Page created by Lewis Ortega
A SUPPLEMENT OF THE DAILY HERALD | WEEK 989 | February 22, 2018 - February 28 2018

                                                               Alina Sushi
                                                               Page 8
                                                               KES Gourmet Food Fun
                                                               Page 9
                                                               Rum & Peas
                                                               Page 10
2                                  OUT ‘N ABOUT - THE DAILY HERALD                              February 22, 2018 - February 28 2018

Foodie Weekend!                                                                                                            Out ‘n About is a publication of

What are you doing this weekend? I need ideas…JK! I know what I’m doing!!!! I’m starting my weekend
by napping. Getting older means I need more time to rest before I head out and flex the limits of my                                  Coordinator
                                                                                                                               Charlesea ‘Charlie’ Joseph
liver. Granted I’m not completely hung over this weekend, I plan to wake up from my nap, eat sushi at                
Alina, because sushi is BAE and it’s necessary to have some time with the ones you love. NOM NOM                                       Reporters
                                                                                                                                     Charlsea Joseph
NOM!                                                                                                                               Lisa Davis-Burnett

                                                                                                                                  Chanaz Kokkelmans
Catch me at Soggy this Saturday, February 24, for Frankie Baby’s famous birthday bash. Might even
get into the spirit and dress up a la 90’s baby style.                                                                           Claudette Alexander
                                                                                                                                For advertisements:
                                                                                                                           Call Advertisement Department
                                                                                                                              For reactions to articles/
Yes, food is life, so of COURSE you have to meet me at the grand opening of the new KES Gourmet Fun                                 contributions:
Food Truck opening. How else will I fill my IG timeline with awesome food porn?                                               Call: 54-25253 Ext: 216

Then, it’s a Reggae-driven at Pure Reggae on the beach.
           Check out more party pictures online at

 Harmonie Night Grand Case                         Ernest&Fidel

 Dish D’ Lish                                      Dish D’ Lish                                          Buccaneer Beach Bar

 Buccaneer Beach Bar                               Chinese New Year Celebration
February 22, 2018 - February 28, 2018                   OUT ‘N ABOUT - THE DAILY HERALD

                            Chinese New Year Celebration       Harmonie Night Grand Case

Harmonie Night Grand Case

 Le Moulin Fou              Taco Macho


 Le Moulin Fou                                                 Harmonie Night Grand Case

 Rendez Vous Lounge                                             SXM Cigars&Lounge           Soggy Dollar Bar
4          OUT ‘N ABOUT - THE DAILY HERALD   February 22, 2018 - February 28 2018

     @ SOGGY                                     What is February without Frankie’s birthday?

                 A R
                                                 This Saturday, February 24, Frankie      Baby’s

       L L A R B
                                                 famous birthday bash at Soggy Dollar     Bar is

                                                 back! This year, he’s throwing an 80s    & 90s
                                                 party with music strictly from the 80s   & 90s
                                                 under Soggy’s sparkling disco ball!

                                                 Free entrance all night long! Enjoy 2-for-1
                                                 specials on Heineken Beer and Captain Morgan
                                                 WHITE Rum. Drinks are served by the talented,
                                                 gorgeous and sassy Soggy bartenders.

                                                 Soggy Dollar Bar is open daily from 11:00am
                                                 onwards with Happy Hour from 5:00 till 7:00pm.
                                                 There is a dinghy dock and easy parking, so
                                                 whether by land or sea, you can easily get to
                                                 Soggy. As usual, Soggy Dollar Bar also offers
                                                 full-bar choices so you are always guaranteed to
                                                 be sipping on your favourite drink!

                                                 Soggy knows how to party! To check out other
                                                 happenings at this popular bar and club, surf
                                                 to or www.

       STARTING AT 8:00
February 22, 2018 - February 28, 2018                                                  OUT ‘N ABOUT - THE DAILY HERALD


Join the race action          12:30 pm.                       racing with some of the
on the official St.                                            world’s most seasoned
Maarten Heineken              During the day, guests will     sailors, from more than
Regatta    spectator          receive live commentary         35 countries, sailing
boat!                         of all the on-the-water         Maxis, Monohulls and
                              action taking place. A          Performance Multihulls
Get close to the action       delicious breakfast and         to holiday-makers on
of the 38th St. Maarten       lunch will be provided on       chartered       Bareboats
Heineken Regatta, and         board, and the open bar         and live-aboard families
enjoy the best seats in       will make sure no one gets      cruising the Caribbean.
the house. Go first class      thirsty. In addition to this,   Crystal clear waters and
aboard the Golden Eagle       guests will also receive        cooling northeast trade
Catamaran and feel like       an exclusive goody bag          winds give the pristine
a real VIP. The official       filled     with    specialties   conditions for spectacular
St. Maarten Heineken          donated by loyal sponsors       racing just off the coast
Regatta spectator boat        of St. Maarten Heineken         of St. Maarten. And
will be sailing out on        Regatta.                        with Heineken as title
Saturday, March 3, and                                        sponsor, the racing days
Sunday, March 4. Make         For US $125 per person,         blend seamlessly into
sure to get your tickets on   guests can get on board         four nights of exceptional
time because they usually     of the Golden Eagle             parties. This event is
sell out quickly.             Catamaran and be a part         your bucket list must-do!
                              of the regatta. Feel like a     Come and enjoy life in
On Saturday, the boat         real VIP as you sail down       the Caribbean, come
will depart from the police   to the start line. The price    for some Serious Fun on
dock at the Simpson Bay       includes the trip out on the    March 1-4.
bridge so that guests can     water, breakfast, lunch,
enjoy the more distant        open bar, goody bag and         For more information or
start of the race classes.    a live commentator.             to buy tickets, contact the
On Sunday, the boat                                           regatta office at +1 (721)
will leave from Bobby’s       St. Maarten Regatta             588-6122        or   email
Marina, Philipsburg. For                                      Maxim at regatta2@
both days, the departure      St. Maarten Regatta is
time will be at 7:30 am       38 years strong and it          Tickets can also be
and the boat returns          just keeps getting better.      bought online at shop.
to the marina around          Four days of world-class

