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Page created by Jared Hill
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May 2022

Update from Molly
                                 It feels like Spring is playing a game of hide and go
                                 seek! Some days we see 4 seasons in a week, or
                                 even a day! But as you can see, spring did arrive
                                 on my farm! Baby goats made an appearance last
                                 month and are just as cute as can be!
                                 I want to share a few reminders:
                                  • For those who are independent at the Station,
                                  know that services are available and can be added
    at any time. For Landing folks who need services, I am happy to share about
    what options we offer at the Station for when the time comes for additional
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• Our dining room is open to the public! No vaccinations required! Your family and
      friends are always welcome to join you for meals!
    • When throwing trash down the chutes, be sure it is in a bag and that the bag is
      tied! Lori and Ted spend a great deal of time cleaning up food and other items
      that make a mess of our trash rooms. Once hot weather comes, this causes smell
      and bugs so it’s important to get a handle on this now.
    • I want to encourage all Station and Landing residents to attend our monthly
      resident meetings. I will be creating an agenda each month and meetings will be
      facilitated by me as well as other staff. This is a great opportunity to learn about
      updates, share your feedback and ask questions. Meetings are the 2nd Friday at
      10:00 a.m.
    • As we continue our search for a Life Enrichment Director, we appreciate your
      patience. We are doing our best to cover the activities needs but we may need to
      cancel based on staff available. There are independent activities available if you
      choose such as puzzles, arts and crafts, and you are always welcome to use the
      TV in the Amber Mill Room to watch a Twin’s game or movie together. Please ask
      if you need assistance.
It’s been 6 months since I started, and I am so thrilled to be here! Thanks to all of you
for the encouraging words and friendship during my time of transition. I look forward
to the wonderful things ahead for Rushseba Station and Landing!
God bless,
 From the Fitness Center
They say April showers, bring May flowers… well I
              hope that is true for the current
              weather we have been having! It has
              been difficult to find motivation on
              these gloomy days, so I have decided
              to help you out! The American Heart
              Association promotes MOVE MORE
MONTH- a push to move your body more to benefit
your heart and mind! So, I am challenging you to
wear your socks out the month of May!
Take 20 minutes to set aside for some intentional
daily exercise! Feel free to come to the Fitness Center to pick up a calendar to keep
track of your minutes! Complete the challenge and turn your calendar in at the end of
the month to get a pair of socks!
Jill Bednar, LAT, ATC | Rushseba Station Fitness Specialist
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Chaplain’s Pen
                   Imagine a world without poetry, dance, song, comedy, film,
                   architecture, painting, stories, symphonies, theater or sculpture. Such
                   a world would be bland. Art brings vibrance and beauty to our lives.
                   Creativity is both a fully human and fully divine experience. It is an
                   acknowledgement that something eternal and full of truth lies behind
                   the temporal world in which we live. It focuses our eyes on the pain
                   around us, the injustice in front of us, the joy abounding within us,
                   and the pull we feel towards meaning and significance. Music moves
                   us. Poetry connects us. Paintings shout at us. Dance energizes us. Art
draws us back into the fold of humanity when we wander out full of pain,
discouragement, and bitterness. It whispers, “You are not alone.” (Melissa Kircher,”Why
Art Should Matter to Christians.”)
On the way North to the cabin, near Taylor’s Falls, on Highway 8, there is a sculpture
garden that we often stop at to give the kids and us a break from the constant fighting
and persistent “are we there yet?” that often accompanies vacation travel. We stumble
out of the car into a sea of art and sculptures, as we walk, we stop and stare at
someone’s creation, we stare and try to decipher what it is that we are looking at, what
are we to feel, to hear, to see? Art has this ability to make us see, to make us feel, to
help us understand, and what a gift that can be.
Take for example Rembrandt’s “The Storm on the Sea of Galilee” painting. Look at the
people in the painting, the disciples, see what they are doing, how they are responding
to the storm. Who are we in the painting, how do we respond to the storms in our
lives? Are you the disciple trying hard to fruitlessly steer and control the ship, are you
the disciple grasping at the sails, to only have them ripped out of your hands, the
disciple clinging on for dear life, the disciple throwing up overboard, or are you the
disciple leaning close to Jesus?
Open your eyes this summer and see how art can open your mind to the divine.
Rev. Kevin Coder

