AFN Alberta Bulletin Thursday, July 22, 2021
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AFNAlbertaBulletin Thursday,July22,2021 AFNAlbertaissummarizingupdatesandinformationwearereceivingonourwebsite.Allourprevious bulletinscanbefoundonthispageaswell:h ttp:// NEWBULLETINFORMATANDDISTRIBUTION! Ascasesandrestrictionseaseacrossthecountry,andmanyorganizationsand Nationsresumeregularoperations,orturntheirattentiontomoreimmediate concernssuchaswildfiresandflooding,theAFNAlbertaRegionalofficewillbe updatingthefrequencyandtypesofinformationprovided,pleaserefertothislist whichwillalsobepresentinthenexttwo(2)issuesforalistofchanges. ● NewName! AsthistoolhasbeenwellreceivedandcontinuestoserveAlbertaFirst Nationswithtimelyinformation,wewillcontinuedistribution.“COVID-19”has beenremovedfromthetitletoreflectthataswemoveforward,additional kindsofinformationmaybeadded ● UpdatedFrequency Fornow,theAFNAlbertaBulletinwillreleaseintimewiththepublications fromourpartners,movingtobi-weekly.Thismaybefurtheralteredas neededorofficecapacityrequiresgoingforward. ● RegionalandNationalUpdates WithregularpressbriefingsfrombothProvincialandFederalgovernments ceasing,thissectionwillberemoved.Ad-hocupdatesorotherimportant informationforFirstNations(bothCOVIDrelatedandnot)willstillbe providedaspartofregularcontentforthebulletin ● Highlights WewillcontinuetocapturechangesinCOVID-19casesandvaccination levelsforthetimebeing,butthismayberemovedinthenearfuture dependingontheneedforthisdatatocontinuetobereportedorifthe Provinceceasestrackingofthisinformation. Pleasebearwithuswhilewetransitionthisbulletin,andasalways,pleasesubmit yourrecommendationsandfeedbacktotheAFNAlbertaregionalofficeviaPaul Wilsonatp
HIGHLIGHTS* July7 July21 Change TestsCompleted 4,725,967 4,806,208 +80,241 TotalPositive 232,336 232,956 +600 Active 745 649 -96 Fatalities 2,307 2,318 +11 Recoveries 229,284 229,989 +705 COVID-19inIndigenousPeoples(bothonandoffreserve) Total- 17,929 On-Reserveonly-8,994 Active-61 COVID-19RegionalDataforAlberta CurrentHospital-17 CurrentICU-7 Calgaryzone-94,991 Edmontonzone-77,890 Recovered-17,698 Deaths-170 Centralzone-20,882 Southzone-12,551 Northzone-26,633 FNCasesbyZone(bothonandoffreserve) Unidentifiedzone-9 North-6,090 Central-3,338 South- 1,435 Calgary-3,090 Edmonton-3,976 VaccineRolloutUpdates DosesAdministered SingleDose FullyImmunized (asofJuly20) 12+/(TotalPopulation) 12+/(TotalPopulation) 5,100,111 74.9% / (63.7%) 60.7% / (51.6%) 831a dverseeventsfollowingimmunizationhavebeenreported VariantsofConcern* B.1.1.7- B.1.351- B.1.617- P.1- Total ALPHA BETA DELTA GAMMA 45,755 172 1,141 2,801 49,869 339activecasesarevariantsofconcern *alberta.cacontinuestolistvariantsbycountryoforigin RvaluesfromJuly5toJuly11 ProvinceAvg Edmonton Calgary Other 0.84 0.97 0.88 0.69 COVID-19Rvaluesareupdatedevery2 weeks Rvaluebelow1 meanstransmissionrateisdecreasing 2
NewMeasures ● *New*T heU.S.landborderwillremainclosedtonon-essentialtraveluntilAugust21 accordingtoarenewalorderissuedbytheAmericangovernmentWednesday. ● *New*T heCanadiangovernmentannouncedMondayitplanstoletfullyvaccinated touristsvisitCanadaagainsoon. ○ OnAugust9at12:01a.m.ETfullyvaccinatedU.S.citizenswillbeabletovisit Canadawithouthavingtoquarantine. ○ FullyvaccinatedtravellersfromothercountriescanvisitCanadawithout quarantineasofSeptember7. ● WithCanmoreremovingtheirmunicipalmaskbylawonTuesdayJuly6th,all