About Vodafone Group Plc - March 2020

Page created by Michael Flores
About Vodafone Group Plc - March 2020
About Vodafone
             Group Plc

March 2020
About Vodafone Group Plc - March 2020
We connect people all over the world

   countries in which we
   have mobile operations

   countries in which we
   have fixed operations

   Partner Markets

C2 General
About Vodafone Group Plc - March 2020
We build a digital future for everyone

             Vision                        Innovation                        Inclusion                         Investment

   We believe in the power of new   We make technology work for    Leaving no one behind,                We’re working in partnership
   communications networks and      people, families, businesses   expanding access where it             with leading technology
   technology to transform our      and communities                doesn’t exist, doing our part for a   innovators, governments, and
   lives and our societies                                         sustainable planet                    other businesses to meet the
                                                                   We believe in a present and a         challenge of building the
                                                                                                         infrastructure on which our
                                                                   future that includes everyone –
                                                                                                         digital future depends
                                                                   and we’re working hard to build it

C2 General
About Vodafone Group Plc - March 2020
Every 24 hours, Vodafone customers:

• make 7.4bn minutes of mobile calls

• stream the equivalent of 18.8bn songs on their

• watch the equivalent of 2.3bn 3 minute HD
  videos over their fixed broadband connections1

• make 32m financial transactions using M-Pesa

• are reunited with 3 missing cars thanks to
  Vodafone Automotive

1. Europe only
About Vodafone Group Plc - March 2020
Europe’s largest 5G network

         5G markets with roaming
         5G markets
         5G trials

   Commercial services in           7 markets
   Roaming available in            5 markets
   Services live in         63 major cities
   1000+ 5G cell sites
   7 5G-compatible handsets available

C2 General
About Vodafone Group Plc - March 2020
One of the world’s leading converged operators

   The world’s 2nd largest
   mobile network
   625m customers1

   Fully converged networks
   across Europe
   27m customers2

   Europe’s second largest
   TV platform
   22m customers2

   1. Includes Vodafone Idea and other joint ventures
   2. Includes Vodafone Ziggo
C2 General
About Vodafone Group Plc - March 2020
Europe’s fastest growing
   superfast network

   households can access
   Vodafone’s superfast broadband1

   households, when wholesale
   agreements are taken into account1

   1. Includes VodafoneZiggo
C2 General
About Vodafone Group Plc - March 2020
Delivering content for customers across Europe

   TV customers in 10 markets1

   Cloud-based IPTV platform
   powered by AI

   Voice activated TV available
   in Portugal and rolling out
   across Europe

   1. Includes VodafoneZiggo
C2 General
About Vodafone Group Plc - March 2020
M-Pesa provides financial freedom to
millions of people in Africa
Launched in Kenya in


active customers

Available in
7 countries
About Vodafone Group Plc - March 2020
World leading IoT platform

                                                    99m                        8
                                                                               ‘V by Vodafone’
                                                    connected SIMs             consumer IoT markets

                                                    36                         2.9 tonnes
                                                    countries covered by our   CO2e saved per tonne generated
                                                    IoT platform1              by Vodafone IoT customers

   1. Includes partners and commercial agreements
C2 General
Vodafone Business

                                                    Helping businesses succeed in a digital world…

        Trusted by more than   10m                                      Conne
        organisations around the world                                  ctivity

                                                          Conne                      Conne
                                                          ctivity                    ctivity
        Sector expertise includes energy,
        agriculture, healthcare, retail, banking,
        insurance, manufacturing, automotive
                                                           Conne                     Conne
                                                           ctivity                   ctivity

        Global reach – fixed network points of                          Conne
        presence in   74 countries
                                                      …by connecting people, places and things
Our Exec Team

       Nick Read           Margherita della Valle      Hannes Ametsreiter       Vivek Badrinath           Aldo Bisio         António Coimbra        Ahmed Essam
 Chief Executive Officer    Chief Financial Officer   CEO Vodafone Germany    CEO, Rest of the World   CEO Vodafone Italy   CEO Vodafone Spain     Chief Commercial
                                                                                                                                                   Operations Officer

     Nick Jeffery              Vinod Kumar              Rosemary Martin          Joakim Reiter          Serpil Timuray        Johan Wibergh          Leanne Wood
   CEO Vodafone UK         CEO Vodafone Business      Group General Counsel   Group External Affairs   CEO Europe Cluster    Chief Technology    Chief Human Resources
                                                                                    Director                                       Officer               Officer

C2 General
Group financial summary
   Six months to 30 September 2019

  €21.9bn               4.50c               €577m €7.1bn                         £40bn
                                                                                 Market capitalisation
             Revenue   Dividend per share   Operating profit   Adjusted EBITDA     (15 Nov 2019)

C2 General
Our Purpose

   Digital Society
                            We connect
  Investing in our
  Gigabit networks
                        for a better future      Planet
                                               Lowering our

                        Improving 1bn lives      impact

                          and halving our
   Inclusion for All
                          impact by 2025
 Embracing everyone
  on our journey to a
     digital society
Our aims: Digital Society

                                        IoT Innovation
                                       Connecting over
                                       150m vehicles to
                                      make travel smarter

  Gigabit Networks
   Connecting over                     Financial Services
   350m people and                      Connecting 50m
  businesses to make                   mobile money users
       life better                         to banking
Our aims: Inclusion for All

             Connected She Can
              Connecting 50m
              additional women
                in developing                      Best Employer
                                   Inclusion          for Women
                                               Connecting thousands of
                                                skilled women to new

                                     for all
            Digital Skills
       Connecting 10m young
        people to digital skills
          and upskilling the
           next generation

C2 General
Our aims: Planet

                                     Greenhouse Gas
                                  Reducing our greenhouse
                                       gas emissions
                                          by 50%

 Renewable Electricity
   Purchasing 100%
                                       Tackling e-Waste
                                       Re-using, reselling
                                       or recycling 100%
                                        of our network
History of the Group

C2 General
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