A rite of spring for 75 years! - Knox-Lincoln Soil & Water ...

Page created by Jacqueline Lopez
A rite of spring for 75 years! - Knox-Lincoln Soil & Water ...
Native Trees, Shrubs & Perennials
                             Fruit Trees & Berries

                    Orders due Tuesday, April 19, 2022
                 Friday, May 13 - Curbside Pick-Up only
          Saturday, May 14 – Cash ‘n Carry and Curbside Pick-Up
                            Union Fairgrounds
                     A rite of spring for 75 years!
893 West St, Rockport, ME 04856  596-2040 | info@knox-lincoln.org | www.knox-lincoln.org
A rite of spring for 75 years! - Knox-Lincoln Soil & Water ...
Welcome to Knox-Lincoln Soil & Water 2022 Spring Plant Sale Catalog
   Plant Sale
     • Thank you for supporting our educational programs through this annual fundraiser! We are pleased to offer bare-root and
     native plants again!
     • We are returning to in-person Plant Sale at Union Fairgrounds May 2022! Pre-Orders must be received by 5:00 pm on
     Tuesday, April 19, 2022
     • Curbside pick-up only will be held at Union Fairgrounds on Friday, May 13.
     • Cash ‘n Carry and curbside pick-up will be held at Union Fairgrounds on Saturday, May 14. For Cash ‘n Carry, this will be a first
     come and first serve basis.
             o KLSWCD cannot be held responsible for nursery stock not picked up on sale day. If you are unable to pick-up your
                 plants on May 13 or 14, please find someone who can.
             o ALL SALES ARE FINAL. Since the growth of nursery stock is determined by the care it receives from the planter and
                 grower, the Knox-Lincoln SWCD neither gives nor implies any warranty or guarantee as to survival or growth.
           o Native is defined as growing in Central or Eastern North America prior to European Settlement.

                        About the Plants
Our goal is to provide the community with high quality, bareroot          Biodiversity: Species vs. Cultivars
 plants at a reasonable price - from fruit trees and berries to            Most of the native plants in this catalog have been grown from
 (mostly) native and always non-invasive trees, shrubs, and organic,       seed, allowing for genetic recombination and biological diversity.
 field-grown native perennials and herbs.                                  We offer a few cultivars (cultivated varieties) that are propagated
                                                                           vegetatively, particularly for species that have male and female
We are proud that our selections are excellent for conservation and
                                                                           flowers on separate plants. This ensures that if, for example, you
 ornamental plantings, AND great choices for pollinators, beneficial
                                                                           want a female winterberry, you can get one – and the male that
 insects & other wildlife, and as larval hosts.
                                                                           will pollinate it!
The plants we offer come from a number of nurseries and growers,
                                                                          Why bareroot?
  some local, some regional, and some far away. With a few
                                                                           Except for perennials, the plants we offer are “bareroot.”
  exceptions, most are hardy to at least Zone 4.
                                                                           Growers dig bareroot plants when they are dormant (in fall or
Why native and non-invasive plants?                                        early spring), wash soil from the roots, and surround roots with
Native plants in this catalog are defined as naturally occurring in the    moist material for storage or shipping.
 eastern US. Recent research indicates that in areas with less than        Bareroot plants have several advantages over container plants:
 70% native plant biomass, songbirds may not be able to reproduce           • They are less expensive to purchase and always less expensive
 successfully. Did you know that it takes 5,000 caterpillars to rear          to ship (no pots or soil to add weight).
 one nest of chickadees? Birds rely on caterpillars to feed their           • They are young plants that often establish more quickly.
 young and caterpillars rely on the leaves of native trees, shrubs and      • There is no chance of transporting invasive pests, like crazy
 perennials (larval hosts) for food.
A rite of spring for 75 years! - Knox-Lincoln Soil & Water ...
Care for Bareroot Stock before Planting and Planting Basics for Bareroot Stock

                                                                            • Soak roots for 4-6 hours before planting (conifers to
                                                                              ½ hour)
                                                                            • Make a hole with sloping sides and a mound in
                                                                              middle - as deep as the root system and twice as
                                                                            • Prune damaged roots. Spread roots over mound &
                                                                              evenly around hole – no bent, twisted or circling
                                                                            • Position crown line at ground and firm soil to
                                                                              remove air pockets. (See fact sheets for depth of
                                                                              planting grafted fruit trees)
•   TO HOLD PLANTS FOR A LONGER PERIOD                                      • Heavily amending soil is not recommended for
         o POT UP: PLANT IN POTS AND KEEP WELL -WATERED                       new plantings & may cause roots “to stay in the
                                                                              hole” rather than spread & provide anchorage.
                                                                                o If soil is heavy clay or sand, add about 1/4
         o HEEL-IN: DIG A TRENCH, BUNDLE PLANTS CLOSELY ,                         organic matter (compost) to the native soil
                                                                                o Fruit and nut trees will also benefit from
                                                                                  addition of compost and micronutrients to
                                                                                  native soil
                                                                            • Form a soil ring around the plant to create a
                                                                              watering basin. Water slowly & deeply. A 1"-2" layer
                                                                              of bark mulch helps keep the soil cool and moist.
                                                                            • Water regularly first two seasons, but do not
                                                                              overwater! Check soil for moisture & provide ~1”
                                                                              water per week. Less frequent, deep watering
                                                                              encourages deep roots & is better than frequent,
                                                                              shallow watering.
                                                                            Detailed plant care fact sheets:

Some species enter super dormancy during cold storage and must be forced into bud just before planting. “Sweating” creates a
super-humid, warm environment that coaxes buds to open.
Species that sometimes need sweating: Basswood, Birch, Black-gum, Hackberry, Hawthorn, Hornbeam, Hickory, Lilac, Maple, Mountainash,
Oak, Pear, Rose, Redbud, Sassafras, Serviceberry.

Method 1 – Small stock: Pot up plants (after soaking roots), water well and place in plastic bag. Close top of bag loosely with
twist-tie or rubber band to keep in moisture. Keep in a warm, shaded location (60F).
Method 2 – Larger stock: Place layer of plastic or tarp on the floor of a garage or cellar that stays above 55F. After soaking
roots, lay plants side-by-side and completely cover from tip to root with several layers of moistened packing material or burlap
and cover with plastic or tarp. Fold bottom plastic layer over edges of top layer to keep in moisture.
Method 3 – Already planted stock: If, after a couple of weeks, buds have not swelled or opened, enclose top of tree in white plastic bag and
close off at trunk with twist-tie. Open daily to provide air circulation and allow heat to escape.
All methods (May take several days - two weeks) Check plants daily to see if buds have swelled, the packing material/soil is moist,
and that no mold has developed on plants. (If mold develops, rinse or wipe off with clear water.) Once buds begin to open, plant in
permanent location or leave in pot for fall planting. Already planted trees, simply remove bag.

