ACCOUNTING AND FINANCE - Undergraduate Studies 2022 - Aston University

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ACCOUNTING AND FINANCE - Undergraduate Studies 2022 - Aston University
Undergraduate Studies 2022

ACCOUNTING AND FINANCE - Undergraduate Studies 2022 - Aston University
Why choose Accounting and Finance?

We are glad you are considering Aston University and Aston
Business School as a place to start your career. For this, you
only need to know one thing. That we are in the business of
opening doors. By choosing to study at Aston University you
will be studying at the 2020 Guardian University of the Year
and the Outstanding Entrepreneurial University (Times Higher
Education Awards, 2020).

In addition, Aston Business School is part of an elite group of
global business schools that hold the gold standard of ‘triple-
crown’ accreditation from AACSB, AMBA and EQUIS, as well
as appearing in the top 1% for Business and Management
studies (QS World University Rankings 2021).

We are a university that takes      Taught by the best –
                                  •	                              •	
                                                                     BSc Accounting and
employability seriously, and        Our lecturer Richard Kenyon      Finance graduates can
that is demonstrated in the         has been awarded the CIMA        claim exemptions from the
opportunities that we offer our     Teaching Excellence award        examinations of a number
students to gain professional       for the UK, 2021.                of professional bodies,
experience. Students on             Top 25 in the UK for career
                                  •	                                including; the Association
our BSc Finance and BSc             after 15 months (Guardian        of Chartered Certified
Accounting and Finance              University Guide, 2022).         Accountants (ACCA), Institute
courses can benefit from                                             of Management Accountants
                                    Our research quality has
the following:                                                       (CIMA), Association of
                                    been recognised as 13th in
                                                                     International Accountants
                                    the UK for Accounting and
  Top 25 in the UK for graduate
                                    Finance (Complete University
                                                                     (AIA), and the Institute of
                                                                                                     TOP 25
  prospects (Accounting and                                          Chartered Secretaries and
                                    Guide, 2022)
  Finance) Complete University
  Guide, 2022.
                                                                     Administrators (ICSA).
                                                                   Our students do great things
                                                                   and you will too.                 Universities in the UK for
                                                                                                     ‘career after 15 months’

Aston University                                                                                     Accounting and Finance                       3
ACCOUNTING AND FINANCE - Undergraduate Studies 2022 - Aston University
    Develop a balanced understanding
    across finance, economics, accounting
    and management to help you thrive,
    whether you’re interested in a career
    in investment banking, training and
    research, or working with start-ups.

    BSc (Hons) Accounting and Finance
    Be at the cutting-edge of accounting and finance.
    Gain insight into what drives management strategy
    and the essential role of accounting and financial
    management within business and wider society.

    BSc (Hons) Finance
    Prepare for a fast-paced career in financial services.
    Gain the knowledge, skills and applied experience
    that make our graduates some of the most employable
    in the country.

                                                             Find out more
                                                             Click here to visit our offer
                                                             holder information hub for
                                                             further information about the
                                                             Aston Business School

Aston University                                             Accounting and Finance          5
ACCOUNTING AND FINANCE - Undergraduate Studies 2022 - Aston University
Aston means business
                                                                                                               Our podcast series is where top academics provide
                                                                                                               essential advice to business owners and managers,
                                                                                                               entrepreneurs and students.

                                                                                                               If you’re interested in Accounting and Finance
                                                                                                               then you may be interested in these episodes:

                                                                                 I strive to achieve as much
                                                                                 as possible and that is
                                                                                 why I chose to undertake
                                                                                 the Exchange Partnership
                                                                                 Second Degree Pathway.
                                                                                 This opportunity seemed to
                                                                                 be a natural progression in
                                                                                 my foregoing studies and      Integritax                            Fun Fest
                                                                                 a great complement to it.
                                                                                 I also thought the course     Adnan Khalid, founder of              Sarah Beattie, owner of a full-time
                                                                                 was very well structured      Integritax Accountants, explains      nursery and the Fun Fest holiday
                                                                                 and the lecturers were        how his revenues doubled by           club franchises, explains how
                                                                                 always happy to help with     using the latest digital accounting   government finance helped her
Get two degrees by studying abroad for an extra year                             any issues.”                  tools to help SMEs survive            businesses survive COVID-19

                                                                                                               COVID-19. Matt Davies, of             and is now funding her launch of
                                                                                 Jakub Lawrenz,                the Accounting Department             a new nursery franchise. Martin
                                                                                 Bachelor in Finance           at Aston Business School,             Potts, a senior lecturer in the
                                                                                 and Accounting                says undergraduates are now           Accounting department at Aston
                                                                                 (Kozminski University)        using the latest Xero software        Business School, praised Sarah’s

                                                                                 and BSc (Hons) Finance        on compulsory undergraduate           “financial literacy” and explained
                                                                                 (Aston University)            accounting modules.                   how a “working capital cycle”
                                                                                                                                                     can be used to monitor finances.

                                                                                 Find out more
                                                                                 Jakub’s time at
We partner with some of the world’s best business                                Aston University
schools who share Aston’s philosophy for employability                           Click here to listen to               Click here to listen to
and offer courses that reflect the needs of industry.                                                          the episode on Spotify.               the episode on Spotify.

On the Exchange Partnership Second Degree Pathway Programme,
you’ll spend an additional year at our partner institution in France and
                                                                                                               You can find the podcast series on all major streaming platforms
gain a full second degree when you graduate.
                                                                                                               including Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts and Spotify.

                                                                                                               Listen now
Find out more
                                                                                                               Click here if you would like to listen to more episodes from
Click here to find out how you can embrace a new culture and gain two degrees.                                 the Aston means business podcast series.

