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A STUDY ON ROBUST LEADERSHIP: ADDRESSING KEY TENSIONS In cooperation with PROF. DR. JAN OLIVER SCHWARZ Professor for Strategic Management and Leadership, ESB Business School, Reutlingen University PROF. DR. BERNHARD WACH Professor for Entrepreneurship, Bielefeld University of Applied Sciences 2021
TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. The case for robust leadership 4 2. The robust leadership framework 6 3. Study design 11 4. Assessing robust leadership 13 5. Leadership tensions 17 6. Facilitating robust leadership 32 Further readings 38 Authors and contact 40
1. THE CASE FOR ROBUST LEADERSHIP Organizations face the challenge of achie- longevity, particularly in times of change. ving value creation in a business environ- With tensions we refer to challenges and is- ment often characterized by volatility, sues which arise due to conflicting ways of uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity dealing with different situations – triggered THE ROLE OF ROBUST LEADERSHIP (VUCA). Some organizations perceive the- by VUCA – from a leadership perspective. FOR NAVIGATING THROUGH se dynamics as a risk, others as an oppor- tunity – or both. One question, however, Leadership and organizational culture – UNCERTAIN TIMES ROBUST is critical for all organizations: what kind that is, the structures and routines that LEADERSHIP of leadership culture can help them tackle shape an organization’s overall behavi- this challenge successfully? or – lie at the heart of establishing sound mechanisms of corporate resilience. In STRATEGY & Robust leadership provides a central stabi- our empirical study of 326 managers from VUCA CREATIVITY lizing mechanism for organizational value international and German companies we Volatility Uncertainty creation, whether in terms of performance found that only 20% of the participants Complexity or of organizational development. This be- would describe the leadership approach Ambiguity comes particularly relevant in times mar- within their company as “robust”. The ana- ked by disruption and change, which res- lysis of our results shows that the compo- hape the business environment radically nents of robust leadership are interconnec- VALUES & CULTURE into a “new normal.” ted by distinct mechanisms, which together constitute what we describe as the “robust How can leaders prepare their organizati- leadership framework.” Among these, trust Co v zati on appears to be the key mechanism that ena- Global diid sr-1up tali ons to respond robustly to disruption and 9 tions Digi change in ways that foster corporate stabi- ble leaders and, consequently, the organi- lity and strengthen every aspect of an or- zations they lead, to think strategically and ganization – from strategic direction and creatively in VUCA business environments. innovation capabilities to organizational fluency, identity and role? To answer this question, we identify seven key types of tension that leaders need to address in or- der to ensure the organization’s success and 6 7
2. THE ROBUST LEADERSHIP FRAMEWORK To provide insight into the mechanisms 1. Providing orientation on that enable robust leadership to address WHAT WHAT the tensions we identified, we conceptuali- WHAT leaders aim to achieve. STRATEGY & ze a framework that underpins the efforts What vision do they have, what pur- CREATIVITY of leaders and organizations to achieve pose should their organization fulfil their goals. The overall aim of the robust and why does it matter? This question leadership framework we propose is to es- relates to an organization’s strategy, as tablish (1.) which challenges leaders need well as to the creativity that is necessa- to address and how and (2.) which mecha- ry for developing a sound strategy. nisms enable them to do so, particularly in VUCA environments. Here, we present the ROBUST PERFORMANCE/ HIGH PERFORMANCE/ key characteristics and mechanisms of this 2. Providing orientation on HOW LEADERSHIP OPERATIONAL OPERATIONAL EXCELLENCE EXCELLENCE framework to provide orientation to lea- members of an organization ders so that they can provide orientation can work together to achieve its to their organizations in turn. Indeed, the need for leaders to “provide orientation” is goals and purpose. a key takeaway from this report: it became This question relates to the values and clear that the responsibility of leaders, par- more generally to the culture of an or- VALUES & ticularly in a VUCA world, is to provide gui- ganization and how these are enacted CULTURE dance to their teams and strengthen their and experienced. organizations. HOW HOW The first main question is, how can leaders provide orientation, particularly in VUCA environments? The answer lies in the two components of our framework: ROBUST LEADERSHIP FRAMEWORK FOR SUPERIOR ORGANIZATIONAL PERFORMANCE IN VUCA ENVIRONMENTS 8 9
