ACTION PLAN Spring 2021 - Yarmouth Maine Aging in Place - Building Community One Neighbor at a Time in Yarmouth, Maine - AARP

Page created by Rick Benson
ACTION PLAN Spring 2021 - Yarmouth Maine Aging in Place - Building Community One Neighbor at a Time in Yarmouth, Maine - AARP
Building Community One Neighbor at a Time in Yarmouth, Maine

         Yarmouth Maine
          Aging in Place

             ACTION PLAN
              Spring 2021
Yarmouth, ME Aging in Place
                                February 2021

Yarmouth’s Aging in Place efforts have been underway since 2015. Our project
was an outgrowth of the Yarmouth Senior Housing Committee. Their efforts
resulted in a second “affordable” senior housing complex and yet their steering
committee understood that there were many additional services needed by
Yarmouth seniors to allow them to age in place. Our AIP work group thus began
our work to identify those services and how we could deliver them.
        With a population of about 8,500, Yarmouth’s median age is 46 (compared
to the Maine median age of 46). We know that retired Mainers tend to be
“snowbirds” for a while but then return to Maine as they get older, probably for
health care and also to be closer to family. Many Yarmouth residents have family
of all ages nearby and thus our efforts need to support their desire to keep their
older relatives at home. Our AIP Work Group began as a bottom up project.
Members were recruited from an election day questionnaire and thus began our
inquiry about what an AIP project might look like. The Town of Yarmouth was
generally in favor of our work, but as the town manager told me, “They don’t
really know what they are in favor of yet.” We would need to build our case for
the town to jump on board.
        Critical to our success was collaborations between organizations and town
departments. We were fortunate to have a long standing organization- YCAN-
(Yarmouth Cares about Neighbors) which includes a food pantry, medical
(equipment) loan closet, and senior rides program just to name a few.
Yarmouth’s AIP project landed comfortably under the YCAN umbrella, thus
providing us with 501c3 status. Other partners include Yarmouth Community
Services which coordinates activities for residents of all ages; our town library
which has supported many programs and provided us with display space for our
informational brochures; and Yarmouth Town Council which supported our
efforts with a monetary donation and a recommendation of our CDBG grant to
kick off the project.
        It seemed like at every turn, someone would step up to the plate to support
the next step. One of our YCAN board members conducted interviews with town
stakeholders to determine what was already known by these organizations about
town services for seniors. A series of focus groups attended by several hundred
older residents filled in the gaps about what people knew about available
programs and what needed to be added. All of this information fed into a town
wide survey, mailed to all residents; and returned by 25% of all residents (>50% of
those age 65 and older). One of our work group members specializes in surveys
and analysis and thus we had a thorough understanding of what is needed to
make Yarmouth more Age Friendly.
        After a review of various AIP models, we settled on AARP’s model which
includes the 8 areas we chose to focus on. As our work proceeded work group
members gravitated to various areas and we were able to proceed with our work.
The attached spreadsheets with red highlighted areas for activities completed
shows where we focused our efforts. In addition to the 8 focus areas, we invited
a group of seniors town wide as our Senior Advisory Council. Their assignment
was to help publicize the programs/events we were organizing and to bring
forward issues that needed attention especially when they were not included in
the original plan.
        One of our most invaluable accomplishments was the addition of a
Resource Specialist from SMAA (Southern Maine Agency on Aging) to be available
to Yarmouth seniors two days a week at the town library (during Covid by email
and phone). The role of the RS is to connect Yarmouth seniors with available
services both regionally and locally. SMAA is able to bring their extensive
resource connections and also link residents with programs that Yarmouth has
created. It was at this juncture that we knew the town had taken greater
ownership of Age Friendly Yarmouth programs, which we view as integral to long
term continuation of our efforts. We look forward to continued development of
our programs. Yarmouth Community Services, which is also responsible for the
upkeep of our public lands/playgrounds has made great strides in making parks
and walkways more handicapped accessibility. From mothers with strollers to
seniors with walkers, our parks are increasingly welcoming to all.
        Covid has forced us to reel in so many programs that were designed to get
seniors out and about in the community. Our primary accomplishment during
this time has been to roll out an e-newsletter, which focuses on highlighting
programs that are still available virtually or otherwise. Since one of our goals was
to introduce intergenerational programs, this e-newsletter is a great venue to
bring people together to enjoy what Yarmouth has to offer, even if it’s just a drive
through town during the holidays, guided by our map of decorations and lights.
We have delivered 3 rounds of cards and letters written by people of all ages to
our folks who are in assisted living/nursing homes. Even though our preference is
to keep people in their homes, for our residents who are housed in Yarmouth
facilities, we want them to know that they are thought and cared about. An
upcoming feature will be the contribution of recipes for anyone (everyone) who is
sick of their own cooking but might be willing to share a recipe with others.
       We look forward to building on the original plan and reconstituting our
work groups, as well as building on the collaborations that will allow Yarmouth to
become even more age friendly. Yarmouth AIP is becoming known as the go to
place for seniors who are looking for some support as well as their adult children
near and far who need information to keep their parents at home. AARP has
become a valued partner for keeping us connected to other communities as we
each seek out solutions that best meet the needs of our older residents.
Yarmouth AIP Plan - Communication and Coordination of Services Domain Team (CCSDT)
                                        Antonina Pelletier, Mary Lynn Engel, Kathleen Connelly, Eva Then, Jan Day
Item                  Action                           Responsible Party                          Cost                                  Benefit

