ACT ADJUNCT COMPENSATORY TRAINING FOR ROCK CLIMBERS - Volker Schöffl, Dicki (Ludwig) Korb, Patrick Matros - Sozialstiftung Bamberg
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THE AUTHORS DISCLAIMER WARNING!! THIS BOOK DESCRIBES The Authors assume no liability TRAINING TECHNIQUES FOR DAN- or responsibility of any type to any GEROUS ACTIVITIES. BOTH THE AC- person or entity for errors con- TIVITIES AND THE TRAINING TECH- tained herein, or for any special, in- NIQUES DESCRIBED CAN CAUSE cidental, or consequential damage SERIOUS INJURY AND/OR DEATH. caused or alleged to be caused, di- rectly or indirectly, by the informa- By your use of this book or PDF you tion presented herein. agree to the following: USE THE INFORMATION CONTAINED WARNING! The activities described IN THIS BOOK AT YOUR OWN RISK. in this book carry a significant risk VOLKER Japanese translations currently in of personal injury or death. DO NOT progress. The techniques, ideas and sugges- participate in these activities un- Volker Schöffl, MD, PhD, MHBA, tions presented in this book should less you are an expert, have sought FAWM is the senior physician of the Volker has been climbing for more not be considered medical advice, and obtained qualified professional Department of Sports Medicine and than 35 years and has done over 100 and they are not intended to replace instruction or guidance, are knowl- Sports Orthopedics in Bamberg, first ascents up to 8b, mostly in Laos, consultation with a qualified medical edgeable about the risks Germany. He is adjunct professor of Thailand, South East Asia and Fran- professional. Any application or use involved, or are willing to assume trauma and orthopedic surgery at the kenjura, Germany. He is a pioneer in of the techniques, ideas, and sugges- personal responsibility for all risks FAU Erlangen-Nuremberg and ad- rock climbing in Thailand and was tions contained herein is at the read- associated with these activities. The joint assistant professor of emergen- amongst the first group of people er’s sole discretion and risk. learning and/or practice of suitable cy medicine at the University of Colo- to climb in Krabi in 1990. He left his techniques and safety measures rado School of Medicine. He is also a mark, climbing routes all over South- THE AUTHORS, PUBLISHER, DIS- is your sole responsibility, and you visiting professor to the Leeds Becket east Asia, Borneo, Laos etc. He estab- TRIBUTOR, ADIDAS and/or anyone assume any and all risks associated University in the UK. His scientific lished rock climbing in Laos, doing else connected with the creation, with the practice of techniques dis- focus is on climbing and ski moun- over 100 first ascents there. He also marketing, and distribution of this cussed herein. taineering injuries and biomechanics boulders, ice climbs and does moun- book (collectively referred to as of the hand. He is the team doctor taineering, especially ski mountain- the “Authors”) MAKE NO WARRAN- If you are unwilling to assume these for the German Climbing Team, the eering. Last year, age 52, he was able TIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, OF ANY risks, do not use this book or under- German Ski Mountaineering Team, to send his hardest boulder problem KIND IN CONNECTION WITH THIS take the activities or the training the German Paraclimbing Team and a yet, “North Star” Fb 8a+/V12 in the BOOK, INCLUDING WARRANTIES techniques described herein. member of MedCom UIAA and IFSC. Frankenjura. OF SAFETY OR FITNESS FOR ANY He serves as a consultant doctor to PARTICULAR PURPOSE, AND EX- the Adidas Terrex International Out- He combines his enthusiasm for PRESSLY DISCLAIM ANY WARRAN- door team. His book “One Move Too climbing and medicine with his med- TY REGARDING THE ACCURACY OR Many” is the most valued book on ical aid project in Laos, where he and RELIABILITY OF THE INFORMATION climbing medicine, already available his wife work annually as volunteer CONTAINED HEREIN. in five languages with Chinese and doctors. ( 2 THE AUTHORS 3
DICKI PATRICK Dicki (Ludwig) Korb is a sport climb- Patrick Matros is a lecturer for sport ing and functional-fitness trainer, and educational science as well as therapist and pedagogue. He has been for various sports at the State In- climbing for 33 years and has gath- stitute for Teachers Education in ered 18 years of expertise in climb- Bayreuth, Germany. He has a mas- ing training with a variety of the best ter’s degree in sport and education- athletes in this sport. The world-re- al sciences and is a certified sports nowned training book “Gimme Kraft” therapist, certified athletic trainer written together with Patrick Matros and member of the International is a collection of climbing training Rock Climbing Research Associa- expertise based on their various long- tion (IRCRA). Patrick is the author term activities as coaches. Dicki and of several specialist sport and edu- Patrick both work providing training cation books and articles, including for all kinds of climbing-related ath- the worldwide bestseller “Gimme letes all over the world. Dicki is part Kraft!”, co-authored with Dicki Korb. of the education team in the German Together, they have trained athletes climbing federation and consulting at the Federal Center of Sportclimb- coach for the German Climbing Team. ing in Nuremberg for several years Additionally, he has been part of the and currently coach climbing team bat, Bernd Zangerl, Melissa le Neve, routes between 8a and 8c. In 2011, “Centre of Excellence” for the Adidas members of Adidas Terrex Outdoor. Thomas Huber, Fabian Buhl, Kevin he was able to make one of his big- Terrex Global Team for four years, In cooperation with Adidas Terrex Jorgeson, Petra Klingler, as well gest dreams come true with an all evaluating and supporting Adidas ath- International Outdoor, they have de- as other top climbers and national clean first ascent of Archon (8b) in letes together with Patrick and Volker. veloped a completely new concept for teams of several countries trust their his home area, the Frankenjura. At ( training and coaching outdoor elite advice. the time of publishing, Archon is the climbers. Numerous Adidas Ter- most difficult trad route in the region rex Outdoor team members such as Patrick has 20 years of climbing ex- and has only been repeated by Alex- Barbara Zangerl, Mayan Smith Go- perience with about 200 ascents of ander Megos. ( 4 THE AUTHORS THE AUTHORS 5
