windows or openings to kitchen or family room towards the north so allow for cross ventilation increases airflow that the thermal mass within your floor slab can to help cool your home naturally. This is be heated by the winter sun. This thermal mass particularly important for key living spaces will radiate heat during the evening, reducing in your home such as the kitchen, dining the requirement for mechanical heating. and family rooms. Placing smaller windows Garages should be positioned to the west side or openings on the side of your home that of your home where possible to help insulate gets most of the wind and larger ones on the your home against solar heat gain from the opposite side, also helps encourage air flow. summer sun. Where it is not possible to locate Adding roof ventilation, like vented gables, a garage on the west, locating it on the east is e-vents or wind-activated mechanic also beneficial. ventilators help create air flow. Planting trees, shrubs and bushes alongside east and west external walls of your home will reduce heat absorption by the dwelling façade and will help to shade your home from the sun. Provide deeper eaves, awnings or verandahs along the west side of your home to further assist with shading from the summer sun. Positioning laundries, bathrooms and some bedrooms should be to the south side of your home will allow for cooler, more comfortable sleeping wings. These rooms typically do not require much access to sunlight. Allure Estate Design Guidelines 21
Thermal Efficiency You should consider the following additional recommendations to improve your home’s Through using the right materials and properly environmental performance: insulating your home, you can lower your energy consumption and in turn reduce your → Increase the size of your photovoltaic system. power bills. → Hot water systems should be as close as We recommend: possible to the area of most use, such as the main bathroom. → Making sure there are no draughts in your home by draught-sealing windows and → Install a basic energy monitor with the solar doors to help maintain the temperature power system - a way for residents to see inside your home. their energy consumption pattern in real time. → Designing your home so your living and sleeping areas are compartmentalised → Insulate hot water pipes. meaning you can better control the → Electrical appliances should have a minimum temperature for each area. 4-star rating. → Appropriate use of thermal mass. To be → Seal downlights and exhaust fans. effective, thermal mass must be integrated with sound passive design techniques. → Exterior lighting should be operated via a timed sensor with a manual override switch. → Having appropriate areas of glazing facing appropriate directions with appropriate → Internal tap fittings and shower fittings that levels of shading, ventilation, insulation and use
Landscaping and Gardens Builders must demonstrate adherence to a (Ecosystems) documented waste management plan which sets out an approach to ‘avoid, reduce, reuse Your front yard adds to the overall appearance and recycle’ waste as set out in the guide. of the streetscape. The trees and plants used in the landscaping throughout the estate have Key principles include: been chosen to suit the estate’s unique style. → The use of skip bins rather than cages. To keep within this style, certain species have been selected for you to use in the landscaping → Use of contractors who transport waste to a of your home. licensed recycling centre. Your front garden must include plants of various → Select materials and products which colours, textures and sizes. Planting edible minimise and/or recycle packaging. water-wise plants is also encouraged. All garden → Design dwellings to maximise use of beds must be topped with mulch. Artificial turf is standard sizes of materials wherever not permitted in the front garden. possible. Planting trees, shrubs and bushes alongside your Any waste material removed for disposal must home helps reduce heat absorption and helps be through a licensed waste recovery facility. shade your home from the sun. Landscaping near lot boundaries is encouraged to achieve Water additional privacy and shading. The aim is for lot and dwelling design to contribute to a reduced demand on potable Any front landscaping provided by the water supplies by using water efficient Developer will include reduced lawn areas mechanisms and practices, together with the and water-wise gardens to reduce the use of utilisation of alternative water sources such as non-potable water. ground water. The estate is targeting low waste production, All front landscaping packages have a high recycling rates and ensuring that dwelling mandatory minimum 70% drought-tolerant design supports recycling initiatives. species (see Appendix 1). Allure Estate is a ‘Smart Waste Zone’. Use of showerheads that use
Safe and Accessible Living Key design features include: Residential development should contribute to → A safe continuous and step-free path the wellbeing of the community by providing of travel from the street entrance and/or a sense of safety and security; and a flexible parking area to a dwelling entrance that design that is welcoming to a diversity of is level. people, is adaptable to their changing needs, → At least one, level (step-free) entrance into and enables social interaction. the dwelling. To this end the estate is aiming for dwellings → Internal doors and corridors that facilitate to meet the ‘silver’ performance levels under comfortable and unimpeded movement Livable Housing Australia’s Livable Housing between spaces. Design Guidelines. This allows your home to be suitable to a wider pool of buyers/occupants → A toilet on the ground (or entry) level that and allows owners to age in place. The cost provides easy access. to retrofit a home down the track is cost → A bathroom that contains a hobless shower prohibitive compared to allowing for it upfront. recess. → Reinforced walls around the toilet, shower and bath to support the safe installation of grabrails at a later date. → Stairways designed to reduce the likelihood of injury and also enable future adaptation. For more details, visit Environmentally Responsible Materials - The aim is to responsibly use materials to lower environmental impacts without significantly jeopardising the functionality or liveability of the home. - 24 Allure Estate Design Guidelines
