Agreement - Lease - 4 Ballarat St.

Page created by Connie Bradley


Agreement for Lease
Lot        , 4 Ballarat Street,
Brunswick, 3056

101 Collins Street Melbourne Vic 3000 Australia   T +61 3 9288 1234 F +61 3 9288 1567
GPO Box 128A Melbourne Vic 3001 Australia DX 240 Melbourne

               Table of contents

               Optional Finishes Schedule

               Configuration Options Schedule

               Agreement for Lease terms and conditions
1              Definitions and interpretation                                                                                                        8
               1.1      Definitions .................................................................................................................. 8
               1.2      Words and expressions ........................................................................................... 10
               1.3      Other rules of interpretation ..................................................................................... 11
2              Agreement for Lease                                                                                                                 11
3              Grant of Lease                                                                                                                      11
               3.1      Lease ....................................................................................................................... 11
               3.2      Lease to take effect from Commencement Date .....................................................12
               3.3      Condition Report ...................................................................................................... 12
4              Determining the Rent                                                                                                                12
5              Contract of Sale                                                                                                                    12
6              Building Works                                                                                                                      13
               6.1      Commencement of Constructions ........................................................................... 13
               6.2      Issue of an Occupancy Permit ................................................................................. 13
               6.3      Termination by either party ...................................................................................... 13
               6.4      Flooring selection ..................................................................................................... 13
               6.5      Configuration selection ............................................................................................ 13
               6.6      Variations to the Building Works .............................................................................. 14
               6.7      Dispute about the Building Works............................................................................ 14
               6.8      Defects ..................................................................................................................... 14
               6.9      Dispute Resolution ................................................................................................... 14
               6.10     Obligations cease .................................................................................................... 14
7              Dealings                                                                                                                            15
               7.1      Dealings by Renter .................................................................................................. 15
8              Bond Amount                                                                                                                         15
9              Electricity Provider                                                                                                                15
10             Default                                                                                                                             16
               10.1 Event of Default ....................................................................................................... 16
               10.2 Consequences of Default ........................................................................................ 16
11             Renter indemnity                                                                                                                    16
12             Costs, Duty, Interest and GST                                                                                                       16
               12.1 Costs ........................................................................................................................ 16
               12.2 Duty .......................................................................................................................... 16

                                                                                                                             Agreement for Lease
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12.3 Due date for payment .............................................................................................. 16
            12.4 Interest ..................................................................................................................... 17
            12.5 GST .......................................................................................................................... 17
13          Notices                                                                                                                             17
            13.1     Notices by Rental Provider ...................................................................................... 17
            13.2     Notices by Renter .................................................................................................... 17
            13.3     Receipt ..................................................................................................................... 17
            13.4     Requirement for written notice ................................................................................. 18
14          General                                                                                                                             18
            14.1     Entire agreement ..................................................................................................... 18
            14.2     Paramountcy of Agreement ..................................................................................... 18
            14.3     No merger ................................................................................................................ 18
            14.4     Attorneys .................................................................................................................. 18
            14.5     Amendment.............................................................................................................. 18
            14.6     Severability .............................................................................................................. 18
            14.7     Waiver ...................................................................................................................... 18
            14.8     Rights, remedies additional ..................................................................................... 18
            14.9     Vicarious liability ...................................................................................................... 18
            14.10    Further assurances .................................................................................................. 18
            14.11    Counterparts and electronic signatures ................................................................... 18
            14.12    Inconsistent Laws .................................................................................................... 18
            14.13    Governing law and jurisdiction ................................................................................. 19
            14.14    Keep confidential ..................................................................................................... 19
15          Additional Provisions                                                                                                               19
            15.1 Additional Provisions ............................................................................................... 19

            Attachment 1
            Draft Plan of Subdivision

            Attachment 2
            Draft Lease

            Attachment 3

            Attachment 4

            Attachment 5
            Building Rules

                                                                                                                          Agreement for Lease
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Attachment 6
           Additional Provisions

                                   Agreement for Lease
92172782                                     Template    page 3
Agreement for Lease
           Lot              , 4 Ballarat Street, Brunswick, 3056

           Date ►
           Between the parties

           Rental Provider                 Assemble BSB Pty Ltd (ACN_641 420 457) ATF Assemble
                                           BSB Trust

           Notice details                  Address: c/- Assemble Communities Pty Ltd, 370 Swan
                                                    Street Richmond VIC 3121.
                                           Tel:       1300 181 295


           Notice details                  Address:



           Notice details                  Address:



           Notice details                  Address:


           Recitals                           The Rental Provider is the owner of the Premises.
                                              The Rental Provider has agreed to lease the Premises to
                                              the Renter under the Lease subject to the Rental Provider
                                              completing the Rental Provider’s Works under this

           The parties agree as follows:

                                                                                         Agreement for Lease
92172782                                                                                           Template    page 4
Particulars of Agreement for Lease


           LAND                Part of the land described in Certificate of Titles Volume
                               4706 Folio 168, Volume 8114 Folio 470 and Volume 9596
                               Folio 040 and known as 4 Ballarat Street, Brunswick, 3056.

           PREMISES            Proposed Lot _______, 4 Ballarat Street, Brunswick, 3056,
                               as shown on the Draft Plan at Attachment 1.

           TERM                1 year, commencing on and from the Commencement Date.

           COMMENCEMENT DATE   The date which is two weeks after the date on which the
                               Rental Provider notifies the Renter that the Rental Provider
                               has obtained an Occupancy Permit and the premises are
                               ready for occupation.

           RENT                $[_________________] per annum, as may be varied under
                               this Agreement.

           RENT COMMENCEMENT   The Commencement Date

           BOND AMOUNT         $[____________________]         by   _____/_____/ 20

                                                                             Agreement for Lease
92172782                                                                               Template    page 5
Optional Finishes Schedule

           Apartment number _______________

           The Renter selects the following flooring finish:

                   Timber

                   Marmoleum

                         Signed by

           sign here ►

           print name


                                                                      Agreement for Lease
92172782                                                                        Template    page 6
Configuration Options Schedule

           Apartment number _______________

           The Renter selects the following configuration option:

                  Options                                           Applicable Apartments

                   CO1 - standard (2 bedroom, 2 bathroom)          GO6, GO7, 106, 107, 206, 207,
                                                                     306, 307, 406, 407, 506, 507,
                                                                        606, 607, 706 and 707
                   CO1 – option (2 bedroom, 1 bathroom, 1 study)

                   DO1 - standard                                   GO1, 101, 201, 301, 401, 501,
                                                                            601 and 701

                   DO1 – option (different bathroom)

                   DO2 – standard                                         419, 519 and 619

                   DO2 – option (different bathroom)

                   DO3 – standard                                         411, 511 and 611

                   DO3 – option (different bathroom)

                   DO4 – standard                                               114

                   DO4 – option (different bathroom)

                         Signed by

           sign here ►

           print name


                                                                                   Agreement for Lease
92172782                                                                                     Template    page 7
Agreement for Lease terms and conditions