  Beery Mary
  Makes 1 Cocktail

          !  "  #$  
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6                                             OUT ‘N ABOUT - THE DAILY HERALD                                               February 22, 2018 - February 28 2018

   How to eat sushi – ALINA Sushi
                                                                  When not eating, your             If you particularly enjoy
                                                                  chopsticks should be put          something the chef made,
                                                                  on the holder beside of your      tell him, and ask for another
                                                                  plate, tidy and parallel to the   piece.
                                                                  table, rather than on the plate
                                                                  or your dipping bowl. Leaving    Sashimi is typically eaten with
                                                                  your chopsticks anywhere         chopsticks, but the traditional
                                                                  else may indicate that you are   way to eat sushi is by lifting a
                                                                  finished eating! Sitting your     piece between your thumb
                                                                  chopsticks down between          and middle finger. Picking
                                                                  pieces of sushi is polite and    up the sushi with the fingers
                                                                  acceptable.                      allows you to feel the texture
                                                                                                   and helps to keep it together,
H    ave you ever wanted
     to try sushi, or have
been invited to a sushi
                                Just snatching a menu and
                                choosing randomly shows
                                that you aren’t interested in
                                                                  Using wasabi and ginger rather than damaging it with
                                                                  with sushi                       wooden sticks. Regardless,
                                                                                                   you’ll be forgiven for using
restaurant, but you really      his opinion.                      Believe it or not, no matter chopsticks.
know nothing, because                                                                                                               Sushi pieces such as unagi        piece into two bites usually
                                                                  how much you enjoy the                                            (eel) and those with sauce        results in it falling apart.
you’re the Jon Snow of          Even if you don’t go with his     burn, turning your soy sauce Turn the piece upside already on top should not be
sushi? Don’t worry. Even        suggestion, your interest in      into a cloudy mess by mixing down by rotating it counter dipped.
for someone who eats            what’s going on behind the                                                                                                            The last and single most
                                                                  in wasabi is not the proper clockwise, then dip only the                                            important rule of how to
sushi often, the names and      scenes will be appreciated.       way to eat sushi. The chef fish into your soy sauce – To be a real sushi pro, pieces
variations, not to mention      That being said, never distract                                                                                                       eat sushi properly is that
                                                                  will have already added small never the rice. Not only will should be placed in the mouth           you enjoy every single bite –
the customs, can be a bit       the chef later with questions     amounts of wasabi to each the rice absorb too much soy upside down so that the
confusing, so it’s better to    or small talk pertaining to                                                                                                           more than likely, it will be the
                                                                  piece, based upon the type of sauce and change the texture fish is against your tongue.              bill and not the wasabi that
know what you’re getting        the food, weather, or Japanese    fish, to bring out flavours.       of the bite, leaving rice behind Allow your tongue to take in
before you eat out. Places      customs. The man is an artist                                                                                                         causes a little heartburn later!
                                                                                                   in your bowl is amateur. the complex flavours before
like the newly opened           and he wields a sharp knife –     Japanese restaurants do Preparing the vinegared rice gulping down the bite. No
Alina provide authentic         let him work!                                                                                                                         Exiting tip: Remember to
                                                                  provide additional wasabi to properly is also part of the matter the size, you’ll ideally           give a deep, respectful bow
Japanese experiences with                                         accommodate people with sushi art.
quality food at good prices.    Preparing to eat sushi                                                                              be able to eat the entire piece   to the chef as you leave the
                                                                  spicy interests; however,                                         in one bite. Trying to make a     establishment.
If you want the full foodie                                       adding too much wasabi in
experience, make sure you       Pour only a minuscule             front of the chef not only hides
read up a bit.                  amount of soy sauce into the      the natural taste of the fish he
                                bowl; you can always add          painstakingly handpicked, it’s
Interacting with the chef       more later if needed. Wasting     akin to dumping ketchup all
                                soy sauce is taboo in serious     over a perfect cut of beef in
First, sitting at the counter   Japanese dining etiquette.        an expensive steakhouse!
is to the place to be if        Also, pouring out too much
you want to take the            signifies that you suspect         If you need to add wasabi,
experience seriously. Go        fish is old and needs a lot of     brush some onto the fish
front and centre. You           “doctoring” before you even       with either your chopstick or
should address your sushi       try it.                           a piece of ginger. Don’t leave
chef only when necessary,                                         the ginger on top of the sushi
but ask immediately what        Tip: Don’t add wasabi to          as an enhancement. Sucking
he recommends. He most          your little bowl of soy sauce!    the extra wasabi off your
likely handpicked fish from      Although this is a common         chopsticks is also considered
the market, knows what          practice, dipping your sushi      bad form.
looked good that day, and       into this muck is not the best
will reward your trust in       way to enjoy it.               Fresh ginger is provided to
him with extra special care.                                   cleanse your palate between
                                                               bites and should never be
                                                               eaten at the same time with a
                                                               piece of sushi. You can always
                                                               ask for additional ginger
                                                               should you need it.