WHAT WHAT STRATEGY & CREATIVITY STRATEGY & CREATIVITY VALUES & CULTURE PERFORMANCE-RELEVANCE ROBUST LEADERSHIP HIGH PERFORMANCE/ OPERATIONAL EXCELLENCE OF VALUES (PROV) VALUES & Leaders need to provide orientation in Leaders need to provide orientation also in CULTURE HOW HOW terms of what the organization needs to terms of how the organization will achieve achieve. In this sense, leadership strong- its goals. In other words: “How do we need ly depends on strategic and creative thin- to work together to be successful? Why do king. It is a leader’s task to visualize how we need to change and adapt?” How an or- HIGH PERFORMANCE/ the organization’s future can be different, ganization pursues its goals in practice re- OPERATIONAL EXCELLENCE to challenge assumptions about how to do lates fundamentally to the organization’s business or how the industry operates and values and how its members enact and ex- to consider new ways of going forward. In perience them. Organizational values are ACCOUNTABILITY making insights and assumptions explicit, essential for collaboration across different leaders define the organization’s vision and hierarchical levels and functions and define tangible goals. This is essential for strate- the organization’s culture. gy-making. It also drives innovation and DEVELOPMENT enables organizations to constantly adapt to an ever-changing environment. TRANSPARENCY FEEDBACK PROV ENABLING MECHANISMS Of these values, trust is fundamental: it is to foster accountability in individuals and the basis on which everything else must be teams is critical. This is important, because OPENNESS built, particularly with regard to accounta- high performance and operational excel- bility for actions and decisions. lence depend on trust. In the context of our framework, trust is what enables what we Trust is a prerequisite for openness, which describe as the “performance-relevance of in turn is a prerequisite for transparency values” (PROV). and feedback. How leaders establish trust TRUST and openness and invite feedback so as 10 11
SAMPLE DESCRIPTION 3. STUDY DESIGN More than 12 different industries Over 70% To test empirically the robust leadership with a framework and to collect feedback, we de- leadership role signed and conducted a survey. We sent our survey to 1,710 managers across all industries. The final response Felix: RAUS! rate was 19.1%, which is an outstanding rate for a digital survey. The survey took place between early-to-mid 2020. Over 300 participants Over 60% from large corporates 12 13
STRATEGY 4. ASSESSING ROBUST LEADERSHIP About 20% of the respondents described However, organizations that are “stuck in the leadership in their company overall as the middle” are also in a danger zone. With robust. While only 10% described the lea- a leader who only partially meets the orga- ROBUST dership as “fragile,” we were surprised to nization’s demands and in piecemeal fa- LEADERSHIP see that the majority – around 70% – as- shion, the organization may be falsely reas- sessed the respective leadership as neither sured that the leader takes care adequately good nor bad. We labeled this category of of the issues and problems that emerge. If respondents as “stuck in the middle.” Con- the organization’s environment becomes sidering that businesses operate in a gene- more dynamic, or even volatile, false reas- ACCOUN- TABILITY rally dynamic environment, any organiza- surance could prove particularly problema- tion whose leadership is “fragile” will need tic. DEVELOPMENT to strengthen it. TRANSPARENCY FEEDBACK LT S & ROBUSTNESS E UR OPENNESS CU LUE ASSESSMENT OF LEADERSHIP IN VA TRUST ROBUST “STUCK IN THE MIDDLE“ FRAGILE DANGER ZONE SURVEY-SAMPLE INTERCONNECTEDNESS OF FRAMEWORK ELEMENTS – POSITIVE IMPACT OF TRUST ON STRATEGIC AND CREATIVE THINKING 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% 14 15