 A     Create town bulletin boards for         CCSDT and Raelene Bean. Have       Minimal - printing costs. CCSDT will Seniors will have a known location
       information posting @Town Hall          already received permission from   be responsible for updates and       where pertinent information will be
       and Library Bulletin boards and         Nat Tupper and Heidi Grimm.        maintaining boards                   posted.
       document holders available in both
       places. Neither location is currently
       open due to COVID.

 B     Enhanced/regular communication          CCSDT to craft messages and Jan    Minimal. Communication by email        Seniors will receive regular updates
       with senior stakeholders. Seniors       Day has offered to f/u with        or phone by volunteers.                where they live or socialize.
       who have volunteered their emails       stakeholders.
       and stakeholders from community
       organizations receive regular email

 C     Distribute Senior Newsletter 4 x        CCSDT for content. Distributed     $150 each quarter. Paid for by local   Seniors will receive information
       year. At start of COVID we were         locally by volunteers (tbd) at     businesses that cater to seniors.      and be able to more fully
       distributing 500 copies of Senior       venues where seniors spend time.                                          participate in social activities/learn
       Newsletter at community locations.                                                                                about topics of interest.
       Since October we have been
       sending monthly enews with focus
       on events and information that will
       keep seniors engaged and
       informed. These include virtual
       events such as online theater
       events as well as opportunities to
       be out and about in Yarmouth but
       socially distanced such as holiday
       light show map.
       Expect to continue with
       communications in the Notes,
       Forecaster, and Press Herald.
       The Notes prints regular
       announcements. Forecaster gives
       us occasional coverage. Press
       Herald offers infrequent coverage.
D     Create and distribute a brochure     CCSDT - Antonina Pelletier, Mary    $300 funds remaining from CDBG       Residents will learn about the AIP
       about AIP with Senior Resources      Lynn Engel                                                               Project, how to participate, and
       List attached.                                                                                                where to receive services.
       This was created by summer of
       2017. Needs to be updated.

 E     AIP table at town events/fairs. We   Janet Nolan and Jane Auchincloss    Minimal once we have other PR        AIP will become more widely
       were present at multiple events in   have offered to help coordinate     pieces created.                      known with other audiences.
       collaboration with Yarmouth          this.
       Community Services and the

Item                            Longer Term Projects                                                         Considerations

 F     Creation of website or enhanced connection to YCAN website.              YCAN is becoming known as go to place for info about local services.
       Work with the YCAN website administrator to keep our communications      Connections to other community websites is desirable.

 G     Permanent signage about AIP project.                                     See Cumberland’s signs. More important if Yarmouth becomes Age
       No permanent signage other than at our document holders in the LIbrary   Friendly Community (AARP)
       and Town Hall. Before COVID we were becoming quite well known.

