Agile Controlling - Agility basics - Meaningfully using Agile Methods and an Agile Mindset in Controlling - Controller-Akademie
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Agile Controlling – Agility basics Meaningfully using Agile Methods and an Agile Mindset in Controlling. by Marie-Luise Lehmann / Imke Keimer / Ulrich Egle Individuals and interactions instead of processes and tools. Responding to change instead of following a plan. Even just those two basic values from the Agile Manifesto likely cause a sense of unease in many con- trollers. They seem too radical and too far away from daily controlling practice. Is it not precisely the accura- cy of the planning, that marks the quality of the con- trolling? What happens when adhering to the plan is not required anymore? Is controlling redundant then? Almost 20 years after publishing the Agile Manifesto (cf. Beck et al, 2001), agile practices are as relevant as ever. It seems as if agility is a key criterium for the long-term success of companies and drivers of innovation. Why is that? And how can agility be implemented in controlling in a meaningful way that brings added value for control- lers and companies both? Fig. 1: The so-called VUCA-world 6 Controller Magazin | Edition 1 | 2021
AGILITY Change of the Corporate lersfrequently adopted so far, of delving agile mindset have been proven to master Environment into their world of figures in a concentrated these complexities. Therein lies the oppor- manner to develop analyses and possible tunity for the controller. If they adopt the ag- Let us first take a look at what problem solutions, is no longer expedient here. Be- ile methods and mindset, they will be better agility actually solves: Driven by globaliza- cause even with great efforts to define and able to cope with the demands of an in- tion and digitization, the corporate world is analyze all causalities, controllers regularly creasingly complex world and contribute to undergoing lasting change. For example, fail in everyday professional life when try- the company's success in a sustainable and exponential data growth, disruptive tech- ing to use the analysis of the past to draw value-creating way. They will strengthen nologies, new business models or the re- conclusions for the future in this complex their reputation by providing additional val- duction of market entry barriers are creat- environment. At the same time, the de- ue to management and become the busi- ing an unsteady environment. This is char- mands on controlling are changing. It is ness partner they should be. acterized by supposed to fill the role of business partner ■ Constantly changing business conditions and be an advisor to management. In a Agility – (volatility), study, however, 80% of the CFOs surveyed What does it Mean? ■ unpredictability (uncertainty), expressed concern that their team lacked ■ uncertain cause-and-effect relationships the skills to actually meet these expecta- Agility, as we understand it today, goes back (complexity) tions (cf. Half, 2016). to a meeting of 17 lateral thinkers from the ■ and of ten not clearly assessable circum- IT industry. They met at a ski resort in Utah stances (ambiguity) (cf. Fig. 1). Dealing with unpredictability in the face of just over 20 years ago to draw up a new set constantly changing conditions, uncertain of rules for software development. The fo- The controlling function is feeling this cause-and-effect relationships, and ambig- cus should no longer be on the actual devel- change too and is faced with the challenge uous evaluations thus requires not only a opment process, but on the added value for of confronting the VUCA world (cf. Schäffer new mindset, but also an expansion of the the customer. Based on this idea, the Agile and Weber, 2019). The approach control- controller's toolbox. Agile methods and an Manifesto was born. Fig. 2: Overview Agility Controller Magazin | Edition 1 | 2021 7
AGILITY What was initially planned as a simple framework for creating business partner, and thus to take an equal value-based development methods soon kick-started a seat at the table in board and management meetings revolution in working life. Because it additionally de- as an internal consultant. Controlling accomplishes scribes a value model based on trust and mutual re- this, for example, by moving confidently in the world of spect. It promotes working methods based on people, both agility and planning accuracy. It is able to find and collaboration, and building organizational communities position itself in hybrid organizational structures that in which you want to work (Psychological Safety). are no longer hierarchical and not yet agile. Further- more, it is skilled at correctly understanding issues in In this context, the term agile encompasses the entirety their respective context and selecting an appropriate Marie-Luise Lehmann of mindset (BEING AGILE) and many different