Consumers ready to fully embrace the transition to electric buses

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Consumers ready to fully embrace the transition to electric buses


            Consumers ready to fully
            embrace the transition
            to electric buses                     See page 32


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             Make          Thriving                    LED Lighting
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Consumers ready to fully embrace the transition to electric buses
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                                                                                                                                                                             FRONT COVER STORY:

                                                                                                                                                                   Consumers ready to fully embrace
                                                                                                                                                                   the transition to electric buses

                                                                                                                                                                                           See Page 32
                                                                                                                              JANUARY 2019

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                                                                                                                                                                                ENERGY MANAGER MAGAZINE • JANUARY 2019   3
Consumers ready to fully embrace the transition to electric buses

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Water companies in England and Wales
outperform comparable water sectors in Europe
     eading international water industry         study, and that the model has driven up            world-class drinking water, reliable sewerage
     experts Global Water Intelligence           standards and reduced overall costs.               services and protection of the environment.
     examined the quality of water and              Commenting on the new study, Water UK              The Global Water Intelligence’s report,
wastewater utilities in six European countries   Chief Executive Michael Roberts said: “The         International Comparisons of Water
over the past 28 years, based on six key         water industry has come a long way since           Sector Performance, sets out the six key
service performance indicators. They             privatisation in 1989, and customers are           areas where they felt there was enough
found that the water sector in England           now five times less likely to have interrupted     data to make meaningful comparisons
and Wales has outperformed those in              water supplies, eight times less likely to         between the service in the different
France, Ireland, Italy and Spain since 1990      suffer sewer flooding, and 100 times less          countries. Those six areas were:
in terms of the most important measures          likely to have low water pressure. The               • Water compliance – how good is the
on water and sewerage. In five of the six key    business plans that companies have put                  water that comes out of the taps              Find out how SSE Enterprise Energy Solutions
performance measures – including water           forward for 2020 to 2025 propose an extra            • The quality of wastewater treatment
quality, customer service and costs – the        £50 billion of investment, which would               • Customer service
                                                                                                                                                       can help improve your building performance.
English and Welsh water sector is either         see the service improved even further.”              • Non-revenue water – the amount of
the top performer or the most improved.             The highlights from the draft business plans         water ‘lost’ in the system through leakage,
                                                                                                                                                              Call us on                Or visit
   In the sixth measure – the quality of         for the water industry in England were set              faulty meters or unauthorised use
sewage treatment – the English and Welsh         out in the Manifesto for Water, published on         • The charge of water and                               0345 072 9529   
water sector is the second top performer.        the 3rd of September 2018. The manifesto                wastewater to customers
   The report found that the water sector in     outlined a 16 per cent cut in leakage, an            • The total cost to run the
Germany delivers a broadly similar quality       above 4 per cent real-term reduction in                 service per person
service to that of England and Wales but does    average bills, and a 90 per cent increase in          More than 220 sources were examined
so at greater expense – with prices about 12     the number of customers receiving financial        for the report, which was commissioned by
per cent higher than in England and Wales.       support from their water company. It also          Water UK, and several national agencies and
   The report concludes that there is a strong   includes a new programme for helping the           statistics offices were contacted directly,
case for stating that the water system in        environment, which will see 8000 km of                The full report can be found on the GWI
England and Wales delivers the best value        rivers cleaned and improved. The average           website ( and
for money of all the utility sectors in the      household bill is currently around £1 a day for    the Water UK website (

Consumers ready to fully embrace the transition to electric buses
NEWS                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           NEWS

QUEEN’S QUAY SET FOR SCOTLAND’S FIRST                                                                                                                NEW SOCIAL HOUSING MUST BE ENERGY
MAJOR WATER SOURCE HEAT PUMP PROJECT                                                                                                                 EFFICIENT AND FIT FOR THE FUTURE
T                                                                                                                                                    A report into England’s
       he £250m Queen’s Quay regeneration                                                                                                                                                                    for many tenants.
       project in Clydebank is set to be the site
       of one of The UK’s most exciting energy                                                                                                       housing crisis claims                                      Recently introduced
                                                                                                                                                                                                             MEES (Minimum Energy
projects, creating Scotland’s first of its kind                                                                                                      that three million new                                  Efficiency Standards)
large-scale water source heat pump scheme
to connect to a district heating network                                                                                                             social houses must                                      legislation in 2018
                                                                                                                                                                                                             required private landlords
which will be delivered by Vital Energi.                                                                                                             be built in the next                                    to ensure their properties
   The ground-breaking scheme will initially
see the installation of 5MW of water source
                                                                                                                                                     20 years, in order to                                   were a minimum grade
                                                                                                                                                                                                             E in the knowledge that
heat pumps (2 x 2.5MW) which will take heat                                                                                                          address the problem.                                    this will improve the living
from the river Clyde and use it to provide

                                                                                                                                                                                                             conditions of those on low
heating and hot water for the surrounding                                                                                                                  he report was authored by 16                      incomes, with lower fuel
development. The heat generated at the                                                                                                                     independent commissioners,                        bills and warmer homes.
energy centre will be pumped through 2.5km                                                                                                                 including former Labour leader Ed                 The Decent Homes
of district heating pipe connecting local                                                                                                            Miliband and Baroness Syeeda Warsi,                     Standard has driven social                                                                                   Martyn Reed, Elmhurst’s Managing
homes, businesses and public buildings.                                                                                                              and identifies expensive and insecure                   housing to lead the way with energy                                                                          Director. “If the recommendation
   Scott Lutton, Operations Manager for                                                                                                              private renting as a particular barrier                 efficiency where the level of poor housing                                                                   becomes reality, the house builders will
Vital Energi says, “This is a very exciting                                                                                                          to home ownership, as well as a lack                    is about half that of the private sector.                                                                    need to build approximately 400,000
moment in the history of the Scotland’s                                                                                                              of readily available social housing.                       “Social housing and local authority                                                                       homes per annum, 42% more than today.
energy infrastructure. While there have                                                                                                                 The government has stated that                       delivered about 33,000 homes in                                                                              What is important is that the mistakes of
                                                    on Queens Quay and Clydebank as a whole          Quay but has the potential to serve
been small open water source heat pumps                                                                                                              providing social housing was a priority                 2016/17, and therefore an increase to                                                                        previous booms are not repeated. These
                                                    and we are delighted to welcome Vital            businesses and houses further afield.
in the past, this is by far the largest to                                                                                                           and that it plans to build 250,000 homes                150,000 a year for 20 years, to achieve                                                                      new homes must be built to the highest
                                                    Energi on board to help us deliver it.              “It will also make a major contribution
date. Water source heat pumps are a                                                                                                                  by 2022, including those for social rent.               the 3 million required, is a massive                                                                         standards of quality and energy efficiency
                                                       “Once completed, the network will             towards the Council’s climate change
low-carbon technology which will become                                                                                                              The condition of privately and social                   increase especially when you consider                                                                        to ensure that the future tenants don’t
                                                    provide heating and hot water to existing        targets to reduce CO2 emissions.”
more effective in reducing emissions                                                                                                                 rented properties was mentioned in                      that the whole sector currently delivers                                                                     become the fuel poor statistics of the
                                                    buildings including Clydebank Leisure Centre        David Pearson, Director of Star
as the grid decarbonises and we hope                                                                                                                 the report and remains a problem                        approximately 280,000 homes,” explains                                                                       future.”
                                                    and the Council office campus as well as         Renewables Energy who are manufacturing
that, when complete, it will prove an
                                                    serving the new homes. The Council aim           the heat pumps said, “As a local company,
inspiration to other local authorities who
                                                    to expand the network to include areas           we’re extremely proud that Scotland’s
want to reduce their carbon emissions.”
                                                    of Clydebank and Dalmuir and to address          first major water source heat pump
   The £15m energy project will provide
                                                    fuel poverty by providing affordable heat        project will not only be delivered in
heat for the areas homes, businesses
                                                    to local residents. West Dunbartonshire          Glasgow, but also manufactured in
and some public buildings including West
                                                    Council is leading the way with this project     Glasgow. This project, once again,
College Scotland, Clydebank Leisure
                                                    and our residents, businesses and the            underlines that Scotland is at the forefront
Centre, the Town Hall and Clydebank
                                                    environment will reap the rewards.”              of embracing renewable technologies
Library. The Queen’s Quay development
                                                       Councillor Marie McNair, Vice Convener        and driving down carbon emissions.”
will also see the creation of 1,000 private
                                                    of Infrastructure, Regeneration and                 West Dunbartonshire Council will meet
homes and 200 homes for social rent.
                                                    Economic Development, said: “The people          60% of the cost of the system with the
   Councillor Iain McLaren, Convener of
                                                    of Clydebank will see the benefits of this       Scottish Government funding £6m through
Infrastructure, Regeneration and Economic

