Abbreviation of Institute's Authors

Page created by Helen Chambers
Abbreviation of Institute’s Authors

AD-SYSU Anthropology Department of Sun Yat-sen University, 中山大学人类
AEB Archaeology Editing Board, 考古编辑部
AG-CUHK The Art Gallery of the Chinese University of Hong Kong, 香港中文
AHPCRWT Anhui Provincial Cultural Relic Working Team 安徽省文物工作队
ASBYE Association for Study of Bai-Yue Ethnicities, 百越民族史研究会
ASHD-XMU The Archaeology Speciality of History Department, Xiamen
  University, 厦门大学历史系考古专业
BJNM Beijing Nature Museum, 北京自然博物馆
BTDHVT Bao Tang Dan Toc Hoc Vietnam, 越南国立民族学博物馆
CCAA-CUHK Centre for Chinese Archaeology and Art, ICS, The Chinese
  University Of Hong Kong, 香港中文大学中国考古艺术研究中心
CGHSBSHJTU Compilation Group of “History of Shipbuilding” of Shanghai
  Jiaotong University, 上海交通大学 “造船史话”编写组
CMA-XMU The Center for Maritime Archaeology, Xiamen University, 厦门大学
CREC Cultural Relics Editorial Committee, 文物编辑委员会
CRP Cultural Relic Press, 文物出版社
DAHU Department of Anthropology, Harvard University, 哈佛大学人类学系
EFINJM Ethnicity and Folklore Institute of Nanjing Museum, 南京博物院民族

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FJPASYHC Fujian Provincial Association for Study Yan-Huang Culture, 福建省
FJPCAB Fujian Provincial Cultural Administration Bureau, 福建省文化厅
FJPM Fujian Provincial Museum, 福建省博物馆, 福建博物院
FKCM Fengkai County Museum, 封开县博物馆
FSCAT-IA-CASS The First South China Archaeologiucal Team, the Institute of
  Archaeology, Chinese Academy of Social Science, 中国社科院考古研究所华
FZMCRAT Fuzhou Municipal Cultural Relic and Archaeological Team, 福州市
GASAB Gui’an Social Affair Bureau, 贵安新区社会事务管理局
GDPICRA Guangdong Provincial Institute of Cultural Relic and Archaeology,
GDPCRAC Guangdong Provincial Cultural Relic Administrative Committee,
GDPM Guangdong Provincial Museum, 广东省博物馆
GDPSCRM Guangdong Provincial Society of Cultural Relic and Museology,
GLMCRAT Guilin Municipal Cultural Relic and Archaeological Team, 桂林市
GXZMCRAB Guangxi Zhuang Municipal Cultural Relic Administrative Bureau,
GXZMCRAT Guangxi Zhuang Municipal Cultural Relic and Archaeological
  Team, 广西壮族自治区文物工作队
GXZMM Guangxi Zhuang Municipal Museum, 广西壮族自治区博物馆
GXICRCA Guangxi Institute of Cultural Relic Conservation and Archaeology,
GLZM The Guilin Zengpiyan Museum, 桂林甑皮岩博物馆
GZMCB Guangzhou Municipal Cultural Bureau 广州市文化局
GZMCRAC Guangzhou Municipal Cultural Relic Administrative Committee,
GZMICRA Guangzhou Municipal Institute of Cultural Relic and Archaeology,
GZMM Guangzhou Municipal Museum, 广州市博物馆
Abbreviation of Institute’s Authors                                     223

GZPICRA Guizhou Provincial Institute of Cultural Relic and Archaeology, 贵州
HDAHU History Department of Anhui University, 安徽大学历史系
HDECGX History Department of Ethnic College Guangxi, 广西民族学院历史系
HJRBAP-SYSU Hanjiang River Basin Archaeology Program of Sun Yat-sen
  University, 中山大学韩江流域考古课题组
HPCCRAB Hepu County Cultural Relic Administration Bureau, 合浦县文物管
HPCM Hepu County Museum, 合浦县博物馆
HUPICRA Hunan Provincial Institute of Cultural Relic and Archaeology, 湖南省
HNPM Hainan Provincial Museum, 海南省博物馆
HZCCC Huazhou County Culture Center, 化州县文化馆
IA-CASS The Institute of Archaeology, Chinese Academy of Social Science, 中国
IHB-XMU Institute of Historical Books of Xiamen University, 厦门大学古籍研
IHNS-CAS Institute of the History of Natural Science, Chinese Academy of
  Sciences, 中国科学院自然科学史研究所
IHP-AS Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica, 中研院历史语言研
JXPCRAC Jiangxi Provincial Cultural Relic Administrative Committee, 江西省
JXPICRA Jiangxi Provincial Institute of Cultural Relic and Archaeology, 江西省
JXPM Jianxi Provincial Museum, 江西省博物馆
JXPSA Jiangxi Provincial Society of Archaeology, 江西省考古学会
LYMBCP Longyan Municipal Bureau of Culture and Publishing, 龙岩市文化与
LYTA-IA-CASS Luoyang Team of Archaeology, Chinese Academy of Social
  Science, 中国科学院考古研究所洛阳发掘队
LZMM The Liuzhou Municipal Museum, 柳州市博物馆
MSAT Archaeological Team of Mingshanhou Site, 名山后遗址考古队
NACDHM Nan’ao Coast Defense History Museum, 南澳县海防史博物馆
224                                         Abbreviation of Institute’s Authors