 H     Designation of Senior Resource Manager.                                  Possible contract with SMAAA or other.
       Yarmouth contracted with SMAA to hire a Resource Specialist who has
       been working with Yarmouth seniors since fall of Fall of 2017.
Yarmouth AIP Plan - Economic Security Domain Team
                                                         Penny Gage, Carole Spruce, Kent Allen

Item                 Action                           Responsible Party                          Cost                                Benefit

 A     Prepare a handout which gives        ESDT- the team is able to assist      Minimal - copy costs                 Residents (esp seniors) will reduce
       information about all tax            with completion of applications for                                        their tax liability.
       exemptions that residents may be     Yarmouth’s new STAY ordinance.
       entitled to. Handout completed.      Senior Tax Assistance Yarmouth.
       Needs to be updated. STAY            Town employees take care of
       program (available starting          application completions.
       2018)was huge success with Town
       Council increasing the amount set
       aside in the second year.

 B     Promote food security by             ESDT                                  Minimal - publicize in The Notes,    Seniors will have greater food
       publicizing Food Pantry, Meals on                                          Senior Newsletter. Handouts on all   security.
       Wheels, Community Cafes, and As                                            but Food Pantry are available from
       you Like it food vouchers (SMAAA).                                         SMAAA
       Completed and updated every
       year. Needs to be updated now.

 C     Prepare a handout on affordable      ESDT in collaboration with            Minimal - copy costs                 Seniors will have information on
       housing for seniors in Yarmouth.     Yarmouth Senior Housing and                                                affordable housing options
       Completed and updated every          Yarmouth Falls
       year. Needs to be updated now.

 D     Prepare a handout on fuel            ESDT - Carole Spruce to connect       Minimal - copy costs                 Seniors will have information and
       assistance - what is available and   with GA from Freeport re: the                                              be able to access fuel assistance
       how to apply. Promotion of           application process for YCAN Fuel                                          information.
       window inserts (inside storm         and LIHEAP programs. Food Pantry
       windows) available to food pantry    staff can provide window inserts
       customers.                           info.
       Completed and updated every
       year. Needs to be updated now.
       Window inserts program not
       initiated. Collaborations with
       neighboring towns recommended.
Item                            Longer Term Projects                                                        Considerations

 B     Home delivery of food pantry and Hannaford On the Go Service             Collaboration with Food Pantry, YCAN Senior Rides, and Hannaford.
       Limited food pantry delivery available and during COVID Yarmouth
       Community Services assists with delivery from Hannaford as requested.
       We had reached out to Hannafor about Hannaford On the Go Service.
       There was a charge. Should re-visit.

 E     Organize a Forum on Economic Security that addresses seniors’ concerns   Collaborate with SMAAA and Library.
       and possible solutions (that are already available).
       2018 Forum on Economic Security conducted. Very well received.
Yarmouth AIP Plan - Health Services/Support Domain Team (HSSDT)
                                         Jane Auchincloss, Catherine Gentile, Jessica Walton, Rich Kindelan, Nan Volk
Item                  Action                           Responsible Party                          Cost                                 Benefit

 A     Expand Project Reassurance - letter      EMS (Rich Kindelan) in             Minimal - letter and handout sent    Vulnerable seniors will receive
       and handout to explain the process;      collaboration with Public Safety   out with other town mailing and      regular contact; reduce emergency
       include information on “Knox Box” to                                        available at other designated        calls; more connection to the
       allow home entry                                                            locations                            community
       Project Reassurance letter updated
       and circulated widely in town. Time
       for another update and re-
       circulation. Knox Box project not

 B     Produce handout on Adult Day Care        HSSDT - Jane Auchincloss and       Minimal - cost of handout shared     Seniors and their caregivers will
       in the area.                             Jessica Walton                     with Day Care Providers              have daytime support, delaying
       Handout completed and distributed.                                                                               entry to full time institutional care
       Update needed?

 C     Produce handout about Caregiver          HSSDT in collaboration with    Minimal - some handouts already          Caregivers receiver appropriate
       Support Programs                         SMAAA, Sacred Heart            available from SMAAA, others will        support to allow them to continue
       Materials produced and                   Alzheimer’s Support Group,     share cost with providers                taking care of loved ones at home.
       distributed.Update needed especially     YMCA and Baysquare Parkinson’s
       re: our Agency on Aging Resource         Groups
       Specialist who has resources and
       coordinates sessions (right now only
       zoom sessions).