                                                    pioneering project for generations to come.      the European Regional Development Fund
Development said: “The District Heating                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       SUSPENDED HEATER

                                                       “The system has been designed to not          via the Low Carbon Infrastructure Transition
Network will have a hugely positive impact                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               SENSOR
                                                    only serve the developments at Queens            Program (LCITP).                                                                                                                                                    OUTSTATION

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life leasing costs for public sector bodies
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     ifecycle Management Group, formerly            not only the initial cost of the lease, but      Finance, IBM United Kingdom Financial
                                                                                                                                                                      Make savings of up to 40%
     Leaseguard, announces the launch of            also the maximum rentals that will ever          Services, Shawbrook Bank, Siemens Financial                                                                                                               OUTSTATION

                                                                                                                                                                      Full site management system                                                                 GAS METER
     a new compliant framework for leasing          be charged under the lease - regardless          Services, Solutions Asset Finance, TP
services designed to deliver the lowest             of how often it is extended. NHS Trusts          Leasing and Triple Point Lease Partners.                         Wireless cloud communication
                                                                                                                                                                      and maintenance
whole-life leasing costs for Public Sector          and Public Bodies will be able to select the         Jonathan Wickens, Commercial Director
                                                                                                                                                                      Free annual service agreement*
bodies, including NHS Trusts. The framework         weighting they wish between initial and          for Lifecycle Management Group explains:
was created in partnership with Cambridge           whole-life cost, ensuring the right lease            “This framework has been specifically
University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust.          profile is selected to meet their needs.         designed with Ts and Cs to ensure our clients
   The framework differs from conventional             Following a rigorous selection process, the   receive bids that deliver the lowest whole-                    15 Carnarvon Street    0161 886 7190
                                                                                                                                                                    Manchester M3 1HJ     
leasing frameworks by focussing on achieving        following 12 lessors have been awarded a         life cost, rather than simply the lowest Day                                                                                                                                                                                Vickers a        company
the lowest whole-life costs, rather than just       place on the framework: Arkle Finance, BNP       1 cost. This reflects Lifecycle’s philosophy                 *Year 1
the lowest initial cost in isolation. During        Paribas Leasing Solutions, CHG-MERIDIAN          of keeping costs down at every stage of
a compliant, online mini-competition,               UK, De Lage Landen Leasing, First Asset          the leasing cycle and we’re thrilled to have
leasing companies are asked to bid for              Finance Capital, GE Capital Equipment            so many of the largest lessors on board.”

6        ENERGY MANAGER MAGAZINE • JANUARY 2019                                                                                                                                                                                                                             ENERGY MANAGER MAGAZINE • JANUARY 2019                                                     7
Consumers ready to fully embrace the transition to electric buses
NEWS                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               NEWS

    TEAM ENERGY’S ANNUAL CONFERENCE                                                                                                          WALES DRIVING LOW CARBON VEHICLE AGENDA
                                                                                                                                                    utomotive giants including Aston         19th century by Welshman William Grove.
                                                                                                                                                    Martin, Nissan, Renault, Peugeot            Aston Martin’s Andy Haslam said: “At Aston
    THAT AFFECT THE INDUSTRY                                                                                                                        and Toyota gathered at Hensol
                                                                                                                                             Castle in the Vale of Glamorgan to show
                                                                                                                                                                                             Martin we understand emerging technologies
                                                                                                                                                                                             and want to maintain our position at
                                                                                                                                             Wales’ readiness to maximise on the huge        the cutting edge of the industry. We are
    A talented line-up of expert speakers joined TEAM at                                                                                     opportunities presented by electric and         undertaking the most ambitious growth plan

    their Energy Management Conference to talk about the                                                                                     hydrogen vehicles at the country’s first ever
                                                                                                                                             Low Carbon Intelligent Mobility conference.
                                                                                                                                                                                             of any luxury car manufacturer ever, creating
                                                                                                                                                                                             the most accomplished automotive art in the
    challenges of a Changing Energy Landscape.

                                                                                                                                                Aston Martin Vehicle Line Director           world, based on craftsmanship and artistry.
                                                                                                                                             Andy Haslam was there to talk about the         We’re embarking on a new era of electric in
                     n 20 November, TEAM          data can help energy management and          emissions reduction pledge by 2020.           company’s new electric vehicles, the Rapide E   Wales, never losing sight of our customers,       production next summer.
                     Energy hosted their annual   efficiency in organisations. Yellowfin,         TEAM’s Service Delivery Director           luxury saloon which will begin manufacturing    and who they are likely to be in the future.”        The event was chaired by motoring
                     conference with a theme      TEAM’s software partner, worked with         rounded off the day with a summary of         in nearby St. Athan in the spring, and the         The event recognised Welsh innovation          presenter and journalist and passionate
                     of the Changing Energy       TEAM to create an Energy Intelligence        changes to the organisation since the         Lagonda EV in the coming years. He was          with an appearance by the distinctive             advocate of electric vehicles Quentin
                     Landscape. Speakers from     module for TEAM’s Sigma software.            takeover, just over a year ago. He also       joined by Carl Bayliss, Head of Nissan EV,      gullwing Riversimple Rasa, built in Powys,        Willson, and saw Welsh Government outline
    industry-leading organisations shared            Shawn Deegan said: “We don’t              presented a comprehensive 12-month            Tony Walker, Managing Director Toyota           a pioneering hydrogen-powered fuel cell           its policies to support decarbonisation,
    their insights on the changing landscape      all see the same pattern in data.            roadmap for TEAM to drive operational         Motor Europe, and Welsh Government              electric vehicle; and news of Cardiff-based       focussing on the automotive supply chain
    and gave information about how evolving       Energy Managers have a broad role            efficiency with industry standard             Economy Secretary Ken Skates who talked         Hemmels’ production of the world’s first          changes and opportunities as cars go from
    technologies can play a positive role.        in organisations - Sigma Energy              processes, and boost data quality with        about the Clean Air Plan for Wales, and         electric Mercedes-Benz Pagoda, a beautifully      the internal combustion engine to electric
       TEAM’s CEO, Simon Miles, set the           Intelligence can provide analytics across    automation, for TEAM’s Bureau service.        reminded delegates that the hydrogen fuel       crafted rebuild of one of the world’s most        and hydrogen power sources.
    scene and National Grid’s Power               numerous datasets, help with data               Graham Paul, Service Delivery Director     cell was actually invented in Swansea in the    desirable classic cars, which goes into
    Responsive Manager, Rhiannon Marsh,           storytelling and add context to all of the   said: “The bureau service recently

