Alantra Investment Banking Global Deals Round-Up From Lockdown to Recovery - Q1 2021

Page created by Jorge Day
Alantra Investment Banking Global Deals Round-Up From Lockdown to Recovery - Q1 2021

Alantra Investment Banking
Global Deals Round-Up
From Lockdown to Recovery
Q1 2021
Alantra Investment Banking Global Deals Round-Up From Lockdown to Recovery - Q1 2021
Investment Banking | Q1 2021
The past few months have renewed our belief that finding independent partners                                                   Noteworthy Transactions Advised in 2021
that combine a global perspective and highly specialized capabilities are essential
to finding the right solutions across economic cycles.                                                                           2021                        2021                         2021

                                                                                                                                                                                             Sell-side advisory
                                                                                                                                   Sell-side advisory           Buy-side advisory

                     30+                                                          €5Bn                      270
                                                                                                                                                                                               Debt advisory

                 DEALS ADVISED                                              TRANSACTED IN M&A        DEDICATED PROFESSIONALS
                    IN 2021                                                      IN 2021                                         Advisor to ARYZTA on         Advisor to Inflexion on     Advisor to Equistone on
                                                                                                                                  the sale of its North      the acquisition of Digital     the sale of Oikos to
                                                                                                                                 American business to         Wholesale Solutions for         Goldman Sachs
                                                                                                                                 Lindsay Goldberg for                  £1Bn

Q1 2021 league tables results

                                                                                                                                 2021                        2021                         2021

                                                                                                                                   Sell-side advisory           Sell-side advisory           Sell-side advisory

                                                                                                                                 Advisor to Provalliance      Advisor to Medik8 and        Advisor to Aspyr Media
                                                                                                                                on its sale to Core Equity   Pangaea on their sale to      on its sale to Embracer
                                                                                                                                         Holdings                   Inflexion             Group for up to $450Mn

                                                                                                                                 2021                        2021                         2021

                   #3                                                                #4                                            Buy-side advisory            Sell-side advisory
INDEPENDENT ADVISOR                                                            INDEPENDENT              EUROPEAN & UK               Debt advisory                 Debt advisory
                                                                                                                                                                                             Sell-side advisory
  TO PRIVATE EQUITY                                                             ADVISOR IN         CORPORATE FINANCE HOUSE
  HOUSES IN EUROPE                                                                EUROPE            OF THE YEAR – FINALISTS

                                                                                                                                Advisor to L Catterton on         Advisor to the           Advisor to Bee Health
                                                                                                                                  the acquisition and         shareholders of KLAFS         on its sale to INW
                                                                                                                                   financing of JOTT           on the sale to Egeria
    Source: Mergermarket league table. The ranking includes only independent advisory firms.
    Award winners to be announced on the 10th of September 2021.

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Alantra Investment Banking Global Deals Round-Up From Lockdown to Recovery - Q1 2021
Investment Banking | Q1 2021

Case study:                                                                                                                             Case study:
Sale of a leading European                                                                                                              Acquisition of a high
provider of prefabricated                                                                         STEFAN MASER
                                                                                                  PARTNER | EQUISTONE                   growth software platform                                                                          EDWARD LYNCH
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          INVESTMENT DIRECTOR | INFLEXION

