Purchasing Card Services and Expense Management System - Contracts WA
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Contract No. CUA35308 Document No: 00436126[v13] Last update: 4 December 2018 Purchasing Card Services and Expense Management System 29 January 2010 to 28 January 2019 About the Contract How do I use this Contract? What’s on Offer? Who are the Contractors? Need more Information?
Buyers Guide – Purchasing Card Services and Expense Management System CUA 35308 ABOUT THE CONTRACT Contract Number CUA 35308 From 29 January 2010 to 28 January 2019 Contract Term Note: Replacement CUA PC2019 Purchasing Card Services and Expense Management System has been awarded to the National Australia Bank Limited and will commence transactional services as of 29 January 2019. Mandatory for all WA Public Authorities i.e. State-wide Status In accordance with State Supply Commission policy, agencies can buy outside of this CUA and directly source from an Australian Disability Enterprise (ADE) or Aboriginal Business in full. For more information and to connect with an ADE or Aboriginal Business, please see the following links. Australian Disability Enterprise Aboriginal Business Key Features and • Visa card – (offered by both ANZ and NAB) Benefits • EMS offered as a one-off payment or through a fee per card • Choice of Travel Account provider separate from general purchasing card use • Cards are replaced every two or three years (depending on provider) • Automatic Debit of your account 24 hours after cycle end. • Ability to switch suppliers on providing 90 (ninety) day’s notice to your current supplier. Contract Manager A dedicated Contract Manager is available to help you to understand and get the most out of this contract. If you have any queries about this contract or this publication, please contact: Kristien Van Der Spoel Government Procurement Contract Manager Department of Finance Tel: (08) 6551 1330 Optima Centre Email: kristien.vanderspoel@finance.wa.gov.au 16 Parkland Road OSBORNE PARK WA 6017 Postal Address Government Procurement Department of Finance Locked Bag 11, Cloisters Square PERTH WA 6850 Department of Finance Page 2
Buyers Guide – Purchasing Card Services and Expense Management System CUA 35308 Supporting Documents The following contract documents and other relevant information can be sourced from Contracts WA: • WA Government Purchasing Card Program Webpage Department of Finance Page 3
Buyers Guide – Purchasing Card Services and Expense Management System CUA 35308 HOW DO I USE THIS CONTRACT? CUA 35308 for the supply of Purchasing Card Services is MANDATORY for all Western Australian public authorities – State-wide Step What’s on Click here to choose which products best meet your needs. 1 Offer? Step Click here to view the procedures Procedures towards setting up an account under 2 this CUA. Step Who are the Click here to discover the contractors supplying the product under this CUA. 3 contractors? Department of Finance Page 4
Buyers Guide – Purchasing Card Services and Expense Management System CUA 35308 WHAT’S ON OFFER? Supporting Aggregated Buying By supporting aggregated buying, you enable Government to achieve the best pricing outcome for all public authorities. Streamlining Purchasing and Payment Processes The CUA allows you to streamline purchasing and payment processes for low value, high volume transactions. Reducing Internal Costs Streamlining internal purchasing, receipting and payment systems leads to the reduction of internal costs. Protecting Yourself By purchasing these services under the contract terms and conditions of the CUA, you are able to protect yourself as a buyer. Department of Finance Page 5
Buyers Guide – Purchasing Card Services and Expense Management System CUA 35308 WHO ARE THE CONTRACTORS? ANZ Bank Limited Card Administrator Support Card Administrators with enquiries relating to purchasing card, please contact the ANZ Premium Service Team: T: 1800 636 359 Hours: 8:00am to 6:00pm (EST) Cardholders who require transaction and balance information can ABN No: 11005 357 522 call the Commercial Cards Support Centre: T: 1800 032 481 Hours: 24 Hours 7 Days a week Account Management: For account management matters contact: Renu Narayan T: (03) 8654 1146 | M: 0438 090 526 | E: Renu.Narayan@anz.com Renu Narayan is based in Melbourne, in her absence, for urgent action requiring personal attendance contact Perth based Simon Calvert, Manager, Sales and Account Management on (08) 6298 3059 or mobile 0466 771 996. National Australia Bank Limited Card Administrator Support If you have an enquiry or need assistance with Corporate Card Self Service contact the NAB Connect Team: T: 1300 888 413 - NAB Connect (option 1) Account Management: For account management matters contact: Greg Gates | Associate Director M: 0427 490 821 | E: Greg.D.Gates@nab.com.au For assistance with the management of your Purchasing Card ABN No: 12 004 044 937 Program contact the NAB Client Services Team E: Client.Services@nab.com.au For more complex enquiries or escalation of your Purchasing Card Program contact: Li Ma | T: 0491 221 779 | E: Li.Ma.Priority@nab.com.au Department of Finance Page 6