                                                                                                                                             Crown Estate Scotland issues first agreement
    talked further about managing demand          information that is found in the data”       recovered eight times more in savings
    with available energy sources with their         One of the regulatory issues facing       than the cost of the service to one of
    Reforming Balancing Service. Sagnik           the industry was addresses by Gary           our customers in one single month. This
    Murthy from ABB took the conversation
    onto ideas around energy resilience
                                                  Shanahan from the Department for
                                                  Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy
                                                                                               has been the highest cost savings ratio
                                                                                               we’ve ever seen. This has been driven by      for critical CO2 storage infrastructure
    and the opportunities for generation,         (BEIS). He gave a detailed overview          our improved processes around quality
                                                                                                                                                    rown Estate Scotland has                 Crown Estate Scotland. Making sure that
    solar power and battery storage.              of the new Streamlined Energy and            data and knowledge. By evolving the
                                                                                                                                                    announced that it has signed             Scotland can use our natural resources to
    KiWi Power’s Growth Strategy and              Carbon Reporting Strategy. He then           service with our 2019 roadmap, we will
                                                                                                                                                    its first ever lease option for          host this type of cutting-edge technology
    Innovations Champion, Richard Hardy,          went on to address some broader              continue to increase utility bill recovery
                                                                                                                                             carbon dioxide (CO2) storage.                   is something we’re very proud to be a
    challenged Business Secretary Greg            issues in a roundtable discussion. These     success rates for all of our customers.”
                                                                                                                                                The project, Acorn CCS, which will be        part of, working alongside developers
    Clark’s notion that the Energy Trilemma       included the financial qualifications in        Another area for TEAM’s focus for
                                                                                                                                             based at the St Fergus Gas Terminal on          such as Pale Blue Dot. We look forward to
    is over. He went on to highlight the          parallel to ESOS, the future of RHI, how     2019 is the continued development of
                                                                                                                                             the Aberdeenshire coast, is designed            working with industry and Government to
    benefits of Demand Side Response              SMEs will be involved, and minimum           the flagship Sigma software. There will be
                                                                                                                                             to take advantage of existing oil and           help unlock the potential of this area.”
    and how it is an environmentally              building ratings in new developments.        enhancements to the Sigma EI module
                                                                                                                                             gas assets to quickly deliver large scale,         Alan James, Managing Director of Pale
    friendly and cost-effective method               Later in the day, Verdantix analyst       which will give customers endless data
                                                                                                                                             cost-effective CO2 transport and storage        Blue Dot Energy and Acorn CCS Project
    of stabilising the National Grid.             Susan Clarke presented smart building        driven opportunities. There will be data
                                                                                                                                             infrastructure in the Central North Sea.        Leader, said: “Securing this lease option from
       Tradition Energy took the agenda           innovation and gave 3 key ideas to           integration and importing enhancements,
                                                                                                                                                This is the first lease option issued by     Crown Estate Scotland is a really important
    to a slightly less bright horizon. Craig      make buildings smart. Firstly, boost         budgeting improvements and the
                                                                                                                                             Crown Estate Scotland for this technology       step to help us develop one of the UK’s first
    Mackellar revealed the extent to which        operational insights from existing           launch of a tenant billing application.
                                                                                                                                             since being established in April 2017 and       CO2 transportation and storage networks.
    wholesale energy prices are rising.           data; secondly, utilise IoT through             Graham added: “To complement
                                                                                                                                             signals the organisation’s commitment to        Through Acorn CCS, Scotland can use legacy
    He reflected that the 70% loss of UK          facility sensors; and finally, tap into      our software and outsourcing services,
                                                                                                                                             nurturing innovation and contributing to        oil and gas assets to deliver environmental          When combined with critical CCUS
    gas storage has put huge pressure             emerging cost-free solutions.                we have a pool of talented energy
                                                                                                                                             Scotland’s ambitious climate change targets.    benefits, unlocking CO2 transportation            infrastructure, Scotland’s excellent geology
    on prices in a market that is made               We heard from TEAM’s customers            consultants. They offer a range of
                                                                                                                                                An option is a precursor to a full lease.    and storage solutions for other carbon            deep below the Central North Sea has the
    up of one third gas generation. Price         too. Kamar Zaman and Shaun Spencer           services like DECs, EPCs, Energy Audits,
                                                                                                                                             It gives the developer confidence that          capture utilisation and storage (CCUS)            potential to host around 75% of the UK’s
    volatility is a result of unpredictable       talked about a shared service approach       ESOS reporting and RHI, and more. Over
                                                                                                                                             rights to carry out studies can be granted      projects along the east coast of the UK.”         capacity of CO2 emissions, helping meet both
    wind power and inconsistent storage.          to energy management at the London           the next 12 months we will be raising
                                                                                                                                             and will allow other work to progress              Paul Wheelhouse, Minister for Energy,          UK and Scottish climate change targets. St
    He emphasised the need to be                  Borough of Haringey and Hackney.             the profile of this service and growing
                                                                                                                                             the proposal. Once new consents are             Connectivity and the Islands welcomed             Fergus Gas Terminal is an active industrial
    interconnected with Europe and hoped          Simon Chubb, Environmental Manager at        the consultancy business” This event
                                                                                                                                             secured, permissions and consents               the lease option agreement: “This is a very       site where around 35% of all the natural
    that we wouldn’t have a cold January.         Anglia Ruskin University, demonstrated       has been running for 30 years, but this
                                                                                                                                             from UK agencies are also required.             important step forward for the Acorn Project      gas used in the UK comes onshore, making
       Shawn Deegan from Yellowfin went           his approach to cost-effective carbon        year, TEAM wanted to take delegates on
                                                                                                                                                Carbon capture and storage is a process      and Scotland. Scotland’s key CCUS resource        it an excellent location to construct and
    on to inspire the delegates about how         saving and achieving the public sector       a journey of enlightenment around the
                                                                                                                                             which captures large quantities of carbon       is our vast potential for the storage of carbon   operate new industrial facilities (such as
                                                                                               changing energy landscape. It was the
                                                                                                                                             dioxide emissions from industrial processes     dioxide (CO2). Scotland’s ‘over-supply’ of        hydrogen generation) and to initiate an
                                                                                               first time that a range of industry experts
      Quotes from delegates                                                                    shared the stage and presented forward
                                                                                                                                             before it is released into the atmosphere.
                                                                                                                                             The CO2 is then transported and stored
                                                                                                                                                                                             offshore geological storage assets, such
                                                                                                                                                                                             as can be found in the Central North Sea,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               early CCUS transport and storage hub.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  As the body responsible for leasing the
                                                                                               thinking ideas and technologies. This sets
                                                                                                                                             in suitable underground locations – the         presents us, as a nation, with an economic        rights to renewable energy and CO2 storage
                                                                                               a precedent for TEAM who are committed
      Peter McCourt, Group Energy and             Lauren Nazarko, Energy Bureau                                                              rock formations deep below the Central          opportunity in future to be at the centre         up to 200 nautical miles from shore, Crown
                                                                                               to ensuring their products and services
      Environmental Manager at DW                 Analyst at Land Securities Group PLC:                                                      North Sea are internationally recognised        of a hub for the importation and storage          Estate Scotland has an integral role in CCUS,
                                                                                               are not only relevant to the needs of their
      Fitness First: “The event was               “I really enjoyed the presentation                                                         for their excellent CO2 storage potential.      of CO2 from Europe. In such a way we can          and has been working with industry and
                                                                                               customers, but also are compatible in the
      thoroughly insightful, informative          from ABB on battery storage.”                                                                 Colin Palmer, Head of Marine at Crown        further help address the threat posed by          Government to help develop the sector in
                                                                                               ever-evolving energy sector.
      and highly engaging.”                                                                                                                  Estate Scotland, said: “This is a major         climate change, while also utilising the skills   Scotland.
                                                                                                                                             milestone for the both the industry and         within Scotland’s energy supply chain.”

