Accesibility Universal - 21 TO30

Page created by Katie Cook
Accesibility Universal - 21 TO30

for Development

    21   st
              TO   30   th

 for Development
We bring together more than 50 specialists from 11 countries in America,
Europe and Asia to share experiences in accessibility for development.

Consists in 8 thematic sessions with presentations of sector policies,
national and international good practices and discussion with panels of

Would you commit?
At the end of the seminar you can subscribe to the Lima Declaration for
Universal Accessibility, as an act of commitment to make good practices in
favor of universal accessibility for development. Peruvian officials, managers
and public servants can access to certification upon registration to the
seminar and evaluation.

Mobility and Accessibility - Day 1
      June 21st 2021

    Many people have limitations that make it difficult for them to move in their environment. This
    session presents the needs and possibilities to develop mobility and sustainable accessibility
    in our cities.

    17:00            Welcome Speech                         Solangel Natali Fernández Huanqui
                                                            Minister of the Ministry of Housing,
                                                            Construction and Sanitation - MVCS

    17:05           Official opening of the Seminar         Marianne Fay
                                                            The World Bank Group - WBG

                    National Policy of Universal            José Carlos Soldevilla Saavedra
    17:10                                                   Ministry of Housing, Construction
                    Accessibility                           and Sanitation - MVCS

    17:30           Photogrammetry in the City of           Graciela Sanagüa
                    Buenos Aires: role of technologies to   General Direction of Urban
                    guarantee accessibility in the City     Anthropology - Buenos Aires city

17:50               Sustainable and Accessible              Juan David Palacio Cardona
                                                            Metropolitan Area of the Aburrá
                    Mobility                                Valley

    18:10            From mobility to access: Work of       Robin King
                     the World Resources Institute          World Resources Institute

                     Expert Panel                           MVCS - César Simborth
                     (invited exhibitors and invited        PUCP 1- Pablo Vega Centeno
                     specialists)                           WBG - Felipe Targa

    PUCP - Pontifical Catholic University of Peru
Disability - Day 2
 June 22nd 2021

The supply of goods and services for people with disabilities is limited and in some cases
discriminatory. We analyze the importance of ensuring the inclusion of all people regardless of
their abilities

17:00     Welcome Speech                           Ministry of Housing, Construction
                                                   and Sanitation - MVCS

         National Multisectoral Policy on          Laura Ruiz Pimentel
17:05    Disability for Development to 2030        National Council for the Integration
                                                   of Persons with Disabilities –

         Designing delightful experiences          Rich Donovan
         from disability                           Return on Disability

         Independent Living Support                Leonardo Ruiz
17:45                                              Commission for Participation and
         Program for People with
                                                   Inclusion of People with Disabilities -
                                                   City of Buenos Aires

18:05    Introduction of the concept of            Ítalo Álvarez
         disability and implementation of          Interdisciplinary Association of
         accessibility in university education     Graduate Students on Disability
         in Peru.                                  and Inclusion – AIEDI

18:25     Situation and Accessibility to           Hugo Lozada
          Mental Health: Challenges and            Organization “Un Mundo con
          Perspectives                             Dignidad”

         Expert Panel                              Accessibility Specialist - Carla Linares
18:45    (invited exhibitors and invited           PUCP - Sylvia Vásquez
         specialists)                              WBG - Paula Restrepo
Older Adult - Day 3
      June 23rd 2021

    The social and economic effects of an aging society are diverse; therefore, cities, services and
    society must be prepared to prevent possible accessibility problems.

17:00              Welcome Speech                            Ministry of Housing, Construction and
                                                             Sanitation – MVCS

                                                             Katherine Castillo Mena
17:05              National Multisectoral Policy for
                   Older Adults to 2030                      Ministry of Women and Vulnerable
                                                             Populations - MIMP

                   10 years changing the lives of older      Mabel Gálvez
17:25                                                        Ministry of Development and
                   adults. A look at social inclusion from
                   the Pension 65 Program                    Social Inclusion - MIDIS

17:45              Age-Friendly Cities in Chile              Octavio Vergara
                                                             Ministry of Social Development
                                                             of Chile

18:05              Accessibility for older adults            Carlos Sandoval
                                                             Founding Member of the Peruvian
                                                             Society of Geriatrics

                   Unlocking the potential of Seoul’s        Ayleen Jung
                   50+ Generation                            Seoul 50+ Foundation

                   Expert Panel (invited exhibitors          MVCS - José Carlos Soldevilla Saavedra
18:45                                                              3
                                                             USMP - José Francisco Parodi
                   and invited specialists)
                                                             WBG - Gabriel Arrisueño

