LGBTI Equality Manifesto 2021-2026 - Developed by: Stonewall

Page created by Danny Bishop
LGBTI Equality Manifesto 2021-2026 - Developed by: Stonewall
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LGBTI          Endorsed by:

LGBTI Equality Manifesto 2021-2026 - Developed by: Stonewall
                                                                                                A note on I/VSC equality                       Foreword
                                                                                                Throughout this manifesto, we refer to         There has been significant progress on
                                                                                                ‘LGBT’ in some contexts, and ‘LGBTI’ in        LGBT equality in the first two decades

                                                                                                others. We refer to ‘LGBTI’ when there is      of the Scottish Parliament, from the
                                                                                                existing research highlighting inequalities    repeal of Section 28 to the introduction
                                                                                                and human rights concerns for people           of equal marriage. In the five years since
                                                                                                with a variation in sex characteristics        the 2016 election, positive steps have
                                                                                                or who are intersex (I/VSC), or where          been taken to build upon this progress,

                                                                                                tangible work is underway, or is needed,       including world-leading work towards
                                                                                                to further I/VSC equality. We recognise        LGBT-inclusive education in Scotland’s
                                                                                                that not all individuals with I/VSCs would     schools, the pardon for historical
                                                                                                consider themselves as a part of the           ‘homosexual offences’, and equal civil
                                                                                                LGBTI acronym.                                 partnerships.
                                                                                                There has been limited progress so far         But the last five years have also been
2021-2026                                                                                       in Scotland in tackling the inequalities
                                                                                                and barriers that people with I/VSCs
                                                                                                                                               challenging for many LGBTI people – in
                                                                                                                                               Scotland and around the world. Hate
Scottish                                                                                        experience. It is important that the
                                                                                                Scottish Government and Scottish
                                                                                                                                               crimes based on sexual orientation and
                                                                                                                                               transgender identity are on the rise,

Parliament                                                                                      Parliament engage with people with I/
                                                                                                VSCs to review the inequalities they
                                                                                                                                               waiting times for gender identity services
                                                                                                                                               have continued to increase alarmingly,
                                                                                                experience, identify their needs and           LGBT mental health inequalities
                                                                                                priorities for national law and policy, and,   continue, toxic debates about LGBT
Our approach to developing this manifesto                                                       in light of this, take action to further I/    identities are ongoing, and many trans
This manifesto has been co-developed by national LGBTI organisations Stonewall                  VSC equality.                                  people still do not have access to
Scotland, Equality Network, Scottish Trans Alliance, and LGBT Youth Scotland. It sets                                                          full legal recognition of their gender.
out our joint priorities for delivering equality for lesbian, gay, bi and trans people, and                                                    Scotland is falling down the ILGA Europe
people with a variation in sex characteristics or who are intersex (I/VSC) in the 2021-                                                        Rainbow Index and must take action
2026 parliamentary term. It is further endorsed by our partners at LGBT Health and                                                             to continue to uphold its international
Wellbeing, LEAP Sports Scotland, Time for Inclusive Education, and iCON UK.                                                                    reputation as a leading voice on LGBT
Our organisations work to achieve equality for LGBTI people. There are important
differences in the experiences, needs and marginalisations of these groups of people.                                                          The world has also changed considerably
Experiences of discrimination and marginalisation due to sexual orientation, trans status                                                      since the last election. The COVID-19
or variations in sex characteristics can vary widely, and thus require different and multi-                                                    pandemic and the public health
faceted solutions. Some of our calls in this manifesto are specific to particular groups                                                       measures taken in response to it have
– such as bisexual people, or non-binary people. Some of our calls will be specific to                                                         affected everyone, but have exacerbated
LGBTI people who are marginalised in multiple ways – such as LGBTI refugees, or older                                                          existing inequalities faced by
LGBTI people.                                                                                                                                  marginalised communities. These include
                                                                                                                                               LGBTI people, particularly LGBTI people
We have grouped our calls for commitments from the Scottish Government, MSPs and                                                               of colour, disabled people, younger and
their parties into the following sections:                                                                                                     older people, and those living rurally.
•   Ensure Gender Identity Services are fit for purpose p4                                                                                     In this LGBTI equality manifesto, we
•   Protect and progress LGBTI rights p6                                                                                                       set out the concrete steps that the
                                                                                                                                               next Scottish Government and Scottish
•   Support LGBT mental health p8                                                                                                              Parliament can take, over the next five
                                                                                                                                               years, to improve the lives of LGBTI
•   Ensure fair treatment in Health and Social care for LGBTI people p10
                                                                                                                                               people living in Scotland. This includes
•   Implement LGBT-inclusive education p12                                                                                                     improving public services, delivering
                                                                                                                                               legal equality, tackling discrimination,
•   Improve community safety and inclusion p14                                                                                                 promoting wellbeing, and building a more
•   Support LGBTI rights abroad p16                                                                                                            equal Scotland.

