All charged up - REDARC Electronics

Page created by Earl Montgomery
All charged up - REDARC Electronics
All charged up                                                                                                                 SPRING          2 017

A message from Anthony Kittel

                                                                                                          In this issue...
                                                                                                          Westpac tour brings new insights
                                                                                                          for REDARC

                                                                                                          Hummingbird opens new facility
                                                                                                          at Williamtown

                                                                                                          Barbara celebrates 30 years of service

                                                                                                          Trusting your gut: a story from
                                                                                                          Andre Gascoigne

                                                                                                          REDARC a teaming partner for
In September this year, my wife Michele and I         It’s sometimes hard to believe that 20 years        LAND 400 - Phase 2
will be celebrating 20 years since purchasing         ago we were just operating out of a tin shed
REDARC Electronics back in 1997. As I reflect         in Lonsdale with only eight employees. Over         RAM mounts available from REDARC
on what we as a team have achieved in the last        the course of those years, we have moved to
two decades, I still sometimes can’t believe it.      various premises, and now operate in a state-
                                                                                                          Visit for tech-tips
                                                      of-the-art manufacturing facility with 170 people   and up-to-date info
REDARC Electronics (then called Labservice)
                                                      across two locations.
was founded in 1979 by Robin ‘Bob’ William
Mackie. After his premature passing, my wife          We’re set for a tremendous change once
and I decided to purchase the business.               again, with the factory expansion well
                                                      underway. Set for completion in 2018,
We mortgaged our house, sold our vehicle and
                                                      the expansion will allow us to move
borrowed some money so we could come up
                                                      into new markets and see real
with a 50% share alongside Michele’s father,
                                                      growth opportunities offshore.
Denis Brion. At the time, I was 32 years old, had
a young family and I left a good job as General       The best decisions are those
Manager at ROH Wheels. I took a salary cut and        that are based on taking risk
knew little about electronics, but I identified the   backed by reliable information
potential in REDARC. In 2002, Denis retired,          and thorough planning. We’ve
and Michele and I purchased Denis’ share of           enjoyed many milestones,
the business.                                         and gone through turbulent
                                                      economic times but, with
Not long after purchasing REDARC, I visited
                                                      your support and your belief in
a local auto electrician. I went to the counter,
                                                      REDARC, you’ve helped make it all
handed my business card to the receptionist
                                                      become possible.
and asked if I could speak to the owner. A guy
out the back yelled “tell him his products are        As I reflect on my 20 years at REDARC,
****, his service is **** and we don’t need his       I not only thank the fantastic team behind
business card!                                        me that has made REDARC what it is today
                                                      but I thank you, our customers, that have stood
As you can imagine, we had a lot of work to do
                                                      by Australian manufacturing and supported
but it was my formative years that instilled what
                                                      Australian brands.
customer service is about and that’s where we
excel at REDARC. My one motto for REDARC              Because of you, we are in the position we are
is “the customer is king” and it’s the teams’         today. I look forward to seeing what the next 20
unrelenting focus on innovation, their passion        years hold for us together.
for learning and continuous development and
working as a team that has created the iconic
REDARC brand.                                         Anthony Kittel
                                                      and the team at REDARC