Detailed plant care fact sheets: www. knox-lincoln.org/plant-care
A rite of spring for 75 years! - Knox-Lincoln Soil & Water ...
Fruit Trees                                                                         Cherries, Sweet (Prunus avium)
 • All fruit trees are 2-year-old bareroot stock, 1/2”-3/4” caliper, ~5’-6’ tall.                       Price: All sweet cherry varieties - $33.00
 • Proper planting depth is important!                                                                     • Only one variety needed, but better fruiting with 2
    o Apple and pear trees are typically planted with the graft union 3-4”                                    (listed varieties are compatible). Get one of each!
        above soil line, unless noted.                                                                     • ¾” caliper trees on standard rootstock; tree size can
    o Peaches, cherries & plums are planted with graft union at soil line.                                    be controlled with pruning.
    o Always allow for settling                                                                             •      Asterisk * indicates varieties bred for disease
 • Pruning is best done late winter/early spring & is specific to kind of fruit.                                   resistance
 • See fact sheets: www.knox-lincoln.org/landscapes-gardens-maine
                                                                                     151-A *Cherry, Gold Z4. The fruit is very firm and golden yellow in color.
                                                                                       Produces well. Will pollinate most sweet cherry varieties. Disease and
                                                                                       crack resistant.
Apples (Malus spp.)                                                                    151-A Cherry, Gold 1 for $33.00
                  Price: All apple varieties - $29.00                                151-B Cherry, Hedelfingen Z5. Good quality cherry, sweet and dark colored.
                 • 2 varieties required for pollination.                               Good processor. Hardy and consistent crop is excellent for processing.
                 • Most any apple within “bee” distance that blooms at                 151-B Cherry, Hedelfingen 1 for $33.00
                   about the same time will act as pollen source.
                 • Unless otherwise noted, all apples are semi-dwarf on
                   EM-7 rootstock, which is well-anchored & hardy. Trees             151-C Cherry, Index Z4. This variety is good for pollinating all the early
                   will be open and spreading similar to a peach; 13-15’ ht          blooming varieties. Medium to large fruit. Self-fertile.
                 • Asterisk * indicates varieties bred for disease resistance           151- C Cherry, Index 1 for $33.00
                                                                                     152-A Cherry, Rynbrandt Z5. A black sweet cherry that grows upright,
                                                                                     sturdy and is heavily branched. Ripens in early June, with Bing. Excellent
101 Apple, Albemarle Pippin Z4. Late season antique apple, also known as             fresh.
  Newtown Pippin; one of the oldest American varieties. Greenish-                       152-A Cherry, Rynbrandt 1 for $33.00
  yellow skin with white flesh; firm, juicy, & crisp; excellent keeper - flavor
  improves with storage (winter apple). Excellent fresh, for juice, cider, and
  cooking (retains shape so good baked). Late season bloom avoids spring
                                                                                     Peaches (Prunus persica)
  101 Apple, Albemarle Pippin 1 for $29.00                                                                  Price: All peach varieties - $28.00
102 Apple, Autumn Crisp Z4. Mid-season. Developed by Cornell, this apple                                    • Self-pollinating; only one variety needed.
  has good sized, sweet-tart, red fruit with non-browning flesh, which                                      • Not tolerant of wet feet. Well-drained soil only
  makes it great for salads. Very high in vitamin C! Best for fresh eating,                                 • Mature height: 12-15’
  salad, baking & sauce. Juicy, crisp fruit on productive, healthy tree.
  102 Apple, Autumn Crisp 1 for $29.00                                               161-A Peach, Cresthaven Z5. Late Season. The fruit is a firm, yellow to red
104 * Apple, Crimson Crisp Z5. Mid-season. Medium size fruit with crimson              variety. A productive tree that is resistant to bacterial spot. Good for
  red color. Creamy white flesh is firm & crisp with sweet-tart, complex               canning and freezing.
  flavor. Low-maintenance, easy to grow, well-branched! Good fresh,                    161-A Peach, Cresthaven 1 for $28.00
  salads & sauce. Fruits on 2-3 yr old branches. Stores cold for 6 months.           167 Peach, Reliance Z4. Ripens around same time as Redhaven. Possibly
  Late season bloom. Scab immune.                                                      the hardiest peach! Medium size, freestone fruit w/red blush; bright
  104 Apple, Crimson Crisp 1 for $29.00                                                yellow, juicy, flesh. Often has large crops; bears at early age. Good fresh,
108 Apple, Ginger Gold Z4. Early season. Chance seedling found in VA;                  canning, & freezing.
  possible parentage = Golden Delicious x Albemarle Pippin. Ripens 6 weeks             167 Peach, Reliance 1 for $28.00
  before Golden Delicious with qualities of fall apple; keeps for 1-2 months.        168 Peach, Starfire Z5. Ripens a few days after Redhaven starts. Very hardy,
  Sweet/sharp flavor makes it good fresh, for cooking, and drying. Favorite            grower-friendly tree with resistance to bacterial spot and canker. Heavy
  apple of Susan Morris, Storer Mtn Blueberries! Mid-season bloom                      cropper; 80% red peach with yellow, non-browning flesh, great flavor and
  108 Apple, Ginger Gold 1 for $29.00                                                  storage characteristics.
110 Apple, Honeycrisp Z4. Mid-season. Large, explosively crisp, sweet-tart,            168 Peach, Starfire 1 for $28.00
  and juicy flavor that everyone loves! Best for fresh eating, baking, pie.          169 Peach, Victoria Z5. Fruit has excellent flavor and maintains well in cold
  Productive; moderate scab resistance. Good keeper – up to 7 months.                  storage. The trees have a low susceptibility to bacterial spot. Late season
  Good mid-season pollinizer.                                                          variety.
  110 Apple, Honeycrisp 1 for $29.00                                                   169 Peach, Victoria 1 for $28.00
116-A Apple, Smokehouse Z4. Early season. A good all-purpose apple
  including eating fresh, as a dessert variety, cooking and baking, and cider
  116-A Apple, Smokehouse 1 for $29.00                                              Pears, European (Pyrus communis)
117 Apple, Summer Rambo Z4. Early season apple prized for sauce & pie                                    Price: All European pear varieties - $29.00
  when picked green; firm, exceptionally juicy & aromatic for fresh eating                               • 2 varieties required for pollination; all listed pears will
  when ripe; reportedly good for drying. Like most early apples, keeps for                                 cross-pollinate
  only a few weeks. Bears young, annually; moderately disease resistant.                                 • Pears are on OHxF87 semi-dwarfing root stock, which
  Originated in France in 1500s. Early season bloom. Cannot be used as                                     produces a tree about 14-16' ht. Rootstock is hardy,
  pollinizer.                                                                                              productive, and resistant to fireblight and pear decline.
  117 Apple, Summer Rambo 1 for $29.00
                                                                                     176 Pear, Bartlett Z4. Early-mid season. Large fruit, heavy-bearing; excellent
                                                                                       fresh or canned. Partially self-fruitful but larger crops if cross-pollinated.
                                                                                       Best pollinizer for all other pears (except Seckel) including Asian pears.
                                                                                       176 Pear, Bartlett 1 for $29.00
A rite of spring for 75 years! - Knox-Lincoln Soil & Water ...
177 Pear, Blakes Pride Z4. Early mid-season; ripens 1 week after Bartlett.        203 Raspberry, Joan J Z4. Early primocane/everbearing raspberry. Thornless
   Medium size fruit with attractive yellow color. Juicy with excellent              and high-yielding. Large, firm berries with good flavor; excellent for
   aromatic flavor; smooth, buttery texture. Good fresh, cooked, canned.             freezing. If used to produce a double crop, the summer crop fruits at same
   Produces annual crops; highly resistant to fire blight.                           time as Nova.
   177 Pear, Blakes Pride 1 for $29.00                                               203 Raspberry, Joan J 1 bdl of 5 for $25.00
 180 Pear, Magness Z4. Late mid-season. Excellent quality medium-size,             204 Raspberry, Nova Z3. Mid-season summer variety. Hardy with high-
   greenish brown fruit is soft & buttery; sweet, juicy & grit-free. Bears fruit     quality, firm, bright red fruit with good shelf life. Upright canes with
   young; good storage. Not a good pollinizer! Vigorous tree on standard             minimal spines are highly productive; long laterals for easy picking. Fruits
   rootstock.                                                                        on 2nd year canes.
   180 Pear, Magness 1 for $29.00                                                    204 Raspberry, Nova 1 bdl of 5 for $25.00
 183 Pear, Shenandoah Z5. Late mid-season; 3 weeks after Bartlett. Large           205 Raspberry, Prelude Z4. Earliest summer variety – and a fall crop! Large,
   fruit with spicy, aromatic pear flavor. Sweet, crisp, and juicy. Canning,         firm fruits; sweet & juicy. Good fresh, frozen & for jam. Hardy, vigorous,
   freezing, fresh or baking. Stores well for up to five months. Soil adaptable;     resistant to Phytophthora crown rot. Fruits on 2nd year canes.
   fire blight resistant.                                                            205 Raspberry, Prelude 1 bdl of 5 for $25.00
   183 Pear, Shenandoah 1 for $29.00