TRUST IS KEY IN LARGE ORGANIZATIONS THE MAIN INSIGHTS WE GAINED FROM OUR SURVEY ARE THE FOLLOWING: The variable trust measured the trustwort- and creative thinking than smaller ones. hiness (e.g. appreciation, the failure tole- In essence, in small companies you have rance and the solidarity) of organizational a strong and often direct personal invol- leaders rated by subordinates. Based on vement of the leaders anyways that might our empirical data we found support for compensate or override any trust-related 1. Only a minority of companies the positive direct relationship between issues. Yet, in large organizations, trust is in our sample have a robust trust and strategic and creative thinking. particularly relevant as any personal con- leadership culture, according Interestingly, the company’s size (i.e., in tact between upper echelons and first-line terms of number of employees) “modera- workers is almost non-existent. Large or- to the respondents’ assess- tes” this relationship – where trust is low, ganizations should therefore pay attention ments. smaller companies score higher in strate- to building a trustworthy relationship bet- gic and creative thinking than larger ones. ween leaders and subordinates to leverage 2. Strategy & creativity interact However, when trust is high, larger com- the full potential of strategic and creative panies perform better in terms of strategic thinking. strongly with the values & cul- ture of an organization; there- fore, both components of our framework influence financial Creative Thinking 6.00 performance. 5.50 5.00 3. Values influence financial per- formance: trust in particular Strategy Small 4.50 Companies COMPANY SIZE has a positive impact on (i.e. promotes and facilitates) Strategic and 4.00 MODERATING THE Large RELATIONSHIP strategy. 3.50 Companies BETWEEN TRUST 3.00 AND STRATEGIC AND -1.50 -1.00 -0.50 0 0.50 1.00 1.50 Trust CREATIVE THINKING 16 17
OVERVIEW OF LEADERSHIP TENSIONS AND HOW OFTEN THEY HAVE BEEN MENTIONED 5. LEADERSHIP TENSIONS The “Trans- parency” The “Missing tension The comments and feedback we received THE SEVEN KEY TENSIONS: Link to Impact” through the open questions in our survey from the respondents enabled us to: tension 17x • The “Orientation” tension The “Orientation” 1. Gain a better understanding of key • The “Missing Link to Impact” tension tension 35x aspects of leadership and of the chal- lenges organization leaders currently • The “Either-Or” tension face 40x The “Either- • The “Transparency” tension Or” tension 2. Relate these insights to our framework • The “Me vs the Organization” tension 3. Identify the main tensions that leaders • The “Trust” tension need to manage 35x • The “Role Modeling” tension Looking more closely at the interplay among the elements that make up our ro- bust leadership framework allowed us to identify the main tensions that leaders cur- The “Me vs the rently face. These tensions typically repre- Organization” sent particular dilemmas or problems that tension seem tough or even impossible to solve. As The “Role these tensions often arise from imminent Modeling” challenges that pose a significant threat to 13x the organization, they highlight weaknesses tension that are less obvious when the organization The “Trust” can carry on with “business as usual.” tension 31x 35x 18 19
SELECTED QUOTES FROM STUDY PARTICIPANTS THE “ORIENTATION” TENSION Leaders assume that they provide orienta- ”Transparency would create trust – on strategies – on reasons tion but are perceived differently. for decisions; Keeping promises […] – on commitments […] – on taking responsibility – on bearing • Strategy and values as such do not pro- consequences of decisions vide orientation; leaders need to com- from the past“ municate these continually to teams and individuals. • Leaders need to take into account how teams and individuals perceive the organization’s values. “We have wonderful leadership commitments elaborating a lot about the importance of trust, • Leaders need to adhere to the organi- but trust is an individual thing. zation’s code of values, but also need to It cannot be dictated” be “authentic”. “In a big corporation it is very difficult to give generic statements – Some departments are better than others, some countries let their national identity overtake the corporate one...” 20 21
