ACTION PLAN - University College Dublin
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8. ACTION PLAN The action plan should present prioritised actions to address the issues identified in this application. Please present the action plan in the form of a table. For each action define an appropriate success/outcome measure, identify the person/position(s) responsible for the action, and timescales for completion. The plan should cover current initiatives and your aspirations for the next four years. Actions, and their measures of success, should be Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Time-bound (SMART). See the awards handbook for an example template for an action plan. This guide was published in May 2015. ©Equality Challenge Unit May 2015. Athena SWAN is a community trademark registered to Equality Challenge Unit: 011132057. Information contained in this publication is for the use of Athena SWAN Charter member institutions only. Use of this publication and its contents for any other purpose, including copying information in whole or in part, is prohibited. Alternative formats are available: 84
SPHPSS - Gender Equality Action Plan 2021 to 2025 The Self-Assessment Process AP No. Action Rationale Responsibility Start date End date Success measure 3.1 Recruit 2 UG (1 M, 1 F) SAT membership to AD for EDI, HoS, June 2021 December 2 UG (1 M, 1 F) and 2 PGT (1 and 2 PGT (1 M, 1 F) be renewed. Director of School 2021 M, 1 F) representatives on student and 2 Associate Office the School EDI Committee Professor (1 F, 1 M) Baseline: (September 2021). representatives to the F 50%, M 50% School EDI Committee. 1 male and 1 female Associate Professor representatives on the School EDI Committee (December 2021). Target Committee Membership: F 50%, M 50% 3.2 Increase UG and PGT 13% of taught School SAT and AD October 2023 November Target: student response rate to students for EDI, AD for T&L, 2024 Response rate on taught at least 50% at mid-point completed the AS School Educational student surveys ≥ 50% (F (~ January 2023) of action survey. Technologist, 60% M 40% response rate plan through a pulse Student Advisor, ratio). survey to assess impact of Baseline: Programme actions implemented in response rate ratio Directors, Sub targets: 2021 and 2022. To F 60% M 40% Programme a) New questions about AS support these actions, we response rate. Administrators and EDI awareness in course will: experience survey from a) Incorporate a SPHPSS students 2022 to measure and set subsample of report moderate targets. (awareness raising) level of AS and EDI b) Increase in median Athena SWAN awareness. representing EDI awareness 85
questions within the among male and female annual School Course students Experience c) 6 UG (3 M, 3 F) peer Questionnaire with mentors (September 2021). the aim of assessing d) PowerPoint slide deck for progress on specific March 2022 actions. e) VLE banner promoting b) Enhance student survey during Spring body awareness of Trimester (~March 2022) the UCD GEAP, AS f) One4All voucher and EDI concepts, sponsored by the HoS and supports by embedding an EDI Awareness talk from the AD for EDI within the School Welcome segment of the Student Orientation. c) Recruit UG and PGT peer mentors and class reps to act as student-level Athena SWAN champions to promote engagement in the course experience and pulse surveys. d) Create a PowerPoint slide for lecturers to incorporate into their slide decks during the time that the student surveys are live. e) Collaborate with UCD IT Services to embed messaging and 86
reminders about the student survey on their Virtual Learning Environment, Brightspace. f) Utilise incentives - prize draw to win vouchers. 3.3 Increase PGR student 26% of PGR SAT and AD for EDI, October 2023 November Minimum response rate of response rate to at least students AD for PGR 2024 50% on PGR student 50% in next survey for AS completed the AS Education, surveys. renewal 2023 . Both survey. Research actions will be facilitated Programme Target: by: Baseline: Administrator maintain ratio F 60% M 40% a) Using incentives to response rate ratio response rate ratio. increase response F 60% M 40% rates (e.g., prize draw response rate. Sub targets to win vouchers). a) One4All voucher b) Embedding data sponsored by the HoS collection mechanism b) and c) 1 core module per into taught UG and PGT programme components of identified for paper-and- degrees (i.e. pencil survey distribution lectures). (time to complete survey c) Paper and pencil data agreed with Programme collection (which is Director and Module known by research to Coordinator) increase survey response rates). 3.4 Increase student Student survey AD for EDI, Heads September 2021 Annual. Embed EDI Awareness talk awareness of the indicated that male of Subject, Student Three years of from the AD for EDI within University and SPHPSS’ and female Advisor, data for AS Student Orientation. GEAPs, AS and EDI students had only Programme resubmission Increase in median concepts, and supports. moderate level of Administrators will be collated representing EDI awareness. awareness, and by June 2024. A change by 1 unit for both female students males and females. 87
perceived EDI Increase in median awareness to be representing EDI more important importance. A change by 1 than males did. unit for males. Baseline: on a scale from 1 (‘very aware’) to 5 (‘unaware’) median level of awareness of 3 for both females and males. 3.5 In the new School Celebrate good School Newsletter May 2020. Three years of 12 School Newsletters Newsletter, ‘SPHPSS in practice, outreach, Team data for AS published between 2021 Focus’, provide quarterly and to increase resubmission and AS resubmission in updates on EDI, to share awareness of EDI will be collated 2025. news, showcase events and gender by June 2024. and resources, and equality related Questions in staff and celebrate SPHPSS EDI- activities across the student surveys about EDI related activities and School. and GEAP awareness will be achievements. used to track impact. 3.6 Increase staff response 42% of staff AD for EDI, AD for January 2023 November A minimum response rate of rate to 75% in next completed the staff RII, HoS, Director of 2023 75%. GEAP KPIs related to survey (2023). To survey. School Office, SEM, staff/student responses to support this action, the Heads of Subject, survey reported to EDI School will recommend Research PIs, Committee and actions to all: Senior Programme developed as required. - Permanent academic Administrators Progress reported to SEM. staff, that EDI objectives should be New questions on: embedded into their - degree to which EDI ‘Performance for activities and Growth’ review opportunities are conversations and communicated widely development plan and clearly in the School; 88