All charged up - REDARC Electronics
Partnerships in business

Westpac tour brings new insights                                                                    REDARC a teaming
Anthony completed a tour of the Silicon
Valley, USA and China as part of being
                                                   “I hadn’t thought about brand for my industry    partner for LAND 400
                                                                                                    - Phase 2
                                                   in the same way, until I saw how a company
named Westpac’s “Top 20 Businesses of              like Airbnb puts their message at the heart of
                                                   everything they do.”
During their tour of the Silicon Valley,
                                                   Joe Gebbia, co-founder of Airbnb, told
REDARC alongside the other 19 businesses,
gained insights into how top companies such        the businesses that their survival through
as Uber, Airbnb, LinkedIn and Salesforce           challenging early years came down to a           We are proud to be named a teaming
achieved massive scale.                            relentless focus on customer service.            partner for Rheinmetall and BAE Systems
In addition, their tour of Alibaba, China’s                                                         Australia who are both tendering for the
                                                   Anthony said, “Products change as
largest e-commerce retailer, provided insight                                                       LAND 400 - Phase 2 contract.
                                                   technology changes but the relationship with
into how they have been able to diversify for                                                       The cost of the LAND 400 program is
                                                   your customer endures.”
consumers and businesses worldwide.
                                                                                                    between $14 and $20 billion, making it the
                                                   “Innovation and customer service form part of
“It’s been eye opening to see the scale of                                                          biggest in the Australian Army’s history.
opportunity, once you widen your vision to a       REDARC’s core values. The tour provided a
global setting,” Anthony said, citing a visit to   different perspective into how those two can     Vehicles from each tenderer will be
Airbnb as a highlight.                             be better integrated.”                           extensively tested to assess their level
                                                                                                    of protection and other capabilities. The
                                                                                                    outcomes from these tests will be used by
                                                                                                    defence to undertake a final evaluation of
                                                                                                    each tenderer’s proposal.
                                                                                                    Anthony said these announcements are
                                                                                                    a great demonstration of how innovative
                                                                                                    Australian companies can expand and adapt
                                                                                                    their array of products into military vehicles.
                                                                                                    “We know we can bring significant electronic
                                                                                                    solutions that can improve vehicle safety,
                                                                                                    productivity, flexibility and reliability”, he said.
                                                                                                    2017 has seen REDARC invited to visit
                                                                                                    major primes in Europe, with visits to
                                                                                                    multiple organisations in Sweden, Germany
                                                                                                    and the UK.
                                                                                                    This initiative was undertaken by REDARC at
                                                                                                    its own expense and has proven to be highly
                                                                                                    beneficial. Since the visit REDARC has also
                                                                                                    reciprocated by hosting the same primes at
                                                                                                    its own facility.
                                                                                                    In September REDARC exhibited at
                                                                                                    the Defence and Security Equipment
                                                                                                    International Exhibition in London as a
                                                                                                    member of Team Defence Australia.

VASA factory tour and training day
In July, REDARC hosted VASA - Automotive           The factory tour enabled VASA members to
Air Conditioning, Electrical and Cooling           have an in-depth look into REDARC’s facility
Technicians of Australia - for an auto-            and the manufacturing process required to
electrical themed training event.                  create each product.
The morning was attended by over 60 VASA           Speaking of the visit, National Sales and
members.                                           Marketing Manager, Ben Marsh said, “I
They are the only network in Australia             would like to thank the VASA organisation
representing professional workshop                 and its members for taking the time to visit
technicians in the vehicle aftermarket.            REDARC.”
The event consisted of training and a              “It was a great opportunity to host an
factory tour and a chance to network during        organisation which is comprised of many
morning tea. The training element covered          trade customers who support and use
alternator output types, DC charging, trailer
                                                   REDARC products.”
brake controllers, voltage conversion and
battery management.                                For more on VASA visit
All charged up - REDARC Electronics
Product updates                                   Product info