NNMCRAC Nanning Municipal Cultural Relic Administrative Committee, 南宁
PBCICRC Pingba County Institute of Cultural Relic Conservation, 平坝县文物
PDCM Pingdu County Museum, 平度县博物馆
PNCM Puning County Museum, 普宁县博物馆
QJCM Qujiang County Museum, 曲江县博物馆
QZMMFJ Quanzhou Maritime Museum of Fujian, 福建泉州海外交通史博物馆
QZSAB Quanzhou Seaport Administrative Bureau, 泉州港务局
QZSA Quanzhou Seaoort Association, 泉州港口协会
RAACBD Research Association of Ancient Chinese Bronze Drum, 中国古代铜
SAM-PKU School of Archaeology and Museology of Peking University, 北京大
SCA Society of Chinese Archaeology, 中国考古学会
SCUM Sichuan University Museum, 四川大学博物馆
SDPM Shandong Provincial Museum, 山东省博物馆
SDCM Shunde County Museum, 顺德县博物馆
SDPQLASEO Shandong Provincial Qilu Archaeology Series Editorial Office,
SHM Shanghai Museum, 上海博物馆
SHMCRAC Shanghai Municipal Cultural Relic Administrative Committee, 上海
SMBLZ The Science Museum of Bailian Cave in Liuzhou, 柳州白莲洞科学博物
STDCRCS Shantou District Cultural Relic Conservation Station 汕头地区文管站
SXCCRAC Shaoxing County Cultural Relic Administrative Committee, 绍兴县
SXCICRC Shaoxing County Institute of Cultural Relic Conservation, 绍兴县文
SZMM Shenzhen Municipal Museum, 深圳市博物馆
TAIOCTW Temporary Association for Investigating Old Customs in Taiwan,
Abbreviation of Institute’s Authors                                       225

TSHS Tieshan High School铁山中学
WMCICRC Wuming County Institute of Cultural Relic Conservation, 武鸣县文
WXCCRAC Wuxian County Cultural Relic Administrative Committee, 吴县文物
XSMM Xiaoshan Municipal Museum, 萧山市博物馆
YDMM Yingde Municipal Museum, 英德市博物馆
YNPEAC Yunnan Provincial Ethnic Affair Committee, 云南省民族事务委员会
ZHCCC Zhenghe County Cultural Center, 政和县文化馆
ZHMM Zhuhai Municipal Museum, 珠海市博物馆
ZJDM Zhanjiang District Museum, 湛江地区博物馆
ZJMM Zhenjiang Municipal Museum, 镇江市博物馆
ZJPICRA The Zhejiang Provincial Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology,
ZJPM The Zhejiang Provincial Museum, 浙江省博物馆

Amara Srisuchat, 2003. The Bark Cloth Stone Beaters of Thailand. In ASHD-XMU,
   CCAA-CUHK, C. Tang, C.M. Wu, eds. Archaeological Study of Southeast China, Vol. 3,
   pp. 120–123. Xiamen: Xiamen University Press (Taiguo de Shupibu Shipai 《泰国的树皮布
   石拍》, Dongnan Kaogu Yanjiu, 《东南考古研究》, Xiamen Daxue Chubanshe 厦门大学
An, Z.M. 安志敏, 1965. The Trial Digging on the Paleolithic Cave Deposits at Hsiaonanhai in
   Anyang, Honan Province. ACTA Archaeological Sinica, No. 1, pp. 1–27 (Henan Anyang
   Xiaonanhai Jiushiqi Shidai Dongxue Duiji de Shijue, 《河南安阳小南海旧石器时代洞穴堆
   积的试掘》, Kaogu Xuebao 《考古学报》).
AHPCRWT, 1983. The Neolithic Site at Xuejiagang, Qianshan County. ACTA Archaeological
   Sinica, No. 2, pp.283-324 (Qianshan Xuejiagang Xinshiqi Shidai Yizhi 《潜山薛家岗新石器
   时代遗址》, Kaogu Xuebao 《考古学报》).
ASHDXMU, 1996. The Southeast of China: Early History and Archaeological Culture. In
   ASHD-XMU, M.J. Wu, C.M. Wu, eds. Archaeological Study on Southeast China, Vol. 1,
   pp. 1–24. Xiamen: Xiamen University Press (Zhongguo Dongnan Zaoqi Lishi yu Kaogu
   Wenhua 《中国东南: 早期历史与考古文化》, Dongnan Kaogu Yanjiu 《东南考古研究》,
   Xiamen Daxue Chubanshe 厦门大学出版社).
Ban, G. 班固, 1962. History of the Han Dynasty. Originally published in East Han Dynasty, new
   edition, Beijing: Zhonghua Book Company (Han Shu 《汉书》, 中华书局 Zhongua Shuju).
Barrow, T. 1972. The Art and Life of Polynesian. Rutland and Tokyo: Charles E. Tuttle Company,
Bellwood, P. 1979. Man’s Conquest of the Pacific. New York: Oxford University Press.
Bellwood, P., J. Fox and D. Tryon, eds. 1995. The Austronesians: Historical and Comparative
   Perspectives. Canberra: Australian National University.
Bellwood, P. 1990. The Tingkayu Industry of Late pleistocece Sabah. In Ian and Emily Glove,
   eds., Southeast Asian Archaeology 1986—Proceeding of the First Conference of the
   Association of Southeast Asian Archaeologists in Western Europe, Oxford: BAR
   International Series 561.
Bellwood, P. 1997. Prehistory of the Indo-Malaysian Archipelago. Honolulu: University of
   Hawaii Press.
Bellwood, P. 2005. First Farmers: the Origins of Agricultural Societies. Oxford: Blackwell
Beyer, H.O. 1948. Philippine and East Asian Archaeology. National Research Council of the
   Philippines, Bulletin 29. Diliman Quezon: University of the Philippines.

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The Archaeology of Asia-Pacific Navigation 4,
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References                                                                                 229

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