houses to Goldman Sachs                                                                           In the past three years, Oikos
                                                                                                                                        business                                      Deal description                                    Appointing Alantra to advise
                                                                                                  has achieved an outstanding                                                                                                             us on this transaction was a
                                                                                                                                                                                      Alantra advised Inflexion on its minority
                                                                                                  development. We thank the                                                                                                               straightforward choice given
                                                                                                                                                                                      investment in Digital Wholesale Solutions, an
                                             Deal description                                     Alantra team for their excellent        CLIENT                                      independent IT, communications and cloud            their knowledge of the sector
  Equistone / Oikos                          Alantra advised funds advised by Equistone           support in positioning Oikos to         Inflexion                                   wholesale platform, which is currently part of      and specific knowledge of all
                                             Partners Europe and the management team              the investor community and                                                          Daisy Group. As part of the transaction, DWS        key parties involved following
                                             on the sale of Oikos Group, a leading European       achieving an excellent outcome for                                                  will be demerged from Daisy Group to help           the Giacom deal. This, coupled
  TRANSACTION TYPE                           provider of prefabricated houses, to West            management and us.                      TRANSACTION TYPE                            accelerate future growth as a standalone entity.    with their excellent execution
  Sell-side advisory (M&A and debt)          Street Capital Partners VIII, a fund managed by                                              Buy-side advisory                           The existing shareholders retained a stake in the
                                                                                                                                                                                      business with the majority of the shareholders
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          capability, gave us great
                                             Goldman Sachs.
                                                                                                                                                                                      of Daisy Group reinvesting directly into DWS.       confidence they could support us
  ACQUIRER                                                                                                                                COMPANY ACQUIRED                            The transaction values DWS at an enterprise         in delivering the transaction within
  Goldman Sachs                              A successful outcome                                                                         DWS                                         valuation of £1 billion.                            a six-week timeframe.
                                             •    Alantra structured a competitive auction                                                                                            A successful outcome
Client description                                process and approached international                                                  Client description
                                                                                                                                                                                      •    Once exclusivity was granted, Alantra
Oikos Group, which combines the brands            strategic and financial acquirers                                                     Digital Wholesale Solutions (DWS) is a             took control of managing the different
Hanse Haus, Bien-Zenker and Living           •    Alantra conducted virtual pre-marketing                                               high growth software platform business             workstreams through to completion
Haus, is one of the leading B2C providers         meetings with interested parties to convey      MARCO HAMMER                          providing IT, communications and cloud
                                                                                                  CEO | OIKOS                                                                         •    Given the tight timetable and the high
of single and two-family houses with              the equity story, which was followed-up by                                            products and services on a wholesale
                                                                                                                                                                                           number of items required to complete this
a focus on creating future-oriented,              virtual coffee chats with highly interested                                           basis to over 6,000 UK partners, from
                                                                                                                                                                                           complex transaction, it was key that regular
sustainable living spaces. The multi-             parties held by the CEO                                                               vendors including Vodafone, O2, BT/EE,
                                                                                                                                                                                           touch points were maintained with all
brand strategy provides the group with                                                                                                  Microsoft and Virgin Media Business. Its
                                             •    An extensive banking exercise was               Together with Equistone, we                                                              parties
an excellent position in the market for                                                                                                 services are targeted at resellers serving
                                                  conducted by Alantra’s debt advisory team,      have been able to strengthen our                                                    •    Alantra provided Inflexion with key sector
prefabricated houses and enables it to                                                                                                  SMEs in the 10-250 employee range.
                                                  resulting in attractive bank and private debt
serve a wide variety of customer groups.
                                                                                                  leading position across Europe,       DWS has delivered strong organic
                                                                                                                                                                                           knowledge, prior knowledge of Giacom and
From shell construction to turnkey-ready                                                          targeting important areas such as                                                        led on all buy-side deal execution
                                                                                                                                        growth and executed a series of strategic
housing solutions, Oikos Group offers its    •    Alantra maintained competition throughout
customers houses across all completion
                                                                                                  digitalization as well as expanding   acquisitions, including the acquisition of    •    Inflexion completed the transaction
                                                  the entire process resulting in a significant                                                                                            within the proposed timetable and have
                                                                                                  our competence in ESG and a           Giacom (sold to DWS in November 2020,
stages in accordance with the highest             number of binding offers
                                                                                                                                        also advised by Alantra). It is well-placed        invested in a marquee deal in the IT and
quality and sustainability standards. The                                                         sustainable marketing strategy.
                                             •    Achieved a value-maximizing exit for our                                              to capitalise on market disruptions                communications sector
group, which beyond its core market
                                                  client in combination with finding the right
                                                                                                  We made the right choice in           including 5G, fibre to the premises, and
Germany is active in Austria, Switzerland                                                         mandating Alantra to assist us                                                      •    This transaction further demonstrates
                                                  partner for management to continue Oikos’                                             cloud services, largely driven by the
and the UK, currently employs around                                                                                                                                                       Alantra’s strong specialism in the cloud
                                                  growth strategy                                 once again in this important          continued encouragement for remote
1,300 people and increased its turnover to                                                                                                                                                 services and communications market and
more than EUR 400 million in 2020.                                                                project given their enthusiasm and    working which is driving SMEs to
                                                                                                                                                                                           the strong interest from investors in this
                                                                                                  understanding of our business.        increasingly invest in digital technology.
                                                                                                                                                                                           buoyant sector