THE EXERCISES Resistance Band Behind the Back 42 SECTION 1: GENERAL ACT – Rotation Curls 43 ADJUNCT COMPENSATORY TRAINING External Rotation with FOR ROCK CLIMBERS Resistance Band 43 SHOULDERS Handstand Walkabouts 44 Handstand Walkabouts 20 Bear Walk with Arm Raises and Sword Pull 21 Other Variations 45 Rotation Curls 22 Kneeling Neck Pulls 45 Chest Opener 22 Ring Push-ups 46 ACT Pull-ups 23 Scapular Dips 46 Wall Slides 24 ACT Rowing 47 ACT Rowing 48 ELBOWS Kneeling Neck Pulls 49 Finger extensors with ACT band 25 Fake Pull-ups 49 Finger extensors and wrist rotation Kettlebell Overhead Press 50 with ACT band 26 Circular Handstand Push-ups 51 WRIST External Rotation with Upside-down Kettlebells 27 Resistance Band 51 Rotation Curls 52 CORE: ABDOMINAL AND Weighted Prone Internal Rotations 52 BACK MUSCLES ACT Pull-ups 53 Power Plank 28 Wall Slides 54 Twisted Mountain Climbers on Prone Scapular Stabilisers 55 Stability Ball 29 Combined Scapular Push-ups 55 Core Pendulums 29 ELBOWS HIPS Eccentric Finger Curls One-legged Romanian Deadlift with Resistance Band 57 Eccentric Variation with Hammer 66 Look Around 77 Variation 30 Flexor Sling Stretch on Stability Ball 57 Reverse Kettlebell Push-ups 67 Neck Press 77 Wrist Extensor Training 58 LEGS FINGER INJURIES HIPS Finger Extensor Training Active Hamstring Mobilisers 31 Finger Extensor Training T-Stand Hip Rotations 78 with ACT Band 58 One-legged Chair Squats on with ACT Band 69 Sideplank Leg Lift 79 Eccentric Variation with Hammer 59 Foam Mat 32 Finger Extensor Training 69 ACT Squat 79 Eccentric Finger Exercise 59 Fire Hydrants 80 FEET Eccentric Finger Extensor Exercise 60 SPINE AND CORE Active Hamstring Mobilisers 81 Ankle Supination Rolls 33 Wrist Flexors with a Dumbbell 61 Core Pendulums 70 Rotated Hamstring Stretch 82 Compass 33 Eccentric Finger Curls Power Plank 71 T-Stand Squat 82 with Resistance Band 61 Foam Roller with Kettlebell Dumbbell Curls 62 Push and Pull 72 KNEES SECTION 2: INJURY SPECIFIC ACT – Eccentric Variation with Hammer 62 Shoulder Girdle Openers on One-legged Romanian Deadlift ADJUNCT COMPENSATORY TRAINING Eccentric Brachialis Exercise 63 Stability Ball 73 Variation 83 FOR ROCK CLIMBERS Eccentric Biceps Exercise 64 Floor Angel 73 One-legged Push with Barbell 84 Sword Pull 64 Wall Angel 74 One-legged Lunge Variation 84 SHOULDERS Overhead Squat with Bar 74 Sword Pull 41 WRIST ANKLES Elbow Raisers 75 Tabletop Arm Wrist Stabilisation with Kettlebell 65 Ankle Supination Rolls 85 Stability Ball Pretzel 76 Extensions 42 Wrist and Finger Extensor Training 66 Compass 85 Pretzel 76 6 THE EXERCISES THE EXERCISES 7
INTRODUCTION ACT – ADJUNCT COMPENSATORY cardiopulmonary capacity helps to TRAINING FOR ROCK CLIMBERS: endure the high specific training load CLIMBERS’ COMPENSATION in climbing, and thus should also be TRAINING WITH A MEDICAL part of your training program. Both of FOUNDATION these training styles focus on build- ing up your strength to climb as hard It is a well-known but often over- as you want to, but there is a flaw in looked fact that climbing involves not this! These methods of training are only strong fingers but also a strong very climbing-specific and mostly overall athletic build. Many climbers focus on muscle slings and innerva- focus their training mainly on finger tion patterns which operate during a strength without paying attention to climbing move. In order to withstand the fact that those fingers are at- such trainings over a longer period tached to a body, and that body needs of time and to prevent injuries, the to be trained as well. Many injuries antagonists and neglected muscle can be avoided by increasing overall groups MUST be addressed. This is strength, for example scapular stabi- where ACT comes into play. lisers and core strength. Purely dead hanging on crimping fingers won’t Adjunct Compensatory Training fo- world-renowned climbing trainers ly work with both elite athletes and get you far! If we were to subdivide cuses on training the neglected mus- and coaches. Coming from a top-lev- “normal” climbers, we perpetually training for rock climbing into three cle slings and innervation patterns el climbing background themselves, evaluated, restructured and remod- categories, these would be specific within their specific range of motion, they focus on climbing-specific train- elled our exercises, structuring and finger-strength and climbing train- building up posture and core strength ing (“Gimme Kraft”, “Kraftfactory”) fine-tuning a program which we find ing, overall general strength training as well as balancing the athletic and biomechanical analysis of climb- most effective. (including some cardio training) and build of the body. The ACT concept ing. Weaknesses in certain climbers a third, new component, defined as was inspired by our long-time co- which can be reduced through spe- The ACT program consists of two Adjunct Compensatory Training, or operation with high-level athletes. cific and adjunct training are fre- sections. The general section focus- ACT. We combine our sports-medical and quently revealed by the biomechani- es on preventative exercises espe- trainings-methodical knowledge to cal aspects. Combining our two fields cially for climbers and the specific Regarding climbing-specific and effectively prevent injuries and over- of expertise, we have collaborated to section defines the adjunct and extra finger-strength training, we refer to strain. Volker Schöffl, as the MD in create Adjunct Compensatory Train- exercises which you can do as an in- various literature including “Gimme the group, analyses the body from a ing, which aims to rebuild neglected jured climber, in addition to surgical Kraft” by Dicki (Ludwig) Korb and sports-medical and biomechanical range of motion in muscle slings and or conservative medical therapy. Patrick Matros. This training can be point of view. With his vast knowl- to improve neuromuscular innerva- performed either while climbing or edge of climbing injuries (Volker tion patterns. Thus, it will help you The exercises comprising the gener- separately (e.g. campus boarding, Schöffl, Thomas Hochholzer, Sam to better withstand specific climbing al section are based on our biome- dead hangs etc.). Other muscles Lightner Jr. “One Move Too Many”) training and reduce injury and the chanical analysis of climbing move- groups such as the biceps or the pecs and as a highly active avid climber, risk of overexertion. The ACT con- ments, as well as climbers’ posture, can be trained with various general he understands why certain condi- cept was born in 2015 and has been build and the causes of chronic inju- strength-training exercises like bi- tions could and do lead to injuries in consistently developed further with- ries over time. This collection should ceps curls. Don’t forget that a high the long-term. Dicki and Patrick are in our group since then. In our dai- be an adjunct program, completed 8 INTRODUCTION INTRODUCTION 9