                                                                                   Black Raspberry
Plums (Prunus spp.)                                                                                  Price: All black raspberries - 1 for $9.00
                Price: All plum varieties - $32.00                                                    Non-suckering; canes tip layer. Must be trellised!
                • Pollination needs depend on variety                                                • Fruits on 2nd year canes
                • Plant 2+ trees in a tight cluster with branches                                      o In early spring, prune out last year's fruiting canes
                  intermingled for best pollination                                                    o Cut back 1-yr canes in early summer to 2-3’.
                • Mature height 12-16'
                                                                                   212 Black raspberry, Jewel Z5. Excellent yields of large, glossy black fruits;
 191-A Plum, Au Rosa Z5/6. It is an early maturing cultivar that produce fruit       superb quality, amazing flavor fresh, frozen, or jam/jelly. Non-suckering;
   of excellent size and quality matures in 90 days. Great fresh or for              canes tip layer. High in antioxidants!
   canning. Self-pollinating.                                                        212 Black raspberry, Jewel 1 for $9.00
   191-A Plum, Au Rosa 1 for $32.00
 192 Plum, Methley Z5. Early ripening Japanese plum. Self-fertile; better
   fruiting with another Methley or Waneta for pollinizing. Fine quality,
   purple/red skin with sweet, red, flesh; very juicy with distinctive flavor.     Highbush Blueberries (Vaccinium corymbosum)
   Large annual crop; fragrant blossoms in spring. Resistant to fungal                                 Price: All blueberries - 1 for $25.00
   disease.                                                                                            Blueberries require at least 2 varieties for pollination
   192 Plum, Methley 1 for $32.00                                                                      and fruit set.
                                                                                                       • Blueberries need acid, humus-rich soil, excellent
                                                                                                       drainage. Use rotted sawdust, compost, decayed leaves;
                                                                                                       add sulfur to lower pH.
 Berries                                                                             • Keep well-watered after planting. No commercial fertilizer for first 2-3
      o See fact sheets: www.knox-lincoln.org/landscapes-gardens-maine                  years. Extra moisture in late Aug/early Sep sets next year‘s buds.
 Red Raspberries                                                                     • 1.5 yr old cell-grown plants are 12-24”, depending on variety.
                                                                                   232 Blueberry, Bluegold Z4. Late mid-season. High yields of large, bright
                   Price: All red raspberries - 1 bundle (5 plants)                  blue, dessert quality berries in large clusters; excellent fresh or frozen.
                   for $25.00                                                        Vigorous, upright, consistently productive. Concentrated ripening; resists
                   • Soak roots before planting; keep well-watered during            cracking. Prune to maintain fruit size. 3-5‘ mature size
                    growing season                                                   232 Blueberry, Bluegold 1 for $19.00
                  • Stems of newly planted red raspberries may not produce         233 Blueberry, Blueray Z4. Mid-season. Large, dark-blue berries; best-
                    shoots; new shoots arise from crown & rhizomes.                  tasting, high quality fruit. Vigorous, productive, winter-hardy. Upright,
   • Pruning in a nutshell                                                           spreading habit; scarlet fall color. 4’ x 5’ mature size
     o Raspberries fruit on either 1st year canes (primocanes) or 2nd year           233 Blueberry, Blueray 1 for $19.00
       canes (floricanes) - or both.                                               234 Blueberry, Jersey Z4. Late season. High yields of very sweet, dark blue
     o Floricane: In early spring, prune out last year's (dead) fruiting canes.      berries. Easy to grow, vigorous, upright plant. Excellent flavor, freezing,
       In early summer, head back new 1-year canes to promote lateral                hardiness & ornamental value. 6’ mature size
       branches and more flowers/fruit.                                              234 Blueberry, Jersey 1 for $19.00
     o Primocane raspberries: 1) May be treated like floricanes for an early       236 Blueberry, Northland Z3. Mid-season. Med-sized berries with flavor like
       summer crop (2) May be pruned to the ground each spring for a late            wild blueberries. Excellent hardiness; limber branches tolerate snow.
       crop on primocanes; or 3) Leave floricanes and primocanes for a               Dense, spreading habit. Red/orange fall color. 4’ x 5’ mature size
       summer and fall crop.                                                         236 Blueberry, Northland 1 for $19.00
                                                                                   237 Blueberry, Patriot Z3. Early. Extremely winter-hardy; low bush
 201 Raspberry, Caroline Z4. Mid-season primocane/everbearing variety.               parentage. Vigorous, upright. Excellent flavor. Adapts to different soil
   Large, red fruit with rich, intense raspberry flavor on vigorous, upright         types; better in heavier soil than others. Fiery fall color. 3-5’ mature size
   canes. More productive than Heritage. Resistant to Phytophthora root              237 Blueberry, Patriot 1 for $19.00
   rot.                                                                            238 Blueberry, Reka Z4. Early, hardy, large crops, great flavor. Soil
   201 Raspberry, Caroline 1 bdl of 5 for $25.00                                     adaptable from light, sandy soils or peat to heavier clay loams. More
                                                                                     tolerant of wetter ground than other varieties. Fruit is an attractive dark-
                                                                                     blue color and freezes well. 4'-6' mature size
                                                                                     238 Blueberry, Reka 1 for $19.00

A rite of spring for 75 years! - Knox-Lincoln Soil & Water ...
Strawberries (Fragaria x ananassa)                                                Other Edibles
                 Price: All strawberries - 1 bundle (25 plants)
                 for $30.00
                                                                                                  Price: All asparagus – 1 bundle (25 crowns) for
                 • Loosen bundle; keep plants refrigerated until planting.
                 • June-bearing: Remove all blossoms first year; harvest                          $26.00
                   2nd year. Allow runners to fill in row. Enrich with manure.                     • Open bundles & store in cool, dry place until planting.
                   Bed may last 5+ years.                                                          • Plant in permanent location in full sun. Deep, non-acidic,
                 • Everbearing/day neutral: Remove flowers for 6 weeks                               well-drained soil enriched w/compost or rotted manure.
                   after planting; remove runners 1st season. Heavy feeder:                          Place roots in 8” trench, cover w/2” soil. Fill in trench as
                   Enrich soil w/ manure before planting and side-dress                              shoots grow. Keep weeded and mulch w/manure in fall.
                   monthly. Till under after 2nd year and replant.                                 • Harvest for 2 weeks 2nd season, 4 weeks 3rd season. Always
                                                                                                     leave some shoots! Beds last up to 25 years.
261 Strawberry, Cavendish Z3. June bearing. Early mid-season. High yields                         •
  of large, firm berries over a long season. Excellent flavor and overall         303 Asparagus, Millenium Z3. Superior asparagus is well-adapted to various
  quality of the fruit makes this variety a good choice fresh and for freezing.     soil types including heavy soils. High-yielding, high quality, tender spears
  Highly resistant to red stele and has some resistance to Verticillium wilt.       over a long period; high proportion of male plants. Plant 12” apart.
  261 Strawberry, Cavendish 1 bdl of 25 for $30.00                                  303 Asparagus, Millenium 1 bdl of 25 for $26.00
262 Strawberry, Galletta Z4. June bearing. Early season. Large, glossy            304 Asparagus, Purple Passion Z3. Very tender, sweet, deep burgundy
  berries; excellent flavor fresh & for the freezer. Highly productive and          spears (green when cooked) with creamy white centers; up to ¾”
  holds fruit size thru season. Vigorous and tolerates heavy soils. Resistant       diameter. Great raw in salads. Plant 6-8” apart.
  to Red Stele & foliage diseases.                                                  304 Asparagus, Purple Passion 1 bdl of 25 for $26.00
  262 Strawberry, Galletta 1 bdl of 25 for $30.00
264 Strawberry, Jewel Z4. June bearing. Mid-season. Bright red, glossy, firm
  fruit; excellent flavor, texture & aroma. Great fresh, jam and holds up          Horseradish (Amoraceae rusticana)
  amazingly long time frozen. Compact, disease resistant plants.
                                                                                                  Price: All horseradishes - 1 for $7.00
  264 Strawberry, Jewel 1 bdl of 25 for $30.00
                                                                                                 • Best in full sun-pt shade in any soil that isn't waterlogged
266 Strawberry, Sparkle Z3. June bearing. Late mid-season. Considered by
                                                                                                 • Loosen soil to 12"; enrich with compost
  many the best berry for jam/freezing! Consistent yield of medium-size
  red berries. Vigorous, productive, easy to grow. Escapes spring frost                          • Plant in permanent spot with root 2" below soil surface
  injury.                                                                                        • Harvest fresh roots in fall of 2nd season; keep main root
  266 Strawberry, Sparkle 1 bdl of 25 for $30.00                                                   and replant enough side roots to maintain planting.
272 Strawberry, Mara des Bois Z4. Everbearing. French variety. Medium-
  size fruit with highest flavor & fragrance of any everbearer. Plant in spring   321 Horseradish, Big Top Z3. Vigorous perennial selected for size,
  for sum/fall crop; good crop next summer. Freeze well. Productive,                adaptability, disease resistance, and excellent flavor. Horseradish
  disease-resistant. Provide extra water/nutrients & wider spacing for large        multiplies!
  berries.                                                                          321 Horseradish, Big Top 1 root for $7.00
  272 Strawberry, Mara des Bois 1 bdl of 25 for $30.00

                                                                                  Rhubarb (Rheum rhabarbarum)
Grapes, Seedless (Vitis spp)                                                                          • Best in full sun (pt shade). Fertile, well-drained soil
                                                                                                        high in organic matter (manure works well!).
                   Price: All grapes - 1 for $9.00
                                                                                                      • Harvest full crop in 2nd season.
                    • 2 yr old vines; 15-18’ at maturity
                    • Plant with crown at soil surface, roots spread out in
                      hole, 8-12" apart                                           P807 Rhubarb, Rebel Hill Z4. MOFGA certified organic and field grown at
                    • Moderate fertility, excellent drainage, full sun              Rebel Hill Farm in Liberty, ME. 1 gallon pot
                    • Prune when dormant                                            P807 Rhubarb, Rebel Hill 1 for $10.00