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Alantra Investment Banking Global Deals Round-Up From Lockdown to Recovery - Q1 2021
Investment Banking | Q1 2021

Case study:                                                                                                                              Case study:
Sale of Europe’s leading                                                                                                                 Sale of a fast-growing
provider of haircare services                                                                     MARC AUBLET
                                                                                                  CEO | PROVALLIANCE                     global premium beauty                                                                                ELLIOT ISA ACS
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              FOUNDER AND CHAIRMAN | PANGAEA

and products                                                                                      With Franck Provost and his family,
                                                                                                                                         business                                                                                             Get ready to have your socks
                                                                                                  we have been building a strong                                                                                                              knocked off, as you’ll have
                                                                                                  European group in the hairdressing                                                                                                          trouble keeping up with Alantra’s
                                            Deal description                                      services and professional haircare                                                      Deal description                                    dedication and work ethic – the
  CLIENT                                                                                                                                   CLIENT
  Provalliance                              Alantra advised the shareholders of Provalliance,     product distribution since the 90’s.     Pangaea                                        Alantra advised the shareholders of global          kind of precision that you as a
                                            Europe’s leading provider of haircare services        We have been very satisfied by                                                          beauty business Pangaea on the investment from      business owner expect from
                                            and products, on the sale of a majority stake to                                                                                              Inflexion
                                                                                                  Alantra’s involvement along our                                                                                                             yourself. When the time for
  TRANSACTION TYPE                          private equity investor Core Equity Holdings.                                                  TRANSACTION TYPE
                                                                                                  side over the last decade. Alantra                                                                                                          take-off came, we had the full
  Sell-side advisory                                                                              has always been supportive in            Sell-side advisory                             A successful outcome                                support of the team in preparing
                                            A successful outcome                                  our development and expansion                                                           •   Alantra led across several key workstreams:
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              for diligence and there was not a
  ACQUIRER                                  •    Despite the current context, with most of its    abroad and committed to our              ACQUIRER                                           exit options, bidder negotiation, project       single aspect of the deal process
  Core Equity Holdings                           salons and PoSs closed for half year during      success. The latest operation, the       Inflexion                                          management, as well as execution support        which they had not dealt with
                                                 2020, the high quality of its brands and its     acquisition of a majority stake                                                         •   Exclusivity was granted to Inflexion based      before. Their financial expertise
Client description                               retail network raised some interest towards      in Provalliance by Core Equity         Client description                                                                                   was invaluable not just to us,
                                                                                                                                                                                              on a successful bid which realised all of the
                                                 Provalliance at the beginning of September
Founded in 1975 by Franck Provost,                                                                Holding, is a major milestone in       Founder-led since 1999, Pangaea is an                shareholder’s objectives                        but to our new partners who
                                                 2020. Alantra managed to organize a
Provalliance is Europe’s leading provider        limited but intense competition for this         the Group’s history.                   innovative and fully vertically integrated       •   Transaction delivered within two months of      want you to have experienced
of haircare services and products and is         unique asset and negotiated a transaction                                               firm with two facilities in Hertfordshire, UK,       Term sheet being agreed, with completion        advisors. If you have a consumer
the second largest hairdressing company          preserving the development capacity of                                                  where Medik8’s products are developed                reflecting the agreed timetable                 goods business and are thinking
worldwide. The company has a global              the Group while satisfying the patrimonial                                              and manufactured in-house. Medik8 is
                                                                                                                                                                                          •   Alantra managed all parties to deliver a deal   of exiting in full, raising capital
network of over 3,200 salons operating           interests of the Provost family and the                                                 a premium skincare brand focused on
under 17 separate, leading brands,                                                                                                       science-based, skin-ageing products. With            at the same headline terms, which reflects      for growth or simply de-risking a
                                                 managers associated with the capital
including Franck Provost and Jean-Louis                                                                                                  a strong heritage in the international               one of, if not the highest multiple ever paid   minority – and especially if this is
David. It also operates Bleu Libellule, a   •    This transaction is the outcome of a long                                               professional channel and a growing                   in skincare                                     your first deal – you need the very
fast-growing omnichannel distributor             term relationship with Provalliance and                                                 online presence, Medik8 is committed to          •   Alantra significantly exceeded the client’s     best people in your corner. I simply
of professional haircare products.               its shareholders, which Alantra’s team                                                  ethical manufacturing and sustainability.            high expectations                               cannot recommend Alantra more
Provalliance generates revenues under            members have supported over the last ten                                                Medik8 is focused on enhancing its strong
its brands of approximately €1.5bn. The          years                                                                                   relationships within the professional
group employs nearly 7,000 people.          •    This transaction also demonstrates the                                                  beauty industry while growing digital
                                                 benefits of Alantra’s full service offering to                                          channels in new international markets.
                                                 clients, including M&A, financing, and MIP                                              Medik8’s expertise has enabled them
                                                 advisory with different teams mobilized                                                 to develop a range of high performance
                                                                                                                                         skincare products focused on Vitamin
                                                                                                                                         C, Sunscreen and Vitamin A, their “CSA”

