ACCESS MODULES YOUR 2018-2019 PROSPECTUS - The Open University

Page created by Beatrice Chambers
ACCESS MODULES YOUR 2018-2019 PROSPECTUS - The Open University
YOUR 2018–2019

ACCESS MODULES YOUR 2018-2019 PROSPECTUS - The Open University
ACCESS MODULES YOUR 2018-2019 PROSPECTUS - The Open University
Why Access?                         2
Fees and funding                   4
Access modules                      6
Order another prospectus           13
Get in touch               BACK COVER
ACCESS MODULES YOUR 2018-2019 PROSPECTUS - The Open University

    Boost your confidence                WHY THE OU?                            IS AN ACCESS
    and build up your study              1. WE’RE OPEN TO ALL
                                                                                MODULE FOR ME?
    skills with an Access                It doesn’t matter where you start      Will this be your first taste of
    module. No qualifications            from. It’s where you want to be –      university? Want to brush up on
                                                                                your study skills? Improve your
    or experience needed.                and how determined you are to
                                         get there – that counts.               confidence? Or make an informed
                                                                                decision about long-term study?
    There are three Access modules
                                         2. YOU’LL LEARN FROM                   If your answer’s ‘yes’ to any of
    to choose from:
                                         THE BEST                               these, an Access module is an ideal
    –– Arts and languages Access
                                         We’re experts in part-time study.      starting point.
       module (Y031)
                                         More adults choose the OU than         You just need to live in the UK,
    –– People, work and society Access   anywhere else.                         Channel Islands or Isle of Man.
       module (Y032)
                                                                                Or have a British Forces Post
    –– Science, technology and maths     3. WE’LL HELP YOU ALL                  Office address.
       Access module (Y033).             THE WAY
    And when you complete your           No one understands how                 WILL THE OU FIT
                                         people learn as well as we do.
    module, you’ll get an Access                                                MY LIFE?
    Module Certificate.                  We’ll provide the support you
                                         need to succeed.                       We’ve been experts in distance
    For more details about these
                                                                                learning for nearly 50 years.
    modules, see pages 6–12.             4. STUDY YOUR WAY                      No one gives you more flexibility
                                         You’ll have the flexibility to fit     about what – and how – you learn.
                                         study around the other things
                                         going on in your life, whatever they   OUR METHOD IS UNIQUE
                                         may be. 76% of OU students work        You’ll have one-to-one contact
                                         full or part time.                     with a dedicated tutor, and more
                                                                                flexibility than at a campus-based
                                                                                university. We’ll bring you the
                                                                                best of both worlds: technology
                                                                                and tutoring.

ACCESS MODULES YOUR 2018-2019 PROSPECTUS - The Open University
EXPERT SUPPORT                           WHEN CAN I START?
                                         AND HOW LONG WILL
You’ll be supported every step
of the way, with personal phone
                                         IT TAKE?                                 Students who take an Access
                                                                                  module are more likely to be
tutorials at a time that suits you.      Access modules start each

                                                                                                                     WHY ACCESS?
You’ll get written feedback on
your work. A support team who
                                         February and October.                    SUCCESSFUL
                                         They’re always 30 weeks long,            in their future studies
are there when you need them.
                                         and most students study for
And the chance to share ideas
                                         about nine hours a week.
with other students through
our online forums.                       It’s best to apply early to
                                         guarantee your place.
Wondering which qualifications           WHAT WILL I NEED?                   ARE THERE ANY EXTRA
will improve your job prospects,                                             REQUIREMENTS?
or looking to change career?             You’ll need a phone, DVD player
Our advisers can help.                   and access to a computer with       No, none. That’s the idea behind
                                         a good internet connection.         Access modules: you don’t
ACCESSIBILITY ALL THE WAY                You don’t need to buy a computer    need any previous knowledge,
                                         though – it’ll be okay to use one   qualifications or skills. You can
Last year we supported over
                                         at a public library.                dive straight in.
22,000 students with disabilities
or additional needs.                     We’ll send you all your study
We’ll do our best to make your
                                         materials, including books,         WILL THERE
                                         printed materials and a DVD.        BE AN EXAM?
studies accessible, with help
by phone, web or email.                  All our study materials are
                                                                             No, there’s no exam either.
                                         designed to help refresh your
See if you qualify for extra financial
                                         study techniques and build          Instead, you’ll do four short
help towards travel or study costs.
                                         your self-confidence too.           written assignments and some
Call 0300 303 5303 or go to
                                                                             activities online.         USING COMPUTERS
                                         If you’re not used to computers,    HOW MUCH WILL
                                         an Access module will give you      IT COST?
                                         an introduction.
                                         You’ll search the internet, work    Fees vary depending on where
                                         through online quizzes and talk     you live: there’s more detail on
                                         to fellow students through our      pages 4–5.
                                         online forums.                      And in many cases, you can study
                                                                             an Access module for free.