 D     Compile list of AA meetings in           HSSDT - Jane Auchincloss           None - available from AA Portland    Seniors and their caregivers will
       Yarmouth area.                                                                                                   have access to AA meetings every
       List compiled and distributed.                                                                                   day

 E     Explore the topic of “starting the       HSSDT - Jane Auchincloss and       None                                 Talking about aging and the
       conversation” with families about        Nan Volk in conversation with                                           supports needed will become more
       their loved ones’ changes in health      the AIP Senior Advisory Council                                         normalized in family conversations.
       status and supports needed
       Provided evening seminar on end of
       life case. Also a day long workshop
       on planning for changes in health
       status and supports needed.
Yarmouth AIP Plan - Health Services/Support Domain Team (HSSDT)
                                                                         Page 2

Item                             Longer Term Projects                                                           Considerations

 A     Explore “Community Paramedicine” potential. Several conversations with      Collaboration with EMS and Public Safety; potential statewide program
       EMS and Public Safety but no plans made. Change in personnel put this       that has challenges re: funding/staffing.
       on back burner so could be re-visited now.

 E     Offer Elder Care 101 and 102 : Starting the Conversation and Easing the     Collaborate with Yarmouth Community Services and SMAAA.
       Transition. Our Agency on Aging Resource Specialist provides on-going
       sessions on Caregiver Support. Need to explore if other topics are
       needed. Ask Senior Advisory Committee.

       Offer community “health clinics”. Have not been explored.                   Collaboration with local medical practices and EMS at venues in the
 F                                                                                 community such as the annual Health Fair.

       Investigate access to GOOLD assessment (now Change Healthcare) with         Information available from Office of Aging and Disability Services, Office
 G     the goal of providing information to the AIP population about eligibility   of Family Independence, and Change Healthcare. Also collaborations
       for home care (especially subsidized) services. Materials produced and      with local physicians.
       distributed. Due for an update and use our Agency on Aging Resource
       Specialist to guide our work.
Yarmouth AIP Plan - Housing Options and Modifications Domain Team (HOMDT)
                                         Steve Reddy, Tim Brandon, Greg Sanborn, Bruce Mayberry, Ed Ainsworth

Item                 Action                           Responsible Party                          Cost                                Benefit

 A     Create a list of contractor/vendors    HOMDT -Tim Brandon, Greg            Minimal as list is compiled by the   Seniors will have access to vendors
       that want to be part of an AIP         Sanborn, Steve Reddy                team; and in collaboration with      willing to adjust rates and be
       “vetted” list                                                              Cumberland AIP                       otherwise responsive to senior
       List completed. Needs to be                                                                                     needs.
       updated and more widely

 B     Create an application process for   HOMDT, especially Tim, Greg, and       Minimal as application process and   *Seniors will receive assistance
       taking on home modification         Steve                                  estimates for the work are done at   with making their homes meet
       projects. This was the focus of                                            no charge.                           their changing needs.
       much work. We discussed with
       other communities how they were
       accomplishing this work. However,
       each time we got close to the
       application process, the questions
       about vetting applicants and
       liability came to a head. We were
       pleased to finally become partners
       with Portland Habitat for Humanity
       Critical Home Repairs Program.
       We did roll it out to the community
       but so far no applicants were
       approved. There are numerous
       dwellings that would qualify so I
       see this as a renewed focus for our

 C     Create a “user friendly” description    HOMDT - Bruce Mayberry, Ed         Minimal for printing of handout.     Seniors will be able to easily apply
       of the key provisions for accessory    Ainsworth, in collaboration with                                         for and meet the provisions for
       apartments in Yarmouth. Help           town staff, specifically code                                            accessory housing, resulting in
       residents distinguish between          enforcement and town planner.                                            more affordable and supportive
       accessory apartments and other         Have had preliminary meeting with                                        living arrangements.
       shared living arrangements.            town planner.
       Working with town departments
(zoning) and those involved with
         Comprehensive Planning Dept.
         Have been told that this should not
         be a heavy lift.
          Had just begun the work as Covid
         hit so have gone back to the
         drawing board with those that can
         assist us. Covid priorities (town
         departments) have put this on a
         back burner.