                                                                  How to eat sushi the right

                                                                  Fortunately, there are no
                                                                  pretentious guidelines as
                                                                  to which type of sushi you
                                                                  should eat first, and no order
                                                                  follows. The chef may have
                                                                  his own plan for which pieces
                                                                  should come in which order.
February 22, 2018 - February 28, 2018                                                                OUT ‘N ABOUT - THE DAILY HERALD
                          Basketball for Dummies
Basketball    terms          and                                           T: Technical foul.           In basketball, a five-player team   taller than a point guard but     be able to catch passes and hit
phrases to know                      Cager: A basketball player.                                        scores points by getting the       shorter than a small forward.     shots near the basket. A good,
                                                                       Take it to the hole: To drive ball through the hoop. Each           Not necessarily a great ball      rugged rebounder, but athletic
As with any sport, basketball        Charity stripe: The free throw toward the basket in an attempt basketball player has a specific        handler, but normally the         enough to move with some
has its own terms and phrases        line.                             to score.                        position and responsibilities.     team’s best perimeter shooter.    quickness around the lane on
to describe game moves, plays,                                                                          The positions – which consist      A good shooting guard (or two)    offense and defense. Expected
positions and more. Knowing          Deuce: A made field goal, Trey: A made field goal from of two guards, two forwards,                     comes off screens set by taller    to score when given the
some basketball lingo will help      worth two points.                 behind the three-point arc, and one centre – call for               teammates prepared to shoot,      opportunity on the baseline,
you to enjoy the game more                                             worth three points.              different physical requirements     pass, or drive to the basket.     much like a centre, but usually
while you play or watch from         Downtown: A long way from                                          and skills.                        Also tries to grab rebounds       has a range of up to 15 feet all
courtside seats – or your sofa.      the basket, as in, “he just hit 21: A game in which any                                               on offense. Best and brightest:    around the basket. Best and
                                     that shot from downtown!”         number of players can play. The Point guard: Usually the            Dwyane Wade.                      brightest: Pau Gasol.
Alley-oop: A designed play                                             player who has the ball attempts shortest player on the team.
in which a player lobs the           Hack: A foul.                     to score while all other players Should be the team’s best passer   Small forward: The all-         Centre: Usually the tallest
ball toward the basket and a                                           defend. A made shot results in and ball handler; not primarily      purpose player on offense:       player on the team. Should
teammate jumps up, catches           Hole: A basket, as in “take it to two points, plus you are given a shooter. Traditional role is to    aggressive and strong; tall     be able to post up offensively
the ball in mid-air, and usually     the hole.”                        up to three consecutive free push the ball upcourt and start        enough to mix it up inside, but – that is, receive the ball with
dunks it.                                                              throws, each worth one point.    the offensive wheels turning.       agile enough to handle the ball his back to the basket and use
                                     Hoop: A basket.                                                    Should either take the ball to     and shoot well. Must be able to pivot moves to hit a variety of
Block out (or box out): Using                                          Walk: To travel.                 the basket or remain near the      score both from the perimeter   short jumpers, hook shots, and
the body to block or shield          Hops: Jumping ability.                                             top of the key, ready to retreat   and from inside. Best and       dunks. Also must know how to
an opponent in order to gain                                           Understanding player positions on defense. Best and brightest:      brightest: Carmelo Anthony.     find the open player in the paint
better position to grab a            H-O-R-S-E: A popular game in in basketball                         Derrick Rose.                                                      and grab offensive rebounds.
rebound.                             which one player makes a shot                                                                         Power forward: Has muscles Best and brightest: Dwight
                                     and his opponent must make                                         Shooting guard: Generally          or at least a little bulk. Must Howard.
Boards: Rebounds.                    the identical shot. Failure to
                                     do so results in gaining a letter
Brick or clank: An especially        (starting with “h”).
ugly, misfired shot that clanks
hard off the rim.                In the paint: In the free throw
Bucket: A good multipurpose
word that can mean the basket Nothin’ but net: A shot that
itself or a made basket; also goes through the rim without
can be used as an adjective for touching the rim or any other
an especially good shooter, as part of the basket.
in “That guy is bucket.”
                                Rock: Slang for ball, as in “shoot
Bury a jumper: To make an the rock” or “pass the rock.”
especially pretty jump shot.


Thursday, February 22                /0
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8                                                    OUT ‘N ABOUT - THE DAILY HERALD                                               February 22, 2018 - February 28 2018

                          Chef Ken Lin –
                     Owner of Alina Restaurant ~ Bringing true Japanese cuisine to Sint Maarten ~
Alina opened its doors                  his own eatery, while also      restaurant Alina?
just a few weeks ago. The               working as a private chef for   I always had the dream to
mastermind behind the                   numerous clients.               have my own space. I also
restaurant is Chef Ken Lin,                                             ?   $   0 
who aims to bring our                   How did Ken end up on Sint      does have a lot of Japanese
                  Maarten? Here’s his story.      inspired restaurants, but
                                                   most do not serve actual
local ingredients.                      Sounds like you were doing        ? Q  #
                                        well on Anguilla; what          Alina will! My two daughters,
Ken grew up in a family of              changed?                        Alice and Nina, inspired the
 >    ?                    Hurricane      Irma    came     name of the restaurant. They
       !# 6@               around!     My      “market”    are one and four years old,
receiving extensive training            on Anguilla was severely        and I guess you can say that I
and experience, Ken started             damaged. I started thinking     work for them now.
 %>  ?               ? # 
r e s t a u ra t e u r- c o m p a ny    $ # 0  @      Why do you think dining at
based in London. His role               already    thought    about     Alina is special?
was to open restaurants all             opening up a restaurant         At Alina, we aim to use
over the world, making sure             here. Irma gave me that         as many fresh and local
every detail was perfect                extra push to embark on a       ingredients as we can get to
> D                   new adventure.                  make sure you get the full
menu. For eight years, he                                               U    V #
travelled the world – from              What do you like about Sint     I know the history and story
Tapei to Tokyo, Moscow                  Maarten?                        behind all of my ingredients
to London, Sweden to                    St. Maarten is a unique         and choose them carefully to
0 ?                       %   island. I have visited many     relay a tasty message to you.
successful businesses.                  islands in the region, but      We also invite our guests
                                              ?%        >  ?
Looking        for     a     new          ?   !       process. You can sit at our bar
adventure, Ken turned his               St. Maarten. Besides that, it   and sip on sake, while you
sights to the Caribbean                 provides an opportunity for     watch us make the sushi or
     D                 my daughters to embrace         meal of your choice. Guests
opportunity to open a                    D         should always feel free to
Japanese restaurant for                 new languages. Also, I have       Z ?     [ 
CuisinArt. “Although I am a             always enjoyed challenges       about our intricate dishes,
city boy, I fell in love with the       and I welcome the challenge     several choices of sake,
lifestyle of the Caribbean,”            to cook for the wide variety      ?             
Ken explained. He quickly               of taste buds I am sure the     cuisine. My main priority
established himself as a                island has.                     is that my guests leave my
  % N@  >                                                                 ? V#
luxury island, and opened               What      inspired      your    Yes, you can expect great