                                              Time to Register!
                                              17th Annual Walker Methodist 5k10k Stride
                                              for Seniors
                                              Saturday, June 4, 2022
                                              Lake Harriet and Virtual Options available
                                              Residents can register for $20
                                              Paper registration forms available at your
                                              front desk
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Tribute Signs for Sale for June 4 Stride for Seniors
at Lake Harriet
      The 17th annual Walker Methodist Stride for
Seniors 5k/10k is happening Saturday, June 4
around Lake Harriet! This is our largest fundraiser
of the year and all funds raised by your community
STAY in your community. Tribute Signs will be on
sale for $25 from the middle of April through the
middle of May. These signs will line the racecourse
around Lake Harriet. What a great way to honor or memorialize someone important in your
life! Ask your concierge, executive director, or life enrichment director for more information
on how you can get involved.

From the Dentist

              The Power of Fluoride

      Is fluoride still necessary when you’re an adult? In one word, YES!
It’s widely accepted that fluoride is one of the most important weapons for fighting
cavities in children’s teeth but don’t discount its power and continued benefits as we
      Fluoride is important when teeth are developing but it’s also important for adults
as we age especially older adults at higher risk for cavities such as those that suffer
from diabetes, heart disease, periodontal disease and Xerostomia (dry mouth).
Acid, plaque and oral bacterial remove important minerals away from teeth. Although
we benefit from fluoride in our water and toothpaste, many adults need more fluoride.
Older patients could benefit from more robust amount of fluoride by getting a topical
fluoride treatment, using a prescription toothpaste, or simply adding a daily fluoride
rinse to their daily oral health routine for added protection. Fluoride remineralizes the
outer surfaces of our teeth which helps to harden and strengthen enamel and reduce
tooth decay.
      Numerous studies have proved that these treatments work. In fact, more than 65
years of studies have shown that fluoride is safe and effective and helps to protect our
      So, the next time you see your dental provider, ask if you are a candidate for a
topical fluoride treatment or prescription toothpaste and keep up with your daily oral
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Courtesy of: The Power of Fluoride | HMSA Dental
Recommendations for Using Fluoride to Prevent and Control Dental Caries in the United
States (

                                 Why Fluoride is Important
Acid, plaque, and Oral Bacteria remove important minerals from our teeth as we age.
Fluoride is important when teeth are developing but tooth decay can be an issue
throughout your life and fluoride helps people of all ages.
It is important for older adults at high risk for cavities such as those with periodontal
disease, dry mouth/Xerostomia, diabetes, heart disease and stroke.
                          How does Fluoride prevent tooth decay?
Fluoride works on the outer surfaces of tooth by mixing with your saliva, neutralizing
acids produced by the bacteria in the mouth and hardens enamel.
Fluoride helps to rebuild weak permanent teeth and can reverse the early signs of tooth
Many seniors have exposed root surfaces of teeth (bone loss and recession). Flouride
can help to protect these areas from tooth decay.

Remember……a healthy diet with lots of fresh foods and green vegetables, daily oral
hygiene and regular dental visits can help keep your teeth healthy.
You may need supplemental fluoride to help further strengthen your teeth. Ask your
dental provider about an in-office treatment of topical fluoride varnish or prescription
fluoride toothpaste.

Courtesy of: The Power of Fluoride | HMSA Dental
Recommendations for Using Fluoride to Prevent and Control Dental Caries in the United
States (
What does fluoride do? Common questions about fluoridation