municipalitieshavenowremovedtheirmaskbylawsinalignmentwiththeProvince. INFORMATIONANDDOCUMENTSFORFIRSTNATIONS UpdatesfromISCAlbertaRegion COVID-19Toolkit-Update5 ISChasupdatedandsharedthelinkfortheCOVID-19toolkitwhichhasrecentlybeenupdated withnewresourcesintheformofPosters,Videos,andWebpages.Youcanaccesstheupdated toolkitviathislink:T oolkitupdate5 *NEW*J uly21Update: ISCAlbertaRegionissendingupdatesweeklytoleadershiponthecurrentCOVID-19situation andresponse.Yesterday’sBulletin(July21)isattached.Itincludesthefollowinginformation: ● UpdatesonTravel ● ChangesinContinuingCareRestrictions ● ShouldIbeconcernedabouttheDeltavariant? ● LocalFoodInfrastructureFund ● RecordingofDeneThaandWindspeakerRadio’sCOVIDVaccineTownHall ● ImportanceofaSecondDose ● GettingVaccinatedtohelpprevent“LongCOVID” Alsoattachedisaninformationsheetthatdemonstratestheimpactofthevaccines. 3
COVID-19TaskForceWeeklyUpdate Attachedtotoday’sbulletinyoucanfindtheweeklyAFNNationalCOVID-19TaskForce Update,intheattachmentforthisweekyouwillfind: ● UpdatesfromtheAFNHealth,HousingInfrastructure,Water&EmergencyManagement sectors, ● ISCEmail:Updateoninformationoncoronavirus, ● PHACPowerPoint:VaccinationofChildren:FN/I/MLivinginUrbanandRelated HomelandsVaccineTaskGroup, ● ISCEmail:EssentialServicesContingencyReserve(ESCLR)LetterTemplate,and ● FNIHBPowerPointonCOVID-19VaccineuptakeinTerritorial,FirstNationsandInuit communities(allages0+) NationalAdvisoryCommitteeonImmunization(NACI)- RecommendationsontheuseofCOVID-19vaccine(s)document LastUpdatedJuly2,2021 mmunization-naci/recommendations-use-covid-19-vaccines.html CALL&MEETINGSUMMARIES AFNElectsnewNationalChief RegionalChiefPoitrascongratulatesnewlyelectedNationalChiefRoseAnneArchibaldand looksforwardtoworkingwithheronimportantissuesforFirstNationsinCanada. ThePressReleaseissuedbyAFNABcongratulatingRCArchibaldisattachedtothisweek's bulletin. AFNAGAResolutions Duetothelengthoftheelectionsprocess,onlyEmergencyResolutions1and2,andDraft Resolutions1-3werecovered,withallpassingexceptfortheresolutiontodelaytheNational ChiefElection.AllotherresolutionsaretobebroughtforwardtotheAFNExecutiveasperrules oforder.OnceallresolutionsaresignedtheywillbedistributedandpostedontheAFNwebsite. Foraf ulllistofresolutions,aswellassectorupdates,reports,andgeneralinformation videosp leasevisith ttps:// 4
OTHERNEWS O’ChieseNationCelebratesCambridgeHotelGrandOpening RCPoitrasattendedtheopeningceremoniesfortheCambridgeHotelandConferenceCentre inRedDeeronTuesday.TheCambridgeisproudlyownedbyO’ChieseFirstNation.Youcan seeChiefDougBeaverbones,membersofcouncil,RegionalChiefandleadershipfromthe Provinceinphotosfromtheeventonourfacebookpageh ere HousinghelpsBlackfootwomenstartanewchapter Alberta.caPressRelease ThegovernmentsofAlbertaandCanadawllfundnewhousingforBlackfootwomenwhointend tomovetoLethbridgefromnearbyreserves,creating14safeandstablehousingunitsfor Blackfootwomenandtheirchildren ImprovingthementalwellnessofAlberta’syouth Alberta.caPressRelease Upto$7.3millionwillsupporttheexpansionofyouthmentalhealthhubs,providingyoung Albertanswithaone-stopshopforservicesthatimprovetheirmentalhealthandoverall wellness.MedicineHatisthefirstofthethreeplannedexpansionsannounced. 5