                                                                                                           Japanese style food and                         what makes a great chef.
                                                                                                           drinks; BUT dining should          with three persons dead or         I am curious to see what
                                                                                                           also be about having an                         [         
                                                                                                           9 ?%  9                        ?% !#
                                                                                                           as well.                           them?
                                                                                                                                              1. My grandmother. She             3. My family. They are
                                                                                                           When I walk into your              would cook for me when I           most important to me.
                                                                                                           restaurant, what should I            +            & !  [  
                                                                                                                                         every meal being delicious.        @>  !
                                                                                                           6@ !            She is one of the persons          trying the food at other
                                                                                                             V               who inspired me to become          restaurants during our
                                                                                                           the daily special ceviche,           ># [       > ? % #  
                                                                                                           which is always made with          one of her own dishes and          I do cook for them, I make
                                                                                                           the freshest locally bought        see if she is impressed with       dishes that are close to
                                                                                                           seafood available. As you          the skills I have today.           my heart – ones that my
                                                                                                           wait for your main course,                                            family made for me when
                                                                                                           you should try at least one        #* >2#& !V         I was young.
                                                                                                           >   NU #       real teacher in the kitchen. I
                                                                                                           You can order a variety of         was 16 then. He taught me          Alina Restaurant – Sushi
                                                                                                           fusion sushi rolls and dishes;     that cooking is about more         and Sake Bar is open
                                                                                                                > [         z% %           Tuesday-Sunday for dinner
                                                                                                           if persons tried our Tokyo-        together. He taught me the         from 6:00pm onwards.
                                                                                                           style Nigiri. It might seem        importance of knowing the          Alina is located in Simpson
                                                                                                                   ? ^ %       history and culture behind         Bay near the Simpson
                                                                                                           >  V            your ingredients – the             Bay Marina. Call 1 (721)
                                                                                                           marinate the ingredients in a      importance of telling a story      587-8858 or surf to www.
                                                                                                           number of special ways. You          ?%     
                                                                                                           will not be disappointed!          those you cook for. That is           
February 22, 2018 - February 28, 2018                                                               OUT ‘N ABOUT - THE DAILY HERALD
                                    KES GOURMET FUN FOOD
                                                                       like fish with callaloo, mashed
                                                                       cassava, roasted rainbow
                                                                       carrots and more.

                                                                       The desserts should be a fun
                                                                       treat, with different types of
                                                                       ice cream, made and served
                                                                       with a variety of ingredients.
                                                                       Have you heard of fried ice-
                                                                       cream? Yes, you can get fried
                                                                       ice-cream as well! Come enjoy
                                                                       flavourful, sexy foods made
                                                                       fresh and designed for visual
                                                                       appeal as well as a fresh taste.

                                                                       Make sure to follow KES on
                                                                       Fun-Food.      Opening   hours:
                                                                       6:00pm to 12:00am. Look out
                                                                       for them in the very near future
                                                                       to be in Simpson Bay on Fridays
                                                                       and Saturdays from 12:00am to
                                                                       6:00am for anyone who loves
                                                                       late-night snacking.

Opening this Saturday,              perfecting his inspired recipes
February 24, at 7:30pm              before he took the leap to open
in the Lazy Bay parking             KES Gourmet Fun Food. This
lot across from the                 is a modern, fully equipped,
Pharmacy,     next    to            aesthetically         appealing
the    sports  complex,             restaurant on wheels. The idea
in the same lot where               is to create a fun atmosphere
the old Texaco used                 for every patron and serve
to be in Marigot, KES               delicious food, drinks and
Gourmet Fun Food is the             specialty desserts at affordable
innovative    brainchild            prices.
of its owner Kevin E.
Stephen, a proud St.                The owner’s personal promise
Martin entrepreneur.                is to serve delectable meals
                                    using the freshest ingredients
St. Martin is known for             and offer exceptional service.
its rich fusion of local            He also promises to create
and international cuisine.          employment opportunities for
However,       in    September      displaced St. Martiners. Simply
2017, the food industry as          put, KES Gourmet Fun Food
well as every other sector on       exists to provide great food
the island was devastated by        with great service at affordable
Hurricane Irma. This disaster       prices, which will amount to
left many tourists and locals       great value.
with limited options for
exclusive sweet and savoury         You can expect delicious
dishes. Kevin’s desire is to fill    “Instagramable” foods like fries
the void that currently exists in   loaded with crazy toppings like
the culinary life of St. Martin.    pulled oxtail, shrimp, crab and
The young energetic owner           many more mouth-watering
has always had an interest          options. Dishes like waffle
in culinary arts, especially        cones stuffed with chicken
gourmet cuisines. His dishes        and mashed potatoes will be
are greatly influenced by the        staple menu items. Night-time
foods he tasted during his          comfort foods are the name of
travel expeditions across the       the game, think along the lines
Caribbean, North America            of yucca fries with steak and
and Europe.                         chimichurri sauce. Once the
                                    day-time operations get up and
A hobby turned into a               running, there will be a whole
passion, Kevin spent months         world of health food available,

                                      T hrough
                                    OUT ‘N ABOUT - THE DAILY HERALD                                              February 22, 2018 - February 28 2018

                                        Cam’s Lens
                      “When the streets get a chance to speak up
                       They want a brother that’s gon’ eat with ‘em
                       Speak up about the same issues and run it straight
                                                                                       trying to show me what’s really possible and how we can achieve it?

