AITCAP 2022 Sponsorship Packages - You don't want to miss it - Getaboutable

Page created by Brenda Powell
AITCAP 2022 Sponsorship Packages - You don't want to miss it - Getaboutable
Sponsorship Packages

                       You don't want
                            to miss it
AITCAP 2022 Sponsorship Packages - You don't want to miss it - Getaboutable
               FIND HERE

Page 3 - Welcome to AITCAP 2022
Page 4 & 5 - Be part of our success
Page 6 - Summary of our sponsorship packages
Page 7 - How to become a sponsor
Page 8 to 12 - Sponsorship packages details
Page 13 - About us

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or copy the following URL in your web browser

          For any enquiries email
AITCAP 2022 Sponsorship Packages - You don't want to miss it - Getaboutable

The Accessible & Inclusive Tourism Conference in the Asia-Pacific
(AITCAP) helps the tourism industry to understand and cater to a
huge, under-served and fast-growing market: people with
mobility, hearing, vision and other accessibility needs.

AITCAP 2022 will continue on the success of AITCAP 2021, showing
how catering to the valuable accessible & inclusive tourism market
promotes sustainable growth and faster tourism recovery.

                          May 2022
 Tuesday 17th      Thursday 19th     Tuesday 24th      Thursday 26th

                  100%                  8 hours
                 Virtual &            Short & Sharp
                Accessible              sessions

           Learning sessions & networking events
AITCAP 2022 Sponsorship Packages - You don't want to miss it - Getaboutable

1st edition: 58 speakers, 20h of content
         Over 600 views
                                                  9.6 / 10
         of content in
         May 2021
                                        satisfaction rate
         access ongoing

    AITCAP 2021 was a massive, very well
     executed event thanks to the whole
  organisation team. I am waiting for the
   rolling credits at the end of the film! It       3 networking events
        set the standard for all accessible             & hundreds of
                     tourism conferences!            interactions in our
  Ivor Ambrose ENAT                                    accessible chat

                A great diversity of attendees

         40%                                    2/3 Australia &   1/3 rest of the
         had a disability or were carers         New Zealand           world
         of people with disabilities

         worked in the tourism & travel

AITCAP gives you access to a highly targeted audience in
a very attractive market

At least   20%                               Huge market value,
                                                worth over:
      of travelers have
      accessibility needs

Growing     3x faster
      than other tourism
                markets                €352 bn              $10 bn

AITCAP speakers deliver great quality content and this is
your chance to connect and learn
                             It’s the awareness you have just given me. As an
      300+                          able person within the tourism sector, you
   fellow sponsors,         presentation has brought so many un-thought of
speakers and attendees         areas to my attention from accommodation to
                                                 attractions, to my own tours!
                                                          AITCAP 2021 Attendee

We offer cross-promotion to increase awareness for your
brand across social media channels and our website

10,000+             Engaged members in our audience

Details are in the following pages

 From $ 250 AUD                             Quick implementation
 Around $ 180 USD or € 155 Euros

 Session sponsor
 Promote your product or destination with an ad at the
 beginning of one specific session

 From $ 750 AUD                               Limited availability
 Around $ 540 USD or € 460 Euros

 Promote your product or destination by presenting a
 short demonstration

 From $ 1,500 AUD
 Around $ 1,085 USD or € 925 Euros

 Conference Partner
 Sponsor the whole AITCAP event and get recognition in
 all AITCAP communications and materials
    Silver - From 1,500 AUD
    Gold - From 3,000 AUD
    Diamond - From 5,000 AUD

               We offer discounts for for Small companies and Non-for-Profit
                   AITCAP 2022

Submit this online form
or copy the following URL in your web browser

Details for each package are in the following pages

    We would appreciate it if you could complete the form
                                         by 15 December 2021

       For any enquiries email us at
                                                      Thank you!
                                        Quick implementation and great benefits

$ 250 AUD                              Promote your product or destination with
Around $ 180 USD or € 155 Euros
                                       an ad at the beginning of one specific

         1 Full registration (access to all sessions & recordings)

         1 Static ad at the beginning of the relevant session
             Image Powerpoint slide format, including Logo and hyperlink*
             Inclusion of brand name and link in the relevant session captions
             and transcript
             Verbal acknowledgement as Session Sponsor
     *Can be a QR-code, a short sentence to indicate a specific promotion, or an image
     including the logo

         Logo and hyperlink included in the wrap-up email sent to registered
         attendees at the end of the relevant day

 Additional options
         Replace static ad with 1-minute video                                 + $ 200 AUD
                                                                    Around $ 145 USD or € 125 Euros

         Specific advertising insert on AITCAP website                         + $ 200 AUD
                                                                    Around $ 145 USD or € 125 Euros
         (sponsor to provide artwork)

         Repeat promotional material                             + $ 150 AUD / session
                                                                    Around $ 110 USD or € 90 Euros
          (up to 3 additional sessions)

Small companies and Non-for-profit
Basic Package                     $ 150 AUD         Around $ 110 USD or € 90 Euros
Options                           - 30%
                                          Limited availability, don't miss out!

