Acle St Edmund C of E Primary School -

Page created by Milton Washington
Acle St Edmund C of E Primary School -
Acle St Edmund C of E Primary School

                                                                                 15 January 2021
Headteacher: Mrs Rebecca Clarke

                                      Message from Mrs Clarke

  I hope this newsletter finds you safe and well.
  Thank you to those Critical Worker parents for only sending your child into school, when is required.
  The children in school are busy joining in with the same work that the other children are completing.
  They are joining the live lessons and it is great for all the children to come together once or twice a
  day, even if it is remotely.
  We are missing having all the children in school but the teachers are enjoying seeing the children
  during the live lessons! Staff have also been amazed at the attendance to the live lessons plus the
  engagement and quality of the work that is being produced by the children at home. Well done to
  both the children and parents, for their support with this. The class teachers are working tirelessly to
  learn how to use Teams effectively and produce live and pre-recorded lessons. If you, or your child,
  is unsure how to complete a task or has a question, please post this in Teams. The teachers will get
  back to you as soon as they can (within their working hours), however, another child may be able to
  respond quicker with peer to peer support. Next week, we will be sending out a parent
  questionnaire to find out your views of our Remote Learning offer.
  Please find below some important information which will support you with remote learning.

  Safeguarding and Online Learning
  As we have moved to remote learning, I wanted to remind you of how to keep your child safe whilst
  working online, this is of paramount importance. We will only be using Teams to communicate with
  your child, which is a safe space for teachers and children to communicate. The work shared with
  the children is from trusted websites. Please see our Remote Learning Policy (sent last week) for
  information on our online offer. If you have any concerns about the content being offered, please
  report them immediately to the class teacher.
  As a word of caution, if you are choosing to supplement the school’s online offer with support from
  online companies and in some cases individual tutors, please ensure that you use reputable
  organisation/individual who can provide evidence that they are safe and can be trusted to have
  access to children.
  Here are some websites which offer advice and support with safe online learning:

     Internet matters - for support for parents and carers to keep their children safe online
     London Grid for Learning - for support for parents and carers to keep their children safe online
     Net-aware - for support for parents and carers from the NSPCC
     Parent info - for support for parents and carers to keep their children safe online
     Thinkuknow - for advice from the National Crime Agency to stay safe online
     UK Safer Internet Centre - advice for parents and carers
     London Grid for Learning has support for parents and carers to keep their children safe online,
      including tips to keep primary aged children safe online.
Acle St Edmund C of E Primary School -
   Net-aware has support for parents and carers from the NSPCC and O2, including a guide to
    social networks, apps and games.
   Let’s Talk About It has advice for parents and carers to keep children safe from
    online radicalisation.
   UK Safer Internet Centre has tips, advice, guides and other resources to help keep children safe
    online, including parental controls offered by home internet providers and safety tools on social
    networks and other online services.
If you have a concern about online learning and wish to report this concern, please contact the class
teacher, using the class email address, in the first instance. Here is a list of practical support from
external organisations which can also offer support:
     Childline - for support
     UK Safer Internet Centre - to report and remove harmful online content
     CEOP - for advice on making a report about online abuse

Please find attached our Safeguarding Appendix for COVID-19 during lockdown.
Please also find attached a poster from LGFL on Online Safety with some top tips for parents.

Looking after your child’s mental wellbeing during the lockdown

We understand that we are all living in very challenging times at the moment. Your child may be
experiencing a variety of emotions in response to the coronavirus (COVID19) outbreak, such as
anxiety, stress or low mood. Or they may be enjoying and thriving on the time at home. All children
are different and will respond differently to the changes over the past week. There may be good days,
and bad days.
We hope that the live sessions with the teachers and their friends is helping to support the children
and their wellbeing by keeping some routine, consistency and developing an extended support group.
If you would like further guidance to support your child through this period of time, there are two very
useful websites which may provide some useful support.
Children's mental health | Every Mind Matters | One You (
Support for Parents and Carers (
We have attached two page document, from the Anna Freud Centre, on ‘Reassuring children and
young people who are worried about coronavirus: advice for parents and carers’, which you may find
We will continue to provide support on children’s wellbeing by sharing activities and ideas over the
coming weeks. We also recognize that this time is very challenging for all children, however, if you
have a concern about your child’s well-being and would like some support, please contact Miss
Firago, our Well-being Lead who will be able to offer some further advice.

Norfolk Libraries – Story Writer’s Club
Story Writer's Club is a friendly, fun Zoom group for 7-11 year-olds who enjoy bringing their stories to
life on the page.
Sessions will recommence on Thursdays at 4.15pm; they will start on 21 January and run for 4
weeks until February half term, with the last one being Feb 11th.
Come along to share ideas or discover new ones and meet other people who enjoy creating too. To
find out more, please email
Acle St Edmund C of E Primary School -
Coloured overlay (Dyslexia/Meares Irlen)
If your child usually uses a coloured overlay in school, they may find this useful to put a colour over
the screen they are working on. Please follow this link:

Nessy - You may have received an email regarding consent for your child to use ‘Nessy’. We have used
Nessy in school to support children with reading, writing and spelling, and is being set up for home use. If you
are happy for your child to use this please click ‘consent’. Login details will follow over the next few weeks.

Sonny & George’s Triathlon
Here are a few pics of the triathlon Sonny
and George completed during the
Christmas holidays. They did so well and
completed all events in a good time despite
horrible weather conditions. The final
amount they raised was just over £4000 for
their family friend’s son Tommy which is
incredible. Tommy’s family have now
reached their target amount and we’re so
very proud and happy that the boys helped
them achieve this!

      What have Year 2 been up to? Here’s only a tiny amount of all the wonderful work they’ve done!

                                                  Sophia has been busy
                                                  planning her “big write”
                                                  at the end of the unit.

  Scarlett and Joseph made their own resources                                    Getting full marks in our Oak
       to help them with their maths work                                         Academy Quizzes!

                                                                 been doing
                                                                  her daily

                                                                 Zak made a
                                                                   poster in
                                                                Science to tell
                                                                   people to
    Martha’s has been                                             protect the
  taking diligent notes in                                      green spaces
  her Geography lessons.                                         in our cities

   Well done Year 2. Keep up the great work! We’ll see what other classes have been learning in the
                                          following weeks.
                                        Keep safe and well everyone
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