 At first, when I looked at the access module I was
 unsure if I’d be able to do it. Studying with the OU
 has really boosted my confidence. I now feel able
 to go forward and carry on studying.”
 Deborah Butler,
 OU student

ACCESS MODULES YOUR 2018-2019 PROSPECTUS - The Open University

    Our fees cover everything.           To get a loan you need to be            DO YOU LIVE IN WALES?
                                         studying your Access module
    There’s nothing else to                                                      An Access module costs £246.
                                         as part of an OU qualification.
    pay. And your studies
                                         It comes from the government.           STUDY FOR FREE
    might even be free.                  There’s nothing to repay for
                                         up to four years. And after that,       Your Access module might
    DO YOU LIVE                          only once you’re earning more           be free if you:
    IN ENGLAND?                          than the annual income threshold.       –– are studying your module as
                                         At the moment it’s £25,000.                part of an OU qualification
    An Access module costs £732.
                                         What might the repayments               –– have a household income
    STUDY FOR FREE                       look like?                                 below £25,000 – or receive
                                                                                    qualifying benefits
    Your Access module might
                                         EXAMPLE REPAYMENT AMOUNTS               –– haven’t completed more than
    be free if you:
                                          INCOME EACH            MONTHLY            one year of a full-time
    –– are studying your module as        YEAR BEFORE TAX        REPAYMENT          undergraduate course at NQF
       part of an OU qualification
                                          Up to £25,000          £0                 Level 4 or above, or completed
    –– have a household income                                                      30 credits or more of OU study.
       below £25,000 – or receive         £27,000                £15
       qualifying benefits                                                       GET A PART-TIME TUITION
                                          £34,000                £67.50
    –– haven’t completed more than                                               FEE LOAN
       one year of a full-time            £49,000                £180            If you can’t study for free, you
       undergraduate course at NQF                                               might qualify for a Part-Time
       Level 4 or above, or completed    PAY YOUR OWN WAY                        Tuition Fee Loan.
       30 credits or more of OU study.   If you don’t qualify for free study     To get a loan you need to be
                                         or a loan, you can pay your own         studying your Access module
    GET A PART-TIME TUITION              way instead.                            as part of an OU qualification.
                                         An Open University Student
    If you can’t study for free, you
                                         Budget Account (OUSBA) will
    might qualify for a Part-Time
                                         let you pay by instalments,
    Tuition Fee Loan.
                                         see opposite.
                                         Or you can pay in full by debit card,
                                         credit card or by bank transfer.

It comes from the government.           DO YOU LIVE IN
There’s nothing to repay for up         NORTHERN IRELAND?                        OPEN UNIVERSITY
                                                                                 STUDENT BUDGET

