Afghanistan Public Private Partnership Project

Page created by Adam Robertson
Afghanistan Public Private Partnership Project
Afghanistan Public Private
Partnership Project
Ambitions and Challenges
The Role of UNDP in Promoting the PPP Programme through
Innovative SDG Finance
SDG Innovative Finance Aspirations
The UNDP Afghanistan Country Office has launched its Innovative SDG Finance Programme inspired by four

  Sustainability: The funds invested have sustainable characters i.e., a discipline that considers environmental,
  social, and corporate governance (ESG) criteria to generate long-term competitive financial returns and
  positive societal impact.

  Leveraging: The initial funds received from grants or ODA shall be considered as a seed capital to build
  on and leverage many times this initial amount.

  Growth: Our financing scheme philosophy is based securing a predefined growth rate of each venture a
  fund is invested in. The investee shall be subject to continuous evaluation and assessment to make sure
  that it achieves the targets and objectives defined.

  Revolving Structure: The funds invested shall not stop at the first investment, but it will continue to reinvest
  in the successful projects and in new potential ventures through the way of exiting, reinvesting and fund’s

Need for Innovative SDG
Current international investment
levels are still falling short of
actual commitments, the situation
keeps deteriorating from year
to year especially with the
extremely negative effect of the
outspread of the COVID-19 and
its consequences on the global

The situation of Afghanistan is
not an exception and the ODA,
FDI and Remittance levels keep
declining hence the importance
of new way of thinking to finance
the Development needs of the
Afghanistan Public Private Partnership Project
PPP Projects by Sector
The Private Public Partnership Directorate attached to the Ministry of Finance has issued an ambitious PPPP
Programme in 2019 and 2020 in different sectors: Energy, Agriculture Technology Urban Development, Health,
Aviation and Mining totaling 3.7 billion dollars, most of these projects are still seeking for Partners and Investors.

 PPP            Projects 2020
 Sector         Project name                         Project Cost     Location          PPP Model             Period
                                                     (Million $)
 Energy         Qala-e-Mamai 450 MW Power            US $ 1483.61 M Takhar Province Design Build              2021-
                Generation                                                          Finance Operate           2026
                                                                                    Maintain (DBFOM)
                Sorubi II 180 MW HPP                 US $ 300 M       Kapisa Province Design-Build-           2021-
                                                                                      Finance- Operate        2022
                                                                                      and Maintenance
                Baghdara 226.5 MW Hydro Power        US $ 585.9 M     Kapisa Province Design-Build-           2021-
                Plant                                                                 Finance- Operate        2026
                                                                                      and Maintenance

 Agriculture    Operation and Maintenance of 5       US $ 10 M        Kabul, Mazar      Lease                 2021
                Slaughter Houses                                      and Herat
                Barikab Industrial Park (BIP)        US$ 50-100 M     Kabul Province    BOT (Build-Operate-   2023-
                                                                                        Transfer)             2024
                Commercial pistachio Orchard         US $ 177.5 M     Herat Province    BOT (Build-Operate-   2023

 Technology     Kabul Fibre To The Home (FTTH)       US$ 40M          Kabul (Capital)   BOT (Build-Operate-   2024

 Urban       Tradational Markets                     US $ 3.64 M      Kabul (Capital)   BOT                   2021

 Health         Ali Jinnah Hospital                  US $ 3.8 M       Kabul (Capital)   Lease Contract        2021
                Diagnostic Center                    US $ 4.1 M       Kabul (Capital)   Build-Operate-        2022
                                                                                        Transfer (BOT)
                Jamhoryat Hospital                   US $ 44.12 M     Kabul (Capital)   Build-Operate-        2023-
                                                                                        Transfer (BOT)        2024

 Aviation       Export Processing Zone               US$ 88 million   Kabul (Capital)   DBFO (Design Build    2022-
                                                                                        Finance Operate)      2023
                Hamid Karzai International Airport   US $ 262.5 M     Kabul (Capital)   Build-Operate-        2022-
                – New Passenger Terminal                                                Transfer (BOT)        2025
                Air Cargo Terminal development       US$ 35 M         Kabul (Capital)   Build-Operate-        2022-
                                                                                        Transfer (BOT)        2023
                Hamed Karzai international Airport   US $ 63 M        Kabul (Capital)   Build-Operate-        2023-
                Hotel Development                                                       Transfer (BOT)        2024

 Minning        Gemstone Bourse Project              US $ 25.51 M     Kabul (Capital)   Build-Operate-        2021
                                                                                        Transfer (BOT)
 Total Value                                         US $ 3,222.88
Afghanistan Public Private Partnership Project
PPP Projects 2019 By Sector
PPP                       Projects 2019
Sector                    Project name               Project Cost    Location            PPP Model           Period
                                                     (Million $)
Energy                    40 MW Solar PV-Diesel      US $ 82.3 M     Hisar-e-Shahi       Design Build     2022-
                          Hybrid                                                         Finance Operate 2023
                                                                                         Maintain (DBFOM)
                          50MW Solar Power Plant US $ 36 M           Guzara, Herath      Design Build     2021
                                                                                         Finance Operate
                                                                                         Maintain (DBFOM)
                          Electric Distribution      US $ 30 M       Kabul, Nangarhar,   Design-Build-       2022
                          Network                                    Ghazni, Parwan,     Finance- Operate
                                                                     Herat, Paktia       and Maintenance