consequences in your future life. Of climbing (e.g. granite, sandstone or course we can’t eliminate the sudden limestone) which have specific tex- onset of a trauma, but we definitely tures for hand- and footholds, there- think that we can decrease the like- fore requiring various techniques lihood of trauma and the onset of for climbing. On the other hand, in chronic conditions together through indoor climbing, which is becoming ACT. There’s only one factor which more and more popular, an endless we can’t influence: you have to do number of different hand- and foot- your ACT, we can’t do that for you! holds in addition to the combination of walls in various angles of steep- For more comprehensive medical in- ness guarantee that no two moves formation on climbing-specific con- are identical. In this regard, modern ditions, we refer to “One Move Too indoor bouldering is renowned for Many” (Volker Schöffl, Thomas Hoch- continuing to raise the bar. holzer, Sam Lightner Jr., Sharp End publishing, Boulder, CO, USA), the The diversity of movements including German edition ”Soweit die Hände pulling, pushing, twisting and swing- greifen” or the various other trans- ing makes it difficult to determine lations. For purely strength-related the weak points in the locomotive training, we refer to “Gimme Kraft” system of a climber which are the (Patrick Matros, (Dicki) Ludwig Korb, cause of overstress or injuries relat- in addition to your normal training take this booklet along and speak Café Kraft GmbH). This book here is ed to training for climbing. at least twice per week. One session with her or him. Thus, the second intended as the bridge between those takes approximately 20 minutes and section of the ACT program has two ends of the spectrum of training A first evidence-based step results you should choose one or two exer- been developed for certain injuries for climbing. from a targeted analysis of specialist cises per focus from the collection. and focuses on the specific aspects diagnoses of climbing injuries, over- It’s your decision whether you want of ACT which are relevant to these Ok, let’s go further into the theory strain injuries, and their case history. to do this before or after a climbing injuries. It is possible to add some behind ACT. The medical centre for sport climbing session or separately on your well exercises from the general ACT, but in Bamberg, Germany, under the di- deserved “rest day”. Alternatively, again, especially after surgery, con- rection of mastermind Volker Schöffl, you can choose from the exemplary sult with your treating physician re- CLIMBING AS A SPORT is world-renowned for injuries of this circuits of exercises and just follow garding which exercises are allowed WITH A HIGH DIVERSITY variety (Sportsmedicine Bamberg – these. at which stage in the rehabilitation OF SPECIFIC MOVEMENTS The exercises included in the spe- process. The specific section helps cific section are designed to help to answer a question often asked by Modern climbing and bouldering The next step is based on the iden- your therapy in the case of an injury injured climbers: what can I do to are disciplines which require a huge tification of problematic patterns of or overstrain. These exercises are recover? How can I supplement my number of degrees of freedom in movement, understanding the func- not intended to substitute a doctor’s rehab in addition to what the doctor their movements. The central objec- tional anatomy behind these move- evaluation but outline what you can or physiotherapist does? Here is the tive is always to solve new problems. ments and analysing where limited do to help the healing process. It is answer: ACT. Thus, we focus on the development range of motion or biased muscle important to remember in gener- of open movement and flexibility innervation could have led to myo- al and especially after surgery that We want you to enjoy your climbing skills in sport climbing. The diver- fascial disharmony or imbalance. you need to consult your responsi- as much as we do ours. This should sity of movements is related to the Patrick Matros and Dicki Korb are ble physician before proceeding; just be injury-free and without negative different types of rock in outdoor the founders of the “Kraftfactory”, 10 INTRODUCTION INTRODUCTION 11
one of the leading climbing train- ADJUNCT COMPENSATORY creased instability is often shown in ing services. They are committed to TRAINING (ACT-TRAINING) – the tutorials available on many video achieving a deeper understanding of THE BETTER PREVENTATIVE channels. the connection between anatomy and ANSWER injury; many top-level climbers seek We believe in good sensory control of their advice. The goal of our ACT-Training is to movement and, as such, focus on the compensate biased movement pat- smaller, subtler movements of the terns and strengthen the structures exercises. This often means that the THE MYTH OF of the locomotive system which un- athletes have to withstand some dis- ANTAGONIST TRAINING dergo high strain during climbing. comfort, but this is exactly the point Learning functional movement pat- at which the adaption process starts. So-called “antagonist training”, as terns and their transfer into climb- it has come to be known, seems to ing movement plays a crucial role in ACT-TRAINING – WHAT IS IT? be undifferentiated and is generally achieving this goal. Additionally, we ineffective in achieving the goal of try to integrate the neglected mus- Let’s take a popular exercise to clari- injury prevention. The perspective cle groups with the primary goal of fy: The I-Y-T Exercise, which is usual- that the movements of climbing have achieving maximum active control of ly done using a sling trainer. antagonist muscles which weaken the range of motion and innervation over time due to poor innervation of muscle chains working together In this exercise, you pull your known pioneer of functional move- and, as such, need to be “built up”, functionally. We cannot endorse and whole body out of a slightly back- ment. He described the so-called shows a rudimentary understanding do not practice a simple hypertrophy wards-tilted position into a vertical “upper cross syndrome” as a func- of the functional anatomy of the hu- strength training of the so-called position. This exercise is performed tional imbalance induced by high man body. “antagonist muscles”. with the arms in three positions: tone and myofascial shortening of elevation with the arms in maximum specific muscles of the shoulder To get to the point, this means: overhead position (the “I”), elevation girdle (e.g. Mm pectoralis major et with the arms at approximately 130° minor) which can’t be compensated ■■ Try to maintain a high and func- abduction in the shoulder joint (the sufficiently. In many cases, this can tional range of motion in your “Y”), and elevation with the arms at be observed as a prominent kyphosis joints which are often stressed by 90° abduction in the shoulder joint of the climber’s back. Clinical symp- imbalanced movement in sport (the “T”). toms are well known and often pro- and activities of daily life voked by frequent bad posture while In our opinion, this exercise doesn’t sitting. The muscles known as prime ■■ Try to keep a highly active neu- adequately target our goal of bal- movers during climbing movements romuscular control of this range anced compensation training; there (Mm. pectoralis major et minor or M. of motion by strengthening your are many more cons than pros. The latissimus dorsi) can also intensify muscles at the edges of mobility goal of this exercise is to strengthen the problem. The I-Y-T exercise aims and by implementing functional specific muscle groups of the shoul- to strengthen the “neglected” mus- movement patterns der girdle, which prevent or mini- cles in a way of “anti-movement”, mise a non-functional posture of the which initially doesn’t seem like a bad We don’t base our exercises on their upper-body, while simultaneously idea. However, this exercise doesn’t visual attractiveness or coolness training the core. consider the very specific neglected factor. Unfortunately, this kind of ex- range of motion in climbing move- ercise which focuses on impressive The idea can be traced back to Vlad- ment regarding the aforementioned body positions or unnecessarily in- imir Janda, neurologist and well- muscles and muscle slings, for ex- 12 INTRODUCTION INTRODUCTION 13