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LGBTI Equality Manifesto 2021-2026 - Developed by: Stonewall
1. Ensure Gender Identity Services
are fit for purpose
We’re calling on MSPs and their parties to                                                  We’re calling
support and commit to:                                                                      on the Scottish
  Ensuring NHS gender identity services are fit for purpose – now, and in the future.
                                                                                            Government to:
  Take action to substantially reduce the waiting times for first appointments as a
  matter of urgency, by providing centralised crisis funding and piloting new ways of         Take action to substantially reduce       Revise the NHS Scotland Gender
  delivering these services to realise their long-term sustainability.                        the lengthy waiting times for first       Reassignment Protocol to reflect
                                                                                              appointments at NHS gender identity       the need for new models of service
The number of people on waiting lists         There are systemic issues with NHS              services as a matter of urgency.          delivery which take a person-centred,
                                                                                                                                        multi-disciplinary approach, and
for first appointments at a Gender            gender identity services in Scotland
                                                                                                                                        to allow for greater flexibility in
Identity Clinic has continually risen over    which urgently need to be redressed             Introduce the national waiting            treatment pathways.
recent years, and demand for services         at a national level, through Scottish           time standards for accessing first
is outstripping the capacity of under-        Government intervention. The current            appointments at NHS gender identity
resourced clinics. Unlike other NHS           structure of gender identity services           services, and ensure they are adhered     Undertake work to ensure services
Scotland services, the 18-week Referral       does not provide sufficient capacity            to.                                       have sufficient funding and staffing
to Treatment standard does not apply          or efficiency to provide an adequate                                                      capacity to meet levels of demand
to gender identity care. Currently, many      service. Outdated service delivery,                                                       going forward.
people have been waiting more than            which is overly reliant on Consultant           Provide centralised crisis intervention
two years to be seen for their first          Psychiatrists and Psychologists,                funding to pilot new models of service
appointment. With waiting lists growing       contributes to recruitment problems             delivery outside of the existing Gender
and services unable to meet demand,           for unfilled staff posts. Internationally,      Identity Clinics, which take a person-
people joining the waiting list now can       modernised models of gender identity            centred, multi-disciplinary approach.
expect to wait even longer. It is feared      service provision utilise multidisciplinary
that the impacts of COVID-19 on the           teams primarily staffed by specialist
health service will further exacerbate        nurse practitioners, sexual health
the already grave problem of access           doctors, GPs with special interest
to gender identity services, with some        in gender identity, and counsellors,
clinics now forecasting 35-40 month           supported by local endocrinology and
waits1.                                       mental health services. This recognises
                                              that the majority of trans people do not
Clinicians recognise that longer waiting      have any complex physical or mental
times have a detrimental effect on the        health problems.
physical and mental health of their
patients, with many identifying the           It is crucial to understand that simply
period of waiting for a first appointment     increasing funding for existing gender
as a time when trans people are               identity services, though important,
more likely to experience high levels         will not be sufficient in and of itself
of distress, self-harm, and suicidal          to provide long-term solutions to the
ideation2.                                    waiting list crisis or the harm it causes.
                                              It is vital that new models of service
                                              delivery that take a person-centred,
1      All figures from National Gender       multi-disciplinary approach are piloted
Identity Clinical Network Scotland            in Scotland.
(NGICNS) Waiting List and Workload
Quarterly Reports