(e.g., as an example - degree to which of service to School); School values - Research staff, that engagement in EDI EDI objectives should activities; be embedded into - time spent doing EDI their ‘Research Skills activities; and Career - encouragement to Development Plan’ engage in EDI (e.g., as an indicator activities of personal and will be included in next AS professional survey in 2023 to measure excellence). and set target. 3.7 Review SPHPSS’ responses Provide further School SAT, AD for June 2021 December Progress reported to to the University EDI insights on SPHPSS EDI, HoS 2021 SPHPSS EDI Committee survey (June 2021) staff awareness (September 2021) and and perceptions of whole-School Town Hall EDI and gender meeting (December 2021). equality since the Benchmark staff awareness establishment of and perceptions of gender the School’s EDI equality and EDI. Develop Committee. actions as required. 3.8 Increase participation of Focus group AD for EDI, HoS, March 2022 April 2024 Student cohorts: Promote staff and student in AS participation is Director of School via peer mentors and class focus groups in 2023. comparable to Office, Heads of representatives, student majority of UCD Subject, AD for orientation, VLE programme School T&L, Student modules, School applications. Advisor, communications, School Increase of Programme website. attendees. Directors, Senior Target: minimum of 10 Programme participants to be recruited Administrators per cohort. Staff: A 'World Cafe' methodology will be used at the annual School Strategy Away Day to elicit 89
participation and perspectives from all staff. Target: All staff 3.9 Articulate the expected To support the HoS, Workload Workload Working January 2022 Target: time to be spent on EDI recognition of the Working Group Group formed in % FTE representing AD for activities by both AD for SAT and EDI- May 2021. EDI role and EDI committee EDI and EDI committee related work within membership. members within the the School School Workload Allocatio Workload n Model. Allocation Model. 3.10.1 Circulate expression of Associate HoS, Director of Calls for Recruitment of Newly appointed AD for EDI interest among School Deanships held for School Office, PA expressions of new AD for EDI in place by April 2023. faculty for the role of a period of three to HoS, interest circulated completed by Rotated role from male to Associate Dean for EDI in years at a time. An in September 2022. December female member of staff. September 2022. Allow a appropriate lead-in 2022. 3 to 6 month lead time for time is needed to facilitating the transition facilitate a smooth and handover between transition and to outgoing and incoming AD maximise the for EDI This incoming AD retention of for EDI will be appointed institutional to the committee as Vice knowledge. Chair for the 3 to 6 month period to facilitate a smooth transition and handover period. 3.10.2 Collect gender To ensure fairness HoS, Director of September 2022 February 2023 Progress reported to School disaggregated data on in the distribution School Office, AD EDI Committee, HoS, and expressions of interest for of key roles within for EDI, PA to HoS, SEM. Data to be presented AD for EDI to facilitate the School, and to in section 5.6.iii tracking over time and facilitate tracking (‘Representation of men reporting in AS Bronze over time and data and women on Award renewal in 2025. reporting for the committees’) in AS renewal AS renewal in in 2025. 2025. 90
Student Data 4.1.1 Collaborate with CHAS Gender AD for EDI, School September 2021 Annual data Number of females and College EDI Committee, disaggregated Widening collected and males enrolling to SPHPSS the Admissions Office and enrolment data for Participation collated for AS view access routes reported ‘University for All’ to Access routes is Representative, AD renewal by to School T&L and EDI advocate for the not currently for T&L, SAT June 2024 Committee, HoS, and SEM. collection of anonymised provided to Student Data Three years worth of data School-level data on the School’s through Working Group, to be presented in section proportions of women Admissions Director of School 4.1.i (‘Numbers of men and and men enrolling on reporting. Office, Senior women on access or Access routes. Programme foundation courses’) in AS Administrators renewal in 2025. Tailored student recruitment actions to address gender disparities. 4.1.2 Collaborate with the Enrolment data AD for EDI, School September 2022 June 2024 All promotions material Director of the Open collected for the Widening provided to Open Learning Learning Programme to first time in 2020 Participation reps conducting outreach in ensure that promotions (though small in Representative, AD School fully updated and material for modules absolute terms) for T&L, Heads of gender-balanced by offered by the School are show that the Subjects, September 2022. gender-balanced and proportion ratio of Programme At least 1 testimonial from a highlight, in particular, females to females Directors, female student who has female testimonials of enrolling on Open Programme taken an Open Learning experiences learning on Learning Modules Administrators module in SPHPSS for the School modules. is F 17%, M 83%. 2021/2022 UCD Prospectus. At least 1 School outreach talk by a member of SPHPSS by the Spring 2022/2023 Trimester. Target: 40% female students on Open Learning Programme by 2025. 91
Sub targets Ensuring gender balance on all promotional material associated with School Open Learning modules (F 50%, M 50%); Showcase female faculty members as role models at School recruitment outreach activities (e.g., presentations in local secondary schools); Inclusion of a testimonial from women enrolled on the School’s Open Learning modules. Monitor gender data annually and evaluate impact of actions against target and overall gender balance in June 2023. 4.1.3 Establish partnership and To ensure that the Head of Subject for September 2022 September A minimum of 25% females engage in consultation proportion of OSH, OSH 2024 enrolled on these courses with external IOSH female UG PT Programme by 2024. Future targets to stakeholders to students enrolled Directors, Senior be based on the success of incentivise employers to on IOSH courses Programme year 1 where a baseline will sponsor female applicants meets the national Administrator be established. for PT UG places. Increase benchmark. annual female enrolment on PT UG courses to~ 25% by the next AS submission in 2024. 4.1.4 Increase female UG enrolment on Associate Dean for Started in August November Progress reported to School enrolment on BSc Sport BSc Sport & Sport and 2019 2023 EDI Committee and Sport and Exercise Management Exercise Performance, Head and Performance subject by 20% by the next AS Management falls of Subject for Sport group. 92