                                                                                       “Show me something natural like a** with some stretch marks” (Please, I hope you know
                       Ain’t gon’ play with ‘em                                        the song to these lyrics lol). [Coordinator: These are song lyrics about a man being fed up
                       My contents done changed up, so them twelve year olds           with illusions; had they not been, I’d have taken them out. First warning, Cam.] It’s so played
                      need a young shepherd”                                           out now to be forever loyal to a particular party, they change like underwear (and drop like
                                                                                       them too). [Coordinator: I understand you’re passionate, but second warning, Cam.] It’s so
     Fern    in    “The one with the friends”                                          played out to sell your vote. Fam! It’s so played out to sell your vote. We’re entrusting our
                                                                                       livelihoods, our futures, and our kids’ futures to a small group of people; why would you not
     Growing up, the only thing that concerned me during election time was             invest more time in making sure you made the right decision?
     collecting as many shirts as possible. Seeing all the billboards and flags lined
     up on all the street sides was also exciting, but not as much as who’d have       Recently, I spoke with a friend of mine, who’s decided not to vote this year. She can’t be
     the coolest shirt designs and slogans. With my mom not being originally           bothered with politics. To her, it makes no sense if whoever does get elected doesn’t actually
     from Sint Maarten, there was never a “culture” of voting at home; however,        make it to form the parliament; and on top of that, they still put their friends as ministers,
     we did entertain party talks.                                                     even though they can’t do the job. Aren’t they tired of failing screenings? My friend would
                                                                                       prefer if all older politicians got out and not have any contact or affiliation with any new
     It’s weird not being able to remember what year it was when I first voted, but     candidates when they are out, because it’s so easy for new candidates to just be groomed by
     after a Google search, I saw that it was in 2010. Knowing absolutely nothing      the old heads; forming one big head with a lot of bodies.
     about what parties and candidates stood for, or what the government
     structure was and meant, I did the only logical thing – vote for who my           I pointed out to her that we have to start breaking the cycle. It’s going really slowly, but
     mother told me to vote for (Hi mom!). Though at the time, listening to my         I think the filtering out of old heads is happening. Last elections, we saw the youngest
     mom seemed like a great decision and looking back, the vote was not a bad         Member of Parliament. This election, we have options! WE need to try and get in one or
     one, it just feels like I was silenced or didn’t allow my voice to be heard.      two more. I met with a small group of young people last week to talk about “who we voting
     Thinking back on this made me realize that once again, we are the biggest         for” and it went really well. During the discussion, I brought up that we won’t see a huge
     part of the problem. We have a generation of people who are loyal to parties      change this election, but two new members this year and two new members in four years
     and vote for “gifts,” pushing a younger generation in that same direction,        (PLEASE) and pretty soon, we’ll have a new regime. Imposing my opinion on people isn’t
     increasing the number of “empty voters” instead of shaping a generation of        my thing, so we threw around different candidates we could see ourselves supporting.
     critical thinkers.
                                                                                       Again, I’m not politically savvy, but I’m big on character and a pretty good judge of it, too. If
     Politics isn’t really my thing, but I decided from that point onwards, I needed   anyone wants to meet up and discuss “why we should vote” and “how to choose where we
     to figure out a way to select and vote for the best candidate myself. Also on      vote,” just hit me up. There’s at least one person on each party that I’m considering and I’d
     the list of things to figure out was the whole government structure and vote       be open to hearing your options too. [Coordinator: Good initiative, Cam. Way to stay open.
     to seat ratio. Since then, it has become my mission to better understand          Please use more discreet terms next time.]
     “the process.”
                                                                                       Let’s break this cycle.
     I’m BIG on character. Who are you outside of politics? Do you really care
     about people? Do you really care about seeing people grow? Are you                *Cues Marty’s “The one with the friends”*
     “edumacated”? Are you trying to sell me on false promises? Or are you             [Coordinator: *Personally cues Pitbull ft. Stephen Marley – Options*]

                                                                                                                 Rum and Peas is BACK
                                                                                                                 Bigger - Better - Bolder!
                                                                                       Your favourite restaurant serving BOLD
                                                                                       Caribbean flavours is back better than ever!
                                                                                       Join them tomorrow, February 23, for their
                                                                                       grand reopening and celebrate their return by
                                                                                       munching on all the Rum and Peas dishes you
                                                                                       have been missing!

                                                                                       What have you been craving: Rum and Peas
                                                                                       Flyers, Asian Vegetable Soup, Bajan Style Ribs,
                                                                                       Chicken Soup with Cilantro, Fired Chili Shrimp                       Salad, Pumpkin Ital
                                                                                       or maybe just a huge helping of the Conch Fritters?!

                                                                                       Come and enjoy dangerous cocktails, flavourful food and great music at the grand
                                                                                       reopening of Rum and Peas!

                                                                                       Also available is lunch take-out; and any order above $25 will be delivered for
                                                                                       FREE! Delivery areas are Simpson Bay, Cole Bay and Cupecoy, but Rum and Peas
                                                                                       will soon be extending their services over the hill.

                                                                                       Rum and Peas is located on Welfare Road 38. For more information, just head to
                                                                                       their FB page or call +1 (721) 544-0786/584-
February 22, 2018 - February 28, 2018   OUT ‘N ABOUT - THE DAILY HERALD
12                               OUT ‘N ABOUT - THE DAILY HERALD     February 22, 2018 - February 28 2018

Pure Reggae                                                          Reggae
Monthly Event                                                       Concert
~ Now happening every last                                         Outfit Ideas
        Sunday ~                                                            Casual
 “Pure Reggae” is bringing good vibes that the entire
 family can enjoy. The first edition, which took place
 on Sunday, January 28, was dubbed a huge success.
 Connis & Friends, Betti V and Dread I will be live
 on stage this Sunday, February 25, at Buccaneer
 Beach Bar. Pure Reggae is an Xtratight production,
 which will be held every last Sunday and will feature
 different local artistes and bands.