Aston University                                                                 Accounting and Finance                                                                               7
ACCOUNTING AND FINANCE - Undergraduate Studies 2022 - Aston University
PROFESSIONAL                                                                 ACCREDITATIONS
EXPERIENCE                                                                   Whether you’re interested in a career in audit and
                                                                             consulting, as a finance analyst or assurance
                                                                             associate, our accounting and finance courses
                                                                             may also lead to accreditation or exemptions
Our crown jewel is our mandatory professional placement year.                from professional bodies such as:
This isn’t a year spent filing papers or propping up the photo-copier.
This is real professional work: the chance to apply what you’ve
learned, earn a salary and shape the future and your career.

The teaching quality
has been critical,
                                                                                                                                          Aston University has won an
                                                                                                                                          Honorary Mention at the
                                                                                                                                          CIMA Global Excellence
as I now have a
                                                                                                                                          Award. This award
clear theoretical                                                                                                                         recognises academic partner
understanding which                                                          Institute of Chartered
                                                                             Accountants in England and                                   institutions that achieve
I can implement                                                                                             Accredited by the
                                                                             Wales (ICAEW) The Institute                                  CIMA pass rates above the
in a practical                                                                                              Association of Chartered
                                                                             of Chartered Accountants                                     global average in
                                                                                                            Certified Accountants
environment.                                                                 in England and Wales is a                                    the same calendar year.
                                                                                                            (ACCA) for the purpose
My placement year                                                            professional membership        of exemptions from
has revealed exactly                                                         organisation that pro-motes,                                 Accreditation is a stamp
                                                                                                            some professional
what I want to                                                               develops and supports                                        of quality and prestige for
                                                                                                                                          a business school and its
achieve in life and                                                          chartered accountants and
                                                                             students around the world.                                   programmes. Aston is proud
how I can pursue                                                                                                                          to be among 1% of business
my goal.”                                                                                                                                 schools worldwide with triple
                                                     Prabhat Talwar
                                                                                                            Accredited by the Chartered
                                                     Course:                                                Institute of Management
                                                     BSc (Hons) Finance                                     Accountants (CIMA) for
                                                                                                            the purpose of exemptions
                                                     Job:                                                   from some professional
                                                     Underwriter and Loans
                                                     manager at Aspen
                                                     Bridging Limited

Aston University                                                             Accounting and Finance                                                                   9
ACCOUNTING AND FINANCE - Undergraduate Studies 2022 - Aston University
Click here to find out
more about Hasaan
Khan’s experience                                                     I would highly recommend Aston because of
studying Accounting                                                   the various opportunities that are available.
and Finance and                                                       As well as meeting new people and getting
his current role with                                                 involved in different societies, there are
Deloitte as an M&A                                                    also opportunities to work with business
Tax Analyst.                                                          professionals. My placement year gave
                                                                      me more confidence in myself and belief
                                                                      in knowing that I have what it takes to
                                                                      succeed in my professional career.”

                                                                                               Emmanuel Mahlangu

                                                                                               Trainee Chartered

Our students get up to amazing things during their time with us and                            BSc (Hons) Accounting
once they graduate. From setting up their own businesses to gaining                            for Management
competitive graduate scheme places, a degree from Aston University
prepares our graduates for a unique career journey.
Aston University                                                      Accounting and Finance                           11
RICHARD                                                 PETER
that inspires      KENYON                         Teaching
                                                  that inspires            KEELING

                   Aston Business School                                   Finance Teaching Fellow,
Click here
to watch
                   Accounting Lecturer,           Click here
                                                  to watch
                                                                           Peter Keeling, explores
the video          Richard Kenyon, won the        the video                the topic of ‘Finance and
                   Regional CIMA Teaching                                  Accounting – How dodgy
                   Excellence award for the UK,                            are you?’ in our 3-minute
                   being recognised as the best                            lecture series.
                   management accounting
                   teacher in the country for
                   this year.

Aston University                                  Accounting and Finance                               13
OUR STUDENTS GO FAR                                  SUPPORTING
                                                     Aston University stood out
                                                     to Hasnat as the perfect
                                                     choice for him, where his
                                                     course provided him with
                                                     the perfect package to make
                                                     him highly employable.
                      Students have
                      gone to work for:              Life at Aston University
                                                     provided Hasnat with
                                                     amazing memories that
                        Bank of England
                                                     he could write books
                      •	                            about. Looking back at
                        Carphone Warehouse
                      •	                            his time at university,
                                                     Hasnat acknowledged that
                                                     choosing Aston was the
                                                     best decision he made: “I
                      •	                            thoroughly enjoyed my time
                        Royal Bank of Scotland.
                      •	                            at Aston [University].”

                      Roles include:
                        Assistant management
                        Assurance associate
                        Auditor                                                    Name:
                        Data and economics analyst                                 Syed Hasnat Ahmed
                        Finance analyst
                        Risk consultant                                            Job:
                                                                                   Assistant Auditor at UK
                        Operations                                                 National Audit Office
                        Tax analyst
                        Trade capture analyst                                      Course:
                        Technology consultant.                                     BSc (Hons)
                                                                                   Accounting and Finance

   Aston University                                  Accounting and Finance                                  15
If you would like to keep in touch with our
students and graduates you could follow
us on our social media channels.

Aston University                                 @AstonBusiness
B4 7ET, UK                                       /astonbusinesschool
+44 (0)121 204 3000                                      /Aston-Business-School

This document is available in alternative formats.
Information correct at time of going to press (February 2022)
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