submission in 2024. This short of the Management, will be achieved by: benchmark (30%). Programme Target: 35% female a) Ensuring gender Director for BSc enrolment on the BSc Sport balance on all Sport & Exercise & Exercise Management by promotional material Management, September 2024. (50% F/ 50% M); Senior Programme b) Inclusion of Administrator, SAT Sub targets testimonial from Student Data a) and b) monitor student female graduates in Working Group awareness of female role the UCD Prospectus; models in next AS survey in c) Representation of 2023. Target 90% of female staff members students agree that School at UCD Open Day has female role models. talks; (Current awareness levels in d) Providing real life School as a whole F 77%, M case studies and 80%) success stories of c) F 50%, M 50% 'Women in Sport' to representation (Current secondary school gender ratio in subject area career guidance F 50%, M 50%). teachers attending d) 3 case studies UCD Open Days. e) Survey during Student e) Survey female and Orientation, Annually, from male students on why September 2023. Survey they chose Health findings reported to Sport and Performance and Performance subject Science and Sport and group, and integrated into Exercise enrolment campaign. Management. Use Efficacy of campaign on findings to inform enrolment monitored. enrolment campaign? 4.1.5 Achieve and maintain Physiotherapy is a Associate Dean for September 2021 November Target: Annual enrolment of enrolment of male primarily female- Physiotherapy, 2023 40% male onto BSc students on BSc oriented Programme Physiotherapy between Physiotherapy at 40% profession. The Directors and Stage September 2021 and from 2020/21 to the enrolment of males Coordinators on September 2024. 93
round of student in September 2020 BSc Physiotherapy, enrolment prior to AS was at a high level Senior Programme Sub targets submission in 2024 (i.e., for the School, at Administrator a) and b) monitor student September 2023/24 40%. Maintaining awareness of female role enrolment). This will be this level of male models in next AS survey in achieved by: enrolment will lead 2023. Target 90% of a) Ensuring gender to an increase in students agree that School balance on all the proportions of has female role models. promotional material males completing (Current awareness levels in (50% F/ 50% M); the BSc School as a whole F 77%, M b) Retaining the Physiotherapy 80%). testimonial from degree from 2024 c) F 60%, M 40% male graduates in the onwards. representation (Current UCD Prospectus, and gender ratio in subject area updating annually; F 60%, M 40%). c) Providing d) 3 case studies representation of newly-hired male staff members (i.e., the new ‘Ad Astra’ Assistant Professor hires in Physiotherapy) at UCD Open Day talks; d) Providing a diverse set of case studies showcasing a wider range of (clinical and non-clinical) careers in Physiotherapy to secondary school career guidance teachers attending UCD Open Days. 94
4.1.6 Initiate a broader sectoral To spearhead HoS, Dean of a) and b) January a) and b) Targets: partnership to explore the sector-level change Physiotherapy, 2022 (in line with December a) and b) Defined targets to issue of male careers in in the profile of Associate Dean for 2022/23 UG 2022 establish partnership and to physiotherapy. This will Physiotherapy Physiotherapy, applications) c) December address gender balance to be achieved by: graduates. Directo of Clinical c) November 2020 2021 be articulated in the duties a) Formally contact the Education, Senior d) September 2021 d) November and roles of new Director of Irish Society of Related baseline: Programme 2022 Clinical Education. Chartered The School does Administrators c) Showcase male faculty Physiotherapists and not currently have members as role models at initiate a a senior academic School recruitment (e.g., collaborative member of faculty Open Day Talks, F 50%a, M partnership to with responsibility 50% faculty representation) address gender for clinical and outreach activities (e.g., balance in the education. presentations in local recruitment of males secondary schools). to undergraduate The School’s d) 2 case studies of SPHPSS programmes in YouTube channel male Ad Astra staff in physiotherapy in currently Physiotherapy on their Ireland. showcases career journey across the b) Collaborate with The professionally- academic pipeline (from Society on the gender edited staff profiles School-leaving, through UG balancing of their in Physiotherapy (F and PhD study, and promotional material. 86%, M 14%) transitioning into c) Male Physiotherapy academic). faculty to engage in School recruitment Related targets: and secondary school Director of Clinical outreach activities to Education role to be to be promote proposed during College physiotherapy budget negotiations in careers for males; March 2022. d) Educate secondary school career Increase the number of guidance teachers professionally-edited staff about the career profiles in Physiotherapy by paths that exist for 95
both males and n=3, resulting in F 60%, M female physiotherapy 40% gender representation. graduates and provide them with material to promote physiotherapy to male students. 4.1.7 Collate and analyse The proportions of AD for EDI, in January 2022 December Report from the School EDI historical data in SPHPSS females achieving collaboration with 2022 Committee to the SEM on the extent to which distinctions on AD for T&L, Committee If and where course preference, Bachelor’s degree Director of School gender-differences are attendance, and courses within Office, Programme observed, actions will be assessment type affect SPHPSS is Administrators put in place to address the rank ordering of consistently higher these. degree award than the classification between the proportion for genders. males. 4.1.8 Increase female GT awards to Associate Dean for September 2022 January 2024 Progress reported to School enrolment on MSc Sport females in Sports Sport and EDI Committee and Sport Management and MSc Science falls short Performance, Head and Performance subject Coaching Science in Sport of the benchmark of Subject for Sport group. by 20% by the next AS (30%). and Performance, submission in 2024. This Programme Target: 35% female will be achieved by: Director for MSc enrolment on the MSc Sport a) Ensuring gender Sport Management Management and MSc balance on all and MSc Coaching Coaching Science in Sport. promotional material Science in Sport, (50% F/ 50% M); Senior Programme Sub targets b) Inclusion of Administrators, a) and b) monitor student testimonial from Programme awareness of female role female graduates in Administrators, models in next AS survey in the UCD Prospectus; SAT Student Data 2023. Target 95% of c) Representation of Working Group students agree that School female staff members has female role models. at UCD Open Day (Current awareness levels in talks; 96
d) Providing real life School as a whole F 86%, M case studies and 92%) success stories of c) F 50%, M 50% ‘Women in Sport’ to representation (Current UG alumni networks gender ratio in subject area to promote return to F 50%, M 50%). UCD for PGT study. d) 3 case studies e) Survey female and e) Survey during Student male students on why Orientation, Annually, from they chose the MSc September 2023. Survey Sport Management findings reported to Sport and MSc Coaching and Performance subject Science in Sport. group, and integrated into enrolment campaign. Efficacy of campaign on enrolment monitored. 4.1.9 Associate Dean for PGR Three years of AD for PGR Started in September Three years of data to Education to continue to baseline data is Education, September 2020 2024 inform action planning in monitor student needed to facilitate Research Athena SWAN resubmission applications, offers, evidence-based Programme in April 2025. acceptances, and entrants action planning Administrator to the SPHPSS PGR and reporting in AS programme. submission. 4.1.10 Annual report of PGR Communicate AD for PGR November 2021 December Progress reported to School student pipeline to be gender equality Education, with 2021, and EDI Committee and SEM made of the Associate data, tracking, and support from the annual and presentation for Dean for PGR Education achievements to AD for EDI, reporting delivery at Town Hall. (at School Townhall whole-School Research thereafter Committee Meeting) community. Programme Administrator 4.1.11 Associate Dean for PGR Three years of AD for PGR Started September Annual, three Three years of data to Education to continue to baseline data is Education, with 2020 years of data inform action planning in monitor student needed to facilitate support from the by September Athena SWAN renewal in withdrawals and reasons evidence-based AD for EDI, 2024 2025. for leaving the SPHPSS action planning Research PGR programme. To Targets: 97