 The brainchild of music producer Bertaux “Mr.
 Rude” Fleming, Pure Reggae will be a philanthropic
 collaboration between Fleming and Buccaneer Beach
 Bar the whole year through, as a way to help boost
 the island’s tottering economy, which took a blow
 after the passage of Hurricane Irma in September
 last year.                                                                 Glam
 See you at Pure Reggae on Sunday at Kim Sha
February 22, 2018 - February 28, 2018                                                OUT ‘N ABOUT - THE DAILY HERALD

One of 2017’s most
overlooked music trends     custom
                                  Latin Trap
                            Yo Gotti with coveted
                                       verses  on
                                                          seemed unfamiliar to
                                                          you, a vague recent
                                                                                        Montana track.                  Sola” – one of 15 Bad
                                                                                                                        Bunny singles to chart on
                                                                                                                                                        “Trap is new,” he says. “It
                                                                                                                                                        didn’t start yesterday, but
is blowing up – thanks to   their tracks.                 recollection of it maybe      If Latin trap has a Future or   Billboard’s Hot Latin Songs     when I was five, it didn’t
Bad Bunny!                                                bouncing around in your       Quavo, however, keeping         tally in 2017, raising sky-     exist – not even in the
                            One such feature stands       brain like a movie or TV      in mind such comparisons        high expectations for his       U.S. I’ve evolved with the
When Nicki Minaj            out from the rest, not so     show you saw referenced       are reductive and cheap,        next release.                   music.”
raps, people listen.        much for its particularly     in a tweet. Even if you       it’s Bad Bunny. Lately,
With     nearly     85      high quality or lyrical       dutifully keep up with the    Bad Bunny’s life has been       In the process, he has          He has spent a lot of
million    Instagram        cleverness, but rather        comings and goings of         moving at an accelerated        become one of the most          time in airports during
followers,         the      because of its bridging       contemporary       hip-hop,   pace. In 2016, the              recognizable faces of           the past year. Running
Billboard      record       of two contemporaneous        there’s a good chance         23-year-old rapper (born        the burgeoning Latin trap       through a list of countries
for most Hot 100            waves of trap music, one      you’ve missed out on Latin    Benito Antonio Martínez         movement and an architect       where he has performed
charting       singles      in English and the other      trap or trap en espanol,      Ocasio in San Juan,             of where it’s headed.           recently – England, Italy,
ever by a female            in Spanish. Following the     the current prevailing        Puerto Rico) was bagging        Unlike     the    bouncing      Switzerland – the bags
artist, and dozens of       high school Spanglish of      Spanish language strain       groceries at a supermarket      reggaetón rhythms that          under his eyes become
RIAA and BPI sales          her intro, Minaj imbues       of rap music popular not      after dropping out of the       global audiences have           more pronounced. Then
awards, nothing she         the     official   bilingual   only in Latin America,        University of Puerto Rico to    learned to associate with       he recognizes an old
does goes unnoticed         remix of Puerto Rican         but, quite notably, in the    pursue music. He worked         Puerto Rico during the past     friend at the other end of
or       unrewarded.        artist Farruko’s hit single   United States as well. Here   and produced beats on the       decade (thanks to Daddy         the restaurant and breaks
Despite            not      “Krippy Kush” with the        you’ll find the same sort      side for other local artists,   Yankee and Luis Fonsi,          a smile for the first time.
dropping an album           sort of reliably risque,      of damaged romantics,         and uploaded his own            among others), Latin trap       “I was in Memphis, then
of her own this year,       relentlessly boastful bars    nihilistic hedonists, and     songs onto SoundCloud           is more firmly rooted in         I went down to Peru. I got
Minaj     nonetheless       her fans have come to         criminal minds known to       and YouTube. By this            staccato hip-hop beats,         back and I’m working
reaffirmed          her      expect from her.              trapaholics. One need         past November, he was           and its vocalists do more       again,” says Bad Bunny
dominance in the rap                                      not speak the language        performing with J Balvin        rapping than singing.           when he approaches.
game as she blessed         Up until this point, Bad      to understand its appeal,     at the Latin Grammy             Bunny’s        deep-voiced,     “Doing what you love,”
the likes of ASAP                      Bunny     may      with beats that would         Awards, where the two           slurred delivery is instantly   responds his friend. They
Ferg, Lil Uzi                               h a v e       sound entirely at home on     were nominated for their        recognizable within the         slap hands goodbye, and
Vert, and                                                 a Gucci Mane or French        hit “Si Tu Novio Te Deja        genre, which spun off of        Bad Bunny sinks back into
                                                                                                                        Atlanta-style trap music.       his chair.
14                                   OUT ‘N ABOUT - THE DAILY HERALD                                   February 22, 2018 - February 28 2018