SELECTED QUOTES FROM STUDY PARTICIPANTS THE “MISSING LINK TO IMPACT” TENSION Leaders fail to make the link to action of many activities explicit. “(strategy and creativity) Considered ‚too fancy‘ to be applied.” • Energy and resources spent on strategy, change, creativity, culture, … are often perceived as nice add-ons but not as essential for the business. • However, future performance in VUCA worlds essentially means changing and having a culture that supports change. “Strategic thinking is high in our organization. Creativity is much harder in our rather • Leaders need to establish a strong Link rational and numbers-driven between these activities and overall per- culture.” formance. “You need the (time) capacity to think out of the box.” 22 23
SELECTED QUOTES FROM STUDY PARTICIPANTS THE “EITHER-OR” TENSION Leaders assume that they need to choose between options. “Very few people are equally strong in creative & strategic thinking, normally it is • Conventional thinking in terms of either or.” “either-or” creates false dichotomies: e.g., people have to be either rational or creative while organizations must either optimize or innovate, be either sustainable or profitable. • Sometimes a leader can combine diffe- “It all depends on whom you look rent options or ambidextrous leaders at as leaders (top management :-) can handle better the challenges of a or middle managements :-(“ VUCA world. • Leaders often think that different op- tions are mutually exclusive, whereas in fact, it is often possible to combine “In moments of crisis when different options. strategic decisions need to be taken, the majority only looks at cost reduction, and drop the rest, sometimes you would think is the wrong approach. It is the super dual factor effect. Do you transform or do you deliver? Do you have a traditional hierarchy or an agile hierarchy? Do you invest in people or do you cut all trainings?” 24 25
SELECTED QUOTES FROM STUDY PARTICIPANTS THE “TRANSPARENCY” TENSION Leaders often struggle to find a balance bet- ween too much and too little transparency. “transparency in decision making, authentic behaviour” • Transparency can have several positive effects in an organization. For instance, transparency on strategy and respon- sibilities fosters commitment to the organization’s goals. “there is a tendency to be open • Too much transparency could have a and transparent on good things negative effect. For instance violating but to talk more behind the back confidentiality or personality rights. about challenging stuff” This is why leaders often struggle to strike the right balance between too little and too much transparency and to make its limits clear to the members of the organization. “creating transparency and also show that everybody • Leaders need to find the right balance can fail and learn from in regard to transparency and foster a mistakes” transparency culture. “not being afraid of transparency – there is risk and reward in that. Some topics cannot be transparent to everyone in large organizations – but the highest possible extent is required” 26 27
SELECTED QUOTES FROM STUDY PARTICIPANTS THE “ME VS THE ORGANIZATION” TENSION The dilemma of balancing one’s own inter- ests with the organization’s interests. “Make sure to eliminate the „this not my f*** job“ syndro- me” • Both for leaders and other staff, ba- lancing personal interests with the interests of the organization is often a struggle. • While the organization’s members are not expected to act altruistically, they “Personal agendas often drive do need to act in ways that promote the activities that are not helpful or organization and serve its goals. productive for an organization. Openness is the only way to stay • It is the responsibility of leaders to pro- successful in business.” vide sufficient orientation in terms of what needs to be achieved and how it shall be achieved in a way that balances the organization’s interests with indi- vidual interests and fosters employee engagement. “Employee goals need to be clear, in line with corporate goals, measurable and reachable. Processes and operations need to support employees at reaching their goals.” 28 29
SELECTED QUOTES FROM STUDY PARTICIPANTS THE “TRUST” TENSION Trust is central to organizations, but should “Trust is the emotional glue it be offered or does it need to be earned? in the organization. Trust is given rather than earned but should not be lost!” • Trust is central to our value pyramid. In organizations, trust provides a basis for leadership as well as for collabora- tion and, consequently, for every other aspect of organizational life. • In contrast to conventional wisdom, “Leaders do not try to win the trust should be granted in an organi- trust of their employees. Leaders zation. A „trust needs to be earned“ do actively mistrust their approach does not reflect the pressure employees thus creating an the VUCA world is putting on organiza- atmosphere of mistrust.” tions. • Leaders need to foster a trust-culture in their organization and need to make sure that transparency exists on what a trust-culture also means in daily routi- nes. “Mistrusting your people. No Empowerment, hierarchical structures” 30 31