    USMP - San Martín de Porres University
Childhood and Adolescence - Day 4
       June 24th 2021

      The context of the health crisis has reduced physical contact and socialization for a long time.
      In this type of situation are necessary strategies to maintain processes to play, learn and

     17:00         Welcome Speech                                        Ministry of Housing, Construction and
                                                                         Sanitation - MVCS

     17:05         Presentation of the National Policy for               Godofredo Miguel Huerta Barrón
                   Boys, Girls and Adolescents to 2030                   Ministry of Women and Vulnerable
                                                                         Populations - MIMP

     17:25         Mobility for care, girls and                          Ema Cibotti
                   boys first                                            Civil Association “Work against
                                                                         Road Insecurity and Violence
                                                                         with Sustainable Actions”

                   Accessibility at hand for children                    Pilar Correa
                   with blindness                                        Metropolitan Technological

    18:05          Commitments and proposals of the
                                                                         Wilbert Enrique Huallparimachi Año
                   VII Assembly of the National CCONNA
                                                                         National Advisory Council for Girls,
                   Agenda of the Bicentennial 2021 of
                                                                         Boys and Adolescents - CCONNA
                   girls, boys and adolescents of Peru

     18:25          Strategy that promotes access to                     Nora Delgado
                    education: "I learn at home”, “I                     Ministry of Education - MINEDU
                    learn at school” and “I learn in
                    community” programs

    18:45          Expert Panel (invited exhibitors                      MVCS - Marialle Prentice
                   and specialists)                                      Education Specialist - Vanessa Blume
                                                                         CONURB 3 - Javier Vera
    CONURB - Research Group on Urbanism, Governance and Social Housing
Inclusion - Day 5
      June 25th 2021

    Discrimination is an important barrier to the correct exercise of people's rights, also transfe-
    rring to the consumption of goods and services. Clear social and gender inclusion policies are
    necessary, among other strategies to break down social barriers.

11:00               Welcome Speech                                                 Ministry of Housing, Construction
                                                                                   and Sanitation - MVCS

11:05              National Policy for Development                                 Claudia Benavides Vizcarra
                   and Social Inclusion                                            Ministry of Development and
                                                                                   Social Inclusion

                    Social inclusion through the                                   Nuria Giraldez / Clodomiro Landeo
                    Ñuqanchik (Quechua) and                                        Peruvian Radio and Television
                    Jiwasanaka (Aimara) Native                                     Institute
                    Languages newscasts through
                     the TVPerú signal nationwide

11:45              Urban and social inclusion from the                             Sofía García
                   legacy of the Parapan American                                  Legacy Special Project Pan American
                   Games                                                           and Parapanamerican Games

12:05              Accessible Public Space as a                                    Mariella Fernandez Bermejo
                   social dynamizer                                                The Architect of People

12:25               The training of architects under                               Vanessa Zadel
                    Sustainable Development Goal                                   University of Lima

12:45                Expert Panel (invited exhibitors                              MVCS - Julio Puntriano
                     and invited specialists)                                      AIEDI 4 – Ítalo Álvarez
                                                                                   WBG - Úrsula Martínez

    AIEDI - Interdisciplinary Association of Graduate Students on Disability and Inclusion
Regulation and Certification - Day 6
      June 28th 2021

     This session focuses on the development and application of standards, responsible practices
     and certifications that allow and promote goods and services with accessibility conditions.

    11:00          Welcome Speech                                                Ministry of Housing, Construction
                                                                                 and Sanitation - MVCS

    11:05          Accessibility, more necessary than                        Galata Llanos
                   ever. Example of international                            Safe city

                   Quality infrastructure: Normalization                     Patricia Castro Espinoza /
    11:25          of Accessibility to the physical                          Manuel Milla de León Apestegui
                   environment                                               National Institute of Quality

    11:45          Technical standard A.120 and                              Marialle Prentice
                   technical standard GH.020, of the                         Ministry of Housing, Construction
                                                                             and Sanitation
                   National Building Regulations - RNE

                   Experiences that enrich the                               Sylvia Vásquez
                   Regulations in Accessibility                              Research Center of the Architecture
                                                                             of the City - PUCP

                   San Borja: Ciudad sostenible                                  Guillermo Valverde Béjar
    12:25                                                                        Urban Innovation Management
                   y accesible
                                                                                 and Economic Development
                                                                                 Municipality of San Borja

                                                                                 DGADT 5 - Isabel Molina
12:45              (expositores y especialistas                                  DGPRVU 6 - Armando Aliaga
                   del MVCS invitados)                                           PMIB 7 - Militza Carrillo

    DGADT - General Directorate of Accessibility and Technological Development
    DGPRVU - General Directorate of Policies and Regulation in Housing and Urbanism
    PMIB - Comprehensive Improvement of Neighborhoods Program
Best practices: 20x20 - Day 7
 June 29th 2021

Presentation of thematic initiatives of universal accessibility, social inclusion or related, in the
“Pecha Kucha” format. The session will close with a keynote presentation on an accessible and
innovative city as a preamble to session 8.