Roxanne                                                                               Is there a good
                                                                                   reason to pay for sex?
                                      see him as a total gross perv.             possibility of actually getting her into      afterwards and I told my wife and, of
                                                                                 bed.                                          course, she cried about it. But come
                                      In a conversation, it slipped out that                                                   on, I married Beyoncé and now am
                                      he had paid for sex on occasion.           M (34) – I just got divorced, we fought       living with Madea!
                                      “Why?” I asked. “Why do you insist         a lot and towards the end, we were
                                      on sleeping with a woman who cares         definitely never having sex. A friend          Okay, so I might not agree with all
                                      nothing for you; you might be her third    of mine told me about an escort               of the reasons, but I can understand
                                      for the day. And you have to pay for       service and convinced me to try it and        some of them. I also understand that
                                      it?”                                       “celebrate” my divorce. I got a hot           there are men in the world, who do
                                                                                 woman to give me exactly what I want          not have the chance to form a “free”
                                      “Because she brings no emotional           without complaining or insulting me.          sexual relationship with a woman,
                                      baggage to bed,” he replied. “I don’t                                                    because of their mental or physical
                                      have to listen to her problems, she        H (40) – I do it sometimes, only              health. Hiring an escort can actually
                                      listens to mine; and best of all, she is   because I can have dirtier sex with           provide a type of care that helps them
                                      awesome at sex. All I have to do is        such women. My girlfriend refuses to          feel more whole.
                                      give up a few hundred bucks. Not a         go down on me, and paid women are
                                      bad investment; right?”                    willing to fulfil my every desire – for the    Pertaining       to     my      personal
                                                                                 right price, that is.                         relationships, it remains a major turn-
                                      So I gathered that sometimes women                                                       off for me; finding out that a man paid
                                      simply aren’t worth the headache. Then     J (29) – I simply don’t have time to go       for sex. I just wouldn’t be able to wrap
                                      again, isn’t comfortable familiarity       on four dates with a woman before she         myself around the concept. If I found
                                      worth a fight or two? Aren’t there          even lets me kiss her. So why would           out that boyfriend or husband was
                                      any advantages to having a steady          I bother spending hundreds, if not            paying for sex, he would be out of the
                                      girlfriend, or wife for that matter? I     thousands, on a woman who may or              door. First, it would probably shatter
Until I began writing this            asked a few other friends and friends      may not sleep with me, when I can             my sexual-ego because I’ll think that I
article, I was of the opinion         of friends.                                hook up with an incredibly hot chick          suck in bed. Then I would get angry
that any man who paid for                                                        who fits my physical criteria and will         because he’s cheating – and, yes, it
sex was either a pervert or so        Some guys made it clear that they          get on her knees upon command?                is cheating.
unattractive or awkward that          would never pay a woman for straight
he couldn’t get some for free.        out sex; others freely admitted that,      F (27) – My wife really let herself go.       Being loved by another human by
Yet I have a friend who does          among other reasons, paying for it         I really do love her, but one night at        choice just can’t compare to getting
pay for sex and he is successful      is far easier than having to play the      a strip club, I was just too tempted          your rocks off for a price, although
and good looking. I guess since       meet-and-greet, with only the slight       and did it. I headed home straight            some may beg to differ.
I classify him as a friend, I don’t

                                                                                      Eight interesting things
                                                                                         happy couples do
                                                                                    before bed that can improve
                                                                                         their relationship
                                                                                 1.       They       have     intimate        connected and bonded.
                                                                                 Some couples like to talk about their        5.        They compliment each
                                                                                 feelings, hopes, desires and love for        other.
                                                                                 one another before they go to sleep.         It feels good to fall asleep knowing you
                                                                                 This helps them build trust with each        are loved and cared for. Sharing with
                                                                                 other and to feel safe and connected.        each other three things you appreciate
                                                                                                                              about the other person can strengthen a
                                                                                 2.        They catch up.                     relationship, and even though it sounds
                                                                                 It can just be a little bit of inane chatter simple, it’s amazing how much of an
                                                                                 about the latest TV show or office gossip impact it can make.
                                                                                 or whatever. The simple act of talking
                                                                                 and showing interest in each other is an 6.            They make eye contact.
                                                                                 affirmation of the relationship.              It sounds simple but many couples don’t
                                                                                                                              look at each other. Getting into bed,
                                                                                 3.        They put their phone putting your cell phone on silent, and
                                                                                 away.                                        just being with each other is a beautiful
                                                                                 Making a rule of no electronics in way to connect.
                                                                                 the bedroom is a nice rule to have to
                                                                                 bring the two of you together. It will 7.              They have sex first.
                                                                                 allow more conversation to happen Sex of course is part of a healthy
                                                                                 more easily and allow yourself to feel relationship, but happy couples have
                                                                                 more connected to your partner without sex right when they get into bed instead
                                                                                 interruption.                                of waiting until they’re too tired.

                                                                                 4.      They      are      physically        8.       They resolve their issues.
                                                                                 intimate.                                    Going to bed resentful of your partner
                                                                                 Making physical contact before bed           is going to have you waking up feeling
                                                                                 is another way of connecting with            bitter and disconnected. Happy couples
                                                                                 your partner. Having physical touch or       don’t go to bed angry.
                                                                                 making love also allows us to feel more
February 22, 2018 - February 28, 2018                      OUT ‘N ABOUT - THE DAILY HERALD

                               Taco Macho

Rendez Vous Lounge                                                              Topper’s

Mario Bistrot                  Universal Arcade

                                                                                Rendez Vous Lounge

Harmonie Night Grand Case      The Hole in the Wall                             Buccaneer Beach Bar

           Beach Bar          Emilio’s    Universal Arcade                      Chinese New Year Celebration
16                                   OUT ‘N ABOUT - THE DAILY HERALD                                             February 22, 2018 - February 28 2018