1      Definitions and interpretation                         Term            Meaning

1.1    Definitions                                                            purposes of the Project by the
       In this Agreement, unless the context requires                         Rental Provider.
       otherwise, words and phrases described in the
       Particulars of Agreement have the same                 Business Day    a day on which Banks are open for
       meanings when used in this Agreement, and                              general banking business in
       other terms used in this Agreement are                                 Melbourne, excluding Saturdays,
       defined below:                                                         Sundays and public holidays.
      Term              Meaning
                                                              Claim           any claim, notice, demand, action,
                                                                              proceeding, litigation, investigation
      Approval          any permit, approval,                                 or judgment, however it arises and
                        authorisation, consent or licence.                    whether it is present or future,
                                                                              fixed or unascertained, actual or
      Authority         any authority having jurisdiction                     contingent.
                        over the Land, the Premises
                        (including their development, use     Common          has the meaning given to that term
                        or occupation) or the Building        Areas           in the Lease.
                        Works, including any
                        governmental, municipal, statutory
                        or public body, department,           Confidential        the terms and conditions of this
                        agency or entity or any service       Information         Agreement and the Lease; and
                        provider.                                                 all information disclosed by (or
                                                                                  on behalf of) the Rental
      Bank              a corporation authorised by law to                        Provider to the Renter (or
                        carry on the general business of                          anyone on behalf of the
                        banking in Australia whose identity                       Renter) in connection with this
                        is approved by the Rental                                 Agreement and the Lease.
                                                              Consideration   has the meaning given by section
      Bank Cheque       a cheque issued by a Bank and                         195-1 of the GST Act.
                        drawn on itself.
                                                              Contract of     the Contract of Sale between the
      Bond Amount       the amount specified in item 7 of     Sale            Rental Provider (as Vendor) and
                        the Particulars of Agreement for                      the Renter (as Purchaser) dated
                        Lease.                                                on or around the date of this
      Bond              the Residential Tenancies Bond
      Authority         Authority established under the       Controller      in relation to a party's property:
                                                                                  a receiver or receiver and
                                                                                  manager of that property; or
      Builder           a builder nominated by the Rental
                        Provider to carry out the Building                        anyone else who (whether or
                        Works                                                     not as agent for that party) is in
                                                                                  possession, or has control of
                                                                                  that property to enforce an
      Building          the building of which the Premises                        Encumbrance.
                        forms a part, known as 4 Ballarat
                        Street, Brunswick, and includes
                        the Common Areas.                     Corporations    the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth).
      Building          the contract with the Builder to
      Contract          carry out the Building Works.         Cost            any cost, charge, expense,
                                                                              outgoing, payment, fee, liability or
                                                                              penalty of any kind, including legal
      Building          the physical works to be                              and professional fees.
      Works             undertaken on the Site for the

                                                                                        Agreement for Lease
    92172782                                                                                      Template             page 8
Term            Meaning                                Term             Meaning

  Defect          being the period of 6 months after                      provided for in the A New Tax
  Rectification   the practical completion of the                         System (Goods and Services
  Period          Building Works.                                         Imposition - General) Act 1999
                                                                          (Cth), which rate is 10% at the
  Draft Lease     the form of draft lease attached as                     date of this Agreement.
                  Attachment 2.
                                                         Item             the relevant item in the Particulars
  Draft Plan      proposed plan of subdivision                            of Agreement for Lease.
                  PS900003C (a copy of which is
                  attached as Attachment 1) and          Law              any law whether that law arises
                  includes, where the context                             under common law or pursuant to
                  requires it, the Draft Plan as                          any act, statutory instrument,
                  amended from time to time in the                        regulation, order, ordinance, rule,
                  manner permitted by this                                by-law, proclamation, control,
                  Agreement prior to its Registration.                    Approval, notice or directive of any
                                                                          Authority or otherwise, and
  Duty            any duty charged pursuant to the                        includes any law relating to or
                  Duties Act 2000 (Vic) (or similar                       affecting:
                  duties under the Laws of any                               the Land, the Building or the
                  jurisdiction).                                             Premises (including their
                                                                             development, use or
  Electronic      the giving of a document by one                            occupation); or
  Transmission    party to another by:
                                                                             the Building Works.
                     transmitting the document by
                     email; or                           Lease            the lease of the Premises to be
                     transmitting, by email,                              granted pursuant to this
                     notification that the document                       Agreement in the form of the Draft
                     is given together with a                             Lease.
                     hyperlink at which the
                     document can be viewed and          Loss             any loss, damage (including death
                     downloaded or the web                                or injury) or Cost of any kind.
                     address where the document
                     can be viewed and                   Material         has the meaning given in clause
                     downloaded.                         Variation        6.6(a).

  Embedded        has the meaning set out in clause      Notice           any notice, request, demand,
  Electricity     9(a).                                                   statement, consent, approval,
  Network                                                                 offer, agreement or other
  Encumbrance     any mortgage, lien, hypothecation,
                  charge, security interest, bill of     Occupancy        any Approval required by Law
                  sale, caveat, pledge, claim, trust     Permit           before the Premises may be
                  arrangement, preferential right,                        occupied.
                  right of set-off, title retention or
                  other form of encumbrance.
                                                         Occupancy        48 months from the date of this
                                                         Permit Date      agreement.
  GST             has the meaning given by
                  section 195-1 of the GST Act.
                                                         Particulars of   the Particulars of Agreement for
                                                         Agreement for    Lease forming part of this
  GST Act         the A New Tax System (Goods            Lease            Agreement.
                  and Services Tax) Act 1999 (Cth).

                                                         Payment          any Consideration (except the
  GST Amount      the amount of GST payable in                            GST Amount) payable or to be
                  respect of a Taxable Supply under                       provided by a party to any other
                  or in connection with this                              party under or in connection with
                  Agreement.                                              this Agreement.

  GST Rate        the GST rate from time to time

                                                                                    Agreement for Lease
92172782                                                                                      Template           page 9
Term                 Meaning                                (e)   a reference to this Agreement includes
                                                                        any schedules or attachments;
      Plans                the plans attached as Attachment       (f)   headings are for convenience and do
                           3.                                           not affect interpretation;
                                                                  (g)   the background or recitals to this
      Project              the construction, development and            Agreement are adopted as and form
                           subdivision of the buildings and             part of this Agreement;
                           improvements on the Site including
                           the development of residential         (h)   a reference to any document or
                           apartments, retail premises and              agreement includes a reference to that
                           associated facilities as outlined in         document or agreement as amended,
                           the Plans and the Specifications.            novated, supplemented, varied or
                                                                        replaced from time to time;
      Registration         registration pursuant to section 22    (i)   a reference to “$”, “A$” or “dollar” is a
                           of the Subdivision Act and                   reference to Australian currency;
                           "Registered" has a corresponding
                           meaning.                               (j)   a reference to a time is a reference to
                                                                        Australian Eastern Standard Time or
                                                                        Australian Eastern Daylight Time,
      Renter’s             the Renter’s employees, agents,              whichever is appropriate;
      Agents               licensees, invitees, clients,
                           customers or visitors, or where the    (k)   a reference to a party includes its
                           context permits any person for               executors, administrators, successors,
                           whom the Renter is responsible               substitutes (including persons taking by
                           and any other person claiming                novation) and permitted assigns;
                           through or under the Renter.
                                                                  (l)   a reference to writing includes any
                                                                        method of representing words, figures
      RTA                  the Residential Tenancies Act                or symbols in a permanent and visible
                           1997 (Vic).                                  form;
                                                                  (m)   words and expressions denoting natural
      Sale of Land         the Sale of Land Act 1962 (VIC)
                                                                        persons include bodies corporate,
                                                                        partnerships, associations, firms,
                                                                        governments and governmental
      Site                 all of the land in the Draft Plan.           authorities and agencies and vice
      Specifications       the specifications attached as         (n)   a reference to any legislation or to any
                           Attachment 4.                                provision of any legislation includes:
                                                                        (1)    any modification or re-enactment
      Subdivision          the Subdivision Act 1988 (Vic).
                                                                               of the legislation;
                                                                        (2)    any legislative provision
      Taxable              has the meaning given by section                    substituted for, and all
      Supply               195-1 of the GST Act.                               legislation, statutory instruments
                                                                               and regulations issued under,
                                                                               the legislation or provision; and
                                                                        (3)    where relevant, corresponding
1.2   Words and expressions
                                                                               legislation in any Australian
      In this Agreement, unless the context requires                           State or Territory;
                                                                  (o)   no rule of construction applies to the
      (a)       the singular includes the plural and vice               disadvantage of a party because that
                versa;                                                  party was responsible for the
                                                                        preparation of this Agreement or any
      (b)       words denoting any gender include all                   part of it;
                                                                  (p)   the words “including”, “for example”,
      (c)       where a word or phrase is defined, its                  “such as” or other similar expressions
                other grammatical forms have a                          (in any form) are not words of limitation;
                corresponding meaning;                                  and
      (d)       a reference to a party, clause,                   (q)   any capitalised term not defined in this
                paragraph, schedule or attachment is a                  Agreement has the meaning given to
                reference to a party, clause, paragraph,                that term in the Lease.
                schedule or attachment to or of this