Buyers Guide – Purchasing Card Services and Expense Management System CUA 35308 APPLICATION PROCEDURES New ANZ Customer Establish a new Account Agencies (current or newly formed) that are seeking to establish a new card program with ANZ can follow these steps: 1. Complete and forward a copy of the Agency Customer Contract Order Form to: a. Renu Narayan – Commercial Cards Products via email wagpcard@anz.com or fax 1800 501 380 b. Glenn Riekie, Finance Contract Manager, via email glenn.riekie@finance.wa.gov.au or fax 9481 0785. The Contract Manager updates this information on the Finance Card Administrator database. 2. ANZ will then email the Card Administrator with the following: a. ANZ Commercial Cards Billing Account Registration Form; b. ANZ CardPay Direct (Direct Debit Request – DDR) form. 3. The completed templates and DDR can then be faxed to ANZ’s Purchasing Card Implementation Team on 1800 501 380. 4. ANZ will then email a customised cardholder application form with the new account details to the Card Administrator for new cardholders to complete (where more than 20 cards are required ANZ will provide the option of a bulk implementation pack, using a spreadsheet to capture cardholder details). 5. Completed cardholder application forms can then be faxed to the Commercial Card Implementation Team on 1800 501 380. 6. Cards will be mailed directly to your Card Administrator within 5 working days. 7. For account management matters contact Renu Narayan on 0438 090 526 or Matt Jackson on 0478 403 993. As Renu Narayan and Matt Jackson are based on in Melbourne, for urgent action requiring personal attendance contact Simon Calvert on 0466 771 996. Current ANZ Customer Completing a customised WA Government application form makes applying for a purchasing card simpler. These forms are Apply for a Card available from your Card Administrator, once completed they can be faxed to 1800 459 143 or scanned and then emailed to wagpard@anz.com. Application forms received will be actioned within 2 business days Obtain a Card and the card mailed within 5 working days direct to the Card Administrator within your agency for all ANZ Purchasing Cards. Card cancellations can be processed online by Card Administrators using ANZ eManagement www.anzemanagement.com.au. Alternatively, the Card Administrator can email an ANZ Card Closure Cancel a Card Request form to wagpcard@anz.com or fax to 1800 458 974. Cards are closed within 2 business days. Where a card is considered compromised and immediate cancellation is required Card Administrators should contact the ANZ Premium Service Team on 1800 636 359. Department of Finance Page 7
Buyers Guide – Purchasing Card Services and Expense Management System CUA 35308 New NAB Customer Establish a new Account Agencies (current or newly formed) that are seeking to establish a new card program with NAB can follow these steps: 1. Complete and forward a copy of the Agency Customer Contract Order Form to: a. Greg Gates, Associate Director, via email Greg.D.Gates@nab.com.au or fax 1300 662 974. Copy to: b. Glenn Riekie, Finance Contract Manager, via email glenn.riekie@finance.wa.gov.au or fax 9481 0795. The Contract Manager updates this information on the Finance Card Administrator database. 2. NAB will then email the Card Administrator with the following: a. Templates for appointment Authorising Officers and Verifying Officers; and b. Direct Debit Request (DDR) form. 3. The completed templates and DDR can then be faxed to NAB’s Purchasing Card Support Team on 1300 656 519. 4. NAB will then email a customised cardholder application form with the new account details to the Card Administrator for new cardholders to complete. 5. Completed cardholder application forms can then be faxed to the Commercial Card Support Team on 1300 656 519. 6. Cards will be mailed directly to your Card Administrator within 5 working days. 7. For account management matters contact Greg Gates on 0427 490 821 or Amanda Bradley on 0439 033 517. Current NAB Customers Completing a customised WA Government application form makes applying for a purchasing card simpler. These forms are available from your Card Administrator. On completion, the form can be faxed by the Card Administrator or mailed to NAB at the following address: Apply for a Card Commercial Cards National Australia Bank Level 11, 120 Spencer Street Melbourne Vic 3000 Or scan the form and email to PcardSupport@nab.com.au Application forms received prior to 4.00pm EST will be processed the Obtain a Card same day and the card will be mailed within 5 working days direct to the Card Administrator within your agency for all NAB Purchasing Cards. The Card Administrator should email all Purchasing Card cancellation requests to PcardSupport@nab.com.au . Fax requests are also accepted on 1300 656 519. Cancel a Card Cancellation will occur the same day provided the request is received prior to 4.00pm EST on a business day. Department of Finance Page 8