                                                                                                                          FEES AND FUNDING
to four years. And after that, only
once you’re earning more than           An Access module costs £246.             ACCOUNTS LTD (OUSBA)
the annual income threshold.                                                     When you enrol with
At the moment it’s £25,000.             STUDY FOR FREE
                                                                                 us, you’ll be offered the
What might the repayments               Your Access module might                 opportunity to pay your fees
look like?                              be free if you:                          through a loan from OUSBA.
                                        –– are studying your module as           OUSBA will pay your fees to
EXAMPLE REPAYMENT AMOUNTS                  part of an OU qualification           The Open University, and you
 INCOME EACH            MONTHLY         –– have a household income               repay OUSBA either in a single
 YEAR BEFORE TAX        REPAYMENT          below £25,000 – or receive            sum or in monthly instalments.
 Up to £25,000          £0                 qualifying benefits                   You can repay OUSBA at any
                                        –– haven’t completed more                time before the course begins.
 £27,000                £15                                                      In this case, there’s no interest.
                                           than one year of a full-time
 £34,000                £67.50             undergraduate course at NQF           Alternatively, you can repay
                                           Level 4 or above, or completed        OUSBA in monthly instalments
 £49,000                £180
                                           30 credits or more of OU study.       payable over up to a year.
                                                                                 In this case, interest does apply.
PAY YOUR OWN WAY                        PAY YOUR OWN WAY                         The interest rate is fixed for the
If you don’t qualify for free study     If you don’t qualify for free study      duration of the course (current
or a loan, you can pay your own         or a loan, you can pay your own          representative APR of 5.1%).
way instead.                            way instead.                             As a responsible lender every
An Open University Student              An Open University Student               application made to OUSBA
Budget Account (OUSBA) will let         Budget Account (OUSBA) will let          undergoes a credit and
you pay by instalments, see right.      you pay by instalments, see right        affordability check.
Or you can pay in full by debit card,   for more information.                    Find out more at
credit card or by bank transfer.        Or you can pay in full by debit card,
                                        credit card or by bank transfer.
IN SCOTLAND?                            DO YOU LIVE IN THE
An Access module costs £246.
                                        CHANNEL ISLANDS
                                        OR ISLE OF MAN?
STUDY FOR FREE                          An Access module costs £732.
                                                                                 The Access module
Your Access module might                                                         changed everything for me.
                                        You won’t be able to get a free
be free if you:                         place or a tuition fee loan. But you
                                                                                 My self-confidence is now
–– have a personal income below         can pay by instalments with an           far greater and I feel I can
   £25,000, including replacement       Open University Student Budget           apply for any job in my field.”
   living-cost benefits                 Account (OUSBA), see right.
                                                                                 Leon Sullivan,
–– haven’t completed more than          Or you can pay up front by               Access student
   one year of a full-time              debit card, credit card or
   undergraduate course at SCQF         by bank transfer.
   Level 7 or above, or completed
   30 credits or more of OU study.
                                        ARE YOU AT A BRITISH
PAY YOUR OWN WAY                        FORCES POST OFFICE
If you don’t qualify for free study
                                        (BFPO) ADDRESS?
or a loan, you can pay your own         If you’re based at a BFPO address,
way instead.                            the cost of your Access module          NEXT STEPS
An Open University Student              and your payment options will           To discuss your options
Budget Account (OUSBA) will let         be the same as they are for the         and register, call our
you pay by instalments, see right.      country you’d otherwise be              Student Recruitment
                                        living in.                              team on 0300 303 0069.
Or you can pay in full by debit card,
credit card or by bank transfer.