                                                                                              Agreement for Lease
  92172782                                                                                              Template     page 10
1.3    Other rules of interpretation                       3     Grant of Lease
       In this Agreement, unless expressly provided
       otherwise:                                          3.1   Lease

       (a)     (Approvals) if the doing of any act,              (a)     Execution of Lease
               matter or thing requires the Approval or                  On or prior to the date of this
               agreement of any party, that Approval                     Agreement the Renter must give to the
               or agreement may be given                                 Rental Provider 2 copies of the Draft
               conditionally or unconditionally or                       Lease (one marked "Renter's copy" the
               withheld in that party’s absolute                         other marked "Rental Provider's copy")
               discretion and is not deemed to have                      duly executed by the Renter, with the
               been given unless it is given in writing;                 inclusion of the following details in the
       (b)     (joint and several liability) a promise,                  Draft Lease:
               representation or warranty given by or                    (1)    the name of the Renter (and
               in favour of two or more persons under                           each Renter if there is more than
               this Agreement is given by them or for                           one);
               their benefit jointly and severally;
                                                                         (2)    if there is more than one Renter
       (c)     (Business Days) subject to clause                                and they will not contributed to
               12.3, if the day on or by which any act,                         the Bond Amount equally, the
               matter or thing is to be done is a day                           amounts they will each
               other than a Business Day, the act,                              contribute to the Bond Amount;
               matter or thing must be done on the                              and
               next Business Day;
                                                                         (3)    confirmation that the Renter
       (d)     (inconsistency within document) if a                             consents to the electronic
               clause of this Agreement is inconsistent                         service of notice and other
               with a schedule or attachment of this                            documents under the Lease and
               Agreement, the clause prevails to the                            the Renter's email address for
               extent of the inconsistency; and                                 that purpose
       (e)     (method of payment) any payment of                        (4)     "Current address" of the Renter,
               money by one party to another will be                            being the postal address of the
               made in Australian currency by Bank                              Premises;
               cheque or by credit of cleared funds to
               a bank account specified by the                           (5)    "Premises", being the title
               recipient.                                                       particulars and address of the
                                                                                relevant Lot on the Final Plan
       (f)     (no prejudice) this Agreement will not                           once Registered;
               be interpreted to the disadvantage of
               any party because that party was                          (6)    "Rent amount", being the
               responsible for the drafting of this                             amount stated in clause 4;
               Agreement or any clause in this
                                                                 (b)     Completion of Lease
                                                                         (1)    The Renter authorises the
2      Agreement for Lease                                                      Rental Provider or its lawyers to:
       (a)     The Rental Provider proposes to carry                            (A)    amend the form of the
               out the Building Works.                                                 Draft Lease;
       (b)     The Rental Provider will grant a lease                           (B)    complete the Draft Lease
               to the Renter on the terms and                                          by filling in the blank
               conditions contained in the Draft Lease                                 spaces, including the
               with any additions and variations as                                    following:
               may be required pursuant to this
                                                                                       (1)    "Date of
               agreement (Lease).
                                                                                              agreement", being
       (c)     The rights granted by the Rental                                               the
               Provider under the Lease do not entitle                                        Commencement
               the Renter to possession or occupation                                         Date;
               of the Property within the meaning of
                                                                                       (2)    "Date first rent
               section 29A1(b) of the Sale of Land Act
                                                                                              payment due",
               as the occupation of the Property by the
                                                                                              being the
               Rental Provider will be terminated if the
               Renter elects not to acquire the
               Property from the Rental Provider.
                                                                                       (3)    "Day rent is to be
                                                                                              paid", being

                                                                                              Agreement for Lease
    92172782                                                                                            Template     page 11
monthly on the first               the Lease as if the Lease had been
                                   day of each month;                 duly completed and executed pursuant
                                                                      to this clause 3.
                            (4)    "Length of the
                                   agreement", being            (b)   If a term or condition cannot be given
                                   1 year                             effect until one or more of the details in
                                   commencing on                      clause 3.1(b) is determined, the term or
                                   the                                condition will be given effect
                                   Commencement                       retrospectively from the
                                   Date and expiring                  Commencement Date once the
                                   on the date which                  necessary details have been
                                   is the day before                  determined.
                                   the anniversary of
                                   the                    3.3   Condition Report
                                   Commencement                 (a)   Prior to the Commencement Date, the
                                   Date;                              Rental Provider must give the Renter
                            (5)    “Selection Date”,                  two copies of the condition report
                                   being the 14 day                   signed by or on behalf of the Rental
                                   period                             Provider specifying the state of repair
                                   commencing 5                       and general condition of the Premises
                                   years and 1 month                  on the day specified in the report
                                   after the                          (Condition Report);
                                   Commencement                 (b)   Within 3 Business Days after the
                                   Date,                              Commencement Date, the Renter must:
                            (6)    confirmation that                  (1)    return one copy of the Condition
                                   the Rental Provider                       Report to the Rental Provider
                                   consents to the                           signed by the Renter indicating
                                   electronic service                        the Renter's acceptance of the
                                   of notice and other                       condition of the Premises as
                                   documents under                           evidenced in the Condition
                                   the Lease and the                         Report; or
                                   Rental Provider's
                                   email address for                  (2)    notify the Rental Provider in
                                   that purpose; and                         writing that the Renter does not
                                                                             agree that the Condition Report
                            (7)    details of the                            evidences the condition of the
                                   Rental Provider's                         Premises, including providing
                                   contact person for                        reasons,
                                   the purposes of
                                   urgent repairs; and                failing which, the Renter will be deemed
                                                                      to have agreed that the Condition
                      (C)   make any other additions                  Report is an accurate and correct
                            and alterations and do                    depiction of the condition of the
                            anything else to the Draft                Premises as at the date specified in the
                            Lease necessary to                        Condition Report.
                            complete the Draft Lease
                            in accordance with this             (c)   If the Renter gives the Rental Provider
                            Agreement,                                notice under clause 3.3(b)(2), the
                                                                      parties must negotiate in good faith to
                   once the relevant details have been                agree the content of the Condition
                   determined.                                        Report, which is to be signed by both
             (2)      The Rental Provider must notify                 parties once agreed.
                      the Renter of the amendments        4     Determining the Rent
                      made to the Draft Lease
                      pursuant to clause 3.1(b)(1) and          The Rent to be inserted in the Lease will be
                      provide the Renter with its               the amount specified in Item 5.
                      original part of the Lease within
                      14 days after the                   5     Contract of Sale
                      Commencement Date.
3.2   Lease to take effect from Commencement                    The parties acknowledge and agree that:
      Date                                                      (a)   if the Contract of Sale is rescinded by
      (a)    If the Lease has not been completed or                   either party in accordance with special
             executed at the Commencement Date                        condition 3 of the Contract of Sale, this
             each party is bound by the covenants                     Agreement is automatically terminated;
             terms and conditions to be contained in                  and