Buyers Guide – Purchasing Card Services and Expense Management System CUA 35308 P-Card Transition Where termination of a P-Card program or transition between Contractors is intended, notification of not less then 90 days should be provided to the incumbent Contractor. Card Administrator Each agency will appoint a Card Administrator who is specifically responsible for the operational management of the Purchasing Cards within your agency. The Card Administrator will also be the central contact point for all information regarding your general card queries. It is important that the Finance Contract Manager is informed of any changes to the Card Administrator’s contact details. It is recommended, for risk management purposes, that each agency consider having more than one staff member trained as a Card Administrator at any one time. Authorised Cash Drawings With authorisation from your Director General, cash withdrawals can be made at all ATM’s (local and international) and is restricted to $1000 per day. In order to use this facility, a Personal Identification Number (PIN) will need to be allocated to the card for use only by the nominated cardholder. An interest rate charge applies to these withdrawals which is calculated daily and paid monthly on these transactions. Credit and Facility Limits A monthly credit limit for each card is applied and can be modified via the Card Administrator. A facility limit is the limit an agency can spend per month on all cards within an agency. Card Administrators should monitor their agency’s facility limit regularly to ensure it is not exceeded. Quality Insurance and Liability Both providers have adopted a process approach to quality based on ISO 9001:2000. In all instances, liability will lie with the Government Agency, not the individual Cardholder. If the Cardholder breaches the terms and conditions of the contract then the employing public authority is required to administer any disciplinary or recovery actions. The WA Government Purchasing Card does not have any links to a cardholder’s personal credit details. Payment Methods Payment is made exclusively by direct debit 24 hours after cycle end, which is the 28th day of each calendar month for ANZ and NAB cardholders. If the payment date falls on a Saturday, then the cycle will end on the previous working day (usually Friday). If the payment date falls on a Sunday, then the cycle will end on the next working day (usually Monday). Intellectual Property Rights and Alternative Terms and Conditions For this CUA, the Intellectual Property Rights in the New Material will be owned by the State unless you agree otherwise in your Order/Customer Contract. For further information regarding intellectual property rights and alternative terms and conditions, please contact the Contract Manager. Department of Finance Page 9
Buyers Guide – Purchasing Card Services and Expense Management System CUA 35308 Expense Management System (non- Schools) Statements will be provided electronically on a monthly basis using one of the following methods: Agencies using ANZ Expense Manager will access statements online at www.expensemanager.anz.com/anzems. ANZ Expense Manager also allows online reconciliation and approval of transactions. Emails will be sent to cardholders advising when transactions need to be reconciled. Agencies that are not using ANZ Expense Manager can provide online statements to cardholders via ANZ eManagement www.anzemanagement.com.au. ANZ eManagement provides access to 15 months historical statements in PDF format. Card Administrators should contact the ANZ Account Management Team to discuss your reporting requirements by emailing wagpcard@anz.com or calling: Renu Narayan – 0438 090 526 Matt Jackson - 0478 403 993 Pricing for ANZ EMS Tier ANZ/ InLogik Spendvision 1-5,000 cards $4.15 per card per month* $5.25 per card per month* 5,001- 10,000 cards $3.85 per card per month* $4.50 per card per month* 10,0001 + cards $3.85 per card per month* $4.50 per card per month* *Excludes GST Agencies not requiring ANZ’s Expense Manager System can receive a data feed from Visa. Please note that there is no cost for data-feed services from ANZ. For agencies using NAB’s Flexipurchase Lite systems, cardholders will receive monthly statements via email. For agencies using Flexipurchase.com, individual cardholders can access online and print their print card statements, containing the coded transactions at the end of each statement period for approval. Agencies not requiring either version of FlexiPurchase can receive a data feed from Visa, called National Online. This is a raw data feed in .csv format. Please note that there is no cost for a data–feed service from NAB. Pricing for NAB EMS Upgrade of FlexiPurchase.com FlexiPurchase.Lite FlexiPurchase.Lite to standard implementation implementation fee FlexiPurchase.com fee $1,000.00 $1,500.00 $2,500.00 These fees are a one-off charge. Department of Finance Page 10