LGBTI Equality Manifesto 2021-2026 - Developed by: Stonewall
2. Protect and progress LGBTI rights
We’re calling on MSPs and their parties to                                               We’re calling
support and commit to:                                                                   on the Scottish
                                                                                         Government to:
  Protecting and progressing LGBTI rights, including through enshrining LGBTI human
  rights in Scots law; taking measures to end ‘conversion therapy’; improving trans
  equality, including through reforming the Gender Recognition Act; and taking action      Improve laws on gender recognition in       Commit to improving non-binary
  to further I/VSC equality.                                                               line with international best practice, to   inclusion in public life and access
                                                                                           allow trans people to change the sex        to public services. Work with the UK
                                                                                           on their birth certificate with a simple    Government to introduce ‘X’ gender
There has been significant progress on        Independent Expert4 calling for a global     administrative process based on the         markers in official documents to
LGBT equality in the first two decades of     ban, steps must be taken in the 2021-26      principle of statutory declaration, and     enable non-binary people to be legally
the Scottish Parliament, from the repeal      parliamentary term to end this practice      without intrusive medical diagnosis         recognised.
of Section 28 to the introduction of          once and for all in Scotland.                requirements. This process should
equal marriage. But there is more to be                                                    be available from the age of 16 (and
                                                                                           under 16 for those with parental/carer      Work with the UK Government to
done, and it is crucial that this progress
                                                                                           consent) and include the recognition        update reserved surrogacy law to
does not stall. In a global environment
                                                                                           of non-binary people.                       accurately reflect societal change and
where some LGBTI people have seen
                                                                                                                                       meet the needs of surrogates and
their rights removed or rolled back, our                                                                                               prospective parents, including LGBT
hard-won rights and protections must be                                                                                                people.
maintained.                                                                                End the harmful practice of sexual
                                                                                           orientation and gender identity
In recent years, Scotland’s trans                                                          ‘conversion therapy’, including through
                                                                                           introducing a comprehensive legal           Encourage public authorities to
communities have experienced their lives
                                                                                           ban, working with the UK Government         use 2022 Census data on sexual
and rights being debated in the public
                                                                                           where necessary.                            orientation and trans status to inform
domain without witnessing any material
                                                                                                                                       their service planning and delivery for
improvements in law or policy on trans
                                                                                                                                       LGBT people and equality outcomes
equality. It is vital that the unfinished                                                                                              under the Public Sector Equality Duty.
business of reforming the Gender                                                           Introduce an Act of the Scottish
Recognition Act is taken forward in the                                                    Parliament to incorporate international
                                                                                           human rights into Scots law, and
next parliament, and other steps are                                                                                                   Ensure no retrograde steps are taken
                                                                                           ensure this explicitly includes rights
taken to improve the lived experience                                                                                                  on LGBT equality at Holyrood, by the
                                                                                           for LGBTI communities.
of trans people, including non-binary                                                                                                  Scottish Government, or by Scottish
people.                                                                                                                                public bodies.
The practice of ‘conversion therapy’,                                                      Engage with people with I/VSCs
which seven per cent of LGBT people                                                        to review the inequalities they
                                                                                           experience, identify their needs and        Oppose any attempts to roll back
(rising to13 per cent of trans people) in                                                                                              LGBT rights at Westminster, either
                                                                                           priorities for national law and policy,
the UK have undergone or been offered3,                                                                                                through changes to the Equality Act,
                                                                                           and, in light of this, take action to
is still legal in Scotland. With the UN                                                                                                or as a result of Brexit.
                                                                                           further I/VSC equality.