                                                                                           Agreement for Lease
  92172782                                                                                           Template      page 12
(b)     if this Agreement is automatically                   (b)   If an Occupancy Permit has not been
               terminated in accordance with                              issued for the Property by the
               clause 5(a), neither party will have any                   Occupancy Permit Date, then either
               further liability to the other under this                  party may rescind this agreement at
               Agreement, but the termination is                          any time before an Occupancy Permit
               without prejudice to any existing rights                   issues for the Property by giving written
               and liabilities of the parties under this                  notice to the other party in which case
               Agreement.                                                 the Bond Amount must be repaid to the
                                                                          Renter and neither party will have any
6      Building Works                                                     further liability to the other under this
6.1    Commencement of Constructions
                                                                    (c)   Clause 6.2(b) enures for the benefit of
       (a)     The Renter acknowledges that:                              both the Renter and Rental Provider
               (1)    the Rental Provider is in process                   and may only be waived be agreement
                      of obtaining planning approval                      in writing.
                      for the Building Works: and             6.3   Termination by either party
               (2)    the Rental Provider intends to                (a)   If the Rental Provider has not given the
                      proceed with and complete the                       Renter notice of the issue of an
                      Building Works in response to                       Occupancy Permit in accordance with
                      market demand; and                                  clause 6.2 by the Occupancy Permit
               (3)    the decision in relation to the                     Date, either party may, by written notice
                      timing for commencement of the                      to the other party, rescind this
                      Building Works will be made by                      Agreement at any time after the
                      the Rental Provider in its                          Occupancy Permit Date but before the
                      absolute discretion.                                Rental Provider gives the Renter notice
                                                                          of the issue of an Occupancy Permit.
       (b)     The Renter acknowledges that the
               Rental Provider may at any time prior to             (b)   Rescission under clause 6.3(a) is
               completion of the basement floor                           without prejudice to the existing rights
               structure of the Building give notice in                   and liabilities of the parties under this
               writing to the Renter that the Building                    Agreement.
               Works cannot or will not proceed by                  (c)   In the event of rescission under
               reason of the inability to engage a                        clause 6.3(a), the Renter will have no
               builder, inability to enter into                           right or remedy against the Rental
               agreements for lease with other renters                    Provider in respect of any failure by the
               or for any other reason whatsoever                         Rental Provider to commence or
               (Termination Notice).                                      complete the Rental Provider Works.
       (c)     If a Termination Notice is given, the          6.4   Flooring selection
               Rental Provider will be entitled to
               rescind this agreement by notice in                  (a)   The Building Works include the flooring
               writing to the Renter.                                     finish as selected by the Renter on the
                                                                          date of this Agreement in the Optional
       (d)     If the Rental Provider rescinds this                       Finishes Schedule of this Agreement. If
               agreement, the Rental Provider must                        no selection is made then the timber
               return the Bond Amount to the Renter                       floor finish shall apply.
               within 10 Business Days. Neither party
               will have any further liability to the other         (b)   The Renter acknowledges that subject
               under this agreement, but does not                         to clauses 6.6(a) and 6.7, the flooring
               extinguish any existing rights and                         finish will be the selection set out in the
               liabilities of the parties under this                      Optional Finishes Schedule of this
               agreement.                                                 Agreement.

6.2    Issue of an Occupancy Permit                           6.5   Configuration selection

       (a)     The Rental Provider must promptly                    (a)   The Building Works include the
               notify the Renter in writing on the earlier                configuration option as selected by the
               of the Rental Provider receiving:                          Renter on the date of this Agreement in
                                                                          the Configuration Options Schedule of
               (1)    an Occupancy Permit from the                        this Agreement. If no selection is made
                      relevant Authority; and                             then the standard configuration shall
               (2)    notification that an Occupancy                      apply.
                      Permit has been issued by the                 (b)   The Renter acknowledges that subject
                      relevant Authority.                                 to clauses 6.6(a) and 6.7, the optional
                                                                          configuration will be the selection set

                                                                                                Agreement for Lease
    92172782                                                                                              Template      page 13
out in the Configuration Options                     (c)    The repairs under clause 6.8(a) must
             Schedule of this Agreement.                                 not include repairs to any electrical or
                                                                         gas fittings installed in the Property
6.6   Variations to the Building Works                                   except in accordance with the terms of
      (a)    The Rental Provider must not make                           the manufacturer's warranties relating
             variations to the Building Works which                      to those electrical or gas fittings.
             materially adversely affect the standard,            (d)    For the purposes of this clause 6.8, the
             layout or quality of the Building Works                     Renter must provide the Rental
             ("Material Variation") without the                          Provider and the Builder access to the
             Renter's approval which must not be                         Property at all reasonable times
             unreasonably withheld.                                      (including Monday to Friday 8am to
      (b)    Subject to clause 6.6(a), the Rental                        5pm) for the purposes of repairing any
             Provider may make other non-material                        defects or defaults in the Property.
             variations to the Building Works,                    (e)    The Renter must not rescind this
             including substituting fixtures and                         agreement as a result of any defects or
             fittings for others of a similar nature and                 faults in the Property or Common
             quality, without the Renter's approval.                     Property due to faulty materials or
      (c)    If the Rental Provider requests the                         workmanship.
             Renter's approval to a Material               6.9    Dispute Resolution
             Variation and the Renter does not
             within 14 days give the Rental Provider:             (a)    If a dispute arises between the Rental
                                                                         Provider and Renter, the parties should
             (1)    Its written approval; or                             communicate regarding the dispute to
             (2)    a Dispute Notice in accordance                       attempt resolution.
                    with clause 6.9.                              (b)    If a resolution to the dispute cannot be
      (d)    the Renter will be deemed to have                           reached, either party may give written
             approved the Material Variation for the                     notice of the dispute to the other party.
             purposes of clause 6.6(a).                                  The notice must state that it is a notice
                                                                         under this clause and must specify the
6.7   Dispute about the Building Works                                   dispute concerned (the Dispute
      Subject to clause 6.6(a), the Renter must not:
                                                                  (c)    If a resolution to the dispute, as
      (a)    make any requisition, objection or
                                                                         identified in the Dispute Notice, cannot
                                                                         be reached within 5 business days of
      (b)    ask the Rental Provider to take any                         issuing a Dispute Notice, either party
             action or incur any Cost;                                   may submit the dispute to an
                                                                         independent expert by giving written
      (c)    seek to postpone the Commencement                           notice.
             Date, or rescind or terminate this
             Agreement; or                                        (d)    The parties are to agree to an
                                                                         independent expert within 10 days,
      (d)    set-off any Rent payable under the                          otherwise either party can request the
             Lease,                                                      Chairman of the Institute of Arbitrators
      because of the Building Works or the Rental                        Australia (Victoria Chapter) or his
      Provider's obligations in relation to the Rental                   nominee to nominate and appoint an
      Provider's Works (if any) contained in this                        independent expert who must have
      Agreement.                                                         experience in the relevant field of the
                                                                         dispute The independent expert shall
6.8   Defects                                                            deliver his determination supported by
                                                                         reasons and in doing so is deemed to
      (a)    Subject to clause 6.8(b), the Rental
                                                                         act as an expert and not as an
             Provider will use reasonable
             endeavours to ensure that the Builder
             will, under the Building Contract, repair            (e)    The independent expert’s fee will be
             and make good in a proper and                               paid by both parties equally.
             workmanlike manner within a
             reasonable time, any defects or faults in            (f)    The independent expert’s determination
             the Property or Common Property due                         is final and binding on the parties
             to faulty materials or workmanship.           6.10   Obligations cease
      (b)    A request for repairs under clause                   The Rental Provider's obligations in relation to
             6.8(a) must be given in writing to the               the Rental Providers Works (if any) contained
             Rental Provider within the Defect                    in this Agreement cease at the
             Rectification Period.                                Commencement Date.