Switch inserts                                    Assistance just about anywhere you need it
going strong                                      At REDARC, we take a customer is king
                                                  approach in everything we do, which is why
                                                                                                   4X4, caravan, RV and boating applications
                                                                                                   through to commercial trucking and mining
The release of the Tow-Pro Switch Inserts
                                                  we offer an exhaustive range of resources        vehicle components.
is going strong, with many auto elecs and
                                                  right at your fingertips 24/7.
fitters saying they are loving the simplicity                                                      Just enquire with your local Area Sales
and ease of installation of fitting the Tow-Pro   Our website has a resources section with         Manager if you want a copy. Otherwise,
Elite remote head in the vehicle’s dashboard.     calculators, FAQs, how to’s, tech tips, wiring   the trade catalogue is also available as a
                                                  guides and product support.                      downloadable PDF and an interactive, digital
Three switch inserts are available; for the
                                                                                                   catalogue on our website.
Toyota Hilux, the Mitsubishi Triton/Holden        When you call tech support, this is the
Colorado and a universal model that fits          first place they more than likely go when        Of course, sometimes you may have a
other vehicle makes and models.                   answering your questions. We regularly           really curly question and you may not find
                                                  update it too, so we encourage you to have       the answer straight away. That’s why our
Business Development Manager - Light
                                                  a look.                                          National Tech Support Team and Area Sales
Vehicles, Robert Chadwick said it was
                                                                                                   Managers are there to help.
pleasing to see the positive uptake of the        If you prefer something physical, our new
switch inserts.                                   REDARC trade catalogue features our full         Operating between 8:00am-5:30pm (AEST),
                                                  range of products and contains over 80           our Tech Support Team are backed with auto
“Obviously we want the end customer to
                                                  pages of product information, including          electrical qualifications and over 50 years of
have the best user experience possible,
                                                  installation tips, specifications, wiring and    combined experience.
but we created the switch inserts with the
                                                  troubleshooting guides, a glossary of
installers in mind”, he said.                                                                      Contact them on 08 8322 4848 or shoot
                                                  technical terms and applications.
                                                                                                   them an email at
The switch inserts create
                                                  The entire product range is covered in
an OE-looking factory fit                                                                          To get all the latest info visit
                                                  an easy to read format, from
accessory whilst meeting
ADR21 compliance.
For more information,

Tow-Pro Elite mode
name change
One of the misunderstandings we have
come across is “what does “Automatic”
mean when describing one of the operating
modes in our Tow-Pro Elite electric brake
controller?”. Some customers think that
once the Tow-Pro Elite is set to automatic
mode, they no longer have to make future
adjustments. To avoid confusion, we have
changed the mode name to “Proportional.”
In Proportional mode - also known
as inertia sensing - the Tow-Pro Elite
senses vehicle deceleration and outputs
a proportional voltage to the trailer. How        New product release
hard this brakes the trailer is determined by
factors a brake controller can’t measure;         RAM Mounts available from REDARC
trailer weight, number of braked axles,
                                                  REDARC now stock a wide variety of RAM           They are suited for just about
wiring losses, electric or electric/hydraulic
                                                  Mounts ideal for mounting mobile phones,         every electronics
brakes and even grade of brake linings.
                                                  laptops, GPS units and just about any other      device under the sun
Regardless of the mode, the knob must
                                                  electronic device for cars, trucks, boats and    which complement
not be left on “0”, but must be set to a level                                                     an exhaustive variety of
that provides safe braking.                       even motorbikes.
For more information visit         RAM stands for Round-A-Mount, referring
                                                  to its patented ball-and-socket design that      If there is a product that
electric-trailer-brake-controller                                                                  needs to be mounted
                                                  make the RAM range so versatile and easy
                                                                                                   in a vehicle, chances
                                                  to use. When it comes to mounting anything
                                                                                                   are that REDARC
                                                  to a vehicle, flexibility is key and nothing     has what you
                                                  comes close to the possibilities that RAM        need.
                                                  Mounts can offer.
                                                                                                   For more
                                                  The range of adjustments is infinite, and        information visit
                                                  changing the direction or angle of a device is
                                                  usually as simple as loosening a single knob.    ram-mounts
Proportional mode

Visit | Email power@ | Phone 08 8322 4848
All charged up - REDARC Electronics
Product info