Buyers Guide – Purchasing Card Services and Expense Management System CUA 35308 Exemption from using this CUA Finance is responsible for processing and approving all requests from public authorities seeking exemption from using a mandatory Common Use Arrangement (CUA). Requests for an exemption are considered on a case-by-case basis, and a requesting agency must be able to demonstrate that a business need cannot be adequately met by the relevant CUA. Exemption requests should be directed to either the Director, Common Use Arrangements in the first instance. Requests for exemption may be received by a posted letter or email, but must be in writing and provide sufficient explanation and background to enable the request to be considered. The requesting officer should be the Accountable Authority or a delegate of the Accountable Authority. The requirement to submit procurement plans, evaluation reports, contract management plans and variations to State Tenders Review Committee does not apply to this CUA. Agencies are not required to publish contract details on Tenders WA where the contract value is $50,000 or above or is varied by $50,000 or more. Complimentary Feedback and Complaints Resolution Finance aims to continuously improve the services it provides to Customers and welcomes feedback on the level of satisfaction experienced under this contract or with the Contractor(s) performance. If you are dissatisfied with the goods and/or service provided by the Contractor or have any specific concerns, these should be discussed in the first instance directly with the Contractor. If the problem or issue is not resolved to your satisfaction, please log your complaints via Finance's online Feedback Management System. The online system provides for both complimentary feedback and complaint resolution considerations. Other policy Requirements Requirement Applicable to purchases made under this CUA? Buyers must publish details of their purchase, or any variation to any No, not required for purchases made under purchase under this CUA, on this CUA. TendersWA. Buyers must record the purchase on the agency’s contract register, as No, not required for purchases made under instructed within the buying agency’s this CUA. financial management manual. Buyers must submit a procurement plan, an evaluation report, a contract No, not required for purchases made under management plan or any variation to this CUA. the State Tender Review Committee. No, buyers do not need to involve the Buyers must involve the Department of Department of Finance when purchasing from Finance this CUA. Buyers must obtain approval from an Yes, at all values state-wide. Note that use of authorised officer of the Department of the Contractor issued Expense Management Finance to purchase through an systems are optional. alternative arrangement to this Department of Finance Page 11
Buyers Guide – Purchasing Card Services and Expense Management System CUA 35308 (mandatory) CUA. Please note that public authorities are not required to request advice or approval from the Department of Finance, regardless of value, when seeking an exemption from the minimum requirements of the Open and Effective Competition Policy and the use of mandatory Common Use Arrangements for a purchase from an ADE or an Aboriginal Business. Department of Finance Page 12
Buyers Guide – Purchasing Card Services and Expense Management System CUA 35308 NEED MORE INFORMATION? Appendices Appendix 1: Contactless Payment Appendix 2: PIN at the Point of Sale (POS) Appendix 3: What if the Card is Lost, Stolen or Misplaced? Appendix 4: Disputing Transactions Appendix 5: Features – Buying Air Travel With a Purchasing Card Appendix 6: Merchant Coverage Appendix 7: Agency Customer Contract Order Form Forms and Tools Contractors Details Agency Customer Contract Order Form Links to CUA information Government Contract Directory Government Contract Directory: Education Edition Still need more information? Contact the Contract Manager Department of Finance Page 13