                                                                                              Agreement for Lease
  92172782                                                                                              Template     page 14
7      Dealings                                                      consequence the Lease is not entered
                                                                     into at the direction of the Rental
7.1    Dealings by Renter                                            Provider the parties must jointly apply
                                                                     to the Bond Authority pursuant to
       (a)     No Assignment by Renter                               section 411 of the RTA for the Bond
               The Renter must not:                                  Amount to be refunded by the Bond
                                                                     Authority and paid to the Rental
               (1)    assign, transfer, or otherwise                 Provider, to be applied by the Rental
                      deal with the Premises or any                  Provider as follows:
                      right or obligation under this
                      Agreement; or                                  (1)    first, in satisfaction of any Loss
                                                                            incurred or likely to be incurred
               (2)    mortgage charge or encumber                           by the Rental Provider due to the
                      this Agreement,                                       Renter's default; and
               without the prior approval of the Rental              (2)    second, the balance of the Bond
               Provider. The Rental Provider may                            Amount (if any) to be returned to
               withhold its approval at its absolute                        the Renter.
                                                               (g)   If this Agreement is terminated or
       (b)     No caveat                                             rescinded by the Rental Provider or the
                                                                     Renter (as applicable) pursuant to
               The Renter must not lodge a caveat                    clauses 5, 6.2(b) or 6.3(a), the parties
               against the Land or any part of it.                   must jointly apply to the Bond Authority
8      Bond Amount                                                   pursuant to section 412 of the RTA for
                                                                     the Bond Amount to be refunded by the
                                                                     Bond Authority and paid to the Renter.
       (a)     The Renter must pay the Bond Amount
               to the Rental Provider on or before the     9   Electricity Provider
               date specified in item 7 of the
               Particulars of Agreement for Lease              The Renter acknowledges that:
               (and if no date is specified then on or
               before the date of this Agreement.              (a)   the Rental Provider, in its absolute
                                                                     discretion, may enter into an agreement
       (b)     The Bond Amount must be paid by way                   with a supplier for the provision by the
               of transfer of cleared funds to a Bank                supplier of an embedded electrical
               account nominated by the Rental                       network for the purpose of the supply of
               Provider.                                             electricity to the Property, the Building
       (c)     If the Renter does not pay the Bond                   and Common Property (Embedded
               Amount to the Rental Provider on or                   Electricity Network);
               before the date specified in item 7 of          (b)   it must make its own enquires with
               the Particulars of Agreement for Lease                regard to the Embedded Electricity
               (and if no date is specified then on or               Network;
               before the date of this Agreement), the
               Rental Provider may terminate this              (c)   the Rental Provider or an Owners
               Agreement by notice to the Renter.                    Corporation may grant an agreement in
                                                                     accordance with clause 9(a) to the
       (d)     Within 5 Business Days of receipt of the              supplier and other suppliers in
               Bond Amount, the Rental Provider must                 connection with the Embedded
               lodge the Bond Amount with the Bond                   Electricity Network;
               Authority, following which the Renter
               will be provided with a receipt for             (d)   where any the Embedded Electricity
               payment of the Bond Amount, in                        Network is installed the Renter may be
               accordance with the requirements of                   required to purchase its electricity
               the RTA.                                              supply from an Owners Corporation
       (e)     The parties acknowledge and agree
               that from the Commencement Date, the            (e)   the Renter may be unable to enter into
               Bond Amount is to form the bond for                   agreements with other suppliers in
               the purposes of the Lease and is to be                connection with the provision of
               treated in accordance with, and subject               electricity to the Property;
               to, the RTA.
                                                               (f)   no information, representation or
       (f)     Without limiting the rights of the Rental             warranty made by the Rental Provider
               Provider under the RTA, the Rental                    or the Rental Provider’s agent was
               Provider and the Renter agree that if                 supplied or made in connection with the
               this Agreement is terminated prior to                 Embedded Electricity Network and the
               the Commencement Date due to the                      Embedded Electricity Network’s
               default of the Renter, and as a                       performance;

                                                                                         Agreement for Lease
    92172782                                                                                       Template      page 15
(g)     it must not make any claim, enquiry,                         wilful act or default of the Renter and
                requisition or demand in relation to the                     the Renter’s Agents, except to the
                matters raised in this clause 9 and the                      extent that any Claim or Loss is caused
                Renter will not be entitled to rescind this                  or contributed to by the negligence,
                agreement as a result of the matters                         wilful act or default of the Rental
                raised in this clause 9; and                                 Provider.
        (h)     the Rental Provider will not be under                (b)     The Rental Provider may recover under
                any liability to the Renter in respect of                    an indemnity before incurring expense.
                any claims, demands, actions,
                proceeding, losses, costs, expenses           12     Costs, Duty, Interest and GST
                and damages arising directly or
                indirectly from the matters raised in this    12.1   Costs
                clause 9 and the Renter releases the
                Rental Provider against any such
                                                                     (a)     Costs of Agreement
                claims, demands, actions, proceeding,                        Each party is responsible for its own
                losses, costs, expenses and damages.                         Costs of and incidental to the
                                                                             negotiation, preparation, completion
10      Default
                                                                             and stamping of this Agreement.
10.1    Event of Default                                             (b)     Other Costs
        If:                                                                  The Renter must promptly pay all the
                                                                             Rental Provider's Costs of and
        (a)     the Renter does not pay any amounts                          incidental to:
                payable under this Agreement when
                due or does not comply with any of its                       (1)    every breach of this Agreement
                other obligations under this Agreement;                             by the Renter; and
        (b)     an Insolvency Event occurs in relation                       (2)    the exercise (or attempted
                to the Renter (unless the event occurs                              exercise) of any of the Rental
                as part of a solvent reconstruction,                                Provider’s rights, powers,
                amalgamation, merger or consolidation                               privileges, or remedies under or
                that has been approved in writing by                                by virtue of this Agreement.
                the Rental Provider); or
                                                                     (c)     Costs of Renter default
        (c)     execution is levied against the Renter
                and not discharged within 30 days,                           The Renter must pay all Costs incurred
                                                                             by the Rental Provider in remedying a
        then the Renter is in default.                                       default of the Renter under this
10.2    Consequences of Default
                                                              12.2   Duty
        (a)     If the Renter is in default and has not
                remedied that default within 14                      The Renter must:
                Business Days of receipt of a notice
                from the Rental Provider requiring it to             (a)     pay all Duty (including penalties or
                do so the Rental Provider may                                interest) assessed on or in relation to:
                terminate this Agreement by notice to                        (1)    this Agreement; and
                the Renter.
                                                                             (2)    any variation, surrender or other
        (b)     Termination of this Agreement pursuant                              early termination of this
                to clause 10.2(a) is without prejudice to                           Agreement; and
                any existing rights, actions or remedies
                which the Rental Provider may have                   (b)     deliver to the Rental Provider a cheque
                against the Renter in relation to any                        in favour of the State Revenue Office
                Claim or Loss arising from the Renter’s                      for any Duty payable and all supporting
                breach.                                                      documentation necessary to enable the
                                                                             Rental Provider to lodge this
        (c)     On termination pursuant to clause                            Agreement and any other instrument
                10.2(a) the Rental Provider is released                      referred to in clause 12.2(a)(2) for
                from all obligations and liabilities under                   payment of Duty no later than 5
                this Agreement.                                              Business Days before the due date for
                                                                             payment of the Duty, if applicable.
11      Renter indemnity
                                                              12.3   Due date for payment
        (a)     The Renter indemnifies the Rental
                Provider against all Claims and Loss                 (a)     Unless expressly stated otherwise, an
                which the Rental Provider may incur or                       amount payable by a party under this
                may become liable for wholly or partly                       Agreement is due on the 5th Business
                due to or arising from the negligence,