IMPORTANT/USEFULLINKSANDADDITIONALINFORMATION ● TheAlbertaFirstNationGovernanceInformationCentreispublishingaweekly COVID-19updatewithFirstNationscasecountandepidemiologicaldata.Clickhere toaccessthelatestandpreviousreports(ontheleftsidebarofthewebpage). ● CanadacreatedawebportaltohelpbusinessesfindawiderangeofCOVID-19 supportandotherprogramsandservices.C lickheretoaccessit. ● CanadacreatedawebhubforbuyingandsupplyingPPE.C lickheretoaccessit. ● TheNationalAboriginalCouncilofMidwives(NACM)hascreatedaseriesof5posters withsexualandreproductivehealthinformationforIndigenouscommunitiesThe postershavebeentranslatedinto4languages(French,PlainsCree,Inuktitut, Mohawk)andarehostedontheN ACMwebsite ● TheA lbertaIndigenousVirtualCareClinic(atthelinkprovided)providesvideoor phonecarewithafamilydoctorinAlbertatoruralandurbanIndigenouscommunities. AllphysiciansareeitherIndigenousorhaveexperienceworkingwithIndigenous communities. AdditionalVaccinerolloutinformation ProvidedbytheAFNhealthsector,thelinksbelowprovideupdatesontheVaccinerolloutin Canada: ● VaccineAllocationstoProvincesandTerritories: ction/prevention-risks/covid-19-vaccine-treatment/vaccine-rollout.html#a4 ● VaccinesAdministered(Canada),dailyupdate: ● VaccinationProgresstoDate(Canada),weeklyupdate: ● VaccineSafety,weeklyupdate: ● VaccinesAdministered–Indigenous,weeklyupdate: 6
AFN C-19 National Task Force Weekly Update: July 20, 2021 Health Sector Areas in Canada with cases of COVID-19, as of 2021-07-11 19:00PM EDT Province Confirmed Active Hospitalizations Deaths Recovered Cases Cases (ICU)* BC 148,331 662 60 (12) ** 1,761 145,908 AB 232,676 579 110 (28) *** 2,314 229,783 SK 49,433 282 44 (9) 575 48,576 MB 57,168 942 119 (37) 1,165 55,061 ON 548,217 1,378 105 (150) 9,294 537,545 QC 376,192 629 78 (23) 11,235 364,328 NFLD/Lab 1,433 50 1 7 1,376 NB 2,346 10 - 46 2,290 NS 5,873 8 1 (1) 92 5,773 PEI 208 - - - 208 Yukon 502 76 - 6 420 NWT 128 - - - 128 Nunavut 657 - - 4 653 Total 1,423,177 4,616 518 (260) 26,499 1,392,062 *These are numbers of current hospitalizations and ICU admissions. Some sources report the total cumulative number of hospitalizations and ICU admissions. Also, hospitalization data are amalgamated as they are reported by various hospitals; they are therefore updated sporadically, intermittently, and are likely to be less accurate and current that other data points. ** data as of July 16, 2021 *** data as of July 15, 2021 Cases Deaths Global 190,526,225 4,091,672 Data is as of July 19, 2021 at 5:21AM from Johns Hopkins University: Canada’s COVID-19 Totals: ESRI Canada COVID-19 Database (as of 9:00am EST July 18, 2021) Total Cases Recovered Deaths Tests Completed Total Vaccinations 1,423,177 1,392,062 26,436 38,208,287 45,044,828
First Nations: Per FNIHB, below is a summary of First Nations COVID-19 test positive cases, reported through communities, FNIHB Regional Medical Officers, and media as of July 16/2021. Jurisdiction BC AB SK MB ON QC ATL YK/NWT* Confirmed 3,164 8,968 7,826 9,004 2,892 761 22 497/128 (+39) (+2) (+11) (+57) (+59) (+42) (0) (+41/-) Exposure Summary As of July 18,2021, the majority (93.1%) of COVID-19 cases are related to domestic acquisition. Domestic acquisition is defined as any exposure that occurred within Canada. This includes acquisition through contact with a COVID-19 case (46.4%); through contact with a traveller (0.7%); and from an unknown source (46.1%). Only 0.8% of cases are attributed to travel outside of Canada. The exposure setting for the remaining 6.1% of Canadian cases is unknown (information pending). As