ample the lack of maximum flexing in the shoulder joint (maximum open- We don’t reject sling trainer exer- cises; on the contrary, we work a lot THE STUFF YOU NEED ing of the shoulder-torso-angle). The with this device! However, we anal- I-Y-T doesn’t target this problem, as yse every popular exercise exactly, Although we have focused on exercises you can compensate much too early weighing up the pros and cons to which do not require much equipment, with your lumbar spine since it is ex- make sure that it is suitable for our you will need a few basic things. ecuted in a plank position. goals. Therefore, the aforementioned core This collection of exercises can- aspect of this exercise, which is of- not replace a personal trainer who, ten proclaimed as an advantage, is based on knowledge and long-term actually a disadvantage! Instead, we experience, would be able to identify Kettlebell recommend exercises which enable and treat specific and individual dys- much better control of active range functional patterns. We’ve tried our of motion in the shoulder joint, such best to document the most frequent Dumbbell as lifting the arms while in a heel injuries and overstress syndromes seat. The lumbar spine is locked in known in sport climbing and to show this exercise and the climber can you exercises which have proven focus much better on the intended themselves throughout years of our target. Nevertheless, we still work work and can make you a better in a functional way, not isolating sin- climber! gle muscles, which can often lead to transfer problems. Train smart! J Foam Mat Stability Ball Foam Roller Small Resistance Loop Long (ACT band) Resistance Band 14 THE STUFF YOU NEED 15
ACT TRAINING GOALS AND CATEGORIES MOBILITY: 4-20 repetitions depending on flexibility; low to medium intensity (no pain); optional short static hodling phase at limit of range of motion STRENGTH ENDURANCE: 12-25 repetitions; static or dynamic; ARAP MUSCLE/STRENGTH BUILDING: 6-12 repetitions; dynamic (slow, moderate); ARAP INTERMUSCULAR COORDINATION: 12-20 repetitions, dynamic (medium); medium intensity, not ARAP, since the movements become inaccurate at this point The general part of the ACT exercise in with our concept of an individually collection is based on our biome- tailored training program. Addition- chanical analysis of climbing move- ally, an exact number of repetitions SETS ments, as well as climbers’ posture, or sets for specific purposes or Generally, we recommend multiple sets (2-4) during the beginning or build and the causes of chronic inju- goals is not scientifically verifiable strengthening phase. During the maintenance phase (e.g. competition phase), ries over time. This collection should in most cases (e.g. Friedmann, B. fewer sets (1-2) can be completed. be an adjunct program, completed German Journal of Sportsmedicine in addition to your normal training 58, 1, 2007). It’s only possible to de- at least twice per week. One session fine specific phases in which certain takes approximately 20 minutes and physiological chain reactions are you should choose one or two exer- more strongly trained, e.g. “time cises per focus from the collection. under tension” as a stimulator for We strongly recommend varying muscular hypertrophy. Finer details your choice of exercises to ensure are then set individually. In addition the best training outcome. It’s your to suggesting an appropriate range decision whether you want to do this of repetitions, we use the following before or after your climbing session parameters: or separately on your well-deserved “rest day”. ■■ speed of motion: static hold, dynamic (slow, medium, fast) There are no strict instructions for repetitions and sets for the follow- ■■ intensity: low, medium, high, ing exercises, since this doesn’t fit ARAP (as many reps as possible) 18 GENERAL ACT – ADJUNCT COMPENSATORY TRAINING FOR ROCK CLIMBERS GENERAL ACT – ADJUNCT COMPENSATORY TRAINING FOR ROCK CLIMBERS 19
SHOULDERS SWORD PULL Fasten a resistance band at a height of about 15-20 cm above the floor to a suitable place, e.g. a radiator, wall bars or similar. Standing in an upright position with your Strong shoulders help you to hold are far more important for stabilisa- side to the point of fixation and your feet shoulder-width onto small holds. That strength tion, may be weak. Additionally, joint apart, imagine that you are aiming to put your shoulder doesn’t come out of nowhere; the capsular tension and the ligaments blades into your back pockets. Pull the resistance band, shoulders need to be trained. Howev- in between the humerus and the gle- already under light tension, diagonally upwards, leading er, strong shoulders aren’t the same noid, the joint socket at the scapula, with your elbow as though you were drawing a sword. as BIG shoulders. Looking at an ath- are crucial in preventing dislocations Make sure that your shoulders stay low and that the dis- lete, the most visible muscle is the and subluxations. Consistent minor tance between shoulders and ears remains unchanged. deltoid, the upper muscular layer. subluxations can lead to chronic in- When your elbow is so high that it can’t be raised any While the deltoid can be well-trained, juries such as labral and biceps in- further without lifting your shoulders, extend your fore- for example in a bodybuilder, the un- sertion injuries or rotator cuff tears. arm. This should all be done in one fluid motion. derlying rotator cuff muscles, which Shoulders Elbows Wrist & Fingers HANDSTAND WALKABOUTS Spine & Core Hips Legs & Knees Start with your feet elevated to approximately hip height and your upper body in handstand position. Ankles & Feet Make sure your hips are angled to at least 35°. Walk your hands along the floor from one side to the other, keeping your neck straight. Push your head and chest actively between your shoulders. Alternatively, tap one hand onto the other. 1 Shoulders Elbows Wrist & Fingers Spine & Core 2 Hips Legs & Knees Ankles & Feet 1 2 3 20 GENERAL ACT – ADJUNCT COMPENSATORY TRAINING FOR ROCK CLIMBERS GENERAL ACT – ADJUNCT COMPENSATORY TRAINING FOR ROCK CLIMBERS 21
