AFL Grand Final, A HG Sports Triumph Whyalla Secondary Inspires Possibilities - Lawn Solutions ...

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AFL Grand Final, A HG Sports Triumph Whyalla Secondary Inspires Possibilities - Lawn Solutions ...

  AFL Grand Final,          Whyalla Secondary                  The Next Generation
A HG Sports Triumph        Inspires Possibilities                of Turf Farmers
   ... Read more [pg 08]       ... Read more [pg 10]                 ... Read more [pg 30]
AFL Grand Final, A HG Sports Triumph Whyalla Secondary Inspires Possibilities - Lawn Solutions ...
                                                                                to TurfTalk,
                                                                                Australia’s most comprehensive
                                                                                turf magazine. TurfTalk is suitable for all turf
                                                                                professionals, from turf growers to landscapers,
                                                                                golf courses and sports ground curators, to
                                                                                government and related industry organisations.
                                                                                TurfTalk is here to share with you the latest
                                                                                information on the turf industry, the exciting
                                                                                developments in turf research and to keep you up to
                                                                                date with everything you need to know about turf.
                                                                                TurfTalk is a free magazine, distributed to
                                                                                over 3000 landscape and turf professionals.
                                                                                TurfTalk is published by Lawn Solutions Australia.

                                                                                For any enquiries, submissions or to subscribe to our
                                                                                digital edition please contact us at
                                                                                Back cover image courtesy of Jacobsen
                                          Mollymook Golf Club Installation

Inside this issue

WORLD’S FIRST SMART APPROVED TURF                         PG 04         ROSEMOUNT CELEBRATES 100 YEARS                               PG 26

GREEN SPACE WITH AMBIUS                                   PG 07         ROB WEIKS AND RAIN BIRD                                      PG 29

GRAND FINAL AND HG SPORTS                                 PG 10
                                                                        THE NEXT GENERATION OF TURF FARMERS                          PG 32

                                                                        GROWING LAWN SOLUTIONS AUSTRALIA                             PG 36

PADDOCK TO PITCH FIELD DAY                                PG 15
                                                                        MOLLYMOOK GOLF CLUB                                          PG 38

                                                                        PENNMAG® PRE-EMERGENT                                        PG 42
GROWING AKERS OF LAWN                                     PG 20

THE NEW ECLIPSE 360 ELITE LITHIUM MOWER                   PG 22         IMPACTS TO THE FLORIDA SOD INDUSTRY                          PG 45

2021 FLOOD RECOVERY                                       PG 24         TRARALGON RECREATION RESERVE                                 PG 48

                                                                                                      WELCOME TO TURFTALK / 3
AFL Grand Final, A HG Sports Triumph Whyalla Secondary Inspires Possibilities - Lawn Solutions ...
in the world to recognise drought tolerant
                                                                                                                                                     turf. This has been a long journey for us and
                                                                                                                                                     one that has taken careful consideration as
                                                                                                                                                     it is critical we maintain the integrity of the
                                                                                                                                                     labelling scheme. I’m pleased to say that
                                                                                                                                                     we are launching the new turf category with
                                                                                                                                                     confidence, acceptance, and a sense of
                                                                                                                                                     innovation. I welcome all applications in this

Smart Approved WaterMark,
                                                                                                                                                     Jeremy Cape, Chair of the SAWM Expert
                                                                                                                                                     Panel since its inception in 2004, facilitated
                                                                                                                                                     the development of the guidelines for
                                                                                                                                                     SAWM. “It’s great to see SAWM leading

First in the World to Certify
                                                                                                                                                     the way in water efficiency certification
                                                                                                                                                     by developing practical guidelines for
                                                                                                                                                     turf producers to make their applications
                                                                                                                                                     to SAWM easier. The SAWM Expert

Drought Tolerant Turf
                                                                                                                                                     Panel looks forward to reviewing many
                                                                                                                                                     applications from here on in,” said Jeremy.

                                                                                                                                                     What does this innovation in
                                                                                                                                                     certification mean for growers and

                                                                                                                                                     The selection of drought tolerant turf
                                                                                                                                                     varieties for the home garden will help to
                                                                                                                                                     conserve water as well as provide important
Smart Approved WaterMark (SAWM)                  qualify for rebates. SAWM is a not-for-           on developing specifications that would           amenity values. A goal of SAWM since its
the one stop shop for water efficiency           profit organisation and uses a panel of           describe trials which would demonstrate the       inception has been to identify products
and is the first water efficiency                independent technical experts to evaluate         drought tolerance of grasses rather than try      and services which consumers can use
accreditation scheme in the world to             information provided by applicants                to measure their comparative use of water.        to optimise their use of water and reduce
recognise drought tolerant turf.                 for licensing.                                                                                      waste. Historically up to half of all domestic
                                                                                                   Smart Approved WaterMark working                  water use has been outside the home.
The only water efficiency label in               The journey with turf                             with the turf industry to develop turf            Identifying turf grasses that are drought
Australia                                                                                          grass guidelines                                                                                    drought tolerance of turf grass to assist         About Smart Approved WaterMark
                                                                                                                                                     tolerant and require less water to provide
                                                 In 2017, the SAWM Expert Panel received an                                                                                                            home gardeners who wish to use drought
SAWM has been certifying water efficient                                                                                                             valuable amenity, will ensure that gardens
                                                 application from Lawn Solutions Australia for     SAWM has developed detailed guidelines                                                              tolerance as their key selection criterion.       Smart Approved WaterMark (SAWM) is
products and services since 2004 across                                                                                                              can remain cool, green sanctuaries.
                                                 TifTuf Hybrid Bermuda grass. This presented       that outline the drought resilient criteria                                                                                                           the one-stop shop for water efficiency
many categories including irrigation,                                                              each application should aim to demonstrate                                                          To evaluate applications, the expert
                                                 a new challenge for the Expert Panel as                                                             Easy to follow guidelines ready to                                                                  in Australia. Through its Smart Water
pool and spa, car washing, mulching, soil                                                          and the appropriate research and turf                                                               panel requires objective, independent
                                                 the evidence required to demonstrate                                                                download at                                                                      Advice program, SAWM delivers a range
amendment products and commercial                                                                  tests to support the claims. From the
                                                 that a grass is “water saving” is complex.                                                                                                            evidence that the turf grass demonstrates         of educational, interactive water-saving
cleaning and more. Originally SAWM
                                                 The range of conditions under which turf          outset Jeremy Cape, Chair of the SAWM             The drought tolerance of turf grass               the drought tolerance characteristics             resources for councils and water utilities
was established as the sister scheme to
                                                 is grown, such different soil types and           Expert Panel and Chris Philpot, CEO of            varieties is best assessed by conducting          claimed in the application (i.e., through         to talk to communities about saving
The Water Efficiency Laybelling Standards
                                                 different climate zones, mean that clearly        SAWM, have led and facilitated extensive          an experiment or growth trials. While the         independent testing or case studies). Note        water around the home, garden, and
(WELS), the Government program
                                                 demonstrating that a particular turf variety is   consultation with the Australian turf             Expert Panel does not insist on a specific        that unsubstantiated marketing claims are         business. SAWM certifies water-efficient
that uses a star rating system to classify
                                                 likely to use less water or be more drought       industry and with input from a panel of           trial methodology to demonstrate drought          not regarded as evidence of water saving.         products and services in Australia. With
household products such as taps, toilets,
washers, and dryers. While the WELS              tolerant is a difficult task.                     independent turf professionals. For nearly        tolerance, the guidelines have been               All evidence submitted in support of an           Smart Water Solutions, SAWM helps
program uses compliance with published                                                             two years expert Panel members and the            developed to inform applicants about the          application to Smart Watermark certification
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         businesses reduce their water use and
standards to evaluate products SAWM              Landing on the ‘Drought Tolerance’                independent turf experts drafted and              kind of trials that could generate the data to    must be prepared by an independent
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         save money by delivering water audits
requires applicants to supply evidence to        eligibility criteria                              revised the guidelines. In August 2021 the        support an application.                           authority that has no financial interest in any
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         and recommendations. SAWM has also
support their license applications which                                                           final guidelines were released which SAWM                                                           turf varieties included in a trial.
                                                 SAWM has previously used guidelines to                                                              It is important to emphasise that these                                                             published the ‘Water Efficient Australia’
demonstrate the water efficiency and water                                                         believes will meet the needs of the growers
                                                 help applicants to the scheme prepare                                                               guidelines are written solely to help             TifTuf Hybrid Bermuda has led the way with        2019 report and ‘Water Efficiency 2017’ in
conservation characteristics of their product.                                                     and reflect the quality of the SAWM label to
                                                 the right information to support their                                                              applicants prepare submissions to Smart           independent testing through the Sports            partnership with Water Services Association
                                                                                                   prospective purchasers.
SAWM was born out of the ‘Millennium             applications. It was decided to develop a                                                           Approved WaterMark. These guidelines              Turf Research Institute (STRI) with significant   Australia (WSAA). Smart Approved
Drought’ when the water industry was             new set of guidelines for turf grasses. After     Chris Philpot, CEO, Smart Approved                are not intended to set out a method              trial data provided in its application            WaterMark works towards a blue future that
keen for an independent scheme to help           much deliberation and consultation, it was        WaterMark said “We are very excited to be         for appraising all the characteristics of         demonstrating its superior drought                celebrates the many amazing qualities of
identify which products and services would       decided that the guidelines would focus           the first water efficiency certification scheme   a turf grass. The aim is to evaluate the          tolerance characteristics.                        water, its strength, and its vulnerability.