    This module is an ideal                 The module is divided into              media for instance. You’ll also
                                            three blocks:                           consider what impact dialect and
    starting point if you're
                                                                                    pronunciation has on how meaning
    interested in the arts                  BLOCK 1                                 is produced, drawing on examples
    and languages, and would                Block 1, which you'll study in print,   from hip-hop and song. You'll then
    like to develop both your               begins by exploring how language        move on to focus on history, in
                                            is used to communicate. You'll be       particular, looking at the history
    subject knowledge and                                                           of the demand for democracy in
                                            introduced to language in various
    your study skills.                      spoken and written forms – for          Britain from around 1815. You'll be
                                            example as a tool for learning or       introduced to a small number of
    It explores a range of subjects,        as cultural expression. You’ll then     the many debates surrounding the
    including art history, English          examine the theme of popular            interpretation of Chartism and
    literature, English language studies,   protest with an initial discussion      the relevance of the subject today.
    history, modern languages, and          of a First World War poem,              Finally, you'll have the option
    also touches on the areas of            Anthem for Doomed Youth by              to study a segment on a modern
    classical studies, music, creative      Wilfred Owen. Next, you'll study        language at beginners’ level (from
    writing and religious studies.          a diverse range of poetry with          a choice of up to six languages),
    Each subject will be introduced         an emphasis on protest. Finally,        or to extend your study of history
    and explained, and the pace will        depending on your personal              by considering the Suffragette
    be comfortable even if you have         interests and study goals, you can      movement in Britain.
    little or no prior knowledge.           either try your hand at creative
                                            writing or try out a modern             BLOCK 3
                                            language at beginners’ level.           Block 3, which continues online,
                                                                                    considers the relationship between
                                            BLOCK 2                                 art and popular protest. You’ll be
                                            Block 2, moves to online study and      introduced to the study of the
                                            extends your study of language to       visual arts by looking at a selection
                                            consider popular culture and the        of works that have been nominated
                                            language of protest. You’ll start to    for the Turner Prize. This will allow
                                            think about the persuasive uses of      you to look at many different types
                                            language as seen in politics and the    of art and explore the techniques
used by art historians and art         ARTS AND HUMANITIES                     DIPLOMA OF HIGHER
critics when they analyse a work                                               EDUCATION IN LANGUAGE
of art. You’ll then explore three      CERTIFICATE OF HIGHER                   STUDIES (W41)
case studies: a painting by Picasso;   EDUCATION IN ARTS AND                   With this diploma you’ll gain a
a display at St. Mungo’s Museum of     HUMANITIES (T32)
                                                                               broad grounding in undergraduate
Religious Life and Art in Glasgow;     Enrich your life and improve your       language study and specialise
and the symbolism and language         skills for the workplace through        in two languages (from English,
used in football banners. These        this certificate which introduces       French, German and Spanish).
case studies will give you the         a range of subjects in the arts
opportunity to build on what you       and humanities.                         BA (HONS) LANGUAGE
have learnt so far and explore the                                             STUDIES (Q30)
relationship between popular           DIPLOMA OF HIGHER                       Study two modern languages,
protest and visual art from a wider    EDUCATION IN ARTS
                                                                               choosing from French, German
range of academic disciplines,         AND HUMANITIES (W59)
                                                                               or Spanish, or combine English
such as history, religious studies,    Study a broad introduction              language studies with one
linguistics and modern language        to the arts and humanities with         modern language.
studies. At the end of this block      an opportunity to study one
you'll have a further opportunity      or two subjects in greater depth.
to choose to study more modern
language material.
                                                                                OPEN QUALIFICATIONS
                                       BA (HONS) ARTS

                                                                                                                      ACCESS MODULES
Towards the end of the module          AND HUMANITIES (R14)                     In addition to our named
you will be able to participate in                                              qualifications, we also offer
                                       Combine different aspects of the
activities which will help you to                                               three Open qualifications,
                                       arts – what people thought, made
make decisions about your future                                                including a degree.
                                       and practised – their meaning and
study plans.                           values in the past and today in          This is our most popular
                                       a highly-valued degree.                  programme and offers you
                                                                                the opportunity to build a
CHOOSING A                             BA (HONS) ENGLISH                        qualification in a range of
QUALIFICATION                          LANGUAGE AND                             subjects that are unique to
                                       LITERATURE (Q39)                         your interests. If you want to
An Access module is excellent
preparation for further studies        Learn about the English language,        study your Access module as
and a great way to start your          how it’s used around the world;          part of a qualification but are
journey with the OU. If you're         study a wide range of literary texts     unsure which to choose,
interested in studying an Access       and develop skills highly-valued         the Open qualifications
module as an additional preparatory    by employers.                            might be a great choice.
stage towards a qualification, you                                              For more information, go to
may be eligible to study this module   BA (HONS) HISTORY (Q01)        
for free. For more information see     Explore a diverse selection of
pages 4–5.                             places, periods and people,
Arts and languages Access              including the Roman empire,
module (Y031) would be ideal           European history from the
preparation for studying towards       medieval ages to the twentieth
a wide range of qualifications, a      century, while developing key skills.
small selection of which are shown
here. For more information about
all the qualifications we offer,
                                       CERTIFICATE OF HIGHER
go to
                                       EDUCATION IN LANGUAGE
If you're not ready to study           STUDIES (T21)                           NEXT STEPS
towards a qualification, you
                                       This certificate offers a flexible      To discuss your options
can continue your studies
                                       introduction to studying a choice       and register, call our
with standalone modules.
                                       of languages to varying levels;         Student Recruitment
For more information, go to
                                       the key concepts in language            team on 0300 303 0069.
                                       learning; and develops your
                                       study skills further.