ROTATION CURLS SCAPULAR Hold a medicine ball with a handle or a dumbbell, no heavier than 4 kg. Extend your arm as far as possible upwards and backwards with maximum external rotation. STABILISATION Lower your arm and return to the starting position by following a “curl” motion. The stabilising scapular muscles are overstrained and tightened, causing crucial for strong shoulders. These upper back pain, which occurs fre- muscles work against an increased quently in high-level climbers. The outward rotation of the scapula when more stable the scapula, the less hanging or pulling up, preventing outward rotation can occur, mean- “chicken wings”. They work mainly ing less “chicken winging”. “Chicken between the inner rim of the scapula wings” cause the forearm muscles to and the thoracic spine, e.g. the rhom- fail, leading to a fall, disaster, defeat, boid muscles. They tend to become misery… 1 2 3 ACT PULL-UPS Shoulders Elbows Loop the ACT band around your forearms just below your Wrist & Fingers elbows (not around the joint). Hang on a pull-up bar with Spine & Core CHEST OPENER your hands shoulder-width apart so that the ACT band is under light to medium tension. Do a pull-up, rotating your Hips Legs & Knees Lie with your spine along the elbows slightly inwards, so that they are close to your body Ankles & Feet length of a foam roller which is when you pull yourself upwards. The ACT band supports long enough so that your lum the slight internal rotation of your elbows, ensuring that bar spine and head can rest your shoulder blades remain in the desired position (down comfortably. Extend your arms and back). to the side and let them hang downwards, stretching the front of the shoulder joint and relaxing the muscles of your chest. 1 Shoulders Elbows Wrist & Fingers Spine & Core Hips Legs & Knees 2 1 2 Ankles & Feet 22 GENERAL ACT – ADJUNCT COMPENSATORY TRAINING FOR ROCK CLIMBERS GENERAL ACT – ADJUNCT COMPENSATORY TRAINING FOR ROCK CLIMBERS 23
WALL SLIDES Facing a wall, stand approximately 20 cm away from the wall and slide your forearms up and down the wall without ELBOWS Both the extensor and flexor muscle muscles for holding onto a hold, the letting your arms move away from each groups of the elbows and forearms extensors are required to stabilise other. Make sure that your shoulder stay are crucial to climbers. The main the wrist in overextension to deliver down and that your hands, elbows and finger flexor and extensor muscles strength to the finger tips. Therefore, shoulders are aligned. originate at the elbow and proximal both finger and wrist flexors and ex- forearm. The small muscles within tensors need to be trained and must the palm add to but are not respon- be in equilibrium. An imbalance in sible for the key point in climbing strength will lead to overstrain. – finger strength. While the flexor Shoulders muscles are obviously the functional Elbows Wrist & Fingers Spine & Core Hips Legs & Knees FINGER EXTENSORS Ankles & Feet WITH ACT BAND Lay a resistance band across the fingertips of Shoulders one hand and pull on it with the other hand so Elbows that the fingers are half bent. Extend and spread 1 Wrist & Fingers your fingers, controlling the tension of the resis- Spine & Core tance band with the other hand. Hips Legs & Knees Ankles & Feet 2 2 3 1 24 GENERAL ACT – ADJUNCT COMPENSATORY TRAINING FOR ROCK CLIMBERS GENERAL ACT – ADJUNCT COMPENSATORY TRAINING FOR ROCK CLIMBERS 25
FINGER EXTENSORS AND WRIST ROTATION WITH ACT BAND WRIST Many wrist conditions in climbers re- soft tissue structures underneath the sult from a lack of active stabilisation skin. Therefore, let’s focus on the ex- Start seated with your forearm resting on your of the wrist joint. These injuries can tensors and flexors. As for the elbow, thigh. Lay a resistance band/ACT band across be avoided. In side-pulls, underclings both sides must be in equilibrium. the fingertips of one hand, using the other hand and pinches, active wrist stabilisation to pull on the band so that your wrist is slightly is the key to avoiding damage to the bent. Open your hand with external rotation, simultaneously extending your fingers so that your wrist and fingers are extended. UPSIDE-DOWN KETTLEBELLS Shoulders Choose a medium-weight kettlebell which you Shoulders Elbows can hold with one hand with the ball facing Elbows upwards. Use your other hand to bring the ket- Wrist & Fingers Wrist & Fingers tlebell into this starting position, then remove Spine & Core Spine & Core the supporting hand. With your wrist in a neu- Hips Hips tral position and your shoulder blades down Legs & Knees and back, try to push the kettlebell straight Legs & Knees Ankles & Feet upwards until your arm is fully extended. Hold Ankles & Feet this position for 5 seconds and then slowly lower your arm. Use the other hand for sup- port again to lower the kettlebell. 1 1 2 3 2 3 26 GENERAL ACT – ADJUNCT COMPENSATORY TRAINING FOR ROCK CLIMBERS GENERAL ACT – ADJUNCT COMPENSATORY TRAINING FOR ROCK CLIMBERS 27
CORE: TWISTED MOUNTAIN CLIMBERS ON STABILITY BALL ABDOMINAL AND Start in plank position with your feet on a stability ball. Keep your body in one straight line with your neck as an extension of your spine. From this position, bring one BACK MUSCLES knee to the opposite elbow, keeping the other foot stably on the ball. Return to plank position and repeat with the other leg. Every climbing move starts from crucial in stabilising the body’s cen- the core. A strong core helps you to tre. No steep climbing without strong achieve the perfect position under- abs! No safe falling into the har- neath the hold to effectively hold onto ness or onto the crash pad without a Shoulders it. Staying close to the rock and not strong back! The abdominal and back Elbows dangling away from it is one of the muscles function as armour around Wrist & Fingers keys to doing hard moves. Both the your body’s centre, the abdominal Spine & Core back and the abdominal muscles are cavity and the spine. 1 2 Hips Legs & Knees Ankles & Feet POWER PLANK CORE PENDULUMS Fasten a resistance band at a height of about 15-20 cm above the floor to a suitable place, e.g. a radiator, wall bars or similar. Lying on your back, place a foam roller, yoga block, or folded Starting in a forearm plank facing the point of fixation with your towel between your knees with your knees and hips bent at feet shoulder-width apart, pull the resistance band with one a 90° angle. Extend your arms towards the ceiling, loop the arm. Choose the distance from the point of fixation such that the ACT Band around your wrists and pull your hands shoulder- resistance band is under tension when your arm is fully extended. width apart, making sure that your elbows don’t jut out but Make sure that your hips stay parallel to the floor when you pull. are in line with your shoulders and wrists. Maintaining the starting position with your upper body and arms, tilt your legs to the side, reaching the point at which you can hardly hold your balance. Return to the starting position and tilt your legs to the other side. Shoulders 1 Elbows Wrist & Fingers Spine & Core Hips Legs & Knees 2 3 1 2 Ankles & Feet 28 GENERAL ACT – ADJUNCT COMPENSATORY TRAINING FOR ROCK CLIMBERS GENERAL ACT – ADJUNCT COMPENSATORY TRAINING FOR ROCK CLIMBERS 29