281 Grape, Bluebell seeded Z4. Mid-season. Dark blue, seeded berries
  ripens 2 weeks        before Concord. fresh, juice, jelly. Easy to grow,
  vigorous vine with no fungal diseases!
  281 Grape, Bluebell seeded 1 for $9.00
291 Grape, Concord Seedless Z4. A sport of Concord with small clusters of
  blue-black berries with great flavor. Perfect for juice, pies and preserves.
  291 Grape, Concord Seedless 1 for $9.00
292 Grape, Himrod Seedless Z5. Vigorous vines; large, loose clusters of early
  season soft, green berries with honey-like flavor and a melting, juicy
  texture. Best fresh, juice & raisins.
  292 Grape, Himrod Seedless 1 for $9.00
293 Grape, Somerset Seedless Z4. One of the earliest maturing and most
  winter hardy seedless grapes. Compact clusters of pink-turning-red,
  medium-sized berries with great strawberry-like flavor. Great fresh &
  293 Grape, Somerset Seedless 1 for $9.00

A rite of spring for 75 years! - Knox-Lincoln Soil & Water ...
506 Tree, Black-gum (Nyssa sylvatica) Z3. Easily grown in average or med-
Trees and Shrubs                                                                      wet soils; tolerates flooding as well as some drought. Taproot can make
                                                                                      it tricky to transplant: May do best if planted in pot for transplant at end
Conifers                                                                              of summer; may need sweating (see inset). Full sun to pt-shade. Relatively
     See fact sheets: www.knox-lincoln.org/landscapes-gardens-maine                   small, narrow tree. Fantastic fall color! 2-3’ (30-50’) ME
                 • All native to Maine                                                506 Tree, Black-gum 1 for $8.00
                 • *Asterisk indicates Deer Resistant                               510 Tree, Dogwood, pagoda (Cornus alternifolia) Z3. Fabulous specimen
                                                                                      with distinctive horizontal branching; fragrant, white flowers attract
                                                                                      butterflies in spring (larval host for Spring Azure); blue-black fruits for
                                                                                      wildlife in late summer/fall. Moist soil; full sun w/cool root run
                                                                                      (afternoon shade). 18-24” (15-20’) ME
401 Conifer, Arborvitae, eastern/cedar, white (Thuja occidentalis) Z3.                510 Tree, Dogwood, pagoda 1 for $6.00
  Scale-like, flat, evergreen foliage; pyramidal growth pattern. Best in
  moist, loamy soil; pt-full sun.Landscape, hedge, & windbreak. 12-18” (40’)
  401 Conifer, Arborvitae, eastern/cedar, white 1 bdl of 5 for $18.00
401-A Conifer, Arborvitae, cedar, red (Juniperus virginiana) Z2 Native to
  eastern North America from southeastern Canada to the Gulf of Mexico
  and east of the Great Plains. Pyramidal to Conical form. Prefers drier sites.
  6-12” (40-50')
  401-A Conifer, Arborvitae, cedar, red 1 bdl of 5 for $18.00
402 Conifer, Fir, balsam (Abies balsamea) Z3. Dense, conical habit. Acidic,
  moist soils in full sun-pt shade. Popular for wreaths, boughs, Christmas
  trees.6-12” (40-70’)                                                              511 Tree, Hackberry, common (Celtis occidentalis) Z2. 'One tough tree’;
  402 Conifer, Fir, balsam 1 bdl of 5 for $18.00                                      medium-large shade tree related to American elm. Interesting warty
405 Conifer, Pine, white (Pinus strobus) Z4. 5-needle pine for Christmas              bark. Found on dry - wet soils/well-drained-poorly drained sites.
  trees, windbreaks, wildlife habitat, or ornamental. Adaptable to wide               Tolerates wind & ice, short-term flooding, heat, drought, pollution & salt
  range of soils in full sun-pt shade; no salt. 12-18” (50-80’)                       spray. Purple-black fruits for wildlife; larval host of Hackberry Emperor.
  405 Conifer, Pine, white 1 bdl of 5 for $18.00                                      2-3’ (30-50')
406 Conifer, Larch, American* (Larix laricina) Z2. Deciduous conifer; lime-           511 Tree, Hackberry, common 1 for $7.00
  green foliage in spring, golden foliage in fall; fine texture. Thrives in sun-    511-A Tree, Hackberry, Southern (Sugarberry) (Celtis laevigata) Z4 Also
  pt shade; acidic, poorly drained soils; no dry! 1-2’ (30-40’)                       called Sugarberry. Medium sized tree forms a rounded crown and has a
  406 Conifer, Larch, American 1 for $15.00                                           “warty” textured bark. Attractive flowers and fruits. 18-24” (50-70')
                                                                                      511-A Tree, Hackberry, Southern (Sugarberry) 1 for $6.00
                                                                                    512-A Tree, Elm, American (Ulmus americana) Z4 Once a dominant tree in
Deciduous Trees                                                                       Northeastern landscape, years of work to reduce dutch elm disease has
 See fact sheets: www.knox-lincoln.org/landscapes-gardens-maine                       allowed this tree to be begin a new era in the American landscape. Stately
                       • All stock is bare root                                       vase shaped shade tree. Larval host to 5 species of butterflies 3-4’ (60-
                       • Most trees are seedlings, 1- 3 yrs old                       100') ME
                       • All trees are native to E and Central US                     512-A Tree, Elm, American 1 for $7.00
                                                                                    513-A Tree, Hickory, shellbark (Carya laciniosa) Z4 Not to be confused with
                       • Maine natives are noted: ME
                                                                                      Shagbark hickory. This species prefers moist soils. 12-18” (60-80')
                       • Asterisk * indicates Deer Resistant
                                                                                      513-A Tree, Hickory, shellbark 1 for $6.00
                       • Size of plant stock is followed by size at
                                                                                    513-B Tree, Honey Locust (Gleditsia triacanthos) Z3 A climate and soil
                         maturity (in parentheses)
                                                                                      adaptive species native to the midwest. Forms pendulous fragrant white
                                                                                      flowers followed by seed pods. Tree is nitrogen fixing. It is not considered
502 Tree, Birch, paper (Betula papyrifera) Z2. Most ornamental native                 an invasive plant in North America, including here in the
  birch; provides light shade. Smooth, white bark in papery layers. Brilliant         Northeast, unlike its cousin the Black Locust. 3-4’ (65-100') ME
  yellow fall color. Full sun; acid, moist, sandy or silty loam soils. All Betula     513-B Tree, Honey Locust 1 for $13.00
  spp. are valuable for wildlife: catkins, buds & seeds for birds; twigs for        514 Tree, Hophornbeam* (Ostrya virginiana) Z3. Beautiful, upland,
  deer; host plant for moths and butterflies. 2-3’ (30-50’) ME                        understory tree with attractive birch-like leaves; “hops-like” seed pods;
  502 Tree, Birch, paper 1 for $11.00                                                 bark shaggy at maturity. Great small, spreading, lawn tree in full sun to
503 Tree, Birch, river (Betula nigra) Z4. Resistant to bronze birch borer. Fast
                                                                                      part shade. Drought tolerant; no salt. 3-4’ (20-30’) ME
  growing. Salmon-colored, flaking bark darkens w/ age. Good screen;
  golden fall color; tolerates wet soils/dry summers once established. All            514 Tree, Hophornbeam 1 for $13.00
  Betula spp. are valuable for wildlife: catkins, buds & seeds for birds; twigs     515-A Tree, Magnolia, Sweetbay Z5 (Magnolia virginiana) A small
  for deer; larval host plant for moths and butterflies. 4-5’ (30-50’)                tree/large shrub with attractive flowers. Showy fruit is a pink-red color
  503 Tree, Birch, river 1 for $12.00                                                 and beloved by birds. 6-12” (10-20')
504 Tree, Birch, sweet (Betula lenta) Z3. Medium-large shade tree resistant           515-A Tree, Magnolia, Sweetbay 1 for $5.00
  to bronze birch borer. Best on deep, rich, moist, acidic soils in full sun;
  also rocky, drier sites & heavy soil; tolerates light shade. Reddish brown-
  black bark; exc. yellow fall color. Sap was source of oil of wintergreen.
  Butterfly/moth larval host plant; seed for wildlife. 18-24” (40-50') ME
  504 Tree, Birch, sweet 1 for $6.00
 505 Tree, Birch, yellow (Betula alleghaniensis) Z2. Beautiful bronzy-yellow,
  peeling bark with gun-metal sheen on trunks. Inner bark has
  wintergreen aroma. Dark green leaves with double-serrate edges.
  Prefers moist, cool, rich sites. No hot & dry. All Betula spp. are valuable
  for wildlife: catkins, buds & seeds for birds; twigs for deer; host plant for
  moths and butterflies. 18-24” (30-50’) ME
  505 Tree, Birch, yellow 1 for $6.00
526 Tree, Sassafras* (Sassafras albidum) Z4. “Mitten tree.” Small, showy,
517 Tree, Maple, red (Acer rubrum) Z3. Relatively fast growing. Attractive,         flowering tree; unusual polymorphic leaves with one, two or three lobes.
  red flowers, fruit, twigs, fall leaves; first tree to color in fall. Easy to      Great yellow-orange fall color. Easy to grow in dry, sandy, or clay soils.
  establish; adaptable to occasional flooding/wet soils. 3-4’ (50-70’) ME           Shade tolerant as seedling, but full sun for best growth. Taproot can make
  517 Tree, Maple, red 1 for $10.00                                                 it tricky to establish: May do best if planted in pot for transplant at end of
519 Tree, Maple, striped (Acer pensylvanicum) Z2. Lovely, small understory          summer; may need sweating (see inset) 1-2’ (to 60’) ME
  tree. Young trunks green with vertical white stripes. Soft, huge (5-6"), 3-       526 Tree, Sassafras 1 for $8.00
  lobed, bright green leaves ("scout toilet paper") are light yellow in fall.     527 Tree, Serviceberry, allegheny (Amelanchier laevis) Z4. Fragrant, white
  Cool, moist root zone for success. 3-4’ (to 25’) ME                               flowers bloom in early to mid-May (Mother’s Day), just as red-tinged
  519 Tree, Maple, striped 1 for $13.00                                             leaves emerge. Best tasting berries! Multi-stem tree with smooth, grey
520 Tree, Mountainash, American (Sorbus americana) Z3. Flat-topped,                 bark. Full sun-pt shade. 3-4’ (to 25’) ME
  white flower clusters in spring; small, orange-red persistent fruits for          527 Tree, Serviceberry, Allegheny 1 for $13.00
  birds/small rodents or jelly. Pinnately compound leaves turn yellow to          528 Tree, Smoketree, American (Cotinus obovatus) Z4. Small, ornamental
  red in fall. Cool, moist soil (no dry); sun-pt shade. 3-4’ (15-30’) ME            tree with short trunk & open, spreading branches. Blue-green leaves (red-
  520 Tree, Mountainash, American 1 for $13.00                                      purple or blazing orange in fall); decorative bark on gnarled branches.
                                                                                    Cloud-like or smoky effect from small pink/purple hairs on flower & fruit
                                                                                    stems of the 6-10” inflorescence. Prefers somewhat dry, alkaline, infertile
                                                                                    soils in sun-pt shade. Do not overwater! 3-4’ (20-30’)
                                                                                    528 Tree, Smoketree, American 1 for $13.00
                                                                                  529-A Tree, Sweetgum (Liquidambar styraciflua) Z5 Large, straight-trunked
                                                                                    tree with alternate palmate leaves resembling a star. Nitrogen fixing.
                                                                                    Prefers full sun. Ornamental spiky droop fruits can be messy, so choose a
                                                                                    location accordingly! Showy shade or specimen tree. 18-24” (80-120')
521-A Tree, Oak, Bur (Quercus macrocarpa) Z3 Large shade tree adapts to             529-A Tree, Sweetgum 1 for $6.00
  a wide range of soils. Smaller acorns than red or white oaks. 4-5’ (70-80')     531 Tree, Tulip poplar (Liriodendron tulipifera) Z4. Large, fast-growing,
  ME                                                                                showy, shade tree with long, straight trunk. Creamy yellow and orange
  521-A Tree, Oak, Bur 1 for $15.00                                                 tulip-like flowers in spring produce lots of nectar for pollinating flies,
521-B Tree, Oak, Pin (Quercus palustris) Z4 Best oak for growing in tough           beetles, honey bees, bumblebees. Larval host for butterflies & moths.
  conditions such as urban or heavy use. Oval form unlike other oaks which          Large, squarish, 4-lobed leaves are golden-yellow in fall. Best in rich,
  have a more rounded crown. 4-5’ (60-70') ME                                       moist, well-drained soil in sun. 3-4’ (60-80’)
  521-B Tree, Oak, Pin 1 for $15.00                                                 531 Tree, Tulip poplar 1 for $8.00
521-C Tree, Oak, Red (Quercus rubra) Z3 Slow growing shade tree. Leaves           532 Tree, Walnut, black * (Juglans nigra) Z4. Large, shade tree. Dark green,
  lobed with sharp tips. Excellent tree for wildlife. 4-5’ (60-70') ME              pinnately compound leaves. Edible nuts; husks for dyeing. Allelopathic -
  521-C Tree, Oak, Red 1 for $15.00                                                 plant away from your vegetable garden! 2-3’ (50-75’) ME
522 Tree, Oak, white (Quercus alba) Z3. Large, slow-growing shade tree;             532 Tree, Walnut, black 1 for $11.00
  best in rich, moist, acidic, well-drained loam in full sun; adapts to variety
  of soil conditions; good drought tolerance. Lovely leaves with rounded
  lobes; acorns much sweeter than red oak. Once common in midcoast ME,            Shrubs & Vines
  before trees were cut for shipbuilding. Oak is larval host to more species           See fact sheets: www.knox-lincoln.org/landscapes-gardens-maine
  of native insects than any other tree species. 3-4’ (50-80') ME
                                                                                                                 Many of the shrubs we sell are recommended
  522 Tree, Oak, white 1 for $12.00
                                                                                                                 for conservation plantings – windbreaks, soil
524 Tree, Plum, American (Prunus americana) Z3. Best pollinator for hybrid
                                                                                                                 erosion control on banks and slopes, or shore-
  plums! Fragrant, white flowers in spring followed by 1” red plums good
                                                                                                                 line buffers. They are suggested for these
  for jam & wildlife. Good for hedgerow, shrub border, erosion control. Full
                                                                                                                 landscape situations because they have well-
  sun-pt shade; avg-dry, well-drained soil. 3-4’ (15-20’’) ME
                                                                                                                 developed root systems and often spread by a
  524 Tree, Plum, American 1 for $7.00
                                                                                                                 network of underground stems (rhizomes). If
                                                                                                                 you desire a single clump rather than a hedge,
                                                                                                                 most can be managed by pruning or mowing.

