ABS www.eagle.org AB24 Engineering Sdn Bhd www.ab24-engineering.com DWD International www.dwdinternational.com Fluenta Asia Pacific Sdn Bhd ...

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ABS www.eagle.org AB24 Engineering Sdn Bhd www.ab24-engineering.com DWD International www.dwdinternational.com Fluenta Asia Pacific Sdn Bhd ...
EIC members
June 2022

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 New EIC members               AB24 Engineering Sdn Bhd


                               DWD International

                               Fluenta Asia Pacific Sdn Bhd

                               Harris Pye

                               Integrated Engineering Services
www.the-eic.com                www.ies.com.my
ABS www.eagle.org AB24 Engineering Sdn Bhd www.ab24-engineering.com DWD International www.dwdinternational.com Fluenta Asia Pacific Sdn Bhd ...
1st Line Defence                                   BAUER KOMPRESSOREN UK LTD                                Doosan Mecatec
3D at Depth, Inc                                   Beamex Ltd                                               DOT Group International Ltd
                                                   Bechtel Ltd                                              DPV-UK Ltd
 A                                                 Beldam Crossley Ltd                                      Draeger Safety UK Limited
                                                   Belstar 2 Ltd                                            Dril-Quip Inc
a1-cbiss                                           Belzona Polymerics Limited                               Driver Trett
AAL - Austral Asia Line Pte Ltd                    Ben Line Agencies (M) Sdn Bhd                            Driver Trett (Singapore) Pte Ltd
Aalco Metals Ltd                                   Bergen Pipe Supports Ltd                                 DSV Air & Sea Inc
Aarvi Encon                                        Bermad UK Ltd                                            Ducab
AB24 Engineering Sdn Bhd                           BGEN Ltd                                                 DWD International
Abacus Valves International Ltd                    Bilfinger UK Ltd
ABB Ltd                                            Blaze Manufacturing Solutions Ltd                         E
ABTECH Ltd                                         Blue Water Shipping
Abu Dhabi National Oil Company (ADNOC)             BMT Group                                                E2S Warning Signals
ACE 54                                             Bolloré Logistics UK Ltd                                 Eaton MEDC Limited
ACE Winches                                        Bolt & Nut Manufacturing Ltd                             Ecolab Ltd
Acenergy Engineering Sdn Bhd                       Booth Welsh                                              Edward Gunn LLP
ACL Impact Ltd                                     Borusan                                                  eekmasec systems Nigeria Ltd
ACS Industries Inc                                 BP Oil International Ltd                                 EEW Steel Trading LLC
Action Agenciamento de Cargas                      Brand Energy & Infrastructure Services UK Ltd            Electricity Distribution Engineering Services Ltd
Add Energy                                         Bridon International Ltd                                 Elektro Serve (M) Sdn Bhd
Addleshaw Goddard                                  BRILLEUM Sourcing & Procurement Consultant               Element Materials Technology
ADF Systemes                                       British Engineering Services Ltd                         Elevon AS
Advanced Innergy Ltd                               Brooks Instrument                                        Elite Control Systems Limited
Advanced Technology Valve Spa                      Brooksbank Valves Ltd                                    Elliott Group
AEG Power Solutions Ltd                            Brunel International                                     Ellis Patents Ltd
Aegion                                             BS & B Safety Systems (UK) Ltd                           Elmac Technologies Ltd
Aeroporto Internacional Cabo Frio                  Buhlmann Rohr-Fittings-Stahlhandel GmbH + Co KG          Elster-Instromet
AFGlobal UK Ltd                                    Bumi Wangsa TMS Sdn Bhd                                  Eltron Chromalox
AIG Holdings Sdn Bhd                               Burckhardt Compression (UK) Ltd                          Emerging EPC SDN BHD
Air Partner PLC                                    Bureau Veritas                                           Emerson Automation Solutions
Airswift                                                                                                    Emico Limited
Aker Solutions                                      C                                                       Emnes Group Malaysia
Al Mamoon Oilfield & Industrial Supplies                                                                    Endress+Hauser Ltd