                                                                                                  Agreement for Lease
     92172782                                                                                               Template    page 16
Day after written demand is made for                             Transmission or facsimile to that
                that amount.                                                     address.
        (b)     If any other money falls due for                   (b)    The Rental Provider may give
                payment on a date other than a                            documents or provide information to the
                Business Day, that money must be paid                     Renter by Electronic Transmission to
                on the immediately preceding Business                     the Renter’s address as detailed in Item
                Day.                                                      2 (or as varied by Notice).
12.4    Interest                                            13.2   Notices by Renter
        The Renter must pay to the Rental Provider                 (a)    All Notices given by the Renter under or
        interest at the rate of 2% above the rate                         in connection with this Agreement must
        prescribed from time to time under the Penalty                    be:
        Interest Rates Act 1983 (Vic) on any money
        which the Renter has not paid within 5                            (1)    in writing;
        Business Days after its due date for payment                      (2)    signed by the Renter or a person
        until actually paid, calculated daily.                                   duly authorised by the Renter or,
12.5    GST                                                                      where transmitted by e-mail,
                                                                                 sent by the Renter or a person
        (a)     The Rental Provider and the Renter                               duly authorised by the Renter;
                acknowledge that each Payment
                specified in this Agreement is exclusive                  (3)    directed to the Rental Provider at
                of GST.                                                          the address and other details
                                                                                 specified in Item 1 (or as varied
        (b)     If any Payment, or part of any Payment,                          by any Notice); and
                is made to a party for or in connection
                with a Taxable Supply, that party is also                 (4)    hand delivered, sent by prepaid
                entitled to receive from the party                               post or transmitted by e-mail or
                making the Payment, or the relevant                              facsimile to that address.
                part of the Payment, the GST Amount                (b)    The Renter must, within 10 Business
                calculated by multiplying the Payment,                    Days after the date of this Agreement
                or the relevant part of the Payment, by                   provide the Rental Provider with its
                the GST Rate.                                             current e-mail address and that of its
        (c)     The GST Amount is due when a                              lawyers and must notify the Rental
                Payment is due.                                           Provider of any changes to these email
                                                                          addresses from time to time.
13      Notices
                                                            13.3   Receipt
13.1    Notices by Rental Provider                                 A Notice given in accordance with this clause
                                                                   is taken as having been given and received:
        (a)     All Notices given by the Rental Provider
                under or in connection with this                   (a)    if hand delivered, on delivery;
                Agreement must be:
                                                                   (b)    if sent by prepaid post, either:
                (1)   in writing;
                                                                          (1)    on the day on which the relevant
                (2)   signed by the Rental Provider, a                           postal service estimates delivery
                      person duly authorised by the                              will occur; or
                      Rental Provider or, where
                      transmitted by Electronic                           (2)    on the first day of the period
                      Transmission, sent by the Rental                           during which the relevant postal
                      Provider or a person duly                                  service estimates delivery will
                      authorised by the Rental                                   occur,
                      Provider;                                           based on the most recent estimate
                (3)   directed to the Renter at either:                   published by the relevant postal service
                                                                          as at the date on which the Notice is
                      (A)    the address and other                        sent;
                             details specified in Item 2
                             (or as varied by Notice);             (c)    if transmitted by e-mail or Electronic
                                                                          Transmission, on transmission; or
                      (B)    the Renter’s registered
                             office, if applicable; or             (d)    if transmitted by facsimile, at the time
                                                                          recorded on the transmission report
                      (C)    the Premises; and                            indicating successful transmission of
                                                                          the entire Notice,
                (4)   hand delivered, sent by prepaid
                      post or transmitted by Electronic            but if the delivery or transmission is not on a
                                                                   Business Day or is after 5.00pm (recipient’s

                                                                                               Agreement for Lease
     92172782                                                                                            Template     page 17
time) on a Business Day, the Notice is taken               (b)    is effective only to the extent set out in
        to be received at 9.00am (recipient’s time) on                    that written waiver.
        the next Business Day.
                                                            14.8   Rights, remedies additional
13.4    Requirement for written notice
                                                                   Any rights and remedies that a person may
        For the avoidance of doubt, the requirements               have under this Agreement are in addition to
        in clauses 13.1(a)(1) and 13.2(a)(1) apply to              and do not replace or limit any other rights or
        all Notices unless expressly excluded and no               remedies that the person may have.
        implication to the contrary is to be drawn from
        the use of the expressions “written” or “in         14.9   Vicarious liability
        writing” in relation to some but not all Notices.          The Renter must not allow any of the Renter's
                                                                   Agents to breach any of the Renter’s
14      General
                                                                   obligations under this Agreement.
14.1    Entire agreement                                    14.10 Further assurances
        This Agreement constitutes the entire                      Each party must do or cause to be done all
        agreement between the parties in relation to               things necessary or reasonably desirable to
        its subject matter. All prior discussions,                 give full effect to this Agreement and the
        undertakings, agreements, representations,                 transactions contemplated by it (including, but
        warranties and indemnities in relation to that             not limited to, the execution of agreements).
        subject matter are replaced by this Agreement
        and have no further effect.                         14.11 Counterparts and electronic signatures

14.2    Paramountcy of Agreement                                   (a)    If this Contract consists of a number of
                                                                          signed counterparts, each is an original
        If this Agreement conflicts with any other                        and all of the counterparts together
        Agreement, agreement or arrangement, this                         comprise the same document.
        Agreement prevails to the extent of the
        inconsistency.                                             (b)    A party may sign a counterpart by
                                                                          executing a signature page and
14.3    No merger                                                         electronically transmitting a copy of the
                                                                          signed page to each other party or their
        The provisions of this Agreement will not                         authorised representative.
        merge on completion of any transaction
        contemplated in this Agreement and, to the                 (c)    The parties acknowledge and agree
        extent any provision has not been fulfilled, will                 that:
        remain in force.
                                                                          (1)    this Contract may be
14.4    Attorneys                                                                electronically signed and
                                                                                 exchanged using "Docusign" or
        Each person who executes this Agreement on                               any other platform for the
        behalf of a party under a power of attorney                              electronic execution and
        warrants that he or she has no notice of the                             exchange of contracts;
        revocation of that power or of any fact or
        circumstance that might affect his or her                         (2)    without limiting the ways in which
        authority to execute this Agreement under that                           this Contract may be validly
        power.                                                                   executed by a party, this
                                                                                 Contract can be signed
14.5    Amendment                                                                electronically by a party which is
        This Agreement may not be amended or                                     a corporation under section
        varied unless the amendment or variation is in                           127(1) of the Corporations Act;
        writing signed by all parties.                                    (3)    if a party signs this Contract
14.6    Severability                                                             electronically under section
                                                                                 127(1) of the Corporations Act,
        Part or all of any provision of this Agreement                           each other party is entitled to
        that is illegal or unenforceable will be severed                         rely on the assumptions set out
        from this Agreement and will not affect the                              in section 129(5) of the
        continued operation of the remaining                                     Corporations Act; and
        provisions of this Agreement.
                                                                          (4)    where this Contract is signed
14.7    Waiver                                                                   electronically, a hard copy print-
        Waiver of any power or right under this                                  out of the signed and exchanged
        Agreement:                                                               Contract is an original copy of
                                                                                 this Contract.
        (a)     must be in writing signed by the party
                entitled to the benefit of that power or    14.12 Inconsistent Laws
                right; and                                         To the extent permitted, any Law which is
                                                                   contrary to or otherwise inconsistent with any

                                                                                                Agreement for Lease
     92172782                                                                                             Template     page 18
provision of this Agreement, or otherwise                      (2)     to the extent required by Law or
      affects the operation of this Agreement, is                            the rules of any stock exchange.
                                                               (b)   The obligations of the Renter under this
14.13 Governing law and jurisdiction                                 clause 14.14 will survive termination of
                                                                     this Agreement or the Lease and
      This Agreement will be governed by and                         continue indefinitely.
      construed in accordance with the laws in force
      in the State of Victoria and each party submits   15     Additional Provisions
      to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of
      that State.                                       15.1   Additional Provisions
14.14 Keep confidential                                        Any additional provisions set out in
      (a)    The Renter must keep the Confidential             Attachment 6:
             Information confidential and ensure that          (a)   bind the parties, and
             its officers, employees, agents and
             advisers keep it confidential and must            (b)   if inconsistent with any other provisions
             not disclose this information to any                    of this Agreement for Lease, override
             person except:                                          them.