$ 750 AUD                           Promote your product or destination by
Around $ 540 USD or € 460 Euros
                                    presenting a short session as part of our

         1 Full registration (access to all sessions & recordings)

         1 Speaking opportunity of up to 10 minutes to deliver
            A product / service demonstration of your innovation that helps
            foster the growth of accessible & inclusive tourism
            A presentation of you accessible & inclusive destination or venue

         Acknowledgment in all communications regarding the relevant
         session including:
            Social-media posts mentioning the session
            Conference Program in the Attendee Brief
            Wrap-Up email of the relevant day
            Conference Program on AITCAP website

 Additional options
         Get an enhanced listing on                   First year free
                                                                            SPONSOR OFFER
         Turn this promotion into a long-term one                                  $390 value

         Specific advertising insert on AITCAP website                    + $ 200 AUD
                                                               Around $ 145 USD or € 125 Euros
         (sponsor to provide artwork)

Small companies and Non-for-profit
Basic Package                 $ 500 AUD         Around $ 360 USD or € 310 Euros
Options                       - 30%
                            PARTNER PACKAGE

Sponsor the whole AITCAP 2022 event and get recognition in all
communications and materials

                                         Silver           Gold             Diamond
                                         $ 1,500          $ 3,000          $ 5,000
                                         AUD              AUD              AUD
                                         Around $ 1,085   Around $ 2,170   Around $ 3,610
                                         USD or € 925     USD or € 1,850   USD or € 3,085
                                         Euros            Euros            Euros

    Acknowledgment in all                Yes              Yes              Yes
    communications including:
       Social-media posts
       Attendee Brief
       All AITCAP 2022 official emails
       AITCAP website

    Full registrations (access to all    2                3                4
    sessions & recordings)

    Verbal acknowledgement as            Opening &        Each day         Each day
    Conference Partner                   Final address

    1 -minute promotional video          -                1 static ad      1 min video,
    included or static ad                                                  or 3 static ads

    Specific advertising insert on       -                Yes              Yes
    AITCAP website
     (sponsor to provide artwork)