3      UK Government Equalities Office        4
National LGBT Survey Research Report          Issues/SexualOrientationGender/Pages/
(July 2018)                                   ReportOnConversiontherapy.aspx

LGBTI Equality Manifesto 2021-2026 - Developed by: Stonewall
3. Support LGBT Mental Health
We’re calling on MSPs and their parties to                                              We’re calling
support and commit to:                                                                  on the Scottish
  Tackling LGBT mental health inequalities by taking forward targeted work on
                                                                                        Government to:
  mental health improvement and prevention, and ensuring mental health services are
  equipped to support LGBT people.                                                        Ensure that LGBT people's needs            Fund mandatory training for mental
                                                                                          are embedded throughout the                health professionals, including
                                                                                          implementation of the Mental               frontline Child and Adolescent Mental
There is substantial evidence5 that LGBT      The needs of LGBT people, as an at-         Health Strategy (2017-2027), the           Health Services (CAMHS) staff, on
people are an at-risk group for poor          risk group for experiencing poor mental     development of any revised strategy,       supporting LGBT people, and ensure
mental health, and that they experience       health, must also be incorporated into      and the implementation of the Suicide      that mental health and suicide
depression, anxiety, self-harm, and           wider work on improving mental health       Prevention Action Plan (2018).             prevention training delivered to NHS
suicidal ideation at a significantly higher   and wellbeing, alongside targeted                                                      staff is LGBT inclusive.
level than the general population. This is    prevention and intervention approaches.
commonly recognised as being linked to                                                    In line with the actions of the Mental
experiences of prejudice and ‘minority                                                    Health Transition and Recovery Plan        Ensure LGBT and mental health
                                                                                          (2020), act on and address the causes      inclusion in national strategies,
stress’6. These mental health inequalities
                                                                                          of LGBT mental health inequalities at a    policies and action plans related
are felt more acutely by different parts
                                                                                          structural and individual level.           to wider mental health risk factors
of the LGBT community: for example,
                                                                                                                                     such as bullying, hate crime, lack of
trans people and bi people face
                                                                                                                                     employment, equalities, and social
particularly high rates of poor mental
                                                                                          Include targeted work concerning           isolation.
                                                                                          LGBT populations within Scottish
LGBT people can often be deterred from                                                    Government funded mental health
                                                                                          improvement and suicide prevention         Support public bodies and mental
accessing services, including mental
                                                                                          programmes. This must adequately           health services to routinely monitor
health services, if they do not think it
                                                                                          reflect the differing risks and needs of   the sexual orientation and trans status
will be safe to ‘come out’ or that their
                                                                                          particular groups, such as bi and trans    of service users, in order to identify
identity will be respected. It is crucial
                                                                                          communities.                               inequalities in access, experience and
that mental health professionals and
other frontline health and social care
staff understand LGBT identities and
the associated risk factors for poor
mental health so that LGBT people can
confidently access the services they

6      ‘Minority stress’ recognises that
LGBT people’s experiences of stigma,
prejudice, and discrimination create a
hostile and stressful social environment
that causes mental health problems and
poor mental health is not an intrinsic
part of being LGBT.