Regulating the sun
Recent advancements in technology                   begins switching the panel on and off                                     A PWM regulator will be operating further
have seen the use of solar energy for free          (connecting and disconnecting it from the                                 back on the volts scale, where multiplying
camping become so popular it is rare to see         battery) to limit the power that is transferred                           battery voltage, say 12 volts, by the amps
a touring setup that does not have a solar          to the battery, hence limiting the voltage from                           at that point will result in a lower amount of
system of some type.                                rising further.                                                           power being extracted from the panel.
This may include a portable solar panel             MPPT regulators, on the other hand, can be                                As you can see, the maximum amperage
alongside the vehicle or a fixed panel on top       likened to a voltage converter. The regulator                             point is where voltage is zero (also known
of the van or motorhome.                            actually simulates a load to the panel to                                 as short circuit current) and, as the voltage
                                                    keep the panel at its best performing point,                              increases, the current gradually decreases.
Regardless of the setup, the performance
                                                    where the panel produces its most power
of solar panels varies greatly based on the                                                                                   This will happen to a voltage point just
                                                    in the current conditions. This point will
conditions they are operating in, such as the                                                                                 beyond the maximum power point where
                                                    continually change, based on the changes
temperature and intensity of the light falling                                                                                the current decreases rapidly, falling to zero
                                                    in the conditions and the regulator will track
on them.                                                                                                                      at the panel’s maximum voltage point (also
                                                    this point. The MPPT regulator holds the
                                                                                                                              known as open circuit voltage).
Whatever the output from solar panels are,          panel at this point on its input and converts
there is a vital link between the panels and        the panel voltage to the correct voltage level                            The right regulator for the job
the battery that we are aiming to recharge.         for the battery being charged on its output.
                                                                                                                              An MPPT regulator outperforms the PWM
This important component is the solar
                                                    MPPT IV and PV curves                                                     regulator in extracting more power from the
regulator.                                                                                                                    same panel.
                                                    Shown below is a graph that indicates
Why are solar regulators required?                  the output curve of a good quality                                        PWM regulator technology is generally less
                                                    monocrystalline solar panel.                                              expensive to manufacture and therefore a
A 12 volt DC solar panel can produce
                                                                                                                              lower cost product. An MPPT regulator is
voltages in the mid to high 20 volt range,
                                                                      MPPT IV and PV curves                                   the opposite.
particularly in ideal solar conditions.
                                                                                                                              If the solar system is small and there are
An unregulated solar panel could push                       5A                                              100W
                                                                                                                              budget constraints, a good quality PWM
the battery voltage much higher than it is                  4A                                                  80W           regulator can be an affordable option and
designed to be charged at and will cause


                                                                                                power                         will still do a good job of safely charging
irreversible damage to the battery.                         3A
                                                                                                                              your battery.
The solar regulator must be able to control                 2A                                                  40W
                                                                                                                              However, with a large solar array and battery
the voltage from the panel effectively, no                  1A                                                  20W
                                                                                                                              bank to be supplied, MPPT is definitely a
matter the level of power being produced
                                                                                                                              better option.
by the panel. The correct size regulator                         4V   8V   12V    16V   20V     24V       30V
needs to be selected for the expected power                                      VOLTS                                        For more information
output from the solar system.                                                                                                 visit
In short, the role of the regulator is to control   All solar panels will have output curves of
the voltage level being applied to the battery      roughly the same shape, though the voltage
by the solar panel and recharge the battery                     and current vary depending
as the manufacturer intended.                                     on efficiency, quality and the
                                                                   operating conditions.
This regulation is
achieved by two                                                            The graph illustrates the
different methods,                                                          relationship between
depending on the                                                             voltage, current
type of technology                                                           and watts.
incorporated into
the product being
used. These two
different methods are
known as Pulse Width
Modulation (PWM) and Maximum                        Power
Power Point Tracking (MPPT).                        (watts) is
                                                    equal to
PWM vs MPPT                                         the voltage
                                                    multiplied by
A PWM regulator simply connects the solar
                                                    current (amps).
panel directly to the battery, which in turn
brings the solar panel voltage to the same          The maximum power point
level as the battery. The battery voltage will      of the panel will be around the 18 volt
increase due to current flow from the panel,        mark and will differ slightly with different
the amount of power the panel produces at           types of panels. At this point, multiplying
the time will dictate the rate of this rise.        that 18 volts by the current level will reap
                                                    the most amount of power. This is where an
When the battery voltage reaches the level
                                                    MPPT regulator will be regulating the panel.
which should not be exceeded, the regulator
All charged up - REDARC Electronics
Business update