operation- solution strategy. Because it knows: Agile methods are al implementation options (DOING AGILE) (cf. Fig. 2). The not a miracle cure and are not suitable for all issues in a Is an expert for Agile Finance, basic idea of agile working is to enable innovation so that company and therefore not in controlling either (- but Keynote Speaker and agile companies can react quickly to changing conditions an agile mindset is!). In general, all necessary methods founder of Finance Goes and requirements. Agile working is characterized by should also be used in agile controlling if they lead to Agile. She leads the ICV Work Group Agile Controlling. flexibility, team orientation and adaptability in the pro- an expedient answer to the problem. Ultimately, effec- marie-luise@ cess. tiveness and efficiency must be the focus when work- ing to achieve the objectives of situations and tasks. While the topic of mindset is largely represented Therefore, a general decision for or against agile meth- through the depiction of values and principles in the Ag- ods should not be made per se. The respective context ile Manifesto, the area of operational implementation is decisive. options is constantly expanding through new methods, practices, and tools. The goal is usually to enable even Agile Methods better responses to complexity while promoting trans- parency, collaboration, and adaptation. Almost all agile As explained earlier, agile methods expand the control- methods have game-like elements and work heavily with ler's toolbox and help address issues where traditional visualizations (e.g., white boards, flip charts, maps, Post- approaches (e.g., checklists) fail. Its, digital workspaces). This contributes to transparency and allows the team to see their tasks and their progress A good decision-making aid when it comes to selecting at all times. between the multitude of agile and non-agile methods is the Cynefin model (cf. Snowden and Boonem, 2007). It One of the best-known agile methods is Scrum. The defines five areas which, depending on the problem, rec- terms Scrum and agile are often mixed or equated. How- ommend whether to use agile methods or not (cf. Fig. 3). ever, Scrum is only one of many agile methods that con- The Cynefin model distinguishes tasks and situations de- Prof. Dr. Imke sists of fixed roles, processes and events that enable agile pending on the respective approach in the five areas: Ob- Keimer work. Examples of other methods are: Design Thinking, vious, Complicated, Complex, Chaotic and Disorder. Is a professor of Business Lean Start-up, Kanban, Objectives and Key Results (OKR) With knowledge of this system domain, it is possible to Analytics at the Lucerne or Liberating Structures. This list is by no means exhaus- classify control processes and select the appropriate University of Applied tive (cf. Sutherland and Schwaber, 2020). method. Following the correct classification of a task or Sciences and Arts – Business. situation in the Cynefin model, the controller can select a Her research focuses on controlling, where she Agility is therefore not just a suitcase full of methods, it suitable method from a variety of them. This can be both mainly deals with the topics also encompasses new ways of thinking and approaches agile and non-agile. of digitization and agility. and thus a new mindset. Collaboration takes place across hierarchical levels and in interdisciplinary teams. One of the most important success factors for projects is This requires letting go of the original value model – to take the time to really understand the problem. If you which is often not easy, especially at the beginning. do not work cleanly at this stage and try to solve complex projects with simple methods, you will fail in the end. Agility in Controlling However, if it is recognized that there is a number of un- knowns, then the iterative-learning approach presents There are many reasons why the topic of agility should itself as an opportunity to maintain the flexibility need- be tackled in controlling. The arguments so far have ed to solve a complex problem. This is why Cynefin is so mainly gone in the direction of supporting the compa- successful. It encourages people to analyze the situation, ny in coping with the challenges of the VUCA world. We select a pattern of action, act on it, evaluate the effect, want to think a little further. Because it is also a great and adjust their behavior if necessary. opportunity for controlling to consolidate its own posi- tion within the company in the long term. To move In the following the individual areas are briefly discussed from its role as a number cruncher to that of a value- and examples in controlling are shown. 8 Controller Magazin | Edition 1 | 2021