facilitate this process, the and reporting in AS Programme Exit interview template by Associate Deans for PGR submission. Administrator June 2022 Education and ED will 100% of PGR leavers to collaborate to: complete the exit interview a) Develop an exit form. interview template Future targets to be based for use by individual on the data from leavers PGR supervisors for forms ease of reporting student reasons for leaving. Academic and Research Staff Data 4.2.1 To promote academic Two apparent HoS, Associate June 2022 April 2025 1 male Assistant Professor progression and to progression Deans for Subjects, to apply for promotion to address gender bottlenecks in the Heads of Subjects, Associate Professor underrepresentation School: 1. male P4G Reviewers 1 female Assistant Professor across the academic Assistant Professor to apply for promotion to career pipeline in SPHPSS: and 2. female Associated Professor by Objective: Associate Professor April 2025. - Minimum of two level. successful male 1 female Associate promotions to Baseline: Professor to apply for Associate Professor promotion to Professor by (increase from M 33% n=4 (3 F, 1 M) April 2025. to M 44% Associate members of staff Professors; strongly disagreed Sub targets - Minimum of n=1 with the a) Achieve 0% of staff successful female statement: reporting strongly promotions to: “I receive disagreeing with the - Professor (n=1) encouragement statement: “I receive to achieve a from my School to encouragement from my minimum apply for School to apply for target of F 60%; promotion” promotion” (in survey - Associate 2023). Professor (n=1) 98
to maintain a 74% of academic a) 100% of staff agree that balance of F staff (F 62%, they “…receive 67%. M82%) reported encouragement from my Supports: that they School to apply for a) Head of School in understand the promotion” (in survey collaboration with promotions 2023). Associate Deans and process. Heads of Subject will b) 100% of staff agree that ensure that there is a 44% (F 43%, M “People are promoted on direct discussion and 44%) of academic merit, irrespective of evaluation of staff reported that gender” (in survey 2023). academic progression allocation of against the UCD workload was b) 100% of academic staff Development mapped to report that they understand Framework for promotions the promotions process (in Faculty during criteria. survey 2023). ‘Performance for Growth’ (P4G) > One third of c) >75% of staff reporting conversations. respondents to that allocation of workload b) Where the case for staff survey (F 37%, is mapped to promotions promotion has been M 33%) reported criteria (in survey 2023). mutually agreed by that they felt a lack the reviewee and the of c) < 10% staff reported that reviewer at the P4G mentoring/coachin a lack of meeting, in the g/feedback mentoring/coaching/ meeting report, the inhibited their past feedback inhibited their P4G reviewer will career success past career success (next AS recommend that the Survey 2023). candidate attend the Only 13% of next available academic staff c) 100% of academic staff promotions workshop agreed that agree that issues raise for academic staff. “Issue[s] I raise concerning their workload This P4G meeting regarding my will be dealt with. report (which is also workload will be reviewed by the Head dealt with”. (F 15%, c) 0% of academic staff of School) will also ‘Strongly Disagree’ that 99
signal the Head of or n=2 of 13, M issues raised concerning School to directly 10%, or n=1 of 10) their workload will be dealt approach the with. reviewee to make a plan about ensuring Of staff (n=16) who c) Cross referencing preparedness for reported in the questions in the staff survey promotion. survey that they to show that staff who have c) Promotions planning have not sought not sought promotion in the and preparedness promotion, only past few years did so activities to be 38% (F 13%, M because they wanted to identified and or 63%) reported develop skills to strengthen designed to target wanted to do so to their CV. Target >50% the staff member’s strengthen their CV females and >75% males ability to attain reporting wanting to promotions relevant strengthen their CV first. achievements (e.g., reallocation of some New questions on workload to fill in satisfaction with College gaps in teaching and promotions workshops and learning, research training will be included in and or outreach and next AS survey in 2023 to engagement measure and set target. experiences that can support promotions New questions on readiness). satisfaction with P4G process and developmental conversations and planning to support promotions will be included in next AS survey in 2023 to measure and set target. 4.2.2 Explore the career Currently no formal AD for EDI, in Started in Focus group in Focus group in January aspirations and career mapping of collaboration with November 2019, January 2023 2023, data analysed and development of teaching teaching only staff Heads of Subject post initial AS to lead into action upon leading into only staff. career aspirations submission action planning September 2023 (i.e. 2023/2024 academic year). 100
is conducted at a for AS School level resubmission. 4.2.3 Submit Application for Females are AD for EDI, Started in January 2022 SALI application for a Full Senior Academic significantly Associate Dean for December 2019. Professorship in Sport and Leadership Initiative post underrepresented Sport and Two iterations of Exercise Physiology to be in Sport and Exercise within the subject Performance, Head feedback received submitted in January 2022. Physiology at UCD to the area of Sport of Subject for Sport to support Higher Education Science in general, Management, HoS resubmission Authority in January 2022. with a clear absence of female leadership 4.2.4 Promote permanent Fixed term School Office November 2019 April 2025 Target: To have all internal positions as they arise in members of staff Administration SPHPSS posts circulated to SPHPSS to all staff can benefit for Team all staff view the School regular updates Office Administration email about job account. This represents a opportunities continuation of regular within the School – practice. i.e., to facilitate planning and a Targets: timely application. 100% of fixed term staff Baseline: respondents to the survey answer the questions about