Al Thurayya Trading                                C&P Engineering Services Ltd                             EnerMech Ltd
Al Yaseah Oil & Gas Industry Supplies & Services   Calash Limited                                           ENEX Group Ltd
Alam Dingin Air-Conditioning Engineering Sdn Bhd   Calder Limited                                           ENG Bauen Limited
Alderley Plc                                       Caley Ocean Systems Ltd                                  ENGIE Eps
Algihaz Petroleum Services (APS)                   CALGAVIN Limited                                         Engineering Construction Industry Training Board (ECITB)
Allelys                                            Cameron (Valves & Measurement), a Schlumberger company   ENKA
Altrad Motherwell Bridge                           Canal Barge                                              ENRA Group Berhad
Altsa (Pty) Ltd                                    Canalta Flow Measurement                                 Enteq Technologies
Altus Oil & Gas Malaysia Sdn Bhd                   Carboline                                                Enzen Global Limited
Amaida Resources Sdn Bhd                           Cargo Live Logistics                                     EP Engineering Sdn Bhd
Amarinth Limited                                   Cargostore Worldwide                                     EPI Ltd
American Bureau of Shipping (ABS)                  Carpenter & Paterson Ltd                                 EPS Sepadu
AMETEK Solidstate Controls Inc                     Cashman Equipment Corp                                   Equilibrium Engineering Consultancy (EEC)
Amodil Supplies Ltd                                CCC Global                                               Era Juang Sdn Bhd
Amphenol EEC Inc                                   CCG Cable Terminations Ltd                               ERM Europe Ltd
AMT                                                Celeros Flow Technology                                  Erog Holding
Ankura Consulting (Europe) Ltd                     Cellnex UK                                               ERSG Ltd
Ansell                                             CETCO Energy Services Ltd                                ESS
AP Sensing                                         ChampionX                                                ESSAR Projects
Applica Technical Ltd                              Chemco International                                     Essem Group
Applus                                             CHESS                                                    EthosEnergy
Aqua Safety Showers International Ltd              CiTECH Energy Recovery Solutions UK Ltd                  Eurofins CML
AqualisBraemar LOC                                 Cladtek Holdings Pte Ltd                                 Evoqua Water Technologies
Aquaterra Energy Ltd                               Clariant Oil Services UK Ltd                             EXHEAT Ltd
Aramex International                               Cleveland Cable Company Ltd                              Expeditors International
Arc Energy Resources Ltd                           CMP Products                                             Expro
Arcadis Consulting (UK) Ltd                        Coalesce Management Consulting                           EXS Synergy
ARI Armaturen                                      Cokebusters                                              ExxonMobil LNG
Arienz Solutions Sdn Bhd                           Combi Lift Projekt GmbH & Co KG
Armacell UK Ltd                                    COMECA                                                    F
Armstrong International                            Conidia Bioscience Ltd
ASCO Group Limited                                 Consolidated Shipping Services (CSS)                     Fagioli Ltd
Ashtead Technology                                 Contracts Consultancy Ltd (CCL)                          Falcon Robotics
Aspentech                                          Corrotherm International Middle East FZC                 FDAN Equipment & Engineering Supply GmbH
Asset Guardian Solutions Limited                   CORTEC                                                   FH Bertling Logistics Aberdeen Ltd
Asstra Logistics                                   Cortec Southeast Asia                                    Fiba Tech Industries Ltd
ATB Group UK Ltd                                   CORYS Inc                                                Fire & Gas Detection Technologies Inc
Atlantic Bluewater Services Ltd                    Cosasco                                                  Firenor AS
Atlas Copco Ltd                                    Costain                                                  Firgee Engineering Sdn Bhd
Atmos International Ltd                            CRAS AGROINDUSTRIA                                       First Subsea Ltd
ATPI Travel                                        CRC-Evans Pipeline International                         Flexitallic UK Ltd
Aubin Group                                        Crescent Engineering (M) Sdn Bhd                         Flowserve Flow Control