8   ENERGY MANAGER MAGAZINE • JANUARY 2019                                                                                                                                                                              ENERGY MANAGER MAGAZINE • JANUARY 2019                           9
Consumers ready to fully embrace the transition to electric buses
OPINION                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        OPINION

                                                   s fossil fuel resources are        has no capacity to absorb new fossil fuel       estimate suggests that if one in three          that currently, the largest battery project             The recent influx of smaller energy
                                                   depleted and demand                plants. We know that we cannot continue         cars sold in 2035 is electric, the charging     in the UK stand at 50 MW with Statera’s           companies is disrupting the market.
                                                   for sustainable energies           to rely on fossil fuels to generate the         of vehicles would account for 3% of the         Pelham Storage project, due to be                 There are now 60+ energy suppliers
                                                   increase, we are looking to a      electricity required for industry, transport    UK’s total electricity demand. The power        completed this December. The project,             in the UK market – a fourfold increase
                                                   future of total electrification    and buildings. This year, electricity           generation available at present simply          near Bishop’s Stortford in Hertfordshire,         compared to a decade ago. These
                                      of energy in homes, industry and                generation from coal decreased by 47            won’t meet this increase in demand.             has the potential to provide enough               energy providers have been credited
                                      transport. This is a world-wide                 per cent from June to August, compared              Short power outages for homes               power for over 13,000 average UK homes            with opening up competition in the
                                      movement, but specifically in the UK, is        to the same period in 2017, representing        are disruptive, but nothing compared            at any time. Drax have also announced             energy space, leading to better deals
                                      the National Grid prepared to meet this         just 1.2 per cent of total MPP supply. The      to the damage that can be done in               plans to build a 200 MW battery                   for customers and much-improved
                                      demand? Renewable energy solutions              gap left needed to be filled by a significant   industry. Pressures on the grid can             storage project in North Yorkshire.               switching rates. More than half a
                                      like solar serve a vital role in meeting        increase in energy production from              result in so called ‘brown-outs’: drops                                                           million customers switched to different
                                      future energy requirements, but are             renewable sources. Indeed, September            in voltage in an electrical power supply        THE COST OF                                       electricity suppliers in September 2018:
                                      the systems currently in place able to          this year saw a major milestone in the UK       system. If this happens in manufacturing        DECENTRALISATION                                  the highest number of switches in a
                                      monitor and react to the significant            power market as for the first time there        plants the results can be devastating,                Taking energy demand out of the             month so far this year. And start-up
                                      changes in demand expected?                     was more renewables capacity on the             resulting in six figure damages. More           National Grid and localising it presents          energy companies such as Octopus
                                                                                      grid than fossil fuels. The challenge for       and more big businesses are looking             some interesting challenges to the                and OVO energy are offering 100%
                                      SHIFTS TO                                       the National Grid is how it will balance        for back-ups to their supply. So, what          utilities sector. Less than 40% of an             green electricity, allowing consumers
                                      ELECTRIFICATION                                 these different energy sources in order         can we do to protect consistency in             energy bill is the wholesale cost of the          to choose energy solutions which are
                                                                                                                                      supply? One answer is likely to be                                                                aligned to their environmental concerns.
     Paul Hutchens is CEO                  Shifts towards total electrification       to maintain consistency in supply.
                                                                                           The six large energy companies             battery storage and smart technology.
                                                                                                                                                                                      energy, the remaining 60+% covers
                                                                                                                                                                                      network costs, operating costs etc. As                  Peer-to-peer energy trading is also
                                      can be seen across buildings and
     of Midlands-based                transport, and this movement is gaining         dominating the market are having
                                                                                                                                      SOLAR, SMART                                    the sources of electricity production             a model that is set to benefit end users.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        The model which is still in development,
                                                                                      to show unprecedented agility and                                                               change, infrastructure changes are
     solar specialists,               pace. Looking first at buildings - the
                                      Government’s Clean Growth Strategy              flexibility in reacting to changes in           TECHNOLOGY                                      needed, and the cost of electricity               will allow for producers and consumers
                                                                                                                                      AND STORAGE
     Eco2Solar. He is                                                                 sources of energy. At the same time,                                                            distribution will increase. This means            to trade electricity directly, rather than
                                      released in 20171 recommends                                                                                                                                                                      selling to, and buying from the grid. In
                                                                                      these companies are being challenged                 We believe batteries are going to be       bigger bills. As bills increase, more
     a board member                   “phasing out the installation of high
                                      carbon fossil fuel heating in both              by the emergence of more nimble,                a big shock absorber for the changes in         consumers and businesses will choose              addition, the advancement of battery
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        technology and cheaper batteries is going
     of the Solar Trade               domestic and non-domestic buildings
                                      off the gas grid during the 2020s,
                                                                                      small power generators, which can
                                                                                      immediately smooth supply of energy
                                                                                                                                      demand expected across both domestic
                                                                                                                                      and industry settings. An Energy Storage
                                                                                                                                                                                      to capture and store their own electricity,
                                                                                                                                                                                      effectively becoming ‘off grid’. This             to allow more consumers and businesses