respondents to the ‘Agree’ that new job survey reported opportunities are clearly that new job communicated. opportunities are widely communicated. New questions on Only n=3 of 10 perceptions about whether fixed term staff and how satisfied faculty respondents to the are that new job survey reported opportunities are that new job communicated to them will opportunities are be included in next AS clearly survey in 2023 to measure communicated. and set target. 4.2.5 Annual conversations will External AD for EDI, in December 2021 June 2024 Termly conversations be held by Programme contributors to collaboration with conducted. Staff satisfaction Director or Head of SPHPSS academic Heads of Subject logged and actions set. Subject with external programmes are contributors to explore hourly paid with Annual review and report of their career aspirations. rolling contracts subject level use of that span a single occasional staff at the semester of study. School Townhall meeting. Meetings at the end of academic Three years of data collated term required to by June 2024 for AS renewal promote (in 2025). development. 4.2.6 Conduct a School-wide There are many HoS, SEM, Heads of June 2020 December Annual review and report of review of the use of external Subjects, Director 2021 subject level use of occasional lecturing staff contributors to of the School occasional staff at the to achieve a better SPHPSS academic Office, Senior School Townhall meeting. understand of whether programmes. Programme and how the School can These occasional Administrators move away from such lecturers are hourly paid with rolling 102
long-term dependence on contracts that span hourly-paid contracts a single semester of study. 4.2.7 SPHPSS will offer face-to- Anecdotally known HoS, Research September 2021 December Electronic record of exit face exit interview with all that staff leave to Grant PIs, Heads of 2024 interview, which, from staff leaving the School. take up a better Subjects, Director January 2022, can be Here, the HoS or line post elsewhere, of the School collated on the College-level manager (e.g., Head of exit interviews can Office, Senior exit interview pro-forma Subject, research grant help the School Programme template that is currently PI)* will seek to gain identify systemic or Administrators under agreement at the better understanding of gender issues that College-level EDI the reasons for leaving leading to a lack of Committee. and will record these data progression. in a gender disaggregated Three years of data collated format for future by June 2024 for AS renewal reporting. A formal record (in 2025) of meetings will be maintained and will be monitored annually for common themes including any gender and EDI related reasons for leaving SPHPSS. Key Career Transition Points: Academic Staff 5.1.1 Utilise the recently- Prior to March AD for EDI, School March 2021 First report of Publication of School, EDI, launched SPHPSS EDI 2021, the School EDI Committee, three year GEAP, and Widening webpage to promote currently did not School Website bank of data Participation Statements SPHPSS commitment to have a ‘live’ EDI, Committee, School for Athena online in March 2021. At EDI and link prospective GEAP, and Educational SWAN least monthly updates of and current staff to Widening Technologist resubmission the School website. New University EDI policies, Participation page. will be EDI, GEAP, and or Widening SPHPSS EDI resources and available from Participation content each initiatives. Baseline Students: January 2024. month. 103
SPHPSS students Student Target: report only Increase in median moderate level of representing EDI awareness. awareness, and A change by 1 unit for both female students males and females. perceived EDI Increase in median awareness to be representing EDI more important importance. A change by 1 than males did. unit for males. Baseline awareness Target awareness of policy: of policy: - Equal Opportunities (F - Equal 100%, M 100%) Opportunities - Dignity and Respect (F (F 56%, M 100%, M 100%) 67%) - Gender Identity and - Dignity and Expression (F 50%, M Respect (F 50%) 69%, M 80%) - Core Meeting Hours (F - Gender 100%, M 100%) Identity and - Maternity (F 70%, M Expression (F 50%) 34%, M 33%) - Adoptive (F 50%, M - Core Meeting 50%) Hours (F 41%, - Parental (F 50%, M M 33%) 50%) - Maternity (F - Paternity (F 50%, M 53%, M 40%) 50%) - Adoptive (F - Carer’s (F 50%, M 50%) 31%, M 20%) - Parental (F 38%, M 33%) - Paternity (F 28%, M 53%) - Carer’s (F 16%, M 27%) 104
5.1.2 Critically review the To bring Director of the January 2020 December Full suite of job specification School’s existing job recruitment School Office, 2021 template and resources specification to ensure procedures in line Senior Programme with up-to-date EDI that job postings and with UCD’s Administrators statements and alignment recruitment templates recently published to UCD GEAP. adequately address EDI GEAP, 2020 - 2024 awareness, principles, and All job specification and best practice. All job recruitment materials will specification and be audited to ensure that recruitment materials will they clearly articulate be audited to ensure that commitment to EDI. This they clearly articulate audit will be undertaken commitment to EDI. This using UCD’s Inclusive audit will be undertaken Recruitment Practices using UCD’s Inclusive Guide. Recruitment Practices Guide. 5.1.3 Record data on interview Data not currently Individual Chairs of January 2020 December First report of three year Board of Assessor panels collated (even Boards of 2021 bank of data for Athena to achieve compliance though compliance Assessors, Director SWAN resubmission will be with UCD GEAP with Board of of the School available from January recommendations (i.e., Assessor Office, Senior 2023. panel made up of at least recommendations Programme 40% male or female). are anecdotally Administrators All Board of Assessors to well-known and have 40% male or female put into practice by representation (on a comply SPHPSS staff). or explain basis). 5.1.4 Implement UCD EDI Hiring To bring HoS, Director of January 2022 First report of By December 2023, all Guidelines and promote recruitment the School Office, three year assessment panel members to all hiring managers. procedures in line Senior Programme bank of data must have completed Links to UCD unconscious with UCD’s Administrators, for Athena unconscious bias awareness bias resources to be recently published Interview panel SWAN raising to sit on an SPHPSS incorporated into the GEAP 2020 – 2024 chair. resubmission recruitment panel. School’s interview panel (particularly action will be preparations pack. 5.1.4) available from Engagement of panel January 2024. 105