Audeo Pte Ltd                                      Crondall Energy Subsea Ltd                               Fluenta Asia Pacific SDN BHD
AUMA                                               Crowcon Detection Instruments Ltd                        Fluor Limited
Austral Techsmith Sdn Bhd                          Crowley Maritime                                         Fluorocarbon Company Ltd
AVA Energy Ltd                                     Cutting & Wear Resistant Developments Ltd                Forsyths Ltd
Aventi Global Limited                              Cybernetix                                               Fortress Energy Ltd
AVEVA Group Plc                                                                                             Fotech Group Ltd
Axens                                               D                                                       FoundOcean Ltd
Axima Concept Malaysia                                                                                      Foxboro
                                                   Darchem Thermal Protection                               FRACHT UK Ltd
 B                                                 Dataran Elektra Sdn Bhd                                  Francis Brown Ltd
                                                   Deep Down Inc                                            Freudenberg Oil & Gas Technologies
Babcock Marine (Rosyth) Ltd                        Delta Energy Services                                    FTI - TechnipFMC
Baker Hughes                                       Denco Lubrication Limited                                FTV Proclad International Ltd
Baker Hughes                                       Dermaga Energy Sdn Bhd                                   Fulkrum Technical Resources Ltd
Balltec Limited                                    Destec Engineering Ltd                                   Future Carbon Group
Balmoral                                           Det-Tronics                                              Future Pipe Ltd
Band - It Company Ltd                              deugro (United Kingdom) Ltd
Bartec                                             DHL Energy Sector                                         G
Barton Firtop                                      DNV
BASF Plc                                           Donut Safeland Ltd                                       G2 Energy Ventures Sdn Bhd
BATT Cables Plc                                    Doosan Babcock Limited                                   G2 Ocean
ABS www.eagle.org AB24 Engineering Sdn Bhd www.ab24-engineering.com DWD International www.dwdinternational.com Fluenta Asia Pacific Sdn Bhd ...
GAC Services (UK) Ltd                              Johnson Matthey Plc                                              Nihon Koso Co Ltd
GammaSwiss SA                                      Johor Petroleum Development Corporation Berhad                   Nine Energy Service
Gasal QSC                                          Jotun Paints (Europe) Ltd                                        NKT
GE Energy Power Conversion UK Ltd                                                                                   Nobel Energy Management
General Dynamics Mission Systems Italy              K                                                               Norco Group Limited
Genesis                                                                                                             Nord-Lock
Geodis Wilson                                      K Home Engineering Limited                                       Norman Broadbent Executive Search Ltd
GFSA Ltd                                           K2 Oilfield Services Pte Ltd                                     NOV Process & Flow Technologies UK Ltd
Glacier Energy Services                            Kaefer LLC                                                       NRL Limited
Glamox Ltd                                         Kamharis Energy                                                  Nuri Cerah
Global Edge Consultants UK Ltd                     KBC Process Technology Ltd                                       nVent Solutions (UK) Limited
Global Maritime Consultancy Limited                KBR Ltd                                                          Nylacast Ltd
Globe United FZE                                   KCA Deutag Drilling Ltd
GPT Industries                                     Kelvion                                                           O
Greene Tweed & Co Ltd                              Kent Plc
Grupo Planus                                       Kereban Capital Sdn Bhd                                          OCA Global
GWC Italia S.p.A                                   Kinder-Janes Engineers Limited                                   Oceancare Corporation Sdn Bhd
GWEC Offshore Ltd                                  King & Spalding LLP                                              Oceaneering Asset Integrity
                                                   Kiwa Gastec                                                      Oceânica Engenharia e Consultoria S.A.