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Alantra Investment Banking Global Deals Round-Up From Lockdown to Recovery - Q1 2021
Investment Banking | Q1 2021

Case study:                                                                                      DR. THOMAS FAISST
                                                                                                                                       Case study:
Sale of the world market                                                                                                               Sale of a leading
                                                                                                 CHAIRMAN OF THE ADVISORY BOARD

leader of saunas, pools and                                                                      We would like to thank the
                                                                                                 entire Alantra team for their
                                                                                                 professionalism, precision
                                                                                                                                       independent video game                                                                          MICHAEL ROGERS
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       CO-FOUNDER | ASPYR
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            TED STALOCH
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            CO-FOUNDER | ASPYR

spas to Egeria                                                                                   and their charming customer
                                                                                                 orientation. Over the course of
                                                                                                 this project, they have been much
                                                                                                                                       developer and publisher                                                                         Our situation was unique as we
                                                                                                 more than just a consultant to                                                                                                        had a financing option on the table
                                                                                                 us and we have made the right                                                                                                         when the guys at Alantra reached
                                            Deal description                                                                                                                     Deal description                                      out to us. Understanding the
  CLIENT                                                                                         decision in entrusting Alantra with     CLIENT
  KLAFS                                     Alantra advised the shareholders of KLAFS, the       this important project.                 Aspyr Media                             Alantra advised Aspyr Media, an independent           timing sensitivity, Alantra pushed
                                            world market leader for saunas, pools and spas,                                                                                      video game developer and publisher, on its sale       extremely hard and got the deal
                                                                                                                                                                                 to Embracer Group AB for up to $450m
                                            on the sale to Egeria Capital Management as part                                                                                                                                           with Embracer signed in only 75
  TRANSACTION TYPE                          of a structured succession solution.                                                         TRANSACTION TYPE
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       days! They worked around the
  Sell-side advisory (M&A and debt)                                                                                                      Sell-side advisory                      A successful outcome                                  clock, across multiple time zones
                                            A successful outcome                                                                                                                 •    Alantra completed fast but thorough
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       – early mornings, late nights,
  ACQUIRER                                                                                                                               ACQUIRER                                     preparation to best position the company         weekends – they did it all. I’m not
                                            •    Alantra structured a targeted auction
  Egeria                                         process with hand-picked European financial                                             Embracer Group                               for bilateral negotiation with Embracer          sure we’ve ever had a partner that
                                                 and global strategic investors focused on                                                                                            Group: a world-class independent video           was as committed to the success
Client description                               finding the right partner for a successful                                            Client description                             game publisher / developer with a long           of our relationship as Alantra.
                                                                                                                                                                                      track-record of consistent, profitable growth,
