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           ACHIEVING AN
                        Royal LePage’s Future-Focused Digital
                          Transformation With rlpSPHERE
                                        – Page 58
Royal LePage COO Carolyn Cheng
Photography: Korby Banner
Achieving an
        Audacious Goal

 Royal LePage’s Future-Focused
 Digital Transformation With
 rlpSPHERE       by Maria Patterson

        rom its founding in 1913 to its status as its nation’s
        largest real estate company with more than 600
        locations and 18,000 agents, Royal LePage is
 synonymous with real estate in the Great White North. As
 President & CEO Phil Soper says, “Royal LePage is Canada’s
 Real Estate Company; a contemporary, innovative business
 built on more than 100 years of industry leadership. We
 have no intention of slowing down.”
                                                                 Royal LePage COO Carolyn Cheng
                                                                 Photography: Korby Banner

58 January 2021 RISMedia’s REAL ESTATE
The catalog of Royal LePage firsts                                                   ket reports based on a consumer’s
stretches back decades, from intro-                                                  search criteria. Royal LePage wanted
ducing For Sale lawn signs to the                                                    to tap into the positive implications
country early in the last century, to                                                this could have for lead conversion.
the launch of Canada’s first national                                                   “There’s been a lot of progress in
real estate website in 1995. Royal-                                                  AI, and we’re able to do a lot of in- is Canada’s second most                                                    teresting things that we haven’t been
visited home search portal.                                                          able to before,” explains Cheng. “All
   Today, Royal LePage is once again                                                 of a sudden, agents have a new as-
shaking the industry’s foundations                                                   sistant that is effectively nurturing all
as a technology innovator with the                                                   of their leads but only surfacing the
launch of its groundbreaking digital                                                 warm ones as they become ready.”
ecosystem, rlpSPHERE. Powered by
kvCORE from Inside Real Estate,                                                      Setting Bold Goals
the platform features a suite of fully                                               Royal LePage’s goals for rlpSPHERE
                                           Royal LePage President & CEO Phil Soper
integrated proprietary and industry                                                  were ambitious, but in keeping with
                                           Photography: Jacob Sharrard
technologies. Automating the full                                                    the company’s long history of innova-
spectrum of a real estate profession-      “Gone are the typical real                tions and firsts.
al’s needs—from lead generation                                                         “We wanted to make sure we
and CRM, to marketing automation
                                           estate company’s islands                  were building a future-focused sys-
and EDM—rlpSPHERE is a solution            of technology that devour                 tem that leveraged advanced sales-
uniquely customized for the Cana-            hours of human labor                    automation technology to give our
dian market, and designed to em-            to allow them to talk to                 network an advantage and to make
power Royal LePage’s management,             each other. rlpSPHERE                   sure everyone had the tools to be
teams and agents.                                                                    successful as transformation in the
                                            represents a triumph in
   The timing of the platform’s launch                                               digital age progresses at an accel-
was fortuitous.                              end-to-end design and                   erated pace,” says Cheng. This in-
   “The rlpSPHERE concept and                   data integration.”                   cluded a solution that would allow a
high-level architecture was born 18                        – PHIL SOPER              broker to generate leads, then track
months ago,” explains Soper. “We                   President & CEO, Royal LePage     and service those leads throughout
envisioned a cloud-based, AI-en-                                                     their entire lifecycle, from inception
abled operating environment where          strategic vision and the delivery of      to close.
our people could access what they          its products and services, Cheng             Differentiation was also a major
needed to work anywhere, anytime,          closely monitors real estate technol-     goal when it came to the develop-
on any device. Thanks to Inside Real       ogy, and noticed the material infu-       ment of rlpSPHERE. “We wanted to
Estate and our brilliant design team,      sion of venture capital flowing into      create a completely Canadianized
we had created a system optimized          the space, along with an increasing
for a pandemic well before the world       level of tech sophistication.
had heard of COVID-19.”                       “For the first time, we felt there
   Royal LePage Chief Operating            were companies that could effective-
Officer Carolyn Cheng describes            ly digitize the brokerage, agent and
rlpSPHERE as “a fully integrated,          team processes, allowing each party
future-focused” solution. “It allows       to automate many of their adminis-
brokerages and agents to move away         trative and routine tasks in order to
from multiple, disjointed technolo-        focus more on elevating the level of
gies,” she explains. “Right now, espe-     service and professionalism being
cially with the pandemic, this integrat-   offered,” she explains.
ed ecosystem is a huge component              Also emerging in the market, for
of a brokerage’s value proposition.”       brokerage, team and agent web-
                                           sites, were advanced capabilities for
An Idea Whose Time Had Come                leveraging AI and behavioral automa-
According to Cheng, emerging shifts        tion, such as lead generation web-
in the market made the timing right        sites that monitor repeat visits and
to embark on the rlpSPHERE proj-           proactively reach out to consumers,
ect. Responsible for Royal LePage’s        or push out search alerts and mar-