members with unconscious bias resources to be monitored by interview panel chair. 5.1.5 Promote and monitor To bring HoS, Deputy HoS, January 2022 First report of By December 2023, all uptake of University recruitment Director of the three year assessment panel members unconscious bias training procedures in line School Office, bank of data must have completed by members of interview with UCD’s Interview panel for Athena unconscious bias awareness panels in line with UCD’s recently published chair. SWAN raising to sit on an SPHPSS GEAP 2020-2024. GEAP 2020 – 2024 resubmission recruitment panel. (particularly action will be 5.1.4) available from January 2024. 5.1.6 Collaborate with EDI Unit To bring HoS, SEM, AD for September to January 2022 Targets set for each to set targets at recruitment EDI, AD for RII, December 2021 academic grade within each shortlisting stage in line procedures in line Director of the subject area. with the UCD GEAP AP with UCD’s School Office 5.1.4. The University has recently published committed to a consistent GEAP 2020 – 2024 and structured approach (particularly action to developing targets for 5.1.4) all UCD Schools in Q3 2021. 5.1.7 When targets for SPHPSS To bring HoS, SEM, Director January 2022 January 2022 Targets and picture of are agreed with the recruitment of the School and again at SPHPSS’ current gender University, communicate procedures in line Office, AD for EDI, Town Hall breakdown of staff by grade these to staff with with UCD’s AD for RII presentation in communicated to all staff: recruitment recently published May 2022 - Whole School email; responsibilities. Include GEAP 2020 – 2024 - School EDI website these targets and picture (particularly action - School Newsletter of SPHPSS’ current gender 5.1.4) - Town Hall Presentation breakdown of staff by - Report to SEM grade in advance of all job competition. EDI Committee to report 106
progress against targets annually to SEM. 5.1.8 Establish Search To bring HoS, SEM, Heads of September 2022 December Future targets to be based Committees with a gender recruitment Subject, Research 2024 on recruitment data focus when posts arise to procedures in line PIs (two years of between September 2022 address gender with UCD’s data available and December 2024. Data underrepresentation recently published for review in reported in AS renewal across academic grades GEAP 2020 – 2024 AS renewal application in April 2025. and to support the (particularly action 2025). achievement of University 5.1.4) shortlisting targets. 5.1.9 The following SPHPSS To bring HoS, SEM, Heads of September 2022 December Target staff to be provided with recruitment Subject, Research 2024 100% of SPHPSS staff (with annual SPHPSS academic procedures in line PIs (two years of hiring responsibilities) pipeline data by gender with UCD’s data available having completed the and to complete the EDI recently published for review in online training between recruitment section of the GEAP 2020 – 2024 AS renewal September 2022 and newly launched (particularly action 2025). December 2024. intervarsity EDI online 5.1.4) training programme: - Chairs and Members of Search Committee - Chairs and Members of Interview panels - All Hiring managers - Principal Investigators hiring Research Only Staff 5.1.10 Evaluate impact of To bring AD for EDI, SAT January 2022 December Targets recruitment actions: recruitment 2024 a) review progress against a) Review whether procedures in line (two years of targets set in AP 5.1.6 SPHPSS recruitment with UCD’s data available b) ~100% increase in actions […] attracts recently published for review in applicants specifying their an increase in GEAP 2020 – 2024 AS renewal gender (i.e., up to 75%) applicants of the (particularly action 2025). 5.1.4) 107
underrepresented gender; Baseline b) Review whether recruitment actions b) on average result in an increase across the review in applicants period, 39% of specifying their applicants to posts gender at application did not specify stage which will their gender. support enhanced data analysis. 5.1.11 Increase engagement in Effective and early HoS, Associate June 2021 First report of Annual InfoHub reporting of general UCD Orientation induction is a Deans for Subject, three year staff attendance at General to 100%. Track necessary part of Heads of Subjects, bank of data Induction and cross- participation in general transitioning to a Director of the for Athena referencing with new hire UCD Orientation new role in an School Office, SWAN data. Report to Head of workshop by line organisation. Senior Programme resubmission School and Director of the manager/PIs for all new Administrators, will be School Office. Promotion of staff appointed to new Programme available from Orientation to be contracts. This data Administrators June 2024. emphasised by line should distinguish managers and research PIs. between existing staff transitioning to a new Target: contract and new staff 100% of new hires (i.e., new actually initiating work at to UCD) to attend general UCD (i.e., persons will not UCD Orientation. be expected to attend general Orientation in Future targets to be based moving between posts on the data from actual within UCD). attendance between June 2021 and June 2024. 5.1.12 Directly advertise and To build on past HoS, Associate January 2020 December 2 additional female faculty promote the Aurora successes of School Deans for Subject, 2024. completing the Aurora scheme to incoming members Heads of Subject, scheme (up to a total of 6 newly-appointed female completing this Director of the from the current number of faculty and administrative scheme and to School Office 4). 108
and support staff to continue to 2 case studies for SPHPSS enhance women’s promote it to EDI website of female staff leadership skills newly appointed who have completed the development within the staff - whether Aurora programme and School. Application to early career or have used this experience Aurora to be discussed at otherwise. to go on an successfully newly-appointed staff apply for and secure a member’s first P4G Baseline: promotion (or large grant, if meeting. n=4 of 15 female that is what the leadership faculty responses the successful leadership to staff survey experience was). ‘Disagreed’ that they had a clear Targets in 2023 survey: sense of career 100% of female faculty pathway. ‘Agree’ that they have a clear sense of career n=3 of 13 female pathway in staff survey. faculty responses to staff survey >50% female faculty reported that role responses to staff survey models were a reporting that role models factor in were a factor in contributing to contributing to their career their career success. success. >50% female faculty n=4 of 13 female responses to staff survey faculty responses reporting that coaching and to staff survey mentoring was a factor in reported that contributing to their career coaching and success. mentoring was a factor in >80% of female faculty contributing to report understanding the their career promotions process. success. 109