of July 18, 2021, Canada has an overall case fatality rate of 1.8%. As of July 18, 2021, 98% of all Canadian COVID-19 cases are reported to have recovered. Risk to Canadians COVID-19 is a serious health threat, and the situation is evolving daily. The risk will vary between and within communities, but given the increasing number of cases in Canada, the risk to Canadians is considered high. There is an increased risk of more severe outcomes for Canadians: • Aged 65 and over • With compromised immune systems • With underlying medical conditions Data Sources: British Columbia: Alberta: Saskatchewan: provider-resources/treatment-procedures-and-guidelines/emerging-public-health-issues/2019- novel-coronavirus/cases-and-risk-of-covid-19-in-saskatchewan
Manitoba: Ontario: Quebec: New Brunswick: coronavirus/case-map.html Nova Scotia: Prince Edward Island: wellness/pei-covid-19-testing-data Newfoundland and Labrador: Yukon: Northwest Territories: Additional source (national): of-covid-19-in-canada-1.4852102#alberta Housing, Infrastructure, Water & Emergency Management Sector Local States of Emergencies First Nation States of Emergency - As per ISC report 21-07-14 Region BC AB SK MB ON QC ATL Territories Total Confirmed 50 27 0 24 70 2 6 1 180 WILDFIRE: - As Per ISC EMD 2021 FN Flood / Wildland Fire Report as of July 16, 2021, **Please note that given the decrease in significant incidents, this report will now be issued on a bi-weekly basis** - Updates in Bold British Columbia ➢ Lytton First Nation (705) Chief Janet Webster, on-reserve population: 928 • 15JULY: Power restoration underway. • Water systems now operational. • Band office destroyed. • Evacuees – 1,000 ➢ Saik’uz (615) Chief Pricilla Mueller, On-reserve population: 346 • 14JULY: Evacuation alert issued. ➢ Nazko (720) Chief Leah Stump, On-reserve population: 130
• 15JULY: Evacuation order issued by Bulkley-Nechako Region District. • Evacuees - TBD ➢ Ts’kw’aylaxw First Nation (594) Chief Justin Cane, On-reserve population: 272 • 16JULY: SOLE expired. Community remains on evacuation alert. ➢ Cooks Ferry Indian Band (694) Chief Christine Minnabarriet, On-reserve population: 78 • 15JULY: Evacuation alert extended. Heavy smoke and ash in community. Elders and vulnerable residents evacuating. • Evacuees - TBD Saskatchewan ➢ Buffalo River Dene Nation (398) Chief Elmer Campbell, On-reserve population: 835 • 14JULY: Fire suppression efforts underway. 280 evacuees supported in coordination with CRC. • Evacuees – 289 FLOODS: As Per ISC EMD 2020 FN Flood / Wildland Fire Report as of July 16, 2021, **Please note that given the decrease in significant incidents, this report will now be issued on a bi-weekly basis** - Updates in Bold Alberta - ➢ Dene Tha’ (Chateh) (448) Chief Chief James Ahnassay, Population: 2,185 • 16JULY: 91 homes damaged. • Evacuees - 314 OTHER EVENTS: First Nations impacted by Severe Weather Events As Per ISC EMD 2020 FN Flood / Wildland Fire Report as of July 16, 2021, **Please note that given the decrease in significant incidents, this report will now be issued on a bi-weekly basis** - Updates in Bold. Alberta ➢ Alexander (438) Chief George Arcand, On-reserve population: 1,162 • 16JULY: Community affected by severe winds and hail. • 80 homes impacted. Damage assessments underway. • This will be the final notification of the event unless significant changes occur.