                                                                                       • All shrubs are bareroot, unless otherwise noted.
                                                                                       • All shrubs & vines are native to E & Central US, except as noted
                                                                                       • Maine natives are noted: ME
                                                                                       • Asterisk* indicates Deer Resistant
                                                                                       • Size of plant stock is followed by size at maturity (in parentheses)
                                                                                  601 Shrub, Bayberry, northern* (Myrica pensylvanica) Z3. Aromatic, shiny,
                                                                                    gray-green foliage; aromatic fruits for birds and wax for candles. Avg to
                                                                                    dry, well-drained soil; tolerates wet, dry, salt, wind, deer. Good in mass,
                                                                                    hedge, erosion control on bank. 1-2’ (4-8’) ME
                                                                                    601 Shrub, Bayberry, northern 1 for $10.00
                                                                                  604 Shrub, Buckeye, bottlebrush (Aesculus parviflora) Z4. Fabulous, dense,
                                                                                    mounded, showy shrub for pt shade. White flowers with red stamens in
                                                                                    summer on upright panicles, up to 12” long, palmate leaves yellow in fall.
525 Tree, Redbud, eastern (Cercis canadensis) Z5. Clusters of fabulous,             Attract butterflies and hummingbirds. Best in rich, moist soil; tolerates
  reddish-purple, pea-like, edible flowers cover branches in early spring;          some dry when established. Excellent specimen or in mass at woodland
  heart-shaped leaves turn good yellow in fall. Early nectar for bees. Sun to       edge! 12-18” (6-10’)
  pt shade in moist soil. may need sweating (see inset) 2-3’ (15-20’)               604 Shrub, Buckeye, bottlebrush 1 for $6.00
  525 Tree, Redbud, eastern 1 for $7.00

