Advanced Ultrashort-Pulse Laser Diagnostics - Pro Physik

Advanced Ultrashort-Pulse Laser Diagnostics - Pro Physik
all pictures: APE

                                                                                                                        A high contrast autocorrelator in
                                                                                                                         the lab can unlock hidden pulse

                    Advanced Ultrashort-Pulse Laser Diagnostics
                    High-contrast autocorrelation provides deeper insights on pulsed fiber lasers.
                    Mateusz Ibek and Thomas Neicke

                    The simplest and most common me-         on ytterbium-doped gain materials               energy is timely distributed among
                    thod for the characterization of the     such as Yb3+:YAG. Those fiber lasers            the wings, pedestals and secondary
                    duration of an ultrashort pulse la-      simplify the application of ultrashort          pulses, the desired interaction bet-
                    ser is to measure an autocorrelation     pulses on the one hand but also com-            ween pulses and material cannot al-
                    function. However, especially with       plicate it on the other hand. The reason        ways be ensured anymore.
                    modern high-power fiber lasers, in       is that the physics of the pulse genera­           High-contrast measurements are
                    some cases the sensitivity and dy-       tion process includes various nonlinear         essential for investigating high energy
                    namic range of standard autocorre-       effects which may easily corrupt the            laser pulses, as they allow the simulta-
                    lators are not sufficient and require    pulse performance.                              neous display of the largest main peak
                    more sophisticated measurement               Cost-efficient autocorrelators are          and the smallest secondary peaks in
                    methods. With type II autocorrela-       widely used when the knowledge of               an autocorrelation measurement.
                    tors, a cost-efficient high-contrast     the temporal duration of a pulse is                The contrast, as it refers to a pulse
                    technique is available that can pro-     required. But in some cases the sen-            duration measurement, is the diffe-
                    vide more detailed insights into         sitivity and the dynamic range of a             rence between the highest and the lo-
                    a pulse topography than normal           standard autocorrelator might not be            west intensities, and often the lower
                    autocorrelators.                         sufficient and more sophisticated me-           intensities are covered by background
                                                             thods are needed.                               signal. Autocorrelator measurements

                    T  oday’s development of lasers, es-
                       pecially in material processing, is
                    moving in the direction of high en-
                                                                 High contrast measurements are
                                                             essential in the field of ultrashort pulse
                                                             lasers delivering high pulse energies. It
                                                                                                             with high contrast information re-
                                                                                                             quire a modified autocorrelator, a
                                                                                                             common approach is the so-called
                    ergy lasers with high repetition rates   is important that the entire pulse en-          type II (or type 2) layout.
                    and ultrashort pulse durations. Very     ergy reaches the sample within a very
                    popular types of such lasers are based   (ultra-)short time period. If the pulse

                    12      Physics’ Best, April 2020                                                     © 2020 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim
Advanced Ultrashort-Pulse Laser Diagnostics - Pro Physik

Autocorrelation with                                                        pulse in the hundreds of femtosecond                           action. The autocorrelation function
high contrast                                                               regime.                                                        (ACF) is then measured by recording
                                                                                There is an additional pulse at                            the interaction intensity dependence
A set of autocorrelation measure-                                           about ±2 ps, which is revealed by the                         as a function of the distance (delay)
ments illustrates the difference bet-                                       high contrast measurement. Since it                            variation.
ween a common autocorrelation                                               is not moving with the compressor                                 For the interaction of both pulses
and a high contrast autocorrelation                                         setting, this is probably a duplicate of                       in the nonlinear crystal different sce-
(Fig. 1). A high-contrast autocorre-                                        the main pulse. Such duplicates are                            narios can be described: the type I
lator (pulseCheck  Type 2, APE)                                           caused, for example, by coating de-                            case and the type II case.
and an additional reference autocor-                                        fects of laser mirrors.
relator with a typical contrast range                                           The measurement also shows a
(pulseCheck , APE) were used. All                                         small secondary pulse, whose dis-
                                                                                                                                           Type I autocorrelation
data sets have been normalized to                                           tance to the main pulse increases                              Both pulses overlap with their iden-
the same peak intensity for a better                                        with increasing stretching of the pulse.                       tical frequencies ω and identical pola-
comparison of the dynamic range of                                          The pulse is located at approximate-                           rization e and pass through the non-
both autocorrelators. The measure-                                          ly ±2 ps (Fig. 1a), ± ps (Fig. 1b) and                        linear type I crystal. The type I phase
ments were taken on a commercial                                            ±2 ps (Fig. 1c). The analysis of this                         matching scheme (Fig. 2) results in the
high energy fiber laser with a repe-                                        shows that the origin of this “mo-                             sum frequency 2ω with the polariza-
tition rate of  MHz and a nominal                                          ving” small feature is a spectrally and                        tion o. This part of the beam is used
pulse duration of  fs. The output                                        temporally separated part of the laser                         to record the ACF.
pulse duration of the laser is variably                                     output. By an additional measurement                              In addition to the two overlapping
adjustable via an internal grating                                          of the spectrum it would even be pos-                          pulses, each individual pulse generates
compressor.                                                                 sible to clarify whether the laser out-                        an additional signal with the frequen-
    The autocorrelation measurements                                        put contains a red shifted post-pulse                          cies ω + 2ω. Here, 2ω is the result of
were performed at different pulse                                           or a blue shifted pre-pulse. The pulse                         the nonlinear effect in the crystal and
compression levels. Fig. 1a shows the                                       at ±2 ps does not change its temporal                         ω is the unconverted part of the in-
shortest possible pulse achieved with                                       position with increasing stretching,                           cident beam.
the laser under the best compression                                        only the pulse duration changes.                                   Technically it is difficult to se-
conditions. Figs.1b and 1c were recor-                                                                                                     parate the desired beam 2ω and the
ded at stretched pulses, the pulse stret-                                                                                                  unwanted beams ω + 2ω by placing a
ching was created using the internal
                                                                            High contrast layout vs.                                       detector behind the crystal so that it
grating compressor.
                                                                            common layout                                                  only measures the 2ω part that is ge-
    The dynamic range of the type 2                                         The basic principle of an autocorrela-                         nerated by the two overlapping pulses.
autocorrelator is about 5 and there-                                      tor for pulse duration measurements                            Instead, a portion from ω + 2ω is de-
fore up to three orders of magni-                                           is to overlay a pulse with a variable                          tected and generates a certain level of
tude larger than that of the reference                                      time- delayed copy of itself. Both                             background signal. The ACF trace will
autocorrelator.                                                             pulses interact in a nonlinear crys-                           then always contain some amount of
    Pedestals become visible in the                                         tal. The variation of the time-delay                           background signal even if the pulses
high contrast measurement, which are                                        leads to a variable degree of temporal                         do not overlap.
clearly temporally separated from the                                       overlapping of the two pulses at the
main peak. Please remember that the                                         interaction area, and thus to different
duration of the main pulse is actually a                                    intensities resulting from their inter-