     Association (STA), the           starting with new build.” In addition,          supply. These small generators, often
                                                                                      positioned in sites that experience power
                                                                                                                                      report from February 20183 states that “In      creates something of a spiral effect in the
                                                                                                                                                                                      utilities market. Investment in the grid is
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        to install more effective, smarter battery
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        systems on their premises. Just think
                                                                                                                                      megawatt-hours, battery energy storage
     UK’s leading solar               following recommendations from the
                                      Climate Change Committee, there is              shortages are presenting ‘two-way’ power        capacities installed in the UK by the end       necessary to ensure supply consistency,           what the batteries in laptops were like 10
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        years ago. Battery units are now cheaper,
     industry voice, and              widespread agreement that heating               systems where low carbon energy such
                                                                                      as solar are complemented by energy
                                                                                                                                      of 2022 will be 50 times what they were
                                                                                                                                      as 2017 ended.” As well as solar panels,
                                                                                                                                                                                      but each user that comes off the grid
                                                                                                                                                                                      reduces the grid’s ability to absorb these        lighter and more efficient. These great
                                      must be decarbonised in order to
     Chairman of the STA’s            meet the UK’s 2050 carbon targets.              sources like batteries and small, local         Eco2Solar install EV charging points            costs – and the increased costs will be           advances in battery technology are likely
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        to benefit consumers in and out of home.
                                                                                      power stations. These ‘pop-ups’ are             and battery storage in new houses. We           passed on in increased energy bills for
     New Build Working                     In terms of transport, all eyes are
                                      on electric vehicles (EVs). In 2017,            increasingly valuable at times of peak          are preparing for a significant increase        those still needing connection to the                   This is all good news for the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        consumer. The mix of new services and
     Group which aims to              the Government pledged to ban                   demand, especially as we experience
                                                                                      more phases of extreme weather.
                                                                                                                                      in demand over the coming years as
                                                                                                                                      individuals and companies aim to be
                                                                                                                                                                                      Grid. This dynamic is going to be very
                                                                                                                                                                                      difficult to stop once it builds momentum         business models such as peer-to-peer
                                      production of new petrol and diesel
     inform governments,              car sales by 2040 and more recently
                                                                                      THE ENERGY GAP?
                                                                                                                                      more self-reliant. It is still early days for   and creates significant problems for              energy trading, home energy storage,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        smart tariffs should drive down bills.
                                                                                                                                                                                      the utilities sector. Self-sufficiency
     councils, house                  there have been calls to bring that
                                      ban forward to 2032. Several large                  To date, the Office of National
                                                                                                                                      home batteries, but costs are starting
                                                                                                                                      to come down. The space is starting             in energy generation is welcomed                        Electrification is gaining pace, and

     builders and                                                                                                                                                                     but the safety net of a centralised               this represents an opportunity for
                                      car manufacturers have announced                Statistics (ONS) reports that demand for        to get interesting, as the big six energy
                                                                                                                                                                                      electricity resource is also important.           significant reductions in energy bills for
                                                                                      electricity has been pretty constant. In the    companies race to make their mark in
     consumers about                  that they will shortly stop production
                                      of vehicles powered solely by internal          25 October2 report detailing availability       the consumer solar and storage market.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        consumers. The process is not going to
                                                                                                                                                                                      WHAT THIS MEANS                                   be without challenges, and it is going
     sustainability in                combustion engine. Volvo will stop next
                                      year and Jaguar Land Rover in 2020.
                                                                                      and consumption of electricity, ONS
                                                                                      notes “Overall for the three-month period
                                                                                                                                           Smart technology is key to getting
                                                                                                                                      the most out of these storage solutions.        FOR CUSTOMERS                                     to be interesting to see which of the

     housing. Here,                   Other major manufacturers plan to               to August 2018, consumption in the              In homes, smart energy systems can                    Unlike fossil fuels, electricity can
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        energy companies thrive and which
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        fail to keep the pace. In the meantime,
                                                                                                                                      balance the overall electricity load,
     Paul discusses the               release high-profile electric models,
                                      including Volkswagen who have recently
                                                                                      industrial sector increased by 0.8 per cent
                                                                                      compared to the same period in 2017.            using the ‘free’ electricity from the
                                                                                                                                                                                      be captured and stored at home
                                                                                                                                                                                      through domestic solar and battery
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        focus on off-grid energy solutions like
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        solar greatens, and we’re already seeing
     quickening pace                  announced plans to handle production            Consumption by other final users had
                                                                                      a 0.1 per cent increase on the previous
                                                                                                                                      sun to run appliances at times when
                                                                                                                                      energy from the Grid is at its highest
                                                                                                                                                                                      systems. As climate change becomes                increased interest in the battery storage
                                      of 50 million electric vehicles.                                                                                                                an increasing concern for end users,
     towards electrification               Electrification of industry is following   year.” In 1997, total consumption of            cost. The ability to store energy at            it is anticipated that this will further
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        solutions. We are looking forward to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        working with more house builders as
                                                                                                                                      peak times and use it at low peak will
     of energy the UK,                suit behind buildings and transport, but
                                      the pace of change is slower. However,
                                                                                      energy in the UK was 321TWh. Twenty
                                                                                      years on, in 2017 we consumed just              present cost benefits to consumers.
                                                                                                                                                                                      influence government policy and
                                                                                                                                                                                      regulation and accelerate adoption of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        the shift towards electrification quickens
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        and demand for sustainable solutions
     what this shift means            for buildings and transport the not-            308TWh. There are many reasons for this              Investment in out-of-home storage
                                                                                                                                      is soaring. Energy Storage News reports
                                                                                                                                                                                      sustainable technologies throughout               continues.
                                      so-distant future looks to be electric.         including the improved energy efficiency                                                        homes industry and transport.
     for the grid, and how                                                            of electrical products, systems and
                                      INDUSTRY RESPONSE                                                                               1.   GOV.UK. 2018. Clean Growth Strategy -           - GOV.UK . [ONLINE] Available at: https://        2022 | Energy Storage News. [ONLINE]
     our electric future              TO ELECTRIFICATION
                                                                                      processes. However, this is set to change.
                                                                                      In 2017, the National Grid warned that
                                                                                                                                           GOV.UK . [ONLINE] Available at: https://                 Available at:

     should ultimately
                                                                                                                                              electricity-section-5-energy-trends.              news/news/uk-battery-storage-to-enjoy-
                                                                                      by 2030, electric cars could require 3.5-            clean-growth-strategy. [Accessed 20             [Accessed 20 November 2018]                       explosive-growth-to-2022. [Accessed 21
                                         In November 2018, the International
                                                                                      8GW of additional capacity, on top of the
     benefit all consumers.           Energy Agency reported that the world
                                                                                      current peak demand of 60GW. Another            2.
                                                                                                                                           November 2018].
                                                                                                                                           GOV.UK. 2018. Energy Trends: electricity
                                                                                                                                                                                      3.   Energy Storage News. 2018. UK battery
                                                                                                                                                                                           storage to enjoy ‘explosive growth’ to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             November 2018]..

10     ENERGY MANAGER MAGAZINE • JANUARY 2019                                                                                                                                                                            ENERGY MANAGER MAGAZINE • JANUARY 2019                          11
Consumers ready to fully embrace the transition to electric buses
OPINION                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              OPINION

HEAT: DETANGLING                                                                                                                                              NEW ENERGY TECHNOLOGY
DECARBONISATION                                                                                                                                               COULD SAVE BRITISH
Kevin Stickney, Managing Director at Erda
                                                                                                                                                              HOSPITALITY AND LEISURE
                                                                                                                                                              SECTOR £310M-A-YEAR
Energy, argues clearer thinking is needed to meet
decarbonisation goals in the heating sector.