 From the Residents
Try Giving Yourself Away…
     The other day I was at our local WalMart to pick up a bridal shower gift and a
few other things. I was in a rush, as usual. I qualified for the check-out line for 20
items or less, with only one person ahead of me. As I began unloading my cart onto
the counter, I noticed the woman behind me had just one item. I had a little
argument with myself, thinking, I should really offer this lady to go ahead of me,
seeing she only has one item- but I’m in a hurry! Not that much of a hurry. My
conscience won out, and I offered her to go ahead of me. But she wasn’t in a hurry.
She declined my offer, with thanks and a cheery smile. As I was unloading my bags
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from the cart into my car trunk, I heard a voice behind me, saying, “I’ll take your
cart to the return area- it’s very close to my car.” It was the woman I had offered to
go ahead of me inside the store. I was reminded of that saying, “One good turn
deserves another.”
       I have a book first published in 1947 entitled “Try Giving Yourself Away” by
David Dunn, and I quote his introduction: “These are troubled times. The world is
full of strife and heartache. Men and women everywhere seek peace of mind and
heart, and wish desperately that they as individuals could do something toward
lifting the heavy blanket of gloom and fear that oppresses mankind.”
       “Perhaps you and I can help. More than anything else, the world needs the
healing influence of a great surge of simple kindheartedness, to rid humanity of
jealousy, selfishness and greed. Such a surge must start with us, as individuals; it is
beyond the power of the world’s rulers or statesmen. In our daily living, we average
citizens must establish the spirit and set the pattern of a kindlier world”
       “Could there be a more opportune time for all of us to try giving ourselves
away? Could anything else we might do as individuals contribute so much toward
the peace of the world, or earn us so much personal happiness? I doubt it. I invite
you to join me in my hobby.” – David Dunn
       He goes on to write his book about the myriad ways in which he gave himself
away- by spreading kindness, thoughtfulness, consideration, courtesy, good nature,
courage, tangible aid, etc. He wrote his book shortly after the end of World War II,
and I would say not much has changed since then- the world is still experiencing
troubled times and folks are still in need of kindheartedness. Just a word of
appreciation or thanks to your waitress, your bank teller, the check-out clerks at the
grocery store, the post office, or wherever. Or the giving of our time to someone in
need of help or comfort. Dunn’s book is available at, or your local
library can request it for you from the MN Link library network.
       In a nutshell, this whole concept is summed up in Matthew 7:12 (NLT),
commonly referred to as The Golden Rule, “Do for others what you would like them
to do for you.”
~Margaret Marty

Resident Spotlight: Jerome “Jerry” Haigh
                 Mr. Jerry Haigh is well known around Rushseba as one of our most
             social residents. He can often be seen hanging out in the front lobby, the
             library, or the passages. Jerry is quick with a joke and “how you doin
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Jerry was born March 28th, 1939 in St. Paul, MN. He served in the army, and if
you have spent any time with him, you know he served in Vietnam. Jerry enjoys
watching the MN Twins, and one of his most prized possessions is a baseball from his
dad’s baseball team in the 1940’s. His favorite color is red and he loves watching John
Wayne shows. Jerry loves summer, he is always wearing shorts in hope of warm
weather, and his favorite holiday is the 4th of July. Jerry
loves roast beef sandwiches and his favorite place to travel
is New Orleans.
     Jerry enjoys playing BINGO and attending Happy Hour
on Fridays. If you see Jerry around, make sure to stop and
say “hi.”

Employee Spotlight: Ashley Iversen, RN
                                  April Shower’s bring May Flower’s! Or that is the
                                  hope…. considering our “showers” were mostly snow
                                  showers the month of April!
                                  May marks my 4th month here at Rushseba Station!
                                  What a blessing and adventure it has been thus far!
                                  I feel like I have really gotten to know so many
                                  residents so well over the past 4 months as well as
                                  some of their family and friends, but for those of you
                                  who I am not familiar with, here is a little bit about me!
                                  My hometown in Pine City, MN. I relocated many times
throughout my early adulthood until 2018 when my husband, Ian, and I moved back to
our hometown of Pine City to raise our three children in my “childhood home!”
I have three children, Noah (12), Brycen (10), and Aubree (6). They are all so busy
with school, sports, friends, and adventures… living their best life! My two boys play
travel hockey, golf, and football. My daughter participates in competition dance,
basketball, and t-ball.
I have been a Nurse for 10 years and I finally found
my perfect spot in healthcare! Rushseba Station has
been a blessing, not only to my career path, but my
everyday life. Each person here makes me a better
Nurse and person. I am thankful and blessed.
My birthday is in July, I love any fall color (especially
burnt orange and olive green), I enjoy reading,
boating, MN sports, being outside, biking, hiking, and
spending time with my family!
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Happiest of Birthday to our Wonderful Residents!

Carroll P 5/8          Fred M 5/21
Cecilia S 5/13         Gary M 5/24
Joanne P 5/18          Bruce C 5/25
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