SELECTED QUOTES FROM STUDY PARTICIPANTS THE “ROLE MODELING” TENSION The challenge of leading by example. “Trust needs to grow over time, but can be destroyed within minutes. Only truly authentic behavior • Leaders need to be role models. To be generates trust.” effective role models, however, leaders need to be “authentic”. • Being an „authentic“ leader means being real, honest or genuine and not merely to pretend being a leader. “- lead by example - open and honest regular communication • „Role Modeling“ for leaders is abso- - involve people also when lutely essential, in particular when presenting results to exec. mgmt. organizations are undergoing change. „show who was really doing It is the leaders which need to demon- the work“ - speaking about „team“ rather then I ...!” strate to the organization why a change is needed, what it takes to change and what shall be aspired. “Leadership is in this space in my opinion too often delegated.... a true leader must be the face of decision assuming responsibility for the message its consequences.” 32 33
6. FACILITATING ROBUST LEADERSHIP INDIVIDUAL LEVEL: CLEAR ORIENTATION WITH EXPLICIT VALUES AND STRATEGY Our study of robust leadership raises a On the individual level, we need to address What makes this approach distinct is that number of questions: the necessary competences leaders need to leaders involve other actors in the process possess. In our framework, we identify two of defining the organization’s strategy and 1. On the INDIVIDUAL LEVEL, how such competences as key; namely, the ab- that this process is transparently formula- can leaders foster and achieve robust ility to provide a clear orientation to the or- ted and communicated throughout the or- leadership? ganization and the ability to promote acti- ganization. vely the organization’s strategy and values 2. On the ORGANIZATIONAL LEVEL, simultaneously. In other words, leaders We believe that providing a clear orienta- how can leaders foster robustness in need to share explicitly and clearly with tion to the organization and at the same the organization – that is, what actions their organization’s members “what the or- time promoting actively the organization’s need to be taken in order to ensure that ganization wants to achieve” and “how” to strategy and values is an effective approach the organization becomes and stays achieve this; i.e., on the basis of which va- to handling the tensions we have identified robust? lues, practices and strategy. in this study. 3. How can leaders promote VALUE Steering the organization in this manner CREATION, strengthen performance towards its goals is particularly important and support the organization’s effort in a VUCA world. It also presupposes that to create a competitive advantage in a leaders are capable of generating unders- VUCA-world? tanding within their teams and in the ent- ire organization. For instance, leaders need Drawing on the results of our survey, we to ensure that everyone in the organization address these questions in the following. is clear about what a particular strategy or set of values entails. 34 35
ORGANIZATIONAL LEVEL: CONCRETE TOOLS THAT ESTABLISH ROBUSTNESS THROUGH COLLABORATION AND RELEVANCE FOR SHARED UNDERSTANDING ON THE WHAT AND HOW VALUE CREATION (PERFORMANCE) Our framework emphasizes that leading Both openness and collaboration are fun- The survey results made clear that leaders To summarize: Drawing on our survey, we robustly and fostering robustness in the damental to approach open-strategy. This need to be able to link the organization’s propose a robust leadership framework organization requires following particular approach stresses the many advantages of values and culture to the practices that aim that combines strategic and creative thin- approaches and practices, such as specific including broader groups in the process of to boost value creation and performance. king on the one hand with the organizati- tools and