KLAFS is the world’s largest                     succession solution for KLAFS                                                         Founded in 1996, Aspyr Media is an                                                              These guys are top notch…I would
                                                                                                                                                                                      and huge potential future upside brought by
manufacturer of high-quality integrated     •    An extensive banking exercise was               STEFAN SCHÖLLHAMMER
                                                                                                                                       independent developer and publisher            the commercialization of unique tent-pole        recommend them any day.
sauna systems, steam baths and                   conducted by Alantra’s debt advisory team,      MANAGING DIRECTOR | KLAFS             with more than 24 years’ experience in         IPs that the Company recently acquired
complementary products and services.             resulting in attractive bank and private debt                                         connecting established IPs with new
The company focuses on customized                packages                                                                              audiences on all platforms. Aspyr has     •    Alantra established a competitive deal
and premium saunas and spas,                                                                                                           worked with 2K Games since 2006 and            structure with a highly attractive upfront
                                            •    With Egeria, Alantra found the right partner                                                                                         and earnout consideration structure which
addressing the main key purchasing                                                               I am convinced that with Egeria,      has ported over 20 of 2K’s games and
                                                 for KLAFS’ journey. Egeria will provide the                                                                                          rewards seller for the steadily growing base
criteria of buyers: quality and comfort.                                                                                               expansion packs to various devices and
KLAFS wellness and spa systems can be
                                                 company with the financial backing and          we have found the ideal partner       consoles, including the Borderlands            publishing business and guarantees upside
found in private households as well as
                                                 operational support to accelerate growth        to continue our expansion in          franchise and Sid Meier’s Civilization         for the potential commercial success of
                                                 through further international expansion and     the international sauna and spa                                                      pipeline titles
in hotels, fitness studios, leisure areas                                                                                              series.
                                                 acquisitions, while simultaneously enabling
and on cruise ships. Besides the KLAFS                                                           markets.                              Headquartered in Austin, Texas,           •    The deal team operated under a highly
                                                 continuity of operations with a minority
brand, the group also comprises Röger,                                                                                                                                                compressed timeline: less than three
                                                 investment of the management team and                                                 Aspyr boasts a team of 140 seasoned
a brand focused on the medium-price                                                                                                                                                   months from project kick-off to the signing
                                                 the sellers                                                                           developers led by its original founding
sauna segment, and SSF, a premium                                                                                                                                                     of definitive documents
                                                                                                                                       team. In 2020, Aspyr posted revenues
swimming pool integrator.
                                                                                                                                       of $40.6 million and $11.4 million of     •    The deal team anticipated and resolved
                                                                                                                                       Operational EBIT.                              highly complex due diligence and
                                                                                                                                                                                      transaction issues and negotiated a highly
                                                                                                                                                                                      optimal tax structure and preferential cash/
                                                                                                                                                                                      stock mix for the sellers

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Alantra Investment Banking Global Deals Round-Up From Lockdown to Recovery - Q1 2021
Investment Banking | Q1 2021

Case study:
Acquisition of a famous
French fashion brand                                                                            EDUARDO VELASCO
                                                                                                PARTNER | L CAT TERTON