Small companies and Non-for-profit       $ 500 AUD discount for each package
                                          Around $ 360 USD or € 310 Euros
BOOKINGS & PAYMENTS                              terrorism or apparent act of terrorism;         Disclosure and Use of Confidential
                                                 disaster; civil disorder, disturbance, and/or   Information
Acceptance of Terms and Conditions               riots; curtailment, suspension or               Your Organisation grants The Organiser
AITCAP is organised by GetAboutAble Pty          restriction on transportation; or any other     permission to publicise the fact that you
Ltd which is referred to as the Organiser.       emergency.                                      are a sponsor, partner or demonstrator
The Organisation listed on the                                                                   of AITCAP 2022 and to publish
sponsorship online form will be referred to      GENERAL INFORMATION                             website/social media activity data.
as your Organisation or collectively as                                                          Either party may notify the other of any
sponsors, supporters or partners. By             Product or Service Endorsement                  information that should be treated as
completing the on-line sponsorship form          Sponsorship of any AITCAP activity does         confidential. Neither party may use any
for AITCAP 2022 you are accepting these          not indicate product or service                 Confidential Information without prior
terms and conditions. NB: your booking is        endorsement. Acceptance of all sponsor,         consent.
not confirmed until you have received an         demonstrator or partner applications are
email of acceptance by the Organiser.            subject to approval of the AITCAP 2022          No partnership or agency
                                                 Steering Committee.                             Nothing contained or implied by a
Acceptance of Applications                                                                       sponsorship deal for AITCAP 2022 will
The Organiser will issue a Tax Invoice once      Disclaimer and Changes                          create or constitute, or be deemed to
a Sponsorship application has been               Every effort has been made to present all       create or constitute a partnership
accepted. All submissions are not an offer       the information accurately, however no          between the parties, a party must not
capable of acceptance. The Organisers            liability is accepted for any inaccuracy and    act, represent or hold itself out as having
reserve the right to decline any                 the Organiser reserves the right to change      authority to act as the agent of or in any
sponsorship application.                         any published information. The Organiser        way bind or commit the other parties to
                                                 reserves the right to amend, update or          any obligation.
GST and AUD                                      delete sponsorship packages.
All costs are listed in Australian Dollars. If                                                   Dispute Resolution & Mediation
GST applies to your business, prices will        AITCAP 2022 Program                             If a dispute arises relating to the
include GST.                                     The exact program for AITCAP 2022,              sponsorship deal for AITCAP 2022 either
All amounts converted in other currencies        including sessions order and sponsorship        party may not commence any legal
in all sponsorship related documentation         material broadcasting timetable, is             proceedings in relation to the dispute,
are purely indicative                            subject to change without notice.               unless the following clauses have been
                                                                                                 complied with.
Payments                                         Correspondence                                  - A party to this Agreement claiming a
Payment is required within 14 days of us         When applying for sponsorship please            dispute (the ‘Dispute’) has arisen under
issuing your Tax Invoice to confirm your         appoint a single point of contact within        the terms of this Agreement, must give
sponsorship application. Sponsorship             your Organisation. All sponsorship              written notice to the other party
entitlements, including any sponsorship          correspondence, including invoices, will        detailing the nature of the Dispute, the
opportunities do not commence until              be sent to this person.                         desired outcome and the action
payment has been received.                                                                       required to settle the Dispute (the
                                                 Allocation of spots within the                  Notice’).
Cancellation of Sponsorship                      Conference timetable                            - On receipt of the Notice by the other
Once a sponsorship application has been          The Organiser will allocate specific times      party, the parties must within thirty (30)
accepted all payments are non-                   to broadcast sponsorship material after         days of the notice endeavor in good faith
refundable. If you are a Demonstrator and        taking into account each organisation’s         to resolve the Dispute “without
no longer able to deliver your 10-minute         sponsorship, the date of application,           prejudice.”
presentation, please contact us to discuss       preferences, and any other matters               - If for any reason whatsoever, thirty (30)
your participation. For other sponsorship        deemed relevant.                                days after the date of the Notice, the
opportunities please contact us to discuss                                                       Dispute has not been resolved the
your participation.                              Supply of Goods and Services                    parties must either agree to dispute
                                                 The supply of any goods, services, samples      resolution through the mediator services

           We would appreciate It if you could send us your reply
Cancellation or Postponement of the              or advice is entirely at your Organisation’s
                                                 own risk.
                                                                                                 selected by GetAboutAble which will be
                                                                                                 held in the Australian Capital Territory,
The Organiser does not accept any liability                                                      Australia.
for losses incurred if the conference is                            by the 15th of December, 2021
                                                 Copyright and Intellectual Property             Both parties are liable for the fees and
cancelled or postponed due to an event           Your Organisation and The Organiser each        responsible for equally dividing the costs
that renders proceedings with the                retain copyright and intellectual property      of the mediation.
meeting inadvisable, illegal, impracticable      rights on their respective materials.           If the dispute has not been resolved
or impossible. If the conference is              Your Organisation grants The Organiser          within thirty (30) days after the start of
cancelled or postponed refunds will not be       the right to to use all relevant visual         the mediation, either party may
issued but available funds will be credited      materials, links and brand assets                              Thank you!
                                                                                                 thereafter institute legal proceedings
towards the rescheduled conference.              according to the Sponsorship Agreement.         concerning the subject matter of the
An unforeseen event could include, but is        The Organiser holds exclusive rights over       Dispute.
not limited to, an infectious disease            the broadcasting and recording of AITCAP
outbreak; industrial disruptions; service        2022 content. Both parties agree to             Governing Law & Jurisdiction
provider failures; governmental                  maintain IP Moral Rights of all materials       All sponsorship deals are governed by
restrictions or regulations; war or apparent     by crediting its source.                        the laws of the Australian Capital
act of war;                                                                                      Territory and Australia.

AITCAP 2022 is organised by GetAboutAble, an Australian social
enterprise focused on improving travel and leisure options for
people with disability.

The Accessible & Inclusive Tourism Conference in the Asia-Pacific is
an annual event launched because we wanted to help the industry
cater to people with hearing, vision, mobility and other accessibility

For all enquiries, you can contact the AITCAP team at
Sponsorship Packages

Submit this online form
or copy the following URL in your web browser

   We would appreciate it if you could complete the form
                                     by 15 December 2021

      For any enquiries email us at
                                                Thank you!

                                                  Credits for photography: Missing Bits
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