4. Ensure fair treatment in Health
and Social Care for LGBTI people
We’re calling on MSPs and their parties to                                                   We’re calling
support and commit to:                                                                       on the Scottish
                                                                                             Government to:
  Ensuring that LGBTI people experience fair treatment when accessing all health and
  social care services, including equal access to reproductive and fertility services,
  with staff trained to effectively support LGBTI patients and service users.                  Ensure that all health and social          Undertake a review to ensure that
                                                                                               care professionals are able to meet        LGBTI people have fair and equal
Now more than ever, it is important that people feel safe and comfortable when                 the needs of their LGBTI service           access to NHS reproductive and
accessing health and social care services. However, many LGBT people have experiences          users by incorporating training            fertility services, and that these
or expectations of facing discrimination in these settings due to their sexual orientation     on LGBTI identities for staff at all       services recognise, and address,
or trans status.                                                                               levels and across all services, that       the different barriers and health
                                                                                               addresses barriers faced due to sexual     inequalities faced by lesbian and bi
In fact, almost two in five trans people (37 per cent) have avoided healthcare treatment       orientation, trans status and having an    women, trans people, and gay and bi
for fear of discrimination8. Many older LGBT people fear that, if they need to enter a         I/VSC.                                     men.
residential care setting or receive care in their own homes, carers may not acknowledge
and support their LGBT identity. Reproductive and fertility services are another area
where LGBT people report poorer experiences, and can encounter inequalities in access          Ensure that LGBTI people, including        Engage with people with I/VSCs to
to funded NHS treatment.                                                                       older LGBTI people, are able to access     identify understand their needs and
                                                                                               welcoming and inclusive social care        priorities, and, in light of this, take
                                                                                               services, by providing targeted training   action to further I/VSC equality and
                                                                                               for staff working across residential       inclusion across health and social
                                                                                               and at-home care services.                 care.


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5. Implement LGBT-inclusive education
We’re calling on MSPs and their parties to                                                   We’re calling
support and commit to:                                                                       on the Scottish
  The continued implementation of LGBT-inclusive education, ensuring all of the
                                                                                             Government to:
  recommendations from the Report to the Scottish Ministers (2018) are fully realised,
  and that the progress made so far in the implementation pathway is further built             Continue to fully implement and           Provide necessary funding for long-
  upon in the 2021-26 parliamentary term.                                                      resource the recommendations of the       term commitment, and sustainability
                                                                                               LGBT Inclusive Education Working          of, LGBT-inclusive education.
LGBT young people are now more likely to      However, it is important that this crucial       Group as a key priority. Opportunities
experience inclusive school environments      work to implement the recommendations            for where further progress could
and to be taught about LGBT issues – but      continues, and is completed, after the                                                     At the next review of the Education
                                                                                               be made, beyond the scope of
this is not yet a consistent picture across   Scottish Parliament election in 2021.                                                      Scotland school evaluation framework,
                                                                                               the recommendations, should be
all schools in Scotland, and many LGBT        Importantly, all recommendations must be                                                   ‘How Good Is Our School’, incorporate
                                                                                               identified where necessary through
young people still face discrimination and    fully implemented, with impact robustly                                                    and include LGBT indicators and
                                                                                               robust evaluation.
prejudice. Research conducted in the last     evaluated. This includes aspects of the                                                    themes to ensure that LGBT inclusion
five years has shown that nine in ten LGBT    implementation pathway due to be                                                           is fully embedded into school
young people (92 per cent) experience         completed after the current parliamentary        In line with the recommendations,         inspections.
homophobic, biphobic or transphobic           term, including publishing the new LGBT          pursue further measures, including
bullying in education, including nearly all   inclusive Statutory Guidance on the              legislative options, if there is
                                                                                                                                         Publish the updated Scottish
trans young people (96 per cent)9, while      Conduct of Relationships, Sexual Health          insufficient progress in local delivery
                                                                                                                                         Government guidance on ‘Supporting
two in five LGBT young people (41 per         and Parenthood (RSHP) education; and             of LGBT-inclusive education.
                                                                                                                                         Trans Young People’ for schools as a
cent) are never taught anything about         that specific LGBT Experiences and                                                         matter of urgency.
LGBT issues10.                                Outcomes are developed at the next
                                                                                               Fund and resource LGBT-inclusive
In 2018, following the campaigning efforts    review of Curriculum for Excellence. We
                                                                                               inputs for Initial Teacher Education
of Time for Inclusive Education (TIE) and     know that schools are a place where                                                        Engage with people with I/VSCs to
                                                                                               and Career-Long Professional Learning
others, the Scottish Government agreed to     too many trans young people do not feel                                                    further consider and identify how to
                                                                                               to ensure that the implementation of
implement a series of recommendations         safe, secure, or valued for who they are.                                                  incorporate issues around variations
                                                                                               inclusive education is effective and is
                                              We also know that teachers and schools                                                     in sex characteristics into work on
from the LGBTI Inclusive Education                                                             sustained beyond 2021.
                                              can feel unsure of how to best provide a                                                   inclusive education.
Working Group11 in full, with Scotland set
to become the first country in the world to   welcoming learning environment for their
have LGBT inclusive education embedded        trans pupils. This is why we welcomed
throughout the curriculum. This received      the Scottish Government announcement
the support of all parties.                   that it would update existing guidance on
                                              supporting trans young people in school.
Significant progress has been made on         However, its publication has subsequently
LGBT inclusion in schools over the 2016-      been delayed due to COVID-19. It is
21 parliamentary term, including work on      therefore essential that the next Scottish
taking forward the recommendations.           Government publishes the ‘Supporting
                                              Trans Young People’ guidance for schools
9       Lough Dennell, B.L., Anderson,        as a matter of urgency.
G. and McDonnell, D. (2018) Life in
Scotland for LGBT Young People. LGBT          Furthermore, it is vital that the widespread
Youth Scotland. Available online: www.        commitment to LGBTI-inclusive          education does not waver in the 2021-
scotland-for-lgbt-young-people.pdf            26 parliamentary term, and that this
10      https://www.stonewallscotland.        momentum is harnessed to consider            where further progress could be made on
scotland_2017.pdf                             LGBTI inclusive education.

