A Trilogy Senior Living Community Chronicle - Cloudinary

Page created by Vivian Wilson
A Trilogy Senior Living Community Chronicle - Cloudinary
A Trilogy Senior Living Community
                                                   Chronicle                                       February 2022

Celebrating Your Wellness
in Heart Health Month

February is American Heart Health
Month – a time that reminds us of
the importance taking care of our
cardiovascular health and wellness.
By doing so, we can decrease our
risk of high blood pressure and
take meaningful steps to keep
hypertension at bay. One of the
key ways we can do this? Exercise!

According to the Center for Disease
Control, engaging in physical
activity is one of the most important
ways that seniors can take care of      about physical activities that work    stretching, dancing, sport gaming
their health. In addition to heart      best for you, and we’ll be happy       systems activities, walking clubs,
disease, staying physically active      to help you get into a routine.        wellness seminars, and more!
can also prevent some of the most
common health problems that             With our Vitality program, we help     At Trilogy, our number one priority
are often attributed to age. Of         our residents get into the groove of   will always be your health and
course, everyone is different – and      taking charge of their wellness with   wellbeing. For more information
engaging in physical activity should    opportunities for physical activity    about all the ways we can help
be executed to the extent in which      at least three times a week. These     support an active lifestyle, talk to
your individual situation allows.       opportunities include strength         any member of our team today!
Be sure to talk to your caregiver       training, balance training, Tai Chi,

                      S. Burr Street | Lowell, IN 46356 | 219-696-6750 | cedarcreekhc.com |
A Trilogy Senior Living Community Chronicle - Cloudinary
Happy Birthday!
                                                             Executive Director Corner
                                                             Welcome            American Heart Health Month
 Maryann M.                    2/01
                                                             to February,       – a time which reminds us the
 Jeannine C.                   2/03                          everyone!          importance of taking care of
 Phyllis S.                    2/05                         I hope the          our cardiovascular health. Be
                                          beginning of 2022 has been            sure to talk to any member of
 Virginia J.                   2/07
                                          incredible for you as it has been     our team about our Vitality
 Donna S.                      2/10                                             program, which provides
                                          for our campus team. We’ve
 Raymond M.                    2/12       been hard at work laying out          opportunities for physical
 Marie W.                      2/12       some of the amazing activities        activity up to three times a
                                          we have planned over the              week. Staying active is one of
 Yvonne B.                     2/16                                             the best ways we can reduce
                                          course of the year – including
 Rosemary L.                   2/18       our first Theme Week!                 our risk of high blood pressure,
 Louise B.                     2/20                                             and we’re here to help make
                                          From February 20th – 26th,
                                                                                that a reality for you to the
 Patricia T.                   2/23       we’ll be hosting our most
                                                                                fullest extent possible.
 Anna K.                       2/23       elegant Theme Week yet with
                                          our first ever Snowflake Ball.        As always, if you need anything
 Charles K.                    2/25                                             – or if you just want to catch up
                                          During this week, our campus
 Cheryl G.                     2/28       will act as a venue for a one-        - please don’t hesitate to reach
                                          of-a-kind gala featuring a week       out to me. I hope you have a
 Staff                                                                          great month!
                                          of theme-related activities,
 Katherine A.                  2/07       events, and an incredible theme
 Jessica M.                    2/08       dinner. Stay tuned for more           Yours in Service,
 Makayla C.                    2/10       information as we get closer to
                                          the event!                            Judy Plantinga, HFA
 Alicia J.                     2/18
                                          This month, we also celebrate         Executive Director
 Ashley A.                     2/21

Thank you to a wonderful volunteer Tracy, for putting together a wonderful volunteer program for the Legacy residents
this holiday season! Legacy residents had a wonderful time celebrating the holiday together opening gifts and watching
Elvis perform!
A Trilogy Senior Living Community Chronicle - Cloudinary
We sure have the BEST therapists around, let’s give them all a BIG round of   Featured
applause. Thank you for bringing so much fun, encouragement and strength      Resident
to us all!
                                                                              For the past 3 years, Irma
                                                                              has been a big help when
                                                                              it comes to setting up the
                                                                              7 Christmas trees around
                                                                              campus. Thank you to
                                                                              all residents and staff
                                                                              who helped to make this
                                                                              holiday year extra special!
A Trilogy Senior Living Community Chronicle - Cloudinary
Monthly Trivia & Activity Corner
                                               All trivia answers will be printed in our upcoming month’s newsletter!
                                               Question 1: What baseball player married Marilyn Monroe in 1953?
                                               Question 2: What 1968 movie featured a computer named H.A.L.?
A Trilogy Senior Living Community              Question 3: What are the three primary colors?      I S P Y: MY VA L E N T I N E
                                               Question 4: What is the
      18275 S. Burr Street                     third sign of the zodiac?
       Lowell, IN 46356                        Question 5: Which
        219-696-6750                           country provided
    cedarcreekhc.com |                         the US with the
                                               Statue of Liberty?
            Judy Plantinga                     Flip the page for last
           Executive Director                  month’s trivia answers:
            Amanda Lewis                       of dots on a pair of dice? 42 dots
      Director of Health Services              Q5: What is the total number
            Kirsten Norris                     TV? Mr. Potato Head
 Assistant Director of Health Services         toy to be advertised on
                                               Q4: What was the first
           Barbara Oliver                      middle name? Elias
      Customer Service Specialist              Q3: What was Walt Disney’s
           Jana Andriese                       the winter? Hibernation
   Customer Service Representative             when animals sleep during
             Brittany Poti                     Q2: What is the state called
                                                                                    How many of each shape can you find? Fill in your answers below:
       Life Enrichment Director                in New York? 1904
                                               New Year’s Eve celebration
           Vanessa Mazzaia                     there were fireworks for the
       Director of Social Services             Q1: What was the first year
           Mick O’Sullivan

                                                   Word Search
     Director of Plant Operations
             Tim Merkel
      Director of Dining Services
         Patricia Pitrowski
   Environmental Services Director
           Kathy Aeschliman
           MDS Coordinator
            Jennie Aloia
      Therapy Program Director

      Stay in the Loop
   Keep up with latest campus news
     and happenings by following
  us on your favorite social networks!

   We strive to provide the best customer
 service and quality care for our residents.
     Our Department Leaders are here
    to solve any concerns you may have.
      In the event that you need further
  assistance with any unresolved concerns,
      we encourage you to call or email                  ACTIVE                     DISEASE                    PRIORITY                  TRAINING
 our Compliance Hotline: 800-908-8618,                    AGING                     EXERCISE                     STEPS                    VITALITY
    ext. 2800; or comply@trilogyhs.com
                                                        BALANCE                     HEALTH                    STRENGTH                    WALKING
Newsletter Production by PorterOneDesign.com              DANCE                     PHYSICAL                   STRETCH                   WELLNESS
A Trilogy Senior Living Community Chronicle - Cloudinary A Trilogy Senior Living Community Chronicle - Cloudinary A Trilogy Senior Living Community Chronicle - Cloudinary A Trilogy Senior Living Community Chronicle - Cloudinary A Trilogy Senior Living Community Chronicle - Cloudinary A Trilogy Senior Living Community Chronicle - Cloudinary
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