INTERNATIONAL                        LEBANESE CUISINE                                Café Atlantico                             VEGETARIAN / LOCAL
                                                                                     B L $
Cheri’s Café & Sweet                  Beirut                                          Airport Rd. #51, Simpson Bay              Shieka’s Bistro
Chocolate Band                        L D CC $                                        545-2663                                  B L D CC $
               ORARILY CLO
L D CC $$                              RBC Building, Simpson Bay                                                                 Back Street #50
 Maho Beach                            (Across Mailbox)                                                                          Philipsburg
 545-3361 (Tuesday closed)             Tel: 545-3612 (T) 522-9601 (C)                                                            542-0068
                                                                                     WINE BAR & TAPAS                  
Cappuccino Restaurant                                                                                                  
B L D CC $                                                                           The Delight
 Welfare Rd. #83, Simpson Bay        GASTRONOMY                                      D CC $$
                                                                                             TEMP RARILY
 544-3331 (Open 24/7)                                                                 Atlantis WorldO
                                                                                                    Casino, Cupecoy
                                      La Cigale                                       545-3322                                  GRILL ON TABLE BBQ
Rendez Vous Lounge
                                                            ILY CLOSED
                                      D R CC $$$                                      Open from 4:00 p.m.
French/Italian Restaurant                      EM
                                       LagunaTBeach,   RARNettle
                                                   POBaie                                                                       Melange
B L D CC $$                            011-590-590-87-90-23                                                                     L D R $$
 Porto Cupe Coy                                                                              Princess Port de Plaisance
 545-3070                                                                            INDIAN                                       (next to Princess Casino)
Rooster’s Buffet                                                                     Anand Restaurant                   
B L D $                              ITALIAN                                         L D CC $
 Three Palm Plaza, Simpson Bay                                                        Hotel Steeg #5, Philipsburg
 Welfare Rd. #60                      La Rosa Too                                     542-5706
 524-1468 / 554-6751                  D R CC $$$                                      No American Express                       LATIN              Maho
                                       545-3470                                      Bombay Bites                               La Bomba Bar & Restaurant
Topper’s Restaurant & Bar                                                            L D R CC $                                 BLD $
B L D CC $$                           L’ Isola                                        #11 Airport Rd., Above McDonald’s          Wellington Road #2, Cole Bay
 Welfare Road, Simpson Bay            D R CC $$$                                      Simpson Bay                                520-3530
 (next to Dolphin Casino)              Billy Folly Rd., #37                           545-0867
 544-3500                              (next to Hollywood Casion)
                                       544-3872                                      Shiv Shakti Restaurant
The Hide-away                                              L D R CC $                                 PERUVIAN
B L D CC $$                                                                           17 Billy Folly Rd., Pelican
 La Vista Hotel             CLOSED                                                    (721) 544-2205 / (721) 581-9620           Nazca Peruvian Restaurant & Bar
 PelicanTEM                                                                           No AMEX                                   L D R $$
 544-3018                            CHINESE                                                                                      Front Street #121 & Boardwalk, Philipsburg
                                                                                     Shiv Shakti Restaurant                       (close to Walter Planz Square)
Vesna Taverna                         White Swan Bar & Restaurant                    L D R CC $                                   543-1792
B L D CC $                            L D $                                           14 Front Street, Philipsburg
 Airport Road #15                      Sr. Modesta Road #2                            543-2205 / 526-6266
 524-5283                              Simpson Bay (Opp. La Palapa)                   No AMEX                                   AMERICAN
                                       (721) 545-2477
                                                                                                                                Buffalo Wings
                                      Foo Ho Chinese Restaurant                                                                 L D $$
SEAFOOD                               L D CC $                                       LOCAL                                        Paradise Mall, Welfare Rd. 69, Cole Bay
                                       Front Street, 2nd Floor 12-14F, Philipsburg                                                556-7229
Satori                                 Tel: 542-1173                                 The Palms
             ORRoad         CLOSED                                                   L D R $$                                   Rusty Rocket Rum & Reggae Saloon
 117 Simpson                                                                          Airport Road #25, Simpson Bay             D R CC $
 545-7000                                                                             (opposite Palapa)                          Airport Road (across from airport)
                                     MEXICAN                                          554-2375                                   Simpson Bay
                                      Jimbo’s                                        Boca Marina                                 Open Wednesdays - Sundays from 5pm
FRENCH                                L D CC $$                                      L D R CC $$
                                       Simpson Bay Marina                              Sr. Patentia Houtman Rd. #17
Le Spinnaker                           544-3600                                        Simpson Bay
L D R CC $$
                 RARILY     CLOSED                                                     550-8106
 MarinaTRoyale,                       Taco Macho                                                                                      For a listing on this page call:
 011-590-590-27-95-87                 L D $                                                                                                      FRENCH SIDE
                                       Beacon Hill, Alegria Resort                   THAI                                               Stephanie 580-1029 Ext. 238 /
L’Arhawak                              553-6322                                                                                              011-590-690-88-17-26
B L D R CC $$                                                                        Avantika                                      or E-mail:
 Front de Mer, Marigot                                                               L D R CC $$                                                  DUTCH SIDE
 011-590-690-10-49-99                                                                 Fresh Thai Cuisine & Lounge                  Cecilia at 587-3805 or 542-5253 Ext. 224
                                     BREAKFAST                                        Plaza Del Sol, 2nd Floor                           For all other inquiries email:
La Main A La Plate                                                                    Simpson Bay                                 
L D CC $$                             Taste Factory                                   584-1444
  Marina Royale, Marigot              B L CC $
                                                    ORARIL      LOSED
                                                           Y CLiberty
                                       WelfareTRd.,       Bay,        Inn Bldg.
                                                                                                                                 B:    Breakfast
L’escargot Restaurant                                                                                                            L:    Lunch
L D CC $$
  Front Street #96, Philipsburg                                                      PIZZA                                       D:    Dinner
  542-2483, 554-1423, 550-8008       COFFEE HOUSE                                                                                R:    Reservations suggested                                                           Pizza Galley/The Dock                       CC:   All major Credit Cards acccepted
                                      Ernest & Fidel Café                            D R $$
                                      B L $
                                                                                                    ORAPalm     CLOSEDResort)
                                                                                      at the Bridge on Airport Road,
                                                                                                          RILY(Diamond            Average cost is based on appetizer,
                                       66 Rhine Road, Porto Cupecoy                            EMPRoyal
                                                                                                                                       main course and dessert.
BEACH RESTAURANT                       580-2671                                       587-1330
                                                              $:      Less than US$20 pp.pp
Kali Beach Bar                                                                        pizza galley/thedockwaterfrontbar         $$:     between US$20 - US$30 pp.pp
B L D R $$
 Friar’s Bay
                                                                                                                                $$$:    between US$30 - US$40 p.p
 011-590-690-49 06 81                                                                                                           $$$$:   over US$40 p.p
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