AGILITY Prof. Dr. Ulrich Egle Is a professor for Controlling and Digital Transformation at the Institute for Financial Services Zug IFZ of the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts – Business. He leads the ICV Work Group for Agile Controlling. In spring 2020 he started with the “Finance Excellence” podcast. Fig. 3: Cynefin-Model Obvious tasks can be delegated and of ten include previously standardized processes. Obvious situations and tasks are characterized by the fact that the path to the goal is clearly defined. A cause- Examples: Standardized reporting, simple control calcu- and-effect relationship can be recognized, and a correct lations, routine diligence tasks. solution exists. Agile methods are not strictly necessary for these tasks In controlling, this means that hardly any prior or expert and can easily become a complexity driver. If used cor- knowledge is required for these situations and tasks. The rectly, however, they promote transparency here as well. Complicated Summary Complicated situations and tasks have defined objec- Agility offers controlling the opportunity to meet the tives, but dif ferent approaches to solving them exist. challenges of the VUCA world. The establishment of Although a cause-and-ef fect relationship exists, it is the agile mindset and the selective use of agile met- not necessarily obvious and of ten still needs to be hods brings relevant issues to the fore and enables the analyzed. controlling function to act quickly and flexibly. The first part of our series Agile Controlling shows how In controlling, expert knowledge is required for these sit- agile methods and agile mindset can be used in cont- uations and tasks. In addition, these tasks often require rolling in a meaningful way. thinking outside the box and working across depart- ments and disciplines. There are short decision-making processes and thus a high speed of implementation. Controller Magazin | Edition 1 | 2021 9
AGILITY Examples: demanding standard processes Chaotic a culture of learning is established in which (e.g., reporting/commenting on annual/ new things are tried out and understood as monthly financial statements with many de- If neither objectives nor potential solutions an opportunity to fulfill (internal) customer pendencies), establishment of company are known and no known cause-and-effect benefits ever better. It helps to minimize guidelines. relationship exists, a situation – more com- risks, as there is continuous questioning, monly than a task - is chaotic. Chaotic situa- learning and, where required, adaptation. Agile methods are suitable here, for exam- tions require immediate action. Dealing ple, to address dependencies and resource with them requires a lot of intuition and ex- Agile methods without an agile mindset are estimates early in the process. Especially in perience. Fortunately, such situations occur doomed to failure because the important interdisciplinary teams, a common under- rather rarely in comparison. core elements of transparency, respect and standing of the problem is crucial for the the application of the value model are miss- successful completion of the project. Chaotic situations arise primarily in extreme ing. A company, and consequentially also a scenarios where no best practice and no controlling function, does not work in an ag- Complex past experiences exist. As an example, one ile way if it reduces agility only to the meth- could cite the sudden loss of the entire com- ods. Agile methods and agile mindset In complex situations and tasks, there are pany sales or also refer to the lockdown dur- should be seen as a unit like yin and yang both dif ferent objectives and dif ferent ap- ing the Corona crisis, which presented many and implemented as such. Establishing the proaches to solving the problem. Dif ferent companies (and thus also the respective mindset is often the more difficult task and approaches compete, contain unknown pa- controlling functions) with great challenges. one of the reasons why people speak of agile rameters, and cannot be planned conclu- transformation processes. sively at the time the task is set. An explora- Here, methods that contribute to rapid deci- tive approach with iterative phases and sion-making but still actively involve all The challenges on the part of the CFO or the feedback is often necessary. team members (e.g., 1-2-4-ALL) are helpful. controlling manager therefore lie not only in imparting methodological competence, but In controlling, for example, this could be the Disorder also in working on the topic of mindset. This introduction of a BI-tool. Here, agile meth- requires a willingness to change, which is a ods are initially suitable for a common un- For these situations and tasks, it is still un- major hurdle for those controllers who value derstanding of the problem by all stakehold- clear as to which area they should be as- planning security and shy away from disrup- ers and the project team (e.g., through De- signed to. After they have been classified as tion. All too of ten, the controller's first im- sign Thinking). Subsequently, the