Corporate Overview April 2017 - CCP Technologies Limited

Page created by Roger Douglas
Corporate Overview April 2017 - CCP Technologies Limited
April 2017
Corporate Overview April 2017 - CCP Technologies Limited


                                Hardware       Firmware

    Outstanding             Unique “IoT as a                    Rapid
    Proprietary IoT         Service” Offering                   Growth
    Platform (paas)

   International                 Global IoT               Proven Committed
    Operations                   Opportunity                    Team

                      Private & Confidential                                 2
Corporate Overview April 2017 - CCP Technologies Limited
A True IoT Solution

The Need                         The Problem                        The Solution
Monitoring critical control      Traditional systems still come     CCP is a world-leading Internet of
points such as temperature       at a hefty price. They are often   Things (“IoT”) network which
and energy consumption           cumbersome, difficult to install   delivers critical control point data
drives efficiency and protects   and complicated to                 to its advanced Business
clients’ reputations             implement. They lack the           Intelligence (“BI”) platform. Our
                                 versatility to service the         solution delivers the information
                                 needs of today’s business          required to proactively manage
                                 environment.                       critical control points across food
                                                                    Our services are offered under a
                                                                    Software as a Service (“SaaS‘)
                                                                    pricing model, providing smart 24/7
                                                                    monitoring at an affordable price
                                                                    for any sized business

                                   Private & Confidential                                             3
A Smarter IoT Solution
CCP’s open IoT network communicates with                         CCP’s proprietary IoT platform analyses data
CCP devices and any other third party data                       in real time and delivers actionable business
source deployed by the client (device agnostic)                  intelligence to any device


                BLE  &


                                        Private & Confidential                                                   4
Why is CCP Different?

CCP offers IoT as a Service – lowering upfront
costs, reducing complexity and allowing
faster, more reliable deployments

   Low Cost                                               Fast to deploy
   Low monthly fee, no up-front cost                      Simple, flexible installation

   Bundled Solution                                       Smart BI Software
   CCP is device agnostic but is offered                  • Configurable (firmware and software)
   with low cost smart monitoring devices                 • Accessible (monitors across multiple
   which removes a critical obstacle to                     networks (WiFi, BLE, LPWAN)
   other IoTplatforms
                                                          • Intelligent (Analytics and diagnostics
                                                            reporting and alerts)

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Business Intelligence Platform

                                         Continuous 24/7 data


                                         Available 24/7

                                         Sophisticated user-
                                         friendly platform

                                         Accessible via any
                                         connected device

                Private & Confidential                     6
Innovation Pathway
    2014 to 2016                                                                         2017                             2017
Designed, prototyped &                                                                   May                              July
    market tested                                                                     Release of                   Release of
 Gen 1 Hardware and                                                             Gen 2 Hardware / Sigfox           Wireless Probe
  Software Platform                                                             enabled tags / Free App

                               2017                                                                       2017
                              January                                                                     June
                             Release of                                                          Release of Gen 2 Big
                           Gen 1 Hardware                                                       Data Analytics Platform

                     2016                                   2017
                   November                                 March
               Commenced design                        Commenced
               of Gen 2 Hardware                   Sigfox integration and
                                                   Wireless Probe design

       2016                                   2017                          2017
     September                              February                        April
  Initiated production                    Commenced                 Commenced Free App
  of Gen 1 Hardware                  development of Gen 2              development
                                       Big Data Analytics

                                              Private & Confidential                                                               7
Unique Bundled Solution

CCP offers smart IoT monitoring
devices as part of its solution
    Ultra low cost – Single monthly fee
                                                                                       Gen 1
    Easily installed – wireless, self configuring                                    (released)

    Smart – Continuous electronic temperature
    calibration, auto-configuring network, multiple
    communication options

    Certified - NATA and NIST certified; FCC and CE

However, CCP’s solution is device
agnostic. Critical monitoring point
data from any source managed
through the BI platform
                                                                             Gen 2