 H			                                              Klinger Ltd                                                      OceanPact
                                                   Kloeckner Metals UK                                              OCL
Halliburton PPS                                    Knowsley SK Ltd                                                  Oglaend System UK Ltd
Halton Marine Oy                                   KODIAK GmbH                                                      OIA Global
Ham-let UK Ltd                                     Koso Kent Introl Ltd                                             Oil & Gas Systems Ltd
Hansa Meyer Global Transport GmbH & Co KG          Krohne Ltd                                                       OiLSERV
Harland & Wolff (Belfast) Ltd                      Kromschroeder                                                    Okazaki Manufacturing Company UK Ltd
Harris Pye Group Ltd                               KSB                                                              Oliver Valves Ltd
Hawke Transit System                               Kuehne+Nagel                                                     OMB Valves
Hayward Tyler Ltd                                  Kuiper Group                                                     Online Electronics Ltd
HCS Control Systems                                Kuzuko Group Ltd                                                 OptaSense Ltd
Heat Trace Ltd                                                                                                      Orga Offshore
Heatric                                             L                                                               Origin Tech Ltd
Helideck Certification Agency Ltd                                                                                   Orion Engineering Services Ltd
HellermannTyton                                    LAA UK Ltd                                                       ORION HIPPS
Hempel                                             Land & Marine Engineering Ltd                                    OSBIT Ltd
HFI Net Zero Legal Solutions Middle East           Leap29 Ltd                                                       OTAL LLC
Hidrokinetik Technologies Sdn Bhd                  LESER UK Limited                                                 Ovivo UK Ltd
Hi-Force Ltd                                       Leven Consult Ltd
Hilti Corporation                                  Leyton                                                            P
Hitachi Energy UK Ltd                              Libera Consultants
HKA                                                Linear Composites Ltd                                            PAC Stainless Ltd
HMI Elements Ltd                                   Lloyds Banking Group                                             Pacson Valves
HMT                                                Lloyd’s Register                                                 Pall Europe Ltd
Honeywell Analytics                                Lloyd’s Register Quality Assurance Ltd (LRQA)                    Palmers Scaffolding UK Ltd
Honeywell Control Systems Ltd                      Locker Heatshielding Limited                                     Panduit
Honeywell, Home and Building Technologies (HBT)    LOG VALVE Kft                                                    Parifex
Hornbill Precision & Technical Services Sdn Bhd    Lonadek Global Services Ltd                                      Parker Hannifin Manufacturing Ltd
Howden Compressors                                 Lonestar Fasteners Europe Ltd                                    PBTECHNIC Engineering Ltd
HPF Energy Services                                LSP                                                              PCM
HPI Energy Services Limited                        Lucy Electric                                                    Peerless Europe Ltd
HR Wallingford                                     LV Logistics                                                     Pellinno Ltd
HRH Geology                                                                                                         Penspen Ltd
Hubbell Ltd                                         M                                                               Pepperl+Fuchs GB Limited
Hughes Safety Showers Ltd                                                                                           Perma-Pipe
Hydrasun Ltd                                       MacLean International Group Limited                              Petrofac Facilities Management Ltd
Hydratight                                         Magnetrol International NV                                       Petrolec Resources Sdn Bhd
Hyundai Corporation                                Magnus Code Sdn Bhd                                              PetrolValves
Hyundai Engineering Co Ltd                         Malaysia Marine and Heavy Engineering (MMHE) Sdn Bhd             Petronash FZE
                                                   Malin Group                                                      Petroplan Limited
 I                                                 Mammoet UK Ltd                                                   Petroworks Oil & Gas Sdn Bhd
                                                   Mampan Jitu (M) Sdn Bhd                                          Pfisterer Ltd
Ideal Group Inc                                    Mantrac Group                                                    Pharos Marine Automatic Power Ltd
IDM                                                Marsh Specialty                                                  Phoenix Contact Ltd
IMI CCI                                            Marubeni Itochu Tubulars Europe Plc                              Pipeline Cleaning Solutions Ltd
IMI Precision Engineering                          Mass Exports EMEA Limited                                        PIRECO
IMS Energy Ltd                                     Master Flo Valve Co (UK) Ltd                                     PJ Valves
Imtex Controls Limited                             MaxGrip Malaysia Sdn Bhd                                         PLT Marketing Ltd
indEx Enclosures Ltd                               McDermott                                                        PM Group
Inductosense Limited                               McMenon Engineering Services Ltd                                 Polar Componentes e Sistemas Offshore