Agriculture               National Plan for          U S$ 64 M       Ghazni, Daikundi,   BOT (Build-         2022-
                          Production, Packaging,                     Parwan, Samangan,   Operate-Transfer)   2023
                          and Marketing of                           Balkh, and Kundoz
                          Almond Project
                          51 Sub-check Dams of       US $ 13 M       Several Regions     BOT (Build-         2021-
                          Panj Amu River Basin                                           Operate-Transfer)   2022
                          Herbaceous Projects        US $ 32 M       Alafshar            BOT (Build-         2022-
                                                                                         Operate-Transfer)   2023
                          185 Sub-check Dams of      US $ 16 M       Several Regions     BOT (Build-         2023
                          Kabul River Basin                                              Operate-Transfer)

Urban Development         Panjshir River Water       US $ 95 M       Kabul (capital)     BOT (Build-         2022-
                          Diversion to Kabul                                             Operate-Transfer)   2023
                          Establishment of New       US $ 75 M       Kabul (capital)     BOT (Build-         2021-
                          Khair Khwa Market at                                           Operate-Transfer)   2022
                          Jade Nadir Pushtoon
                          Design and Construction US $ 96 M          Ankhoy - Sherghan   BOT (Build-         2021-
                          of 60 km Railway from                                          Operate-Transfer)   2022
                          Ankhoy to Sherghan

Total Value                                          US $ 539.30
Grand Total 28 Projects                              US $ 3,762.18

Alignment between PPP Projects and SDGs
Sector                              SDG
Projects on Energy                  SDG-1 No Poverty
                                    SDG-7 Affordable and Clean Energy,
                                    SDG-9 Industries, Innovation, and Infrastructure
                                    SDG-13 Climate Action
Projects on Agriculture             SDG-1 No Poverty
                                    SDG-2 Zero Hunger
                                    SDG-5 Gender Equality
                                    SDG-8 Decent Work and Economic Growth
Projects on Urban Development       SDG-11 Sustainable Cities and Communities
                                    SDG-16 Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions
Projects on Health                  SDG-3 Good Health and Well-Being
Projects on Technology              SDG-1 No Poverty
                                    SDG-4 Quality Education
                                    SDG-8 Decent Work and Economic Growth
                                    SDG-9 Industries, Innovation, and Infrastructure
Reforms Required to Launch the Portfolio

  Country Rating to Determine the Risk: A country cannot access the international financial market unless it
  has a Credit Risk Rating. Hence the importance to Afghanistan to obtain a Risk rating that helps International
  Investors to assess the risk of their investment. Even if the rating obtained is very low, it remains better than
  “no rating” and it represents the first step to access the International Financial Market.

  Ability to Mobilize Domestic Commercial Investment Tailored to the Local Context: The participation of
  the Domestic Commercial Investment and Domestic Banking System represent a fundamental step to create
  an Innovative Finance Instruments and to encourage the foreign investors and private sector to invest.

  Apply Risk Mitigation Technics: In order to encourage the Private and International Investment, Risk
  Mitigation Technics such as Sovereign and Commercial Risks coverage must be applied. Many international
  Risk Insurance Agencies like MIGA, ICIEC and others can be approached to cover reliable investments.

  Build the Markets: This is an important stage to facilitate the inflow of Private and International Investors
  especially that the market is still depending on informal transactions. Building the market shall facilitate
  the Exit and the Reinvestment and assure the liquidity of the investment.

  Improve the Enabling Environment and Enhance the Capability of Local Institutions to Handle
  Innovative Finance: A Capacity Building Programme must be implemented to enhance the capability of
  the Local Institutions to familiarize them with the Innovative Finance Instrument and make them capable
  of handling the new Investments.

  Increase Transparency at Policy Level: The transparency of the Government policy is a major factor to
  succeed the implementation of the Innovative SDG Finance Instruments furthermore, the modernization
  of Local Institution remains a must to succeed.

Role of the UNDP from its deep understanding of the country’s context and its extensive expertise and
connections: Like any new approach, there are certain risks and challenges, but, in the presence of the
unprecedented opportunities presented by the SDGs, UNDP through its available resources and expertise can
pilot and adjust to set together all the involved players in a harmonious investment environment and create a
real partnership environment. The UNDP can:
 • Mobilize wide range of Partners and Technical Assistance.
 • Help government design interesting funding options.
 • Scale up the private sector involvement.
 • Bring the most appropriate financing schemes and structures.
 • Piloting and Adjusting Role between Partners.
 • Create a network of impact investors.

Finally, UNDP Innovative “SDG Finance Programme” has created a network of experts and technical partners
equipped with deep financial competences and in-depth understanding of Afghanistan development
challenges. This network is acting closely together to create a solid international network of impact investors
willing and eager to enter the Afghanistan investment market with an overall aim to catalyse private sector
investment that leads to sustainable development by ensuring the connectivity of projects with Afghanistan
development goals.
Initial Estimation of the Impact of PPP Projects on Growth and Prosperity
Realizing the projects included in the PPP investment list would imply a nearly 20% increase in annual domestic
investment, which is a notable effort, and a positive thing to do, if income and employment are to grow. This
would allow for economic growth to exceed population growth and permit a substantial rise in per capita GDP.
The total investment in the two years is about $4.3 billion, equivalent to a full year of normal investment. The
projects are heavily concentrated on energy, transport, and health infrastructure, with a few investments in
agriculture, industry, and services. These projects would be carried out basically over 4 to 5 years, starting
in 2021 or 2022, but their results would begin to show within a couple of years. By 2025, they could yield an
increment of 4.5% of GDP. And when all projects mature, by 2029 and 2030, they could provide a 40 increase
over GDP as it stood in 2020 (about $20 billion). This would be a strong investment and growth performance,
if it can be carried out.    /UNDPinAfghanistan   @UNDPAf      /UNDPAfghanistan   /UNDPAfghanistan    /UNDPAfghanistan
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