4 / WORLD’S FIRST SMART APPROVED TURF                                                                                                                                                                                                           WORLD’S FIRST SMART APPROVED TURF / 5
AFL Grand Final, A HG Sports Triumph Whyalla Secondary Inspires Possibilities - Lawn Solutions ...
The Incredible Power and
                           Versatility of Green Space
                          Images in this story - Ambius installations

                                                                               As humans, we respond positively when                 when combined with carbon dioxide /
                                                                               surrounded by vibrant green landscapes                monoxide, form additional toxins that add
                                                                               and various research studies focused on               to the already polluted air.
                                                                               the subject over the years have proven the
                                                                               positive effects that nature has on us.          VOC’s are gasses emitted from items and
                                                                                                                                processes that occur indoors and are
                                                                               We know that rainforests and trees are           considered harmful to health in large doses.
                                                                               crucial to the survival of our planet,           Everything that surrounds us emits toxins
                                                                               providing the Earth with vital, clean oxygen.    and chemicals.
                                                                               But what many of us don’t realise is that in
                                                                               addition to satisfying that Biophilic need       A buildup of these VOC’s can cause Sick
                                                                               and providing oxygen, plants also provide        Building Syndrome; a term used to describe
                                                                               a wealth of benefits that promote and            situations in which building occupants
                                                                               improve our overall health and wellbeing.        experience acute health and discomfort
                                                                                                                                effects that are directly linked to time spent
                                                                               Benefits of indoor plants                        in the polluted building. These manifest
                                                                                                                                through a range of conditions; dry, itchy
                                                                               Studies show that the majority of us             skin, nausea, throat irritation, breathing
                                                                               spend up to 90% of our day indoors. This         difficulties, allergy like symptoms, sore
                                                                               disconnects us from the very nature that         eyes, wheezing, fever, tightness in the chest
                           Nature creates a positively powerful                improves our wellbeing, mental acuity and        which then cause loss of concentration,
                           impact on our everyday lives and                    overall feel good factor. This is alarming,      irritability and forgetfulness to name a few.
                           exposure to nature and all its health               however there are additional reasons as to
                           benefits is crucial to our health                   why this is concerning.                          Thankfully there is a straightforward remedy
                                                                                                                                to help deal with indoor air pollution.
                           and wellbeing. It is a fact, when                   While the air quality in Australia is overall    Indoor plants have been proven to reduce
                           surrounded by nature we feel happy,                 better than many other countries around          the effects of Sick Building Syndrome
                           motivated and relaxed.                              the globe, the most concerning factors           by helping to reduce the toxins and
                                                                               that affect us are the pollution and toxins      pollution indoors. Through the process of
                           Australians are known for our outdoorsy             that loom in the air as a result of Industrial   photosynthesis plants absorb these toxins,
                           lifestyle. BBQ’s in the park, backyards, bush       emissions, burning of fossil fuels, wildfires    break them down and release oxygen back
                           walks. We welcome every opportunity                 and many others. These pollutants enter the      into the air. In fact multiple studies have
                           to get outside and utilise the amazing              indoors and when paired with inadequate          shown that indoor plants help reduce:
                           landscape at our doorstep. Our passion              ventilation and other indoor pollutants they
                           and desire for the outdoors is validated by         create an unhealthy indoor environment.          80% of VOC’s and up to 20% of Carbon
                           the experts, and there is a term for this - it is                                                    Dioxide and Monoxide
                           called Biophilia!                                   In fact indoor air is 2-5 times more polluted
                                                                               than outdoors.* There are a couple of            More specifically a University of Technology
                           “The Biophilia hypothesis suggests that             contributing factors to this:                    research study conducted on the benefits of
                           humans possess an innate tendency to seek                                                            plants found that indoor plants:
                           connections with nature and other forms of          •    Inadequate ventilation allows external
                           life.” -Edward O. Wilson*. Introduced and                pollution to enter and recirculate in the   Reduce:
                           popularised the hypothesis in his book,                  indoor environment.                         •    Workplace illness: Sick leave absence
                           Biophilia (1984).                                   •    Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) and            from 20%-60%