606 Shrub, Bush-honeysuckle, northern* (Diervilla lonicera) Z3. Fragrant,           627 Shrub, Meadowsweet (Spiraea alba var. latifolia) Z3. Hard to find in the
  yellow, bell-shaped flowers aging to red; long bloom period in summer;              trade, this upright shrub grows in medium-wet, well-drained soil; full sun
  burgundy leaves in fall. Nectar & pollen for bumblebees/hummingbirds.               to pt-shade. No dry! Deadhead for extended bloom. Good for holding soil
  Thicket-forming. Found on dry, sandy or rocky soils in full sun to shade;           at pond/stream edge. Larval host for Spring Azure butterfly. 18-24”(3-4')
  adaptable to most landscape conditions. 18-24” (2-4’) ME                            ME
  606 Shrub, Bush-honeysuckle, northern 1 for $6.00                                   627 Shrub, Meadowsweet 1 for $6.00
607 Shrub, Buttonbush (Cephalanthus occidentalis)* Z4. Fragrant, white,             628 Shrub, New Jersey tea (Ceanothus americanus) Z4. Adaptable, nitro.-
  spherical flower heads /bright green leaves in summer. Great bee plant!             fixing shrub w/ dense clusters of fragrant, white flowers in summer. Deep
  Prefers moist soil; often found on pond edge in standing water; grows               root system for cover on dry rocky slopes, banks, lake-shore. Sun to pt
  well in garden in sun-pt shade. Good for hedge/erosion control on bank.             shade; dry to avg well-drained soils; very drought tolerant. Leaves for tea.
  18-24” (4-6’) ME                                                                    Great pollinator plant; larval host. 12-18” (2-3’) ME
  607 Shrub, Buttonbush 1 for $6.00                                                   628 Shrub, New Jersey tea 1 for $6.00
608 Shrub, Chokeberry, black* (Aronia melanocarpa) Z3. Showy, white                 629 Shrub, Ninebark (Physocarpus opulifolius) Z2. Adaptable, fast-growing
  flowers in spring; persistent black/purple fruits for birds and juice; bright       shrub w/ showy clusters of small pink/wht flowers in late spring.
  red/maroon fall color. Full sun-pt shade; tolerates boggy & dry soils. Will         Attractive, reddish seed capsules for birds; exfoliating bark. Good in
  naturalize; good for hedge/rain garden. 18-24” (4-6’) ME                            shallow, dry to moist soils in sun /pt shade. Prune after flowering. 2-3’ (4-
  608 Shrub, Chokeberry, black 1 for $6.00                                            8’) ME
611 Shrub, Coralberry* (Symphoricarpos orbiculatus) Z2. Dense, fine-                  629 Shrub, Ninebark 1 for $7.00
  textured shrub. Stems covered w/small white flowers in summer. Showy              630 Shrub, Plum, beach (Prunus maritima) Z3. Fast-growing, dense,
  clusters of ½” coral-red berries in fall/winter; cut for indoor use. Informal       rounded habit in full sun; white flowers in May; edible, ½” purple fruits in
  hedge, woodland garden, erosion control on slopes. Dry or moist soil; pt            Aug. Soil adaptable in well-drained sites; salt tolerant. Excellent for bank
  sun-shade. 18-24” (3-4’)                                                            stabilization. Good wildlife plant. 18-24” (3-6’) ME
  611 Shrub, Coralberry 1 for $6.00                                                   630 Shrub, Plum, beach 1 bdl of 2 for $8.00
613 Shrub, Dogwood, gray (Cornus racemosa) Z4. Beautiful upright, easy to           631 Shrub, Raspberry, purple-flowering (Rubus odoratus) Z3. Great
  grow in avg, med to well-drained, moist to dryish soil in sun/pt shade              ornamental raspberry with big purple flowers over long bloom period in
  (adaptable). Thicket-forming unless root suckers removed. Clusters of               summer; fruits for wildlife. Large, palmate, limey-green, aromatic leaves
  white flowers in spring for nectar; white fruit on red stems in fall for            - almost tropical looking. Suckering shrub good for holding soil/ground
  songbirds. Green leaves turn red-purple in fall. Larval host. 3-4’ (7-9) ME         cover in sun-pt shade in avg to moist soil. 18-24” (3-6') ME
  613 Shrub, Dogwood, gray 1 for $7.00                                                631 Shrub, Raspberry, purple-flowering 1 for $6.00
614 Shrub, Dogwood, red osier* (Cornus sericea) Z3. Suckering shrub for             632 Shrub, Rose, pasture (Rosa carolina) Z4 One of the handful of native
  buffer, hedge, stabilizing soils. Clusters of white flowers in e. summer            roses. Classic pink bloom with yellow centers. Adaptable soil conditions.
  attract butterflies; white fruits for birds. Purplish fall color; red twigs in      18-24” (1-3') ME
  winter. Easy to grow in moist soils; sun/pt shade. Remove older stems               632 Shrub, Rose, pasture 1 bdl of 3 for $10.00
  annually to maintain red twigs. Larval host for Spring Azure. 3-4’ (4-7’) ME      632-A Shrub, Rose, smooth (Rosa blanda) Z2. A nearly thornless rose bush.
  614 Shrub, Dogwood, red osier 1 for $7.00                                           Spread by runners. Pale pink to white blooms. Red hips, high in vitamin
615 Shrub, Dogwood, round-leaf (Cornus rugosa) Z4. Rounded, colonizing                C. Great for hedges, shrub borders, bank stabilization. 18-24” (2-5') ME
  shrub for woodland edge, lightly shaded slope in well-drained soil; yel-            632-A Shrub, Rose, smooth 1 bdl of 3 for $10.00
  green stems with purple flecks. Distinctive, large, rounded, opposite             P633 Shrub, Rose, Virginia (Rosa virginiana) Z3. Fragrant, single, pink
  leaves with great red/maroon fall color. White flower clusters in e.                flowers in Jun; red hips in Aug. Lustrous, dark-green leaves; brick red fall
  summer (after red osier) for pollinators; light blue fruits on red stems for        color. Best in well-drained, acid soil in full sun; tolerates salt & pruning;
  wildlife in fall. 18-24” (6-10’) ME                                                 adaptable. Good for hedge, banks, wildlife. (4-6’) ME
  615 Shrub, Dogwood, round-leaf 1 for $6.00                                          P633 Shrub, Rose, Virginia 1 gal. pot for $10.00
616 Shrub, Dogwood, silky* (Cornus amomum) Z4. Open, rounded shrub                  634 Shrub, Rose, wetland (Rosa palustris) Z4. Fragrant, single, pink flowers
  with purplish stems; silky hairs on stems and underside of leaves. Flat-top         in Jun for bees/butterflies; red hips in Aug for birds. Reddish fall leaf color.
  clusters of tiny, white flowers in early summer for pollinators; dark blue          Best in full sun; moist to wet soils; occasional flooding. Good naturalized,
  fruits in Aug; burgundy fall color. Good for wildlife, hedge; moist soil, sun       moist bank, or rain garden. 18-24” (3-6’) ME
  to shade. 3-4’ (5-9’) ME                                                            634 Shrub, Rose, wetland 1 bdl of 3 for $10.00
  616 Shrub, Dogwood, silky 1 for $7.00                                             636 Shrub, Snowberry (Symphoricarpos alba) Z3. Rounded, fine-textured
617 Shrub, Elderberry, common* (Sambucus canadensis) Z3. White flowers                shrub with clusters of tiny, pink, bell-shaped flowers in summer followed
  in flat-top clusters in July; purple fruits in late sum/fall for jelly, wine, &     by persistent, white berries in fall and winter. Use for hedge or screen in
  birds. High in antioxidants! Fast growth; prefers moist site in full sun-pt         sun to pt shade on moist site; naturalize in open woodland or on slope.
  shade, but soil adaptable. Wildlife, hedge, thicket, specimen. 3-4’ (9-12’)         Drought tolerant. Food & nesting for game/songbirds. Larval host for
  ME                                                                                  Sphinx Moth. 18-24" (4-6') ME
  617 Shrub, Elderberry, common 1 for $10.00                                          636 Shrub, Snowberry 1 for $7.00
620 Shrub, Hazelnut, American* (Corylus                                             637 Shrub, Spicebush* (Lindera benzoin) Z4. Clusters of small, yellow,
  americana) Z4. Thicket forming shrub; edible                                        fragrant flowers cover stems in early spring before leaves; red fruits on
  nuts for people and wildlife (deer, grouse,                                         female plants for migratory birds. Aromatic leaves turn yellow-gold in fall;
  chipmunks, woodcock). Sun to shade in moist to                                      leaves/stems make great tea! Avg to wet soils; sun-shade. Nectar for early
  dry soils. Good fall color. Hedge, buffer. Larval host for Early Hairstreak.        pollinators; larval host for Spicebush & Tiger swallowtails. Plants not
  3-4’ (5-7’) ME                                                                      sexed! 1-2’ (5-7’) ME
  620 Shrub, Hazelnut, American 1 for $8.00                                           637 Shrub, Spicebush 1 for $8.00
621 Shrub, Hazelnut, beaked (Corylus cornuta) Z4. Thicket forming shrub             638 Shrub, Steeplebush (Spiraea tomentosa) Z3. Tiny, pink to rose-purple
  for wildlife (deer, grouse, squirrels, chipmunks, woodcock) & edible nuts           flowers in dense, steeple-like spikes from mid-summer to fall on upright,
  in “beaked” husks. Sun to shade in moist to dry soils. Good fall color.             un-branched stems with woolly leaves. Best in moist soil & full sun but
  Larval host for Early Hairstreak. 18-24” (5-7’) ME                                  tolerates light shade. Forms colonies on pond margins, wet meadows,
  621 Shrub, Hazelnut, beaked 1 for $6.00                                             rain gardens. Attracts birds/butterflies. Larval host: Columbia Silk moth.
                                                                                      18-24” (3-5') ME
                                                                                      638 Shrub, Steeplebush 1 bdl of 2 for $8.00
639 Shrub, Sumac, fragrant* (Rhus aromatica) Z2. Tough, low-growing               Winterberry* (Ilex verticillata)
  shrub for stabilizing banks or areas w/poor soil. Female flowers produce             Winterberry plants have either male or female flowers. Plants with
  typical sumac berries for birds or “lemonade”; stems aromatic when                   female flowers produce red fruits if pollinated. We offer unsexed seed-
  crushed. Trifoliate leaves with spectacular orange, red, purple fall color.          grown winterberry and named male and female cultivars.