6. Improve Community Safety and
Inclusion for LGBTI People
We’re calling on MSPs and their parties to                                               We’re calling
support and commit to:                                                                   on the Scottish
                                                                                         Government to:
  Improving community safety and inclusion for LGBTI people by funding LGBTI
  services and community groups, and ensuring that work on tackling issues such as
  hate crime, homelessness, and social isolation includes LGBTI-focused measures.          Take forward a programme of work to           Ensure that LGBTI support services and
                                                                                           raise awareness and encourage the             community groups across Scotland,
For many LGBTI people, concerns              Many of these problems are hard for           reporting of anti-LGBTI hate crimes,          including in rural and island areas, have
about discrimination, harassment, and        the Scottish Government to address,           and to build LGBTI people’s trust and         the funding and resources they need
safety within their communities are          as matters relating to immigration are        confidence in Police Scotland and other       to effectively support LGBTI people,
part of their day-to-day lives. Some         reserved to Westminster. This needs           criminal justice agencies.                    and improve inclusion and challenge
LGBTI people, particularly younger           to change so that LGBTI refugees and                                                        prejudice in their local communities.
LGBTI people living with unsupportive        people in the asylum system are treated
family members, or those experiencing        with dignity and respect.                     Ensure frontline police officers and
                                                                                           staff receive training on LGBTI issues to     Work with Sport Scotland and other
domestic abuse, do not feel safe in their
                                             LGBT populations experience relatively        enable them to support LGBTI people,          governing bodies to end LGBTI
own homes.
                                             high levels of homelessness, domestic         and understand and accurately record          discrimination in sport, supported by
Many LGBTI people have experienced           abuse, and social isolation. Research         cases of anti-LGBTI hate crime.               strategic investment to ensure that
hate crime based on their sexual             has found that one in three LGBT people                                                     LGBTI people can fully participate in
orientation, trans status, or variation in   (33 per cent) feel isolated where they                                                      grassroots and community sport.
sex characteristics. Hate crimes against     live because they are LGBT, including         Ensure that gender-based violence
trans people recorded by Police Scotland     almost half of those living in rural          services are adequately funded so that
have doubled since 201512, while in 2019-    Scotland14. It is likely this will have       they have the resources necessary             Ensure there is LGBT inclusion in
                                                                                           to support LGBTI survivors, and can           national strategies, policies and action
20, charges reported to the Procurator       been further compounded by COVID-19.
                                                                                           address the differing needs and               plans related to tackling homelessness,
Fiscal of hate crime on the grounds of       LGBTI-specific and inclusive services are
                                                                                           experiences of gay and bi men, lesbian        recognising LGBT young people in
sexual orientation rose by a quarter13.      essential to ensuring that LGBTI people
                                                                                           and bi women, and trans people.               particular as an at-risk group.
                                             undergoing hardship are supported.
LGBTI refugees and people in the asylum      Local LGBTI community infrastructure,
system can face extreme difficulties in      including support services and social
accessing public services due to the No                                                    Review the impact of the No Recourse          Ensure the needs of LGBTI people,
                                             groups, Prides, and inclusive sports          to Public Funds regime in Scotland, and       including LGBTI older people and those
Recourse to Public Funds policy. They        clubs, are vital in building strong local     campaign for the UK Government to end         living in rural communities, are included
can also face homophobic, biphobic or        communities that celebrate diversity and      this policy. Take all steps possible in the   in national strategies, policies and action
transphobic discrimination on arrival in     inclusion and promote positive wellbeing      meantime to support LGBTI refugees            plans related to tackling social isolation
Scotland, in either immigration detention    for LGBTI people.                             settling in Scotland, including helping       and digital poverty in light of the
or accommodation, including when
                                                                                           them to understand their rights and           COVID-19 pandemic.
they have fled their country of origin
                                                                                           protections from discrimination, and to
as a result of such persecution and                                                        access support and relevant services.
discrimination.                                                                                                                          Show public leadership on equality for
                                                                                                                                         LGBTI people, including through effective
                                                                                           Seek devolution of the asylum support         media campaigns, and researching public
12     A Study into the Characteristics of                                                 and accommodation system, in part to          attitudes on discrimination to measure
Police Recorded Hate Crime in Scotland.                                                    ensure that LGBTI refugees and people         progress.
Justice Analytical Services, Scottish                                                      in the asylum system who may have fled
Government (February 2021)                                                                 their country of origin due to homophobic,
13                                                    biphobic or transphobic persecution do
Documents/Statistics/Hate%20Crime%20         14     https://www.equality-network.
                                                                                           not continue to face such persecution or
in%20Scotland%202019-20/Hate%20              org/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/The-
Crime%20in%20Scotland%202019-20.pdf          Scottish-LGBT-Equality-Report.pdf             discrimination on arrival in Scotland.