                                                                                              RISMedia’s REAL ESTATE January 2021 59
“We wanted to make                               Royal LePage was well informed           Creating a Unique Tech Ecosystem
                                                  when searching for a partner to          One of the biggest priorities for Royal
 sure we were building a                          make its technology goals a reality.     LePage in developing rlpSPHERE was
 future-focused system                               “We interviewed 25 different ven-     customizing the platform and ensur-
 that leveraged advanced                          dors to make sure we had a common        ing “Canadianization.” The platform,
                                                  vision and that their interface was      says Cheng, needed to integrate the
 sales-automation                                 intuitive and very usable in order to    Royal LePage roster, Canadian list-
 technology to give our                           get the adoption we needed,” recalls     ings and data feeds, and the com-
                                                  Cheng. “We also had to make sure         pany’s high-use service partners.
 network an advantage                             there was a good cultural fit with       Also on the must-do list: Canadian
 and to make sure                                 their management teams.”                 regulatory compliance, federal pri-
 everyone had the tools                              Eventually, Cheng issued an RFP to    vacy and marketing law compliance,
                                                  three finalists who were then subject    and provincial real estate regulator
 to be successful as                              to an evaluation matrix from Royal       requirements.
 transformation in the                            LePage’s internal project team, and         The rlpSPHERE platform also re-
                                                  a meeting with the company’s Ser-        quired complete white-labeling, in-
 digital age progresses at                        vices Advisory Council, composed of      cluding branded digital and print mar-
 an accelerated pace.”                            18 brokers from across the country.      keting pieces, smart drip campaigns
                                                  This multifaceted vetting process re-    tailored to Canadian consumers
                             – CAROLYN CHENG
                              COO, Royal LePage   sulted in the selection of Inside Real   across the core platform, as well as
                                                  Estate, known for their innovative       mobile apps. Royal LePage also intro-
 solution uniquely tailored to Royal              tech leadership in the industry, who     duced a branded, custom Learning
 LePage with the data, customizations             Royal LePage views as an indepen-        Portal.
 and integrations needed to make it               dent, well-funded, long-term partner.       “Our brand is incredibly impor-
 work for our users while enhancing               Inside Real Estate brought to the        tant to us, so every single piece of
 brand value,” explains Cheng.                    table:                                   collateral—print, digital and social
    The company’s digital solution                                                         media—had to have Royal LePage’s
 also needed the flexibility and depth            4A proven ability to support large      branding and speak to the Canadian
 to serve both new and experienced                  enterprise organizations and           agent and consumer,” says Cheng.
 agents alike—one solution for all.                 complex rollouts
    According to Soper, there is a                4Modern tools (AI-driven CRM,           Scaling a Major Roll-Out...Despite a
 broader, bolder vision for the new                 behavioral automation, lead            Pandemic
 ecosystem that goes beyond having                  generation, etc.) that catered         While there are inevitable bumps
 best-in-class features and functions.              to all of Royal LePage’s key           in the road for any tech roll-out, no
 “To rapidly drive adoption across                  stakeholders and user personas         one could have prepared to launch
 thousands of independent contrac-                                                         a large-scale digital platform in the
 tor agents, we needed the wow-fac-               4A highly sought-after platform         midst of a pandemic.
 tor provided by amazing new discrete               (kvCORE) that was well-                   According to Cheng, however, the
 functionality, like automated lead                 established in the market, yet         challenge presented by the COVID
 management,” he says. “Yet the true                flexible and customizable to           outbreak only strengthened their
 superpower to increase enterprise                  Royal LePage in order to create a      resolve.
 productivity and revenue, and to re-               unique ecosystem                          “Once the pandemic hit, all of our
 duce cycle time and costs, comes                 4An open API platform, allowing         teams went fully virtual,” she recalls.
 from integration. Gone are the typi-               for existing integrations with         “Because of the size, scale and im-
 cal real estate company’s islands of               proprietary systems, key Royal         portance of the project, it bonded
 technology that devour hours of hu-                LePage partners and other              our team with an even larger sense
 man labor to allow them to talk to                 ancillary service providers            of purpose and helped us deliver the
 each other. rlpSPHERE represents                                                          solution to our network during the
 a triumph in end-to-end design and                 “This is a robust system, but one      pandemic.”
 data integration.”                               that was designed to be intuitive for       The team began creating buzz for
                                                  agents,” says Cheng. “We needed          rlpSPHERE at key national events
 The Right Partner for the Job                    a proven platform that has a track       in late 2019, and at regional bro-
 Always on top of technology trends               record of driving results for brokers,   ker meetings in the first quarter of
 and actively involved in industry con-           agents and teams, and we found           2020. Prior to launch, a four-week
 ferences and mastermind groups,                  that with the kvCORE Platform.”          teaser video series was pushed out,