    This module allows you to develop both subject knowledge and general study skills.
    It provides an excellent introduction to a wide range of subject areas including
    childhood and youth studies, social science, psychology, health, business and law.

    Each subject will be introduced    BLOCK 1: PEOPLE                          differences, and from a social
    and explained, and the pace will   This block focuses on people over        perspective where societal
    be comfortable even if you have    the lifespan, from a range of            expectations can impact on those
    little or no prior knowledge.      perspectives such as how fixed we        who may not fit into a normative
    The module is divided into         are at birth and what potential we       category. These perspectives
    three blocks:                      have to change. You’ll learn about       include people with disabilities,
                                       stage theories of development,           deviant behaviours, and people
                                       developmental trajectories and           with different perceptions of
                                       attachment styles. The influence         the world.
                                       of childhood on adolescence and          The rights and responsibilities
                                       through to adulthood is discussed,       of individuals are addressed from
                                       and the way in which these are           a legal perspective, and in terms
                                       measured is explained.                   of the impact on the individual
                                       The idea that people are                 when we consider how society
                                       individuals that exist in a particular   can protect those for whom
                                       time and space is explored from          differences may present issues.
                                       the perspective of individual            The block ends with the
                                       differences, where biology and           implications of an ageing society
                                       health are used to explain               using the example of dementia.

BLOCK 2: WORK                           changing borders are discussed in      EDUCATION, CHILDHOOD
Our study of people moves into          the context of human geography,        AND YOUTH
the workplace as we focus on the        and what that means to social
                                        identity is explored through the       CERTIFICATE OF HIGHER
relationship between work, money
                                        example of Brexit.                     EDUCATION IN EARLY
and our status as consumers and
                                                                               CHILDHOOD (T26)
creators of products and services.      Towards the end of the module
We pick up on the ideas of              you’ll have the opportunity to         If you work with young children
individual difference and change        participate in activities which will   aged from birth to seven years,
as we focus on location and life        help you to make decisions about       this qualification will develop your
choices, and the way that those         your future study plans.               knowledge and understanding
can impact on our earning                                                      of early-years provision.
potential. We use examples of           CHOOSING A                             DIPLOMA OF HIGHER
child labour and sweatshops as          QUALIFICATION                          EDUCATION IN EDUCATION
we begin to focus on a global
                                        An Access module is excellent          STUDIES (PRIMARY) (W54)
world with complex trade
connections, where supply and           preparation for further studies        This qualification develops the
demand reinforce what is sold           and a great way to start your          professional knowledge and skills
and on what terms.                      journey with the OU. If you're         required by teaching or classroom
                                        interested in studying an Access       assistants supporting children’s
We also look at the more
                                        module as an additional preparatory    learning in primary schools.

                                                                                                                          ACCESS MODULES
traditional western ideas of an
                                        stage towards a qualification, you
office workplace, and consider
                                        may be eligible to study this module   BA (HONS) CHILDHOOD
how these operate, how people
                                        for free. For more information see     AND YOUTH STUDIES (Q23)
get to certain positions within
                                        pages 4–5.                             This degree is for those who work,
an organisation, and how
organisations function, including       People, work and society Access        or intend to work, with children
rights in the workplace, teamwork       module (Y032) would be ideal           and young people, or for those
and organisational flows.               preparation for studying towards       with more general interests in
                                        a wide range of qualifications,        the interdisciplinary field of
The block concludes with a
                                        a small selection of which are         childhood and youth studies.
discussion about the financial
                                        shown here and overleaf. For more
rewards of work from the
                                        information about all the
perspective of organisations,                                                               Continued on page 10.
                                        qualifications we offer, go to
employees and consumers and
the relationship that work and
money have with happiness.              If you're not ready to study
                                        towards a qualification, you
BLOCK 3: SOCIETY                        can continue your studies
As society encompasses both             with standalone modules.
people and work, you’ll look at how     For more information go to
the whole can be greater than the
sum of parts and yet why we don’t
                                        BUSINESS AND MANAGEMENT
all get along. Beginning with social
identity theory, the idea that people
                                        CERTIFICATE OF HIGHER
form groups based on minimal            EDUCATION IN BUSINESS
categorical differences, you’ll         MANAGEMENT (T27)
explore some of the foundations
of prejudice. This is also taken from   Explore the essential elements
a political perspective to see how      of a business and the context
society is ordered and how these        in which a business operates
rules can change depending on           by taking a practical approach
location and context.                   based on your own experience.