               a       100
                                                                           b     100
                                                                                                                                       c     100

                      10–1                                                     10–1                                                         10–1
  intensity in a.u.

                                                                               10–2                                                         10–2
                             –20   –10         0       10        20                     –20      –10         0       10      20                     –20      –10         0       10    20
                                         delay in ps                                                   delay in ps                                                 delay in ps

                                                       type II autocorrelation (pulseCheck type 2)                        type I autocorrelation (pulseCheck 50)

Fig. 1                  A type II autocorrelator allows measurements with significantly higher contrast compared to a conventional autocorrelator (type I).

© 2020 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim                                                                                                          Physics’ Best, April 22        13
Advanced Ultrashort-Pulse Laser Diagnostics - Pro Physik

                                                                                                  with a delayed fraction of the funda-
                                                                             ω + 2ω
                                        type I crystal                                            mental pulse, leading to a measured
                                                                                                  AC signal at the tripled frequency ω.
                                                                                 o      2ω        This higher technical complexity is
  ω                e                                                                              rewarded with a dynamic range of up
                                                                                     ω + 2ω       to twelve orders of magnitude.
                                                                                                      As third harmonic generation is
                                                                                                  relatively weak due to lower conver-
      ω                    e                                                                      sion efficiencies, the method is less
                                                                                                  sensitive and can only be used for ve-
                                                                                                  ry high pulse energies in the  µJ
Fig. 2 A common type I autocorrelation setup results in the sum frequency 2ω with the
                                                                                                  regime. They are therefore – in most
polarization o.
                                                                                                  cases – not suitable to work with high
                                                                                                  energy fiber lasers with MHz repe-
                                                                              ω                   tition rates, since significantly lower
                                         type II crystal
                                                                                                  pulse energies (i.e. in the range of  µJ)
                                                                                                  are achieved here.
                                                                                                      In addition, the acquisition costs
 ω             o                                                                                  are up to four or five times higher than
                                                                                                  an autocorrelator of type I or II.

     ω                 e                                                                          Summary
                                                                                                  With type II autocorrelators, like the
Fig. 3 A high-contrast type II autocorrelation setup results in the sum frequency 2ω with
the polarization e.
                                                                                                  pulseCheck Type 2, a cost-efficient
                                                                                                  high-contrast device is available that
                                                                                                  can both measure the pulse duration
Type II autocorrelation                             unwanted background signal by non-            and provide insights into a detailed
                                                    overlapping pulses occurs at all.             pulse topography that is not visible
In order to achieve high contrast bet-                 This makes it possible to visualize        with normal autocorrelators.
ween the peak of the autocorrelation                the weak signals of satellite pulses and         PulseCheck autocorrelators can
signal and the baseline (i.e. when no               other types of secondary information          be configured in type II layout to
pulse energy is present), the autocor-              that would otherwise be covered by            be easily operated like traditional
relator must be optically designed so               background.                                   autocorrelators.
that signal is only generated when the                                                               This makes type II autocorrelators
pulses overlap. This is achieved by                                                               an ideal tool for studying, understan-
the so-called type II phase matching
                                                    Another high contrast layout                  ding, and ultimately improving laser
scheme (Fig. 3). Both pulse trains enter            For the sake of completeness, another         pulses of high energy fiber lasers or
the type II crystal with a polarization             layout should be mentioned. From              solid-state lasers to a greater extent.
orthogonal to each other. Type II                   plasma physics research a different
phase matching results in the sum                   kind of autocorrelator is known which
frequency 2ω with the polarization e.               is based on the third harmonic gene-          Authors
Both incoming pulses must have a dif-               ration, the so-called rd order auto-
ferent polarization state, i.e. e and o.            correlator.                                   Mateusz Ibek and Thomas Neicke,
                                                                                                  APE Angewandte Physik & Elektronik GmbH,
Only the two overlapping beams with                     Compared to the type I and type II        Plauener Str. 163-165, Haus N, 1353 Berlin,
different polarization states produce               methods, two nonlinear crystals are           Germany; phone: +49 3 986 11-3;
the desired sum frequency signal 2ω.                used in series. The first crystal produ-      e-mail:
An individual beam is not able to in-               ces the doubled frequency 2ω. A frac-         Web:
duce a nonlinear effect. Therefore, no              tion of the 2ω pulse is then interacting

14        Physics’ Best, April 22                                                            © 2020 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim
Advanced Ultrashort-Pulse Laser Diagnostics - Pro Physik Advanced Ultrashort-Pulse Laser Diagnostics - Pro Physik
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