6 / WESTERN PLAINS TURF                                                                                                             GREEN SPACE WITH AMBIUS / 7
AFL Grand Final, A HG Sports Triumph Whyalla Secondary Inspires Possibilities - Lawn Solutions ...
•   Coughing and Wheezing by up to 35%       Indoor plantscaping designs have evolved         •    Custom/bespoke solutions - tailored to      Social distancing solutions                     Flexible / smart spaces                           Return to work
•   Dry eyes nose and throat by up to 20%    and become more important. Green                      specific requirements and designs
•   Reduce negative mood feelings and        displays provide more than an aesthetic          •    A selection of green walls - a wide         Green and vibrant indoors stretches further     As indoors evolve in line with the post           The challenge for businesses as we return to
    tension levels by up to 40%                                                                                                                than the corner display or entry feature.       pandemic trends, more conversations are           the work environment is how to encourage
                                             benefit. Plants are now an important asset            range that suits every space in size and
                                                                                                                                               Ambius is leading the way with providing        around smart and flexible spaces. Utilising       staff to return to the workplace with
Improve:                                     that drives excellent business performance.           requirement
                                                                                                                                               solutions to workplaces ready for a safe        the indoors for multiple uses; from town hall     confidence. Through a wider lens this not
                                                                                              •    A range of contemporary containers –
•   Quality of indoor air                    Ambius Australia is Australia’s leading                                                           restart. A unique way to separate spaces        sessions to team meetings, breakout areas         only means competing with the comfort of
                                                                                                   desktop, floorstanding and hanging
•   Creativity, productivity and attention                                                                                                     using a solution that is also aesthetically     or hangout spaces. How do we get more             our homes, but also competing with other
                                             interior plantscape partner, specialising in     •    A wide offering of indoor plant species
    capacity                                                                                                                                   pleasing and saves time and money               out of the space we have? Ambius offers           businesses in their offering to staff.
                                             the supply and installation of rich indoor            grown and procured in Ambius’s
•   Promote good office relationships                                                                                                          otherwise spent on office reconfigurations
                                             plants that are designed to create beautiful          Accredited Nursery                                                                          a range of options whether it be a mobile
•   Job satisfaction                                                                                                                           to achieve this result.                                                                           Ambius’s answer is simple and has proven
                                             indoor spaces that make the environment                                                                                                           green wall, troughs or containers applied
                                                                                              Ambius is known for transforming indoor                                                          as part of the solution or a tailored custom/     effective; ‘create amazing indoors’ where
Our new normal needs a practical approach    look amazing and make people feel                                                                 A range of designed options are available
                                                                                              spaces into amazing environments where                                                           bespoke design. Installation of plants            people thrive and want to be a part of this
to healthy indoors.                          significantly better.                                                                             that assist in applying these measures in a
                                                                                              people thrive. In consultation with our                                                                                                            amazing experience.
                                                                                                                                               subtle yet effective and unique way all while   into the indoor space is all about creating
The coronavirus pandemic has had an          We bring nature indoors through a large          customers, the Ambius experts deliver            enabling cleaner indoor air. Such as:           spaces to suit varying needs. We help to          *U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. 1987.
incremental impact on everything, more       portfolio of creative solutions that transform   transformation through the delivery of           •    Separation of workstations                 deliver the right solutions, thinking outside     The total exposure assessment methodology
specifically the way we live, work and       the indoors into Biophilic spaces. Our           innovative and vibrant solutions. Ambius is      •    Sectioning off open plan offices,          the box, with options such as application of      (TEAM) study: Summary and analysis.
behave. Boosting a healthy indoors should    portfolio offers the widest range of plant       also passionate about improving the quality           creating desired zones                     recessed wheels that allow versatility in their   EPA/600/6-87/002a. Washington, DC.
be a part of every conversation, as is the   solutions that suit all indoor environments,     of the indoor space, where staff and clients     •    Dividing entry and exit traffic            use or the required adjustments as needed,
focus on tailored spaces that provide more   and we work with each individual client          benefit from the array of benefits that indoor   •    Creating distancing guides for cueing      these solutions remain a part of your space,
to building occupants.                       to deliver:                                      plants provide.                                       and more                                   with a different look and purpose.

8 / GREEN SPACE WITH AMBIUS                                                                                                                                                                                                                          GREEN SPACE WITH AMBIUS / 9
AFL Grand Final, A HG Sports Triumph Whyalla Secondary Inspires Possibilities - Lawn Solutions ...
The AFL Grand Final at
Optus Stadium
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     The HG Turf team
Q&A with Tony Hemming, Arena Manager

In 2017, experienced Sports Turf                   HG Sports Turf recently sat down with Tony       a total whirlwind, but it’s totally worth it for    have been ready for a second match, very        What were the main differences
Contractor HG Sports Turf were                     before and after the grand final to get an       the result.                                         little divoting was evident. We had full        between the AFL Grand Final and other
awarded the Design and Construction                insight into the preparations and challenges                                                         confidence in our range of HG Turf Products     large-scale events you’ve managed
                                                   he and his team undertook to get the             How did the ground perform on the                   and our team’s professional know how to         and what was learnt in the process?
contract for the new Optus Stadium in
                                                   ground looking immaculate for the big day.       day and what challenges were faced?                 get it right on the day.
Perth. Post construction HG were also
                                                                                                                                                                                                        Usually, we have six to twelve months to
selected to manage and maintain the                What was involved in the lead up into            We had a busy lead in with the 2019                 How do you find the technology helps            plan for major events, so the turnaround was
new playing surface in the new jewel               the big day?                                     Bledisloe Cup / AFL Change over into the            you to produce the surface and the              very short. We now have a check list ready
of the west. The field was officially                                                               next day with 4,000 seats on the ground.            high standards within Optus Stadium?            for the unlikely next one, but it will be nice
opened in 2018 and is a mixture of                 We spent the first week recovering from the      We flew the HG Turf crew in from Victoria to                                                        to enjoy the next Grand Final when it returns
HG’s Eclipse Stabilised Turf and HERO              heavy AFL season with the highest rainfall       help and it was a great team effort.                We believe that it helps us in the wet and      to Melbourne. I love the history of the game
                                                   for 50 years, which was challenging to say                                                           allows for faster recovery from damaged         and the “G”, it’s hard to beat a 100,000
Hybrid Turf.                                                                                        On the day ensuring there was nothing
                                                   the least! From there it was turf replacement,                                                       turf by major events, the fact that we only     person crowd at the MCG.
In a historic first for Western Australia, Optus   aerate, core, vertimow, divot repair, seed,      left out on the surface from the pre-game           just replaced the centre circle for the AFL
Stadium was chosen to host the 2021 AFL            fertiliser and groom the HOC (height of          entertainment or during half time was very          grand final (a 27-game season and training)     What does preparing the field mean
Grand Final, the prestigious AFL Premiership       cut) to the height to incorporate the AFL        important. I know the staff enjoyed being           is testament to that.                           to you and your team and where
event that has been held at the MCG in             extravaganza entertainment side of the event.    out on the ground while the players were                                                            does it rank in your career in terms of
Victoria almost every year since 1902. Up                                                           warming up. This is one of the reasons you          What achievement or contribution are            preparing for major sports events?
until the Covid-19 outbreak, the AFL Grand         The field is ready by the Monday before and      would choose to work in our industry, up            you most proud of and what’s the best
Final had been played exclusively in               then we must manage the team’s training          close and personal with professionals while         moment you experienced?                         We aim for the highest technical standards
Victoria, with the first hosting outside of        and rehearsals for artist and dancing crews.     carrying out your job. All credit to the Frontier                                                   for each event. If it’s Rugby, we want to
                                                   We also do a practice bump in of the stage       Group, there was nothing to pick up.                The entire month of September was a             be Eden Park, Cricket – Lords and Soccer
the state being in 2020 at the Gabba in
                                                   with LED screens, fireworks, and lights.                                                             great achievement with just 21 days’ notice     - Wembley. The AFL Grand Final at Optus
Brisbane, QLD.
                                                                                                    We were very happy with the performance             to prepare for the Grand Final. After the       Stadium is in my top ten events and I’m sure
Tony Hemming, Arena Manager, Optus                 On Friday there are Captains runs and then       of the surface during the two games, with           final siren, all our staff drove out onto the   my staff will say it’s their number one day to
Stadium is somewhat of a turf industry legend      ground staff have the field for 13 hours to      pre, during and post-match commitments.             ground in an AFL Toyota vehicle for the         remember.
and is commonly known as ‘Hemmo.’                  prepare before the curtain-raiser game. It’s     On the Sunday morning the surface could             presentations, it was a surreal atmosphere!