HIPS LEGS Are hip muscles and pelvic stabil- more popular. Hips tend become tight Don’t think that legs aren’t import- you to hook better. All those drop- isation important for climbers? It and weak pelvic stabilisers (e.g. the ant in climbing! The sheer increase knees are hard on your ligaments may not seem like it at first, but they glutes) lead to a decreased range of in hamstring and leg muscle injuries and other passive structures. Again, are! Hip conditions such as femoro- motion and back pain, which certainly due to heel hooking are proof of the the better your muscular build, the acetabular impingement have been don’t help in climbing. Paying atten- importance of these muscle groups. more safe you can perform moves increasing since crazy three-dimen- tion to the hips certainly pays off. Strong hamstrings guard the knee which seem nuts. sional boulder moves have become joint and its inner ligaments and help ONE-LEGGED ROMANIAN ACTIVE HAMSTRING DEADLIFT VARIATION MOBILISERS Start standing, holding a medium- Fasten a medium-strength resistance Shoulders weight kettlebell. Lean your upper band to a pull-up bar so that you can Elbows body forwards, lowering the arm stand on one foot and hang the heel of Wrist & Fingers with the kettlebell and extending the other in the band. Facing the band, Spine & Core the opposite leg backwards so pull the extended leg up and down, Hips that your torso and leg form a line using some momentum. parallel to the floor – the T-Stand. Legs & Knees Come back to standing position. Ankles & Feet 1 2 Shoulders Elbows Wrist & Fingers Spine & Core Hips Legs & Knees 3 1 2 3 Ankles & Feet 30 GENERAL ACT – ADJUNCT COMPENSATORY TRAINING FOR ROCK CLIMBERS GENERAL ACT – ADJUNCT COMPENSATORY TRAINING FOR ROCK CLIMBERS 31
ONE-LEGGED CHAIR FEET Shoulders Elbows SQUATS ON FOAM MAT Wrist & Fingers Spine & Core For this exercise, you will need a chair You use and abuse your feet all the time while climbing. You Hips or an object of similar height which squeeze them into tiny shoes and as a reward, you jump up Legs & Knees is stable enough that you can stand and down on them… ankle sprains, here we come. However, Ankles & Feet on it. Lay a foam mat on the chair and increasing proprioreception and ankle stability can help to pre- place one foot on it. Without relying on vent twisting the ankles, which is a worthwhile investment to momentum, try to stand up by pushing avoid a long-term absence from climbing. This may be an im- through the bent leg until you are portant prophylactic measure for boulderers to take! standing on the chair. Do a one-legged squat, slowly lowering yourself to the starting position. ANKLE SUPINATION ROLLS 1 In front of a wall or something you can hold for stability, stand along the length of a foam roller with your feet next to each other. Imagine that the soles of 2 your feet have been glued to the foam roller. Holding onto the wall, roll to one side, cautiously testing the limit of your ankles to roll over your full range Shoulders of motion. Maintain contact between the soles of Elbows your feet and the foam roller. Return to the starting Wrist & Fingers position and switch sides. For more of a challenge, 1 try this exercise without holding on to anything. Spine & Core Hips 2 Legs & Knees Ankles & Feet COMPASS 1 2 Stand on a soft mat or other un stable surface. Shift your weight to one leg and slightly bend the knee of your standing leg. Move your free leg in all possible directions around your standing leg, making sure that your foot maintains contact with the floor at all times. Try to maximise the range of motion for all positions. 3 4 3 32 GENERAL ACT – ADJUNCT COMPENSATORY TRAINING FOR ROCK CLIMBERS
slings, bars, towels or even without any aids. While the quantity of rep- etitions and of the sessions per day may vary, we recommend that you perform them at least once a day, but in the best case, twice a day. If your medical condition worsens during your rehabilitation process, you should stop and see your medical practitioner. Especially after surgery, it is important to consult with your treating physician regarding which ACT exercises are allowed at which stage in the rehabilitation process. As we said before, there are no strict instructions for repetitions and sets for the following exercises, since this doesn’t fit in with our concept of an individually tailored training Now that we have explained some the ACT exercises. For more com- program. Additionally, an exact num- of the overall aspects of muscular prehensive medical information on ber of repetitions or sets for specific stability and compensation training climbing-specific conditions, we re- purposes or goals is not scientifical- (ACT), we will describe the detailed fer to “One Move Too Many” (Volker ly verifiable in most cases. It’s only exercises according to your medical Schöffl, Thomas Hochholzer, Sam possible to define specific phases condition. As previously mentioned, Lightner Jr., Sharp End publishing, in which certain physiological chain the intent of this book is not to sub- Boulder, CO, USA), ”Soweit die Hände reactions are more strongly trained, stitute an exact medical diagnosis greifen” or the various other trans- e.g. “time under tension” as a stimu- and workup but to show you how you lations. For purely strength-related lator for muscular hypertrophy. Finer can support your rehabilitation pro- training, we refer to “Gimme Kraft” details are then set individually. In cess on your own. You need to go and (Patrick Matros, (Dicki) Ludwig Korb, addition to suggesting an appropri- see a doctor for an exact clinical di- Café Kraft GmbH). This book here is ate range of repetitions, we use the agnosis. Once you’ve been diagnosed intended as the bridge between those following parameters: and cleared by your doctor to start two ends of the spectrum of training self-exercising, you can come back for climbing. ■■ speed of motion: static hold, here. dynamic (slow, medium, fast) In order to choose the various ex- We also do not intend to go too far ercises shown here, we focused on ■■ intensity: low, medium, high, into the medical knowledge and easy exercises which require little ARAP (as many reps as possible) anatomy but will briefly outline the equipment, most of which can be various conditions before explaining performed with resistance bands, 36 INJURY SPECIFIC ACT – ADJUNCT COMPENSATORY TRAINING FOR ROCK CLIMBERS INJURY SPECIFIC ACT – ADJUNCT COMPENSATORY TRAINING FOR ROCK CLIMBERS 37
ACT TRAINING GOALS AND CATEGORIES MOBILITY: 4-20 repetitions depending on flexibility; low to medium intensity (no pain) STRENGTH ENDURANCE: 12-25 repetitions; static or dynamic; ARAP MUSCLE/STRENGTH BUILDING: 6-12 repetitions; dynamic (slow, moderate); ARAP INTERMUSCULAR COORDINATION: 12-20 repetitions, dynamic (medium); medium intensity, not ARAP, since the movements become inaccurate at this point SETS Generally, we recommend multiple sets (2-4) during the beginning or strengthening phase. During the maintenance phase (e.g. competition phase), fewer sets (1-2) can be completed. 38 39