You’ll also consider the unwritten      BA (HONS) BUSINESS
rules that order our lives, and the     MANAGEMENT (Q91)
cultural pressures such as gender
                                        This is a flexible degree that’s
conformity, body image, and
                                        accessible and relevant to the
mental health conditions that
                                        workplace. You’ll study how
shape how society includes some
                                        organisations work, how they’re
and excludes others. Migration,
                                        managed and the external world
immigration and the implications of
                                        in which they operate.

                                            COUNSELLING                            OPEN QUALIFICATIONS
     CERTIFICATE OF HIGHER                                                         In addition to our named
     EDUCATION IN ADULT HEALTH              CERTIFICATE OF                         qualifications, we also offer
     AND SOCIAL CARE (T23)                  HIGHER EDUCATION                       three Open qualifications,
     If you work in health and social       IN PSYCHOLOGY (T22)
                                                                                   including a degree.
     care, use services yourself, or        This certificate introduces you
                                                                                   This is our most popular
     would like to find out more about      to the different ways in which
                                                                                   programme and offers you
     how we support adults in our care      psychologists investigate the
                                                                                   the opportunity to build a
     system, this certificate is for you.   human mind and behaviour,
                                                                                   qualification in a range of
                                            and how psychological research
                                                                                   subjects that are unique to
     DIPLOMA OF HIGHER                      addresses real-life issues.
                                                                                   your interests. If you want to
                                                                                   study your Access module as
     AND FITNESS (W07)                      BSc (HONS) PSYCHOLOGY (Q07)
                                                                                   part of a qualification but are
     Build the knowledge and skills         Gain fascinating insights into the     unsure which to choose,
     needed by sport and fitness            workings of the mind, along with       the Open qualifications
     instructors/coaches, focusing          skills valued across a broad range     might be a great choice.
     on developing insights into            of careers.                            For more information, go to
     the scientific, instructional                                       
     and management principles              FOUNDATION DEGREE IN
     that underpin these roles.             COUNSELLING (X09) OR
                                            DIPLOMA OF HIGHER EDUCATION
     BA (HONS) HEALTH AND                   IN COUNSELLING (W09)
     SOCIAL CARE (R26)                      These qualifications will prepare
     This practice-focused,                 you to become a professional
     interdisciplinary degree will          counsellor, equipping you with
     develop your knowledge about           the theoretical understanding
     a variety of health and social         and practical skills required to      NEXT STEPS
     care settings that work with           work in this field.                   To discuss your options
     child and adult client-groups.                                               and register, call our
                                            SOCIAL SCIENCES
                                                                                  Student Recruitment
                                            CERTIFICATE OF HIGHER                 team on 0300 303 0069.
     (LLB) (Q79)                            SCIENCES (T06)
     This highly regarded degree will       This broad introduction to how
     enable you to pursue a career in       society is structured and works
     the legal professions or improve       provides fascinating insights into
     your legal understanding in your       everyday life in our communities,
     current career.                        personal lives and workplaces.

                                            BA (HONS) POLITICS,
                                            PHILOSOPHY AND
                                            ECONOMICS (Q45)
                                            This internationally recognised
                                            combination of subjects provides
                                            you with skills and understanding
                                            particularly relevant to many areas
                                            of public service, including civil
                                            and diplomatic services, and
                                            local government.