0% of female faculty report Difference in the being not encouraged to proportions of apply for promotion. female and male academics who 100% of female faculty reported reporting that leadership is understanding the valued in the School. promotions process (F 62%, New questions on n=8 of 13 perceptions about whether responses, M 82%, and how satisfied faculty n=9 of 11 are with how leadership responses). opportunities are communicated to them will n=1 female faculty be included in next AS response to survey survey in 2023 to measure indicated that they and set target. did not apply for promotion because they were not encouraged to. n=7 of 14 female faculty reported that the ‘Don’t know’ whether leadership is valued in the School. 5.1.13 Develop and implement a The School has a Director of the January 2020 September An increase in the clear School Induction Welcome Pack for School Office, 2021 proportion of staff reporting mechanism for staff by new staff; Senior Programme receiving a clear local June 2021. however, the SAT Administrators induction, as reported by data collection and the next AS staff survey analyses indicate Target: 100% of new hires that it could be (i.e., new to UCD) to report 110
more consistently having had induction. 0% of implemented. staff reporting that their induction was ‘not Baseline: satisfactory’. Only 29% (F25%, M 35%) of staff reported having a formal induction when commencing employment at UCD. n=6 of staff reported that their induction was ‘not satisfactory’. 5.1.14 Establish and implement The location of AD for Research, March 2020 a) Spring Bank of data on staff School wide activities to SPHPSS staff across Innovation and 2022 engagement in these foster engagement and different buildings Impact, HoS, b) Sept 2021 culture and engagement collaboration at all across campus has School Social c) Data activities for reporting and academic levels. To this resulted in newer Committee, AD for collection action planning ahead of AS end, the School will: staff reporting that EDI, SAT Career started in resubmission a) Features lectures there is a lack of a Development and December from newly sense of whole- Academic Staff 2020 New questions on specific appointed staff in the School community, Working Group, d) Sept 2014 career success factors in School’s research and that more SAT Organisation 2021 School, such as team seminar series - to regular whole- and Culture collaboration and can discuss their work School cross- Working Group networking, coaching and and possible building and cross- mentoring will be included collaborations that disciplinary in next AS survey in 2023 to they would like to activities could measure and set target. pursue with others in encourage the School; engagement. Existing questions about b) Establish School-wide sense of community and interdisciplinary Baseline: belonging in School, and working groups under Only 46% (F 45%, attendance at School-based a Community of M 47%) of staff events. 111
Practice Framework reported feeling to encourage part of a whole- Target: engagement and School community Increase sense of participation in community to >70%. research activities 90% (F 92%, Maintain high levels of across the School’s M87%) of staff attendance at School different subject respondents to events, >90%. areas. survey reported c) Collect gender attending disaggregated data organised events. on participation in seminar series from attendees at all levels of the research and academic pipeline. d) Collect gender disaggregated data on participation in interdisciplinary working groups at all levels of the research and academic pipeline. 5.1.15 Publish the new School Raise awareness of School Newsletter Started, May 2020 April 2025 A minimum of 12 School Newsletter once per whole-School Committee, house First issue Published Newsletters published trimester to showcase activities, within the School published in May Quarterly between May 2021 and AS research, teaching and celebrating EDI Committee, AD 2021. resubmission in April 2025. other activities, celebrate achievements and for EDI, SAT achievements, highlight signposting staff to Organisation and publications, grant events, training, Culture Working success, training and other Group opportunities, comings resources and and goings, and any opportunities. further School news. Collate gender disaggregated data on 112
submissions to the Newsletter and ensure gender balance in the reporting of such School success stories. 5.1.16 As a part of P4G Despite an increase HoS, Associate To commence Annual Every staff member to development plans […] in the uptake of Deans for Subject, again in line with First report of attend a minimum of one staff engagement in training in the Heads of Subject, launch of P4G two year bank training, development, or training, development, review period Director of the process in June of data for networking event per and networking activities research by the School Office, 2022 Athena SWAN annum and report of same and events across the SAT reveals that Senior Programme resubmission in P4G meeting. university will be awareness of Administrators will be Annual InfoHub reporting of monitored on an annual training can still be available from staff attendance at events. basis. improved within June 2024. Report to Head of School SPHPSS. and Director of the School Office. Promotion of training and events to be emphasised by line managers and research PIs. Target: All staff to attend 1 event. 5.1.17 a) Where shortfalls are SPHPSS needs to HoS, Associate To commence Annual Targets: identified in relation provide an Deans for Subject, again in line with First report of In the next AS survey to the Development individualised Heads of Subject launch of P4G two year bank (2023), Framework that can assessment of process in June of data for a) >75% of academic staff be addressed through training and 2022 Athena SWAN being encouraged to take training, during professional resubmission part in training (facilitated annual P4G development will be through P4G meetings and conversations, the needs on a regular available from planning) P4G reviewer and basis. June 2024. a) Staff reporting having reviewee will make a benefitted from plan for such training Baseline: developmental coaching into the upcoming Only ~50% (53%, F and guidance increased by academic year. 47%, M 67%) of 100% to F 60%, M 60%. respondents to the 113
b) Where shortfalls are SPHPSS staff survey b) defined % FTE allocated identified that cannot reported being to staff training in new be directly addressed aware of training Workload Allocation Model through training, P4G opportunities on (by January 2022). reviewers will request offer. b) 100% of academic staff that, where feasible, agree that issues raise the HoS realign the Only 29% (F 29%, concerning their workload reviewee’s School M 30%) of staff will be dealt with. roles facilitate report having b) 0% of academic staff academic progression experienced career ‘Strongly Disagree’ that through skills success based on issues raised concerning development in the developmental their workload will be dealt form of direct coaching. with. contribution to the c) >75% of staff reporting School. 44% (F 43%, M that allocation of workload c) Collect data on 44%) of academic is mapped to promotions promotions across staff reported that criteria. SPHPSS disciplines to allocation of c) 100% of staff agree that ensure workload was “People are promoted on underrepresented mapped to merit, irrespective of genders in each of promotions gender”. the disciplines are criteria. c) Achieve 0% of staff also and achieving reporting strongly promotions in these Only 13% of disagreeing with the areas. Where gaps academic staff statement: “I receive occur, leverage agreed that encouragement from my promotions actions to “Issue[s] I raise School to apply for specifically target regarding my promotion”. these groups. workload will be c) 0% of faculty report being Monitor data dealt with”. (F 15%, not encouraged to apply for annually and evaluate or n=2 of 13, M promotion. impact of actions. 10%, or n=1 of 10). n=4 (3 F, 1 M) members of staff strongly disagreed 114