10 / GRAND FINAL AND HG SPORTS                                                                                                                                                                          GRAND FINAL AND HG SPORTS / 1 1
AFL Grand Final, A HG Sports Triumph Whyalla Secondary Inspires Possibilities - Lawn Solutions ...
‘Inspiring Possibilities
Through Turf’

                                                                                           Images in this story- Whyalla Secondary turf install

                                         Whyalla is positioned at the gateway              With the help of Lawn Solutions Australia              Water usage numbers were calculated by Terry
                                         of the Eyre Peninsula and is surrounded           and AusGAP (Australia’s leading turf                   Kildea on a recommendation from Sunnyside
                                         by beautiful beaches. Its unique                  certification program), drawing from the               and Lawn Solutions Australia. This information
                                         temperatures see warm summers and                 data and information on the qualities that             was shared with the South Australian
                                                                                           TifTuf possesses, Andrew was able to inform            Education Department, emphasising the
                                         cold winters with low rainfall.
                                                                                           Terry Kildea, Sarah Constructions Site                 benefit of this environmentally sustainable
                                         The Turf Guy, Jamie Kloeden supplied Kikuyu       Manager, that TifTuf was the best option for           water saving option.
                                         to repair an oval at a school in Whyalla.         the new Whyalla Secondary College.
                                                                                                                                                  Outside Ideas, an Adelaide based
                                         Replacement of patchy turf was necessary          “The extensive research was a huge help in             landscaping business, won the tender for
                                         from time to time with the field due to its       the transition from Kikuyu to TifTuf. We were          the landscaping.
                                         high use. Jamie said that while the school is     able to offer independent STRI research and
                                         renowned for its playing field, discussions       show them our experiences on farm which                Sunnyside worked directly with Sarah
                                         around alternative hard wearing turf options      highlighted the winter colour, the low water           Constructions and Outside Ideas
                                         with lower water requirements were                usage and wearability” Andrew said.                    throughout the entire turf process.
                                         increasing in the area.
                                                                                           The water saving qualities of TifTuf was the           Meetings with Outside Ideas were arranged
                                         Following this project, Andrew Rowett from        biggest factor in its selection, with Whyalla          during January, offering the chance to
                                         Sunnyside Instant Lawn learned of a new           known as a dry area with low rainfall.                 share the knowledge about TifTuf and its
                                         school construction in Whyalla. Andrew            Sustainability was of utmost importance.               requirements in preparation.
                                         connected with Sarah Constructions, the           The farm also offered the opportunity
                                         contractor for the new school construction                                                               Sunnyside planted turf for the project
                                                                                           to see both Kikuyu and TifTuf side by                  in November 2020 ensuring that it was
                                         to discuss the turfing requirements of the        side for comparison, giving Terry Kildea
                                         new sports fields. WhileKikuyu was initially                                                             available to meet the project deadlines.
                                                                                           the confidence to move forward with
                                         specified for the project, Andrew wanted          the specification.                                     Harvest on the farm
                                         to highlight the opportunity to utilise a new
                                         sports turf variety with a higher drought         Soil testing was carried out by Living Turf at         A new Firefly Turf Harvester was ordered
                                         tolerance – TifTuf Hybrid Bermuda. In             the Sunnyside farm who supplied both the               and arrived two days prior to the job
                                         selecting the turf for the project, it was also   sub grade of soil and the turf to be used.             commencing. The new Firefly allowed for
                                         important to consider salinity in the soil and    Living Turf was also in full support of the            a significant increase in harvesting
                                         a couch grass like TifTuf would be a better fit   opportunity to use TifTuf on this important            efficiency on the farm required for this large
                                         in these conditions.                              project for the community.                             project. The consistency of the product

12 / WHYALLA SECONDARY COLLEGE PROJECT                                                                                           WHYALLA SECONDARY COLLEGE PROJECT / 1 3
AFL Grand Final, A HG Sports Triumph Whyalla Secondary Inspires Possibilities - Lawn Solutions ...
Paddock to Pitch Field Day

harvested with this machine was also of the
highest standard.

50,000m² of TifTuf was installed at the new
state-of-the-art secondary school in total
across two soccer ovals, one AFL oval and
the building surrounds.

The first of 24 B-Doubles arrived on site on
the 17th of May and saw the team of 10 from
Outside Ideas lay over 3,600m² a day over
14 days.

To complete the install Sunnyside offered
to co-ordinate the freight, unloading and
retrieval machinery and provision of a
project manager to oversee the install.
Sunnyside worked together with both Sarah
Constructions and landscaping contractor         Establishment period                             12 bringing it to life next year. We expect
Outside Ideas on site as the TifTuf arrived

                                                                                                                                                 Paddock to Pitch Field Day
                                                                                                  to watch these ovals continue their current
and was laid. Data was taken on soil temps,      Sunnyside travelled to Whyalla fortnightly       level of performance for years to come.
watering, and weather conditions every day       keeping close communication with Outside         Students will enjoy hours of fun with a
of the install showing the root activity and     Ideas and Sarah Constructions to monitor
                                                                                                  multitude of sports being played year-
the establishment of the turf during winter.     the turf establishment. The established
                                                                                                  round. The community have engaged with
                                                 TifTuf at the Whyalla secondary school is
40,000m² was laid at the beginning                                                                the school to access seasonal sporting
                                                 that of the “Mercedes- Benz” of turf and
of winter, a time when turf growth               has not only created elite surfaces, but a
                                                                                                  events throughout the year also.               This event was a first where industry         opportunity to see machinery operational
                                                                                                                                                                                               and demo’s on a range equipment. The
establishment is usually a slow process,         water efficient, sustainable playing surface                                                    bodies came together – Turf QLD,
                                                                                                  Sunnyside shared lawn care, technical                                                        main part of the day was to encourage
however, watching the turf establish in
the first 3 weeks Andrew and Terri from
                                                 for the future of the students and Whyalla       data and research with Outside Ideas
                                                                                                                                                 Sports Turf Association and Golf Course
                                                                                                                                                                                               industry to learn and engage with the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   OVER THE YEARS MANY
                                                 Secondary School.                                                                               Supers Association to provide an
Sunnyside were also blown away by the turf
                                                                                                  that has been included in the Hand Over
                                                                                                  Operations and Maintenance Manual for          education and knowledge gaining day
                                                                                                                                                                                               exhibitors and talk about – soils, chemicals,       EVENTS HAVE BEEN
development. 16 weeks later and there was        Andrew believes that these school ovals will                                                                                                  nutrition, irrigation, machinery, tools,
a fully established freshly mown sports field.   increase Whyalla’s reputation to become          the Education Department. Outside Ideas        for the sport turf industry.                  turfgrasses and turfgrass certification.            HELD BUT NOT LIKE
Winter often turns on some interesting
                                                 one of the best playing surfaces in the state.   are managing the maintenance program
                                                                                                  until hand over. The oval is currently being
                                                                                                                                                 The event provided an element for              After lunch was served industry leading
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   THIS WHERE WHOLE OF
                                                 “The turf is ready to go, the appearance is
weather, with rain also a factor. The            spectacular,” said Andrew. “It’s ready for the   regularly maintained at 15mm with a
                                                                                                                                                 all sectors of the industry – from turf
                                                                                                                                                 production, sporting fields, golf courses
                                                                                                                                                                                               speakers presented on soil testing, analytical      INDUSTRY CAN COME
teams saw rain, hail, and shine during the                                                        cylinder mower.                                                                              services, fertiliser and soil nutrition. This was
installation, but only experienced a one-day
                                                 school to open and the action to begin.”
                                                                                                                                                 to turf and facility maintenance. The event   extremely informative and the attendees             TOGETHER AS ONE.
delay across the installation period. Once       The TifTuf ovals will become the heart of        Whyalla Secondary School is due to open        was supported by over 30 sponsors and         were involved with many questions and of
laid, the turf was rolled three times.           the school with students from years 7 to         in 2022.                                       exhibitors allowing attendee’s the unique     course the free giveaways.