Industrial Plant & Service (IPS) Malaysia Berhad   MDE Consultants Ltd                                              Portobello - RMF Engineering Ltd
Inmarsat Global Ltd                                MDS Group                                                        POSH
Innospec Oilfield Services                         Merak Consultancy & Services (M) Sdn Bhd                         Posidonia Shipping & Trading
Inpro/Seal LLC                                     Metal Agencies Ltd, a Viohalco company inc. Corinth Pipe Works   Powell (UK) Limited
In-Situ Maintenance Services Sdn Bhd               MHA Automation Engineering Sdn Bhd                               Power Wholesale Ltd
Integrated Engineering Services Sdn Bhd            Micropack (Engineering) Ltd                                      Powertherm Contract Services Ltd
Integrity ISS                                      Midad Company Ltd                                                Powertium Engineering Sdn Bhd
International Paint Ltd                            Minster International Ltd                                        PPG Protective and Marine Coatings
International SOS (UK) Ltd                         MISE Energy Sdn Bhd                                              PPI Quality & Engineering UK Ltd
Intero Integrity BV                                Mitsubishi Corporation London Branch                             Precision Polymer Engineering Limited
Intertec Thermotex Ltd                             MJBI                                                             Prediktor AS
Intertek Inspection Services UK Limited            Modutec                                                          Premier Technical Resources Ltd
iPS - Powerful People                              Molecular Products                                               PREZIOSO Linjebygg
ITL                                                Monaco Engineering Solutions Ltd (MES)                           Probus Engineering and Construction
ITS Testing Services (UK) Ltd/Intertek             Mott MacDonald Ltd                                               Procentec
                                                   MRM Technical Services Ltd                                       Process Control Equipment Limited
 J                                                 MSA (Britain) Ltd                                                Process Systems International Limited
                                                   MTE Ltd                                                          Project Pipeline Supply Ltd
James Fisher Offshore                              Myrcator Marine & Cargo Solutions FZE                            Promat BD Ltd
James Walker Sealing Products & Services Ltd                                                                        Promat UK Limited
Janikin Rooke Contracts                             N                                                               ProMinent GmbH
JB PR & Marketing                                                                                                   Proserv
JDR Cable Systems Ltd                              Namaka Subsea                                                    ProTech Flow Solutions
Jebsen & Jessen Singapore Pte Ltd                  Nawie Oilfield Services Sdn Bhd                                  PROTEGO
Jee Limited                                        Neles UK Ltd                                                     Prysmian S.p.a
Jenkins and Davies Engineering Ltd                 NES Fircroft                                                     PSC Vodec
Jo Bird & Co Ltd                                   NEXT Engineering Equipments Trading                              PT Meindo Elang Indah
John Crane UK Ltd                                  Nigeria Machine Tools Ltd                                        PT Titian Servis Indonesia
ABS www.eagle.org AB24 Engineering Sdn Bhd www.ab24-engineering.com DWD International www.dwdinternational.com Fluenta Asia Pacific Sdn Bhd ...
Q                                              SICK (UK) Ltd                                           Turner & Townsend PLC
                                                Siemens Digital Industries                              TÜV Rheinland
Qasturi Engineering Solution Sdn Bhd            Siemens Energy Ltd                                      TÜV SÜD
QMT Industrial & Safety Pte Ltd                 Siemens Process Systems Engineering Limited             TWI Services Sdn Bhd
Quanta                                          Sigma Thermal Middle East FZCO                          TWMA
QUBE International Pte Ltd                      SJ Varied Sdn Bhd                                       TXM Consult Ltd
                                                SKF Eurotrade AB                                        Tyco Fire and Integrated Solutions
 R                                              Smulders Projects UK
                                                SNF (UK) Ltd                                             U
R & M Electrical Group Ltd                      Solartron ISA
R. STAHL Ltd                                    Solis                                                   UIB
Rain for Rent International UK Inc              Solutia UK Ltd                                          Ultra Electronics
Rapid Solutions Ltd                             Sonardyne International Ltd                             Unger Steel
Raytec Ltd                                      Sonepar Singapore                                       Uniper Technologies
RB Spectra                                      Special Piping Materials Ltd                            Unique Wellube FZC
Reflex Marine                                   Specialist Staffing Group - Progressive Global Energy
Re-Gen Robotics                                 Speedcast                                                V
Reliance Oil and Gas Sdn Bhd                    Speedy Services
RelyOn Nutec                                    Spencer Ogden Ltd                                       Vahterus (UK) Ltd
Rembe                                           Spiecapag                                               Valen Fittings Ltd
Remulti Sdn Bhd                                 Spirax Sarco Ltd                                        Vantrunk Limited
Reservoir Link Sdn Bhd                          Spliethoff-BigLift UK Ltd                               Vee Bee Filtration UK Ltd