                                                                                                Alantra’s advice and right balance
                                                                                                between market knowledge and
                                                                                                technical skills throughout the
                                           Deal description                                     deal were vital. Their execution
  L Catterton                              Alantra advised the consumer-focused private         excellence was invaluable in
                                           equity house, L Catterton, on the acquisition of a   completing the transaction so
                                           majority stake in French fashion brand JOTT.         quickly, given the tremendous
                                                                                                time pressure we had. Despite
  Buy-side advisory (M&A and debt)                                                              a challenging environment, the
                                           A successful outcome
                                                                                                Alantra team outperformed from
                                           •    Despite the difficulty of raising acquisition   start to finish. They were with
                                                financing for a group operating in the
  JOTT                                          retail sector during the pandemic, Alantra
                                                                                                us at every step of the way and
                                                structured a competitive financing process      helped us achieve the outcome
Client description                              including banks, mezzanine lenders and          we had all hoped for on this
Just Over The Top (“JOTT”) one of               private debt funds                              proprietary project. We want to
the most successful French casual          •    Alantra also helped raise an additional RCF     thank the entire team for their
outerwear brands. Founded in Marseille          financing in parallel with the acquisition      continued support.
in 2010, JOTT offers functional,                financing process
comfortable, and versatile clothes,
                                           •    At the end of the process, L Catterton
most notably its distinct line of light
                                                had two choices: senior + mezzanine or
down jackets. The brand has been a
                                                unitranche. The latter structure was chosen
forerunner in the advent of the premium
urban casualwear concept. JOTT is          •    Alantra’s debt financing team worked
distributed through 100 concept stores          closely with L Catterton’s execution team
across France, Spain, Portugal, Benelux,        through all the financing modelling aspects
Switzerland and China and is present in         and the legal documentation negotiation to
more than 1,000 point of sales globally.        get the best terms for our client
The pandemic has had a very limited
impact and in 2020 the brand generated
turnover of over €70m.

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Alantra Investment Banking Global Deals Round-Up From Lockdown to Recovery - Q1 2021
Credit Portfolio Advisory | Q1 2021
Alantra’s Credit Portfolio Advisory team is the leading portfolio advisory unit in
Europe, having strong local presence across the UK, Spain, Ireland, Italy, Portugal,
Greece, Brazil and China. The team is dedicated to transaction execution, structuring,
pricing, modelling and data enhancement in relation to credit portfolios and banking
platforms. They advised on more than 90 transactions for a total volume of over
€62bn in the last two years.

                       6                                              c.€20Bn                                                        170                                     Case study:
            DEALS ADVISED                                                  DEALS ADVISED                             DEDICATED PROFESSIONALS
               IN 2021                                                    TOTAL FACE VALUE
                                                                                                                                                                             Second largest rated NPE
Noteworthy transactions advised in Q1 2021
                                                                                                                                                                             securitization in Europe                                                                            FRANCESCO DISSERA ,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 MANAGING DIRECTOR &
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 HEAD OF SECURITISATION | ALANTRA