14 / WHYALLA SECONDARY COLLEGE PROJECT                                                                                                                                                                                                             PADDOCK TO PITCH FIELD DAY / 1 5
AFL Grand Final, A HG Sports Triumph Whyalla Secondary Inspires Possibilities - Lawn Solutions ...
Couch Decline – an
                                                                                                  Ongoing Challenge
                                                                                                  Words by Nuturf Australia

                                                                                                  The condition loosely described as               challenging to follow and it does require a       potentially gets even more specific. If you
                                                                                                  couch decline has been an issue for              little detective work.                            see strange multi-lobed structures around
                                                                                                  the turf management industry for a                                                                 the hyphae this narrows the candidates
                                                                                                  while now. Initially more associated             One limitation that must be acknowledged          further. The threads of dark fungi seen
                                                                                                  with ultra-dwarf putting greens the              up front though is the fact here in Australia     on root tissues are what’s termed runner
                                                                                                  problem is now seen in a broader                 we simply do not have the number of               hyphae while the multi-lobed shapes are
                                                                                                  range of situations. When we see the             diagnosticians, the surveillance and              termed hyphopodia (see Martinez-Espinoza
                                                                                                  word ‘decline’ things get a bit hazy because     mapping, nor the ongoing research into            et al, 2016). Observing these gets you in
                                                                                                  that word usually implies a range of issues      many of these turf issues on a scale anything     the ERI family and is suggestive of certain
                                                                                                  (not necessarily all directly connected and      like we see in the US. We certainly do            candidates but doesn’t necessarily tell
                                                                                                  not necessarily caused by a plant pathogen)      have some good local pathology services           you exactly which pathogen is involved.
                                                                                                  all working together to cause a general loss     conducting frequent disease testing picking       That requires further diagnostic work to
                                                                                                  of turf health. The word decline may also        these issues up regularly. That however is        be overlaid with the host, the symptom,
                                                                                                  imply change that occurs over an extended        quite different to extensive analysis from        the time of year etc to paint the full picture.
                                                                                                  period (often months) in a progressive           classically trained pathologists looking          Even that may not always be enough and
                                                                                                  manner. This makes it rather difficult to        beyond the presence of a pathogen to              further pathogenicity testing or DNA based
                                                                                                  separate out the individual contributing         deliver a more complete characterisation of       molecular investigations may be required.
                                                                                                  factors to assign each a role in the broader     the industry situation. It’s a gap that ideally
                                                                                                  condition. So, for simplicity let’s make two     would be closed but is hard to see that           Secondly, narrowing this back to a ‘couch
                                                                                                  points to begin with – firstly a condition       happening. Fortunately, there are some            decline’ focus, some incredibly important
                                                                                                  we wish to describe as a decline (like we        turf issues for which we can reasonably           technical clarifications have been made
                                                                                                  have here) is often a multitude of factors       transpose findings from elsewhere to help         around the decline part of the equation
                                                                                                  all working together to have a combined,         the local situation – especially where the        and the role of actual pathogens versus
                                                                                                  or possibly additive, effect. Secondly, lets     involvement of a pathogen is known, and its       other abiotic factors. There is one particular
                                                                                                  acknowledge some of those factors may be         identity confirmed as same – and this is the      ERI pathogen that has been consistently
                                                                                                  genuine plant pathogens and others may           case here.                                        implicated as ‘involved’ in couch decline
                                                                                                  be environmental, physical, or cultural and                                                        – but that very same pathogen is now also
                                                                                                                                                   So firstly, lets address the ERI tag as its       recognised as causing a separate disease
                                                                                                  they could be operating independently of
                                                                                                                                                   relevant here. This is an acronym for             condition in its own right. This has been
                                                                                                  any pathogen.
                                                                                                                                                   Ectotrophic Root Infecting fungi. It’s an         nicely articulated by Tredway (2019) who
As this was the first time this joint venture   the idea and working with other industry
                                                                                                  The reason this clarification is made is there   umbrella term for a range of pathogens            says ‘the fungus Gaeumannomyces graminis
event was held, especially during testing       groups pulling this event together. Over the
                                                                                                  has been considerable research done              with common diagnostic features. For              var. graminis is a common contributor to
times with QLD restrictions the organisers      years many events have been held but not
                                                                                                  around the globe over the last decade or         example – if you look at root tissues under       bermudagrass decline (AKA our couch
were extremely happy with the industry          like this where whole of industry can come
support during the day, numbers were well       together as one. A big thanks goes out to         so that has tried to unravel what’s going        a microscope and see threads of dark              decline), but it is also a bonafide pathogen
over 150, all attending to gain knowledge       Turf QLD – Hugo Struss President, STA –           on with ‘couch decline’ and out of this has      fungi running longitudinally along a root         causing take-all root rot even in the absence
and experience. The event was held at           Trent Hobson, President and GCSAQ – Paul          come some valuable learnings, a couple           then plugging in to that root at intervals,       of stress’. So, we have a specific pathogen
All Turf Solutions Turf Production facility,    McLean, President.                                of highly significant facts, a reminder of       then reasonable chance one of the ERI             recognised as being a common player
Tamborine, QLD.                                                                                   how destructive ERI pathogens can be             pathogens is involved. If these observations      acting in concert with a range of other
                                                After the success of this event there is one in   and another couple of disease names just         are associated with patch diseases or a           precursers or additional factors creating the
Turf QLD did an awesome job initiating          the planning for 2022 in Regional QLD.            to throw you off the track completely. Its       decline type issue, the diagnostic process        broader ‘decline’ issue. Individually this