                                             Private & Confidential                               8
Sales Model and Strategy

Sales Model                                              Sales Strategy
- Platform and devices provided as a                     - Target market clarity through domain
  service (SaaS)                                           knowledge and expertise
- Less than $15 per monitoring point per                 - Direct Channel. Expanding sales team
  month                                                    is targeting strategic customers, focusing
                                                           on food service and food retail chains
- Hardware supplied free and warranted
  for two years                                          - Channel Partners. Extending network to
                                                           include sector groups and other providers
- Two year minimum contracts
                                                         - Online Channel. Website, SEO, social
- Long CLV through low cost, business                      media (particularly Facebook), press
  process integration, future-proofed                      releases, case studies, ASX platform
                                                         - More than 50 sites in Australia and North
- CCP’s business value is built through                    America within three months of
  recurring revenue streams                                commencement of sales

                                     Private & Confidential                                             9
Multiple Target Markets

               CCP is currently
                                                                   Clients are pulling
               targeting the
                                                                   CCP into other
               food services

   Industry   Food                                 Agriculture                  Health

Opportunity   Currently targeting food             Increased focus on           Fast growing health industry
              service and food retail              optimising growing           with spending continually
              sectors. Future opportunity to       conditions for crops and     increasing, driven by ageing
              extend into monitoring food          plants to minimise wastage   population.
              shipments across the cold            and maximise margins.        Increased regulatory
              chain. Total market opportunity                                   requirements for critical
              of over $1.0 billion per annum                                    control points for patient
              based on 183 million                                              safety, vaccines and treatment
              monitoring points.                                                efficacy, quality assurance and
                                                                                clinical trials efficacy.

CCP Clients   Multiple food service and retail     e.g. Country Valley Milk     Hospitals and Aged Care

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                                                                                      Monitoring Points
  Rapidly growing customer                                                 800
  Adding new customers every week
  Contracted recurring

                                                         Tags in Service

  With a high CLV, our recurring                                           400
  revenue model continuously builds
  company value                                                            300

  Underpinned                                                              200
  CCP has a highly skilled team with
  extensive experience in food and
  technology. Supported by integrated
  cloud-based business systems which                                         0
  deliver business efficiency                                                    Dec-16 Jan-17 Feb-17 Mar-17 Apr-17

                                Private & Confidential                                                                12

       2013                                           2016
 CCP Technologies                                   November                                                       2017
Development Program                           First CCP installation for                                           March
                                                 national retail food                                    Partnerships with Sigfox
                           2016                                                    2017
                                                      business                                                and Microsoft
                         September                                                 March
                      Business system                                        50 sites deployed.
                      deployment, first                                    Customers contracted in
                   commercial production of                                  Australia and USA

                                   US operations opened
                2016                                                 2017                        2017
              September                                             January                      March
        Back-door listing on ASX                                                           Major sale to US food
                                                          Finalised business systems
              (ASX: CT1)                                                                       consultancy
                                                          Sales and Marketing launch

                                                Private & Confidential                                                              13
International Operations

                                         - 6 staff
                                  - North America sales

                                                                                              Development         Team
                                                                                                       - 15 staff
                                                                                                  15 Employees

                                                                                                                              Melbourne   Office
                                                                                                                              - -7people
                                                                                                                                  9 staff
                                                                                                                            -- Global  HQ

* Staff includes full-time and part-time employees and contractors

                                                                     Private & Confidential                                                        14
Case Studies

Cold Stone                    Fresh Catering                         Iconic Coffee                   Crown Plaza
                              Food Service                           Food retail                     Hotel services
Food Service
                              Location: Sydney                       Location: Melbourne             Location: Minnesota, USA
Location: Arizona, USA