methods. These approaches and strategy-making, rather than leaving this The robust leadership framework relies on’s values and culture on the other. Pay- practices, in turn, rely on a leader’s abili- task exclusively to leaders and top mana- on inclusiveness and collaboration, which ing attention to both components should ty to provide clarity and orientation to the gers. Open strategy is inclusive and creati- means that leaders need to include a broa- enable leaders to ensure that their orga- organization, promote a shared understan- ve. der range of members in the discussions nizations remain robust, particularly in ding of its goals and values among its mem- that define the organization’s values and VUCA environments. Our framework also bers. Openness and collaboration are thus There are various methodological tools how they should be enacted. For example, highlights the need for leaders to provide central to the framework for robust leader- that have proved useful in applying this ap- it would benefit an organization to include orientation in terms of both what the orga- ship that we are proposing. proach in practice, such as Scenario Plan- employees on different hierarchical levels nization seeks to achieve, particularly in a ning or Strategic Simulations, also known in discussions on the role of trust in per- fast-changing business environment, and as “Business Wargaming”. forming various tasks and pursuing various how an organization should handle change. goals. Further, as described in the figure below, our robust leadership framework feeds into the central elements of the levers of trans- formation and therefore can be perceived as being part of an effective change archi- tecture. 36 37
LINKING THE ROBUST LEADERSHIP FRAMEWORK TO TRANSFORMATION AND CHANGE WHAT HOLISTIC TRANSFORMATION CHANGE ARCHITECTURE STRATEGY & CREATIVITY „What do we want to achieve?“ UNDERSTANDING & MOTIVATION „What do we stand for – where do we want to go?“ ng di E SKILLS & LEADERSHIP n COMPETENCIES ng sta age ROBUST & Under ment & Iden HIGH PERFORMANCE/ OPERATIONAL EXCELLENCE ion LEADERSHIP & at nt ROLE MODELS tit ie y Or „How do we want to achieve our goals?“ STRUCTURES, „How do we need to work together?“ ORGANIZATION, OPERATING VALUES & SYSTEM Orientation / Strategy CULTURE Co-creation & enabling HOW Communication 38 39
FURTHER READINGS Day, G. S. and Schoemaker, P. J. H. 2019. Schwarz, J. O. 2020. “Revisiting Scenario See Sooner, Act Faster: How Vigilant Lea- Planning and Business Wargaming from ders Thrive in an Era of Digital Turbulence. an Open Strategy Perspective”. World Fu- Management on the Cutting Edge. Cam- tures Review, 12(3): 291-303. bridge: MIT Press. Schwarz, J. O., Rohrbeck, R. and Wach, Frei, F. and Anne M. 2020. “Begin with B. 2020. “Corporate Foresight as a Micro- Trust: The First Step to Becoming a Genui- foundation of Dynamic Capabilities.” FU- nely Empowering Leader.” Harvard Busi- TURES & FORESIGHT SCIENCE 2 (2): ness Review, May-June. e28. Kotter, J. P. 2012. Leading Change. Har- Schoemaker, P. J. H., Krupp, S. and How- vard Business Publishing. Boston: Harvard land, S. 2013. “Strategic Leadership: The Business Review Press. Essential Skills.” Harvard Business Re- view, January–February. Krupp, S. and Schoemaker, P. J. H. 2014. Winning the Long Game: How Strategic Seidl, D. and Werle, F. 2017. “Inter-Organi- Leaders Shape the Future. New York: Pu- zational Sensemaking in the Face of Strate- blic Affairs. gic Meta-Problems: Requisite Variety and Dynamics of Participation.” Strategic Ma- Oriesek, D. F. and Schwarz, J. O. 2020. nagement Journal 39 (3): 830–58. Winning the Uncertainty Game: Turning Strategic Intent into Results with Warga- ming. London: Taylor & Francis. 40 41
AUTHORS AND CONTACT PROF. DR. JAN OLIVER SCHWARZ PROF. DR. BERNHARD WACH DR. FELIX VON HELD DR. FELIX WERLE Professor for Strategic Management and Professor for Entrepreneurship and Hu- Founding-Partner, IICM Founding-Partner, IICM Leadership, ESB Business School, man Resources, Bielefeld University of Reutlingen University and Applied Sciences Senior Advisor, IICM jan_oliver.schwarz@reutlingen-university.de bernhard.wach@fh-bielefeld.de felix.vonheld@institut-icm.de felix.werle@institut-icm.de 42 43
Institute for Innovation and Change Methodologies (IICM) GmbH Holbeinstraße 26 81679 Munich Germany Phone + 49 89 122 24 94 80 info@institut-icm.de www.institut-icm.de
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