I                                                                                                                                                             T
                                                                                                         Building Council recently called again for
     f I asked you: should we get the train or        path to zero carbon power. That means
                                                                                                         action on this point). Reinstating the zero
                                                                                                                                                                                                            UK businesses in the hospitality and
     drive? Take the motorway or the B-roads?         immediate carbon savings for electrified                                                                            he report Distributed Energy:
                                                                                                         carbon homes policy that was scrapped in
     Will the traffic be bad? You’d probably          heat that will only grow as the grid greens.                                                                        Powering the future of
                                                                                                         2015 would be a start, as would upping the
     reply: well, where is it you’re going exactly?
          Because trying to plan a journey
                                                           Electrolysis, by contrast, is at least a
                                                      generation away at a commercially viable
                                                                                                         ambition on the new ECO consultation.
                                                                                                                                                                          hospitality and leisure, found
                                                                                                                                                                          that if just 50% of businesses
                                                                                                                                                                                                            leisure sector could save at least
 without an idea of destination is doomed             scale. Nor will it appear spontaneously: most
                                                                                                              Then look at the opportunity presented
                                                                                                         by smart heating controls such as Hive and
                                                                                                                                                                          in the sector adopted new         £310m-a-year on their energy bills by
 to fail. Yet that’s precisely where we’ve
 found ourselves in the debate around
                                                      likely it will only take off if there is already
                                                      an extensive hydrogen network, meaning in
                                                                                                         Nest. We are woeful at controlling heat in
                                                                                                                                                              energy technology it would boost UK
                                                                                                                                                              economic growth by £3.7bn GVA (Gross          adopting new energy technologies like
 decarbonising heat in the UK.                        the meantime we’d need to rely on steam
                                                                                                         the UK but software will eat inefficiency
                                                                                                         and smartphone apps will boost user
                                                                                                                                                              Value Added) and support 50,000 jobs.
                                                                                                                                                                   The hospitality and leisure sector
                                                                                                                                                                                                            solar panels and batteries, according
       We know some things for certain: 2050          methane reforming (SMR), which releases
 is only 32 years away, by which time we need         carbon which would need to be captured
                                                                                                         engagement to help reduce peak demand.
                                                                                                         Coupled with better insulated, less wasteful
                                                                                                                                                              is the UK’s third largest employer and        to a report published by Centrica.
 100 per cent, total decarbonisation of heat to       by carbon capture and sequestration (CCS).                                                              spends more than £1.3bn a year on
                                                                                                         homes, we could see that ‘six times’ gap                                                           year (1.3 MtCO2e), or the equivalent           The facilities team must ensure
 meet our legally and morally binding climate         That technology that doesn’t currently exist                                                            energy. Businesses have been challenged
                                                                                                         start to narrow pretty quickly (in fact, we                                                        of 23 million tonnes by 2030. This is     power is supplied to all of these different
 commitments. We also know that the two               at the required commercial scale either.                                                                to improve their energy productivity
                                                                                                         already are). These are no-regrets courses                                                         equal to the annual carbon emissions      buildings as well as provide heat for
 frontrunner ‘big ideas’ are electrification and      Bloomberg New Energy Finance’s Michael                                                                  by 20% by 2030, as set out by the
                                                                                                         of action that need to happen now.                                                                 associated with the energy use of         the 1,000m³ of water in the waterpark.
 greening the gas network with hydrogen. But          Liebreich recently wrote that “anyone                                                                   Government’s Clean Growth Strategy.
                                                                                                              Having reduced heating demand, we                                                             421,000 homes, or equivalent to the       Centrica Business Solutions installed a
 that’s where clarity stops and we’ve jumped          promoting SMR-based hydrogen as a climate                                                                    Alan Barlow, UK and Ireland Director
                                                                                                         can start to think about how electrification                                                       entire housing stock of Norfolk.          combined heat and power unit (CHP)
 immediately to internecine squabbles about           solution deserves their own circle of hell.”                                                            at Centrica Business Solutions, said: “New
                                                                                                         fares at meeting what remains. Would it                                                                                                      at the resort capable of generating
 the costs and technical challenges of each.               Both options fail on beginning to                                                                  energy technology has the potential to
 We’re fretting about traffic and lane closures       deliver complete decarbonisation now.
                                                                                                         really create just too much power demand?
                                                                                                                                                              drive growth, increase efficiency and help    CASE STUDY: ALTON                         up to 850kWh of electricity. CHP is a
 before deciding where we’re headed.                  It could take 20-30 years to see these
                                                                                                         It’s worth pointing out that we don’t reliably
                                                                                                                                                              give businesses in the hospitality and        TOWERS RESORT                             form of on-site energy generation that
                                                                                                         measure heat demand the same way we do                                                                                                       uses the heat by-product of electricity
       That’s tangled thinking. Step one              technologies deployed at the necessary                                                                  leisure sector a competitive advantage.           An example of a hospitality
                                                                                                         for electricity. Usually we use gas demand as a                                                                                              generation so that it can be put to
 is to figure out which option offers                 scale. We can’t wait a generation to start                                                                   “Investing in this area doesn’t just     business realising the benefits of new
                                                                                                         proxy, so interlinked they are. But gas is never                                                                                             use – in this case, to maintain water
 the most credible path to complete                   serious decarbonisation of heat.                                                                        make sense financially. Businesses are        energy technology is the 550-acre
                                                                                                         100 per cent efficient, there is always wasted                                                                                               temperature in the park. Meeting these
 decarbonisation (and can start having an                                                                                                                     increasingly harnessing the sustainability    Alton Towers Resort. It is home to four
 effect immediately). Step two is to then             RUMOURS OF                                         energy. So we may well find that final energy
                                                                                                                                                              benefits of low-carbon energy technology      hotels, a conference centre, more than    two needs from one source results
                                                                                                         demand is a little less dramatic than we think.
 address the challenges. Who picks where              IMPOSSIBILITY, GREATLY                                                                                  to attract and retain growing numbers         a dozen restaurants and Europe’s          in an annual saving on energy costs
                                                                                                              Second, electrification and thermal
 they’re going because the roads are clear?           EXAGGERATED                                        storage technologies open up possibilities
                                                                                                                                                              of environmentally-savvy consumers.”          largest waterpark. The hotels alone can   for Alton Towers of 12% a year.
                                                                                                                                                                   The research suggests that               accommodate 2,500 guests and 400 staff.
                                                            So: electrification offers the only
 THE CART PULLING                                                                                        to time-shift demand, smoothing the ‘6x’
                                                                                                                                                              savings could be achieved by adopting
                                                      currently credible path to zero carbon             peaks. This could be as simple as filling a hot
 THE HORSE                                            heating. With that as a starting point – the
                                                                                                                                                              distributed energy technology such
                                                                                                         water tank when power is plentiful overnight,
                                                                                                                                                              as efficient heating and lighting, solar,