➢ Blood Tribe (435) Chief Roy Fox, On-reserve population: 8,752 • 16JULY: Recovery efforts continue. This will be the final notification of the event unless significant changes occur. • Evacuees - 0
ISC - Alberta Region COVID-19 Update for Chiefs: July 21, 2021 Updates Question of the Day Updates on Travel: As of July 5, fully vaccinated travellers who are eligible to enter Canada (Canadian citizens, permanent Q: Should I be concerned residents, Indigenous peoples recognized by the Constitution Act, 1982 Section 35 and foreign nationals about the COVID-19 Delta exempted under an Emergency Order) are not required to quarantine or complete a day-8 test. In addition, Variant? fully vaccinated travellers arriving by air are not be required to stay at a government-authorized hotel to await A: Yes, the Delta variant or B their on-arrival test result. To be eligible for the exemption from the federal requirement to quarantine, day-8 1.617.2 was first identified in testing and the government-authorized stay (for air travellers), fully vaccinated travellers must: India in December of 2020. • Be asymptomatic; The Delta variant is 50% • Submit their travel information, including proof of vaccination, in ArriveCAN within 72 hours before arrival more contagious than the to Canada; first strain of COVID-19, spreads rapidly, and is now • Meet the pre-entry test requirement by showing proof of a negative COVID-19 molecular test result taken within 72 hours before their scheduled flight or arrival at the land border crossing the dominant variant worldwide. This variant may • Take a test on-arrival; and comply with any other applicable requirements imposed under the relevant be capable of re-infecting Quarantine Act Emergency Orders people who have previously Beginning August 9, the Government of Canada will allow entry of fully vaccinated American citizens and tested positive for COVID-19 permanent residents, currently residing in the U.S., for non-essential travel to Canada. On September 7, and outbreaks have provided that the COVID situation remains favourable, the Government intends to open Canada’s borders to occurred in fully vaccinated travellers from any country who have been fully vaccinated with Government of Canada-accepted vaccines at people. Individuals who are least 14 days prior to entering Canada and meet specific entry requirements. un-vaccinated are at much higher risk for infection and As for travel of ISC Alberta staff to your Nations, we are still limiting travel for essential reasons only and for severe disease. Studies the work of medical staff. We are all eager to connect in-person again but should make every effort to use have shown that the virtual tools first as we ensure that as many staff members are fully vaccinated before resuming regular travel. vaccines in use in Canada are highly effective at Changes in Continuing Care Restrictions: reducing severe disease, As cases remain low in continuing care facilities and vaccination rates are high for the elderly, the hospitalization and death. Province will take a two-phase approach for easing remaining measures. The first phase will lift Becoming fully vaccinated remaining visitor restrictions, current limits to dining and recreation activities, and additional screening for with two does and following residents who go off-site. Outbreak protocols, single-site staffing and other measures will remain in place public health measures of until further notice. Lifted restrictions include: visitors no longer limited in number or conditions, all limits distancing, masking and to dining and recreation activities for residents are removed and residents are no longer required to be hand washing is the best screened upon re-entering the building or are required to quarantine if they have gone off-site. To help deterrent against the Delta make informed decisions for the facilities on your Nations you can view the full details of the provincial variant. plan here.