Buyers Guide – Purchasing Card Services and Expense Management System CUA 35308 APPENDIX 1: CONTACTLESS PAYMENT Many Western Australia Government Purchasing Cards now have contactless payment functionality, which allows cardholders to hold their card near the card reader to make payment. At the point of sale for transactions under $100, cardholders just place their Western Australian Government Purchasing Card with contactless payment functionality in front of a contactless payment reader and go - there's no need for a signature or PIN. For Purchasing Cardholders – Frequently Asked Questions What are the benefits of contactless payment? There are a few benefits for purchasing cards with contactless payment functionality. Firstly, the purchasing card does not have to leave your hand at the point of sale, reducing the risk of fraud. Secondly, a PIN is not needed for purchases under $100. Thirdly, it saves times. How close to the contactless payment reader does the card need to be? If the vendor displays the contactless payment symbol at the point of sale, purchasing cards with contactless payment functionality need to be held within four centimetres of the card reader to make the payment. Are cards with contactless payment functionality as secure as other cards? Purchasing cards with contactless payment functionality are as secure as other cards since they have the same multiple layers of security. Is the transaction information as secure compared to if I swipe or insert my card? Transactions made with contactless payment functionality are processed through the same, payment network as magnetic strip transactions. Do I need a receipt for transactions completed by contactless payment? Yes, this obligation remains the same for all Western Australian Government purchasing cardholders, whether a payment is made by contactless payment or magnetic swipe. In some instances, the cardholder may need to ask for a receipt. If you have any further questions, please contact the Contract Manager. Department of Finance Page 14
Buyers Guide – Purchasing Card Services and Expense Management System CUA 35308 APPENDIX 2: PIN AT THE POINT OF SALE (POS) From 1 August 2014, the Industry Security Initiative, a collective of Australia’s major financial institutions and card schemes, is implementing the use of Personal Identification Numbers (PINs) to authorise credit card purchases that have previously been authorised by signature. The move to PIN is aimed at reducing lost and stolen card fraud. For Purchasing Cardholders – Frequently Asked Questions I don’t know if my Western Australian Government Purchasing Card has a PIN. I think it does but I’m not certain. All Western Australian Government Purchasing Cards have a PIN. I know my PIN, but want to change it to a number that I’ll remember. How do I do this? If a cardholder wants to change their PIN, they can amend their PIN at any Australian ANZ ATM (for ANZ Purchasing Cards) and NAB ATM (for NAB Purchasing Cards). Please note that to amend your PIN, you must know what your existing PIN is. When selecting a new PIN, you should keep your PIN a secret and do not pass onto other people. You should avoid using a PIN that contains repeating characters (like 9999) or digits in sequence (like 1234), or numbers that represent publically researchable information, such as your birthday, year of birth, or address. I used my PIN a few weeks ago but I’ve completely forgotten what it is? What do I do? ANZ If a cardholder has forgotten or does not know their PIN, they can either: 1. Establish a PIN (if necessary) at any Australia ANZ branch. 2. For cardholders without close proximity to an ANZ ATM or ANZ branch, Card Administrators can call the Premium Service Team on 1800 636 359 or cardholders can call the ANZ Commercial Card Service Centre on 1800 032 481 and request a PIN. They must be identified in the course of that call. The PIN letter will be sent to the primary address for distribution. NAB If a cardholder has forgotten or does not know their PIN, they can either: 1. Clients with access to NAB Connect - Corporate Card Self Service can instantly reset PINs for cardholders. 2. Cardholders can go to a NAB Branch and the staff can reset their PIN. 3. Cardholders can call the NAB Business Support line and (subject to a phone identification process) have their PIN reset. The instant PIN reset functionality may have restricted suitability for some cardholders. The only place that a default PIN will work is at a NAB ATM. This requires the cardholder to attend a NAB ATM and reset the default to their own PIN - which then enables them to use the Card/PIN at the point of sale/EFTPOS terminals. For cardholders without close proximity Department of Finance Page 15
Buyers Guide – Purchasing Card Services and Expense Management System CUA 35308 to a NAB ATM, in the event they do not know or have forgotten their PIN, performing an instant PIN reset is not advisable. The alternative, which is less immediate, is for the Card Administrator to order a replacement PIN on behalf of the cardholder - either via NAB Connect or by email request to the Purchasing Card Support team (mail delivery - 3 to 5+ days) What kind of point of sales transactions will require me to use a PIN? The cardholder will need to use a PIN where they previously authorised the purchase by signature. PIN is only applicable when you are physically present at the point-of-sale during the purchase. There are some circumstances at the physical point-of-sale when PIN is not required (and neither is signature), most notably contactless (“Tap and Go”) payments under $100 and low value payments (under $35) at some merchants and transactions from most unattended terminals e.g. vending machines and parking meters. A PIN is not required for mail or telephone order transactions, or transactions conducted on the Internet. Department of Finance Page 16