  Larval host: Red-banded Hairstreak. 18-24” (2-4’)                                 655 Shrub, *Winterberry, seedling (unsexed) Z3. Showy, persistent
  639 Shrub, Sumac, fragrant 1 for $6.00                                               bright red berries on female plants in fall-winter. Lustrous dark green
639-A Shrub, Sumac, Staghorn (Rhus typhina) Z4 Architectural shrub which               leaves in summer; yellow fall color. Adaptable; tolerates heavy, wet,
  forms colonies. Great for edge habitat and erosion control on banks.                 poorly drained soils in sun/pt shade. Good in border/rain garden/
  Velvety twigs and compound leaves with fuzzy red fruits. Excellent fall              mass. 18-24” (4-8’) ME
  foliage 3-4’ (15-30') ME                                                             655 Shrub, Winterberry, seedling 1 for $6.00
  639-A Shrub, Sumac, Staghorn 1 for $7.00                                        662 Shrub, Witchhazel, common* (Hamamelis virginiana) Z3. Large shrub
642 Shrub, Sweetgale (Myrica gale) Z1. Attractive, dense, low-growing,              w/ fragrant, spidery, yellow flowers in Oct/Nov. Last plant to flower! Dk
  nitrogen-fixing shrub related to bayberry. Aromatic, glossy blue-green to         green leaves w/wavy margins; good yellow in fall. Avg-moist soils; full sun
  gray leaves are narrow at base with toothed tips. Spreads slowly in sun to        or pt shade; tolerates clay. Hedge/screen/specimen. 1-2’ (8-15’) ME
  part shade; moist acidic soil; stream/pond edge, wet areas. 12-18” (2-4’)         662 Shrub, Witchhazel, common 1 for $9.00
  ME                                                                              663 Shrub, Witchhazel, vernal (Hamamelis vernalis) Z5. Beautiful, spidery,
  642 Shrub, Sweetgale 1 for $6.00                                                  yellow to red, fragrant flowers before leaves on upright shrub in very
643 Shrub, Sweetshrub* (Calycanthus floridus) Z4. Dense, rounded,                   early spring; golden fall color. Excellent streambank control or hedge in
  suckering shrub with shiny, deep green foliage. Highly fragrant, deep             full sun-pt shade. Slow-growing; tolerates flooding, alkaline soils. 3-4’ (6-
  maroon flowers in summer with strawberry-banana aroma. Plant where                10’)
  you can enjoy the fragrance! Full sun to pt-shade in good soil. Prune after       663 Shrub, Witchhazel, vernal 1 for $13.00
  flowering for shape & size; remove root suckers to control spread. Native
  to SE. 18-25” (4-6')
  643 Shrub, Sweetshrub 1 for $7.00                                               Vines
647 Shrub, Viburnum, arrowwood (Viburnum dentatum) Z2. Another great                           • Native to Eastern US
  native viburnum! Dense, rounded, multi-stem shrub with long, straight                        • First year, they sleep; second year, they creep;
  branches from the base (“arrow wood”). White flower clusters in late                           third year, they leap!
  spring/early summer; dark blue fruits for birds/mammals. Glossy green,
  heart-shaped, toothed leaves turn red to purple in fall. Sun to part shade
  in moist soil. Great for hedgerow & habitat! 1-2’ (5-12’) ME                    P693 Vine, Virginia creeper* (Parthenocissus quinquefolia) Z3b/4.
  647 Shrub, Viburnum, arrowwood 1 for $10.00                                       Aggressive, deciduous vine w/ tendrils & holdfasts; early, red-maroon
650 Shrub, Viburnum, mapleleaf (Viburnum acerifolium) Z2. Small,                    fall color. Blue berries in fall for birds. Full sun-full shade on most soils.
  woodland shrub with delicate, flat-topped clusters of white flowers               Great on rock walls, fences, groundcover. Salt tolerant. (to 30’) ME
  followed by berries that turn from red to blue-black for wildlife. Maple-         P693 Vine, Virginia creeper 1 for $10.00
  like leaves turn fantastic lavender-magenta in fall. Sun- shade in dry-moist    P693-A Vine, Virgin’s Bower (Clematis virginiana) Z4 15-
  soils. 18-24” (3-5’) ME                                                           20'+/white/Summer-fall/ Does well in moist to dry soils and sun to
  650 Shrub, Viburnum, mapleleaf 1 for $6.00                                        shade. Excellent for variety of pollinators. Wear gloves when
651 Shrub, Viburnum, nannyberry (Viburnum lentago) Z2. Upright, multi-              planting/tending! Leaves are toxic. They can cause skin irritations and
  stemmed shrub with large flat-topped clusters of white flowers for                inflammation/burning if ingested. ME
  pollinators in spring; blue-black fruits for birds & wildlife or jam in fall.     P693-A Vine, Virgin’s Bower 1 for $10.00
  Great hedge or screen, or prune out suckers for specimen. Sun-pt shade
  in most soils. Larval host. 2-3’ (10-14’) ME                                    New!
  651 Shrub, Viburnum, nannyberry 1 for $7.00
                                                                                  Packs of
                                                                                  mini seedlings:
                                                                                  901 Combo, Edible Landscape Contains each of the following: 2 Blueberry
                                                                                    (10-16"), 3 Red Currant (6-12"), 3 Serviceberry (12-18"), 2 Nanking
                                                                                    Cherry (12-18")
                                                                                    901 Combo, Edible Landscape 1 bdl of 10 for $45.00
                                                                                  902 Combo, Pollinator Pack Contains 2 each of the following: Red Osier
                                                                                    Dogwood, Chokecherry, American Plum, Meadowsweet, Pasture Rose
                                                                                    902 Combo, Pollinator Pack 1 bdl of 10 for $45.00
                                                                                  903 Combo, Wetland Pack Contains 2 each of the following: Spice Bush,
                                                                                    Pussy Willow, River Birch, Button Bush, Nannyberry (12-18")
653-A Shrub, Willow, Bebb’s (Salix bebbiana) Z3 Beautiful yellow                    903 Combo, Wetland Pack 1 bdl of 10 for $45.00
  catkins in the spring. Shrub can range widely in size based on                  904 Combo, Wild Berry Pack Contains the following: 3 Elderberry (6-12"),
  conditions. Prefers Sun to part shade and moist soils. 18-24”(4-25')              2 Shadblow Serviceberry (6-12"), 3 Flowering Raspberry (6-12"), 2 Red
  ME                                                                                Mulberry (6-12")
  653-A Shrub, Willow, Bebb’s 1 for $6.00                                           904 Combo, Wild Berry Pack 1 bdl of 10 for $30.00
654 Shrub, Willow, pussy* (Salix discolor) Z4. Showy, pearl-gray catkins          905 Combo, Wildlife Pack Contains 2 each of the following: Swamp White
  before leaves in early spring, largest on male plants. Avg, med to wet            Oak, American Hazelnut, Ninebark, American Plum, Red Osier Dogwood
  soils in full sun/pt shade. Good hedge in wet areas, rain garden. Early           905 Combo, Wildlife Pack 1 bdl of 10 for $30.00
  forage for pollinators. Tolerant of pruning. Cut to ground to
  rejuvenate. Plants not sexed. 18-24” (6-12’) ME
  654 Shrub, Willow, pussy 1 for $6.00
P724 Bluestar, eastern (Amsonia tabernaemontana) Z3/3-4’/pale
Native Perennials & Herbs                                                       blue/Jun/sun-pt sun; avg-moist soil. Multi-stemmed, shrub-like clumps
Rebel Hill Farm in Liberty, Maine                                               with star-shaped flowers at tips. Narrow, bright green leaves turn yellow
                                                                                in fall. Deer resistant; attracts butterflies.
                   All perennials & herbs - $10.00                              P724 Bluestar, eastern 1 for $10.00
                   Many of the perennials are recommended for                 P727 Bluestar, ozark or shining (Amsonia illustris) Z5/2-
                   conservation plantings, such as controlling soil erosion     3”/blue/Spring/sun to pt shade; moderate soil conditions. Good foliage
                   on banks or shoreline buffers. They are suggested for        as well as flowers. Attracts butterflies. Good in or edge of a rain garden
                   those landscape situations because they have well-           P727 Bluestar, ozark or shining 1 for $10.00
                   developed root systems and often spread by a network       P729 Cardinal flower* (Lobelia cardinalis) Z3. 2-3'/ red/ summer/full-pt sun;
                   of underground stems (rhizomes). Keep in mind that           moist soil. Tall spikes of showy, red two-lipped flowers on long stems for
                   plants that are “recommended for difficult situations”       hummingbirds and butterflies. For those moist areas – pond edge, stream
                   may be quite assertive on moist, well-drained sites with     side. Short-lived, but reseeds if there is bare soil. ME
                   rich soil.                                                   P729 Cardinal flower 1 for $10.00
                                                                              P730 Columbine, eastern* (Aquilegia canadensis) Z3. 10"/yellow & red/
 • All perennials & herbs are field & organically grown in Liberty, ME          Jun-Jul/pt-full sun; well-drained soil. Native to ledges, rich or rocky
 • 1 gallon or 6” pots, depending on size of plant                              woods, cliffs. If foliage suffers, cut to ground - new leaves emerge and
 • Perennials are native to eastern or central US; Maine natives - ME           look good all season. Nectar for hummingbirds/butterflies. Larval host of
 • Descriptions use the following format:                                       Columbine Dusky Wing. ME
   Common name (Scientific name) Zone Ht Color Bloom Culture                    P730 Columbine, eastern 1 for $10.00
 • Asterisk* indicates tolerance or resistance to deer browsing