16 / PADDOCK TO PITCH FIELD DAY                                                                                                                                                 THE ONGOING CHALLENGE OF COUCH DECLINE / 1 7
AFL Grand Final, A HG Sports Triumph Whyalla Secondary Inspires Possibilities - Lawn Solutions ...
pathogen can be responsible for a defined        by short term fungicide application. Partly        DMI’s are known as strong fixers and for a
disease in the absence of any other physical     because it has proven a resilient and tolerant     long time now have been the foundation
or environmental stress factors. So, if you      pathogen to a range of fungicide options,          of both prevention and control strategies
stayed on the detective case through this,       partly because recent history around ERI           for a range of ERI diseases. The strobilurins
we went from a disease we called couch           diseases in Australia suggest it is possible       by their very nature are preventers. Their
decline, to understanding the decline            there are more pathogens out there we have         activity spectrum is broad, their behaviours
condition is a complex of issues that involves   not fully recognised yet, partly because the       are reliable, our dependence on them
pathogens and other factors, but also noted      abiotic factors that can potentially enhance       strong. In combination (i.e., DMI + strobilurin
a new disease name with an acronym of            the damage from the pathogen are quite             or group 3 + 11) they are outstanding. If
TARR. It is hard to keep up. Now, just to        diverse in nature and partly because most          you scan the web for efficacy ratings and
ramp up the confusion the couch decline          things that occur over time equally require        product recommendations around this issue
name is also somewhat interchangeable            time to undo them. Water stress, salt stress,      it is common to see this combination in the
with the term ‘root decline of warm season       drought stress, pH anomalies, nutritional          upper echelon of performance. However,
grasses’ simply because it was established       deficiencies, wear and physical damage,            as noted earlier the expectations should be
the pathogen involved doesn’t exclusively        heat / cold stress – the list is long and likely   slightly tempered as studies where sensitivity
affect couch. So, when in couch its couch        differs site to site. Furthermore, it has been     of the Gaeumannomyces pathogen against
decline, when in other warm season turf its      established chances are by the time you            various fungicide options has been examined
decline of warm season turf. If solo in couch    see a physical manifestation of damage the         closely invitro to remove other variables
and acting independent of other factors its      harm has been insidiously occurring for a          (e.g., Butler 2019) the fungicides do find this
TARR. Still hanging on?                          while. Best analogy to draw here is another        a tough combatant. It seems there remains
                                                 ERI disease that affects couch – Spring Dead       much to learn about truly managing the
It’s important to add a further clarification    Spot. This is well characterised as having         pathogen and / or the decline condition.
here because the name Take All Root Rot          an infection window in autumn but physical
could cause confusion with a disease that                                                           References and suggested reading:
                                                 presentation of the damage turning up
is well known and characterised in cool          many months later. Bottom line – if trying to      Butler, L. (2019). Take-All Root Rot: A Complex
season turf – i.e. Take all patch. There is a    address this after the fact turning it around      Disease
relationship there and you will see it in the    will not happen quickly and will likely involve
name of the pathogen behind take all patch       a reconsideration of a range of management         take-all-root-rot-a-complex-disease/
- Gaeumannomyces graminis var. avenae.           practices. If trying to proactively prevent it,    Martinez-Espinoza, A., Price, J., Gardner, D. and
That last word makes all the difference. It’s    there will be chemical, cultural, and physical     Little, E. (2016).
closely related but a different pathogen!        elements to it and the chemical application
                                                                                                    Take-All Root Rot of Warm Season Grasses:
                                                 timings may not necessarily be as obviously
Since we have now established as turf                                                               Identification and Control. UGA Cooperative
                                                 intuitive as you hope – and it will be more
managers, we may deal with TARR or Couch                                                            Extension Circular 1102. https://secure.caes.uga.
                                                 than one.
decline or root decline of warm season                                                              edu/extension/publications/files/pdf/C%20
grasses, we get to the point of what can         In terms of chemical options to address            1102_1.PDF
we do to manage the issues when they are         the pathogen part of this issue, a common          Tredway, L. (2019). Are bermudagrass decline
revealed in disease tests. Here we need to       finding across many sources is the                 and take-all root rot the same thing? https://
temper expectations as history has shown         involvement of both DMI and strobilurin  
this is not something easily addressed           fungicides in successful management. The           aspx?gcaid=204367

18 / THE ONGOING CHALLENGE OF COUCH DECLINE                                                                                                             WESTERN PLAINS TURF / 1 9
Images in this story- the Akers of Lawn store and team
                                                                                                         Akers is an Area Manager in Sales, son Scott
                                                                                                         Akers as a Site Supervisor, with his wife
                                                                                                         Karlyn Akers as the Account Manager, and
                                                                                                         daughter Julie Field (born Akers) as Head of
                                                                                                         Administration and Marketing. In addition,
                                                                                                         the team is made up of many long-term
                                                                                                         employees who are also considered family.
                                                                                                         Having this strong family focus, Akers of
                                                                                                         Lawn really understands the importance of
                                                                                                         establishing long-term relationships with
                                                                                                         their customers.

                                                                                                         Akers of Lawn prides themselves on being
                                                                                                         able to provide a complete service without
                                                                                                         requiring subcontractors. Now sporting
                                                                                                         four trucks, six utes and various speciality

                           Growing Akers of Lawn
                                                                                                         machinery, the team continues to train
                                                                                                         their employees to provide specialist
                                                                                                         services. These services range from lawn
                                                                                                         rejuvenation, new lawn establishment,
                                                                                                         irrigation, paving, small retaining walls,
                                                                                                         raised garden beds, garden preparation,
                                                                                                         plant sourcing and planting and complete
                                                                                                         landscaping advice.

                                                                                                         Lonsdale Expansion
                                                         Before becoming a company in 1986,
                                                         the grass roots of Akers of Lawn was            For the first 34 years of the business, Akers
                                                         developing over several years. Dal              of Lawn operated from the family premises,
                                                         and Jacqi Akers worked together                 first in Happy Valley and then expanding
                                                                                                         to a bigger property at Onkaparinga Hills.
                                                         selling and delivering fertiliser from
                                                                                                         A family dream for many years had been
                                                         the mid-70s until one day Dal decided
                                                                                                         to expand from landscaping, into creating
                                                         to purchase and bring home a coring
                                                                                                         their own products and relocating to an
                                                         machine. From this purchase onwards,            independent location, featuring a shop and
                                                         the service of lawn rejuvenation                landscaping product displays.
                                                         became Das and Jacqi’s focus. Over
                                                         the coming years Akers of Lawn grew from        During 2020, after looking for the right
                                                         just a two-person team to a full staff of 24,   space for years, the perfect location
                                                         with the business extending their skill base    came up in Lonsdale, a well-known
                                                         from simple lawn rejuvenation to complete       manufacturing and trade suburb in the
                                                         landscaping packages, ranging from small        south of Adelaide. The new shop features
                                                         courtyards to whole school soccer pitches.      a wide range of products covering all           The new products are a range of liquid,          Rowett’s Turf were three years into running
                                                                                                         aspects of lawn and garden install and          granular and pelletized fertilisers for both     a turf farm on the family property near
                                                         Akers of Lawn is truly a family business,       maintenance. Customers can view a wide          the lawn and garden. As a product line,          Mundulla. As fellow small family businesses,
                                                         featuring Dal and Jacqi Akers at the helm,      range of landscaping products which             Akers of Lawn products focus on building         the Akers’ and Rowett’s supported each
                                                         supported by their three children. Son Brad     can be used to landscape their yard,            up good soil microbes, leading to healthy        other and understood the importance of
                                                                                                         from instant and artificial lawn, to pavers,    soil. A healthy soil contains microscopic        strong trade relationships. Over the years,
                                                         “                                               pebbles, and various mulch options.             bacteria, fungi, viruses, and other organisms    Rowett’s Turf has expanded, changed
                                                         AKERS OF LAWN PRIDES                            In addition to a new space, Akers of Lawn
                                                                                                                                                         which work together to breakdown organic         their name to Sunnyside Instant Lawn and
                                                                                                                                                         matter and ensure nutrient uptake and            throughout this growth, Akers of Lawn has
                                                         THEMSELVES ON BEING                             have been busy developing their very own
                                                                                                                                                         retention is maintained. Strong microbial        grown with them. Together they are proud
                                                                                                         range of products. Product development
                                                         ABLE TO PROVIDE A                               has involved utilising their extensive
                                                                                                                                                         activity ensures all plants are given the best   to be providers of Lawn Solutions Australia
                                                                                                                                                                                                          turf varieties throughout Adelaide metro
                                                                                                                                                         foundation for growth and pest resistance.
                                                         COMPLETE SERVICE                                knowledge, whilst working alongside                                                              and beyond.
                                                                                                         expert agronomist Ryan Sheridan, and            Partners in Turf
                                                         WITHOUT REQUIRING                               consulting with leaders in the field such                                                        Akers of Lawn’s vision is to be the leading
                                                         SUBCONTRACTORS.                                 as Peter Wadewitz of Peat’s Soil, Neutrog,
                                                                                                         Omnia, FPAG and Adelaide garden guru,
                                                                                                                                                         Akers of Lawn established a relationship with
                                                                                                                                                         Rowett’s Turf (now Sunnyside Instant Lawn)
                                                                                                                                                                                                          landscaping provider in South Australia by
                                                                                                                                                                                                          creating inspiring, quality outdoor spaces
                                                         ”                                               Michael Keelan.                                 over 12 years ago in 2009. At that time,         with their clients for years to come.