Cold Stone Creamery           Fresh Catering a company               A independent specialty         Crowne Plaza hotel is a
is an American-based          that requires a versatile              coffee house requiring          premier conference center.
ice cream parlorchain         platform for a wide range of           refrigeration management        The hotel kitchens are
and is known nationwide       high profile events it caters          services to ensure all stored   equipped with CCP’s fully
for flavorful ice cream,      for in Sydney.                         foods are kept in optimal       automated thermal sensor
smoothies, shakes and cakes                                          condition.
                              “CCP’s initial alert notification                                      network. Crown Plaza
Through placement of          saved us thousands of                  “Our business relies on         selected CCP for its
thermal sensors,              dollars.”                              refrigeration…with CCP in       dependability, accuracy and
CCP identified storage                                               place, I know the fridges are   economic benefits.
improvements to minimise                                             doing their job”
temperature degradation

                                            Private & Confidential                                                                 15
The Food Market

CCP’s initial target market includes
                                                                            Each year 1.2 billion
the food processing, food service                                                                     More than 15% of the
                                                                            tonnes of food (30%
and retail sectors in the Australian                                             of global             world’s electricity is
and US territories.                                                            production for              used for the
                                                                                  human               refrigeration of food.2
For these sectors, poor                                                       consumption) is
temperature management                                                            wasted.1
creates the single biggest risk to
perishable food safety and
quality.                                                                                                   Regulatory
                                                                                 Almost one               requirements
                                                                                 quarter of all         for temperature
1 IMechE, Global Food Waste Not, Want Not, 2013
                                                                             food waste is due to       monitoring and
2 IIR/UNEP Industry as a partner for sustainable
  development. Refrigeration, 2002                                          deficient refrigeration   reporting are being
3 Estrata-Flores, Senate inquiry about food production in                   or cold chain failure.3      strengthened
  Australia, 2008
  editor- about-those-criminal-prosecutions

                                                   Private & Confidential                                                   16
Senior Management

Michael White                    Anthony Rowley                       Kartheek Munigoti              Tom Chicoine
CEO                              COO                                  CTO                            President, North America

• Over 25 years executive        • Involved in the creation of        • Over 15 years of             • Over 30 years of
  experience in cold chain         Telstra Internet and some of         professional experience in     professional experience in
  management and                   Australia’s early e-commerce         information technology         the US food industry
  technology.                      initiatives.                         including over 8 years         having held senior
                                                                        managing software              executive positions in
• Track-record of successfully   • More than 25 years
                                                                        development in wireless        several major food
  developing technology            experience in corporate
                                                                        cold chain management          companies.
  businesses in food               governance, sales and
  production and supply chain      marketing, business
  management across Asia-          planning and administration.
  Pacific and North America.

                                             Private & Confidential                                                          17

Leath Nicholson                          Anoosh Manzoori                           Adam Gallagher
Non-Executive Chairman                   Non-Executive Director                    Non-Executive Director

• Co-founded Foster Nicholson Jones      • 20 years’ commercial experience in      • Experienced public company director
  in 2008.                                 building highly successful businesses     bringing skills in business strategy
                                           with a focus on scaling technology        formulation and advice, market
• Particular expertise in mergers and
                                           companies.                                communications, and M&A.
  acquisitions; IT based transactions,
  and corporate governance.              • CEO of Shape Capital.                   • Director of EnviroSuite Limited
• Non-Executive Director of Money3
  Corporation Limited (ASX:MNY) and
  AMA Group Limited (ASX:AMA).

* In addition to Mike White and Anthony Rowley,
                                         Private & Confidential                                                         18
The Company

CCP Technologies Limited

Listed in September 2016 (reverse takeover of Agenix Limited)
•   Shares on Issue: 203,155,158
•   Unquoted Options: 5.5 million

The company has three fully owned subsidiaries:
•   CCP Network North America Inc.
•   CCP Network Australia Pty Ltd
•   CCP IOT Technologies Pte Ltd (India)