                                                                                                                             ACCESS MODULES
This module is an ideal starting point if you have little or no previous knowledge of
science, technology, engineering and mathematics, and would like to develop your
subject knowledge, numeracy and study skills.

The subjects included are               habitats. This block also                BLOCK 3: HOME
science, engineering and design,        introduces key mathematical              Block 3, which continues online,
environment, mathematics,               ideas and you'll learn techniques        introduces you to the subjects
and computing and IT.                   to help you tackle everyday              of design, engineering and
Each subject will be introduced         mathematical problems.                   computing around the central
and explained, and the pace will                                                 concept of home. You'll find out
                                        BLOCK 2: WATER                           how homes are designed, and can
be comfortable even if you have
little or no prior knowledge.           Water is essential for life and          be designed better, through the
                                        fundamental to what we do.               use of engineering and computing.
The module is divided into
                                        In Block 2, you'll move to online        In this practical block you'll
three blocks:
                                        study and investigate how water          complete a number of design,
BLOCK 1: LIFE                           has shaped our planet and our            engineering, and computing
                                        lives. You'll learn and develop skills   activities and experiments.
Block 1, which you'll study in print,
                                        that will aid your understanding and
starts with biology and ecological                                               An online design studio will keep
                                        use of a variety of tools used in
ideas and uses varied examples                                                   a portfolio of the work you do.
                                        science. You'll also access
to describe interrelationships                                                   You’ll also continue to learn
                                        The Open University Library and
between plants, animals and                                                      mathematics and IT skills to
                                        the wide variety of materials that
the wider environment while                                                      support your developing
                                        this can offer.
developing your study skills.                                                    knowledge of some computing
You'll learn about the unique role      In some home experiments you’ll          and engineering concepts.
of humans, and explore how we           investigate the presence of water in
                                                                                 Towards the end of the module
have changed the environment to         potatoes and how water is required
                                                                                 you will have the opportunity to
suit our needs through farming or       for yeast to respire. Through these
                                                                                 participate in activities which will
conservation. You’ll consider how       home experiments you’ll learn
                                                                                 help you to make decisions about
we can tell what effect current         about using experimental data to
                                                                                 your future study plans.
lifestyles have on the environment      develop and refine hypotheses.
by introducing the ecological           Underpinning this is some essential
footprint model and look at             mathematics and further                                Continued on page 12.
sustainable living and how we can       computing skills to develop your
conserve declining species and          study of science, technology
                                        and mathematics.