Restrata                                        SPP Pumps Ltd                                           Vega Controls Ltd
Rev Energy Sdn Bhd                              SPX FLOW Inc                                            Velesto Energy Berhad
RigNet                                          SSE International                                       Venterra Group plc
Rigtrans Intermodal Limited                     Stahl CraneSystems Limited                              Venture Plus Consultancy Services
Riken Keiki Co Ltd                              STATS Group                                             Versa Valves
Rivertrace Ltd                                  Steel Hawk Engineering Sdn Bhd                          Vertiv Infrastructure Ltd
Roemex                                          Stork Technical Services                                Vietranstimex
Roll Group                                      Strategic Growth Services                               Vikoma International Ltd
ROSE Systemtechnik GmbH                         Stream Energy Development                               Voith Turbo Limited
Rosen Group                                     SubCom                                                  Voyonic Crew Management Group Limited
Rotork Controls                                 Sulzer Pumps (UK) Ltd                                   Vulcanic
Roxtec Ltd                                      Sumitomo Corporation Europe Plc                         VWS Westgarth Ltd
RSM UK Group LLP                                Sur-Flo Meters & Precision Flow                         Vysiion Ltd
RTR                                             Swagelok Ltd                                            Vysus Group
Rueger Sdn Bhd                                  Swire Energy Services
Rustek SA                                       Swire Shipping Ltd                                       W
                                                Synectic Systems Group Ltd
 S                                                                                                      Wachs UK® (a division of ITW)
                                                 T                                                      Walter Frank, Meighs Castings, Westleys, Spunalloys
Safelane Global                                                                                         Walter Tosto S.P.A
Safelift Offshore                               T12 Consultancy LLP                                     Wärtsilä UK Ltd
Saftronics Ltd                                  Tata Steel International                                Wasco Energy
Saint-Gobain ISOVER                             Techflow Marine                                         Watlow
Samson Controls Limited                         Techfluid UK Ltd                                        Waves Group
Samuel Knight International Ltd                 Technip France SAS                                      WEG (UK) Ltd
Sandvik Materials Technology                    Teledyne Oldham Simtronics                              Weidmuller Ltd
Satu Teknik Sdn Bhd                             Tenaris                                                 Well Services Group
SBI (Sea Bunkering International) BV            Texo Group Ltd                                          Whessoe Engineering Ltd
ScanTech Offshore                               TGE Gas Engineering GmbH                                Whitebeard Engineering Sdn Bhd
Schenker Ltd                                    The Monobuoy Company                                    WIKA Instruments Limited
Schmidt Abrasive Blasting Sdn Bhd               The Starn Group                                         William Hare Ltd
Schneider Electric                              Thermon (UK) Ltd                                        Wilton Engineering Ltd
Score Group Ltd                                 ThinJack Ltd                                            Windhoist
Seanic Ocean Systems Ltd                        Thunder Cranes Sdn Bhd                                  Wolf Safety Lamp Company
SEDC Energy Sdn Bhd                             TLC                                                     wood
SELLA CONTROLS                                  TMM Engineering Services Sdn Bhd                        Worley
Senior Aerospace Bird Bellows                   Torgy                                                   Wozair Limited
Sensia Global Ltd                               Torquemeters Ltd                                        WRS - Worldwide Recruitment Solutions
Serba Dinamik Sdn Bhd                           tpgroup plc                                             WSP UK Limited
Serck Services International                    TPM Solutions Pte Ltd                                   WZS PowerGen Sdn Bhd
SERIMAX                                         TP-Products
Severfield (Products & Processing) Limited      Tracerco                                                 X
Severn Glocon Ltd                               Trans Asia Pipeline & Specialty Services LLC
SFE Consultant Sdn Bhd                          Transcar Projects                                       XL Global Group
SGS United Kingdom Ltd                          Trendsetter Engineering                                 Xylem Europe
Sheffield Forgemasters Engineering Ltd          Tri-Star Industries Pte Ltd
Sherwin-Williams Protective & Marine Coatings   Trouvay & Cauvin Ltd                                     Y
Shipham Valves Ltd                              TRS Staffing
Shoal Group Ltd                                 TTCL Public Company Limited                             Yokogawa United Kingdom Ltd
Shorterm Ltd                                    TTE International Ltd                                   YPS Valves Ltd
Siaptek Sdn Bhd                                 Turbine Services Ltd

                                                  ENERGY EXPORTS

                                                  TUESDAY 14 JUNE 
                                                  WEDNESDAY 15 JUNE
                                                  P&J LIVE ABERDEEN
ABS www.eagle.org AB24 Engineering Sdn Bhd www.ab24-engineering.com DWD International www.dwdinternational.com Fluenta Asia Pacific Sdn Bhd ... ABS www.eagle.org AB24 Engineering Sdn Bhd www.ab24-engineering.com DWD International www.dwdinternational.com Fluenta Asia Pacific Sdn Bhd ...
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