P702 Aster, flat-topped (Doellingeria umbellata) Z3. 2-3’/white/late
  summer/ sun-pt shade; moist soil. One of first asters to bloom; large
  clusters of white flowers w/yellow disk. Larval host for Pearl Crescent,
  Harris Checkerspot. ME
  P702 Aster, flat-topped 1 for $10.00
P703 Aster, heart-leaf* (Symphyotrichum cordifolium) Z3. 2-4’/pale blue/
  fall/sun-shade; most soils; Maine seed. Dense flower clusters; heart-
  shaped leaves. Flowers are bee and butterfly magnets in fall! Woodland
  edge, garden, naturalizing. ME
  P703 Aster, heart-leaf 1 for $10.00
P704 Aster, New England* (Symphyotrichum novae-angliae) Z3. 4’/pink or        P730-A Coneflower, yellow (Echinacea paradoxa) Z5 3’/yellow/mid-June to
  purple / Sep / Shade-sun; avg-moist soil. Profuse clusters of showy           mid-July/sun, average to dry soil, favorite of goldfinch. Reblooms without
  flowers atop hairy stems. Spreads by rhizomes; great for meadow               deadheading, great for cut and in meadows or as middle/back of border
  planting. Bees, butterflies, birds. Larval host: Pearl Crescent ME            with room to spread. Yellow drooping petals with chocolate brown
  P704 Aster, New England 1 for $10.00                                          centers.
P707 Beardtongue, foxglove (Penstemon digitalis) Z3/3-4’/white/e. sum/          P730-A Coneflower, yellow 1 for $10.00
  sun; dry-med, well-drained soil. Clump forming, tough as nails perennial;   P731 Coneflower, purple* (Echinacea purpurea) Z3. 3'/rosy pink-purple/
  showy flowers on tall stems over basal foliage. Two-lipped, tubular           summer/ sun-pt shade; avg soil, drought tolerant. Everyone’s favorite!
  flowers attract bees, butterflies and hummingbirds. ME                        Showy blossoms, long-lasting in garden or cut; remove petals and
  P707 Beardtongue, foxglove 1 for $10.00                                       coppery “cones” are showy till fall. Hardy, easy, and self-sows. Nectar for
P709 Beebalm 'Panorama'* (Monarda didyma’Panorama’) Z4. 2-                      pollinators, seed for goldfinches.
  4’/mixed/summer/sun-pt sun; avg-moist soil. Fragrant, minty, bright           P731 Coneflower, purple 1 for $10.00
  green leaves used for tea; dense, round clusters of tubular flowers in      P732 Coneflower ‘White Swan’* (Echinacea purpurea) Z3. Cultivar of purple
  beautiful shades of red, pink, purple. Attracts hummingbirds,                 coneflower with ivory white petals, and equally attractive to pollinators.
  butterflies/moths, native bees.                                               P732 Coneflower ‘White Swan’ 1 for $10.00
  P709 Beebalm 'Panorama' 1 for $10.00                                        P734 Daisy, dog-tooth or sneezeweed* (Helenium autumnale) Z3. 3-4’/
P712 Beebalm ‘Panorama Red’ (Monarda didyma ‘Panorama Red’)Z4. 2-               yellow/ fall /sun; avg-moist soil (no dry). Clusters of showy, yellow flowers
  4’/mixed/summer/sun-pt sun; avg-moist soil. Fragrant, minty, bright           w/notched rays, large yellow disks, winged stems. Robust plant for
  green leaves used for tea; dense, round clusters of tubular flowers in        perennial border, moist sites, rain gardens. Blooms till frost! Easy to
  beautiful shades of red. Attracts hummingbirds, butterflies/moths,            grow. Butterflies. ME
  native bees.                                                                  P734 Daisy, dog-tooth or sneezeweed 1 for $10.00
  P712 Beebalm ‘Panorama Red’ 1 for $10.00                                    P740 Goatsbeard* (Aruncus dioicus) Z4. 3-5’/white/e summer/sun-shade;
P713 Beebalm, eastern (Monarda bradburiana) Z4. 12-24”/maroon &                 moist soil. Feathery plumes above pinnately-compound leaves. Large,
  white/ May-June/sun-pt shade; dry-med soil. Showy, fragrant flowers in        presence, like Astilbe on steroids; great in mass! Butterflies. ME
  globe-shaped heads w/purple bracts. Long bloom time. Aromatic leaves          P740 Goatsbeard 1 for $10.00
  for tea. Drought and deer tolerant. Attracts hummingbirds/butterflies.      P742 Goldenglow, wild (Rudbeckia laciniata) Z3. 3-5’/yellow/summer/full
  P713 Beebalm, eastern 1 for $10.00                                            sun-pt shade; avg soils. Large, yellow, daisy-like flowers with reflexed
P716 Bergamot, wild (Monarda fistulosa) Z3. 3-4’/lavender/late summer/          petals and green centers on stems with cut-leaf foliage. Long bloom time;
  sun-pt shade; avg-dry soil. Loose, globe-shaped clusters of tubular,          easy to grow! ME
  lavender flowers attract hummingbirds, butterflies, native bees.              P742 Goldenglow, wild 1 for $10.00
  Aromatic, grey-green leaves may be used for tea. ME                         P747 Goldenrod, white (Solidago bicolor) Z3. 12-24"/ off-white/lt
  P716 Bergamot, wild 1 for $10.00                                              summer/sun-shade; dry to avg or sandy soil. Our only goldenrod with
                                                                                white - not yellow - flowers! Clumping habit for woodland garden, sunny
                                                                                edges, hard-to-grow spots. ME
                                                                                P747 Goldenrod, white 1 for $10.00
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