CHOOSING A                              BACHELOR OF ENGINEERING                 BSc (HONS) MATHEMATICS
     QUALIFICATION                           (HONS) (Q65)                            AND STATISTICS (Q36)
                                             An opportunity to study general         Mathematics with a focus
     An Access module is excellent
                                             engineering, with options in either:    on probability and statistics,
     preparation for further studies
                                             engineering design, environmental       combined with either pure
     and a great way to start your
                                             technologies, mathematical methods      or applied mathematics.
     journey with the OU. If you're
                                             or energy and sustainability.
     interested in studying an Access                                                SCIENCE
     module as an additional preparatory     ENVIRONMENT AND
     stage towards a qualification, you      DEVELOPMENT                             CERTIFICATE OF HIGHER
     may be eligible to study this module                                            EDUCATION IN NATURAL
     for free. For more information see      CERTIFICATE OF                          SCIENCES (T11)
     pages 4–5.                              HIGHER EDUCATION                        Build your knowledge and
     Science, technology and maths           IN ENVIRONMENT (T16)                    enjoy a broad introduction
     Access module (Y033) would be           This certificate combines aspects       to the study of natural sciences
     ideal preparation for studying          of science, technology and social       with this certificate.
     towards a wide range of                 science to explore the complexities
     qualifications, a small selection of    of the natural and built                BSc (HONS) NATURAL
     which are shown here. For more          environments in which we live.          SCIENCES (Q64)
     information about all the                                                       Study a broad range of subjects or
     qualifications we offer, go to          BA (HONS) ENVIRONMENTAL                 choose to specialise in astronomy                STUDIES (Q99)                           and planetary science, biology,
     If you're not ready to study            This degree will develop your           chemistry, Earth sciences,
     towards a qualification, you            knowledge and understanding             environmental science or physics.
     can continue your studies               of the social, political, economic,
     with standalone modules.                scientific and technological issues
     For more information, go to             at the heart of contemporary             OPEN QUALIFICATIONS           environmental problems.                  In addition to our named
                                                                                      qualifications, we also offer
     COMPUTING AND IT                        MATHEMATICS AND STATISTICS               three Open qualifications,
                                                                                      including a degree.
     EDUCATION IN COMPUTING                  EDUCATION IN MATHEMATICAL                This is our most popular
     AND IT (W36)                            SCIENCES (T14)                           programme and offers you
                                                                                      the opportunity to build a
     This flexible diploma will provide      This certificate introduces you
                                                                                      qualification in a range of
     you with a broad-based foundation       to pure mathematics, applied
                                                                                      subjects that are unique to
     for a variety of careers relating to    mathematics and statistics;
                                                                                      your interests. If you want to
     computing and IT.                       using mathematical software;
                                                                                      study your Access module as
                                             working with abstract ideas;
                                                                                      part of a qualification but are
     BSc (HONS) COMPUTING                    and modelling real-world
                                                                                      unsure which to choose,
     AND IT (Q62)                            problems using mathematics.
                                                                                      the Open qualifications
     This flexible degree offers a variety                                            might be a great choice.
     of study options, giving you the        DIPLOMA OF HIGHER
                                             EDUCATION IN MATHEMATICAL                For more information, go to
     opportunity to specialise in digital                                   
     technologies, software development,
                                             SCIENCES (W43)
     solutions development, computer         Combine the study of two strands,
     science, or networking.                 from pure or applied mathematics,
                                             and statistics, to develop the skills
     ENGINEERING, DESIGN                     and knowledge required for a wide
     AND TECHNOLOGY                          range of jobs.

     BA OR BSc (HONS) DESIGN                 BSc (HONS) MATHEMATICS (Q31)
     AND INNOVATION (Q61)                    Gain a secure understanding
     By thinking like a designer,            of mathematics with this degree         NEXT STEPS
     understanding and addressing the        that looks at topics in mathematics,    To discuss your options
     many challenges that members of         from pure mathematics to                and register, call our
     design teams face, you'll learn         how mathematics is used                 Student Recruitment
     about design and innovation issues.     in the real world.                      team on 0300 303 0069.

ORDER ANOTHER                                                         OTHER WAYS
PROSPECTUS                                                            TO READ THIS
Are you interested in other                                           You may find it easier
Open University qualifications?                                       to access information
Download or order one of our other prospectuses:                      from our website at                            
                                                                      We can also supply
                                    –– Open Qualifications
–– Arts and Humanities                                                this prospectus as
                                    –– Undergraduate
–– Business and Management          –– Postgraduate
                                                                      a PDF and in other
–– Computing and IT                                                   formats. Please call
–– Education, Childhood, Youth      DATA PROTECTION                   0300 303 5303,
   and Sport
                                                                      or email us from

                                                                                               ORDER ANOTHER PROSPECTUS
                                    We record your personal
–– Engineering, Design
   and Technology
                                    information when you contact      our website at
                                    us. We use this to manage
–– Environment and Development      enquiries, registration, study,
–– Health and Social Care           examination and other services.   contact.
                                    Calls may be recorded to help
–– Languages and
                                    us improve our service to you.
   Applied Linguistics
                                    When you contact us, we’ll tell
–– Law                              you more about how we treat
–– Mathematics and Statistics       your personal information.
–– Psychology and Counselling
–– Science
–– Social Sciences

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                                              on 028 9032 3722                                                     Os ydych yn siarad Cymraeg
– Call our Student                          IN THE REPUBLIC                        a byddai’n well gennych
  Recruitment team                          OF IRELAND                             drafod eich anghenion astudio
  on 0300 303 5303                          – Go to             drwy gyfrwng y Gymraeg,
Lines are open (UK time)                                                           cysylltwch â:
                                            – Email
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