with the statement: “I receive encouragement from my School to apply for promotion”. n=1 female faculty response to survey indicated that they did not apply for promotion because they were not encouraged to. 5.1.18 Continue to collaborate Delivery of annual College VP for EDI, August 2020 September 1 successful promotions on and contribute to the support for AD for EDI, 2021, and presentation from a design and delivery of the promotions Associate Deans for annually member of SPHPSS staff at now annual College-level preparations and Subject, Heads of thereafter annual College workshops. faculty promotions applications is Subject Progress reported to School workshops. Where a needed to support EDI Committee and Sport successful promotions faculty to make and Performance subject case is available within career transitions. group. the School, this person A report on this School-level will be encouraged by the Baseline: contribution to College Head of School and 1 F and 1 M faculty faculty promotions facilitated by their Head member presented workshops to be uploaded of Subject to share their at College to the School’s EDI webpage promotions success story promotions and the Autumn edition of with the wider college. workshops in 2020. the School Newsletter. 5.1.19 To enhance faculty Consistent and HoS, Heads of August 2021, in January 2023 Promotions process and understanding of the readily available Subject, Director of line with the next FAQs page on website by promotions process and supports for staff the School Office, iteration of December 2021; reduce uncertainty about making a Senior Programme College-level Identification of successful readiness for making a promotions Administrators applicants and sharing of 115
promotion application, a application are promotions applications by June 2022; bank of resources is needed. workshops peer review panel set up in needed at a School level. School by June 2023; Support resources Baseline: available bank of successful include: < 50% of staff (F applications December a) Launch and regularly 39%, M 59%) 2023. update the School’s respondents to website with a survey answered Targets: promotions process questions about Increase in the proportion and FAQ page; promotion. of staff respondents to b) Identify successful survey who answer applicants at different 70% (F 62%, M questions about promotion academic grades who 80%) of these staff (both genders to 75%) would consent to respondents sharing their reported Increase in the proportion successful understanding the of staff respondents to application; promotions survey who answer c) Establish a peer process questions about promotion review process which reporting that they can bring together a n=4 (3 F, 1 M) understand the process (to panel of ‘critical members of staff >90%) friends’ that have strongly disagreed been involved in with the An increase in satisfaction promotions statement: with promotions supports applications (as “I receive (as assessed in the staff applicant and or encouragement survey – new baseline data reviewer) to support from my School to to be established in June applicants at a School apply for 2021). level; promotion” d) Create a bank of such Achieve 0% of staff sample applications, reporting strongly ensuring gender disagreeing with the representation, statement: “I receive applications with encouragement from my difference career School to apply for trajectories, and 116
caring promotion” (in survey responsibilities. 2023). New questions on satisfaction with College promotions workshops and training will be included in next AS survey in 2023 to measure and set target. 5.1.20 Staff unsuccessful in Unsuccessful HoS, Heads of September 2019 First report of All unsuccessful staff have application for promotion applicants for Subject three year had a meeting and a will all receive direct and promotion require bank of data development plan has been targeted support from the targeted support for Athena put in place as measured in HoS, their line- for development SWAN next AS survey (2023) manager/Head of Subject planning to enable resubmission A minimum of 70% of staff to work towards the next them to progress will be will re-apply within one application. To this end, in towards a available from year; female:male ratio of the month immediately resubmission of December staff re-applying is similar to after application decision, the promotions 2023. gender ratio in staff applicants will: application. unsuccessful in application a) Meet with their HoS, for promotion (measured line-manager/Head of Baseline: over duration of the coming Subject to discuss the Only 29% (F 29%, AS review period). feedback; M 30%) of b) Agree a development academic staff Sub target: plan aimed at the report having Staff report having achievement of key experienced career benefitted from promotions criteria success based on developmental coaching milestones, for which developmental and guidance increased by training and coaching. 100% to F 60%, M 60%. development opportunities will be and workload allocation will be adjusted, where necessary. 117
Career Development: Academic Staff 5.3.1 P4G process to include Training HoS, Associate In conjunction with December Targets: review of training needs opportunities on Deans for Subject, P4G process June 2023 and a) and b)Opportunities as against the UCD offer: 86% of Heads of Subject, to September 2021 thereafter measured in next AS survey Development Framework female researchers Director of the annually (2023) for Faculty and for other and 40% of males School Office >75% of staff being staff specific to employee answered being encouraged to take part in grade that would help encouraged, 37% training (facilitated through staff progress their of academics and P4G meetings and planning) careers 73% of professional c) defined % FTE allocated a) Include individual support staff. to staff training in new review of training Workload Allocation Model needs that would (January 2022) help staff progress their careers. b) Every staff member to attend a minimum of one training, development, or networking event per annum and report of same in P4G meeting. c) Head of School and line manager to enable training via workload allocation. 5.3.2 Include a link to the ~50% (53%, F 47%, Grant managers January 2022 June 2022 A minimum of 70% (both Postdoctoral researcher M 67%) survey and research genders, no less than 60% development plan in the responses by PDR project PIs for either gender) of Induction pack and as an reported being postdoctoral research staff item on the Induction aware of training report being aware of checklist by June 2021 opportunities on training as measured in next (See AP 5.1.2): offer. AS survey (2023). Induction checklist to be completed and 118
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