Alberta Cases: Regional Snapshot as of July 19th, 3:30 p.m. MST AB Total Confirmed (July 19th – 69 new cases) 232,875 232,875 41% 51% AB Recovered Cases 229,951 cases Calgary Zone males Confirmed First Nations On-reserve Cases 9,018 On-reserve Recovered Cases 8,894 9,687 1,822 2,318 On-Reserve Active Cases 35 Hospitalized ever ICU ever deaths More Alberta case data can be found here Calgary Zone Confirmed 94,937 Useful Links Central Zone Confirmed 20,878 Edmonton Zone Confirmed 77,876 Recording of Dene Tha and Windspeaker Radio’s COVID North Zone Confirmed 26,628 Vaccine Town Hall: Please find below the link to the recording of the July South Zone Confirmed 12,543 7th radio/Facebook town hall co-presented by Dene Tha First Nation and Windspeaker Radio. Dr. Thiara Unknown Confirmed 13 was the MOH participating. Deaths due to COVID-19 2,318 On-reserve Deaths due to COVID-19 91 New vaccine lottery offers outdoor Variants of Concern Confirmed in Alberta 49,808 adventure prizes: The Outdoor Adventure Vaccine Lottery gives Local Food Infrastructure Fund vaccinated Albertans a chance to win a variety of On July 9, the Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada announced a outdoor adventure prizes including ski and hunting top-up of $10 million for the Local Food Infrastructure Fund which re- packages. Due to the unique nature of these prizes, opened for applications on July 12. The additional funding will address Albertans will be required to register separately for their pandemic-related food security pressures in Northern and remote chance to win. Anyone who already registered for the communities across Canada. Open for Summer Lottery will need to register again specifically for the Outdoor Adventure Vaccine Lottery if The new application intake system will provide rapid-response grants for they want to win these prizes. Winners are expected to community-led projects that strengthen food systems by increasing be announced on Sept. 17. Registration for the draw accessibility to healthy, nutritious and ideally local foods. The grants are closes September 10, 2021 at 11:59 pm. valued between $15,000 to $100,000. The fund and will support $23 million in projects from 2021 to 2022. Full details here.
Vaccine Update Importance of Second Dose: Vaccine Snapshot News of variants in COVID-19 are concerning for us all. Variants are expected because *as of July 19th* viruses are constantly changing over time as they spread, including the virus that causes COVID-19. Public Health Surveillance can help investigate the impacts some variants may have on the transmission or severity of disease, as well as the effectiveness of vaccines and 61,539 doses of vaccine treatments. It is through Public Health Surveillance that the ISC-AB Medical Officers of have been administered in 46 Health are made aware of the protection that a complete COVID-19 two-dose vaccine series provides. Data shows that two doses provide a very high level of protection against Nations (bands) in Alberta. COVID-19 that persists. Data has shown that this protection is effective against all the COVID-19 variants that are circulating at this time and that a third booster is not currently required. Health Canada will continue to monitor the public health surveillance and vaccine At least 35,076 First manufacturers’ data and will take action if new data suggests that any authorized vaccine is significantly affected by new variants. Even if a vaccine shows reduced efficacy against a Nations people have received particular variant, people who are vaccinated have been shown to have a significant level of their first dose. protection. Widespread vaccination will help us achieve the best public health outcomes by reducing overall transmission. Get Vaccinated to help prevent “Long COVID” At least 4,316 First Nations For some individuals who contract COVID, illness and ongoing symptoms or issues can people aged 65 years and persist for months after the original diagnosis, referred to as “long COVID”. Troublingly, many older living on reserve or crown long COVID sufferers never had a severe illness to begin with, most were asymptomatic or land have received their first not hospitalized with the illness. Although not a lot of research exists yet, long COVID is very real. AHS estimates that about 10%-35% of positive cases of COVID develop Long COVID, dose. which is over 45,000 Albertans as well as about 8% of children. A long COVID framework is being developed with Pathways for rehabilitation: At least 3,899 First Nations • Acute care/ in-patient rehab people aged 65 years and • Primary care/ community rehab older have received two • Post-acute Care/ Contributing rehab doses of the vaccine. Being fully vaccinated has proven to be effective against developing more severe symptoms even if one does contract COVID. Currently, health professionals are focusing on the 3Rs: recognition, research & rehabilitation to better understand Long COVID and combat it, but all At least 26,463 First experts agree the best thing you can do for your own health and safety and those around Nations people have received you is to ensure you get fully vaccinated as soon as possible. A link to the Long COVID telehealth session that occurred on Friday July 16th can be found here. two doses of the vaccine.