 Item                               Longer Term Projects                                                          Considerations

   B     HOMDT and volunteers will take on home renovation projects.                 Steve Reddy of Blue Sky Mobility has agreed to oversee this project. We’ll
         See Habitat Critical Repair Program (above). This will be a renewed focus   need volunteers to support the work. Costs to be shared by
         for us.                                                                     homeowners, in-kind donations, and grants.

   C     Undertake a conversation with the planning board for obtaining              Having already met with town planner, we have been made aware that
         exceptions to the ADU provisions for those who don’t have access to         changes to the provisions could allow for exceptions to this provision.
         town water and sewer. This will be part of the conversation with town
         departments re: accessory apartments. (see above) Need to consider
         other categories of living units that will appeal to seniors who need to
         downsize, especially where finances are an important consideration.

   D     Consider coding changes that encourage “universal access”, to address       This item was just requested by member of Senior Advisory Council;
         issue of “visitability” in homes. Only under discussion. Have not had       could/should? be part of our town planning.
         substantive conversations about this project.

* Younger residents with disabilities could also receive assistance.
Yarmouth AIP Plan - Indoor and Outdoor Accessibility Domain Team
                                                             David Jones and Pam Adams (and friends)
This plan has not made as much progress as I would have liked or anticipated. The makeup of the group changed in that the original team members dropped out
and we re-formulated the team. What has been accomplished has mostly been in collaboration with the Yarmouth Community Services department in that they
oversee all our parks and outdoor spaces. This is a positive development in that Yarmouth as a community is taking more ownership for moving accessibility
forward. One of our biggest accomplishments was getting a handicap accessible ramp and parking spaces at Royal River Park where many community concerts
and other events occur. YCS sets out temporary handicap parking signs for events such as Memorial Day and Veteran’s Day observances. New UA paths are
being developed and in general the town has made a commitment to improving accessibility throughout our community. New goals to be developed with YCS.

 Item                   Action                          Responsible Party                           Cost                                 Benefit

   A     Benches (6?) for Yarmouth trails       IOADT - Pam Adams and David          Between $500-1,500 (no back or        Greater comfort and accessibility
         especially at the trailheads           Jones in collaboration with Dan      back) to be paid for as “Memorial”    for people with mobility issues.
                                                Ostreye and Kyle Warren              or from other organizations.

   B     Bird watching activity at Sandy        IOADT - Pam Adams and Ann            None                                  Seniors (and others) will have
         Point                                  Thayer                                                                     access to a popular activity for
                                                                                                                           retired people

   C     Big Trikes/spring field day, (June     David Jones to contact ME            PR for the event. Other costs are     Seniors will have access to fun
         2017?)                                 Adaptive and Dept of Recreation      an unknown since planning hasn’t      outdoor activity even if they have
                                                and Leisure Studies at USM;          begun. Some donated services are      mobility issues. Multi-generational.
                                                Coordinate with YCS and Senior       expected.

 Item                   Longer Term Projects                                                           Considerations

   B     Bird watching station at Sandy Point                  Available from YCS? Karyn has a bird blind that could be used.

   B     Team to be available for telephonic conversations     Need dependable team to ensure availability.
         about home bird watching

   D     Raised garden beds (accessible to wheelchairs) that At Bartlett Circle, Yarmouth Falls, Library, other? Ask Rotary and Lions to help. Hancock for
         are available to the public. Have not built raised  lumber? Estabrooks will help with plants Need source of water.
         garden beds that are available. Alternatively we
         have done a community event for building of
         raised beds at peoples’ homes. Not done 2020 due
         to Covid; perhaps will be able to put this together
         in 2021.
E   Town Sidewalk Inventory to determine                 This is on town’s agenda. Per Nat he is asking for a sidewalk inventory from reserve funds.
    walkability/accessibility of our streets             Village Plan - sidewalks/parks are on the town radar screen. Request an AIP rep to be involved.
    Participated in conversation around needed
    improvements/upgrades to our town sidewalks.
    Members of the accessibility team participated in
    the actual inventory of all town sidewalks to be
    included in community planning.