             (1)   with the prior written approval of
                   the Rental Provider; or

                                                                                          Agreement for Lease
  92172782                                                                                          Template     page 19
Attachment 1

           Draft Plan of Subdivision

                                          Agreement for Lease
92172782                                            Template    page 20
PLAN OF SUBDIVISION                                                                  EDITION                        PS 900003C                                /S1

                                          LOCATION OF LAND
PARISH:                               JIKA JIKA

TOWNSHIP:                             -

SECTION:                              -

CROWN ALLOTMENT:                      -

CROWN PORTION:                        109 (PART)

TITLE REFERENCE:                      VOL. 8114 FOL. 470, VOL. 4706 FOL. 168 & VOL. 9596 FOL. 040

LAST PLAN                            LOT 1 ON TP838517A, LOT 1 ON TP692978U
REFERENCE:                           AND LAND IN CP158970K.

POSTAL ADDRESS:                       2-4 BALLARAT STREET,
(at time of subdivision)              BRUNSWICK, VIC

MGA 94 CO-ORDINATES:                  E            320451              ZONE:        55
(approx. centre of land in plan)      N           5818228

                            VESTING OF ROADS AND/OR RESERVES                                                                                NOTATIONS
              IDENTIFIER                                    COUNCIL/BODY/PERSON                        STAGING        THIS IS / IS NOT A STAGED SUBDIVISION
                                                                                                                      PLANNING PERMIT NO.
                   NIL                                                 NIL
                                                                                                       SURVEY         THIS PLAN IS / IS NOT BASED ON SURVEY
                                                                                                       THIS SURVEY HAS BEEN CONNECTED TO PERMANENT MARKS NO(S) -
                                                                                                       IN PROCLAIMED SURVEY AREA NO. -

                                                                                                       DEPTH LIMITATION       DOES NOT APPLY

                                                                                                        BOUNDARIES SHOWN BY THICK CONTINUOUS LINES ARE DEFINED BY BUILDINGS
                                                                                                        LOCATION OF BOUNDARIES DEFINED BY BUILDINGS
                                                                                                        INTERIOR FACE : ALL BOUNDARIES
                                                                                                        COMMON PROPERTY No.1 IS ALL THE LAND IN THIS PLAN EXCEPT LOTS & COMMON
                                                                                                        PROPERTY No.2 AND INCLUDES THE STRUCTURE THAT DEFINES BOUNDARIES.

                                                                                                        ALL PILLARS, SLABS, BEAMS, COLUMNS, SERVICE DUCTS AND PIPE SHAFTS WHETHER OR
                                                                                                        NOT SHOWN ON THIS PLAN ARE IN COMMON PROPERTY No.1, UNLESS SHOWN OTHERWISE.

                                                                                                        THE CAR STACKER MECHANISM IS CONTAINED WITHIN COMMON PROPERTY No.1
B - BALCONY                                                                                             THIS PLAN ASSUMES THE REMOVAL OF DRAINAGE EASEMENT CREATED
                                                                                                        BY INSTRUMENT 1108708 BY A SEPARATE APPLICATION.
CP No.1 - COMMON PROPERTY No.1                                                                        LOTS IN THIS PLAN MAY BE AFFECTED BY ONE OR MORE OWNERS CORPORATIONS.
CP No.2 - COMMON PROPERTY No.2                                                                        FOR DETAILS OF ANY OWNERS CORPORATIONS INCLUDING PURPOSE, RESPONSIBILITY,
                                                                                                      ENTITLEMENT & LIABILITY SEE OWNERS CORPORATION SEARCH REPORT, OWNERS
T - TERRACE                                                                                           CORPORATION ADDITIONAL INFORMATION AND IF APPLICABLE, OWNERS CORPORATION RULES

                                                                                          EASEMENT INFORMATION


SUBJECT                                    PURPOSE                                        WIDTH            ORIGIN                               LAND BENEFITED/IN FAVOUR OF
 LAND                                                                                    (metres)

                                                                             LICENSED SURVEYOR       CHRISTOPHER POWELL

                                                                             DATE         28/04/21              REFERENCE   303221                              ORIGINAL SHEET SIZE A3
   Level 3, 1 Southbank Boulevard
          Southbank, Victoria 3006                                           VERSION      B                     DRAWING     303221-AB                         SHEET 1 OF 12 SHEETS
                    03) 7019 8400
   WITH ______                        Formerly
   CONFIDENCE ™             Bosco Jonson
PLAN OF SUBDIVISION                                    PS 900003C                         /S1

                                                                                  SCALE   3    0                6          12
                                    LICENSED SURVEYOR CHRISTOPHER POWELL
                                                                                  1:300            LENGTHS ARE IN METRES

                                    DATE      28/04/21        REFERENCE    303221             ORIGINAL SHEET SIZE A3
Level 3, 1 Southbank Boulevard
       Southbank, Victoria 3006     VERSION   B               DRAWING      303221-AB           SHEET        2
                 03) 7019 8400
WITH ______              Formerly
CONFIDENCE ™     Bosco Jonson
PLAN OF SUBDIVISION                                    PS 900003C                         /S1

                                                                                  SCALE   3    0                6          12
                                    LICENSED SURVEYOR CHRISTOPHER POWELL
                                                                                  1:300            LENGTHS ARE IN METRES

                                    DATE      28/04/21        REFERENCE    303221             ORIGINAL SHEET SIZE A3
Level 3, 1 Southbank Boulevard
       Southbank, Victoria 3006     VERSION   B               DRAWING      303221-AB           SHEET        3
                 03) 7019 8400
WITH ______              Formerly
CONFIDENCE ™     Bosco Jonson
PLAN OF SUBDIVISION                                    PS 900003C                         /S1

                                                                                  SCALE   3    0                6          12
                                    LICENSED SURVEYOR CHRISTOPHER POWELL
                                                                                  1:300            LENGTHS ARE IN METRES

                                    DATE      28/04/21        REFERENCE    303221             ORIGINAL SHEET SIZE A3
Level 3, 1 Southbank Boulevard
       Southbank, Victoria 3006     VERSION   B               DRAWING      303221-AB           SHEET        4
                 03) 7019 8400
WITH ______              Formerly
CONFIDENCE ™     Bosco Jonson
PLAN OF SUBDIVISION                                    PS 900003C                         /S1

                                                                                  SCALE   3    0                6          12
                                    LICENSED SURVEYOR CHRISTOPHER POWELL
                                                                                  1:300            LENGTHS ARE IN METRES

                                    DATE      28/04/21        REFERENCE    303221             ORIGINAL SHEET SIZE A3
Level 3, 1 Southbank Boulevard
       Southbank, Victoria 3006     VERSION   B               DRAWING      303221-AB           SHEET        5
                 03) 7019 8400
WITH ______              Formerly
CONFIDENCE ™     Bosco Jonson
PLAN OF SUBDIVISION                                    PS 900003C                         /S1

                                                                                  SCALE   3    0                6          12
                                    LICENSED SURVEYOR CHRISTOPHER POWELL
                                                                                  1:300            LENGTHS ARE IN METRES