                                                      Ministry of Housing, Construction
11:00     Welcome Speech
                                                      and Sanitation - MVCS

           Financial inclusion for all               Carolina Trivelli
                                                     United Nations Food and Agriculture
                                                     Organization - FAO

11:10     Pucllana, good accessibility                Rita Velásquez Ancajima
          practices                                   Huaca Pucllana Site Museum /
                                                      Municipality of Miraflores

          Management Tools: Accessibility             Víctor Ernesto Linarez Saldaña
11:17     Guide in Tourism                            Tourism Strategy Innovation
                                                      Directorate / Ministry of Foreign
                                                      Trade and Tourism - MINCETUR

11:24      Initiatives, Actions and Projects          Walter Carrascal
           on Accessibility and Inclusion in          Submanagement of Inclusion and
           Metropolitan Lima.                         Accessibility for People with
                                                      Disabilities / Metropolitan
                                                      Municipality of Lima

11:31     Beach for Everyone: a commitment            Braulio Barrera Ohara
          from the private sector for an              SODIMAC
          inclusive summer

11:38     Inclusive beach in the Ancón district       Rocío del Pilar Valverde Díaz
                                                      District Municipality of Ancón

          Inclusive Parks Towards the                 Isabel Quispe
11:45                                                          8
          Bicentennial                                OMAPED / Municipality of
                                                      Pueblo Libre
Sport as a strategy for inclusion        Andrés Viale
                                                 Lima 2019

        Transport for people with disabilities   Marialle Prentice
        and reduced mobility                     Lima 2019

12:06   Lima 2019: Good Accessibility            Pedro Indacochea Prevost
        Practices in Sports Infrastructure       Lima 2019

12:13   Housing is a right, not a                Mario Arreola
        commodity: the challenges of             Housing Cooperative Mathzi SCL
        housing accessibility and the
        social construction of habitat
        in Latin America

12:20   IInclusion from sustainable              Andrés Morales
        entrepreneurship, cross-cutting          Minka Ventures LTD

        Habitat and Ecosystems,                  Juan Fernando Alvarez
        transformative spaces                    Pontifical Javeriana University

        Public Spaces, inclusion and             Sandra Pacheco
        universal accessibility                  International Association for Urban
                                                 and Territorial Studies

        Universal accessibility in public        Gloria Sepúlveda /
        space, a critical view from              Macarena Solar Ortega
        disability and care                      International Association of
                                                 Urban and Territorial Studies

        Inclusive public spaces                  Lucia Nogales
12:48                                            Organization “Ocupa tu Calle”
Pact for Public Spaces, guidelines                      Sorayda Helida Quispe Mogrovejo
12:55             at the local level for an inclusive city                Organization “Lima Cómo Vamos”

                                                                          Ángeles Guisado Corrales
                  “The School Rebellion”
13:02                                                                     Family Association from
                                                                          Menéndez Pelayo School

                   Cierre                                                 José Carlos Soldevilla Saavedra
                                                                          Ministry of Housing, Construction
                                                                          and Sanitation

    OMAPED - Municipal Office of Attention for People with Disabilities
Innovative and Accessible City - Day 8
 June 30th 2021
Strategies and practices to show progress in aspects of universal accessibility, where all
populations can have access to quality goods and services that allow inclusion.

11:00     Welcome Speech                            Ministry of Housing, Construction
                                                    and Sanitation - MVCS

11:05     National Housing and Urban                Daniel Ramírez-Corso
          Policy                                    Ministry of Housing, Construction
                                                    and Sanitation

          The Accessible City                       Antonio Tejada
                                                    The Accessible City

11:45     Digital inclusion in smart cities         Liz Zúñiga
                                                    Accessible Space

12:05     Innovative and accessible city            Pamela Prett
          from universal design                     Accessible City Corporation

12:25     The Face of Vulnerability in Lima         Luis Triveño
                                                    The World Bank Group - WBG

          Conclusions of the Seminar                César Simborth
          (Agreement / Declaration)                 Ministry of Housing, Construction
                                                    and Sanitation

13:05     Words of farewell                         Horacio Terraza
                                                    The World Bank Group - WBG

13:10     Closing of the event                      Elizabeth Añaños
                                                    Deputy Minister for Housing and Urban
                                                    Development of the Ministry of Housing,
                                                    Construction and Sanitation
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