PROTECTIVE EFFECTS OF THE COVID-19 VACCINES Vaccination is one of the most effective ways to protect families, communities, each other and ourselves against COVID-19. Evidence indicates that the COVID-19 vaccines are safe and effective at preventing serious outcomes, such as severe illness, hospitalization and death due to COVID-19. Two doses of the COVID-19 vaccine are needed for full protection. While current evidence shows good effectiveness after one dose, a second dose is essential for longer-lasting and optimal protection. Individuals are considered partially vaccinated 14 days after receiving a first dose, and fully immunized 14 days after the second dose of vaccine. The graphs below illustrate the effectiveness of one dose versus two doses of COVID-19 vaccine against symptomatic illness and against variants of concern. COVID-19 vaccine effectiveness against COVID-19 vaccine effectiveness against SYMPTOMATIC INFECTION IN ALBERTA VARIANTS OF CONCERN IN ALBERTA BY VACCINE MANUFACTURER Vaccine BY TYPE OF VARIANT OF CONCERN as of July 14, 2021 Effectiveness as of July 14, 2021 (%) 100 100 80 80 60 60 40 82 93 73 90 40 73 91 75 89 20 20 0 0 Moderna Pfizer B.1.1.7 UK P1 Brazil Variant Variant 14 days after first dose 14 days after second dose
In 0.4% or about four in every 1000 people with one dose (5159 / 1,186,689) Alberta were diagnosed with COVID-19 14 days after their first immunization date since January 1, 2021 0.040% or about four in every 10,000 people with two doses (608 / 1,532,375) were diagnosed with COVID-19 14 days after their second immunization date COVID-19 OUTCOMES FOR FIRST NATIONS IN ALBERTA 4,950 COVID-19 cases with immunization history reveal the effectiveness of the COVID vaccine. This data was collected between January 1, 2021 and July 6, 2021. 97.5% of COVID-19 cases 97.3% of hospitalized cases 97.6% of COVID-19 deaths were unvaccinated (4826/4950) were unvaccinated (287/295) were in unvaccinated or were diagnosed within two or diagnosed within two weeks individuals (40/41) or happened weeks after receiving their first after receiving their first dose within two weeks after dose of vaccine receiving the first dose of vaccine Data sources: • FNIHB COVID-19 ER System via Synergy in Action • FNIHB CHIP system via Okaki Slice Ananlytics • Alberta Health (July 16, 2021):
ESCR | May 2021 - INDIGENOUS ANNEX 1 – LETTER TEMPLATE - INDIGENOUS Good day, Bonjour, As we continue our efforts to respond to the Alors que nous poursuivons nos efforts COVID-19 pandemic, the health and safety of d’intervention face à la pandémie de COVID-19, Canadians remains the government's top la santé et la sécurité des Canadiens priority. demeurent la priorité absolue du gouvernement. Public Services and Procurement Canada is working to ensure that Canadians, especially Services publics et Approvisionnement Canada front-line workers in Indigenous businesses, s'efforce de garantir aux Canadiens, en associations and organizations, have access to particulier les travailleurs de première ligne the information, resources and PPE supplies d’entreprises, d’associations et d’organisations they need to stay safe and healthy. autochtones, l’accès aux renseignements, aux ressources et aux fournitures dont elles ont Through the Essential Services Contingency besoin pour rester en sécurité et en bonne Reserve (ESCR), some essential service santé. businesses and organizations are eligible to receive free personal protective equipment Dans le cadre de la Réserve d’urgence pour les (PPE), non-medical masks and disinfection services essentiels, certaines entreprises et products from the federal government, while organisations de services essentiels sont supplies last. admissibles à obtenir sans frais, jusqu’à épuisement des stocks, de l’équipement de For more information on eligibility and the protection individuelle (EPI), des masques non application process, visit our ESCR web page. médicaux et des produits de désinfection du gouvernement fédéral. Together, we can ensure Indigenous businesses, associations and organizations Pour obtenir de plus amples renseignements have the PPE they need. sur les critères d’admissibilité et le processus d’application, visitez la page Web de la Réserve Thank you in advance for your help. d’urgence. Name, Title Ensemble, nous pouvons garantir que les Organization entreprises, associations et organisations autochtones disposent de l'EPI dont elles ont besoin. Je vous remercie à l’avance de votre aide. Nom, titre Organisation