possible one of the other four areas, a decision can pulse is to bring certainty and clarity to an solutions can be checked for their feasibility then be made about the use of the methods. issue through excessive planning precision. (e.g., Business Model Canvas) and accept- There is often a lack of awareness that issues ance criteria for the final result can be devel- Overall, the Cynefin model makes it possible should be solved dif ferently. This is also a oped (e.g., through Liberating Structures). to select a suitable method as an approach part of the agile mindset. It makes it possi- This is followed by the implementation of for a situation or a task. It should be noted ble to see the entire range of possibilities the project (e.g., with Scrum). that the boundaries between the areas are and to decide on a suitable method depend- fluid and not every situation can be clearly ing on the situation. In summary, we define classified. Complex, complicated, and cha- agile controlling as follows: otic situations are particularly suitable for the use of agile methods. Fundamentally, it If this succeeds, then agility is the opportu- can be said that the more unclear the path nity for controlling to not only provide sig- Agile Controlling and objective are, the more sensible it is to nificant support to the company in its own use agile methods. agile orientation, but to also become a driv- Agile controlling means that a control- er of agility in the company itself. Con- ling function places the provision of the Transferring the Cynefin model to the VUCA trolling can expand and consolidate its po- greatest possible (internal) customer world explains the success and the necessity sition as a business partner if it is actively added value at the center of its daily of agile methods. involved in the change processes in the work. To this end, it establishes the agi- company and supports it in setting the le mindset, draws on a toolbox of clas- Agile Mindset course for agility. In this way, controlling sic and agile methods, and is able to ap- can not only adapt its own service sector to ply the method appropriate to a given Beyond the selection of the appropriate the needs of agility, but also play a pioneer- situation or task (Cynefin model). The method, DOING AGILE, the agile mindset, ing role in the company and establish an value of agile controlling is that it ena- i.e., BEING AGILE, must not be neglected (cf. agile mindset and agile methods. In the bles teams to focus on the relevant is- Fig. 2). best case, the controller is an integral part sues and thus to respond more quickly of every agile team, since he not only plays and flexibly to the challenges of the Agile mindset is the way in which the indi- the agile keyboard, but also brings the fi- VUCA world. vidual and the organization handles and ac- nancial perspective and the cost perspec- cepts uncertainties. To counter uncertainty, tive to the interdisciplinary team. 10 Controller Magazin | Edition 1 | 2021
AGILITY Conclusion Literature Agility of fers an opportunity to meet the Beck, Kent, et al. (2001): Agile Manifesto: https:// challenges of the VUCA world. Agile meth- ods are particularly suitable for these tasks. Half (2016): FINANCE 2020: sites/ However, an agile mindset is also required berthalf_de.pdf. to accept these challenges as a constant and Schäffer, Utz and Weber, Jürgen (2019): Controllers to deal with them as a learning organization. Beitrag zum agilen Unternehmen. In: Controlling & The controller is not redundant here, but in- Management Review. 04, 2019, p. 58-66. stead plays a decisive role in the company's Snowden, David and Boonem, Mary (2007): A Leader's activities as a business partner, whose im- Framework for Decision Making. In: Harvard Business portance is expected to increase even fur- Review. November 2007, p. 69-76. Sutherland, Jeff and Schwaber, Ken (2020): Scrum-Guide: ther. Successfully established agile con- trolling is the control center, business part- ner and advisor of the company and is there- fore of vital importance. This article is a part of the series Agile Cont- rolling. In the next part you will learn more about the agile toolbox of the controller. ⬛ ICV Work Group Agile Controlling Ulrich Egle and Marie-Luise Lehmann lead the new ICV Work Group Agile Con trolling. In the work group, we discuss solutions for setting up and operating agi- le finance and controlling departments and develop them further. All necessary agile aspects are considered, from the agile mindset to the adequate use of agile methods, to flexibly meet the future challenges in finance and controlling de- partments. We are looking forward to welcoming interested members. Event information and registration via the ICV-homepage, heading Work Group Agile Controlling: or via e-mail to the heads of the work group. Controller Magazin | Edition 1 | 2021 11
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