                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Deal description
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Project Galaxy, the second largest rated NPE
                                                                                                                                                                               Alpha Bank                                securitization in Europe, with a total GBV of
                             Project Galaxy                                                                            Project Vega                                                                                      €10.8bn comprises non-performing multi-asset
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         loans at varying stages of restructuring and            This transaction confirms
                                                                                                                                                                               TRANSACTION TYPE
                                                                                                                                                                               Securitization                            enforcement processes. This is also the first           Alantra’s unique position as the
                              NPE securitization                                                                 Mezzanine securitization                                                                                securitisation for Alpha Bank that is enrolled to the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 leading advisor in supporting
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Hellenic Asset Protection Scheme (“Hercules”).
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 European issuers and investors
                                                                                                                                                                               Davidson Kempner                                                                                  in structured NPL trades,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         A successful outcome
  Co-arranger and financial lead advisor to the deal, Project Galaxy is the second        Co-arranger and financial lead advisor to the deal, Vega’s portfolio consists of                                                                                                       including securitisations. It
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         •    The Galaxy SPVs issued 3 classes of Notes’
                    largest rated NPE securitization in Europe                              three special purpose vehicles, with a total gross book value of c.€4.9bn
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              notional amounts as per following: Senior          is also a great testament to
                                                                                                                                                                             Client description
                                 €10.8 billion                                                                            €4.9 billion                                                                                        Notes of €3.8 billion, Mezzanine and Junior        the benefit of having APS
                                    2021                                                                                     2021                                            The Alpha Bank Group is one of the               Notes of €7 billion, with Alpha Bank retaining
                                                                                                                                                                             leading Groups of the financial sector
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 support schemes in place to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              100% of the Senior securitization notes
                                                                                                                                                                             in Greece. The Group offers a wide                                                                  deleverage European NPEs, and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         •    51% of the Mezzanine and Junior
                                                                                                                                                                             range of high-quality financial products
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              securitization notes will be sold to an entity     the continued interest of global
                                                                                                                                                                             and services, including retail banking,
                                                                                                                                                                             SMEs and corporate banking, asset                managed and advised by Davidson Kempner            investors in these exposures.
                                                                                                                                                                             management and private banking, the              for a consideration payable in cash, at an
                                                                                                                                                                             distribution in the financial insurance          aggregate valuation for 100% of those notes
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              of €40 million. The total proceeds for Alpha
                              Project Dakar                                                                          Project Monza                                           products, investment banking, brokerage
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Bank including the Senior notes and the
                                                                                                                                                                             and real estate management. The parent
                                                                                                                                                                             company and main bank of the Group is            sale price of the Mezzanine and Junior notes
                                                                                                                                                                             Alpha Bank, which was founded in 1879            correspond to c.35% of the total gross book
                          Sell-side advisory – NPL                                                                 Private Securitization
                                                                                                                                                                             by J.F. Costopoulos.                             value of the portfolio sold

                                                                                                                                                                             Alpha Bank constitutes a consistent point   •    Alpha Bank will retain 5% of the Mezzanine
                                                                                                                     CONFIDENTIAL                                            of reference in the Greek banking system         and Junior securitization notes, to comply
                                                                                                                                                                             with one of the highest capital adequacy         with risk retention rules and intends to
 Lead financial advisor to BBVA on the sale process of a mixed portfolio with €700                    Private securitisation of long-term car rental services                ratios in Europe, and today it operates          distribute 44% of the remaining notes to
                       million of Face Value to KKR & Co. Inc..                                                                                                                                                               shareholders
                                                                                                                                                                             in Greece, Cyprus, Romania, Albania,
                                 €700 million                                                                                  N/A                                           Luxembourg and the UK. It employs more
                                    2021                                                                                      2021                                           than 10,500 employees internationally.

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Alantra Investment Banking Global Deals Round-Up From Lockdown to Recovery - Q1 2021
About Alantra

Alantra is a global alternative asset management, investment banking, and credit
portfolio advisory firm providing high value-added services to companies, families,
and investors operating in the mid-market segment.

         24                         35+                        525+
                                                          AMERICAS, EUROPE & ASIA

Global Presence

                                                                                                                                      Austria & CEE                  Germany                         Latin America         Sweden
                                                                                                                                      Belgium                        Greece                          Netherlands           Switzerland
                                                                                      P OSSIBILIT Y IS IN THE A SCENT                 China                          Ireland                         Portugal              United Kingdom
                                                                                                                                      Denmark                        Italy                           Spain                 United States

                                                                                      Alantra is a global investment banking, credit portfolio advisory and alternative asset management firm focusing on the mid-market
                                                                                      with offices across Europe, the US, Latin America and Asia.

                                                                                      © COPYRIGHT 2021                                                                                                                

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Alantra Investment Banking Global Deals Round-Up From Lockdown to Recovery - Q1 2021 Alantra Investment Banking Global Deals Round-Up From Lockdown to Recovery - Q1 2021
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