Structure Emissions from Materials The structure of the built form (both above The aim is to increase the use of those and below ground) must use at least one of products and finishes which minimise the levels the following: of potentially dangerous emissions such as volatile organic compounds and formaldehyde → Concrete with ≥30% supplementary in buildings for the sake of occupants and cementitious materials; and/or tradespeople. → Structural timber (including formwork timber) The requirements are: which is accredited by the Australian Forestry Standard or Forest Stewardship → Only ‘low emission’ paints, sealants and Council. adhesives are used on at least 95% of internal and external surfaces. Linings → Floor coverings to be free of formaldehyde. The building must use at least one of and volatile organic compounds. the following: → Plasterboard with ≥10% recycled gypsum; and/or → Plasterboard which incorporates recycled paper. Allure Estate Design Guidelines 25
Solar Power. Solar power is one of the Investment Returns most environmentally friendly There are not many financial investments better than solar. With the installation of solar there energy sources. are immediate savings that are realised on your Solar Panel installation on residential dwellings electricity bill from day one. This could translate in Western Australia is an effective way to start into a return on your initial investment of circa living sustainably. 15-20% per annum for many years to come, with Using the energy of the sun, solar panels help your solar energy system potentially paying for provide the electricity that runs your home. itself in around 3-6 years, depending on the With more than 3212 hours of sunshine per year system size. in Australia, solar power energy is a smart way Increase the value of your home to save money. Energy efficient homes have been proven to Once you have a installed a solar system sell at a significant premium to less efficient on your roof, it will continue to generate free ones. With rising electricity prices, buyers electricity from the sun year after year. This will increasingly focus on energy efficiency means you can substantially reduce or even and solar when considering which home to eliminate your electricity bills, giving you the purchase. peace of mind that you’re doing what you can Do your bit for the environment to keep your bills as low as possible while still Electricity generated via your own solar system enjoying the benefits of all the gadgets that means that you’ll draw less electricity from the electricity powers. grid. This means less coal is burnt at power There are many reasons why your home or stations reducing the use of the biggest source business should install a solar system. of carbon pollution. Installing a system is the single most effective step you can take towards reducing your carbon footprint. 26 Allure Estate Design Guidelines
Benefits of Solar Installation Maximising the benefits of solar There are many benefits of installing solar To seek and maximise your investment return, panels for your home’s energy consumption. you can make your household an energy Significant savings can be made from day one efficient home. Small actions and lifestyle on your electricity bills, electricity consumption changes can drastically reduce your electricity and your carbon emissions. Let’s take an in consumption. depth look at the costs vs benefits for solar There are a number of things you can do power. around your home: Here are some benefits that you and your → Use your electricity at times when your solar home will gain from investing in an Infinite system is producing electricity. Energy Home Solar System: → Turn off all appliances at the wall – turns off → Protection from continually rising standby power. energy prices. → Purchase energy efficient appliances. → Reduced upfront cost due to solar rebates. → Turn down your hot water system → Reduction in your electricity bills. (heating water can be one of the main → Doing your bit for the environment by cutting users of electricity if you use electrically your carbon footprint. boosted systems). → Increase in the value of your home. → Turn off air conditioners and heaters when you are out. Use these in the rooms → Protection from the carbon tax impact on you are occupying. cost of electricity. → Install Energy Efficient light globes – compact fluorescent globes. → Shade East and West windows from the sun – prevents the heat gain and reduces air con use. Solar Power Rebate A Solar Rebate is offered to purchasers within Allure Estate, to assist in the purchase and installation of a system greater that 1.5kw. Allure Estate Design Guidelines 27
Landscaping. Outdoor Living Areas Your outdoor living area must be designed so it soaks up the northern sun in winter (while also With our state’s abundant sunshine and mild being protected from wind and rain) and offers winter weather, Western Australians are able protection from the scorching sun in summer. to make the most of the outdoors almost all Shading to use during the hotter months is year long. To take advantage of this, your home highly recommended. must include a well planned outdoor living area – one that connects to your main indoor living If it’s not possible to have a north-facing space is recommended. outdoor living area, one that is east-facing is permitted. 28 Allure Estate Design Guidelines