60 January 2021 RISMedia’s REAL ESTATE
rlpSPHERE: The Missing
                                                                          Piece for Real Estate Pros
                                                                          Royal LePage real estate
                                                                          professionals are already
                                                                          experiencing the advantages
                                                                          of rlpSPHERE.
and to help brokers prepare for the agent launch, a manual
was created outlining the benefits of the system by agent per-            As the director of operations for Royal LePage
sona (new agent, experienced agent, team), a comparison of                Royal City Realty, Gillian Atkinson sees the val-
the service to key players in the market, the essential phases            ue of rlpSPHERE for real estate professionals
of configuration and training, tips for initial adoption and en-          at every level. “The system offers something
gagement and, of course, support.                                         for everyone, whether you’re just starting out
   Since the launch, the influx of information continues, includ-         or you’re a veteran. And for team admins, the
ing best practices from other Inside Real Estate customers                           platform’s CORE Team add-on takes
and more in-depth, custom webinars from Royal LePage’s                                   a heavy load off,” she says.
Learning Services team in conjunction with Inside Real Es-                                    rlpSPHERE helps agents fo-
tate’s trainers.                                                                             cus on what they’re good at
   “The scope of this service is broader and more complex                                    as opposed to getting over-
than what we’ve done before, and the training is comprehen-                                  whelmed by technology, At-
sive,” says Cheng.                                                                          kinson explains. “rlpSPHERE
                                                                                          takes that fear away for them,”
Evolution to Revolution                                                     Atkinson she says. “Everything they pos-
Cheng is happy to report that the adoption plan for rlpSPHERE             sibly need to do is there, and it’s free and
is ahead of schedule. “All of our brokers are really excited by           there’s tons of support. And you don’t need to
the fact that this is something unique to us,” says Cheng. “Dur-          use every piece of it—you just use what works
ing the pandemic, it’s been a strong retention tool, and they’re          for you and your business right now.”
starting to see the early benefits when recruiting new agents.
                                                                            And real estate professionals can now
It’s important that everyone becomes a digital expert. This is a
                                                                          make more meaningful connections than
transformation for everyone in the industry and our network.”
                                                                                    ever thanks to rlpSPHERE’s inte-
    And there couldn’t be a more critical time to embrace a
                                                                                        grated social media feature.
fully digital future. Bullish market conditions are expected to
                                                                                           “This platform gives us rich
continue through 2021, and home-buying and -selling habits
                                                                                            intel and the ability to share
continue to evolve in the wake of the pandemic. Says Soper, a
                                                                                            that intel with clients,” says
well-timed business revolution.
                                                                                            Mark Burke, team leader at
    “Never underestimate the power of luck when it comes to
                                                                                           Royal LePage Triland Realty.
business success,” he smiles. “In Canada, we are commonly
                                                                                         “This gives you an authentic
first-to-market with new real estate services and technologies.              Burke       way to broaden your reach to
We expect our competitors to follow suit in a year or so. The
                                                                          existing clients, and reaffirms our market
global health crisis that has shut down air travel and sent
                                                                          dominance in social media.”
people to work from home has made the creation of some-
thing like rlpSPHERE exponentially more difficult. We will enjoy             This year, since the launch of rlpSPHERE,
an unusually lengthy window of digital exclusivity as a result.           Carlo De Castris, a sales representative with
    “There will be no resting on our laurels,” Soper concludes.                         Royal LePage Royal City Realty, is
“The wizards at Inside Real Estate and Royal LePage are con-                                able to credit rlpSPHERE with
tinually working on enhancements and will keep us on the                                      one new additional client ev-
cutting edge of innovation. With the rlpSPHERE framework in                                    ery month that he would not
place, we’ve already been able to announce new functionality                                   have had otherwise. As he
that widens the gap between us and our hungry pursuers. It                                     says, “I’ve been waiting most
is great fun!” RE                                                                             of my career for technology
                                                                                           to catch up with what I thought
                                                                            De Castris
For more information on rlpSPHERE, please visit                                            could be accomplished...and and                       it’s finally here.”
To learn more about Inside Real Estate and their kvCORE Platform, visit

                                                                                             RISMedia’s REAL ESTATE January 2021 61
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