                                     Private & Confidential     19
The information in this presentation does not constitute                (negligent or otherwise) or for any communication written or
personal investment advice. The presentation is not intended            otherwise, contained or referred to in this presentation.
to be comprehensive or provide all information required by
investors to make an informed decision on any investment                Accordingly, neither the Company and its related entities,
in CCP Technologies Limited (Company). In preparing this                nor any of its directors, officers, employees, advisers,
presentation, the Company, did not take into account the                associated persons or subsidiary undertakings are liable for
investment objectives, financial situation and particular needs         any direct, indirect or consequential loss or damage suffered
of any particular investor.                                             by any person as a result of relying upon any statement in, or
                                                                        as a result of any admission in, this presentation or any
Further advice should be obtained from a professional                   document supplied with this presentation, or by any future
investment adviser before taking any action on any information          communications in connection with those documents and
dealt with in the presentation. Those acting upon any                   all of those liabilities, losses and damages are expressly
information without advice do so entirely at their own risk.            disclaimed.
This presentation does not constitute an offer or invitation            Any opinions expressed reflect the Company’s and its related
to purchase securities in the Company. Recipients of this               entities position at the date of this presentation and are
presentation who intend to consider investing are reminded no           subject to change. No assurance is given by the Company
reliance may be placed for any purpose on the information or            that any capital raising or debt financing referred to in this
opinions contained in this presentation or any other document           presentation will proceed.
or oral statement, or on the completeness, accuracy or
fairness of that information or those opinions.                         All amounts are in Australian dollars unless otherwise stated.
Whilst this presentation is based on information from sources
which are considered reliable, no representation or warranty,
express or implied, is made or given by or on
behalf of the Company and its related entities, any of its
directors, or any other person about the accuracy,
completeness or fairness of the information or opinions
contained in this presentation and no responsibility or liability
is accepted by any of them for that information or those
opinions or for any errors, omissions, misstatements

                                               Private & Confidential                                                                    20
Platform Benefits
Multiple Benefits

We are the                      Internet of Things                    Business                        Optimise
smarter                         connectivity                          Intelligence                    performance
solution                        Our open connectivity
                                                                      delivered                       & quality
CCP smart tags capture          leverages existing networks
                                                                      Our cloud and mobile            Access to accurate, real-time
critical control point data     (such as WiFi and Bluetooth)
                                                                      dashboards continuously         information on demand
and communicate directly        to distribute data for
                                                                      display updated critical        empowers the client to
to mobile andcloud-based        interpretation and analysis,
                                                                      control point information and   maximise business
applications for analysis.      and to provide ubiquitous
                                                                      provide access to other         performance. CCP interprets
Interpreted data is presented   access to valuable business
                                                                      business intelligence tools.    and analyses large volumes of
as actionable business          intelligence.As part of the IoT,
                                                                      When things go wrong, CCP       data to deliver advanced
intelligence; empowering        oursolution supports
                                                                      automatically notifies the      diagnostics, graphic and tabular
better business decisions.      connectivity with almost any
                                                                      client.                         reports, and notifications to
                                wireless sensor across any
                                                                                                      support real-time management.
                                communication network.

                                                                                                                        continued >

                                             Private & Confidential                                                              22
Multiple Benefits (continued)

Business and                      Protecting                          Keeping up                      Prices
environmental                     reputation                          with                            one can
efficacy                          By ensuring that compliance         compliance                      afford
                                  requirements are met through
By combining real-time IoT                                            CCP makes it easy to meet       CCP addresses the market
                                  24/7 monitoring, the
data capture with simple                                              compliance requirements,        need. This means that we
                                  customer’s health and safety
configurability and actionable                                        such as HACCP and other risk    provide real-time automated
                                  are protected and its business
business intelligence, CCP                                            management programmes.          monitoring at an affordable
                                  reputation is secure.
provides a unique platform for                                        No more manual recording; all   price for any sized business.
reducing waste, increasing                                            compliance reporting is
efficiencies and effectiveness,                                       automated and available
and continuous improvement.                                           wherever and whenever it is
CCP can lower business costs.                                         needed.

                                             Private & Confidential                                                               23
Thank you

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