Landscaping and Gardens In addition to landscaping provided we encourage choosing native or edible ground Your front yard adds to the overall look of cover instead of grass. These not only look the street. The trees and plants used in the great, they don’t need as much water as grass. landscaping throughout the estate have been chosen to suit Allure Estate’s unique style. We recommend that you consider the following: To keep within this style, certain species have → Your neighbours when planting trees. been selected for you to use in the landscaping of your home, and will be used in the front → Deciduous trees (those that drop their landscaping provided by the developer. leaves each winter) are planted in north-facing areas. Your front garden must include plants of various colours, textures and sizes. Planting → There are no plants getting in the way of edible water-wise plants is also encouraged. solar electricity equipment (yours or your All garden beds must be topped with mulch. neighbours’). Trees, bushes and hedges need Artificial turf is not permitted. to be trimmed near this equipment. → You install a water tap at both the front and rear of your home. → Your front street tree is connected to your reticulation system during its first 2 years of growth, as well as providing it with additional water over the hot summer months. Allure Estate Design Guidelines 29
Native Garden. Suggested Plant Palette. Scientific Name Common Name Trees Corymbia ‘Baby Scarlet’ Red Flowering Gum Eucalyptus victrix Snow Queen Fruiting Trees Citrus x Native Lime Australian Sunrise Citrus Limon ‘Meyer’ Meyer Lemon (non native) Podocarpus elatus Illawarra Plum Shrubs Anigozanthus flavidus ‘Red’ Red Kangaroo Paw Casaurina glauca prostrate ‘Cousin It’ Carpobrotus glaucescens ‘Aussie Rambler’ Dichondra argenta ‘Silver Falls’ Dianella revoluta Blueberry Lily Dryandra armata Prickly Dryandra Hibbertia scandens Snake Vine Lomandra ‘Seascape’ Mat Rush Myoporum parvifolium Creeping Boobialla Melaleuca nesophila ‘Little Nessie’ Pimelia ‘Bonnie Petite’ Rice Flower Scaevola albida ‘Mauve Clusters’ Syzygium australe ‘Tiny Trev’ Thryptomene baeckeacea Pink Cascade ‘Low Form’ Westringia ‘Aussie Box’ Native Rosemary 30 Allure Estate Design Guidelines
Citrus x Native Lime Citrus Limon ‘Meyer’ Corymbia ‘Baby Scarlet’ Eucalyptus victrix ‘Australian Sunrise’ ‘Meyer Lemon Tree’ ‘Red Flowering Gum’ ‘Snow Queen’ Anigozanthus flavidus ‘Red’ Casuarina glauca prostrate Carpobrotus glaucescens Dichondra argenta ‘Red Kangaroo Paw’ ‘Cousin It’ ‘Aussie Rambler’ ‘Silver Falls’ Dryandra armata Hibbertia scandens Lomandra ‘Seascape’ Myoporum parvifolium ‘Prickly Dryandra’ ‘Snake Vine’ ‘Mat Rush’ ‘Creeping Boobialla’ Pimelia ‘Bonnie Petite’ Scaevola albida Syzygium australe Thryptomene baeckeacea ‘Rice Flower’ ‘Mauve Clusters’ ‘Tiny Trev’ ‘Pink Cascade Low Form’ Podocarpus elatus Dianella revoluta Westringia ‘Aussie Box’ Melaieuca nesophila ‘Illawarra Plum’ ‘Blueberry Lily’ ‘Native Rosemary’ ‘Little Nessie’ Allure Estate Design Guidelines 31
Appendix 1 . Builder Checklist for Design Approval . Developer Builder Pass Criteria Summary of Mandatory Requirements Checklist Yes No Front of home faces the street Home contains either: Street Appeal → Verandah → Entry Canopy or → Porch Side and rear boundary gates match fence Letterbox Letterbox matches design of home Garage is positioned to ensure there is no conflict with street trees and/or service infrastructure Driveways Driveway is made of exposed aggregate insitu concrete, or square profile concrete, laid in stack bond Front façade incorporates a minimum of two materials from the list below: → Rendered brickwork → Paint-finish fibre cement sheet modular cladding → Weatherboard and profiled timber lining → Profiled Colorbond steel → Face brick or blockwork or → Other materials have been submitted for consideration Façade Lighter colours have been used on external walls and roofs treatment Minimum of two colours used in front façade Paint finishes match any of the below Colorbond colours: → Surfmist → Shale Grey → Dune → Windspray → Wallaby → Bassalt Front door is one of the following: → Powdercoat aluminium framed glazed door (clear or opaque) → Clear finish timber → Painted timber Front door is one of the following: Front door → Flush panel paint-finished door → External aluminium frame glazed door → A four horizontal-strip glazed feature door Front door includes glazing: → Glazing within door; → Glazing / Highlight Window abutting door. 36 Allure Estate Design Guidelines
Developer Builder Pass Criteria Summary of Mandatory Requirements Checklist Yes No Garage door falls under main roof of house Garage door is panel lift style door Gutters, downpipes, capping and all flashing is made from Garage door, Colorbond steel or similar using one of the colours below: gutters and → Surfmist downpipes → Shale Grey → Windspray → Wallaby → Bassalt → Monument Modern and contemporary look Windows Windows to have powder coated aluminium frames and be of the colours listed above The Roof Roofs have pitch of 20+ degrees A documented waste management plan based on the Master Builders WA Smart Waste Guide is in place Waste Any waste material disposed of off site is through a licensed waste recovery facility The dwelling achieves a minimum 6-star NatHERS rating certification External doors and windows incorporate seals Energy Internal tap and shower fittings that use
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