30 years of service                                                                              20 years of ISO 9001
We congratulate Barbara Cromwell on 30          REDARC has been the longest. I just never        REDARC is proud to announce that it has
years of service.                               had a reason to leave.                           been recognised for being ISO 9001 (Quality
Barbara started with REDARC on the 28th of      When Anthony and Michele bought the              Management Systems) certified by risk
August 1987. As one of the ‘original eight’,    business 20 years ago, they put everything       management experts SAI Global for the last
Barbara is an integral and trusted member of    on the line. And look at REDARC now.             20 years.
the REDARC team.                                                                                 The ISO 9001 Quality Management System
                                                I’m so proud of what has been achieved.”
As our finance administrator, she has                                                            certification is one of the main drivers for
always been committed to doing the right                                                         continual improvement at REDARC.
thing, and ensures REDARC upholds                                                                Operations Manager, Fabien Claudon said,
its stellar reputation when it comes to                                                          “We are extremely proud of this milestone.
finance. “Barbara is the kind of person                                                          Certification of ISO 9001 brings a process-
you’d want with you on the battle ground”,                                                       based approach and is essential to delivering
says Anthony. “She is loyal, trusting, will                                                      innovative and high-quality electronic
do whatever it takes and is truly a great                                                        solutions to our customers.”
ambassador for REDARC and everything we
stand for.”                                                                                      As one of REDARC’s six values, we are
                                                                                                 committed to doing things right the first
“I’ve known Barbara for nearly half my life”,                                                    time - we see quality as key to delivering the
says Lex Clarke, another long-standing                                                           customer value for money. We make it the
staff member. “From running the day to day                                                       centrepiece of our work and interactions.
business in those early days, through to the
multitude of changes the company has gone
through, she’s always been there.”
Barbara commented, “I’ve been in the
workforce for 50 years. In all that time,
I’ve only worked for four companies - and

New Hummingbird facility at Williamtown

                                                                                                 Staff update

                                                                                                 REDARC welcomes
                                                                                                 Shannon Axford to
                                                                                                 the role of Customer
                                                                                                 Service Technician.
                                                                                                 Shannon started
                                                                                                 with REDARC on the
                                                                                                 24th of August and
                                                                                                 brings over ten years’
                                                                                                 experience in the
                                                                                                 automotive electrical
Hummingbird Electronics have completed          Hummingbird Electronics had been at its          field.
their relocation to their new purpose-built     previous premises in Port Stephens since         His previous roles saw him as an auto
Innovation Centre located at the Williamtown    its establishment in 2008. Hummingbird’s         electrician at Morphett Vale Auto Electrical
Areospace Centre (WAC) outside Newcastle,       National Sales and Marketing Manager, Mark       and Ralph’s Auto Electrical in Port Augusta.
New South Wales. The occasion was               Bruce, said the move represented exciting        In his more recent role at Ralph’s he
marked with a grand opening on the 21st         times for both REDARC and Hummingbird.           specialised in electrical work on trucks and
of August, which had VIP Guest Scot                                                              mining equipment.
                                                “This will allow Hummingbird to attract highly
MacDonald, Member of the Legislative
                                                skilled personnel, new business development      We wish him all the best in his new role.
Council and Parliament Secretary for
                                                and engineering opportunities”, he said.
Planning, the Central Coast and the Hunter                                                       Contact our Customer Service Team on
open the milestone event.                       For more information, visit          (08) 8322 4848 or email