Buyers Guide – Purchasing Card Services and Expense Management System CUA 35308 APPENDIX 3: WHAT IF THE CARD IS LOST, STOLEN OR MISPLACED? Lost or Stolen Cards In the event of a lost or stolen card, cardholders can free call ANZ’s Lost and Stolen Card Centre on 1800 033 844, which operates 24 hrs, 7days per week. If the card is lost or stolen overseas, notify ANZ by calling +61 3 9683 7043. Cards are then cancelled and reissued with a new number. A New card will be reissued within 5 to 7 business days (depending on cardholder location). Permanently Lost Card In the event of a lost or stolen card, cardholders should contact their Card Administrator as soon as possible so that they can lodge a notification with NAB either via Corporate Card Self Service or via NAB’s Lost and Stolen Card Team on 1800 033 103 operating 24 hrs, 7days per week. The lost card will be cancelled and a new card issued within 5 to 7 business days (depending on cardholder location). Temporarily Misplaced Card If the cardholder has misplaced their card they should immediately advise their Card Administrator who can place a temporary block to suspend activity or cancel the card via Corporate Card Self Service or by contacting NAB’s Lost and Stolen Card Team on 1800 033 103. If a temporary block is placed on the card the cardholder should promptly advise the Card Administrator if the card has been located or lost and the Card Administrator will either remove the temporary block and the card can then be used or place a permanent block on the card and have a new card issued. Please Note: When the Card Administrator is not available Should a cardholder not be able to contact the Card Administrator (e.g. outside business hours), then the cardholder should contact NAB’s Lost and Stolen Card Centre on 1800 033 103, or if overseas, notify NAB by calling +61 3 8641 9121. Department of Finance Page 17
Buyers Guide – Purchasing Card Services and Expense Management System CUA 35308 APPENDIX 4: DISPUTING TRANSACTIONS In disputing transactions, the Cardholder should initially seek clarification from the Merchant of the disputed transaction. If the Merchant recognizes that the transaction is in error a refund can be arranged immediately. A Cardholder who does not recognise a transaction or wishes to dispute a transaction should contact the ANZ Commercial Cards Support Centre on 1800 032 481. The support centre will provide additional transaction details and where applicable a Disputed Transaction Form. The form is to be completed and signed by the cardholder. Additionally cardholders using ANZ Expense Manager can access the ANZ Disputed Transaction Form while reconciling the transaction. It is important that the form is returned by fax as soon as possible to 1800 283 515 (+ 61 3 9538 5141 international) as Visa Scheme Rules govern ANZ’s timeframes for action. Disputes must be raised within 90 days of the transaction date. Disputed transactions will be investigated within 7 days of receiving a completed Disputed Transaction Form. The investigation can take up to 60 days based on the timeframe allocated to the acquiring bank to return a copy of the transaction voucher. If the Cardholder is unable to resolve a dispute, then notify the Card Administrator who will fax a ‘Credit Card Purchases Disputed Transaction Advice’ form to the NAB’s E-Services Centre: (08) 9208 5666. Flexipurchase.com users have access to an online form that may be completed when the ‘Dispute Transaction’ tick box is selected. By selecting the tick box, the online form is produced and populates certain areas pertaining to the transaction. This form may then be faxed to the E-Services centre listed above. Transactions that have been disputed within the current statement cycle dates are not paid for until the dispute is resolved. No interest is charged for these transactions. Where a Cardholder is uncertain of whether they should dispute a transaction, they can call 13 10 12 and select option 1 for Commercial Card assistance to gain more information about the transaction. The disputed transaction process should only be engaged when all other avenues of identifying a transaction have been exhausted, including contacting the Merchant. Disputes must be raised within 90 days of the transaction being made. The timeframe for processing these transactions will depend on the nature of the dispute. Department of Finance Page 18