                                                                                                                                                                                                                   THE ONLY
      Fretting about implementation                   horse firmly in front of the cart – what           or as advanced as using geo-exchange to
                                                                                                                                                              Combined Heat and Power (CHP) and
 challenges before assessing decarbonisation          are the challenges that this approach              store heat in the ground over summer to
                                                                                                                                                              battery storage. New energy monitoring
 potential is putting the cart before the             faces and are they surmountable?                   be used in winter. Electric systems can also

                                                                                                                                                                                                                 PUBLIC SECTOR
                                                                                                                                                              technology can also help to identify
 horse. How can we reverse that?                      What does the journey look like?                   participate in demand response programmes,
                                                                                                                                                              inefficient equipment and processes.
      We can start with some basic                          There is one overarching argument            which are increasingly popular at the
 questions. First, which technologies can             against electrification of heat that is put
                                                                                                                                                              CARBON EMISSIONS
                                                                                                         commercial and industrial level and promise
 deliver truly zero carbon heat and second,           forward time and time again: that peak
 which can start to do so now? To the                 heat demand in the UK is roughly six times
                                                                                                         great opportunity at the domestic one.
                                                                                                                                                              SAVINGS FOR THE
                                                                                                              So, let’s start right now by getting a better
                                                                                                                                                              HOSPITALITY AND
 first question, we can answer electrified            (‘6x’) peak power demand, and that the             understanding of actual heat demand and
 heat or electrolysis-generated hydrogen              volume of extra generation required and            reducing it – that first part of the journey is
                                                                                                                                                              LEISURE SECTOR
 powered by zero-carbon generation.                   the strain on the distribution grid makes          the same regardless of the destination. Then              The report follows the publication                                         
      To the second though, the only answer           it unfeasible. Thirty extra Hinkley C’s is         let’s get clear about where we’re headed and         of Centrica’s ‘Powering sustainability’
 is electrification, where various technologies       one questionable figure bandied about.             start planning how to get there – not the other      report in October, which found that
 have existed for decades, such as air and                  But that ‘6x’ argument doesn’t stack up.     way around. It’s clear to me that electrification    the hospitality and leisure sector
 ground source heat pumps, and are getting                  First, we have the fact that as a country    is the most viable route to truly zero-carbon        could reduce its annual carbon                          To receive Energy Manager Magazine
 better all the time. Moreover, they rely on          we have been incredibly lazy when it comes         heat and has the advantage that we have the          emissions by 14% through the
 electricity to generate heat – recognisably the      to controlling heat. Cheap, plentiful North        proven technology to start right now. There          adoption of new energy technology.                           FREE of charge, please visit:
 one area where we have achieved significant          Sea gas has seen the UK trundle along              are legitimate challenges – notably around                Centrica calculated that, if just half
 success in decarbonisation. Average grid
 carbon intensity stood at an estimated 254
                                                      with some of the most inefficient building
                                                      stock in Europe. There are big, easy wins to
                                                                                                         the peakiness argument – but they have been
                                                                                                         shown to be overblown. In any case though,
                                                                                                                                                              of hospitality and leisure businesses
                                                                                                                                                              in the UK adopted distributed energy             
 tonnes of carbon emitted per GWh produced
 by 2016, down from 456 in 2010. What’s
                                                      be had by tightening building regulations
                                                      to make our homes and businesses less
                                                                                                         we need to detangle our thinking and start           technology, the sector could reduce
                                                                                                                                                              emissions by the equivalent of 1.3
                                                                                                         making decisions now. Climate change won’t
 more, there is a credible (though not easy)          wasteful (both Energy UK and the UK Green          wait. So, where to?               million tonnes of carbon dioxide a

 12       ENERGY MANAGER MAGAZINE • JANUARY 2019                                                                                                                                                                                         ENERGY MANAGER MAGAZINE • JANUARY 2019                     13
Consumers ready to fully embrace the transition to electric buses
ENERGY MANAGEMENT                                                                                                                                                                                                               ENERGY MANAGEMENT

     COOL OUR HOMES AND                                                                                                                          it to use reduces our consumption of

                                                                                                                                                 fossil fuels. Creating an integrated, local
                                                                                                                                                 grid heightens resilience, particularly
                                                                                                                                                 against extreme weather and unplanned
                                                                                                                                                 outages, and by being thermally efficient

     Kevin Stickney, Managing                                                                                                                    we can also increase energy productivity.
                                                                                                                                                      As our data demand grows
     Director, Erda Energy.                                                                                                                      exponentially, we must stop to think

                                                                                                                                                 about how we power this need. The
                                                                                                                                                 amount of data that we need to

                                                                                                                                                                                                PRIVA BMS HELPS PRESERVE
                 he pace of change in how           synergies between data
                                                                                                                                                 process to keep up with the evolution
                 we produce and consume             centers and the
                                                                                                                                                 of the internet of things cannot also

                                                                                                                                                                                                HISTORIC HQ OF NATIONAL
                 data is accelerating. As           communities
                                                                                                                                                 see us exponentially increase power
                 our world becomes ever             in which they
                                                                                                                                                 too – particularly as we strive to meet

                                                                                                                                                                                                CENTRE FOR WRITING
                 more interconnected, we            serve. This
                                                                                                                                                 carbon and climate targets. So how can
     must adapt and plan for the needs of           brings us neatly
                                                                                                                                                 a data center operator squeeze more