20 / GROWING AKERS OF LAWN                                                                                                                                                                                    GROWING AKERS OF LAWN / 2 1
Jacobsen Introduces
                                                                                                                and hybrid routes. Golf courses will probably          A swing-out centre unit features for
                                                                                                                have to start changing in the next five to ten         quick and easy cleaning, maintenance or
                                                                                                                years, so if Jacobsen is producing this machine        swapping the unit. No tools are required
                                                                                                                this early, it’s a quality machine already, so it’ll   to swing the unit out with the removal of a

the Eclipse 360 ELiTE
                                                                                                                only get better with more testing and more             lynchpin that is then used to hold the unit in
                                                                                                                usage, so I’m excited for that.                        the swung-out position all that is needed.

                                                                                                                “We had it on the course for a day, and I              Jacobsen has made all of these changes

Lithium Mower
                                                                                                                thought it was a very good machine. Very               following a 360-durability review that has
                                                                                                                quiet, and a bit quicker in transport as well.         also included the addition of new brushless
                                                                                                                A very solid machine and the speed from                lift actuators that have ten times the lifespan
                                                                                                                green to green for us paramount, and as I              of the previous option.
                                                                                                                said that has improved.
                                                                                                                                                                       Seven, nine, eleven or fifteen blade reels are
THE ELITE STANDARD OF GREEN MOWING                                                                              “The charge is something that surprised                available for the Eclipse 360 ELiTE to allow
                                                                                                                                                                       for varied applications of the machine from
                                                                                                                me because it lasted a lot longer than I
                                                                                                                expected. I was like, ‘Oh god, this thing is           golf greens and tees to football pitches and
                                                                                                                just going to die after a few greens’. But we          ornamental gardens.
The new Eclipse 360 ELiTE from                             “One of the great features of the Eclipse
                                                                                                                could have gone again, again and again                 Textron Inc. is a multi-industry company
Jacobsen has been designed to                              360 ELiTE is a programmable frequency of
                                                                                                                really without charging it - I was impressed           that leverages its global network of aircraft,
combine the next generation of ELiTE                       cut. And what we do with this is have the
                                                                                                                with that.                                             defense, industrial and finance businesses to
lithium-ion batteries with a signature                     cylinders turning in time with the wheels.
                                                           So if the operator drives a little bit faster, the                                                          provide customers with innovative solutions
cut that has been trusted for a century.                                                                        “The lack of noise is something that you
                                                           cylinders will increase speed, so we keep                                                                   and services. Textron is known around the
                                                                                                                really notice as well. You can hear other
ELiTE batteries have powered E-Z-GO                        the same frequency of cut regardless of who                                                                 world for its powerful brands such as Bell,
                                                                                                                things in your units, so you’re listening out
                                                           mows. And that’s keeping a consistent cut                                                                   Cessna, Beechcraft, Hawker, Jacobsen,
vehicles for over 15 million hours, and                                                                         for something; you might hit a stone that
                                                           right across the course.                                                                                    Kautex, Lycoming, E-Z-GO, Greenlee,
the Eclipse 360 ELiTE has adopted that                                                                          you’d otherwise miss if you had a diesel
                                                                                                                                                                       Textron Off Road, Arctic Cat, Textron
technology to make a mower that can cut                                                                         engine rattling behind you. So the quiet
                                                           “We can change this as well, and it’s set                                                                   Systems, and TRU Simulation + Training.
50+ large greens on a single charge.                                                                            working is good for that, the operator
                                                           behind a PIN number, so the superintendent
                                                                                                                generally and for reducing noise for anyone            Certain statements in this press release may
Noise during operation is reduced to                       or head greenkeeper can exactly set their
                                                                                                                else on the course.                                    project revenues or describe strategies,
virtual silence, meaning the machine can                   frequency of cut for the day, and there is
                                                                                                                                                                       goals, outlook or other non-historical
cut anywhere early in the morning without                  nothing the operator can do to change                “And the weight, another thing with the
                                                                                                                                                                       matters; these forward-looking statements
disruption. The significant reduction in                   that. And what we do is fit a 15 blade reel          battery is with the weight. I remember                 speak only as of the date on which they are
noise pollution is combined with zero air                  in here, so if you’ve got a competition or           seeing a Ransomes around 20 years ago                  made, and we undertake no obligation to
pollution with the all-electric model, while               a special day and you want an even better            when I worked in Australia, and you could              update them. These statements are subject
fuel consumption is reduced when cutting                   frequency of cut, slightly tighter but keeping       see the tyre tracks, but the Eclipse 360 just          to known and unknown risks, uncertainties,
with the diesel hybrid.                                    the same height of cut, we can increase              floated across the greens and left no tracks.          and other factors that may cause our
                                                           that frequency of cut and not reduce the             It was beautiful; I thought it was a very
Jacobsen has a decade’s worth of                                                                                                                                       actual results to differ materially from those
                                                           mowing speeds. So we’re getting around               good machine.”
experience with the Eclipse range, which                                                                                                                               expressed or implied by such forward-
                                                           the course in a very good time but getting a
has been reflected in the features of this new                                                                                                                         looking statements.
                                                           better frequency of cut.”                            Delivering unrivalled performance from
machine, as Jacobsen Product Trainer, Rob                                                                       an all-electric mower is about more than               About Textron Specialized Vehicles Inc.
Hayward, explains.                                         Several on-course demonstrations have                just battery performance. The features that
                                                           taken place throughout a rigorous testing            provide a leading operator experience                  Textron Specialized Vehicles Inc., a
“We’ve had the Eclipse itself out now for                  process at a mixture of locations in the             and the highest quality cut every time are             Textron Inc. company, is a leading
ten years, and we’ve learnt a lot from that                United Kingdom and Ireland. A prime                  crucial, and on this machine, they have been           global manufacturer of golf cars, utility
experience, and the result is we have a                    example where battery life and cut quality           revisited and elevated to new heights.                 and personal transportation vehicles,
great machine. There is a focus on the                     were put to the test is Waterville Golf Links,                                                              snowmobiles, side-by-sides, all-terrain
environmental impact of machinery now,                     Country Derry, Ireland.                              The Patented Frequency of Clip Control                 vehicles, professional turf-care equipment,
and in golf especially, and the desire from                                                                     ensures a consistent cut by linking the reel           and ground support equipment. Textron
people to use all-electric mowers is evident,              The sea surrounds the 7,378-yard course              speed to the forward speed. By having                  Specialized Vehicles markets products
and we’re happy to be able to offer the                    with views of Macgillycuddy’s Reek Mountain          the reels turning in time with the wheels,             under the E-Z-GO®, Cushman®, Arctic
Eclipse ELiTE 360 to meet that demand.                     range and Ballinskelligs Bay. The course has         you can keep a consistent frequency of cut             Cat®, Textron Off Road™, Jacobsen®,
                                                           gently undulating fairways on the front nine,        regardless of who is mowing but still have             Ransomes®, TUG™, Douglas™, Premier™ and
“We’re finding that cutting about 18-20                    contrasted by the channels of elevated dunes         the option to increase it without reducing             Safeaero™ brands. Its vehicles are found in
greens, large full-size greens with travelling             on the back nine, culminating in a unique            the mowing speed. This control is taken                environments ranging from golf courses to
time in between, with 15 blade reels,                      golfing experience and a varied challenge for        further with individual unit control that can          factories, airports to planned communities,
groomers and rear roller brushes, uses                     the Eclipse 360 ELiTE.                               adapt the cutting configuration to vary                and theme parks to hunting preserves.
about 30% of the charge from the battery                                                                        wheel runs and truly eliminate triplex ring.
pack. So if you work that out, we’re talking               Course Superintendent Gerrard O’Neil                                                                        For further information, please visit:
about 50 to 60 greens easily runtime on an                 explains: “It’s the future as we’re seeing with      Attention has also been paid to the access    or contact: Peter
Eclipse 360 ELiTE.                                         cars and everything going down the electric          and maintenance aspects of the machine.                Schumacher