SHOULDERS The shoulder is a ball-and-socket joint insertion onto the bone. The long biceps SWORD PULL Fasten a resistance band at a height of about 15-20 cm above the floor to a suitable place, e.g. a radiator, wall bars or similar. Standing in an upright position with your which is primarily stabilised by mus- tendon actually runs through the shoul- side to the point of fixation and your feet shoulder-width cle tension, the joint capsule and a few der joint, and, as such, is the only tendon apart, imagine that you are aiming to put your shoulder ligaments. The surface area of the joint in the human body to run inside a joint. blades into your back pockets. Pull the resistance band, socket is much smaller than the humeral The rotator cuff, the active stabiliser of already under light tension, diagonally upwards, leading head, with a ratio of approximately 1:4. To the joint, is formed by the four tendons of with your elbow as though you were drawing a sword. make up for this difference in size, there the M. supraspinatus, M. infraspinatus, M. Make sure that your shoulders stay low and that the dis- is a cartilage ring, the labrum, around subscapularis and the M. teres minor. Its tance between shoulders and ears remains unchanged. the joint socket (the glenoid). The la- function is to centre the humerus head When your elbow is so high that it can’t be raised any brum essentially creates a suction cup within the shoulder joint, thus allowing further without lifting your shoulders, extend your fore- which helps to hold the ball in the sock- the deltoid muscles to move the shoul- arm. This should all be done in one fluid motion. et. In addition to the passive components der. Each of these smaller muscles can (bones and labrum), the shoulder is also also move the shoulder, but due to their Shoulders stabilised by the muscles of the rotator small size, the larger deltoids tend to do Elbows cuff. The unique anatomical design of the more powerful work. The rotator cuff the shoulder gives it a very large range encircles the humerus head anteriorly, Wrist & Fingers of motion but also allows for more dislo- superiorly and posteriorly. Its superi- Spine & Core cations than any other joint in the body. or part, the supraspinatus tendon, runs Hips Another important component of the through the acromion in what is called Legs & Knees shoulder is the long biceps tendon and its the “subacromial space”. Ankles & Feet IMPINGEMENT AND BURSITIS There are several different forms of subject to minor tearing, inflammation 1 shoulder impingements, but distinguish- and calcifications within the tendon. ing between internal and external im- Other sources of impingement are the pingements and their various sub-groups presence of bone spurs in the AC joint would be too medically technical for our or the overdevelopment of the supraspi- purposes here. Generally speaking, if the natus muscle, a common occurrence in muscles of the back, mainly the rhom- bodybuilders. The aim of all exercises in boids and trapezius, do not stabilise the impingement syndrome are to stabilise scapula, the space between the head of the scapula and to pull the humerus head the humerus and the top of the socket further back as the impingement is most- (the scapula) is smaller than necessary. ly anterior, in between the shoulder roof, This squeezes the bursa, rotator cuff the acromion and the humerus head. As muscles and/or long biceps tendons in- there are no muscles to directly pull the sertion and labrum. The bursa becomes arm further downward, most exercises inflamed and the tendons of the rotator focus on external rotation of the joint. 2 3 cuff, especially the supraspinatus, are 40 INJURY SPECIFIC ACT – ADJUNCT COMPENSATORY TRAINING FOR ROCK CLIMBERS INJURY SPECIFIC ACT – ADJUNCT COMPENSATORY TRAINING FOR ROCK CLIMBERS 41
TABLETOP ARM EXTENSIONS ROTATION CURLS Starting in tabletop position, press one hand into the floor and extend the Hold a medicine ball with a handle or a dumbbell, no heavier than 4 other arm to the side. Your palm is raised and the thumb is outwards. kg. Extend your arm as far as possible upwards and backwards with Follow the motion with your head, focusing on your palm. Hold this maximum external rotation. Lower your arm and return to the starting position for approximately 5 seconds before lowering the extended arm position by following a “curl” motion. and returning to tabletop position. Repeat 5 times before changing sides. Shoulders Elbows Wrist & Fingers Spine & Core Hips Legs & Knees 1 2 1 2 3 Ankles & Feet RESISTANCE BAND BEHIND THE BACK EXTERNAL ROTATION Shoulders Elbows Hold the resistance band in such a way that you don’t have to actively grasp it but can WITH RESISTANCE BAND Wrist & Fingers freely rotate your palms upwards during the exercise. The band should be stretched Spine & Core so that you can still comfortably move your arms over your head and behind your Fasten a resistance band to the lowest rung of wall bars or Hips back. With the band behind your back, keep your arms straight but don’t pull actively another appropriate place, approximately 10-20 cm above the Legs & Knees on the band, allowing it to contract and pull your shoulders backwards. Slowly move floor. Stand with your side to the wall and raise your bent arm to Ankles & Feet your arms up and down in order to stretch the front of the shoulder joint shoulder height. In this position, the resistance band should be from all angles. Don’t let your back hollow out. You can prevent this by under slight tension. Keeping your elbow bent and at shoulder tensing your gluteus maximus and pushing your hips slightly forwards. height, raise your forearm as far upwards as possible, pulling against the resistance band. 1 2 3 1 2 42 43
INSTABILITY BEAR WALK WITH ARM RAISES AND OTHER VARIATIONS There are numerous forms and many arm. When a climber is resting on a classifications of shoulder instabili- completely relaxed shoulder, all of Start in tabletop position and lift your knees a few ties. Focusing on the most frequent his/her weight is held by the connec- centimetres from the floor. Crawl a few metres specific problems of climbers, we only tive tissues of the joint capsule. These forwards in this position, focusing on keeping your need to distinguish between the two passive structures are not meant to knees low to the floor and your elbows straight and main forms: acute instabilities caused work without the flexion of the sur- internally rotated, maintaining an external rotation in by trauma (dislocations) and chronic rounding muscles. Over time, the the shoulder. instabilities caused by a loose joint. constant stress tends to stretch these Acute instabilities are either repeti- structures, loosening the shoulder tive sub-dislocations with a consec- joint. utive loosening of the shoulder joint capsule and ligaments which lead The exercises described here are sub- to labral tears or acute dislocations. ject to both forms of instability, both Most acute