                                    DATE      28/04/21        REFERENCE    303221             ORIGINAL SHEET SIZE A3
Level 3, 1 Southbank Boulevard
       Southbank, Victoria 3006     VERSION   B               DRAWING      303221-AB           SHEET        6
                 03) 7019 8400
WITH ______              Formerly
CONFIDENCE ™     Bosco Jonson
PLAN OF SUBDIVISION                                    PS 900003C                         /S1

                                                                                  SCALE   3    0                6          12
                                    LICENSED SURVEYOR CHRISTOPHER POWELL
                                                                                  1:300            LENGTHS ARE IN METRES

                                    DATE      28/04/21        REFERENCE    303221             ORIGINAL SHEET SIZE A3
Level 3, 1 Southbank Boulevard
       Southbank, Victoria 3006     VERSION   B               DRAWING      303221-AB           SHEET        7
                 03) 7019 8400
WITH ______              Formerly
CONFIDENCE ™     Bosco Jonson
PLAN OF SUBDIVISION                                    PS 900003C                         /S1

                                                                                  SCALE   3    0                6          12
                                    LICENSED SURVEYOR CHRISTOPHER POWELL
                                                                                  1:300            LENGTHS ARE IN METRES

                                    DATE      28/04/21        REFERENCE    303221             ORIGINAL SHEET SIZE A3
Level 3, 1 Southbank Boulevard
       Southbank, Victoria 3006     VERSION   B               DRAWING      303221-AB           SHEET        8
                 03) 7019 8400
WITH ______              Formerly
CONFIDENCE ™     Bosco Jonson
PLAN OF SUBDIVISION                                    PS 900003C                         /S1

                                                                                  SCALE   3    0                6          12
                                    LICENSED SURVEYOR CHRISTOPHER POWELL
                                                                                  1:300            LENGTHS ARE IN METRES

                                    DATE      28/04/21        REFERENCE    303221             ORIGINAL SHEET SIZE A3
Level 3, 1 Southbank Boulevard
       Southbank, Victoria 3006     VERSION   B               DRAWING      303221-AB           SHEET        9
                 03) 7019 8400
WITH ______              Formerly
CONFIDENCE ™     Bosco Jonson
PLAN OF SUBDIVISION                                    PS 900003C                         /S1

                                                                                  SCALE   3    0                6          12
                                    LICENSED SURVEYOR CHRISTOPHER POWELL
                                                                                  1:300            LENGTHS ARE IN METRES

                                    DATE      28/04/21        REFERENCE    303221             ORIGINAL SHEET SIZE A3
Level 3, 1 Southbank Boulevard
       Southbank, Victoria 3006     VERSION   B               DRAWING      303221-AB           SHEET       10
                 03) 7019 8400
WITH ______              Formerly
CONFIDENCE ™     Bosco Jonson
PLAN OF SUBDIVISION                                    PS 900003C                         /S1

                                                                                  SCALE   3    0                6          12
                                    LICENSED SURVEYOR CHRISTOPHER POWELL
                                                                                  1:300            LENGTHS ARE IN METRES

                                    DATE      28/04/21        REFERENCE    303221             ORIGINAL SHEET SIZE A3
Level 3, 1 Southbank Boulevard
       Southbank, Victoria 3006     VERSION   B               DRAWING      303221-AB           SHEET       11
                 03) 7019 8400
WITH ______              Formerly
CONFIDENCE ™     Bosco Jonson
PLAN OF SUBDIVISION                                    PS 900003C                     /S1

                                                                                  SCALE    0
                                    LICENSED SURVEYOR CHRISTOPHER POWELL
                                                                                   NTS         LENGTHS ARE IN METRES

                                    DATE      28/04/21        REFERENCE    303221         ORIGINAL SHEET SIZE A3
Level 3, 1 Southbank Boulevard
       Southbank, Victoria 3006     VERSION   B               DRAWING      303221-AB       SHEET       12
                 03) 7019 8400
WITH ______              Formerly
CONFIDENCE ™     Bosco Jonson
OWNERS CORPORATION SCHEDULE                                                                                                                 PS900003C/S1
Owners Corporation No.                                             1                                                                Plan No.     PS900003C

Land affected by Owners Corporation                                Lots:         All of the lots in the table below

                                                                   Common Property No.:          1, 2
Limitations of Owners Corporation:                                 Unlimited
Only the members of Owners Corporation No. 2 are entitled to use Common Property No. 2
                                                                                                                                                                Entitlement   Liability

                                                                                                                                                This schedule     11799       11799

                                                                                                                                                 Balance of
                                                                                                                                                                    0            0
                                                                                                                                                 existing OC

                                                                                                                                                Overall Total     11799       11799

                                                                                Lot Entitlement and Lot Liability
   Lot         Entitlement        Liability           Lot         Entitlement        Liability            Lot         Entitlement   Liability        Lot        Entitlement   Liability
   G01              96              96                203              51                51              401              99          99            613             69          69
   G02              42              42                204              67                67              402              42          42            614             69          69
   G03              54              54                205              67                67              403              52          52            615             69          69
   G04              68              68                206              74                74              404              68          68            616             69          69
   G05              68              68                207              74                74              405              68          68            617             69          69
   G06              74              74                208              53                53              406              75          75            618             54          54
   G07              74              74                209              115               115             407              75          75            619            100          100
   G08              56              56                210              51                51              408              54          54            701            102          102
   G09              54              54                211              67                67              409             114          114           702             44          44
   G10              40              40                212              40                40              410              52          52            703             54          54
   G11              68              68                213              54                54              411             100          100           704             70          70
   G12              68              68                214              40                40              412              69          69            705             70          70
   G13              40              40                215              68                68              413              69          69            706             78          78
   G14              54              54                216              67                67              414              69          69            707             78          78
   G15              69              69                217              40                40              415              69          69            708             56          56
   G16              40              40                218              54                54              416              69          69            709             85          85
   G17              40              40                219              68                68              417              69          69            710             91          91
   G18              69              69                220              40                40              418              60          60            711            118          118
   101              95              95                221              40                40              419             101          101           712            118          118
   102              41              41                222              69                69              501             100          100           713            118          118
   103              50              50                223              67                67              502              43          43            714            124          124
   104              66              66                224              39                39              503              53          53
   105              66              66                225              40                40              504              69          69             S2            345          345
   106              73              73                226              69                69              505              69          69             S3            204          204
   107              73              73                301              97                97              506              76          76
   108              53              53                302              42                42              507              76          76
   109              54              54                303              51                51              508              55          55
   110              40              40                304              68                68              509             116          116
   111              42              42                305              68                68              510              53          53
   112              42              42                306              75                75              511             101          101
   113              60              60                307              75                75              512              68          68
   114              99              99                308              54                54              513              69          69
   115              69              69                309              113               113             514              68          68
   116              40              40                310              52                52              515              69          69
   117              53              53                311              68                68              516              68          68
   118              40              40                312              41                41              517              69          69
   119              67              67                313              54                54              518              54          54
   120              67              67                314              41                41              519              99          99
   121              40              40                315              69                69              601             101          101
   122              53              53                316              68                68              602              43          43
   123              68              68                317              41                41              603              53          53
   124              40              40                318              54                54              604              69          69
   125              40              40                319              69                69              605              69          69
   126              68              68                320              41                41              606              77          77
   127              67              67                321              41                41              607              77          77
   128              39              39                322              70                70              608              56          56
   129              40              40                323              68                68              609             117          117
   130              68              68                324              40                40              610              54          54
   201              96              96                325              41                41              611             102          102
   202              41              41                326              70                70              612              69          69

                                                                   LICENSED SURVEYOR: Christopher Powell                                                             SHEET    1 OF 2
                                                                   DATE: 28/04/2021                                   REFERENCE: 303221                            ORIGINAL SHEET
                                                                   VERSION: B                                         DRAWING: 303221-AB                               SIZE: A3

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