Buyers Guide – Purchasing Card Services and Expense Management System CUA 35308 APPENDIX 5: BUYING AIR TRAVEL WITH A PURCHASING CARD When air travel is bought using a Purchasing Card, the purchasing card statement will not show detailed information such as flight and passenger details. This could make reconciliation of these payments difficult. Agencies now have the choice of using either the: • ANZ Travel Account (ATA); or • NAB Travel Account (NTA). Agencies can choose one supplier for the provision of their Purchasing Cards and the other supplier for the provision of an air travel account. Should an agency wish to switch from one supplier to the other for the provision of an air travel account then they must provide their current supplier with 90 (ninety) day’s notice. Through these travel account systems travel data is generally available on-line within 48 hours of a purchase being made and can be accessed at any time so that billings, expenses and other related information can be easily tracked. Please contact Finance’s Contract Manager for Travel, Stephen Koh on (08) 6551 1387 or email stephen.koh@finance.wa.gov.au for more information regarding the travel accounts systems. Department of Finance Page 19
Buyers Guide – Purchasing Card Services and Expense Management System CUA 35308 APPENDIX 6: MERCHANT COVERAGE A broad range of merchants from all industry categories, including over 25 million merchants worldwide and 500,000 in Australia, accept Visa. Most CUA suppliers now accept the WA Government Purchasing card as a method of payment, as well as a considerable number of agency and non-contracted suppliers. Some suppliers, however, may have a reluctance to accept the cards. This reluctance may have a number of sources and reasons. In these instances, the Contract Manager of this CUA may be able to assist, and you are encouraged to email the Contract Manager the merchant’s name and contact details to glenn.riekie@finance.wa.gov.au. Department of Finance Page 20
Buyers Guide – Purchasing Card Services and Expense Management System CUA 35308 APPENDIX 7: AGENCY CUSTOMER CONTRACT ORDER FORM Form on next page Department of Finance Page 21
Buyers Guide – Purchasing Card Services and Expense Management System CUA 35308 AGENCY CUSTOMER CONTRACT ORDER FORM PURCHASING CARD SERVICES CUA 35308 - CATEGORY 1 Government agencies should use this form to select a service provider for Purchasing Card Services and to establish a customer contract with that provider. STEP 2 – NOMINATE YOUR SERVICE PROVIDER(S) Nominate which bank you STEP 1 – DECIDE WHAT SERVICES ARE REQUIRED wish to provide services under Option 1 or Option 2, or both Options ANZ NAB Select your preferred service arrangement – you may choose one or both options. □ Option 1: GENERAL PURCHASING CARD – for general public authority purchases of goods and services (including ICT and travel arrangements if required). □ Option 2: TRAVEL ACCOUNT (VIRTUAL CARD ARRANGEMENT) - a ‘card-less’ mechanism for paying for an agency’s travel bookings through the Travel Reservations CUA 44107. STEP 3 – NOMINATE YOUR P-CARD EXPENSE MANAGEMENT Yes No REQUIREMENTS • If you selected Option 1 (i.e. General Purchasing Card) do you require use of your nominated bank’s Expense Management System (EMS)? OR • If you are using Oracle i-Expenses or an alternative EMS, do you require a regular data feed of transaction details from your nominated bank? Note: a data feed is not required if you are only using Option 2: Travel Account because it comes complete with its own stand alone EMS. CARD ADMINISTRATION DETAILS Department of Finance Page 22
Buyers Guide – Purchasing Card Services and Expense Management System CUA 35308 AGENCY NAME ENTITY NAME FOR CARDS (IF DIFFERENT TO AGENCY NAME) AGENCY ADDRESS AGENCY POSTAL ADDRESS CARD ADMINISTRATOR NAME: POSITION TITLE: TELEPHONE: MOBILE FAX: E-MAIL: AGENCY BANK ACCOUNT DETAILS NAME OF BANK (WHERE ACCOUNT IS HELD) ADDRESS OF BANK ACCOUNT BSB: NUMBER: AGENCY TOTAL FACILITY LIMIT: $ ……………………………………………….. AUTHORISED OFFICER NAME AUTHORISED OFFICER TITLE AUTHORISED OFFICER SIGNATURE …………………………………………… DATE …….…/…………/… ……. ……. PLEASE RETURN A COMPLETED COPY OF THIS FORM TO: 1. THE BANK PROVIDING SERVICES TO YOU UNDER THE CUA. Note: If you are using both banks to provide services under the CUA then you will require two copies of this form. By completing and signing ANZ this form you agree to RENU NARAYAN, WA GOVERNMENT ACCOUNT MANAGER become a party to the Terms and Conditions for E-MAIL: wagpcard@anz.com CUA 35308. It enters your FAX: 1800 501 380. agency into a customer AND / OR contract with the nominated card provider(s). NAB Greg Gates, ASSOCIATE DIRECTOR E-MAIL: Greg.D.Gates@nab.com.au FAX: 1300 662 974 Department of Finance Page 23
Buyers Guide – Purchasing Card Services and Expense Management System CUA 35308 2. GLENN RIEKIE - CONTRACT MANAGER DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE – GOVERNMENT PROCUREMENT LOCKED BAG 11 CLOISTERS SQUARE PERTH WA 6850 EMAIL: glenn.riekie@finance.wa.gov.au Department of Finance Page 24
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