22 / THE NEW ECLIPSE 360 ELITE LITHIUM MOWER ADVERTORIAL                                                                                          THE NEW ECLIPSE 360 ELITE LITHIUM MOWER / 2 3
also losing their hoses. One Hardi spray unit
                                                                                                                                                    was found 40km away on Tuncurry beach,
                                                                                                                                                    with another being found on Dumaresq
                                                                                                                                                    Island and a third found at Manning Point,
                                                                                                                                                    20km’s away. Thanks to the power of social
                                                                                                                                                    media the Hardi spray unit was found on
                                                                                                                                                    a Buy Swap Sell. ‘One very disappointed
                                                                                                                                                    seller he ended up being!’

                                                                                                                                                    “At the time of our worst drought ever three
                                                                                                                                                    years ago we thought things were tough,
                                                                                                                                                    but we now know what tough is. A flood has
                                                                                                                                                    proven to be far worse than any drought.”
                                                                                                                                                    said Earl Stanley, Earls Turf

                                                                                                                                                    The turf industry was able to unite, along
                                                                                                                                                    with their local communities and began the
                                                                                                                                                    clean up as soon as the flood water receded.
                                                                                                                                                    Growers from different areas helped supply
                                                                                                                                                    machinery and banded together to rebuild
                                                                                                                                                    and recover what they could.

                                                                                                                                                    With many turf suppliers impacted by the

Rising Above the Flood
                                                                                                                                                    floods, supply was significantly reduced
                                                                                                                                                    in the regions effected. Some growers
                                                                                                                                                    lost entire paddocks, some hoped to save
                                                                                                                                                    50% of their turf in production, with the
                                                                                                                                                    impacts of the flood being felt across their
THE NSW TURF INDUSTRY RECOVERY                                                                                                                      entire farms. Some growers had farms
                                                                                                                                                    located on higher ground and were able to
                                                                                                                                                    recommence supply within weeks. Others
                                                                                                                                                    were not so lucky.

                                                                                                                                                    Green Life Turf is based in the Hawkesbury
                                                                                                                                                    region of NSW in Freemans Reach. Green
The devastating NSW floods occurred             that twelve major floods occurred during             conditions to return. What this means in                                                       to start salvaging the crops that we could,”      Earl’s Turf
                                                                                                                                                    Life Turf are fortunate to have a farm in
in March 2021, with the forecast in the         the 40 years before 1990. Five of these              short, is root rot, very heavy and brittle                                                     Joshua Muscat from Green Life Turf said.
                                                                                                                                                    Singleton as part of a flood proof plan
lead up being of “minor to moderate             were larger than this year’s flood in height,        turf for months with huge increases in
                                                                                                                                                    for their business. This allowed them to        This has been a long and ongoing process
flooding,” but never major flooding.            but the damage is always comparable. The             wastage and transport costs due to weight      continue to supply their regular customers.
                                                                                                     increases for months to come. In a normal                                                      for the Green Life team. They started by fixing
The amount of rain that did come,               big one Windsor and parts of the North                                                              The biggest challenge they have faced with      things that were important for supply first and
                                                Coast saw this year has been called many             year, this causes a turf shortage. This year   reduced supply is the timing of matured
caused utter destruction. Areas of the                                                                                                                                                              are continuing to work towards finding time
                                                things. A “once-in-50 or 100-year flood”,            it was more of a perfect storm, with the       stock affecting the overall availability.
Hawkesbury Valley west of Sydney and                                                                                                                                                                to fix other things, like the fences.
                                                “unprecedented” and “chaotic”, regardless            biggest building boom, the largest flood,      Managing the timing of mature stocks, the
on the NSW Mid-North Coast were the
                                                of whether it was or was not as big as others        and the largest demand for turf in 30 years,   extra logistics required to transport turf      “We keep on doing what we do best.
hardest hit, with over 2,800 hectares           in history for some areas, one of the most           creating turf shortages we have never          from Singleton, combined with the added         Growing and supply the highest quality turf
of turf production severely impacted.           damaging factors to the Turf Industry is the         experienced before.                            demand of turf this has immense pressure        possible.” - Joshua Muscat, Green Life Turf
The flood peaked around 9pm on                  time of year it came.                                                                               on their team.
Friday 19th of March. Turf growers                                                                   Earl’s Turf is a Lawn Solutions Australia                                                      If it wasn’t for the resilience, quick thinking
were left in a state of emergency and           Whilst all floods are incredibly damaging,           accredited turf supplier based in Taree on     The damages Green Life Turf incurred            and innovative nature of the modern turf
                                                having one this late in the growing season is        the Mid North Coast of NSW. Owner and          included erosion to riverbanks, drainage        farmer that saw flood clean ups at record
their families and businesses were
                                                somewhat rare, with a much longer lasting            Manager Earl Stanley said, “the farm looked    systems blocking and failing, pump sites        speed, using new flood recovery and silt
turned upside down overnight. There
                                                effect. Silt, sadly is a result of all floods, and   like it had been hit with a tsunami. All the   being washed away, broken fences,               removal techniques, the current turf supply
would be a long road ahead, with
                                                it can take months of good growing weather           fences were ripped out, all gravel roadways    damaged irrigator infrastructure, damage        crisis may have been a lot worse. We are
significant emotional, physical, and            to recover crops even partially effected from        ended up on paddocks, tonnes of flood          to sheds, offices, cool room, and the loss      now seeing the turf quality and supply chains
mental challenges to overcome.                  the impact of silt. The other major floods in        rack were strewn across all the paddocks.”     of crops.                                       starting to return to normal, which is possibly
                                                the past 35 years all came much earlier in                                                                                                          the quickest we have seen in history.
Floods are not new to the Turf Industry, but    the season. In 1986 it was August, in 1990 –         Many of Earl’s paddocks were inundated         “As soon as the flood waters receded and
until this year’s flood in March there hasn’t   February and in 2016 it came in September.           with up to 300mm of silt. One paddock          we could get access to our properties again,    Earl’s Turf would like to thank Geoff Hatton
been a major flood on the Hawkesbury-                                                                surprisingly even had a Nissan X-Trail         we started to wash and broom out all the silt   from Cobbitty Turf for helping them out,
Nepean for more than 30 years, with the last    A flood in late March means that silt covered        on it and numerous bales of silage from        from our sheds and offices. We then started     providing valuable knowledge and giving
comparable one occurring in 1990. Long-         crops must enter winter and wait for more            surrounding farms. Three of their travelling   to focus on fixing failed drainage in our       them the use of their Blecavator to help
term Sydneysiders, however, will remember       than six months for favourable growing               boom irrigators were mangled with some         paddocks to help them dry up, allowing us       rebuild the farm.

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