     tomorrow – as if it were yesterday if          onto district
                                                                                                                                                 out of the energy that they use? How
     we want to keep up. Another major              energy, heating                                                                                                                                       he National Centre for Writing,        Controls Ltd (EMC), a long-standing Priva
                                                                                                                                                 can we process more kilobytes per
     change we face as a society is the             and cooling.                                                                                                                                          which has just completed               partner, was appointed to the project.
                                                                                                                                                 kilowatt hour? The likes of Facebook and
     shift to a world driven by renewables               Why burn a                                                                                                                                       a £2 million extension and                  This time around, however, the
                                                                                                                                                 Amazon are already committing to power
     in the face of climate change. Mostly          fossil fuel when                                                                                                                                      refurbishment project at its           list of demands was much longer as it
                                                                                                                                                 purchase agreements for renewable
     these shifts are considered in isolation,      we can capture                                                                                                                              headquarters in Norwich, called upon             involved the renovation of a structure
                                                                                                                                                 electricity, but the next move needs to
     but a more coordinated approach                energy instead?                                                                                                                             the capabilities of the latest Priva BMS         that is one of the famed ‘Norwich 12’
                                                                                                                                                 be valuing waste heat properly. It’s a
     reveals some useful intersections.                  District                                                                                                                               (building management system) as a                iconic buildings. Dragon Hall, which is
                                                                                                                                                 resource that can be recaptured and
                                                    energy is a                                                                                                                                 vital part of the upgrade. By installing         renowned for its spectacular timber
     NO TIME FOR BUFFERING                          network of hot
                                                                                                                                                 reused several times over and help to
                                                                                                                                                                                                state-of-the-art Priva Blue ID technology        crown-post roof and intricately carved
                                                                                                                                                 significantly improve energy productivity.
          The premise of the classic cat video      and cold-water                                                                  source of                                                   to monitor and control the internal              dragon, is symbolic of Norwich as a
                                                                                                                                                      After big weather events we often see
     is changing, where once we may have            pipes that can                                                               revenue, and                                                   climate, the organisation hopes to               city of historic national importance.
                                                                                                                                                 reports of energy infrastructure being
     required a few milliseconds to buffer and      be used to heat and                                                  for the community                                                      ensure that the building’s fabric,                    The existing BMS, as well as being
                                                                                                                                                 damaged and becoming unavailable, or
     then be on our way, the cat now requires       cool buildings, whether that                                 it’s a reliable source of                                                      which includes ancient timber beams,             unreliable, suffered from both poor
                                                                                                                                                 running at a reduced capacity. Whereas
     a constant, real-time connection for us to     be businesses, homes, universities,                   low carbon, low cost heat.                                                            is preserved in an optimum way.                  usability and operability, being described
                                                                                                                                                 keeping heat or cooling in the ground
     interact with him and move through his         shopping centers etc. In more traditional          Once you’ve looked at all the                                                                 Since 2015, the National Centre for         as “fiddly and not user friendly”. Upgrading
                                                                                                                                                 is virtually impossible to destroy, and
     augmented reality space. Cats in virtual       set ups the thermal energy is produced        economic options for capturing waste                                                          Writing has been based at Dragon Hall,           the system in terms of better control and
                                                                                                                                                 with much of the infrastructure below
     reality are perhaps a fairly low priority in   by boilers, combined heat and power or        heat in your local area, geo-exchange can                                                     a Grade I listed, 15th century medieval          easier maintenance, was thus a priority.
                                                                                                                                                 ground, it is a lower risk of damage. And
     terms of ensuring seamless data upload         absorption chillers, all of which rely on     provide the rest. Using deep boreholes to                                                     trading hall of significant historic interest.        At all stages of the project, EMC
                                                                                                                                                 in terms of disaster response, emergency
     and download, yet the internet of things,      using vast amounts of energy to generate      take advantage of the consistent ambient                                                      In such a building, factors like humidity        needed to be mindful in terms
                                                                                                                                                 responders increasingly depend on
     and emergency services, are not.               heating and cooling. Yet, waste heat is       temperature of the earth, geo-exchange                                                        can have an extremely detrimental and            of minimising any disruption to
                                                                                                                                                 the data network - having critical
          Latency – the measure of how long         all around us, seeping out of everyday        can provide both heating in winter and                                                        compromising effect on the internal              building’s day-to-day operations. As
                                                                                                                                                 infrastructure at full service, whether that
     it takes to retrieve data from a server        infrastructures such as sewers, electricity   cooling in summer. The system uses                                                            structure. With this fact in mind, and the       well as hosting the National Centre
                                                                                                                                                 be hospitals, fire and police stations or
     – is a critical issue when autonomous          substations, subways, buildings and EV        electricity as its only input and can ‘time-                                                  knowledge that the building’s existing           for Writing, an organisation called
                                                                                                                                                 the data network for those responders
     vehicles must make life-changing               charging stations as well as being stored     shift’ energy by storing or drawing excess                                                    BMS was reaching the end of its life and         the Dragon Hall Heritage Volunteers
                                                                                                                                                 to coordinate across, is lifesaving
     decisions instantly. It’s an important         in the ground around us and water             heat from the ground on either a short-                                                       becoming unreliable, the decision was            act as tour guides to the building,
                                                                                                                                                 stuff. While many of these facilities will
     one in lots of other applications              sources including rivers. So, it doesn’t      term (hour by hour) or long-term (season                                                      taken to invest in Priva technology.             which is also home to a museum.
                                                                                                                                                 have backup generators for power,
     too; nobody will be interested in              make sense to expend lots of new,             by season) basis. In essence it can ensure                                                         Although Dragon Hall, the Great                  Couple this task with the priority of
                                                                                                                                                 thermal provision is often overlooked.
     augmented reality if it cannot run as          fossil-fuel based energy to generate heat     thermal loads are matched at all times,                                                       Hall of which was built in 1430, is a            not compromising the building’s structural
                                                                                                                                                 In a hospital where controlling the
     smoothly as real life or does not meet         when we could just capture it instead.        providing the same level of system                                                            befitting home for such a prestigious            fabric, and the size of the challenge is
                                                                                                                                                 environment is critically important,
     our visual quality requirements.                    The opportunity for data centers         flexibility as any other thermal source.                                                      organisation as the National Centre              plain to see. The historical significance
                                                                                                                                                 a reliable, resilient system is key.
          The distance between user and                  The process of “data” involves                A whole-systems approach                                                                 for Writing, there is a constant need to         of Dragon Hall cannot be overstated;
                                                                                                                                                      So, as we step into this new world
     server is a key factor in determining the      converting masses of electricity into              Taking a local approach creates a                                                        ensure that the building is both fit for         although the Great Hall on the first floor
                                                                                                                                                 of augmented reality and the internet of
     level of latency: roughly 1 millisecond is     massive amounts of “heat” – which the         different way of thinking about energy.                                                       purpose and properly preserved for the           was built in the 15th century, some
                                                                                                                                                 things, it’s important we take a moment
     added for every 60 miles1 the data must        data needs to get rid of. Yet the same        It pushes us to take a holistic view of                                                       future. With this in mind, permission            parts of the site are much older. In fact,
                                                                                                                                                 to explore the new opportunities that this
     travel. To reduce latency and support the      heat that is a nuisance for data centers      the system around us, not just thinking                                                       was sought to upgrade the property.              archaeological research shows evidence
                                                                                                                                                 creates. And as urbanisation continues
     changing needs of data we must bring           can be a valuable resource for the            about energy, but about transport, data,                                                           Clearly, as part of such a major            of a Saxon building beneath the hall that
                                                                                                                                                 it will be especially important for those
     data centers closer to their users. In the     community. By looking beyond their own        infrastructure and behaviour, so that we                                                      innovation, the opportunity arose                was erected around the year 1000.
                                                                                                                                                 cities that are already struggling to meet
     past, many data centers were located           doors to collaborate with the community       can be smarter in meeting the needs                                                           to optimise the climate control for                   The upgraded and extended Dragon
                                                                                                                                                 the needs of their inhabitants. If we
     in remote areas, where real estate is          that they serve with all of their data        of our businesses and communities.                                                            both occupant comfort and building               Hall was opened in June 2018, and the
                                                                                                                                                 encourage everyone to share energy
     cheaper, and the power grid less strained,     needs and manage their thermal load                But taking a local approach does                                                         preservation. The existing building was          end user is reporting complete satisfaction
                                                                                                                                                 in this way, use can be optimised –
     but recent technological developments          collectively, everyone stands to benefit      not mean that the benefits are only                                                           served with an ageing BMS prone to               with the new BMS. Moving forward, more
                                                                                                                                                 meaning less resources required all
     open up new opportunities to create            from more affordable energy bills. For        local, there are systemwide benefits                                                          reliability issues. To address the situation,    benefits are anticipated.
     1        the data center it could be an additional     too. Capturing waste heat and putting                                                         Norwich-based Electrical and Mechanical

14   ENERGY MANAGER MAGAZINE • JANUARY 2019                                                                                                                                                                                      ENERGY MANAGER MAGAZINE • JANUARY 2019                         15
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