All charged up - REDARC Electronics
In the community

Trusting your gut
An inspiring story from
REDARC’s Andre Gascoigne
My story begins a short time before my 30th
Nick Lee, founder of the Jodi Lee
Foundation, came and gave a presentation
on bowel cancer. Nick’s own story resonated
with me because my brother in law, who is
40 with three children, is in the final throes of
a losing battle with the disease.
At the end of the presentation our CEO                I have since been informed that of the six
announced that they had purchased                     removed, two were ‘nasty ones’ and if left
everyone in the company a test kit and                untreated would have likely turned.
offered a discounted rate if we wanted to
buy more kits for family or friends. I bought         I can’t express my thanks to Nick, and
an extra couple for my sister and girlfriend.         REDARC, strongly enough.
A few weeks later I received a phone call at          Without their conscious efforts to spread
work from my GP’s office asking me to come            the word (and the extremely fortuitous luck
and see him straight away. My heart sank              I’ve had), I’d likely be in the same boat
and fear set in. When I arrived home, I found         as my brother in law in a few years’ time.
a letter in the mailbox stating that my test          Thank you.
had come back positive for blood – more               For anyone who hasn’t done a screening
fear set in.                                          test, please, please do one. It more than
To cut a long story short, both my GP                 likely saved my life.
and the specialist I went to advised that a           To read the full story and find more
colonoscopy was required. They removed                information on this disease visit
six polyps which were sent for biopsy.                            ARB Off Road
                                                                                                    Racing Series gets
2017 World Solar Challenge ramps up                                                                 underway
The biennial World Solar                                                                            In our last newsletter we reported the 2017
Challenge gets underway                                                                             ARB Off Road Racing Series had kicked off
in October and REDARC                                                                               in Griffith, to be followed by Mildura over the
is proud to be sponsoring                                                                           ANZAC day long weekend in April.
the three South Australian
                                                                                                    The race at Sea Lake continued next,
teams participating in the
                                                                                                    between June 9 and 11. This saw Danny
                                                                                                    Brown and George Apted victorious in round
Rodrigo Marino, a graduate                                                                          three, but only with a gut-wrenching 15
engineer at REDARC                                                                                  second lead ahead of New Zealand team of
and past participant of                                                                             Raana Horan and Klem Christiansen.
the TAFE SA team said,                                                                              Pristine weather and near perfect track
“Not only does the World                                                                            conditions greeted the 99 starters at the
Solar Challenge promote                                                                             fourth round of the series, the Waikerie Hotel
innovation, it is also                                                                              ARB Riverland Enduro from July 21 to 23.
committed to continually working towards              closely with our goals and practises within   Round four saw Jack Rhodes and David
a sustainable society.”                               these sectors” he said.                       Pullino add another notch to their belts,
Anthony said the event encompasses                    Find out more about the World Solar           writing their names in the record books and
sustainability and environmentally                                                                  securing their four Waikerie victories in a row.
                                                      Challenge at
responsible practises within an industry                                                            At Goondiwindi, Aaron James and Peter
which is closely aligned to REDARC’s                  Visit the Adelaide University Solar Racing    Luckraft saw both racers take out first place,
values and internal policies.                         Team website at                     in what was a grueling course of 400km.
“REDARC is a passionate innovator that                                                              Well done to all the winners involved.
provides renewable energy systems for                 Visit the Flinders Automotive Solar Team
vehicles and a core focus on developing               website at                   The sixth and final round of the series is in
the skills of young people in South                                                                 Millicent, from September 22 to 23.
Australia. The opportunity to sponsor                 Visit the TAFESA Solar Team website at        You can see the highlights of the series at
multiple teams from South Australia aligns                         

                  REDARC Electronics          PTY
                                              LTD   Australia
                  ABN 77 136 785 092                Phone     08 8322 4848                                                                             ®
                                                    Fax       08 8387 2889

                  23 Brodie Road (North)            International
                  Lonsdale, South Australia         Phone    +61 8 8322 4848
                  Australia 5160                    Fax      +61 8 8387 2889
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