COVID-19 vaccine uptake in Territorial, First Nations and Inuit communities (all ages 0+) Weekly Summary – July 13, 2021 Number of Number of Number of Percent of Percent of 0+ communities/ communities with Number of Percent of 0+ Percent of 0+ communities/ communities with Number of 0+ Number of 0+ individuals Percent of 0+ Cumulative bands for vaccine uptake for doses individuals who individuals who bands with vaccine uptake for individuals individuals with at least 1 individuals Number of which vaccine at least 1 dose in administered have received 2 have received 2 Region immunization at least 1 dose in who received 2 with at least 1 dose with at least 1 Severe AEFI clinic the total (both first and doses (StatsCan doses (IR access the total doses dose (StatsCan dose (IR 2020)* reports reporting is population at second doses) 2020)* 2020)* underway population at
Vaccination of children FN/I/M Living in Urban and Related Homelands Vaccine Task Group July 19, 2021
Outline • Adolescents • Younger children: – Pfizer-BioNTech – Moderna • Considerations regarding children 2
Adolescent vaccination • Pfizer-BioNTech – Authorized for adolescents 12 to 15 years of age on May 5, 2021 – Same schedule as adult formulation (30 micrograms) 2 doses, minimum 21 days apart • Moderna – Under review by Health Canada for 12 to 17 years of age – Authorization pending – Same schedule as adult formulation (100 micrograms) 2 doses, minimum 28 days apart – Discussions ongoing about myocarditis/pericarditis risk 3
Pfizer-BioNTech Younger Age Children Study • Doses established in a Phase 1 trial: – 2 doses, 21 days apart – 10 micrograms for 5 to 11 years of age – 3 micrograms for 6 months to less than 5 years of age • Subsequent study of 4,500 participants, randomized 2:1 • Assessing safety, immunogenicity and efficacy, including against asymptomatic infection • Results expected to be available between September and November, 2021, with submission for authorization shortly afterwards – 5 to 11 year olds first – 2 to < 5 year olds shortly after – 6 months to less than 2 years last • Formulation specifically for children – Expected to be refrigerator stable (2 to 8 degrees Celsius) – Will be provided in a multi-dose vial and will require dilution with 0.9% sodium chloride 4
Moderna Younger Age Children Study (1 of 2) • Immunogenicity study of age 6 months to 11 years in the United States and Canada. (KidCOVE) • Just beginning recruitment Part 1: • Open label dose-escalation, age de-escalation – 1,275 children Part 2: • Placebo controlled, observer-blinded of 5,700 children (randomized 3:1) 5
Moderna Younger Age Children Study (2 of 2) • 2 doses, 28 days apart • No new formulation, same 10 dose vial (based on current information) • For the 25 or 50 microgram doses, will need to add saline solution as the diluent to obtain 0.5 ml volume doses 6
Considerations for children • Burden of COVID-19 disease is low in children – 81 ICU admissions and 4 deaths in children 11 year of age or younger • From beginning of pandemic to May 20, 2021 – Risk for severe illness increases with underlying medical conditions, including obesity, diabetes, cardiac, neurologic • Considerations regarding safety – New technology – Small numbers of children receiving vaccine in trials • ~3,000 (Pfizer-BioNTech) and ~5,500 (Moderna) – Will myocarditis be a concern? – What to do with children who had Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome of Children (MIS-C) and also those with other previous SARS-CoV-2 infections? • Impact on epidemiology of infection – 4.39 million children 11 years of age or younger (11.7% of the population) – Will it be possible to achieve herd immunity without vaccinating children? • Less likely with the Delta variant • WHO request to delay vaccination of children until other countries have vaccinated more high-risk people 7
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