F   Outdoor toilets for trailheads.                      Cost and appearance. See toilets at RR Park. YCS oversees this.

G   Enhanced water access for disabled residents         Ramps, platforms, beach wheelchairs. Could Florida Power and Light help?
    We’ve begun planning for a handicapped
    accessible fish platform with Yarmouth Community

H   Indoor walking at the mall                           Need bus transportation; YCS will consider offering once a month starting in Dec.

I   Visitability: ramps allow disabled entry to homes.   Make suitcase portable ramps available out of medical loan closet. Cost is $500+
Yarmouth AIP Plan - Social Participation Domain Team
                                  Kyle Atwell, Marlise Swartz, Raelene Bean, Marcia Dedekian, Heidi Grimm, Karyn MacNeil

Item                  Action                            Responsible Party                           Cost                                Benefit

 A     Compile a list of social                - SPDT: Heidi Grimm (library)         None other than printing costs for   Seniors will have access to many
       opportunities available at various      - Kyle Atwell in collaboration with   list.                                social opportunities in one list.
       venues and organizations. List of       Karyn (YCS)
       social opportunities at multiple        - Marlise Swartz Baysquare public
       sites around town was compiled          programs, all churches
       and updated yearly until 2020.          - Raelene Bean VIS, Senior Coffee
       Because most activities were in         Social at Yarmouth History Center
       person opportunities, these             - Marcia Dedekian 317 Main,
       updates have been put on hold for       Yarmouth Men’s Group
       now. Please see Communications
       update re: virtual and other social
       participation events.

 B     Offer targeted rides for a few          Heidi Grimm and Karyn MacNeil to      None. Drivers are volunteer.         Seniors who don’t have a ride or
       programs already available.             help publicize the program. Jean                                           someone to go with will be more
       Movies and PACES program at the         Rafford and YCAN Senior Rides.                                             likely to participate in these
       Library and rides to park and ride                                                                                 programs.
       for participation in YCS adult field
       trips. This was accomplished on a
       limited basis before Covid. Drivers
       who had been paired with a senior
       sometimes offered them rides to
       other social events. Because our
       senior rides program had to
       discontinue for now, we are only
       able to provide very limited rides
       and occasionally pay for a taxi ride.
       No social rides at this time.
Item                             Longer Term Projects                                                           Considerations

 A     Collaborate with Heidi and other town staff/organizations to create      Yarmouth Arts is currently working on a community calendar. YCS has
       Community Calendar. Kyle Atwell has volunteered to assist with this      ongoing brochure for their offerings. Want to emphasize multi-
       effort. At this point we determined it made the most sense to link our   generational opportunities
       quarterly newsletter with other community organizations so that people
       could find what they are looking for throughout the year. The Senior
       Advisory Council has been a major avenue for letting seniors know what
       is going on in town. We’re also linked to Yarmouth Community Services,
       the town library, and the Chamber of Commerce who are available
       resources for town events. Our SMAA Resource Specialist is also aware of
       events both locally and regionally.

 C     Look at options such as Senior College in Yarmouth. Has not been            Will Senior College come to Yarmouth for just a few programs?
       accomplished yet. Occasional seminars are presented at the library, such
       as Being Mortal-end of life planning.

 D     Offer additional programs as noted on the Community Survey: game            Use the Senior Advisory Council to vet these ideas and help us with
       nights, dances, arts and crafts, etc. Prior to Covid monthly game day was   planning.
       offered at a church in Yarmouth - hosted by the Boy Scouts. AIP
       Coordinator attends the Yarmouth Community Services Program
       Committee to bring ideas forward for arts and crafts and other requested
Yarmouth AIP Plan - Transportation Domain Team
                                                    Jean Rafford, Rae Garcelon, Rayle Ainsworth
                                           Please note that during Covid YCAN has cancelled senior rides.
                                           We have made funds available to hire local taxi when needed.
                                          Otherwise, seniors are encouraged to ask friends for assistance.
                               Yarmouth Community Services has a program to pick up groceries for those unable to shop.

Item                 Action                         Responsible Party                          Cost                              Benefit

 A     Need several people for back up      TDT Jean and Rae                    None                                Seniors will have coverage when
       phone coverage for YCAN Senior                                                                               Jean is not available.
       Rides Members of YCAN take turns
       with phone coverage.