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7. Support LGBTI Rights Abroad
We’re calling on MSPs and their parties to
support and commit to:
  Showing leadership in advancing LGBTI equality and the protection of LGBTI rights
  abroad, including through delivering LGBTI-inclusive and LGBTI-specific international
  development work.

The Scottish Government must show leadership in advancing LGBTI equality and
the protection of LGBTI rights abroad, including through its work on international
development. In many countries across the world, LGBTI people face criminalisation,
ostracism, and harassment that can prevent them from accessing vital services,
including through international development programmes. Where development
programmes are not targeted at redressing these inequalities, LGBTI people can be
left behind.

We’re calling
on the Scottish
Government to:

  Work with partner countries to advance        Ensure all international development
  LGBTI equality and protect LGBTI rights       and small grants programmes reach
  abroad.                                       LGBTI people in partner countries, and
                                                ensure that LGBTI people are supported
                                                as part of wider health, anti-poverty, and
  Where appropriate, raise concerns about
                                                education programmes. Fund LGBTI-
  LGBTI equality with governments and
                                                specific international development
  international bodies around the world,
                                                programmes, where possible.
  in consultation with LGBTI human rights
  defenders in those countries.

Published March 2021
CHARITY NO. SC039681 (SCOTLAND)               SC220213
                                              Scottish Trans is a project of the Equality

LGBTI EQUALITY MANIFESTO // 2021-2026 SCOTTISH PARLIAMENT                         PAGE 16
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