dislocations result in a chronic and acute. If you have had sur- labral injury and require surgical re- gery after an acute dislocation, con- 1 2 pair in climbers. Chronic instabilities sult your surgeon and physiotherapist result from underdeveloped shoulder regarding which specific ACT exercis- stabilisers and are often provoked by es are allowed at which stage of the hanging from a completely extended rehabilitation process. KNEELING NECK PULLS Shoulders Elbows HANDSTAND WALKABOUTS Kneeling on one knee, fasten a resistance band in Wrist & Fingers front of you at a height slightly above your head. Spine & Core Start with your feet elevated to approximately hip height Holding the resistance band under slight tension, Hips and your upper body in handstand position. Make sure lean your upper body forwards, making sure that your Legs & Knees your hips are angled to at least 35°. Walk your hands along back stays flat and doesn’t round. Alternating sides, Ankles & Feet the floor from one side to the other, keeping your neck pull your arms backwards, staying close to your sides. straight. Push your head and chest actively between your Pull your arm backwards until your hand reaches the shoulders. Alternatively, tap one hand onto the other. level of your neck. Shoulders Elbows Wrist & Fingers Spine & Core Hips Legs & Knees 2 Ankles & Feet 1 1 2 44 INJURY SPECIFIC ACT – ADJUNCT COMPENSATORY TRAINING FOR ROCK CLIMBERS INJURY SPECIFIC ACT – ADJUNCT COMPENSATORY TRAINING FOR ROCK CLIMBERS 45
RING PUSH-UPS ACT ROWING Start in plank position with your hands in the rings Place a box, chair, or similar about one body length away which are set a few centimetres above the floor, so that from the rings. Set the height of the rings so that your you can just brush the floor with your fingertips. If this body is parallel to the floor when you hang in the rings is too challenging, modify by starting in half-plank with with your arms outstretched your feet raised. Place a your knees on the floor. Do a push-up, turning the rings mini resistance band (ACT band) around your wrists and so that your arms stay close to your body. start in a horizontal position with your feet on the box, hanging in the rings with extended arms (body tension J). This exercise is called rowing because you pull yourself up as far as possible with both arms as though you were Shoulders rowing. Make sure that your palms face each other and Elbows that your elbows stay close to your body. Pull the ACT Wrist & Fingers band outwards with your wrists until your hands are about Spine & Core shoulder-width apart. Make sure that you keep your body Hips aligned. It’s easy to want to lift your head above the height Legs & Knees 1 2 of the rings, but that’s not the aim of the exercise. It’s Ankles & Feet much more important to keep your shoulder blades in a stable position throughout. This is aided by the use of the ACT band; by pulling the band apart with your wrists, your SCAPULAR DIPS shoulder blades are automatically pulled together. Start in dip position either on a dip bar or between two tables. From this position, do so-called scapular dips. In contrast to normal dips, don’t bend your arms but rotate your elbows slightly inwards. Lower your head between your shoulders and use your shoulder blades to push your head back up. The focus of this exercise should be on the internal 1 rotation of the elbows and on the position 1 of the shoulder blades while pushing yourself up. Shoulders Elbows Wrist & Fingers Spine & Core Hips 2 Legs & Knees 2 Ankles & Feet 46 INJURY SPECIFIC ACT – ADJUNCT COMPENSATORY TRAINING FOR ROCK CLIMBERS INJURY SPECIFIC ACT – ADJUNCT COMPENSATORY TRAINING FOR ROCK CLIMBERS 47
SLAP INJURIES KNEELING NECK PULLS Kneeling on one knee, fasten a resistance band in front SLAP tears, or tears of the superior la- alone or together with the upper labrum of you at a height slightly above your head. Holding the brum from anterior to posterior, are the of the glenoid, pull the biceps anchor, resistance band under slight tension, lean your upper most frequent shoulder condition on leading to a SLAP tear. Minor SLAP inju- body forwards, making sure that your back stays flat which we need to operate. The tendon ries benefit from shoulder stabilisation and doesn’t round. Alternating sides, pull your arms of the long biceps head inserts into the exercises, while complete tears require backwards, staying close to your sides. Pull your arm upper part of the labrum of the shoul- surgery. After surgery, these injuries backwards until your hand reaches the level of your der. It undergoes stress once the arm is will benefit from ACT exercises before neck. above the head and pulls inwardly, e.g. you can resume climbing. Please speak in a finger crack or gaston move. With with your treating surgeon regarding the the constant and recurring pull of the best time to start these exercises during Shoulders long biceps tendon on its insertion, it your rehabilitation process. Elbows can partly or completely tear and, either Wrist & Fingers Spine & Core Hips Legs & Knees ACT ROWING Ankles & Feet 1 2 Place a box, chair, or similar about one body length away from the rings. Set the height of the rings so that your body is parallel to the floor when you hang in the rings with your arms outstretched your feet raised. Place an ACT band around your wrists and start in a horizontal position with your feet on the box, hanging in the rings with extended arms (body tension). This exercise is called rowing because you pull yourself up as far as possible with both arms as though you were rowing. FAKE PULL-UPS Make sure that your palms face each other and that your elbows stay close to your body. Pull the ACT band outwards with For this exercise, you will need a your wrists until your hands are about bar of about 120 cm in length (e.g. 1 shoulder-width apart. Make sure that a broom handle) and ideally, a 5 cm you keep your body aligned. It’s easy to thick mat. If you don’t have a mat, this want to lift your head above the height exercise can also be done without. of the rings, but that’s not the aim of the Lie flat with your body on the mat exercise. It’s much more important to and your head extending over the keep your shoulder blades in a stable edge of the mat, or simply flat on the position throughout. 1 floor if you don’t have a mat. Grasp This is aided by the bar with both hands, hands Shoulders 2 the use of the ACT shoulder width apart. Raise your Elbows band; by pulling head slightly and look at the floor – Wrist & Fingers the band apart with this is important to ensure that keep Spine & Core your neck straight. Pull the bar with your wrists, your Hips both hands as far behind your head shoulder blades Legs & Knees are automatically as possible. Repeat 5 times without 2 Ankles & Feet pulled together. lowering your head. 48 INJURY SPECIFIC ACT – ADJUNCT COMPENSATORY TRAINING FOR ROCK CLIMBERS INJURY SPECIFIC ACT – ADJUNCT COMPENSATORY TRAINING FOR ROCK CLIMBERS 49
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