 B     Rides Coordinator to receive a      Jean in collaboration with YCAN      Monthly phone fee -paid by YCAN;    Seniors will have coverage when
       mobile phone. Phone purchased                                            phone has been purchased. New #     Jean is not at home.
                                                                                - 329-7295.

 C     Recruit more drivers from condo      Rae Garcelon and Rayle Ainsworth    Minimal - copy costs for posters    Yarmouth Senior Rides will be able
       associations, churches, etc         will create poster and script for                                        to respond to more and short
                                           newsletters to enhance driver                                            notice requests.
                                           recruitment. Posters created and
                                           distributed. More drivers have
                                           been recruited.

 D     Utilize another transportation      TDT and YCAN                         Funding from YCAN or other? YCAN Senior Rides will be able to meet
       company (like ITN-Independent                                            has approved $500 for this service needs beyond the all volunteer
       Transportation Network, and RTP-                                         for customers with financial needs. drivers. YCAN support addresses
       Regional Transportation Program)                                                                             financial needs.
       to meet demand when no drivers
       are available. Have used ITN/RTP
       and Yarmouth Taxi as needed.

 E     Partner with YCS, Library, etc to   TDT; Heidi Grimm @ Library for       None except time required for       Seniors will participate in more
       offer targeted rides to social      movies and PACES lectures, Karyn     driver recruitment and              town social events. Overcomes
       events. Offered rides to movie      MacNeil @ YCS fpr rides to YCS       collaborations.                     issues of no transportation and no
       events at library and to the drop   field trip drop off point                                                one with whom to attend.
       off points for YCS field trips.
Item                             Longer Term Projects                                                          Considerations

 F     Consider “vetting” local Uber drivers Not completed. Limited Uber          Local availability?
       availability in our area.

 G     Yarmouth bus to meet needs of multiple organizations, including multi-     Collaboration with other organizations and funding (grants) will be
       generational activities. Met with Yarmouth Community Services to           needed. Handicapped accessibility is desired.
       discuss collaboration for town bus. Determined that the cost would
       make this not feasible at least for now. Yarmouth is engaged in multiple
       costly municipal projects now (all school buildings being renovated as
       well as Municipal garage/police, fire, and rescue buildings.
Yarmouth AIP Plan - Volunteer Domain Team
                                                        Lynn Hynes, Valerie Hamilton, Eva Then

Item                 Action                          Responsible Party                          Cost                               Benefit

 A     Develop a culture of               VDT - recruit volunteers through       Minimal - PR to be accomplished      Additional residents will volunteer
       “Volunteerism”, celebrating those the schools and throughout the          via The Notes, Senior Advisory       and those who need assistance will
       who volunteer. Emphasize           community.                             Council, school communications,      be less reluctant to ask for
       reciprocal volunteering. Continued                                        and Senior Newsletter - see          assistance.
       to recruit volunteers through our                                         Communication Plan.
       email network and other
       community events

 B     Develop a GoogleDoc spreadsheet       Lynn Hynes, Eva Then to recruit     None                                 We’ll be able to match up/keep
       to keep track of volunteer needs.     volunteers at the high school and                                        track of those who want to help
       Google Doc created with               Karyn MacNeil at YCS to provide                                          with those who need help.
       categories that included dog          names of those in need.
       walking, pet therapy, lawn work,
       etc. Limited use of this. See below
       for SMAA participation.

Item                             Longer Term Projects                                                        Considerations

 B     Investigate Volunteer Website such as Volgistics                          Minimal monthly fee and someone needs to maintain the website.
       Volgistics determined not to be a good option for us. SMAA Resource       Seniors may not be comfortable using website.
       Specialist helped us coordinate volunteer efforts.

 B     Development of our own Volunteer Website                                  Valerie Hamilton is working on this project which may have a higher
       With the urging of SMAA, we decided to roll out Phone Pal, Friendly       price tag but eventually may meet our needs even better.
       Visitor, and Handy Helper program as of Fall 2018. Due to COVID
       considerations we are only running the Phone Pal program. YCAN has
       agreed to support this work with whatever background checks are
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